HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-27, Page 8,771 -�7 '0- � 7 7, "i"P T11 � 1 11 i'7_77 77 ip 4-h4f'-:-7- . . . . . . . . L ! !lei lei " It _0 a k W ail, t 0 4, J, h tin A(,hi*qgbi � 0 e, I g�� ' (N i4erson 0 Yglkepton, Te I eq Q p t,�') Too a, PAP. E'T% ew S jaw�er gr, 0ayst 4 Uofl.11 ""ase 0'. 1111g. , 1�,�r of 0 �,�F_ P!Wx d. ed,i' 6h Sound,;, �resfW 1is Mr. '4ii ��Mrs. 'Wilfr Drehhaii 0: lu 0 6; ..'estiabli s 9i1I An 4, it NA jim, ii,I, _ , - .,, . �b�,, I­­AAa11V1:P1"9, - r I y Q ly 4e 119 Vu AW7� nn pa 1 11., on No r anos UP140.4w. --of" F apers toc c a s k, V t Walk N6 t slio�tjy- after ne , (,a �Jb e � took the box arid. In, Frton'dt all- now ;day 1ast, and Mv.s J0 � Qf t 'yo at Mr. grid, I c pent, 'to VIrs, osswo el� e �,�W, h iasn t he Pr .4tatitir b es.a.le, Prices, ei;t TiAeaven of',Cr,ewe� *�d pithp, #nes4es followe& .T S two, to, haI fmi tfire'� '0. t who! -y as, y�tu,rn( �4 home, tin Mr. Jim Hem 9;clot� they_,had 4eeni t_ i t Rlveliis- Ho -evide week :Aaklng� RNDIN ..0K_-W_FIRST S E C -.Kinloss.:' ,-,The- neq--6f- -*aft'e $E ATT and. i nr E s. a - oithe pi�!­ d Mrs�, 4a 14 as honest y -give was B gai -A11W 'AD k nes4 O VUE9D^1 APRIL 1si OV S RIN, QNDEFkTL, D SPLAY F,,L 13' a cbune at Toifionto -Thipse, Are'— too, V4)gU IBE ON HAN JyL'a an 'irwin of, AT­'QUK STORE- 04�1 this 1) h q,, jury SHE WHAT S1119N.-HAS, TO SHOW 011,4 A PRIL, hage. of' -t e th h'_ Lu�ikrioIw�.*Visitcd at. the qhiO' pf Mr. ar,g.. "itibie after. yetl fig t e� , 't:olit; di r "at a,, vek at,, as nd Mrs e (10'd'pA.tte ii �d A -senl w k -a a ail TAl L6rnb, nd Miss,.Aniiie 'tic a., copy enee i ; 11 DurUiih ning - -his",Clqq$�tlokk 0 to, hoq�e- f rom of 6vid t -i of time, Tho.� Wawanosh,'speA�I a comment on-this'point in h1s.addres§­. a HEI�E Y, ARE k �t- the' hoim IN,FACT, 'A. CHA�ING,'.THEIR CU y w 6,) Plard 'as; that ....... ..... e- o u r� -,..ro 6 A r%v o floopl� OVi d ms�= U:,�Ma .AP i�F trye nowa ays; BE HH"N RLV: Y* AM '3,ey take long to cover the. �leven!'n 'I fam- M� and da e., D Y rs Roy AltQn are;, YOUR. CHOICE, Or;� THE EARLY ASSORT -ME. T,� AN]. A)p READ, FOR THE HOUSE t hom An d bord e rs WA14'eitoxi and glyk" I Jy S; ent Thu'sday, la U 119 S. e, re ro �io, P., ung-anpon r. Mi- and M 1p,,doonect�ow With the 'RUSH? D *he ber�--; 1 -5th- ­rs. Veit Graham .'of re on, Novem Iftot, us -$f irl 17, T_-� an R 117at7-,: 10 Wla 8 r HEMSTITCHED EDGE, 95C1. ble passed, for and Flazel Ray -hard heqt,,e isse& Pearl $140, the d6feh& alsq,tiqd,to estab N, TAPE EPGE, 35C.4 XD. of, Paramoui t spen't..t week-�end �th Viiou Mone ibi.­ norp: too. ough the lish an,':dl .'CUkTAIN' NET" �N AT PATTER lie ". , .. I This.W111 ve y IMrs� Wlt6r, Alton., y .,rith 1heir sister witnes' TITCH a able to bring, relijble sqS - �tkll"E, 40c.,A,YD MAJiQUISETTE ITH DROP4 M-iss Tillie Hackett ;isited. at !thei to show lic gb fi 'was ri ge,, ive Miles, Al he, !��m I ou 0. rs. )e. evidence was.nQt.'sufficiently de-, �ion. one day It week, NARQUISEftE. WITH LACE a EDGH;45c, A, YD. aZ, about' t r �ioine f Mr,. and M Wiffi'llunt6 e S' e. S. 'inples"at LCE`9DGE. f4c, YD - finite. to L 1 ecia en in. ay,-' at t e, lionie of er. N WITH BIRD, PATTERN,� 75c A- YD, Other parties, who &&Iiiki , 1 a spent-iSund -:S 6 T NETI, 'Kisg Lizzie -Alton -of uc cnow make an. effective'ilibi, es B lly �'as Gi'mbfe been s6 h Dr., S4 Dru St p nae r. er. �Alton. anct Mrs Eln! 'the 'knew!,lii besides the officei of .'--rothdr Mr James rqnna V S $60i IiGi 11 NETI, TAPE' ED6 D 'n' of 7C e "Positivie, visited-dt MV. -Sa-m-.- a LUCKNOW' 'Made Them, C*ner§ Sh i S -QVA L 10 INQHE BY 6 FEET LONGI SPECr.. 'PecIoliarities n -Gambl6Is Personal NELLE, D NET. FIX LITY EAb-H;PANE o'd's -on onay last;, wo Oc� EACH �-hote d -b 'A -7= iVii Day cl'.Ro�bevison­arid his clerk, MAFEKING Miss Wettl4ufferp .'p aye,d an, inapor- -7 �Dema tant'�,Ait iii driving hme -the Jden� ftor,­Prapes A" .1 Great n re n � � L,. " , . : .. . . , 1.1� . " zy tifictiort Mr-� Rdbert,i& 'h d ad Mr.ia6Mrs­Thos. Axidinson visited, e'ft—e6rner;6f-' It UISETTk, Td`iBLEND WITH ANY R CM) 16iftEME: SPEC ALI a pue i -Xr.' and Mrs. Fred �Anderso� on C Lo M 0 -moulth YD4. � , � ;L, I sis We, IMA'' and d M, ha , "7 ide-as,he attiti - day. feiii Kilpatrick Asited Mir s. eantack i his chair, iie'�"ling Mrs.- S J MILD.00. RS,: D, AT 85e. TO.$t.qq PER YD. MAJ6RAR'- 0 V' ER Di R A; LO PRICE* sui z zier, Ci ILUse teeth -his up.bf her '�V Cli� �Nve oh day lu, 6ase, His Lord�hip',Wled' the jury's ,N. t o LETTE'i 1'YD WIDE, DOUBLE-SIDED'CCOTH, PATTEPN,,.0 MPLE E 0 m-usler Wak --:,A-ftqn,of..; Be last -,P J end. 1 9 C&TON *t T N ISNEa att6ntioni, to. -the f4cf. that GaiiibfL ER D. week th: hi' unclo' -106LORING DIFFERENT, *1.50, it AINTA AR EXTRA V these, characteristics ''as: It 100%PUREP TH. SIDES,'JiUT LUE 'AT the 'priiOfier,s­b6x:-,dux�n,- the roevet urpose,-A yP OiDD FOR OVER: DRA PES, LARGE 'ASSORT)ikENT F Mr.,, anaL. PONGE SILKS AREiALWAY9 G trial. JohnstonL.'Of Wiiteb to Head OFfice. Monlieed fii�r Free* That� Gamble was in' 6nnybrobke,visifed� ,of 'ADF 5 AND *1.50' A'Yb.. COLORS, bot v�ai6r fo� _SASY HOME So Co BY C 'ECE9, a Walkeiitoft`,�;Ias- th ',days. 6f� the- figerie,� kiahzird johnstqn oil. onday..­ money on.. e IVI HINTZI4iTO­97'1N 19 WIPE, MANY WR$,,.,MAkY PAT RNS-1V Pl, LD CHE TE at. Dank nnbn and at the coind R YD., O�A TO 95c' 6wi�x to ition tl�e road.� CHO 0$19 FROM RICE empli"ized by the �pl, t.28 PEI 'that - he had 'is h' 'te -is ' so` e uri�ertafty to sued, L hich sh6wed RAR & P DUS. hather the. iblity "An Old Fash larkd.,a equo-s in payment for eattle 1�cin "in Vtoth6r," will be, gi s iione'day� -previously with na­nn-rds� n Fii;jday� evg:. the 28th If Aturdity Secii C Now., S S, L! 1 0; in the" Bank to -,meet qu7esi, 0�ads are 'fairly, i - mod play AE Y 0 more; c� teptinioby was, if n-o't ill e postpohed D N, )iivincing R.CREAM CURTAIN'SCRIM,, HEMSTITCHED, AT 12c. PER be flyiyo i t Nv given any'q 11) to be ed labef: by- )ni&� '.thAh by Louis a te- Toronto --$149 Grossman; the.� est dTy BOYS CALF SKIN SHOES.) AT .. I . . w6,sbid Gamble, goods,, WerehA'At lad y Is coat 'N�t Se1yt.-.,'acceptinkT,in. pay lie4 a',Tees- w t N I 'I by,,"Alek Cahl- a, er ane., s, Ic meron I"t"Groissmaii. �ya§ post ive."in his blitek' eyes 17and shatp ifeittiiii69 he� D OCR' E�% ON cori;idei e Y6 Why He Stay&I'In Gaol, cross-examine( "V Crown C61irC. cahietion- 'lei' bei�,�- Vhi 0 S I'E R. ;GambIe stated that the, reason­he,*had, -SLayed. in.,gaol ithe. past. g repo a good �.Thursdi ht-- All" it four months on'bail was on. la-wer's advice. riAg, -aiting­ trial instead pT jettillm, out n Th S g h t Fbr Quite n.uinber- t 11 b I I .1 . . P took in-th6A HeN d - 'd that� if baile-d o,;,t he -10, is �you r 5ervi c6. ance� Wou, as �a vise -N d'b be. arresteir" a, an' o. Tor-� :an j.ht., The affair as"quite,a suctes& a,'q arge there anc a L A e I Sell,Cheaor Tha I n The OC�redlt, Stores, es on -to to. answer . It Our Sto' ck` A id tdk' at'the Orange� "t Tit day l!oo 'Cash I I I . �: .., 'Foronto lawyer 'woul& Iiii rge, -pen, ing -a 'poo, "We " lawy vio-ric , T� Miss Peakle Geddes is s hei`e. I ers� Up Si* at her -h a?. �,zheaper�� .,su,, �_a smi,e. ae­sec fd t, �s o e rt'd e h re he ago d W611 A u d. onie �ber pff%ldn� Terrier 'stocking§!" for -and' iGirls' in cubato'rs- A 'ht rsday'noon. li�is ii11.djrAood Boys' and Brooders prc 6 tv,14 WQ�, AR0ILL t th!t� g JL�ly it :Black and w, a- U 0011-g- 0 out I st machine hati&' by.'-�tep - B&tWoen Bo n` s.- ename s gges sism-a qod, ap he, be th gervite 'HARD. Hit BY FlRr,, 'did Jury werit 'oyeii-,the eyideliec step' -they', Ohit 6ut. for a cbrp.v'�. 6be stocking'; -and -sp­they, SiieS 5 14 o'clock, are rqjng t e, 6iden,ce toga h ti,,�Je 'of V) 10. 1. te'&.' W w* -2;.Priced1r6m!,30 to, 45c. e ill. have',:them in sto k'* Damage estibi at'$66,0�6,, *as� ii6ti't JtL 1. t .0 mere e r n G."i YI 0 doneAn the,,yillage-iof Caigill thd crishi'n- of ht-, eheque.� at- alkei­ up IR. f0d 0 the ceritre,'of Briace..Count' by 4'- i r At. days. -.-Here are, some�' t fire Fine'R-ibbed.'Ca8b -Hos fo, childre' ti"n `6& ti�e'�R:ive s'dale wi-tnesse �.41:5 - they b ' I "in a,- vert.ic t An-Sdn White andBla& sizcs t ;4 u I ty or a.s o g p 0, %311-. ..broke .qu last Sunday,- 'n, -1 I w -Cardinal -in chi 41 row, thec,, a i qnOrning- ndinz, features of kney.,"," 'It, i§.understob.d,that o�ne­6f 1-22',,fo "S, friced,35 to WC.-' The fire 'discovered shortly, th d "o for acquittal".1ior was a urors� stoo u*� d as'' fire fight� Ribbed Cashmere Ho'se for. Boys,:sizes-,.� 172' ck-only., 'Prickd after five oi`clock,.�-an .1 time nd -was br6dght into line b� ALL CbPPER'HEATER,, to 11,,Bla �116 clau ar,ing len;ency being Arig. appliances . are of a,' so'mewhat li,dded to thei wh, the -judge ALL COPPER HEATING. COILS " , , h . en -:,.a 90c, to 1 '$1.25 rift fve_a.araci 'little pri r could bib one to'cheb Ahe, eonf agatorr. 'L 'ad' ic s BRASS EXPANSION CJJP, hChad'any ing to say,before Line 877''from,the I'Mercur� Mills" is that Wi&-ribbedlic,'le, for. t The fbiniture store of, Joseph, T; ':ne� senfEnce&� Merely 'r ' Ii d'-'th Gre -Bro' Ot guiltyi" -whbreupon is a s be�;--C-,olor� Sponge- wn ure-is-ia;oopular-nuin size ---- NURSERY Al le wa R r§ .,wit all. thw.gtoc� was.con ai (if BlackT CohseVni�de a stionr plea -.for le.a. to 10 Priced'at 98c.. a pair.. pl��e y,destro�ed; ;the loss estiinat6di N 0 FORNIA: REI)_'� -W _it $ ,-SIDE LL_ F. CACI _A R_ OUT$�I DE ,* W61* 0; -So- the accusec was.a,m I arri e in kv HOSE FOR 4 06. n isy,K n his d ith shoe SILK in i e', an 10, .,ge we 'he 'I' and, had -'besid- 4t6re and stock completely des-: m y "Ond '* ith t ap ibb -2 to.... �aWe fa ; i. , I 1 .1. Xape.A�� 1lack, fihe evdn ave. _BOTTOM��bk,,AHE ._mA:i.. VE 11ATORS IN.-TOP,,,�AND ed Tov,�Sizes & "CHINE, xtuie!, to, i ng �tnd fi. 3 dos, - severa XT o i irg., ula r* yal Bank' moiiths 'in, lo and' i's rice at $1.75 a,pairi,. I trial Also hei,*ouldi e obl' d Grbkg!s re9tabrant '"g. dainiked to g A t V S( Wx 11-k* 'HOS 50 �and-11.00. lbss. 000 1* --IRON LA P.� SHELF;'- troyed. eiti o ef9cwhard 10 s aft m a -ALI;, C ST ) Spe al Value�'in,.,Lisle and -F e'S e a C. -cupation, to his farii!i U the'dixterit of,.about $2,000;jin P o,� h It' m, 11�pportlgbnmirazit Was EC9 LAMP, F6 . NT WHICH CANTO I T otel wag,sllgh't '1? 1 s ter ' of im, I pri er's dainiged..'A't' UM,E§H I.WIRETONERED., nd*. This Weekrl 0 one. tirne it 400ked ig In 8�ntcncihg the prisoner, �tha,, Few Special aluies T6,,' ugh the I d �a remarked hat d6in so,, he TH 19 NES ARE ALL GUARkNTEEb,, ES MACH ND.. ARE c, consi era ion The flVel& thought to.1taire started wh le village would.be. wiped, out id t" 'I to the of AIIJ,'ffien Red, Check Glass Towelifig, 'Special 27c! a ALL POSITIVELY GUARANTEED TO HATCH EVERY'HATCA. �be counsel,'.foi , the" priisoner, also the 'PAY YOU TO- SEE HIS T ABLEbEGG.,, X. W1ILL h store Ralph'Kuhkel 0 -Bath, Tow IS, 23. X 45 Special 59C eaLh� i T INCUBA'OR: ip Kunkel's a oe - ored e Who wi 1 as sleeping over the shoe store' le, d I ) his, duty 'to, protect BEFORE PUCHASINO. nay an , as( t 11 was irk the. people of 6e, cotinti 8h, we in 0 Color�d Turki To' I g,16 inc es wi e, at'30c.il, yd. fW it to. discover the-fite. e ry f rom iu6h ktr� h d ed 'out through avidndow iin�: crime: ,as he -accused !,was f urid mp riscme� a 25­� y& '6s -wide Special''81.. So ena v ers who weike. asleep in. nelgh4w,- biitcna�d the White bn r am, S Curtain Scrim for, Bed rporns, etc. d'C e Wimi Mu''' r d 10 n ing buildintsi 4nd who.:Were, obli'­ d -T foAted, and the court was 'ended; ..' : 0 � L I . c pecial',19 d,, -escape it rough� wind'6iisd, he, prison' at) . vkyed f6� tbd Mo- to h' A ea ato real'Zo- Colored Marquisette r Side. Curtains.'' oldondreenfat0c.a'yd QNV Successor.sjb: Luckri HardWare.&CaL0 s N v y -Blue PoAfetWill, 'for"Suits -i1nd'Dr Se 544`� u,w ide, at ime ftev t a 'sentence­wds 04.�' Id s inhce $1.00 to ,qomo rienc i of the',fire'btigh&-re'spondedij wag till in the:P­ ore their ar,'q'val,thC- Idetil AiLinien o�rt room,' th, iAlization catild tho, 'flit, r:A , . 1 ho'ine to hfill a no he' s unddr cotAr'A I loci, 1110 WHITECHIJOCH Mi.,Jahi �s 96ffatt'of Lodininslev h 'I a k T �Izoya Bb n on'Mo�da* opened d a y—w, y Sask,,I-Visited-ori-Mon aq. lta baek cell, jhi'Ahd ail, LeiSl . V. b6. ther&- anf up ury. u a e setwin. I Martin'. an C rgfll� Lttlw,, and,eXpect 4a man n Mondayi ok six months or nti new'�banP.4 .,once ln� 'the Mrs. Murray 0 linA rs,, 13roWinfit bf'Kirwar- building ds-ereated. rute Made -to," Wide day. Mleas I urd, d ine visited over Sunday .,vntn in r. lohn.Durkin a fariner,,A, shoit idiS. LOCAL -MARKETS, 1 ad' Ribbe'd es and M Cottle. tailed soiiih� ol 0at9ill h* his barr Clth. KINLO "46stroyed by fire on onday Morn- For Men S s Mr. and, 'The ontents bt the liArtip to- children spent'the.Week;-enA,1n Wing- ao�'� .............. 90C. Lisle 'Hose MStahl' ham. ey ispent tb 6, week�-,,gethqi�Vith hree'librile§,".10 That end at her home near, Purple Orovo, "C-affib itzid Other stock we're also del-, A �Mrg.,_WeS. Leggatt,an& thildre sy ht, ervie, and I thd loss i about $6,000, heat o0 0.0 n e eQuoid %rj (;eorge And iss Ida 14 the bdfh Can 0 21 0f Blu'evak Vl I Mrs, Frank Colwell of. B s with syhll 11 )at c4l)'d, family sp�nt Friday -at r, Janie gurange. No one was in, ... ..... P i Huston, Ph A lirj4, �uinber att6tided the Nei. '�Illdge i's it place, V+a ire in Crowe an satorday Atwadtng wo thd old iq do, bi.it. 0 StPO4 OX 0 PeO014 41h' k AtlY 119 00Y iothin, x for 7 Walk Wit th