HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-03, Page 4LU
plyfrog It(
w11010o:. 4T14)4E.P:A140,' 'MAN. '
rAprAgo,8 0:10:7:00,4e4NrEk:
eparators and Washingachines
sn- rift/411-g -- A
10 •
Capital and ,ReSerVet 19.0001000
'Over 125 'Branches
Offers , qand Banking Facilitiea
to „Merchants; Manafaletyrers. and Farmers; et,e,
Sivink Departments at every Branch
„ -
_ „
winghain Ontario
wned and operated by
„ . . ..
iiite' Faistiteit-700:00,7 t
Head office, Toronto, oiitario
hest prices paid to individual shippers' sending
their Cream in directly by rail.
ranyn,.Mgr. Creamery Dept.
eafcir - Creamery, .
,, ' . 7 ' W freehOld PioPerti. in the Town-
, .
'ship of West Waivailosh •in the
1, County of Huron., Under and by virt-
foe of the Powers of Sale contained
Iin a Certain martgage'l;ticii 'Will be
Produced at the thneind place • of
_sale, Ithere will be offered for saleby
Public Auction at the 'Cain House, in
RigheaR cash, price s paid for
Cra'rit,aPids:Eigtr13. we guarantee
satiefactioi to all our
• , .. • -
Pat,rens. - the • Village of Lucknew, by John Pur-
' . .
,• . vis, auctioneer, on Saturday, the 12th
Give ae a trjal and let us prove
. day .of April, A: D: 1924. at the. hour
to you thit we are a worth while of two o'clock •dn' the . afternoon, the
following ,freehOld prriperty: AU and.
market. - singular' that certain ptircei or -tract
of land and premises situate 'lying
and being in_the_Tewriship Of West
Wavmnosh, in the County of :Huron
-ant' Province_ of,. Ontario, -and,. being
number -sixteen (16) hi the thirteenth
Concession of the. aforesaid Town -
Cecil Mullin
gr. Lucknow Branch
Phone 63.
ted'a 1Vionunien
• 111.' ilaalkaa:.er Marble and Grail -
its, vitiriViluis a Isigig.„,aud' coot
,saoie beeitifiej
clisegie frau ia
• ble, firate‘ aid. Csaadima
We mud& M geode*, of Ifeisiti'
Meimeiseite sad Invite year fa.
• spectissi;-- • ' •• •
end, preempt.?
- .
;' alai' see us beam' ptuelap.
ROMr; A. sPorrom, '
backstair, Ontarie,
• thiti %we are permanently 'Settled -
tee W;J. Douglas
Luckno4-14. No. 428, meets in
their lodge r own -evet,Ptseconit' Tuerr-L
• day of the month at 8 o'clock
• W.111,11. M. Parker: Rec. &Ley..
Fhe honeYmoon --is �$r when " he
, beginS to- d'einand soinething *lore
aubstantial 'than saladid
You are not really old unless spec..
The difficulty 4n Saving good repo.
tatien consists In keeping the thing
alive while it, Is young. •
rt. heed pert 10 lova retiy geined • lintalgreinte from the Voited
Ship •of'West Wawanosh, containing
by adtriekenreinent, ' one hundred.
• (100) acres of land' niiire,or Up-
on: the lands So -described there •
said to ,be. erected' : 'Frame 'dwelling
house-- Barn 4,0a80. on -' stone, baie:-
Merit with StraW Shed 30x40. • •
'Terms: The. fa:di: Will be ada s.ab-
feet tO a inartgage'to- • 14ix.tre the-
pei90:gilM. 409111: 114-41e40:
!therecritin• true 4:head=
ary, '*e rate ..44! Oe-rei
deo--(77,-/I. tier ag:11?xfari,
F,4!,tuur6$. g41*,e,(S.-0.446
p,4*.i* •
•7:aft at *se
gnita: painlitai‘"
*011,7abrit: 1:„tigt,C, '4Y,E
hats* eint' 'eat* 4of ,T,co other rerk;
,erte, the saie istis4 intojef.tt to the
coroiltiorms eile.x?inith shill be read
at the- thrie of the. tale aicid a copy.of
w4,4th, and 'further pitrtictzlars of the
•propfrty,. May be. pbtalzed On applic-
This property t:o, :sold rib-
ject!..t4 reservel;'
Dated at Toronto; this twenty fifth
daY. of Mitch,. D, 1924., '
Bank of BainlitOn Eldg.,:.,
"Yowt -$treet;:79ivntx;
AtOtt:44keV$ ISolteitok
• turing-the Past four years Canada,
11144t $1,880,680 413 trying to get im-
migrants: from the United states;
81.,420,824 in trying to get them
from the TJnited Kingdom end 1129,-
853 from Continentell'Europe. (4utside
of providing jobs for a few Qatuidisns
our immigration activitiei have not
been profitable lately, We hive lost
more emicrafits -to than we ',eve
pool ••,•.4*• • •:•44 144"?"4/01‘f4 kV kair#
Phedlovery-ThursdaY Morning`,
D. opiarge000.. Piourietor
. Editer was the view get forth Hen., •Mr,
Raney, tio tbot,igh be said two Pies-
,11.rat:41'9. 19,2„4-":
Nh.3thQ•116,t- '1_1;1:10n:
-Bill"'hacfbeen lawfulli.hrought before
par*l'aMent; and the • procc:Amitirc
had been in aceord,ance with the us.
ages of the -churches concerned. Thh-,,
.THURSDAT' 'Aj'AIL 34 1924
110.01,0(14",b1,1t• 00. :17Thliel:. TitQVPIY eg"
?reSs 'regret ithat.;Ae, .02x-AtteraPY,
General -401 see: 4.stifleatioll in
t'ae, nature of 'the 0.3.e.thoilaybe, had
haat described.,', . •
3rPii. sat in•ariti. played. with
these people'? he "sal,d oor they played:
with, you." 'Today I glad to tell
-,b,ytemare-,.;e0pEgorattori,-.1.0:;,Ncs.,-1- kf-TRR,igig-,----thia.-xmgmn3A-grktnat,
'efirANd `...._,...!tlit.-,-GUTMLOLE-,. Were'.gtelfAit' bin)(ii-•':64:1 t'6' litC:it'il',.-:' ': .2 \Ibilli4111:':415.n:ali,fil•.i":,%.!,jo...ns1TI'lilif,011.17-e.61t11.11i.:rf;(181iltli:;1'11.ilhad 1
, . •
" felt Pena:trained ' to take' the lega"r.
. . view of. tbe,,matter. - . ,...•.401 handed over to 'a. 'Private. col',
. .4 eencern down in Pittsburg, 'Pa,
'Prat:ion-a' "deal engineered,' gnided,
; hao„,bit upon, a, gpo4 plen., to get m01,1,,Dr. _Alfred Gandier, moderator. Of.
an. directed by My, honorable friend,'
• WiAck ArO scattered in 'cOriSider4he, TttelZia4rC:10eirin:ThrP.6:itibell'A;:..:9:11Pol:t1;.41,:-Oirlfo!f.:f:h4lte4h,tee'lPP.vrrielevswabety.:4tt°4qY gQIIP'474 '''14'Peg'Pe' the. files 'ey. freni the hobet1-0? gi.illIhle" people who sits over there. now, the ' late
AR•rnbei*.OVei:ihe-''',eOlifilleuto--:. .-..-.•---.•- /4"4-..•,,•4•k•- '..e9titiltitted‘:§iai'd:.q:- 4.V.Itell 7'.0.1'.' *' .°1. de-Part41°Tit 'scl'ic''I''''altlicir -111neevvi;:gs
' :xn, 4.4 :advertioiueut i3,44er the. Oriv.ate billsigribnittee. turned dewn :AiPgiiti..°111lig; 7:1471.41(1.*
- . genius in! -securrog till's 'WastefUl '
:.,iblie:itt,7diti"iitnad.r.,_H,:_iiizopw14:14toedd4,7,.7,atihe7eyuyisilr.:xt,tet,e,:aoiffiterih4,.d,repernetsb. ty.ot.a,,dieal,iiinsaa.tvd340.,iti.iheeiicato. another „.7.vsa:.,im- ,b1t., .,., , , • ' IsPx-
,,"th-f-tr-Vvas to saddle4-tre -4-3Viiv7iiice .
Onei;;Sicted ',arrangement
-14'doini.41rItive, poverty who are really rt-Pt-4f-fi.:6-1.cli‘tiiii-bki- .t- - , • ; a , debt to. the a:Mount. -a .$4,5oo,;oop,..•
they greatest • ',religions conflict eve; • • • • . • - • .
rich, but de "not' know it," and ' .'.•known ' ; .' - • I - .-- ; : tfc this government. today has ccone
gu4v,eSt. that , the reader may be one : • • ' • ' . .,. , ., -.nOthing Plse: for the •benefit of 'Ont•:.
, •"I . wo:S ` .surpriied•that ' Suet) .an•
Of _these. Tho concern :' -has compiled . • • '' ' • '• '
, . • OM "sMce: it ' canie into 'poWer''it 1 '
44,,:indel!,b0.94.. missing ii :•. . d amendment ' should ever hive ••ibe�n„,,,.,.r lerve_s_,,, the. c,cm.,3„moldation. Of elict,y„
next Pf.kin,.anci-Are-rL.Offoriiig-this:. -1.)-!-*C-alk4t:714'.'''-. •':-'4341:M4-7illicrei% * Ll'
. !non int'prested in the welfare :Of' th
book for ,sale: . ' ,. ,ineant that the .state Was going to in- • • • • ' ' • ?9
i,..Tillit,....eiir,Pil..17,P0,.f73.ige.k.,: o_fw,,.."1.70couritt,_..._._.__11 to get...._,.....in
:--ceed-z-It-is-ali-u-rheard77-• ofIng s—olcf, ...a.Tia-t-LsL%-11. 44.L.-th' el*. "IY' 9-"A'''.1. arn
stract;the'vhurch bOw it should' Pro• • Pr"inee' ' • .; . ' .
m they may - . • . .loing to -pick off your. , eritWhile
the i days .bf.' the..Stuarts, If .4-iarlia- '
have been left a fortune by some one ?.,ollaborator, Mr. Buck 'f' the Prem-
rnent, is to. say to the Presbyterian. .
ancijufiging. by a few, 'recent' instan, er 'added amidst aPPla,use :``I ,believe
church: 'You :must 'pioce'ect in a' in'ari- '
ces, such . as the 'mythical 'Baker' E.s. he got . many things ..he .WaS not en -
tate in .piiii.atieh)414..thmii, are , .1.1.3411. `tier •50.ntrii,:t6 70t11' ONI.In constit-
qitled to and wp are goipg, to see that '
ation, It 'plight' as well say toq. the '
who readily fall for such a ''-fraud . ' ' he pays 'fair priees • for •thein ”
; .1tOrnan. Catholic. 'church.: , You Mimi ..
'A la' of hopefill. Idlers: :think it .. .
:araio:lie ae_niee 4;0. get .a iiig legacy first 0 becorno ,Congregationists:, , ,.—o: o 03-7,.--•
from', sell, . '40eUr .'departed ; uncle : be or you csnilot have ytour civil rights::: • .-'SENSA'fION, AT PARTY
. "By , one single vote that cern•init• '
sides getting .out , in the, 'World and . . • - , . -.. • . • Arhen Two "Strange Ladies" Appear
- . . ,.. • . • ,, - ,, . tee yesterday • saved us from . tne, - . .. , ...d .
bustling for iernothirig. • ' . . • ,, . .. • , ,. ., • , : Who Wcre Not -Invite .. .....--
. . , • • greatest - religious conflict..., ever
We f this Philadel hia outfit' • s , .. • .
- - ..-atry ; .13 . ,. known'. If it tied carried there .wptild There is a...stir in local 'circles, Over
•,has, hit 'upon a profitable line.',Pirst
have -.been ,/i.eligloirs ,COnflict.." • ..1 ,sensation in •11righ.:.:s-ocie.tr,,"..'whieb-
they-Wilt sell itheir :".:lieok,,at. a `profit, .. •.,
Heel'.the :proposed ainendment car- 'ice"re4 *'44tirdaY night, Saka the
-'the hopeful sucker to getinforination . . (and.. it
. and. tii.ea. they, may obligingly' assist ifed ,
Was.'Clefer.'tect by only one , L'i,: itrwtheelta3•13-. tn. gl'Iae Li' e'irrlinge.°-nortf 7'1ot/dines with
about the estate he 'InliPe's to. iheie. vete). ,the Church Un on Bill ykron.ld
have been held •up, and_elitirch; oriihn.„ ..,..S..allacestreet • ' ii • iMi Ivy -
he ' home. ,Of Mrs W. A ,•' . Britton
,. t
,74,n- °nor o . ss,
delayed. indefinetly 'While these fav L iCidd'': 4 • ' '' ' - . .'--
' Oring:'-14110P. would fight it out, with. os of us us remem er a ,opm
the,gevernmerit as to, the .extent ti iivfit'!"tah,e,t,oul.,.1.t.bhairecikwhaoreidk. .rsed.ahdp,rt.,•io'1413e,acipk.
Whieh-the. tate ,may ,interfere...with -otir '.fVglit., make me d kid again
the_g_klikeli.;, . -'rust--for---tortight-.-", - W-e117-1-se-oren-s7
•It is a tong • tinie:sincel•tbere.' has his was coursing through the mincli.,
-'.if one:of:the ladies and lif.Snired..ber'
17eeri .a,c,oritroversy.:of this nature in
n gueli a manner that :she •,,,conceiV-
any part% et -.the', BritiSh -Empire,' • : ' ''
•---There Will -,be --money in that--tOo;
, 1'e -scheme likelY was sUggested by
the readmen With. which members of
•the tribe of Baker Went after the: big
estate.. in Philadelphia -an estate
•.which on -being-lnVestigafed4Kas-
cevered to hove no: ekistarice. at all
• outiiide' the imagination of the • hope-
ful would-be heirs., .
• The Sentinel was .offered this ad-
yertiseinent ;but refused to run it. be
cause of its shady appearance, '
..,__The_city_oL_Chicago_is..showing it-
self in very :bad light in.' connection
• with. its taking water • froM Lake
Michigan for e :of Carrying
away its sewage.
Its action is justT,a piece of _',Itog
. .
selfishneis, having. no ,negard , What:.
ever for :justice to anYbody. else. It
is daylight ,r6libery,:anit,the city; pro
poses to on With it -if it calf. The
matter" has come; before :„Congress,
and Chicago. evidently', lies influence
enough with- the" senators arid repre-
seritatives Illinois to. line all of
:then': up in favor of the' steal. '
They have , introduced, four or fiVe
different any .One of: which,
pised Would give Chicago: the right
to ,keep on, -taking Water from -the-
. lakes- to -the: injurY of -1 -'-every' other
These •who voted 'for the amend" 'donangleurir"sYetidgar. °fasetiouwweeln;sati4eagrItiiahre.
.ment eiidtently- ..did not 'appreciate', ,-etkrs. t. ' : ' ' , ' •
ethd.e,tsoeit.iio'kues.hess •�f thestep tho3j wish-,-,,wleinhey,s,0c1.11ennileoleevloaldvieeds wwahso Ahvaet,ethtoe.
. • .
ie invited t� the birthday party
. 0..0...o_...z_
ihould conic dressed 4 as/,•girls and
,,ys. .- It Ayes a liopular sturgestion.
CLEANING UP THE MESS• m1;' -body fell in 'line Of course
• • •
' 'here were 'to' be rio • men et this'
. • ,
The:.fallo,w4i.is press . rep.ert from. f,shoW!'., Even: I:Mr:''B4rIttticon;
Toropici illnstrates. a feature of. the 't'e .cleucked PI the
• •11 -lids e dra‘ n.' ON n
work ''beini ,daid tha
On0' in the Pro,vincialwean •erht and nne' the
Legislature:: :",yeungsters" ai t.d hrici: if they: cticl:•'
. Toronto -1-A' saving ti the Province rirt,•lOok like the real thing,'''thentheY
of nearly smoo btiO by revision of h a sight better:, 1rue t it.te Nils •
• • a ical "Maggie with the
• Premier Pergpson when the •I•lbuSe One' or 't'y'1,6 ,ot&•• charac-':
"newer contract annoelilFed . by 1,,)0.1v tind'
tet, most of them 'wel'e
:was putting through -I.Iydro-Elee.tric kids just for thot n•iolit. And the're
_estimates on is iat- ;Was lots of style to ; Chem too/. Sever
estof a series of irnportant amounts !ri?Ne.ttiest_had.. hohboo hair
saVed In one way 'Or.. another by the jil'ade' 'fraYed rePe''''ahd•of
..new government and brought to light, .,v11.06.1.2T,;•18iX,r10°iir.,,-,sktr.loc:ekeil.i'lgiT,'ech.!,-s..•aPCI
froni time 16.-tirrie•:irt; a 'casual' way. in 7 And' say, wererA t'incy, bay' ng soihe.
he legislature It is :the kincl. of in ' full ,hours . of en
:formation whi-.:11 Will' interest.: . 01C:someth1ng happeriedHere'A :When, the
heavil-uinsatien occuried; Was: juSten-
y: uened, taxpayer 'niOre than:
thirty'; There Wes a' quiet :knotck. at
any other- . • :.
,• back. door. An, accomplice inside
-:It vj1l be recalled that 'the .Great .--no 'name Mentioned --answered. the
Lakes Pulp. and Taper iCompany con, door, and in -Walked 'ilwo•ladies, They
-tracted -last year' -for power fret-Cl/H-1'e :14°P .*-t1W.,134teict,airs Au a
• city. or town, 'along:the iakiin the (Nioicron developement Sir", Adam 'ed'reorrr; Whett-they'iliscaett-their-.
United _States and Cariadn. 13cek, chairman of`,.the' d ahd did a:little P-rimPing*
I . , . mshe , out wa e two o e s
• Y re • d t lk d t f th well:.
. •
•-•- Chicago is looking out for. number' Mission; held:. out'•;,.for: the, rate of..2i 16oking.-.dames,-.•ttiat elvet put foot
one,. and'. is siiending IfundrecIS of
o...revAlling -in :the- district., Te -Drury 1in ,ListoWel. Fo.r clo'sS you never :saw'
'thousands of „dollars' to . 'get what it croyerrimentcO.ed in: a'Sub,c1 ei-cn.iii.itt.e-.. '.'-'..t.:, )..;eat Of, .theni."P:v'en, .at ,,JeWish
has no right. to. There is little chance. of The GreP,•o'rv Enquiry 'Commission''''t'ldi.ng-
v,•lich decIarect-fo %18'• ..Straip:iely. though, ' bobh:
<, village .on all the -lakes and,,file7:f. '"former an,Anpointee'and the latter a ,:i61.room, -Here concternat'On reign -
•.an Gumns •,..c.re masked. , , , . _,, . ,
, , , ., . ,. succeed, for it. has, the r:, . , . . . r,..,
,,ppp9$iitien., of ever' ,,city„ .iewi.L:ind ,,,,,.;eners.it.i.noen andcais. „icile4..tii . They Were shoWn..a.ov61 ,...bilg .fi.opt:
, ,Tr. . : e. stairs and . -admitted 'to ,-,the-.:.-reeep:
,Lawk-ene ,- . ..' . ...‘ . : -, , member .of, ,the,government, executed, eti., Therewas an attempt•bv some to
Some )ears ago. Chicago got the the the:contract in : 'Sir Aclarh 13 iZ' • b'' "66vet up" but 'fic'ri:'eif h:‘'Y'''titIg.''
m, e,.0 1:4Ing ,oe.tw. . four .,iiid ,1„!,,50,:re , at ...this . rate.. Th -f,, .,,,n,inedi.ate: ..,,,,, (A.. scam pared., Though they knew.
..five,thensanif. enbic' feet of lake Wat-.. ,result of ''course. 'was that Tort .Wif- •••iriet;ivi,ilbeeeiltatdyCri.:1;hof•mY ,.'",aNi•iicela.t....tai,,rtd..T•lee:
•:,4.--ro,r,,..per..stl.i..abtt..i: took. More 'and. ..1.in,tp• i'-i'd..rort 'Arthur rates were 'n're-, ',.;3.1..1.?enenniszs.i.c7a:'aSietio'Peci,nt.ite'.ef:11cln't.,,last.,
ii . l . ,:h?.s has been tak- ,. ”idiionsly.-. affected • becaole .the,- sys-.. :1 )
ilrftirethan twice' as mUch as, it'll temlr.had.t0. he .c.arri'ed. • . . ' .'... ' ' ..'Twas- a terrib1e. risk, the boys :sitY
'Ind :tciok lots ot lner: ' both,
to ...Tibis .resu_ited_T..ro.1. ,I.V.hen the' 'new% •gore
r.nuent: 'arre in' ' • • -• - • • • '
tically ist that ve,huttheY . gotikeir
, li,-egF- t4'.:,..,.u.ht4,"itistf2;e..-,0.f-.-•-tafe.' ,113:..* -?.?t i(er.,'F.enri,o'filla:d''t.:"Nv:. Ba'=k1:18 In on ev's worth, ' for.. topof -• takin'
a%'* by about. five..inchei,, 'and les..,., of- timber' I 1.mit' far/lei and row known i the. "SI -?ht" thr.; ' stayed till • the
nziie depth, of . v. ater -in A 1,4*e: i ,,..o. be 'the'. man. be1nni.r7.1.1.4,,,d „.,..i.n,,amy..-.P:au7,1i',..and ,:-had,4h the .-.ti m es -of,their.',.liy,-.`,
to ',Void- - exte.lit; , W.' 1essee4 i ' no. l'nt,40 ,: out ,, the Moral 'Obligation: ',irf ,c';-: ' ' ' '' '... ' • • '1' ' ' '". '''. , .. ' -. :
• ,
tac : water ' 'ptriver at Niaigp.ort. : an.0 3-1.. • .1.3e. He Vi7...7. able to /71nke a•Ilf.).v.,really
•••stiould ' mentiOn the::
1*.e',4rigettips. ii:;(.4145 w.ui.. bt,r8 ,.,.o'r,tfar•t et 71"v-7ith'• `a T.k:,17+Pn't' 4av.-'.. ''• i.- n: ',fink; r,-"arie!-, that,. Would
..Yir.0..*•.coore-wore.-teSS,-sti,,,it lesSeried4'..ri,!.i,f.- 4',41-42,(Ort to .9.;59.009i00,6•' -over • 7,:•',,?6--1*.re'Aiq o.,e_.,n, -bank ''managers'
"X41 the:yeti*. of: exca.VationS in Ilan -:',.4:4.! "g2 -Year 'period Of 'the' .- contra.Pt, f;,,,,iil, fr,."!- 1*.,t13111g$ iilan' that, and
ead-shallowS`,' "whi0. had . 'cost ' de4.,-)c.nding" on 'how, the' interest', is'' ' .....tif'‘, dm us '19' '''t 4r.W1:;°d:T into
Co'ne.,48._' arid 'efi. e '''..tnited• States. inif• . 'CO"rpoted, ,•'.-' ' , ' ' ..'.. :. - ''')"bi`
1:1(4.0 to the laclies-The 'center. ex-
li"i. :)-1 ''tit'lllit*Ilizt:A.:the 60 -cout.i, '7 The. Prirri,, MiniFter.. took oeca,sion.• -,1,,,,,-,4 to' he .out • of tonthia WYeelc,7
Cii' et %C.,hieage, 'cares :nothing. ftir all • .t‘o poinf''ont' that Messrs ..R1I-P,1" and: l(1 1",:it. 'extra; ,con.i.es: call be secured
this. It Wants the., Water beatise it .; 1:),ori,,, might ,hpve (lone the: Kahle
'?‘111'.._._ -,iii*141thee::,.t4Y1''P',5sr"ig•;illto.,.--,;- 'th';'ny-'4n-thit"tin
3e htk,d,lee,
13 -Pg, sewage: disposal works .sueb riti;.,P1 advice to .that effedt, The forMer,
other' big ekies .baYe 41'24 to itistalf,r..?•01.(eitirnerit .had so,I.d Mr.: Bard,..uS
and they,. are going to have it right I Oulti to;rices'slo,s, on a failng market •• A conductor ona burlin atoll,. train
or. YirtongHif • they ' :can,' : :' 1, at 47(!. 9V4,iT,11- were, goon . tlf ti!r worth: ''." ''" . T'.:''"il (it', Kinls,as, the other:
Tlie,,,,Chitago. -city .couritils .•., haveiver42_.'so.,t1tai,...even,01:1,;,r2.t.,e;trilii.of.,,.*.„cr. ''''°e!ttt,i.,Nelt....rs,*.fr. ,..,P;_PlIniikr4lIfn.t_itl(T.d1nr.",
been of , a lo.,,,_p_ril,q._,triiht.c.ilig.-. ty...,, new contrarit the J.lt.pat _,..t.,akes i. qtoi. dhild tto.); _ the.: Children :-ocotipy-
..ri-(-:-e -arid. Morals; and no, tense of e•obeern is 'iii,'. a pOsition to .compete .-1•••• five , do ])1( -Seats., .'"Are t1ietse-
ll-1:8t_i_Ce.,t,aij, be expettefif •They 'need,.';',,,,itli any other' firm in the &strict. ail ';''onr:ehildren. er.it.is a picitlier'
the •MOney-'-for-griftirici-Oilier:,piiri,`•jrel-t0Itt-a4ii-ri, eYeltp,..tti--.6clii.)i la.i•tbt•cli•-friSl'ii,;dtifie7ezlia•r,lf.e.41ijolfrd..roi.•irif,J.,1•Oris.„.;,,..-,,!.&Imia,p.tvt-, 7i.lietfie.....s.ablo
poses, .
--,i---o-o-o---,--- ' 1 i'loner:Rehisclen had.declared 'himself 'had ti:/( le'rnilY '11'.11)1e in her suit case
'NEARI.Y. STARTED tiro ,R.. /33N, :'j f'arrYjhg' ' f.)3't
' ' hep tO-farti AbrOogb• 'Ole eontrect ;at n'Tniretrieeedn'Icehtlii(tibreatiti-,' atqlln bY06yast:8-T' ahriel-ellitavr:
Rovernment order, in to nyove it; The Seets ,have been
- ------- ' ' - ' :- _115 • Whereupon - Si e Ad a ni:-13 eek , who five'sefli Of triplets: and two sets:, Of
The PriVate tr3 ills terninittet of ,lid twit entered the Ohamber rise to: ,,,,;ns The' thirtneri above inentienetl.
ne vote a Stsrting a first clasS row ('g,,?,617ir'hh;d'tijh:•at;lbi'ai'rtr4oem'.:adyeii)tl:gug'liie4:t'hhio'nl:g; ‘:,'""1.,"4.(:',,I°1::::flrl..1,10et:t:i:Pre'rlirle'erY01:15:7...e.Ye..1%:1;!:(t'nicitri;),atrnall:efi•lil'lig'id
he, 0.ritarie, Legislature Carrie within
etween' •ohurch and State when it; t...di.i lyodg, '. . , . , - ',.. ,, canilds,, , • ' .
ame within One 'Vote of .iristructing , Ar, • ReineY admitted thPt he haoi ' ,. ,. . .. ....i.---;H•piti.,.-~-1-----
kie ProsbY.terian •church to 'take' tth- nOt,krieWn before that; .'I'2,,- W ' Paektni A • A','T 1 r ' i ! •13 i ;:f
the,. vpte 6ty Church union. , . v,,,,a the nrinelno ligtie'e in tim',,,,i,e4t :4,,./%:, (rilt.:11.:o1;.(1,J11.tlinit.0(.1164 Ine.totitOiiin b9,c4,.,oaruetitiwn.ox
men take 010 ground that 411. the. press,ion, Of. Nr. D/Prft:":1!$.6i'ff thSt the If 16",„-Y";:t. iSp,if '(irtlei •to ranSefVel
te Offire •-r-Listowel :Taper,
.• • — • „
Leaders of the church union move- Lakes Co' mnaty, He resented' Ott'•
fOiiiRlitS. )104 4, 40 islio ,444tAili q9ntrect, *up obtained by "davanas.,
01 f .4r Op) Pelf: ft flfivOinn WOnft,
fOr' hc,liboftz440,
, .
With the Syrup Season to hand
we carry a lineof supplies
. ,
. ,
We Carry rin stock, thelamous Buckeye''-
'. Incubators and ,Brooders',.
Joe Currie, p well-known .charac-,
-ter of the yteinity. Of • Tara, :who has-
-up on bootlegging ;charges on-
• 4everal oceasions Was', the.plaintift
in a .civil. action, the. other clay when
-ie•sued the.:Motor Insnrance. Com-
pany Ltd. to recoveri f1,000. for the
'loss. of bis auto .by fire.'. In dismiss -
ng Curr:e'i suit With costs..•Mr:
• Lennox finds •"that -the car was
...ttot.stereni that. the .fire Was ,net. ac-
- ,
and -
that the plaintiff kin11Pd the fire which occasioned, the
damage." "The' plaintiff'Was' and is
a • fernier' Of. a.lind," Said. his lord-
ship, "but farmidg Was not I. think,
chief oceimation,, no his means
3f Making. a :living In October, 1922.
It Wmild) perhaps, be asking •too much
•e -f hunian 'nature t:h•at' (any man:
woulddescril3e himself ;in 'a. -forinal
!document as- a • bootlegger." "The
Company put' in eVidence, of mater-
iMitY:; backed :by 'cogentreasons for
the policy it •purshes, and, Upon this-
eVidencer among -Other -things; ,1 am
-satisfiecr, that- a-- policy, -,would Prob-
ably not: have been issued
ben made known that ,thiplaintiff,
shOwn, by his; own, evideneefe-was'
"a.bOotlegger,"' and it' re quite :clear
tliat' the application •would not -have
Keen'. entertained had the leharcter
and extent Of the Plaintiff's interest
in -the 'car', •been -discloSed.
. • ,
(Toronto Saturday Night)
How-'nfit".OT, 'life' With the .best in-
tereats of the country. Canada's
,policy has been.was clear -
!Y: illtistrated' the other day bY an in-
cident that:,oCcUrred'in the Torento
pOlice:. court. A boy -in his -"teens,
-Esaa,c •11/lolinskY by Milne, came before
the' magistrate for sentenee t6
iiehargeof-Aousebrealting.'-'-'With'• him
appeared, bis. father,' Who upon being
_examined-proved--tolte- an -ex-coliVicti-
•Sent away,for a breach of the °Mar-,
.10 Temperanee Atin 1919 Malinskk
stated that be had four 'children in
,Isaac in the dock, another,son
iioW 'serving a.,fiVe year,,term in the
penitentiary, and tvvo Others -who are'
inmates of: a' deaf an4 dumb inatit-
tition at Belleville, Ont; 4 fine record
for a family of five -and a fine bill of
costs, for their ore,. but tibis of
course the piiblic "pays', so few
more Malinsky institutional boarders
;yin make little'difference•.
served ,rnuck4ilietter-ltIVIalinsky:
his' tribe of erifilititils and wardi of
the state had "reniained at, lierne,
'coming. public 'blue -gas in this. coun-
try. ' • ,,
One might well AO•Whit the Win.
igration aUthoritces, are about; ai did
the: •clistriot attorney,, when comment.
ing upon • Malinsky and his precious
• iiay 'dirt tneenig to he the 'kind that
an be -dug On and thrOwil at the oth-
er party,
Too many people Ike!' competent to
laVe 111.0 worldwhen they can't OVOIT
an ,pftb the1r Salary, • '
tot, of Wealthy ptione have the
best 'of-Avail/thing'. but monners,',,,
Plans for the 'best, ,I,roitp and Lead
ership conference are in 'the making,:
The Program 'Committee Is doing its
utmost' to give the boys' and leaders:
•fa Chanceto hearthe: best that -the
Province :of Ontario has in .Tuxis
'Work: :quartette of ;outstanding
leaders are to run ' the. show. ,..
Mr, C. F. PleWinan, our.',Widerawake
and live-wiikSecretary BoY'S'Work''
for this Province, will be present
Mr, Taylor &atter, the man,: who is
in a class: by himself in.the Dominion
of 'Canada ai:„ a leader' amongboYs,..
will be. the' Big -Gun. If you have nev-:.-
:er heard these men; ,yeu Cannot afT
:ford -to miss the inspiration of ,this
Cenference.-VVateh for 'the programs;
'Come to .Chesley �niMay :9th -11th.
Bring a booster delegation'froin your
'Church'. and Scheel.
-, £hesleyBoy's;Worli 'Board.
.A postcard mailed at .• Fort -Wil-•
ham on ,November 14, 1908, reched
Owen Sound tire other day. The
card was posted' froth the C. P. R.
steamer 'Alberta, and evidently drop-
ped off at Sudbury. It,,,was lost track
of from ,that time for over fifteen
years, finally turning up in the Tor-
onto Post °flick The:card stated
the party sending it was:, on the way
to Winnipeg.
the 'Metter :Or the'initate of, Wil -
HAM Trew. late Of theTownof Wiar-
nipstr-COunty-if:•Pili0rl. ea,
Notite' is hereby give4Ohat aJ per, •
;sons hating any Clitims4 or . dernand*...
:against the late TreW:,, who, '
;died. On or. about the Twelfth day -Or •:"4.„ : • 4
'November A. D. 1921I'att,the"TOWn of
jWiiii*in. in the Pnovinte of ',Ontario.'
are req:uired to -'sed bY post prepaid :
On to deliver to tha Undosigned,' Ad, '
ministrator of the estate And effects
Of the said,Williani Tiler, their flam-
es and 'addresies.and. full partieillers
in,.writing of their claime and etate
ments 01 their aceounftiOnd the, na-
ttire. of the .sedurities, ifpany,•held'bY
them., duly vertifit bY• affidavit.
And take notice that aftorlha tind,
,bert -Johnston,'"Adtiiirkl4tratOr,
Proceed to distribute Ike eased' of
'isijtltjeathe said. deedeSed04..the-peririnnt.
Iheretd;having regnrd. only .
to 'the. eleinnia Of 'which ' he
have had notice,' and 'that'
Robert Johnston not
for the.atid iiitSetS-Ut any ..part there. -;
of Io iiiik--neriet of "'belie :daft* he
shall -not then have receiveCtetlee.
MA. netkie is aivenr.purausokt- to.
the, Statute in that behalf, •
:Dated at Lick** tbifiSth-day o•t'
'March. A, „
Aobert Johhaton:. ,tticknoivi Ont. . •
• 14.600
eNtitioit ,
tritA,et:ii,atinowootdr 00,6,
Atter, Olt ehamgal to Atottsittn__
•pirteugh POOting 10 ilia aiw Of gel',
14 a gaol goo, .
' .