HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-10, Page 2'A and the $fruggle VVit1i Baal, 1 Kings 16; to 1.9: 21;
rir.o-two -tuttiteis
arI7 whEovhIv;Inrig:e'dq(114tet:47(r
Tho Teattits. tingworni invasion 'th-13: Moisture SuPPlY seltnt the eroP '
,AINGWORM. "- • • the' stand is• thi-ls the soil poor -or
• N.;
.than two hundred years, the Parallel'. a• bitter persecation of the chtimplons move to tovrn, seriously consider buy -
must now follow for, a little- mote inunediate rest* appears to have been the homestead to 'younger hands and
CONTINUATIoN oF THE 'stORY We and - their Priests and' prophets. The the familY, or Who want to leave
ralunra011,77--Matt, 6: 24. joule ItiatktlienghenifPq, eirs:11. "inive had ' -
of ,41.6,,..to.bo. h-ated, ip, many farmyard may even run sniali from the sante - ihiatoty of the•tWes kingdoms, Israel of jehoveli,-the alaughter of man of ing::a. home in the nearest, 'town . and '•
irduring:,,T.thalate:-,,Winter.--nad,7early,-- Week , *). growing 4 crop of P°:tathea „land_ Judah. - Israel 'was was the Isingclem them, and the -flight of Elijah. ,
*oht#in'llcidginentiernotkceif-'--"-,-2The-arid_thefrnedsture-supPly - . , • ',.2_,:.---.-__ •
Lir the body Wh'erei•:the'-parasite- can right sat' 'S the 40'0100; i'nf the anil •
bont5,the',:-eyes. lips! eiiir4 or apY' Part 'getting' just •Ihe' :414 stand airict.tbe 1
arlieltes 1.109::.'grelit YitalitY'aild *ill,' T.4e leleetIcel C'f':)•arge''PC'tat4ea •f°r
'4.1a fa:1;4 --,.
-,--,1-,44:ithe-,tentribee,..11aal mach ,the.larger had., escaped, tut were in hiding under I.
, te ...la terY, Mel udi n g all 'Or th::.:e_f_ 2.Iti.: ',the," e are' of the king •-.stew aid- 7'. -and -
edialifirane-eaet:-or, 4i$17d-in,-inci.was rich ' IsroballY 'With" the knowledge Qf the fIt'i:iils.:'-WRY''' 14n4'1'14.6 the' ‘.13:all'e ' of
th'in ,JIISIPir -"Si
....,......... •,,,,..4....,„11t•Jaida,h_had.--theAd.,.'ed .•the peisecution ', but was 'inetally 'price' afsiiall : t • ' 1 i ''• i '
I and More "POWerful.,kiag Iiiineelf,, who canoot havelavor, -Qv PrY, • r PO eetate. agent. The.y eet. • a'
Seine fa,rinerg etart. in •fln. OVr=, .
,ePrilT•' ;:.GT.ei ,'COloreci. incrustatieas Ot medillari Size is largalY,'*::Inatter, 01.,''',
.',..11 er. Pe,riede to eatrY increased, il.17,''; 'that. I W0414 1430.a.Iai-o• 0040eS AO::
oirtheaniinals Enough^ * '
rainaYal" eeeAlali°th safe 04 Sane: 'WOO'S and, '
r . vive,;th.----ilegenercife- Plantirlieldeni- :proatie
/4'/I/,:;, 4'gr^,, z/d,;,fr, >/:0:„C• '''''''
Iv ..
-, 10iited' the *ii:lealai.'the ambitions, . and ' three Years,: • in the ' third:yeat he tot the oatside•World. andi less' Subject ie. ' 'disappearance' 'predi tedr the' that ,,fignVS: ' XneWing the vainevof ',..;
Vantage .ef heing'reorA isolated *from toe weak to, ..Preveni it.. tiiSah,' before:•i'and''.'•rtefaeetO3!'cNsqceil'-elenne'YYthiQn\;"iIPbreeli-'e ;* •'
its temptations,. and' Judah's ,kings• iii- 'drought'Whileli - afflieted th; land -for Itiad .well they.: tense. to , -believe that .
:far- a,,:king •time'• after: ,,..„_,. 1 "Sit:i:v7 tirt11,10 tritv,
fection tn. a: 'nerinnS' eXten.t. 40;410 the diseased plants seldom- developlarge, ,•,:zav.. , i ,.- .,' , theTmpdrestige,„ Of...Abe .great?,:reigns,, of suddenly appeared and challenged. the. . , • ,•,,
U. IproPertY.. has advarieed,' and
eried••Wh011 -Cattle, ATO Wag .#4 -in,. tubers. ' . ; • • .,• .., , • .„ , nd Soloin ,.• The kingdom • Of 4sirig an 4 ' the '.Bacti'WeralliPPers" th . this, ••,ti'r,:glIt'tV;i: "rti;413; ii.,,,asig$,WtsjawY., 'ill.° rii.eneld;r4tiirs...::::'
etatilee-oremall--lots--in-atitiimitand-1-il,--Thi -lig-e--taln..0-0_m...011I..:POtate ', _ 4adala:ateineitted,:°_ therefore, eompar., -meeting at Carmel. - "There must Wm' .i4e"..' '
:AO:: jS the . ,ringworth's season ' of Hired and evil, and it came 'is; e' 'dia-. 'easy. victory over' Elijah. •• - . * 'ex • t ' • • •.' • • • •-• • -.• - •.. •
It is, , far -better' to buy •°
oreus-and-likeWise...-the-inost prolifieL,...... one tragic exception, unbroken • tot. the -PeQPI:PPer' aJteebi:Ice.nWlatid 9::111hTvge.; • 'PRe.Ceiii.-;e4lite..in .*taWn-.•has'•itePt aee: '
;.wgIter. Cattle and. horses running. Out er°P are t P PregellY 'f•if tile-,Taeat 'llg- ativelY stable and its royal line with been *id re d: cl* .. ---
vines. in:. the: field,' and their heritage . ' :Three' htindred arid fifty'•Bu't sought to, preVent 'the. meeting., Pet- r riSing in value, with.' Ceuntri. plaPpeS;
exposed to suit and rain are generally :lerael'altiria0a was torn 'hy. frequent 11, -OW -Ch -e -thought„ howe,ver; -that, her:cond.: -,the-'-farna,e r-- who :w ants, . sto heY -a '
Rni, pasture daring the summer 'and-
, . . ,
is paseed en to ,the next generation. revolutions, its dynasties were short-'nulnereile. 'proPlietli , would •gain . an li. modern • house :in. a. good lOcation Must
thrifty'. deVelopinent, .clae. largelY to .,:i.--:. ': : astroas .end wherfinVaded hY the .Ae-,,• •V. 22. - I only. At Carmel . Eliliah"tPailapYa'niafeteo°/,:;1,alt.;•'fiod 1:001:, at a for figara
' pretty free Op the ,parasite:,. The Win -
Potato seed large -but how large'? Ip
lackofattention, of fauRy manage- syriarie after two centuries only of . stood alont. •Ilad :he failed, his dte trust .the .glib -tongued• agent '• .
selecting .. fraed • Choose • the . largest
. iiient•'cifthe herd.- : . : : long. as these large, tehera. conform , , troubled exist . , : • ' weuld I've 'eel:64111Y. been, taken by.. :
,, 32 to the, Way the, crep:le,grOWn'it may -a-•,:ri•-• .- gay of the kings of Ierael, Jeroboam were other prphets, but . Tdilere that .4!at'i Fouple hundred, dollars .wiii
ppeeimens in the, stock if you like, go
, • • , . . -te the type of the ,variety."„ Aceording, The historians have little geed to the fierce: partisans OfB4g.
• T;t: edt Men tHAffec,tecl 'aniinals ared focup, us .plate • all' right," when the -
.... . , „... , . . . ;
should be and isolated 'from
average: large;niedium or glee% blit, ....• Set an Oil, example for.. thope who net show themselves, Marie; ' eci 'le paint, 'the plpinbing, the, foundatien,'-',..
I ,htiiiiic,itio 0 .4ter;raih.which.a.iitmaii', the 'larger . tubers, „alWays.,•repreaent -...,-, • came after him, and: WasIllinembered Who • had not • bowed • the', knee to BP :1 tfeheetif:vuern, de-
'the Most 'vigorous, typee.: ,.From, the His 'first 'aOt Was to fOrti4 Shechern take.' his part. He stood alone, ses- fo, get,
• Old the man who .03iPecia" to :
o„the Man 'ho "made 'bract to eke. (19.:18), hilt theY, dared not yetatoa
, 'non4ffected. It liiiteS a close eit.4,
,..Oeletiee,staibliOnivery,.Sraall Centres Weighing froth' one. :pound to .one and'. 1 and make,. it his capital. -. Theo. he tabled 0:n1Y:by .his' faith. in God, aed..rePait.an old ,Or run-down house ninet;
'•-•aro,• affeeted, -since .the riagWorni
eyetage coinmercial• field. ,potatoes,
ene-half Pounds: ' are , a. safe-and-earie I ,.,-,..-4. ,Fr• -"1:-e..11199:4'" l"-....----- Ei_l3gsinee:csit' 6h' lielleoulitahlilegclirilt• at t.ofitlogocLefiry41)y.,bzeigetnalttiwpga. 0(pthtort•i:,
:multiply the •' agent's statem;11),tr,'Isb...3:„:
; 'Infestation -is: .sinall ,the -affeeted :Aifaboitat;tta4dhtantIg.heeres.
niale. can:* freed a the , shsoase • by, • . , .,, .. . .. . . • - - nottli,..-se• that the People .might not .their doing. ' ' ._
p f Mount 'Hermon 'in• the 'es he .said' the' people:Of Israel .end
, iiid-,,,May.,be oVerlOolsed.'' - „Whete. the _ .
cron is too large it is not the fault of wotship, thue recognizing how strong ' not always reveal' hinidelf in this Way, ,-The .. di ta ' '' :to the: : steres, to • -
be tempted to• go „to • Jerusalmn te ' Vs. 36-39. Let it: i;',,IirtO,wit GOki‘ does ' ' ' --11eW.TAlt "+0 •Selioo.15?
... . • . . , . , , „. ,, .
' .: 'tin:iron:01Y 'Waehing, •the.. ringworin : Del 44'4 •be afrat4 °f getting seed: - : -7- . ,
s, ,areas. N:vith . watm, water .. and . soap ' to Plz)tat90 tA)° 'large. : If ,the resulting .We...er':::4°ee': beda* ' -13Y lQw Prwlint New Weights.for Bacon }Rigs
new growth Will start 'low. down,' pre-,
: -Ofty.,per:. gent. solution ;of tincture i' the, Seedy • 'You are not ' Plantinig ' •A. hange , has been made recently: 'a bend of Unity lay '' in the • common nor does he decide in ch, a 'thatch; Jo' school , to 'places f ''' i '
d always : • ' • ' : ' : s nee
thick enough. Large yields! conrie ' om
r ; and the-..appearanee-of-the-bedLieiffi-
it ,............, anore •-•,long4teninied flowere
in :tlie :.w,eights of :hogs ' gradieg aa : -.:' ' '
glen. 13Y his. endowment.'and p'a- wayes this; the. iesues between . ' h ness,. a' A ' ' • • " ° '
.. n , to work,i if the farmer ex•-• :
remove .01, Crustal ,Ati ' appaication Of i.
.1 ' •Are:..N.F',
• ,perniit,netnrato :cemplete the repair.! tubers, .and .phuitesi- • as . close.. together7,
as ..the fertility of • the Kat and the
. ge seed . •••6-..•• • • - ''. ,
censidetable ' Moisture and during ,0
r:or freedom of bloom, toseareqUire ilardahn,ocgt swthatqci.,:i.n.,e within this ,class hoped .to• break that bead. .:At these desperate one, ' and ,he -711-01ifiiiW aec- '0,1t;i:;t4.2i:mxptekt-'-'4,7tjea'.1:11V-onliter:fl, li'st-tidjdf. !thief
Will weigh .1.704,te 220 pouncle,loff 'cars. shillies %lie Set'uP-...images 'of Jehovah SttOke front • beaven..that. kindled his •
Of' iodine applied Once a' day '.6ver; the proved by kesning the growth low. -sereet.'7-According-te-:.-the--neW--etant-tronage--of-the•-inottherri-t-shtines;--heHancLiinbelief........)3.af Elijah's_case was a.
k4 ' ' . ' •• • - ' '''' . • . .' .'' - . laltge geed ,pieces ,Ciit freer' lar
.•intheheid.a general up of :1:11.°14:!7!'1,!4.4PPIY''7till' 'lerrliit'' - the:rain- does,. l*.• wetting the earth.
_. a 's.tockYargs, or -180- to -230. pounds'. in the-form.of golden calves, thus ' de- sacrifice, 'was. to hira and, tethe ItS•1,, hen WO, conSideration., The, ;limber.- ..
a e ee •ea . - : • pading..the' worShip • of • Israel's iGad•sembled people, the 'answer, of .Ged- ,. of ail.' deliveriek the -drainage, the • -
',Wliete . the: Infeetation• is :Widedpread ' Period' of dry Weather ' Water, thein as . • • . ,
to ,.li depth of
,five.,,inale„ fl;id 1004 shipping .tiaifits. to 4,„;,‘-.•,,withial'tO a '1,ev,e14ith thataaf, Baal, he made i. ,. , .., :aPraaca . ••• „ • ' • , fire. rotectiorr, the potieibilitY'of rent,: ••
letting this answer for . a • few ',"daY.e••, ,
use Otetteng germiCidalsOlutions•and k •W, , Piriere ...)Thcfr were not a .the . Old I- God bee' usliallY.'adVanced his own • ia,g e v cant.. let ' near, by to ,have -,a "
L;11 ta.: the moisture. .Light seihrequites
. . . , Inches from neck tekauckle bone. The'. : Ch.' 18: 20..,4.4%b appears , in SOMe 'Men would be powerless if it werenot ' • •• • • •. . • , . • • •
lest y . families of Levi, and changed cause ti.irrengh :the. instrumentality talit3; of, .agnadideenn'etheethnetigfhabeeterhrsooeti•taeardintde ' 'fii-, .: ;-
wl,uteweek. Thealiseaie .Oppeare,year if 'the beds ate: ,raliecl. fretine'ntly: a• hthaivile..s.elelenegtt.hb.11:.o.cfon.1.5eidie,B;•:Tthhiiie'l,l6gstandard'must . :. '111;
the date, of - some of , the ancient great rsonalities-:-Moses- EWA' ' ' ' ' . : ' ' a qz.en.
..atahleor.; yard fie, advised; :with liberal ,e•
• after year in the same stables, due to .- , ROSE:,GROWING. dust 'Mulch' id created that helps re- length' .of 'the ; ideal '"Wiltshi '" ' -38 f t* ar - . " .. ' Ames, .aul. -.But ev,en. Bach gteat , ' . • • • • ' : ",
satisfaetion • or . diesetisfaCtion-of the'
one and. :: Can , live,. over - the summer 0 *fore water:but a Well Prepared, ..ho ,licig. should be Of ulliferin depth with resPeets. to :have been one of the. best that the „people were alreadY feeling' farrthilyt:ht: .aj:at, • it:y..'...0.i.'inrine': re; think ..0.0; '
soadokon..the..w41,1s,'Posts' Or mangete A garden Withenf nisei laelsersOme. ebViatei , the, the .kings of: ,Israel. , His : father • after •the same. truth.,.gteat ' T
,. the;fact.that',this,.pcarisite is -a. hardy '
, .i.'';a11,11. see thA the germ of , the par- of FloWerei alid :yet,.,itianY. Of 'Mit .. ',The-.0nly: , Thine' UaCking, •
:.--'44 f'f-.1,7.• .: 'If thereisringworm 'thing that everyone enjoys'. No plant
,in your herd now, get, it off Your cat-: has ,•dethroned :the rose as the Queen,
aSite'.is :Meted out Of the stable . it . productive gardens Yield never atose • ' "I can; give Yon ' thirty •dellei's a
thetiiite..Of a/firing:cleaning' ;Dm bloom „.... . . 0 --ars, ' oom. , We can .however, .grow roses month and board " said Farmer Bent- i. ' • • •
., . . ,.
sprinkling. , : . ; ; • ''' '. : • •
heceseity• 'ef. conskent trim, 'cittaight:.-underline; the head of .
. shOuld" he • of 'mediurn -length With a
and rather small, firinly. attached • slightly , dished 'face,;-breid forehead, S4tlaria''
ears fringed ,with fine ir, the eck
should be well muscled With no tend- as Assyrian records she*, his armies true religiouis faith was very; dim. iiiiit,,stoi.i,i5 to.:,13romise. w fitach fails,
:_el'ant' Syrians who invaded his 'Country, and - Elijah lived' in a rough age, a rude
; wes Ontri;,the,founder and builder Of men :like i'eul,.. or ',tither, or Calvin, :edge et town .*here they can: enjoy ,
besieged, ,
ageOusly. and successfully against the explosion takes place... • : ‘, . • f try. c,ombined is the ideal location, but . •
Samaria, and, at- .one: time., and primitive- tune wh.en the light.of 1,
'He' himselt-fought e_oilr-, Or 'WesleYe,:-.1ight' the :ftirie,... and :•tlie. ell •the' advantagee. of toWn !and; cotin-
. ,• . • 4 ' • . • . , . . .
u.s441137_,SUch.a. selection results in 'die-.
satisfaction.. The keeping of ,.it coW
• . f
a_reje, sot'',everY, ,,,,spring• at. "Jrablic eale„s, ' an• d. geed,. ones;.,:',ahrada. t.. ;Mitwhete in o•: vet:. • :: ''. :. • ' '..',..,... : .. , ,. , .. eney. to areh on and below, in the fought side by side with the Asap-, therefore' his 'thatinent .:: f I' fall n'' •
'-ap:e.e., heca!:re, there is no coW aetute 'Within .. .
simply,•• because •••,•aniznals, ..have :ring,. Clatario,-, but to . do go certain /Pundit,. - ,'"Fair enough! "t•sPited„the .a.pplieant ,,,,ia , nof
,.. ,..% ,' vicinity :of . the loWl, Shoilld'be. trijia iaps againat'AsSyrian invaders from' ptiettlat .foes furnishes L guisid
heavy ' : Or, ' ' flabby' 'Or .e,
, •,=1,.''' SteXenion..• ' , . , • • • • observed. ' .. " . : •,- • • , : • Lean_ihnsk_edtii-With-aliralitom•ohile-and ---1-------.,nd 7--;' ..-
' - " - testae- the shoulcr rs-should-ba- --, - - • • • . ' . • , - • • - • • • • • -
p-pig_gete the,....:•,'
*(irillii.....evide.n, nt.,reent,infeCtiell• Mental . teqiiirentents, .have "to. :.be fig, the hiredniiiiithip: ,,i1/440.w., it yeti . .1, • -': . • • ,, - 1, ' . guiiihed,jcjig of,,Damase.usa.s-genei--p-aient-ei--1-1b1Wilustifieirf-e-„:''Owiler Into .trailhia: with the town.
• . • . . . the, east.' His, treatment Of the I van- to • us) whetonoW:the method Of .Jettis.• '•e.' nul,e,__Or',It:t;,,,,„_pi_gkee
- • • , • . • ' . • • - .Much depends on a favorable leee; ..Will.prOV . ' ':
ide me,,wita One I'll' take the be 1 L
smoothand compact; .‘the back•shoald: •
Os end kindly, and:he :proved:a briVeAigdous • iritoletance and persecntion by , • laws, ; %the - mail :comes later than. , it
order that the did on the farm. the duet. is onbear.l. .:
allY Of the good, jeliosh, an' appeal ,te Elijah's
. ,•at11117; groat amount
POTATO SEED -LARGE, SMALL tion. ••it IS. advisable to keep it away j0"1:0.!!' -•-' smoothot p.. tailie' : . Ipnchade,ffititAhifuguarbo,fsiiJufed,a1:40.wthhOes. e_ .aseiiinfair,rd, ,Iiipreiwests'ofo, lifurBaal.chti.shstolualnd. . falotalb.ei stlitetitglih-s:' ....tacib:u ro_ani flice-C.OwUhttre'on.
; Do you fancy *air roast beef rare; next to thebuildingisineuallY too 'city' "7 ' , , .. ,wstirt''ahsilgighan39:1Yet.h111:17ShhterniCill;lfSgr:01:ribibn"belid'i.ried Ahab'S daughter.. The evilpflif-tete& That ,,Was• ea unenlightened :-pf . i;
'''' . is tile store.' are few',,and very. .uneettain.
deliveries ' from • the .,•grecery:
..:.„..„ . -
OR "MEDIUM? • . .' . from the walls Of the house. he oil :, ,
InediiiM'er *ell' done? And how' ithout. fei tosee. :the radietiOn 'ft in th : When -lacing- as new belt which is to and "tapering,. fi 1.31:ag; r o excess bulges iinscrimulous princess, Jezebel, daugh- quote Farrar' again:..:"
. .
. • • • , ,
. . . . A . , tal°11' vrater, gas -and sewage problems, loom
YOur.' .petite seed -or ''Is it safe., to building itself is ,scepotimee. 4e(Pry::i. .e go °Vet, fixed. Pulleys et• Pied Chaftsi of fat. ' • Wgi finished '' hogl 'Are of ,,tet ,. of 'the king_of •Siden, whein. he , hunible. minister. in ki ,M
• 'fiddle kinela>fandeoin Potato.' seed? ing. • This .actIon,, together- ' Tgith.th# Cut the belt short 'so that it 'Will' be inediUni width throughout, indicating married, and fer, whose' god 'Bail he Wheii. he WithStood. Balfour. • Of Bur: -
built a .temjple.. of Samaria, 16:29-33: 'kith, indedision •.te .put to. the
7,,ryt• the following 'rule, May ;be folleWed: large in •the'hotigekeeping problems,
who prefer enialleeadi.same'l*ho pre•-, Um: p.,• air, are favorable to mildew.,
over; the ., pulleys and get the exact mOst importance. 1. ' tory, or spar, of the central Mountain tudlein:Caitle" .4:413y what 10,W," aske. . The wisd plan iti to select a •con -
Meant Cconnel was ar,high prep:ion- .Sword. all the inhabitants' T*111 •P f - .
Among potato growers there are some ",confi4e/pent and lack of ,:free,circular a • 1 full . deep lain ; and al , twig Avell.:
tight ,TO 'do this, light. wire 'developed rump ; : finish • iif of the iit-'
• for it.'medium-,*.a few whoei'elieice is: and . red spider. '. range, some distance north of. 'SO.,- Ilenty-,Morton, "Would you justify :the verilent house is good: is you can. af,,, :.
• , . .. • ' ::'' • '::' ' length the 'belt is ' to be When stretch- • . e' ' which extendedwestWard :arid .atrocity :•that then •would coMm1te ford,. in 'a geed location, .for such.. a': "
just potatoes. . What to select, -Po- 'should , be such '91.1e Provide .ablin- ed.. For r each. feet- of, *ire make the ' .Ptomises 'Make . debts .04. Oats Overlooked •the 'tea.' , Its sides. were "If thou art ignorant ea it," said PO', house is always Saleable,' and if, the
large Seed;:: and tee many who plant!, Pia, aspect '•-tif.' the ' rose . -.garden
. . , ,• • ,
tato seed largo, small . or medium? ', , I dance of light and free circulation 'of .belt, :fro*, One -sixteenth to , three; premises. , •• . • clothed With vineyards Which gave to four, "thy •compenion Is well aware 'of '. , ' - • . • • • . . • • . : : ,-
. .f . •J;in, -f.araueerasisiVdsolidt.o:gd, back to the. ,,fe,rin
small •lieed. ' It" goes .',farther or • can i Wilidl." 4 sOuthWeet 'or. seitheaSt exa.. ;If the Wire is twenty-four .feet long, et cornmeal and Plaeter. Of Palle, ap, peePle a lqrael..' ' ••• . t 0 Swor:ftl7aZierin,4121e son, it la
;sixteenths of an irich'ehott;.depeading '.. ' •• „ " -4--,,--:-.2-..--'--7-' •,, :•• . • it its name. ; Here . it ' Was • that the the law .which gave
e be ctit.,Ao V;tter Adtantage than large!.pociure.,
, one-eighth': inch, per foot; and so ' cut . and ditches, about buildings,, an for an aVerage-belt-one should' allow plied in spoonful einountaia the fields '
• . . . • • • . aPpeared as :the -leader -of . the i.pro- tion; which :instracteth, us to .return .
of Jehovah • 'in'i- their . protestgoad for evil; and to pray for those apewitig of .grain,• but where condi.
h; ' i Gilead'• had "but 'we 'live under a:better .disposi.
' gl.:Ne titea."h "Yes'," anzie Nvere, d the divine, 2 .1:rar.i.'e .t ;' -7"---:*-' ' .. Barley,,
Pellie.- tbfene ' of • Soil end climate are the Bathe.
°itf:verythin: Ia. ' , ths_____,
:are commonly „advaticed in -laver ef • 'frein ,exPosure to cutting 'notthweet ,
how :li,k:elY the belt is to stretch. , to get rid of rates; use equal parte,king called a great assemblage of the i
There are two arguments; Which- air, ' and at the same •time Sheltered
three . inches shorter than the wire. and aroand..the.lpirrOWS. : • • . •. , .• :• . Pil'eta
against the. bringing in by Jezebel of .who ,despitefully...aeo:-uo, and
. , .. . • - ,• . . ..... _ ,
: • :' '': there lir a'wide difference intheyield ' -
.0,01.e ' aod•co. 0 0:try._
. her god Baal and goddess Ashtoreth, cute us." •
apple tree! . If you.Waro to get ,a,n.14 and:
, • . ____ . . . between ;some :of thebetter iiiiirieties..•
theL.conamoner--, sorts.' grown • as,-;-, - -
' .seed„ -and small enough to be plantd It is a mistake to mix up roses with
edwhole there is less danger of its other plants for, the reason that roses
rotting in the ground. But if .oner need all the plant food, usually avail -
expects maximum -yields of potatoes! able and the soil ileeds frequent culti7.
it is poor policy:to economize on seed.t vation.. Bede shOuld not be wider
the quantity of "seed , planted; other' than will accorturiodate two rows of
things., being equal determines the plants so laid, out as to be easily
-stand. •• . reached from „either side. Indeed a
• You mtiy secure a maximura stand•single row might be preferable be
Variety of Good Deeds to Their Credit.
One of the best records of all the object properly. The W. I. sent the
in one a tw,o waYs.' • Mint small seed: cauee 'the gardener •should be able to nineteen brarfches Of the 'Woroerei In- child' to the Victeria liosPital, Lon -
pieces close together, the small pieces! prune the plants and cutthe lilooms stitutes of Elgin, 'Ete shown by the don, .where an operation was success -
'tending to produce hills with few; without the, discomfort ,kOf ''creWding recent histeri al survey made by the i'ally performed and the eye Straight-
stems-nr-Piantsi-or-largd seed-pieces-betkteeii-'the:-More-luity-jnenibers-of- Inerahersill-th t-county,it-that.cif-the•'ened........-They-lave.,also_sent_sever4
third . oldest, Rodney, which . has a donations to the''..local' . Children's
vaiietY ,of g ,Od, deeds to its credit. Shelter:
Organized ,iii the spring of 1906; it1 . if was the W. 1. which organized
began With a menibership of 38., ' the Girl Guides, the Boy Scouts, and
Dufing the Great War .it devoted the Horticultural Society of'-the'own
and placed electric lights in the .ark.
They have also managed' the •Old
Boys' : Reardon for several years..
: Mr.,McGugari of Toronto has olrer-
ed prizes ,amounting to 450 a year
for: five- year's for am oratorice•' cwt.',
farther,' apart, these , seed pieces, his thorny family. Better • air cir-
thtowing more stems to the hill: In i culation is also thus provided.
other words one -ounce seed pieces 1 Roses need good soil. Ground that
*planted' eight inches apart will give will Produce fine crops of tomatoes;
• very few -more plants to the acfe "cora dr, even potatoes, with a little
, than two -ounce seed pieces planted special preparation 'can be depended itself almost entirely to ,Red Cross
sixteen inches apart. So One really upon to yield fine roses. The beef and War work, and every appeal for
cannot economize in seed and get a soil is a heavy loam. Roses require su lies or Money met with a ready
perfect - stand., :Small • seed for ex- intensive fertilization.' Ratted stable response. • - • '' .
' trernely early-Plarrtmrls'a"good point manure..aand,- bonemeaL, are . probtbly - In, 1912 the4,W._1:,,built tt- gtand-
- . .
' ,I • ' ' d ' ' - • , . within reach. • Bray had a most de -
If the seed is 'planted whdle. the best fertilizers. . stand in the agricultural grounds.
If small- seed good.vig- To make a ,rose be excavate to a . Ontwo occasions, ;they „put • n" a test open ,to the school children of - • .; • •
, .., -• - - -. • • • liehtful .iecollection of having once
, orous plants;',.,the *Ifil % 11,- al the depth of -two nd on - alf leet, then 9ale o . artic es «made in -the nz,tic the To ashtp - Idbotoug '; and -has ffi-fifid a. pail ..0f ifica,.aw-e-et,-,eider,„0- h•,--.ix--i
W. large or medium-sized Potatoes. fill witb, lternate layers' of soil and 'for the . Blind, selling about $400.00 asked the W. I. to undeitalte'tte man- doorstep -and he had gotten a delicious
alfr kry.seriopsly, "I de not tare to. get tawa'No,,50, aays. the DePt.- of Agii-
yz,aopU. Mins:at:pt. tea paitgetpleu'untriee..n"ic6 apple
"But, dear, mother," replied UV, country. Manchurian, known as (R...
I ( 100iC -9 •
; -Bipy Pig Learns Cider. 'maple tree,., why doesn't 4-PPle eider; Tested side by side • with 'other good ;
-come from an apple ,tree. hn'tit • sorts it has year by Ycar yielded . • .
ider. if maPle sap conies' frOpl ' a deeirable varieties of barley , to grow. :
. _
apple ear?. • . . • . " _ ,I higher crops,., This is a selection :from,
arid a very funny .mistake fie. made,
, :N-0;''aPPle-eider--comes'frimi
the tree trunk apdalang the branches ,
413-- a- Mild- dr -iffsaired-hiiireY , sapposer
pies.. Mother Nature sent. the :sap up ,to be of Asiatic! origin. ,it ripens
'' This, is the story of little' Billy Pig
earlyarid Steads: Well On the straw of. ,
, taopptihese thilleomsssOerni:esand finally -;into. the
11,1naelere lienitthha.t rite pwlasedayseS one weak-
.satopsstutpeldtin•Innhi7etake.' cit
heads have a tendency to break off .
:Billy Pig gave -a very •diseouraged ocultio. climates -
'w..0Builldli,•''gta6a very
Yg fond
°fteall;g13eleSth. Halel. eider,", he. coinplainedt "why ;isn't sett. that has stood the test well at •
grunt. "If apple -tree juice` is apple and the kernels to shell
orchard if he thought he wad to be Maple -tree juice called maple cider?"l Ottawa: and the 'other experimental :
rewarded by finding a few flies red -.But''Mother So* heard. the 'farm-, farms, and stations iii.knoWn as On -
i j. • es on the ground. or soinewhero er's wife- rattle a- pail down ,ia th3, ta,rio, Agrieultural---Ctillege' No. 21.
'Pig yard and-' toddled' off- te'ece.• it, This ago is a selection, frprii an-ifislit--,''' 4 '
there Was something to eat.„.,SeBill,Y, tic sort. ----This .,varietymeesists . wind
Pig's lesson:oath° ' to; an -end. ' - -•'•
,--• But the majority ,,of-• small .• potatoes,...rnanure, each about ..four -i aches- thick, --worth __Of...E.theit____haskets,;--Attropf, agement of the 'cofitest. This , th,e y n
, taste Of At _before being driven
de not ,come from :the vigerous high.' mixed and drainp,ed as the filling pro- brooms and other t Irma, , , . . did very ,succepsfu y , , last year an ,
Yielding Plants,. apd, here lies. the 'dari."-,Ceeds;:',Until. ; the ..bod. is 'fooir-- inches • •For a /minter- of years, they have arid 'planning ''to hold the second, con- , N?7!,..BillY had /1°. ii
dea ho*'• .d.er IleirSt Rcord Keeping Pays. liable to smut • than Seale of the other "
ger • in planting..Sinall-,sa., As Ati...highet -thiee it Was before the digging assuraed the. 'manegemeat..ef. the Pub- test in May of this year.: :' ' •
*--- '' ; ' I a s on the alert to learn
Was Made but he was, a ihright}ittle
treatingthe seed with bltieStona Selti.;
The milk ' 'and 'fat records ,- of tha-Xhids,.:but.thiS ie:;reatlilY,,oietcome .114..,.... -.t.
eXamPle,' StitifieSe -"iVe'Seleet. out Small -began: -HEonerneal 'can be, throi,vn ,on Ijc Library and have ;O1:81 Sitiployed. a -• TheY-haYe• --hrolrght -..urOveriiment 402- ae!d,'a w Y. ' - :, , litaMpton, •Ont ,• COw," -Testing •AsSa-'-•
seed -and by small seed ,:I mean ,tub-; the pile of excavated,,eart114,. Ao,•safe .,aisra,„ to , Ise
a) the ,cereet,ery. lawn 3n dellionstretion'leetUre ' coutses on . something. . dation; Says ihe'.' :Dominion' ' Dairytion made by dissolving five pounds'
ers weighing three, dunces or legs-, rule for using bonemeal is arie-Pethid orcer',--Th:i!. inembeti ' of the ,Instittite Berne NUrSing;Dreasniaking, arid I.)01' '.0J3e,' dnY m' the earlY sPring) 4 and Neve: L'ett.er of- ms:i.th,. 10, show: very of hluestone in fif,tY' gallons :of water,. . .
• from a field in , we Will Which there is Air each two •square' feet of bed sur- ! were instrumental' iti.securifig.medical mestic Science to the• comintmay,. aad his Mother ,were 'Walking through a clearly .. .. . • • .. ' a ..:s'f'
the A value - of selectiOn, goad ' or formalin may be used in the pro-
,:' i:
., . • •
ilaY, 13 Per cent. of weak or cut -1'377 face ' but rnix'ed Well thrOugh.., , -, ' [ inspect.fon for thekchoo18. of the town themselves . study at their regelay%frrove .Wheil': 1j,iilir
d i s c o vo te d that feeding, and purebred site Oinilk-
portion of erie pound tofertygal
, .
dwarf ' Omit's. This 15 per 'Cent. of , D,10i8t siAls are More: Or less ..aeid, 4nd surrounding country:, , ' ' monthly- meetings whateVer spbjecta, number or the trees had 'queer Jittle
-4111g.eheatrY' :irl'ebtairlii*'Id6'eArii.* li°snesd °silOviillIctIte'. : sWpriiinielshleeCrei'VeVIgirpillis'
. the -stand in an Ordinary field, may: -and a few pounds ' of ;hydrated lime' .• One little:girl' in. the town, the' child theY conaider Will •be for *the gond of lin thingfi driven. int6::theinr.ahotiti a ,o .ec rodiictIon• in de'ry:h.i• '
tiii; while . it:. :i4 'Veil*, turned back: and
),.1i'rOdilee 50percent of those peta.:' scattered • on ,the ten of the' finished of ./.0Or Patente, lirei'ee-rNe'ry-. ci•Osi. home and Country, following the.prih.• foot frotal the ground `t`Thre.t.T44,:ii .elelei:
. te11gPhAssociationthe '.iba4rvree e,r,be .61?fri, uPsi;nile,g(ins.,p`ure. fer.th ona• floor Until:,'all ' the grain , is,
tOes,in ,the crop Which fall bele* cerii...': bed will 'help to .modifY such a: con -t eyed that she had tO, Place 'a ' hand' ciple of co-operation ty.allr and "If heard the farmer ca , em.,
, ,moistened, It ' Cliciaild he dried by
mercial. size:., une, can...readily sea; dition, The b.ed 'io tea da.ye-will be over One: eye before' She coUla lee an ;YOU hneW a:good. thing,. P488 it 'Pm," name., Just above 0-3 traukh small bred sires' fer years and, have been-
. ,
, . . ,., . , .
,.. .
. - •- i i fan" thEttetaleeconiethirg that look," tioorest, &,ws, as. ', opiomirity
' s311). In the spying it'ffoivs up thrzkviii lhs.; the percentage 3.16",-Lind-ilii'ia----
."Thatitild--Mot er-1. . ,-.--e I - ; 4_4,-.. affeyded;.-86winer..-
Offe-h elf :olivenitand'one,--balf ket, ' •
ir I like watet 'Melded. dowri.•inte the they li„,,ea.n)atlat, number
sf46.1t.:;,: only two ; if We knew the inside history of
htia.i.ugha,;and.....,::.dx,OPpeal.,-,402...,-tii_e.,-;.-PaiisiA,-;e:7a7-,,:iic71-e;,- ;e'04;187:,1222e.,-;41il-me::;.:Ot. lier'-•-iiiari'-*e-..rilie-ti,Id.,..i,tver.:404,1' '
a-verage-prodiat-iriaaf inilk-wav8;046-:. ' ----,,,.-----,.----.------r-- • herds, --
CC; , . ,
td,„ei.,d 'on',qtlie.- ground .',U,r1611wer ,-•,,t1t:emina.p.. (3_1
; the•tretike of, the trees, and, :in order ,pkoduction,. 308.2: lbs, . • In 4929, ait"-eSelie will cure, Watts: on humans or
.., to • get, It, Men, tap the trceS • as. Y,0,1 herds numberiag 'oa c6iski:.• .had :tot beailtS. Have tried it and it alw,aye
it-iiikee'.,•;t„heitio.r, ee'Yetuseinriairiyii;,..1:81tiekealt,,,i_fir-3,eyeiliet :3ev.8e2raigne production „ai' 8:,385 . , ,
, ,
,cd. He liked'the flavor "th. ripple cider ;pprroedeuecdtitnegit;mine.,atiniet': Broken' phonograph teecirde triAy be.
lha Milk; ,eilres,
. - • • . .
test percentage, and 320.5, lbs.' : . ' -7-r---'"'":*,-----•••:- .
• traik a, drink of eap fteill One -Of the
••: pails. -Ito-Was :somewhat disappoint- :thattttillyhei3a.r4naeliiieteilg8th(1.0
. softened by placing in hot water, then
" inuch better, 4 . ' . ' .. ; 1$rlioottcldpietl,io'nhadlr:tv.p,rTafirt;v:ihae,ohiri6ordOsf. ove,.i. while warm., they can be cut in pieces
con- of any desired .shape: . Yeti can 'Use" '
The he'd ..day, as Mrs: Sow was 'sitting Of 179 cows, had. itit average the pieces for such .purposett as Mak-
strolling about the ',field,. neat, the."'preductioo per cow in 1.6.Aa a 8;586 ,itig scoops for the feed bins, and fan-
, • orchard; She saw ifiiiiY. Stan.dintl ii.k.lbs. milk and 82(it liiii. •fat, which. itt.illi6e1s6fiedritlizna.leetii.olaioft.cititi:heiti.p, ,61, eititipt ,tthhoe .
one of the aPPIO trees. looking 9.10,:k MOISe thalltdOlthiethe average Produc-
'edges; thea ditaW' a hot iron down the
seam, thereby welding it., Many' use-
ful too can he• made' for . the chit- •
dren.,..11:::' A., .1§, :
better thita7Manehuriaii • it . dreps
its awns more readily in the, thresh-
-ing. It is hlinned Ttere
Ks)* the. planting sthall 'eeed, treat ready for , • I
such 'a field will • tend to, increase very.' Roses, for outdoor Planting, are's.
• ,--rapi ythe'propertioh of weak plants, , found an the hybrid -perpetual ;:anati
' 'that who favor "rnediiim:sfzed 'hYhrid-tea elases.'''ThefortnerVooni --
• tatoes for seed, usually adVatice the :Proflisel in Jona and 3'n.IY and ierne' '
, arguinen the market prefers •peri, vane ies corn a.,so, ep
-'-15r- te 1-
tatOet of this size and as "like 'begets, The hyhtid-tea varieties bloom con -
like" .vie -Must .plant seed of medium tinnoUsly through the summer and
'ette if we are to harvest a crop that' ran Months, arid the variety of colors
meets thiS market ideal: But does arld shadings Is `greater. The hybrid -
"like beget like" wheri •Weare dealing teas ,afe more tender, requiring bet-
' with siz0.. in potat.oesl• TO a Very ter. winter protection . •
• great extent. at least size :Is a char, -7Derniant stock 18 beS1 for '8"1:itgfr#
• actkristic detetrained by such factors planting hecause it hae, been 'field
ak richness of Sell, moisture supple grown and has cilread survived ,at
riamber of sterns in the hill, the get least one winter., .
of tubera. in the hill and the distanory With most plants it.is tho custorn
between hint , set them one or two inches deeper
If e'riotato mediurn size from a than; they Were MTV:faintly, but in
th turning. from timeto time. before
lioles had beer: bored in the trees. and t• th t • d t.
, Iv down into a pail placed at ,ft8 tiOn of all dairy coWs in Ontario. The
norinal vigorous plant is planted, and: planting roses the bud dr joint near
grown under environmental tiondl,1 the root is to be set 'tWo to three Thia little building is a mission caurch (in Testin Lake, iltithili CA:aim:bac, °r,Lfi',3,,," A tiny t'r•O'„1../ 1,,,fi 1,1,0•Fri. tho cow, 4 should .ha observed,
*ere fed
tferis Conducive to good growth, thel inchea below ,the surface Of the bed which Is almost out:ef touch with civilizatiori. It is ,reaehed after a weele,ii ,t--)-,e-e'down into the pail, "Why, 1111Tv," with sueculent high protein rough-
. ,
.rosulting drop will bo largo; and if - When planting, Prime th% tops to travel up the flootallocata River', where a trittling post Is Iortitod.
. , , ,
.. Enid his gentle mother, that iii an aged- and, good 'grai&*ratlons,
I i