HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-10, Page 5•
s rn4ev
". •,„• '4%1% 1,,,x,..:1 �Z„& Si. • I.
theFord Crankshaft is machined
accurately, to one thousandth part
of an inch,- -
the Ford front axle is made to
witfistand shocks and strains ten
times greater than are ever met
in ordinary ,usage
the Ford car is composed of four •
complete. units:Power Plant; -.7•
Front Running Gear=Rear Ru-
ning Gear --Frame—
only five movements of hand
and feet are: "required to, accom-
plish, the, shift from neutral to
ori'a *id against 15
on a selective gear shift car.
there is noossibifi of failure
p tY
---to=accom lish ear:shif
Ford in•tfle ;::
car. There is no: chance,
of clashingears in the Ford”
transmission--- '
15,000' operationsare per-
' 'formed inthe building of _each
Ford, chassis— •
the. entire building of :a Ford
closed body requires : 38 ' hours
and 15 minutes during .which
time the body passes through
the hands of 24!:). skilled body- , ,
blinders, trimuteis and inch fnisher% '•:K4
ee Any -Authorized -Ford -Dear
tiGl<L cULTYlnAr gPRING P.4 11:'
GI,INTO1V1 APi2i,� ll'rii;
Most favorable* weather conditions
on Thusrday of laska. week ,asaured •:a
good crowd at the Spring Fair held
at Clinton on•'that date "
-.. The o hibitieli--WAf prgnannced. the.
b,est2 ever held::; rn tlr ioyr ii' : Ent Yix
included: one 'niindved horses and thin,-
ty head of cattle
The• quality, too, was up to a high
standard, .Mr; ;James ••MaeLean,`•',of•
Richmond Hill, ' `who, was judge of
heavy ''horses, stated that .it, was' the
best ,exhibit. of horses ••lie had seen.
in many year's experience at fairs;'"
outside of the big city exhibition and
winter ,fairs.. Mr • WinDoherty, 'of
Toronto,, judged the light: 'horses,
while' Mr, Robert `Rowcliffe,,;of"Exet-*
er, placed the fat cattle •and :Mr.' John
Ari'hibald the• .dairy cattle; °
' The list of':pxiiewinners, follows;
Heavy .Horses
Cldesdale Stallion,, 3 yrs,,:arid over,,
''Wm. Gray, Blyth;,' • Heavy. DrauKht:
Bxood_.lYlare_ Lyxs, .and:, over;;_;. ,&• J,
Broadfoot, Seaforth; Heavy- Draught,,.
Filly• or, Gelding 3 yrs. and over, D. 1
• McCallum, Blyth, Alex, Sinclair, Kip
pen, 'Alex.`. Sinclair, Kippen' Wesley
Nott, .Seaforthi Heavy Draught. Filly
or Gelding 2" yrs. and under 3, Tiros,
Carbert,''.Clinton; „Heavy Draught
Filly or '.Gelding''., year and under.2,
A. &, J. Broadfoot, Seaforth;- Heavy
Draught "Horse "Colt or Filly under' 1
yr, A. J. •Broadfoot,.Seaforth, W'm;
Gray, Blyth; Heavy Draught Team i
Har.ness; Alex. Sin2lair,• Kippen,' •A, &
J `Brigham' B1yt1i,.'G W. Nott . Sea -
forth ;
eaforth; .Agricultural;' Brood 41Vlare 3'
yrs. and: -over, W.. S. ,Broadfoot, •Kip-,
pen, Earl Sproat Seafdrth, Jas. ;Stir
ling, Bayfield, W.' 3..Falconer; Bruce
field•; Agricultyral .Filly' tir^ Gelding' -3
yrs, and over, 1,(•annin, " Bros;, Lond-
esbero, D. ' Fotlieri:ngham,', Brucefield ;
D;"'l+otheringhm, Brucefield, Jack
Wright, Auburn; Agricultural Filly
or Gelding 2 yrs: and 'under 3, W.
i'MUM 'AVM 411i
"Meterologist" Writes : To
•• The Sentinel .:.
ital.. of ',The Sentinel
news' a
If '.what. P. Pers ' have
beon 'telln usfor-some.time
past of
earance of June'
the unuQual: °early .app
bugs, . '• butterflies and.
otheris true .we; should sur,.;
dies the .advent .of genial • and
el " `wit s
„w,arm Spring.
•Bvt are Birds ,arid., reptiles. wiser
co . e
in weather than we are'? The
ncern g
Writer:answers negatively. The whole:
matter. ,of 'weather is astronomical\ ,
Winter' and Summer alternat
: W E, with
• morsa or'.lessre ularitY
as totime.
of .
supremacy for either • because,of
Certain fixed. astronomical
Salatic ande equinox are se neatly.fix
— ed as`to date,+ that we maY codntuP-''
' on :general, conditions at these ,
Varying somewhat 'however, -as to in,
tens't 'Y,. accordi71�
to certain: variable.
astronomical phenomena. F o r in '
' stance, said that a
we often hear it .
.fate Easter mieants �.a..late. Spring., This,
e 'use Easter
zeal, .true not
because to Practically. �
ibselY':has any -influences, Nit -because.
which the :astronomical event • why • fixes
the time for Easter, carries with if
its own peculiar weather; conditions
ifthe full moon following the vernal
equinox falls' in March or early :April,
'Spring will usually oPen up, two or.
tl ree • weeks earlier' than ,when the
vernal full inoon : falls' near the, last,
or after.the.iniddle of•April..Tbe•ilk
ed` So'lstic and Equinoxial centres will,
do their work inevitably,'; ;but modified,
as to, i n tensit , aid aceelerated'or re-
tarded oto a limited degree, by vagi-.
able asti•onimical; phenoineha, To •pin
one's faith upon, any one fixed ar
variable influence would be. like car=:
r :in , all one's e gs to market,in`, en
.Y g�'. c,
basket, or -a' farmer ;staking his• all.
Upon one kind of crop• ''Equinoxes of
the • "Various •plapets, are, of •'coprse,'-
fixed, in the sense,'what they' occur
at, regularly . recurring periods, but
with . reference: to the•""fixed Solstie
and. Dqi inox -points of , the., earth,
-Eq, uino,xes' of other planets, are va'•i-'
abl•e, w
'So ith the •.ever char ;try ,con
figurations. of ,the :planets in spare,
scarcely :•repeating, once in a thousand
years-;•• if ever, with exactness.
R. B;, Laurier,' OnL,
Another goo terror' ' test Q
n Y. �' .
to.;reniember,'when. you: got that cold
:,You • have now:.
.e a
Concentration.' is.. the du lit Y. at
enables a Irian to.'enjoy the ear and
forget the. mortgage, '-
To have clothes perfectly ,
cleansed and good color; the
Soap must remove all the vis.
ible and invisible irrwurities.,
SURPRISE will do this' thor.
oughly.. is durable and
pleasant to use.
(Bruce Ilerald.Tiur'e�)
Told b'y.his mv,'ter'to 'sr
1i. t same
•wood,.. on his- 20th birthday : William
McInnes' of , Wiarton .refused to fol-•
low •the maternal 1�natructions •: no
a t
-withstanding that,.he .,was.threaten
ed -�—•wi.th having • the .: olice sicked: on
, 1?
him ':if he :didn't" 'get busy,'with.: the.
wood -,pile; Although -the, eldest of
the .sons,. •Bill claims ;that he has
two brothers, . that are. .much '•big-:
ger- than.. he physically,:'and, whom
he thought . should he 'wielding *the'
axe instead;: and so, according to'
:las' storyat; the here,•lie kick-
jail ,.-
cd. harder than 'ever,' and .defied ,the
policeman when he called.,. to 'make
hit ' fill the . wood -box.. The' Cop jerk,
ed Bill on the:spot, and on :ushering
before Magistrate •
tMcCartney at
Wiarton had him'sent down T
to the
Walkerton jail 'for•thirt 'da' s o n the
J Y Y.
nominal tharge,:'of .vagrahcy.,• When
his term is up at ',the .county citadel:
:here the boats will be running: out
'of 'Wiarton and William, who is a,
deck -hand will ' - s m his'
reeu e l ace on.
the, Manitou, and: ' 'be racked in the'
cradle 'of:,the °deep,PP.
,''which is: a er-
epily the kind of 1'ullabye. he .likes....
Gray; Blyth,, ,'Fred' 'Nott, Clinton; W,'
'J Ross, ''Clinton ; _. Agricultural Teani
in Harness,' D. F, otheringham',• Bruce,
field,. Jack Wright, 'Auburn, :Mannino
B.t:os,;..,.Londesbpxo,-.._,Rich •S•haddick,'
Londesboro; .General;Purpose Brood:'
'Mare 3 yrs and over;: Fled; Nott,'
Clinton; General Purpose Filly 'or
`Geldin • 3 yrs.''and over4.', Wm: Decker,
Zurich, • Win,. Decker, Zurich; „D.'.00.7
drier; Goderich, General Purpose'
Team, in I•iainess, :Wm 'Decker, Zur
:ich' . D. Gardner Goderich; Wm Bell,
Myth `.'.Earl "COOPet Clinton; Best
Y r P,
Team in `Hainess" any ,colorF
Richard : Shaddick Londesboro; Team;
Comint; Greatest Distance, Wm Dec_.,
ker• :Zurich • Jud e=James`.1VIcL'ean'
Richriroiid Hill,'
Light Horses '
:. •
i Radstex Sta io 11' n Standard,
Trotter: John Decker, ;Zurich; 'Road-
-stet C.arria e. Horse in: Harness :Dr;
g.. ,
H. H. .Ifoss, Seaforth, Roy ; Cantelon
Clinton; Roadster I•Iorse in Harness,
Robt, McLaren;, H•ensall, C. J. Dade;d
Clinton,.:Win Decker Zurich; Lay,
Having;' Won Prizes- Before, M1l;rs:, G:
Nett, eafor'i iVlr Geo - T. ' dle.
W. No ;.H tl, , .
Clinton:'.. Judge Win.• Doherty, Torn=
Shorthorn, Bull 2•,yrs,, Jas, Snell,, &
Son, Clinton, George Shipley, 'Clinton
Shorthorn Bull 1 yr. Jas; ,Snell & Scin,•
Clinton, Melvin Crich;; . Seaforth
Shettliotfi Cows< -3 •yrs •sand over; VIeI'-
vin `Crich, Seaforth; 'Shorthorn .lieif-`
2 J s, hell & 'Son Clinton'.,'
—o Melvin Crich,'•Seafortii, Fred Watts,
DRUNKEN MEN FINED Clinton; ; •Shorthorn• Heifer .1.:year
.Clifford 'Keys,' Varna,,• Jas. Snell &'
Son, Clinton•;, Jas. Snell& Son, Clin
ton, Melvin -=-Crich,_ •Seaforth.;._• I'.olled :
• An'gus Bull '2 years .or: over, F. Watts.
Clinton; Polled 'Angus ,Cow 3:' yrs. and
over,, George Shipley, Clinton;, Diary.
Cow, 'any.'age and breed, Fred .Watts,•
Clinton;" J Ramis, "Ctrriton, J Rarids-,
Clinton,' M,::D; McTaggart, Clinton;
John Dorsey, Clinton; Heifer under
2 yrs:, Fred Watts,` Elton
'Mizell,. Clinton, Elton ,Clinton;Rowell, Clinton,,
Elttori..Rozell, Clinton; Sweepstakes
Bull, Jas•,.`Snell & .Son;.•Clinton; Jude
ges-John Archibald; Seaforth; .Rab
ert'Rowcliffe, Exeter. `
(As -.Art Wesley Tellsst) •
' Although drunks -used'to• be such.
a, common sight.'on . the .streets 'that
• man reeling under 'the influence
wouldn't • occasion ,any"' .more notice
':than ' libbed'`ihair t.lin ka' "flapper does"
now, yet , times have changed to
such an extenl,hat'to-dayi .if a gink
wobbles he so' surprises, and stuns
Society, that he is dragged .before
the courts 4,for hie little, . diversion.
` It •was' this:,kind. of =performance that
`sent ,,Magistrate McNab 'speeding: to'
Kincardine : to stage an interesting
court ;session' ;there on Thursday
last,. A company of fourtwo old
stagers and • two- youthful bibblers-,, °
•had got next to .the forbidden juice'
and in an inebriated, 'state• had ap-
.peered, contrary to law, in a public
place: The little details of their 'in-
•toxication !wasn't bene into,, "]reeaitse•
ithe ij[int,•tette;-pleatle'��guflty-;and;pier-
Chided anya'furtlier:`tirclriii'y itittl the`
sotrtCe and, inethoda •of , thoir sup,;.
ply, The law took its toll by • asses-
'sing`"thenr-ealt 11:5- uiti""totter' Itd
placing their 'names, for; publhca$ion
on the list of 'conviction_, in enure,
Which 'is'hardy regarded' ae the heti
.roll 'Of ;the cdutlty.—Bruce ::Times
Frank " Lock, the Walkerton inan,
wiio Suddenly became paralysed from
the'neek down, •a couple of"weeks. ago"
ie improving,It appears that the Oar..
• tlytie'Is .due, to a clot of blood tdti h-
Ing the apinall chord, This Clot is 110W
ly becoming absorbed, and it Is rite
peeted that OS • it passes away the
niun will' recover, He Thos already re,
covered in some mteaiiUvS the "itre of
his 1001011�nba ,
nesday, ligreh 6t11, 1924 ti _son.
'The marriage Of Tilker,
Chittickitittion street; toOk place,' at
hfgh noon,,O21 ,April 1st, at 'the home
of the brlde'S parents, Mr. ke..
elating. The briCte *hi) ,dressed
hi fawn canton crepe,, Wee giVen. a-
way by 'her father and came int0 the
rejoin" tO the straina 'the -wedding
mare pla ed by Mrs, MciCelvey,
. tar,. Miss Olive *1111,tert and ,the
iek, brother of the brtde,. Atter the
to list?
t ' E Z Moors '
Write: to Head Orfice_Montrea for free Booklet
eymoon and on their return will re
side in Teeswater v a
Mr. Alec:, McLennan • aiid 'his ,.sit
ter. Kate . have Moved to TeeSWater-
and Mr, Joe McInnes has moved
to • Mr, McLennan's Tarin, This adds
another change to ,the, many changes
on the 6th," this- last tworyears::'
Dr;=Glair"13rink; tuberculosis - spec-
ialist, of Toronto, paid a brief visit
to his parents • Ma and Mrs. L; A:,
Brink recently,
o0-- y '
Mr. and -Mrs,•Peter Cook visited`
friends in. Lucknow: on' Tuesday last;'.
Jacob Hunter , and John Cambell'.
held -a' bee. drawing 'luinber and sett
lers:'efferts from •`huckriew, station
for Lloyd Cambell of Thessalon Who:
.s moving back for spring work on to
the• Strong farm at Lanes,• : •
:Si• a•G,ibsen has engaged 1With..Mr.
TKenneth Cameron 'the- "apple king"
for ,the` summer 'Sam acted as fore-
man .last` year ,for '• Mr,' Cameron in
the •largest 'fruit bearing. orchard 'in
Huron County. Mr. Cameron says' he
couldn't .get,'' along without
• :Zio,i Drammatic company prei
seated their • play" "Safety. First" 'at:
St..Helens last Friday•.evening; They,`
intend. presenting it at Crewe in',the
near .future,' to miss it is',to.miss 'a
great treat,'
Mr, :Roden Ritchie Who has' com
pleted a course', in •the Heniph`lt
school, • Toronto recently; • arrived
home ,anis -reports: things -very quiet:
int hhe,t
ci' and' thousan is• -out .of. . Y .
Mr A.lfred•, Andrew "('the Ashfield::
maple •s ru, king is ,a '' bus • oyP Yp d) Y l?.
these times lie :has, over, 50Q, trees
taPed and the' sap isflowing 'fast,
these ' days
d says he has no •
time; even .'to go,. over to. Win 'hair.
Zion'' Black Sox Baseball Club niet
at • ZionHallr on Wednesday •ev
Y gand.
•organized; for the corning year, elec
.Y ,
tion' results. e ts, `;' a9•e as follows.- Hon.
Pres; : Jolin,• Joynt'• 1VI, P. 'P. •:Pres -.-
Mark• Gardner; • Manager= -Fred,' And-
erson;., Sec'y Trews: C E. ''McDnn-
agh;-Ca tarn -Seim Gibson Trainer:
Robert .Andrew; -
e , , 1V Iaseots Johri
Ritchie and, 'Alfred Ritchie; 'Manag
ing Comrivttee-Earl ' •Gibson and.•
Wes ,Ritchie;, Grounds=Will 1ielni•
Alf. •Andrew,'; Ed.Ritchie; Fir rice=
;Ada Webster, Isabel Nixon, ' .Essie'
Ritchie, Lizzie :.Helm, •Wes. Ritchie,
1f; Helnm. W' Helm E; °'Gibson, -it is
to be hoped that both- old and ,yming„
woh en `and' men will ` come out and•`.
.ive their. aid:, to help.: practice the
Zion ball. team to. -be a, winner, in 19-
• Newspapers have been telling of an
.atic.tioneer now living at Hubbel,�
Nebraska.:- This wielder of rise li`anr
met is 90 ' years of: ,age,' but he still
pieerves a copy of -the -,bill- issued to
advertise his first. sale, ;A's a' lad' Col;
Sent 'and his first sale ,VvaS
held at Harrisburg, Kentucky. The ' erkh Elevators, & Transit • Co's mil -
(Brussels Post),:
- Of very few families can the record
well known- residents of Brussels
and locality, in the persons of George'
and Mrs. Kirkby and :famly, be writ-
ten, as the family tircleT:consistiny of
father and mother, 3 :brothers and 7
sisters,; is unbroken and 'all enjoy-
ing„comparative good health• and pros-
perity. -
Mr . Kiikby was. born in York Cou-
nty, Ontario,, In 1837.,"was Married' by
Rev Mr Logie, •of Thames Road,, Us-
borne Township, Huron, Co.,, to Miss:
Margaret MCArter, 64 years a •o ,pn
March 1st:This stout hearted ,young
couple came to Morris trnwrnship',,;in
the Fall of ',14372. and' sojourned...in
that •municipality until', retiring from
far.ni•ngandMoving in.
i n to 'Brussels
November, 1922,..Glasgow;,Scot'land,.
was the .birthplace •of • the .,queen of
-tlie_-.household, in 1839 -coming to
Canada when 11/z, years of, age.,
It was fashionable', to have large
.families in .those, earlier years, hence
to the ,Kirkby -'home was born 3 .Sons`
(Jonathan,' Brussels;,; Harry,,the, well.
known ,'Veterinary, 'Belgrave; and
Herbert, who susta'i'n$ thefamily, rep-
'`utation on the-old'homestead',• 9th' fine
Morris), .and '7 daughters ;Mts. Cai-
stor,' Mich.; Mrs, 'P:. McArthu•, •Mar,'
Mrs • T,. 'C.• McCall, Brussels;
Mrs,. Robt. •Watt; . Blyth;, Mrs, John
Shortreed, '; B. 0.; Miss- Ellen; • at'
home; ' ” iss envie; ;of Kitchener-
Municipal honors were ibestawed on'
the head of the house: by Morris elec-
tors' and for ;8• years .be sat, at the
Council Board as Councillor • and pro-
moted : .to '. the Deputy - •• Re.eveship,
which hast he filled for 4 years; For
a long' period he served the ,country-
Side as Auctioneer in addition to car=
ry ing •on 'farming operations:
Although., 87 years •of ag-e.•.. Mr. 'Kir-
kby is . Still a lively.: old gentleman
and..has-,'just.;completed the :splitting
of• 7 cords .of maple: blocks'- and is
looking-.round.'•for new worlds to• con-
quer with the- coming of 'Spring. Mrs.
Kirkby, has no ;idle :hours; on her pro-
ro-gram.. and during the past. 6 months
:has knit 6' underskirts-, socks :netts;
,The -'t -ax: -4•46:" for •the4ear,'t924 was'
s'irud. by.the 'town council at'a spec-,
. ial• meeting ,Mar: 28, at •'which all the
'nemliers-. were *present, •The'rate;•
which :was struck at.. 45 mills on the
dollar, ;'ora •'reduction` of, ane 'mill
',from 'last- year, : 'embraces 'a5 ami.11s.
for:the:Col1egate Insut ,',8.5 mill
for ublic .school and.'31 5 mills
..P. s ,
:general 'purposes The :assessment
for .schooh ur- the ,town f 92. for r 1, 4 p , .
poses' only is approximately; $2,740,-
.000; ;While
2,740,•.000;;While that, for the general rate
is about $2,000,000; ; In' ;aceordanc4
with 'steps. already.' taken by• the
council to collect the taxes 'half year,
ly, the dates upon - K'hich •the takes:
will be dire have 'been fixed as July
1st and December 15th:`The/fact that
the, assessurent,.•,.for.,. school.. purposes :
only had E.incrreased by.,.:over ;.$175,000
(:the increase being due to theGod.
bill read as folloWs: I Will ,sell at piib-
'lie:sale 1 Mile west and .4 miles south
described property to' -wit 1 nigger,
buck, 25 f.yeata; weight 210. pounds';.:4
nigger Wenches, 18 to 24 years old:.
3nigger boys, 6 'years, old; 13 nigger
broke; 10 ex -yokes with hickory bows
2. ox -carts with 6 -,,inch 'rubber tires; 1
saddle, pony, 5 ,years. old; 8 double -
shovel plows, 10,and a'inchee; 25. tat-
'precider; hi'. good sorghtmi;
tra good nigger whin; 2 toini tobacco,
2' years old; Sgle StariS at '10 'she*,
!two *writs FOR THEFT
WM,: 'Winch, aged '1.8, PrViartim
was brought to the :Walkerton jail
on Monday last to serve two, months,
for stealing a Of milk and' a
parcel 9f beef from a iliouseholder
in that burg on March 13th hot,
c`lomPared in Value' with what seine
of the political' grafters bave g�,t
away with under the late Gtivern.
nient in Toronto, the latter *variety
ehoilld. get life, if the sentenee were
based en the, smoothness of the
riite t,8 the .ei,ctent „of orie4ialf mill.
The reduction Of one -4141f; mill On' the
paring of the estimateS.'. 7
committee of.. tho whole, with ;Reeve
litimber and .D.• E, •HelnieS that 'the•
.tate.:be amendinent ,`by ,Deputy
Platt that tbe.rate he' 46, mink,'
being taken by 4neans .of .sliPW of,
11 en da'4,46
riOCI, 'only Deputy' Reeve Munnings
.,•17,oting in.suppert of the amendment,.
sald', It is hat -d 'to torneniber,When the
lee Went ant Of the ola tittigeen
et with a ' little ilia' this
Yelit."-Tha "final break came' titct-M:it
Went" Mit 'With the ,ice this .spring—
perhapc betatiSe there WAS 'little loft
opens the fishermen will hasic to find.
something substantial further; tip-
WhitefiSh 'are already, offeieti for salt
here, and we ,hope Seen; te haVe,
tient, and whitefish and. the 'Otliet
S zes From
6x9 ft, to 9x12 . ft In Stock
All. the '''EW Attractive ' pat-
terns in ,Colorings' to
harmonize with any shade.; in wall
paper , or otherinterior decora-
tions, . ,
BRIGHTEN UP : t •Dining
Room- 'Bedrooin .or- Kitchen With
a •iterug: •They are 'inexpensive
:and give- excellent• wear. Rugs of
e in --3,-very-nice
•designs, •sizes run from•;;4%2x7.1/2„ ft;
to '66x9ft., '
fi'ATT1t\IS b e' -i' n g
shown in: 4' -Yd. LIN -
The Store with The StOCk •
Hot words:Cool affection.
If praise 4s 'due,• pay it,
If at.first .you don't succeed; ask
• Look afteryoUrself, 'and the doctor'
won't look after yon.
Rush through. life, and yOu'll cPme•
The length' of • friendshig often
determined by, the .shertness a
you muSt earn. the •reputatima of be:'
If you: ean't see way' to fame
and ,fortune, it may :be because you •
-have let -so manY 'get:in ftont of yew. •,
the 'fiscal year, 'ending Mareh, '31st,,
crease of.: $10,255,27,, aS cOmpared
'with the Vear :1923. Returns for the•
year 192a; amounted to 7$143,915.60,'
Spring is the season when yaiir liV-
clogged, You feel tired and -run down.
—frequently bothered with such sym-.•
toMS as Ceatett tongue,: bad taste, In- •
digestio'n, Constipation;: pains in back
and • sides; Pimples, Sick -Headaches
,' Maki thiS testi dleansd and tone
.& Blood Syrup., dontaini pure vege-'.
table: ingredients,, prescribed by Illy. "
:iciaps. Helps ',Nature tone and
engthen your stomach, inirn-oVe
,:estion,'soothe tired and over -taxed
torves, brace up whole sYstem? and
ferenee in way you look, eat, „sloe),
arid ftiel: You, to6, will be satisfied,'
Dr: Thacher's la sold and reemo
mended by A, N!,14,e10111‘