HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-03, Page 7„••," • ••• . . • •".4, „polo eereeez.. • •-• (.1 unday ; • "1., :LITT I ptc,•during the' nureing, period.' 'The' germ ' A Very' .heevy ' ioes is, experienced • le' present in, filth, and, probahly- al; iiy many farol.ers'-16401,SPring •thrPtigit ways :wt11 be, so the firet thing .to do ihei loss of -little pigs. Not oblong .the is toegeetelleeetieWeeniatehoreenete,le.re, • .:,----04,'3-thii.t.---are-here'auti.t.e.ared oat -;nn- ere -Weide dWity from the;, lotmeciWsvi, the g'• reen geese,' whOrthevereihing eintty Of those, whose. feeeilies, are 'Clean, but amOtigtliesii., ehet are horn .dirmese; •:• and . them • le during Febeteite-y- and ;•March ender ciente pent. : , . •• . •••-•: venditiont, thaet•are ver -Y raeol'able for . .proParing pen .for 'the' brood •.`tho . 'presence. and .; deirclebitient. • of 'SoW„ - the .4walls- and., floor; .should - be • ilapilke NeeroYarbr.i , r:thq lio. I•ricrepea elcua:,and then given 4.-wifeh-. us-,t1?ti.4!. ltd a die'tY fa.ee• ing with heti. water M Whieh Tbe Month Med 'cheeks otis :quantity of lye hes been..diseeleed, ere' .diecoleeed. ,With atiliefleg grime. After ,seraping and evaellinge a. We pustuke end ulcok are preSerit .Nrash to which 8 or el 'per cent. er iti the mputh eibo.ue the '11p8'.•Smailleyeelin ha8 been .edded. sheuld ap- • Iterea are .preseiit wile -rover the iiice!plied. the hewed sow. heti-been eX- eteeite hataiegained entranee;eany- piece; poeect to filth in vvhich the germs el:a • • ,on the body Where the; pigeinay hetie, likely to be, ehe shoal& be given 'a seietched: itself-feequeetly ...setel on I washing With a' warm water te' yvhich, knees; Sides., or for.cart0,- buse..of.:ear; .a quantity of, ereolin or other. lust 4 black, "eeurfy 'patch with pus disinfectant hes beee added. drY, • he,neath ; relay .be ,vory •• even, I teen Yard. is just., • as eeseetial As • al • . • pa large as 4..querter ?1.01);11'. Thal dry, cleanepen. • • • •" • ..yeeponei hie • foe the.' (filmes° With. the • progen.y, :of , the.. brood • sew • annot penetre.fe 4 „nerinele unbrekerel Worth.:$25. to $50 'at 'weaning time, it t akin, heti Bode' •eatrelicte eel •••• tiOritedi"es ,.is. sarely,-,woeth while to • lieve ,thinge, a este:ally made bee the pige• When fight -1 right and preeient an einnecesSere leSst f Ing. These abraeions rney he ever' eo, by deing a few. hotirg'.' work:, Dieing{ t entail; 'yet g•ive entranceto the' germ. '.sorne , seasops • the ,cerelese. "Man GOIden, Text -2 --ride oe ore cstruction haughty spirit beforea fall.-.-rrOv. 16: 18. coNTiNuiTiori erroev--=The men, who had known -David and the kingdom which seemed to have been so early days of Solomon, advised "good firmly .established by Saul and David,: Words"; the yoUrfger Men,who 'had fell apart after the death or Solomon.' grown •up with lee heleoam in the lux - The immediate cause oe the dieruption' ury and extravagance .of Solomon's •waagieLheaey. burden of taxation -and lat,er d • d h • t'411.9•4,14 gmsylog popu- larity pot* culture in the peoVe. Inc* of • British ',Golurnbitk., in ' secent years, eThereis sound reason, for this, ' and tlie"`heitef is exptesia that the Pacific Ceaateepeovince poseesses-,ne „ andicap teethe :development' Into .A of forced labor laid upon .the PeoPle' Selatit threito pr. still heaVier burdens. g-Oot. 'pc) tatopredsaine territory Selemore from :which his own tribe Their feelleh: Counsel prevailed; rfroonee :the, canedten maretonee' in • exemPt • (dee chi. 4 7-10, 27,, 20; V' apiderelike an Mal; •SometimeS MuCli 01 Judah seems- to heveheen partially. • • V. 14., scerpibn is, a this regard. that, 13-18; .8 :15-23).. . • •. , • • as six inchea In length, With a•Atingin -grkhted tn.661:8 Ai4equat:0- Net on1Y did 'S iemee 'alienate, the; tail. which- inflicts a, viSry .paniful ettontien, freetiOrki-leving People• leraer. hiE.Vil•Otind: it Is. probably used: here fig- in British ,Colurithie as • in any other 7 ,heae,y berdenee but he displeased Abe., watively, but there may have been 'coiniti• '• WW•1"C • 1 th' • 1 ProPhets also by 'bid folly in filling his,',•arethip !ash ture" heY; not hifdttiellegaerRoegt, of lasttectArt: harem with foreign wives yvlie`-turn;lereev• hieh was aimed With•eharP' ff•a8“-- tion deserVes. 'deVothd to. it; there' • edeaway his heart lifter other" gOels,'"Inients of 'attineeeemetel:. • are: manY inclicatiOns that it is, and in building altare and sanctuar- V. . 15. 'Brought bo? • t/ 1 • 1- ' a 4 0 14T 40 • • . • , :es for these false gods: The wisdom. (Rev. Ver.). hip was what the, pro- creasing in PDPularitY'. and In s°nla of his 'earlier' and better years was phet had • predicted as the punishment districts in perticular a certain dis- submerged in this later extravagance of Solomon's sins (ch. 11:9-13 31/ tinction in thls regard.' is and folly. And so.the 1,_Iiitereen_spees, Red the -historian -sees -in # both the- achieved.. - "The Lord was angrY with Solomon folly of man, and the overruling 11 o- There . has been a consistent ine This azitjeuesileer chalice, for ,fifteen years the property a two New , . because his, heart was. turned away; vidence of God. ' • ., • crease in .the acreage•devoted to po- . , , . - ... York Orientalists his now conic' up for eiseiession as the possible "H.oly from the Lord." This was the reason I IV. 16. To your tente, 0 Israel. This tatoes in British - Caluenbia, whilst in Grail" of Lite Last SuPPer. ` It Was due,i11) ,at Antieele why the prophet.Ahijah went to Jere- • was the war cry of Israel also in the little Mare than a decade the, annual boam, a Young man of EPhrelin and a' tinee of Da 1(1 and the tribe of Judah value a the crop hale doubled In • : - Potiltry on the Village Lot. 4,..,. - ' ... charge••of the labor of 'Ephraim ond,,,for themselves. • servant f S 1 , , , was in from which it ' sprang, enust look out I 1910 the Province's potato ac.reage Through inenY 'years. of investiga- . Manasseh, and stirred. hifn . Up to re- I 1Vs. 17; 18. Adorant; or "Adonii•Am , .1., . , ' ' ' • • ' • ',', was 10 872 the average Yield- 150.03 e xperimen a • arnis have e.,.. . WjjJair .,-.0,t..againit ,the king, ch; 11; 26-40 (ch 4:8 and 5:14); had been chief -bushels- to the oere, the total' crop, ee: Thero. was no doubt.also the addition- minister of Solomon in. eharge of the• 631,21f blisbis and ite value 1,1418,, eeding layin rrived at a ten ot h - , and °10s.t.°1 ti ihieteria which gets into al .r.eason ehat- the prophet!, wlio'virere!leyr iiif foi•ced iliabic:r, and so Was hit' ;•000. : This elees not re reSent the. ;31hsen:' to s=leilvit' hat. ' he efficials believe to 'be telexineueo cans, pails, etrainers., cOolets and sep- liberties of the people, wer a blest b li abl tooli li'l in gtisivit'.ch ilc milk . comes from '-utenSils; such as always champions of the ri:hts and•I ter Iv at..e, The ein. e e toll' neolfusii;o1 yield nsually achieved.in the.oroVince. .- I as' between. the yther,s 1910' , and 1915' eturns. The.pens',in.the Egg Laying aratorse. which have mot been pro, per1Y oppression:by the .rkh .andrgreft t., Inv•ip7eiule•Yi ea m se nger! Instea. d of village poultry '.keepers, • who keep of 40wis 4,0 ,,,,t14,, tifimis „of _town , hd :,inel :anidiesdt.he,..tfkoildowiairnyg.Thauettbhooedritfyoir,eef000mo-21.101Cinhw. 1,(12.:1152.,•.-et(f1aitnit,teaPtiedoPjtits,dlaher0intil;i1;':.i'lidelethn.ngi,1°6-'hidimeg" -teeiheceY eeaset15.neeeedae-herenit.°1,"iltoh9e1.t5h•aetlheiorait:•'eletiivreaeis.01:6,104t0:0e6aael7yrIlihoegdieev. ev,...t.elonsd ontest corres mid closet in ( number • P Y • ing the utensils: First, rinse in luhe-1 . 1 mained faithfiel to the son of SOlomen.1 .Vs. 19, 20. Unto the 0074/VegatiaM . # good layers will produce a larg nuin-Second, wash In. liot water con- '- birds to supply their own- tables.. Ten e • I the neople of Beniamin must also in the old deniocratic. 'way, and",/cro-,; 3,956,000 ' hushele • and ' its value witaTni weter 48 soon aft,* use as •pes.„1 It seents: however, that ao_me part of ; A representative .assernbly was.calle4,1,247.28 bus. pee' acre, the total crop;',.• ' ber of eggs_a_the ceurse"-•-ofee-yeere taining-w-nshink-1-Powder, which will 21)--e-Th Id have stayed wieeth JeLdah (peliaeg.11leoseinewas chesen Icing• avereebe rceole• t'780,000., .1-n---1.923, cordnig te be (neap, eterile eeneiteees tare. of eeet hy •witliout loSses; then •egain he Witi t.c,' . , „ .. Courrie, 'the best '' insurance ' 'of heelth,t‘%/111' lose alle The Man that looks. afteee •„ ,._ , ';.Not.eilarelYs.430sam1e to Ion -a 1,),A' Pen , the iree. lig hygiene 4 ed eenttaeion; :i • 1 • 1 .a.i .•. . , . 1 , elike a hospitel weed, bet it ie pessilile' Of hie pig :'bredifig operations gener7.1 '. to halite Clean, conffortable, dry 'quer-lallee .eaVes a.. large. pereeetage' of. ,the,, tors eometvliere aheut the prenehtee in! young pip twice . everee.:yeare---L. 12 which the young,:nigs„may_hetieused--Stevenson . • • 41 • ' : Superiisian-Of Stock .Yirds. iso %doze • 111 Stock raieers .11‘116. haVe 'net been in • e lee,' ee • - , -.. • • ' • • Steam' le not aVailable • . ' ' :ordinary fitinilies, '1160 MCIre thitn. this Saul veleo Nees. ehesee by. the rest 1of eyr. etne .regairel . tor tho:ir ,weele nee, lf . t t‘ 1. ' f :`5' 099 800' b hei • • • 'eh ' crop, o , , us ... st v.orr, , - xi eggs; iii :dia., year,. and, few side up until:steam evaiorates: Where, teee eedonde,' cirkin' and Piece right. Jecltih to pitviff,: As against,the ton.1or• *he, ieoek1 14 it /ecider othiii people;,:-. hu.shele io the ' itcee, and her;eited; 4-'• the-litehit of mailating stock tor-theni:rquatitity., , 'two ..nuriateci, eggs per bird; . gitie: effective results. '.. Drying•'he ild ' sewee or in Co-operation With ,Otheriiel-ar 2J.°9Q.'eg:.P ''''t!'.!•-•.'Ye:111.- IS ra:thel riot be done With a 'Cloth. butby r- sunning men! 1.,ersel he eocceed his, father on the.. A king regards his soldiers es "fodder0 4 ; need haeo ,no lieeltatiOn in submitting 1051:"..:anh rt.O. xpxic..,",-'.,t1,1t14::,1101 this ti the iitensile..in stea; ''u i•biefer conflict' w,hich• • at .betvveenethe electorp as merely, pawneein the,' ,e4tattee .itti,'F-eij.. weameeee raw s.:., 7 thrpne, • and • Was strengthened 'hi 'the' for eannon".; if a pitblie. Man ''regerde.,;.?,58.3',000. , ••• • ' • . • eufficiently to .evanerette. th:3..• Y e:!1 -1Jadah and 'the ether tribes' after the gaMe , of .pOlitles,; if the reotive of anYe, . ‘..A:seetieu of British Colineibie whichee thole -aniinals foi•, eele on' theepuhlienot,impossible. . • , , ., , all r!P snpPression:..'ef' the rehellion "of Abe Mae Iit seeking an offi,•ee...s•littY a,n,-..;:' is ntahing a:Pertionlar nettle. for itself , ,• steck yards,. Through,,the Dominion . e i Thed E. gg Laying Coeteee hens ere Fourtheineeet a elean potato, preduction fs, the Wieder- . Live, Stock ' Mid. :Li V e - Steck 'PrOcluctijeealeli.' • when dry.' ... '.':• ' raegi::,,,. lure. i seurn eu2vSarre. chs. 20 and. 21. Ie Would bitione the love 'of- the .1ineelight, or ', iii . in, penTsi•Ipie _feet . wide. by tette • ..,P . . ..p aee ,n h e"broken ;into open . war but spersonal vanity.' ---all such . heve deo...,meee eleoey, ie.-. the see!thee. eate-en;,1.?. eet stock ' Yards : nee . -under., 1..,..eetii onsge . ., .,, e. wdinfdowe faere . .,et • • . .:, , • ,, ,,,. • •: • - .. ,.... . . • . fee the intervention •Of.•ii.Peaceinakee stree•ed theepossihilitee of geneineeser-e , „ nii4wsy, between :the : ment cOnteole .which •-Seet.. to it ;that,. go et eceti... ., ,Straw ie„eee ..,. for htter.'in.,the• . • .. ..• of i the• Canadian Pacific'', Oat: Varieties ' RecOrnmended. in the Fenton of the pio,p,het Sheina-' vice, by their selfish. Outlooke... , ..., e 1,01. ene proeinee full justice le.done to theetellerS; theiheuses, s..n(kt,be,.ser.e..4b grains are fed ;.•••7"-""--76-7-7. , ,” - '• • iah,• vs...21-24.. 'The'thirti day. "...See ie.:: •Jesuie. sal& in.' meicking iron ... hat' men' • line . 5,••• • The people had asserribled at She, those ..gteitt oties'.„ who. exacted tie.inte. Ballet ay • aed'. the crow's Nest Brineli.. . e o feudTbeeween Judah and ing •tribeii. ,••final _ere]) eetimate, British Coluiribia If- properly taken, care -of, a flock of lern°ve grease: -third, rinse clean,/ the other tribes Was revived: It had I • • • thad, 18 - acres t tt ,h0t Water, aild place.lrolive. steam fif- commenced with the 'adherence , of this size should. procruce from 100 Thl? "sential. quhlit'llan?..eaCilieved .an average ' yield .of • • devoted o po a oes Ewee, require. additiettali .cate at lainhing time.' I think it .wise ep watch eeeryeevee ,cloeely to .make sere ehe,is -coining along all: eight. Very frootientlya little ailment will ;. Attack .ci „ewe .followitig lainhirig ,slich, • As .eiike-d Udder, indigeetion and in- •''' 'Main/nation. of the ,hitivele, whiele . if lakere - in .. due time., :cari bee restored system, eeeieu, hes. been .• in opera, .0 in this: betere Scratcli grains consiSt F&. , wheat, and, Thee !nose, pepu.iar .vs..rity. ,..nt 4.3atn., chem. The ehoice 'of ' Shechem, near .eroin others Were celled "benerectors.”i of thee same. railway, ,enci, :lying .. be- , wetheteet,causing.a setback -to the ewes sinee 1917,.hits defieinnch to itiapirel°f eael'C'ed .CCirilf and Iamb. ' Ailments' that gat twO Or fid ' • • t• , con ence --------- c 10a LAS well as in • • sr .13.et.wee. e the terri.tbries or , But ahmete, his disciples he was .t.6 be Ntvveen, .the Rock . eleeneethe, cued file and certainly bno of ...the best anner., says tne Dept., of Agricu'Itlu'hre'''th•e..13(Wd -• . Oate, about 'equal.. par ts:',. ' The birds B ' • •-• , , ' Is el Ephraim -and Mariaseele' .one of. the .counted „"greateet"., who iewdered thei S 'leek m • , • e, . ong pf reeent . . ' three' da - th' t • • , , uoie i flcult marketieg: It hasenot only are given all the, sorethie greine they to Overcome' than if treated•iimPeAl:- a, feeling of confidence but liae result -1 Iii•Cmi'Dte'd' will eonsume, care. being taken not to ately.when first sYnipteme appear. ed in irkaify.;:etbeii misers.. obtaining:refine. Dry. Mash (a ;mixtitio. of hroll, It has *been •my -experience that it 1:htly.e. much, grain in the • litter at any it' knowledge of i the ba4teesi of. MOr-e sheet's: eernmeal and ground Oats ' :Pays to keep the ,eves ' near. hy, where ' keting;. IVfarketing it the ubl" • t' k' • • their.can he gene over every morning and carefully,. examined... • EWee, that ., lierih•aleieg about- the ',firet ' of ,May usually ere.•teened' to pasture. This a. splendid • place -for theme but I mash 18 mafie ,j3y moistoling .r.ionle, of 1 g.. 0 . Another high. pi•oducing like to get the' fleek. up , at 'eight. and variety ef -mete is the Siberian: A se- lceep them near at,liand... Then I•can beitig. Issued fibm the yards. .1.. .1 the 'are': nMsh• . With ••vator• .:drit; , lected Strain' of thia.verieteeelow goes look thern over and,•in enSe'ef :sleddenifecilitiee. provided 'tend to ,.soteko;,;:hae.....; fooYisrt-hsohebili,r,dasncifttwater. are- kept be. I be y the name of Ontai•io Agricultural vein°. in ,the weather, they ear)" .130 1 against' abecirmal market C°nditi°n•et refoed 'is , also provided In all thnea':' • Green:, • College . No. 72, ' ' ' This sort. ripens .. seem -meted: . „.• - .. ••.-- • e . : -.; `• ,' -• I•by • proinoting ietelligetit, dietribetionl leaegele, the f°r°•1 °I. i either later than the' others named ' • :It iii ;very. coininon for ewes" that and ' the 'encoui•agement or' 1 cabbage, cut ' Clov,er, - or - • • • n os mportant. of the, older cities of Mosteeltensive humen eetedee. aed• yet sparse developinenteethe agree et., Ottawa. The ,stretty IS 'of goodlsritele instead 'ief Jerusalein, the cite?' Jesus le oler leader elweye; beeausee cultural achievement of this , di'steiet • leegth ,and . it -.deeds up Well ineder'l of David, as the place of meeting was lie ettielled,- the welfare' -of others,•• and , averege eonditions.• ' The grains'. are the fleet tymPiona Of revolt. Jerohoinee gave himeelf,' to, the, bitterness of . the ' e • • . • breught the. velley particular- reearewn. - le milked and . lie potatoes, have ng, it ripens in mid very pi•oductive The B • .- ••• d ' came thither at their iiivitittion: elie.,fellOWShiP witK God. ' •Our Most. flies -I. : .The• yields of potatoes in ..this ,,die:,,,, • J hest on rather heavy. soil. The Swedish I e a , ugit ve u Egypt, Tress that he .might. bring men' into . .. p is anner succee s • - yards is so regulated' es i ' ' "el -' • • ' • with ten percent beef eerie.) is ke'pt - • • ' • mete and 0 1 variety...called: 'V' to • ' '- ieny •forin of. extortion. ' E4ual oppor-t before' the hirds at .all.ti ' • f 5 f ic ry, closel re was immediately recognized Re: leader ; triteee leaders and helpers of mankind; i trieti frene halt -acre- plots, as shoWn • . .. from a-self-feeding•hoppet. At noon • • for thelighteriingot their burdens, to their tasks"bYthe thought .or the need !feerle, the, lcing He Milted for three days ete,' of the People, and -in the -overwhelm -1 eerie° eeineees, e 'Considee, 'and in the Meantime...sought in, desire to minister to these. needi I. , adVice or MS Co.unsellors. The, older inethe•spirit of jesus. • .. . or • the forces of diseontent and pre- . like !Peelle Luther, Livingstone,. and ,a I by. the reeinels" or :the Farmers' Insit- ' . ., .. , .1 tieris..• Of ten, eight. .and, seven . tone' flVe to : ten tons eirs4,..;;40p:d%dliaplfr:oad. cura.e.i, tunities ere peoeuded, for all,'bo.th tit .purehatee and- 'sale,- :end:disinterested tence.eimelyinfoefnetion 145 bo the live stock market. Situation -conetantl • senibles, Banner. indeed it is possibly each day the, birds are given a yen' I equa-1 to in in many WItys as a crop - small amount of wet mash., This wet . • seeted their complaint' and petitionrthousand - others, were ImPe1 e to tutes ii their crop -competitions, vary - havo'. been well fed during the whiter to have Udder trouble, at lambing time. 'Every fleck:owner has hie particular reinedy for this trouble, but I have • n account of its ..vigorous growth it maeketalile typee or liee. stock. .1.)nie alfalfa., Whatever .green food 'is oiled: le ,peeha.pe to be preferred to Banner the latest annual • re t I ing the coursb er the year.,Cov.ereel bYi The quarters are kept clean it, all 1* Ithe' bli•ds are .given 'all they. will eat. I Oti liehter- 'dew. Rate . and Dauben.ey all stand high' in the' times The Dept' of, Agr,iculture at'rngo of varietie •of eats .grown. W. It. Motherwell, Minister of Agri' ottaw.ii Issues a useful bulletin on I th . . OfE°tuhgesh, udders •twi d " 'with I' ' had excellent success with rubbing the 'culture, appreXimately ce., y vaselino to 265,000 calvee 800 000 h 865,0_00 cattle, epoultry Keeping in Town and Conn- :eve otrhiee.tcioetis ritornyd some of ..bye. . • . . • . . t7;" which it, available 'on request. older sorts -that are still ge.owe, 'there w!iiChis a . oc,1 encelourth part epir-esheep,, were stela. et. the varioup stock. te,' Caine/Mr eked the same -Amount -Of TYards in Carticlie. under •,cenditione.' ' , ammonia. , supervised by officers of' the Live .. „ •• . Sthck Brancli ' All of ' thise •stock, :BsiCon.TYPe-Described.:... . ealued erinroximatelyat,435,000,000, , The bacon hog,,FilitiultLbe,,,,long4:arrai,for2-!eattl'O'4216.8Akt for, calyes, $14,e • , , . ' inieothevirtrrnieerk•arched back and. 300,000 fee hOgs,, find. $3,500,000 for ..,. ,...-„ - , , , I • .• 1 erigth withoet'enioetliness Mid 'Peish ' ender • the supervision of the. stock , k; amoothriess, 'and. .finishowithein'echee te, flee l' !l of -eiOgiii, sale and eougth„. The.,jOwl'and Shoulder elibuld ciisposition'; • • .. lee light and's/11°0th, showing no, flabel ..--e----40-.. ' • .biness• in, the foriner and no eat:le:se-1 . supeii6ritv a Canadian nese or oiienness in' the latter, • HeaVy i. . • . e e e . , , jowls generally.go With thielie'fiit erl v arieties, - , ' remerkably, -------- 'aiety,' ripen- . A coarse hogs. Heavy shohIders', thee* The .. vaik ties , er "grain Which 'have! ing: later thee. Arthur. Solo, Golden • the: side ,out ot,balenee. ' The , side been Oarrying 'off 'most or the prizes Vine, and PrasSian, 'Blue are varieties ee ehetild be riiirlYe flat, •' cirrYirig---even-1- at the Int -el ea.tieeal , Seed Grain , and also ....recommended , by, the Ottawa a Atraighti trini .and •neat,uederline,r;Cheen and lambs': besides passing. eees.eot makd. a desirahle hog, neither I yards agent:eras checked and 'record- ---,T For a number of years, , -- ease eP e.tae.Pwr-Fortunately ee at1 eonlete6f,eiift favorit !scerco' ot;ajaesedc.. eoodurnti sv .et leg back into fairer,' and where it cart horse's loadl' ht ' ' ' the growing is frequent y a difference of. several t.b,:.1;:beelsst7i,, fi..ierg.0_ ::: , :a.. ri.De_oban:co:t7Imajai:',:k,w2:;t7thhee.'. he grown eueeesefillik,Preduees it very br to drive furieusly" and stop sitd-; valuable • dais of .feed grain.' The enly. Take . off. the cheekrein end 'Variety' Ai•thur, also known as -Ottawa blinders. . No, 18, is-elaimed by ,the Dept. of ,' - . . Agriettittite—at Ottawa to be' highly in the ;b7"--7-'otton7P-----Of• mi...ilens'.. nests 1 gPrmaiiinuCtiii"Yeallilodweisaliti.YthriPcoenloirna. nil of The pia. ce a folded newspaper; aIloWieg medium • size. ! Mackey, o.therwise .the. edges to extend up the sides and known as 'Ottawa No, 25is alee a media few inches, 'To clean the nest; I grasp the edges of the paper in both .hands and lift the eritire contents. I replaCe the &per and new 'nesting material and have a clean nett. -W. F. B. with the shoulder and of rneclitim Hay Show at Chic tion of thateoe aniz ti depth dropping straight 'front 'the :back. No round -ribbed hogs can get In tbe aelect.class. Tho lump . should meratind -...offeeveneewithethee iieteeii 4110-• • hack and 'should show eocsurplilli' fat, at the tail head., The' ham should be .fairly full yet tepored nicely dewn to' the :hock. The hope should he cloanl • and sti•Ong and the body sheuld show' • etio tendency tb , wrinkle., sillies belly, ; oo, trim .and peat, and ,tho Whole body show' that mescular tend- ency which denote leair meat rather .than. fat.",-Ontarie Goverimient Pam - Chicago sinceetlie:iricep-, authorities. - g a oil four years ago lhaeo been largely origff,jte ii ,Canada \*1-) yegei sieditin plantibreedefe. itt (ho tiaeoeof .'whetie, the Canadian-, bred Nlariivi% variety has been a gene sietent. winner of. the Grand -Sweep- stakes prize. .•, At the last exhibition, held in .Chicago in December, 1923, -the first 'thirteen prizes including the Greed eSeyeepstakes, were vvon by Marqteho -Out 'Of the , teventy-five aw•erded in,the hard red spring wheat class, twenty -0110 went to the. Marquis variety; two to Kitchenei phlee. • e: which. ie a-select:1On out of Minemis, ••and one to •Ituby which ie a ceoss- bred sort produced ,ae the Expet•i- mental Farm- at Ottp.wa. In the oat "Plass, most of the tvia- Meg eeniples were of- the Vicitory and 1 AO/I& Beener varieties, Thee vaidetieit, while. „Ito t .of•Canedianeeorigite- 'have been ..-develepaileeotieidaithlyeb 1)10211 INC erthe -C.:Median- 'Seed Grotten•s' 4teeoelation in 'Genet:hie Twenty-eight out of a total .of thirty -114'e prieee in Soinetinies. When ' I rue errands' my.; .. • "Grande -la gives me pennies; I •. They rattle ;ill my pocicet in a veg.; e AVenty-one of thee° goieg teem:elvers. jolly' -way. , I yeel i keeteefeel-tlientrwtiyedetenee- • where they flIT, Ilidlt)g , • ati were ,etepturedee-4y----,Uiineda, .The shining. little peeniee Who, e the dark Stay. A 'little Leong they're singing -a' sort of cheerful jingle; • , I'm .carertil not to lose then', or even let them fall. • You seci • becatis'e I eiireed them,' • • they're net. like other ponnfee-- More nice,, Mid kind of afferent, and so I, save theinalt save tre Preeilice Of Alberta. - • In the twoeroWed bilriey Cia,8, the weepstakt:S were 'Won' Ottawa -57, 'Thi e is a -veil fine, tl,o- otved Variety, originated ber'the.Cen. ral 1' ti at Ottawa And Which is. 'lying a very 'geed aCceltint etitseir exiale 'being conducted at the var- hies Exporimentel Peeins throughotit Can • Cut Off every lamb's tail When the lambs are between One and four weeks d. 'Use hot phicees or a sheep knife r the operation. Nalco the cUt thi•ce- otirthe of an inch. fi•one the hody. O. • In fleeting out to crit down expenses,' 01 look out that you do not iiINV efr the I f° f links 'that bear the ee, .4k`stktr . • ••'•.•••Wegieeii,,4Seeeeee,,,ere...4elerekereeee. ea"'ee, ' • , • , .•, Poi liome and Country troin„ their plots, being respectively , 'twenty,. sixteen . and feuetoeeitoes, • the 'acre. The quality is equal to any grown i71. the province, ai3 lhas ,heeee many times Proven. ' • A Winter Picnicwinter game too,, printiett. a tliPeeinl'. • ' EXPORTS ° - • . . I fullpage supplement in b- Rnhiir. The Winderinere district of Brithal his Was the first anxious query in i et w*Ls "delightful' page' and' t ' . ."Whatever, were. you expected eo day 1 -sue• giving Photos 'and. the C I n hia,brbught iteelt into verY•dis weeere , - • ' I tory of the Inetitutee ofElgin,Coenty. tinet peominence in the Pewit*, 'a sTeAmix ieteiixesiNch . t•ii•e inieriinthdathl'Ethigeingli toile. In this contest iriemhers efetheeeere ceosutsntyinweito•emden . 4:r read bY. old -ail(' new members 'end, iy153,,can:Yill,g Pa....the Chief Prizes as re -c aes commere a potatoes recce . 's'itheir ftlefidelis -Well as "atadents""Pf of; the -Preehitiel potato Show at vie, in the stormy Month of FehruarY inh eote, Institutes iii theie,Wintee Picnic heldi., Canadian. historic, developmeets ,o to sanothingOfehe,' `..g:Alzili-cii,L.,,--distriet:T:fIrdtatiOGfoifei;kL..'iikkiiiiiir y , t , AlmaLCollege,St.-Thoma,s.--it4irnedtStiperatencrent71iixdrifieltie'igitintellsrprovincial distrie rearrjeti : off the. out, Wit like` alribai rife wore Whatever you ‘'cliose besides a , One charming Story wits that of the : picnics, , YOU head,' the. Meister of -Agriculture. .. . Prize, the shield for ,the best" cenutiere pleasant smile and the basket or box diecevery by one Branch Of a • il I -ern-•Y prize with the eXception• of cial '`poeatope, and every ., aveilable • Of country ' delectablee', you , heree; lee. or neve Cdnadians in dire . distrees • • pine hind: bravely „and silently struggling soecnhtioecdeleioyeitir ionern, .parsosvoienieaitimorepoTthoetiroe .. For Elgin County Institutes met, reugloiheir_ first-vvi n ter -in the -ecien- .eledee-e--ifeeeee-e-27-wee, teitueny on - with their mankind .and the. Collegetry. They are.eating off the window standing. • , • principal and -staff, to have a good! ledgee," came the ,report fronv a • There shotild be a futbre foe, that , . 1 time -and to 'study " history. • Theirl triendlY ne!ghbor who had called, ; nquantities camel:tact 01.g of of own • hietorY, too; that •"which they"end I non tehnow°W.'. hove thee sleep, or eletaeees Itt ,BrItigh-Cquiiibli such ,ail , • themselves •as rural homemakets had the helve scarcely any beddihg The for the idea of 'a State Dept of Home there are two children". I , il wor ing _meth winter helped to enake irt.the-world at; large,I,.eloSed, in but now he' ean't get uhy, ' making, see going ' 'in Wentworth ! To hear was' to act:With this grouP' •fOtiiid had now liecinee an interne ,tfi,oa :rdiaiiin di County twenty-sieen years age, theyof *hoeneenlelki",••.',Anshd .eiiit:. 'beadelideenzetetinie .. has. been, built' up tri the Mariti made in Elgin County Ontario,•and hither was k' ' • I P. • gl .• • , g and- tional thing They They. wereeinspieecr IsY•i,d•filel'e were'," unleaded'With-ea 'Pronln . . e the 'werie 'andeProgreee -of theenineteeniohospitaiiteeethateeevinetielorieer :;'diveie Institutes working for home, and coin; could net beet:atfthis farm louse fleet'. 1 mentrityebetteement. in the own „county e • se\ving was secured.ttor.the refolher, *with' the verypractical. maxims, •eBe,. and later; work for , the Man too.' But gin. with, ;tile. feliew, • ender your :been the very ,•beet thing..Aboet, it was the hat if you want to improve the world," ' human touch, theneigliberlinese of•jt and "11' ' you know , a •good ' thiegi•pase.A.11._•eThe mother, Was...made aneleonete it on." ' 7 7 . ... • ,.,,. • : . . ., ' ,,eary-eneniber ef .the Branch, And, when , A '17:either. thrillWag' added, to. this 'Some time later : the collector ' wai inspiration by the report, that. nearly keit,* the rounds for the annual della- three' ;thousand Institutes'f011owing, tions to the CoMity geipitio :(another j the Ontario methods' .werenow Worke•ef the 'Ciiinniiiiiity interests. of ace 'fo- l. Mg , tors similar ',Olds'in ...Eteeland• and etitueeel. She' celled on :the. new, 'mem- - 1 "Wake, , Withelmildeede More in • Scot- heei ',. "Not. for 'a drenatioe ' bet just I land, Belgium, ' France, and '',ev,on in ; nbiNe1h 4.1.1Is'eer' b%,„:1,idshi.ei?ioilpilk:i';It'itit:1(),10T;(sii'ziainlyY, . reniete• New •Zealaem ci;. with soe .inebe, I over Canada, from the .Atlantie te the,•.,. . le ni Led States; ' while they' weeo ., alt . 4.110"i0iiehr, ., cried, ..dWgeo.itge,iitto.,_!.ttoh.celtiiii,;b' oothrde. pacieeeceeeteee e . , ' 'I" ".• -e.; pied • eeiptying the -content's of If cup: .. A ftereeedditessese,freni- -t•he -Deneete I . -rlins,-;18_,.a.1.e.the •ceeh • tehave, - utet e - oriental repreeekiitive • and the Pre- t. Iteitituto *at aeregatelete-,u-e vehen we vineial President, eothe .steeies of werestarting. , Whenevet the Testi- activities weee told. bytherilanches:' t4te is• bl °11 atlY•tbibF: 1::'‘"'ilt: to be represented. " ' . . • i in it toe Ilere,". and she handed over 'Ilerioi•ii.; eo intereeted that a , , 7.11° ilrilleiPaI of elt'h° College nre I 't*4,..ee del . we-coneidered that the b' ig- e• nty cents. • ' gest and, most generous donation we short address- of .evelcome he invited ebe'•hoteemakers to Make this .ati all- ' gaveeto•bur diespitel,"-said-,the 'Speak- -clay -And .Aniitial -event,. fir.ornising that c141 '' .It Ai".ali -like' the widows mite. the College phyldeat director would 1 That is the .thing we are proud of, net . What we gave, them in material plana bait any of games nod' receea- things .so much as filet we helped. them end e .' tion for the vieitco.8 'in the gyeinesitun to •ieet in t • :arid that then ivinnting peel, while the College they wanted like real etnitdians to hell, derneetie science roonis, and dish - help,. others as Ythey";einiit " ' • .• es, would Also be at theft see -Vice. • • Th.q heipeci theiit to et 04 their ' A very Pleasing` feature was the lee' t1, :rii meeiT. best kind a inunigtatiort ti of . 'city tied Country on this work, Long life And pro Hey fin occtision, also aliemet every weenanet enthe ietitutes, ,,„ oi•gliniecition, At Well its sonic of • the men's iii,,,,;$t. theinss' being , tepre4 • ' ,'Coeve that freeleen le 01' early 0,t,ida,, winter are hest Milk ptoistii The Press entered hoartily into the in Mock f°• thk, er, calve... , , How' many CanadiansknoW that,Catiiiihiliae a TeWer effetitibett Meade Celembli heer peeled thie huge reckeenoistiep 'nem, tike .Lsnisetato the rainetie etieibeueett btblkxI bietery. ' t`. Ma Provieeee. Canada's export* .of po. tatoes, are eOluminous and 'going. many ,CourierieS. Potato ' e,xport3 itt 1,92.1 aniounted -.te ,.1.971,537 e bushels worth $1,565;3i0- in 1922 to 17:-i5 678 "bliShelg: NVOrtit $1;128;964; end' hi 1924 4e...1939,578 bushels worth $1,809,24Z irbets•-•Aveni; to the •United Kingclonee United. States, Bermuda; , British ,• Guianae'eBeitish-eWeet-eIndies, Cubs, Neveroundland,''. Philip,pheese St. Piet re 4111(1 Miquelon. , Cubais the .peineipal -puree-Meer of Canadian .pQs. tatoes, 'followed by .flie United Stetter, . a Gardeners Keq*re Penna. " to Import Stock: , With the arrival of the aed .hulhe eetaloguei•the amateur garden- er begins to make his 'Rises for- tho. garden' and ,grounds mid to prepare a: list of 'dente that he entencie to buy. •lei order to Avoid, .disappointment in • ,• ;eecering the Prompt delivery of 'shipe• emerite of ..1pleets.e.froMtile- United.- Stites' or other countriee; he is -reed' minded or the :regulations now -in force Whereby all importers of plants - from any 'country are reqiiired, to see cure a permit to be Presented. to the dollector-of Custe-ms at' the Pere where the 'shipment IS cleated- . Per- mits are :required .fotethe,,iinportatiortI of trees'e, shrubs, ' vines, greenhouse,: plants, recite, peeenteials,. corms,' bailie, etc. Copies ' of the rggt.t. lations and information regarding permits may be secured by writing to Secretary, .DestrtietiVe, and 'Pesti Act Advisory Board, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa; • • Haireuts fer horses aro not a, ftisi$ there Is 4 good reason for them. °upt ping, lesseriii' the danger of colyree' ' Iforsei with long heir ehouid be clip. ped. CI1P In eary "spritket -when wan* *mailer •NiprOnohoo. ,