HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-27, Page 717, .4711 During the spring period while the A dertain farm woman made a auc- hair is being shed and a new ',Coat ceas of raising a few lastkra good, dairy .produced, horses arevery suseePtible, '0‘1VeS everY, Yearfor the Pastsdiraen to sudden changeuf temperature and Yeara or so. A few of her hand -fed IldlentOir*,411.0.F4Vfit-IIY.r14117-VfatWgi-t)12...a.g,N,M3t-drztAd--1.461stemEr '0'.3".1111.0.1fistlYgiWaf-..tife'31),thiti.".' The' "and ' --a• Pura"bred aaire have 'broken" 'disease 'ifrietslroMinjufy°i(t-the inn:,4actiithheb°;ilacil!ti.'4;eccr114; '44'.Performance, , , . - - - - . cous mimbrane inflicted by „foreign , _ ,s., ...s. substances swallowed in the feed, by groTwhiengfoillitottinLivi:8 -her• mbiegt?hedo i 1VERMINss-AND. LIVE STOCK. I animals. An ordinary stable brush chemical irritants in medicines, inhal- ' high - Thousands of -dollars are lost eachl is a gOod. instrument with Which to ing of smoke, dust,. fungi,:heated air, PrWcjelhueeniri.gthe'ebLilf is born she allows it year by stock owners neglecting to' apply -the eniulaion. Care should be the drinking of ice water, and a a e• the necessary measures ba de- taken to saturate the skin over the complication of strangles. -• " .to remain with its mother about two • lions. of these buaY little insect's "ten daYel' another brood will be up `are not very .marked and since the.leiSure en that .new° Milk not fit for • y thp lice that sefaaet, -the. astqck, entire hody.--- Repeatathe- treatment in The-sYmPtornaaina the-ea-AY:set:age adaY.at- giving it -a 'ehanee'•-t°- 'LIP. at :7— _ . tealte life a iniiierY to • the animal arid 'anst doing, by that time. Sheep dips 'horse acanaot ;talk. and. tell us What lillonhn;a4,101a.oc,°,,anascill.mmPetcriciliingbOtptr7tho!t,.,,tneti: tilig Ou. theY a1e°. 1, +K atiimals PrePared nianofactoring the trouble ha, the case is it:Malty Weil She s ,th • t • alf 11 1 ROastecl an ofloss to the oivnei.. „The ,,h"ping of .uh5.,m;§ts are available and verytis,eful on before' treatment' is ..started • As1 '` effibana cos aetartnhreet° ; • • . - live 8 tOCIC RS It aqdiuni of-supporo---------------------0----------------.•Tere are the throat heeeeneS very eoreit Caueeas ' drink °tit By:' Chese Morgan' , •' . I dasrs 'old earlier • • . , . lice never madea any money'for the 'tnree. species 'of lice attaeg cattle,. the horse to stand with the nose' fera, judge Y the .ibunciance of tent Med reasena In he absence of these ,.. fariner,,. it , is aoprotahic, whiny via,. the lonnnaeci louse, the short- ward and nay maaament .of t.bq heecsa er, , 6 calf is separated from its caterPtilar ,egg reasseilarePoated. Eine i ascks'the .cateapiliare :run' ,riot; hail.. ,gi,.... injlk .ftom, theleaver fell last aninis10, thie.aPrin the" eontrola gain' a freali holcha'aThis Re°Ple neglect, fc'il ';'eaitnis-'bestltnewn iloaect louse, end, the , aitiais,Ipp§q., ,.wq be Very t4y. : Attemvts at wa,1:. mother she ,f,eacis it ' soOpeales that. aestroy, vermin and during the winter s ffer but littl • urned to the maoger by way of the new -milk ''feeding IS' continued /Per in many Parts of the country .. A -siinple way to avoid trOUble from 0 , - - -e . • fr .t• days to •two weeksWhen' The -egg itutasee Which are abotit. these caterpillars is to gather the egg I nostrilsThereis but little •exteroal ' prevent losses on Bye stock operations. from lice. , ' '• . !swelling and tlie act qf feeling the gfa• du. alli' some skimmed milk is Tix- 'an inch long' encircle " the smaller rniasaes in winter, but' not destroy ce- multiPlY most rapt idly.iii dry',:l'rcattnent foraHolase Moe: 11 lc li hor ale edswith'the-viholes Alan at this time, twigs____The3c.itio-ef-a-golden--brown-Lthem---This wainci-alanakill-the-para ONE *Ay a'Reanis • of -.oOPY :MTV*, - beans- written •- beseailing the fact ''that the young Pe°Ple leave the). far* for eit's and ai; many -Morerreama•.bava been covered with. directions for checking the inevernent ,But still the exodua.; goes on, and it will continuo until the ' attitude of eoubtry, folk toward the city folk uodergoes a decided eltange; - Meanwhile it is useless% for anxious :fathers arid' ,niothera to boy. pianos, automobileas, hoine, comforts, ' fine houses awl fine furniture in the 'hope, of stemming the tide cityward, , . • - For the'Tatiltaa.largely the parents!.' Most country boys been sa broughtthink thft'the . _ _ , :4, acity haven of rest. Country mother seem to take pride in telling show much work they do and. how helpless town , ladies are; and tlieyaiiseaforever to themselves to a pl the a' We Herds' that are regularly greoined owing will residt in' the food:being re its °Wa'me‘ther.threeatinies dailY. This will sec",,%'seriolls calalireak Of this pes rray require °pea tera .ea' three -years, • , . sold sveathet, and are found in greata Itatiresayseathers-als-swaarra-mmogh-ste--throatsawr ause e se- p , • . that• it is safe 'to wash a horse, the There is a nasal discharge and a' when the calf is about two weeks" old, color and resemble dried frothY glue- sites that are often inside the eggs. est alasndanss on long-haired, old and ins to add ft little cooked oats Once seen they are easily recognizetV Place the e masses where the para - very emulsion given for cattle 'cough whichl comes in spells. The elle beg-• egg very effective., If the, weather is cold, lymphatic bands of the region will mea o e milk, which the young ca and found while the. trees are bare. sites may eecape freely but •where the the animal call be given a good groom- be swollen. , • I soon begins to eat- readily and on of •leaves. The little worms Which' caterpillars will find no - food poorly eared for stock dtiring Marsh , arid' April. S.pring -satins teed„ to ie duce the numbers of yerinin on anis nials.that, are exposetato the weather and the lice beceine less n.umerous as the season progress* A:•few seem to survive ,the summer aid :show, their presence in the late ,autiono or • early winter, when their 'progeny have in- • ie. sore which it thrives wondeaully. When, Were fully developed last fall before! an outlouilding. The treatm t for tom mg and then either sodium Bestride or eu p the calf older a Pint Or mere of the cod weather pet in are Fesidi to CM- 'Another way is to destroY'th l'ttl pyrethrum powder well, dusted on the throat consists of providing a 'clean; light .eatmeal mush is mixed with the milk,' erge as soon as spring opens. Usually nests as 'Soon as they are forined. skin, and the horse blanketed. Raw :comfortable stall with abundant where the tempatratere 'mush is first solid food, before the buds burst, they have be- fore the leaves develop they, are pedlar' Be - linseed ea be brushed into the . and fresh air, learning • to eat the gun to spin their.webs in crotches of een in the dretehe,s'Uf the •Arnaller, hair (Mite easily and With good effect can be 'maintained, at about (1, deg. • d Soon: after A' ood brush and on are death to the Blanket the Patient and give onlY soft mush' it will hein. torch, though care must ' be exer- cised to nibble ,at and the sinaller branches. They do °seri- ranches. They may be lonrnerWith` lied to avoid injuring the branches ,hemeelves. They may be wiped out riiitraiabiu; bunchof ,lofvelinurw,h144:or„lehe_rrxrlo917.01!: hand, though this 7 is iniPleaeant. - Wiirthless "apple,Idcherry other trees upon . which the :insects ef, prevention. , . • feed. sliOilltr. 'deataged aS, a Metier I "...Whenever V‘rei;It' is' held` ill); ously or Unconsciously, 85 -8 -thing -to -a -7T • , When Cliesetnethoda are not follow- he ed: spraying or dosting the •foliage where there are he chores • to 'do. If avoided', children long- for a place fathers_ and • mothers, instead • Of de- ploring the supposed. idleness of City life would make a point of impress- ing on their boys and :girls, the de- lightp •of farm life and would give ing out that the country is the place to bring • up _children, because it-- - • furnishes1 t chores andisealth ftil Work for thern to do. , as n1 • All that may be quite true, but the small boy who wants to go fishing in- stead of being made' to dig potatoes and to drive the cows to pasture con- cludes that the city Must be a pretty pleasant place .if ,the city boys have nothing to do. Andthe little girl who is bidden to carry water. to the chick - efts or to pick pegs for dinner resolves t� goato town jest as, soon as she is big enough, ' because , there nobody avi • and bic6ellePgsil-t-Tines. c ih ni sc tek ean ds °fanbedingveiPeitcakbeide.s'fra:me . eat fine hay a big help in • boosting a ous but often unnoted damage to the be. repeated in ten ' ' wi ' ' ' ' Have a water bucket . • , creased to millions and bring torment mites' Any treatment given should laxative feeds' . . hand -fed calf in thrift and growth 1 b ' ' n days, since the thin reach of the patient in whien, m , . ,. 1 young green parts ' before their pres- to the unfortunate animals that sup -detected or even suspected. ' Port them. Rub and scratch a is the P°wers of multiplication are wonder-' he may'wash out his mouth. Change! &ins farm -woman eiPert with dairy, ence is practice, ,until all the hair is Off and ful. There are two kinds of lice in-, the water four or five times each day .calves believes that all of •the fat, During storms, . cold and drizzly should never be removed from the deather and .cluring the „heat of the louse either .crushed or •pushed 'ieSting the 'horse, -the-bitinr`and the and 'Put .11 'Peenful of 'salts' n 'Pinch milk which is to be fed young calves. day they take shelter in the nests, suctorial. - .,, of salt pe it e eh time. S amed further along. 13are patches. are no She believes, and is scientifiCally right, but in the. evening and the earlsa ticed on side of neck breast' head and 2 ecitment for Pig Lsce. . hay and bran mashes are • acceptable chop that no calf in its later growing per- morning -they go out to feed, Toward • back, wherever • the animal has been ' Raw lineeed oil, applied 'with a feeds. Oats With husk Or, oat able to reach—evidence "f igorous , brush to allaparts„eesahe_hody js._v.er_y7shctuld_mt_.14_,gimen—__iaataneaLan_d_it i°d will do its hest without some the „beginning of June they cease tio effective. The formulae for kerosene little' linseed ' meal or linseed tea are ' aetligi 'cow • botterfat-in itraallY ra- return to theileaV-ii-r-'1 often-- travel attenipts at •relief frOre the tiny tor, mentors: Animals that are tide and not free: to rub themselves have a harder.lotathste -those running-freeaos , • • • . . . • . • • ion, un it is old enough, 0, eat. a .considerable distances across ,eyen emulsien Can .also be peed' to advitn- good'. If there is fever,sPotassiurn L. An • oil rub, alwaYa. aceeasible. trate Cen be j1 given. • MUstard Vaster. wide variety of solid -foods, , ground. ,less in search food _for the use of syfrine, will do'nuich,to ,or ammonicai liniinent can be applied' 'Hetice,',the jeok she gives her her,hands, thtin or- pliceS in which. to ch ge f d • . • . e keep the vermin down. The prac. to the outside region of the throat. e calves. is .t• from. s th t f f the worms. The most. effective Poison ari I most of th • .All animals should be given a good e' eau handy. at An eieetuary containing ballade/lea, but skimmed with, ,a little of the adult 'rnoth state. In, July the moths arsenate Of lead, whether, applied as „ , of having a mechin grooming with brush and curry comb ee ing ime an gi.aving ene pig a p cream, • " , • I aPnear• /ay their eggs and die. so spray or In dust form: The, same • . . • • to remove scurf,,lioose-,hair, and any vermin that, mak be off guard, then apply the following: - Treatment for, Cattle Lice—Soft soap.I. quart hard soap 1/4. pound, coal oil 1 pint, water 2 quarts. Mix the quantities Of soap and coal . . 0 N d' ' t d b • - Thi a serious est .dusting or t le f- 1' a godd one. It will 'make' ponditions ed at the base of the .tongue everY:'.ning'" she says, "if you expect to de- &omit once in tenor fifteen YeareaThe ,chewing insects' will also exterminate squirtalong the back once a week is beinede and small quantity deposit -I ,o fCto is °'3. g°° in the begin- , s. Insectbecomessprayingocontrolai painful velop a large, fine, heavy -producing last' devastating infestation in the the tent caterpillar. Lead arsenate 'unhealthy for a pig fouee. The pig two hours during the 'Very s . heifer., The early start in life is what E st was in 1915 The reason that may be applied with f bide s bh one, almost as long as.its name, loune Haematopinus suis7 is a 01.5 b' stage. --L. tevenson, -a • , , , ungi s o • • counts. -P enty, of Milk at 'each feed, its nattiral 'controls, :especially pare- as lime -sulphur dust, ,finis comhining f d f ' f ' det ' t ' in the rnilk is my method." Do not let the Iciuse rob you of your short visits.-4-Arahian Proverb. ss ;can easily be seen. • „ , God bless him who pays visit,s and frequentee ing an always some at sites,failor some usually undeter-twofunctions n one. • - • ell together ,first, then add . the 2 season s .profits and don't let him an - quarts of, boiling water. This will noy your animals. A little soapy or make an emulsion if thoroughly Mix- greasy Material 'will stop his breath- ed, to which 1 gallon of warm water ing ,for all time. Why not get After must be added before Applying to, the him to..day.--LL. Stevenson, 0.A.C. Sell Eggs Direct., ..115y first step was to secure a copy of the Montreal City directoay. Se- . lecting a list of names from the resi- dential .sections niailed to each a But after the calf is eight or ten • Ordinary shelled corn is the best waks Old this woman ' gives itclose supplement to skim -milkier calves.. skimmed milk from the separator, for ' then the young animal is old enough In a boundless universe is boundless to eat •a variety Of other things to better, boundless worse. , satisfy fully all its growing need • Th ld -•f d But remember, she advises, Fresh Foods in Early Spring. e age ° an eagle,s as best dairy heifers are grown °illy as the 'youth of a sparrow' ' During the latter part of, the win- - , • • 'When 'you furnish them through the ter our health is especially 'liable to our farmers should net delay mak- first weeks' of their growing life with suffer from the lack in our diet of ing certain a their seed corn supply. some butterfat in their liquid feed. t " vitallY important qualities that are Some are being disappointer' and It's a paactice tha pays. neatly pririted circular statingthatli provided by the fresh vegetables and more are likely -to he :when tests are • was Prepared to, ship guaranteed fruits which are abundant in the' sum- completed. ° Chappe Hands or Face strictly fresh -eggs in lots of live dozen mertirne. For this reason we should Cured by one application of MEDORA each, and Solicited a trial oider. In -give. some thought to our diet at this These are the. signs that indicate CREAM. Leaves skin smooth and vel- a few days" trial orders began to time, of year, for the purpose of pro- poor diet: Low vitality and suscepti- vetY. Used exclusively in Toronto 1 a in h • blit to disci se wrinkles and crows' General Hospital for ten years. Ask i " t i ' II selected only first -quality eggs ciencys, ' feet; ea , and ,shipped in 'small wooden, five- If this is, done, our vitalityawill be luster, dozen size cases, by eXpress. The. ex- kept up, and we shall be better able broken; press company gave me' what' they to 'resist sicknesses that are common and inef g ° lY signs pf age;. hair loses its e py0,5,ogut;:iyouthfulreceeomipptelex9111fon,P50eer. ails -out, is uneven and easily, slYi:utrv call the produce. rate, by which the in late winter. Some authoritiesbe- crates are returned free of 'charge. lieve that many people have a scurvy ss- Since that firstventurethe capacity in lath' winter owing to defieiencies in of my egg factory has been increased the diet. • • • ' many times. , , • Because they last° throughout the I find shipping in wooden cases by winter and can be eaten raw or in sal - express far superior to shipping by ads; cabbage,. celery', apples, grape.: parcel pest, as the danger of breakage fruit oranges, nuts, lemons in 'mon- is much less. Rarely do I have a coin- ade, are of special value and should r during th plaint of a single egg being broken; be partaken of f ee y. e by parcel' post this was one of my :winter. . • greatest .problems• , • , Canned tomatoes'nre Unkind -in that Neighbor's have Offered to sell Me they provide the vitarnifie ,thal is ton - their 'eggs to ship with mine; but se tensed, in other feeds ooly when they • • digestive syatein out a order J. A. MacDonald, Phm.B., 34 Hogarth ve., o • ficient. reyention of Losses Among Chicks ,py S. Mr: Knipe '" • Recent fignies 'she* that there are -poultry raieers, •yet a great number of . , • 'I only about chick's raised• •out these people -make theapenny.wisegod • 1: • • ••' i pound' foolian"' 'mistake of thinking every 100 hatched, and. this is- on! . , 7. • - . 41 they can make a.brooder at borne quite s farms 'where there exists a better aver . good enough to, brood ., the small, ethe. I . , • age of ir' poultry , conditions. . Many Shea of chicks „ they raise. . Too often looultryrafiens try to reduce their lois i these hOnie:thette'broostera-de notkeeii by -doctoring"' Sick and Weakly..chicks.r! the proper tempeaattire 1101* suaiply ,the They lose eight' of the fact that tot'aVentilation necessarY; • Again-, if the ' far ,tI ship.tmly my eggs; which I are raw, and they.may be used. freely the previous 0 Or tO mon'ths the. stock brooding system fates, small for num- can guarantee, 'I received '$319.66 in the wintertime With benefit to the theae 'Chicks Wernraised from had not bet ;of chickens Ile:taxed' ,there'ia 'apt •;fitore. last Year than I would have by .health. : Canned ,pineapple ,That, has the care "and attention :necessary: to toliel'eatswding," .cituaingloSsathrougle Marketing my eggs at home. --R. W777 -ii -61 been-Canned:tee limers' else soya ,produce Sturdy , chickens, , and se. ea:re suffocation„ ; Coops without 'floors for to be a .good pkovideiaof atitainines. --Of breedieg stock results in chicka , hen -hatched chickio:: often ; result' ...in ,a. 8 I, thc Winter, it -is well, to use it. rhiti ' able to ihre under Ordinary', farm don- '.bring eking bowel trouble, FOUR rou -: 'or . . k Slioulitnoth-a.Censideredatin.exPenaive ..diticinsaa.ZSA_Strdlia,avigoroes.-:oltielseti,„...aThe Clese'eMifineraeiitof bAlsY cliieks 136-oa :twit -sir anaisa"-rentinaitivaaogisaisetainis'a woe tront:' guiranteed hertltor and ,viaoreits. For 'luxury: :ip is, better. to spend Money With good brooding ayStem, clean ;And Is. often claimed to cause leg,Weakriesa; A*11 delivers. $6 tier,:thoustrid. F.013.. Shelburne. ',for, ROTI10 Of. these 'medicinal and pro- 'proper. feeding, 'should be easily taised ,acrinething which rarely is seen ' in &deli, itecioted,for less than 6.060: Willy:Won', .. ' • . • . - . • . , • litrOok ' ',Trout 'lliateliem ^ llorning't -$1111s, '1..10WD' ::,f6otiiire'qo6d5-thaiV:fof,,diugit•dri'dlalaClasto''-nsattialtysasThegreatestslosa.laseWasSienlehiSaWliielis:Ettatiaitllowedsonaoutside county, (aeon°, samara; platlijn. I, C. ' A. tor's bills, , avoidilig,', besides, the ' Cliss 'Pig. to lack Of viialliY, which may be run, eVet for a few 'Minutes., after they krother, pronrieten. . . . , cOmfort ef, ill .heelth• and the losa a cansed by •psisse parent stock, - poor are about a week •eici, 'Of course, , in earning power doe to tickneas, ' .... , .Iti is' especially "neceseary to make 'use at this time of the 'feeds inentien- ' a ssa - 'When lettuce canshe bTatiglit during hatched vsith Weak constitutionsa-unaL•ehillingstharlittle birds., -Chillsausualal f -,11, • r. $15:00 Bugs this , Griffith Team Outfit Our weet ,61'FOrt--Vitsiam) Compacting Giant Reio Trace*, Giant' Yeali Rope*, Hams, Hame Strap's,. Plow Pass, Dully, Bandit aid , Complete for Horses. , CASS you tont al The, whoip ••••;•••ffers.•entLotja team harness te, Price tbat altitrtratro". ority Actual aerates test& have broad beyond notation that rope wears fererY bit as well an 'leather. Narnuire °yeti - 'where aro flUdinp,..tho Griffith Testi 'Outfit & greet boon, la tha rate of the' ateadili • oleo of leafier., Order on Outarto•day.. rrleo $15, cet $10 wont di Fort „ OrlMth's Gloat Rope Trsoes only, per sot of four. Oh hoel cloths, $a (or 10.50 west of Fort Willies* Ortfilthio Mont Yoko Ropos, to rotas lOothor tote strnpa. 1,11•:0 col . -4"•°' WW1 snaps onct sans soy „sow (or $1,75 \rent Of Fort. If 'your dealer can't aufaAY 3'0U. 'order' dirfiet., Write, for boOldot. ea waterloo at. Wrath:0, Ont. Care, ofeggs before they are set, or peer incubation On farms, where the fowl are allowed to forage them-' ed, as •railk' and butter, which are selves mast of the year, there are l'Isioteetive't foods in the summertime, many mistakes made InLbreeding," the are likely to be lacking .or at 'cosfautt often being due to both male and scarce in the wintbr. Fol., Horne and Country „..aassassasessaasasasassosassassasa A Piece of Real Neighboring! , We wonder if any organization ever female. The males,. often late hatched, leek vigor and are small In size. Be dense such birds give a, high percent- age of tertility in eggs', does by no means- warraotatheaessiimptioustliat: the elifelis hatched will he aturdy. •G•ood hens almost.tas important as had a more neighborly piece: of work good' reales. For best results It Is not to ite credit than this:. The Institute wise to ,mate the entit•e flock, better of. South Simcoc have been running a pick out only the best females and ,se'riess-of - inter -Institute debateaathist mato thont te'tbe,best Wilde _p_rocur• wintais , When ,'Bond Head Came to-ahle.• .c°6kel3114 and Inii" Tottenham they had a debate, a usual- lets. Never Use hens .which have been Cal -progtam, a ahort play. by, the Tot- tenham Institute,. And refreshmtosta. ihnited eitioanses, to either Organiza- tion: Three•days...previeug; wolltaii living in the' country near Tottenham tion; not only artificial,. init When had, lost tWin habiessahd her own life Was hanging in the hafttece. The lot- tenham •Inetittite women hearing of it, immediately -,put in a trained nurse. The ,Bond Hend -*men; learning that :Tottenham was using - the Share Of the paoceeda from the eVenitig for this pa 11 osra., 'phoned them the net day askirw to have their sharditurnet• over to the .same 'cause. The Seesetary snys: "We had a nice letter' from the dot•tor, in charge saying it was, rne means of -saving a life.' 'Sick and out of condition. Dowel trou- ble • and diarrhoea. ELFO soinethues caused. by infection Of the eggs; there- fore ty• prirdrhisaVtifirefroin any birds thus lofeetecia •The.,best'of eggs MAY he ruined by -faulty iteuba. itiallE NO. 12-•-'24. broody shee is ansed. ' raf the hen is flighty' she shOtildnot be tised. Nests should be in a place. easiy accessible, other& water and toed are eotiventently obtained, Irieuhator ete just as strong *as , hen hatched if they aro prei)erly, hatched, "Toe high or too - Low a tempeaature, not 'enough feeali air, and asrpeg Moisture conditiens, aro the' most atitimrmf, faults of Weak ehicits'.freirt artificial thettliation. 'Do away 'with these causes and you hatch geed, algeroess, healthy °Melts, ClOod indubatores are tisoatiy °Waisted by atorniy, or wet Weather' 'Ore Is lmpos therefore a for Such , 'OcekstOns'. keep sand. or _fine' Ithdl' 04 theafloor. Feed- grain, in ,dry litter to ,indtite exs eacise.s.,„ Keep lirooder house well ien-• tilated. Supply'. green feed such as Sprouted oatsalettupe; green alfalfa or clover cuttingsa ,, • No matter how,hrogded.Slie ohlekens, . . . must. be kept free front ver,mio, mint • ha,ket..t.dM*Utt.-4?..00,./?_ else,. and small WM'S should not be 1 allowed to run With lialOgroWn ones., , as the little Chaps dOo't.haVe ehaate, to •get thespaoper amount of food ff Oompelled to 'fight% W th much ' larger blrds'for it. Keep yeur'bena ehiClia • 'growing .overy minute. till they _nut-• ture, whieli can be -aerie by proPer feeding. • linarepet feeaing is feeding: too seen and vitl-totit making chicks . Work for their •Meals, POSitiyelya do Mit feet.etiibks betairesaalrerstareas4fO lieurS The yolk of the, egg pro. vides' ,food or at .least:tintelerigili-Of' trine: Additional totataie 'overloading a small atontach and: catiSeS: digeetiVe, troubled. To 'sum, up inatterthe remedy for the groat lose of chieks Is "pre- vention.", • OEteriitit vigilance" is the price which must be paid to reduco. the lose to a minimunis Careful feed and atteation trete the slay the are itateheid,. tar remember, these chicks' hay eveattially be the breeaet's yOtt ere going' to depend on, and have eardia Chance to mature inte ,WellaleVelOped, Stigrarotui pullets and, reelierele, , • Every spring • brooder stoves are discarded because they will not draw properly when the trouble really lies in • the location of the house. In some cases the stove seems to draw all right exeept when the wind is in certain di.: rectioos. I koew of One brooder stove that did not draw .properly until the house was moved out away from the ea eep ratn ou . - • other building. I know of two other , .• , , . . . . caarlsdesawdhrearfet twheassteovffeescteddid siihnotpidyrabwy credit to hfi'n, it is essi_tcl get ereidit. putting on another length of brooder • . - - stovepipe.' • ' ' • —....---e-- . them. opporteoitiee to' make money. from the chorea, young people .Wooid be more content, with the etSuotay, country girl.of seven coax- ed her mother not;iong:ngd to puff out her hair .a little'at the .sicieth, because ieaged sprmirain often Increase tli Lital.dpiwridlcmeeept,i:v43nediY,Pfirtxeli,tatuYti:Ibikleeth,ethidte.y'.ninw000tmihr4eeppir a, troubles. of the 'brooder -stove operator. ---7- This trouble can. be Alleviated by, put.: . taagular piece, of metal; bent into an arch and fastened to the pipe with look pretty and:. have ii'me to 'wear, brooder_ .WhO oak.ii4liii* else to dd.:. The dip... as r---- inined that she ' would. live in, town was. disaPaeinted and inwardly deter:- . ting. a metal.' cover on the brooder - This 'Cali is merely es. to the front end ,,lif the _rod, ' This . . isvtbyeiloshslideregs:t.s.b,177,.hseo inthoitth'esrhet,,a7dig,mliot rivets to keep it froms•tuiriing• ' Put the cap on With its axis' parallel,: keep air currents from "deoblitig over hglaett.r;netisohl.let'4)wi.tlih6bi from .e4`btilydi'nbi4ng eut hL ten yeer ars • adsolve. backwards *and paittirig' ont the fire • When a man has In another home, when the children, . proposed small excursions and picnicsa farm that is a -little day .trips in the family • car ' to places of interest, --the mother was The sum total of our habits ten wont to say "City people have time ' to d b t try f lk h ' b wind or. rain The itch ' of t . ' '16 • -.ithnglvh°erric'botyhsinatiSggi?IsathoswileZiaeshsrrhioo7a; ' roof on some brooder hooses seems to a ,, an „K virtuous country people _Were than r A cap on theloissoderstoyepipe will 4 - guard against the fire"heing.Put out c ose y. • 'e type- of being we are' he be just so the .air sweeping "up over best; Sell flie rest" '• backward -and goes down the ;ohimney. - Prite statistics ' indicat,e .that It -e the roof forms a wave that -falls ever ' • In other cases the air will strike a takes aboutas much money tdequip a ,building close - by • and make an 'air farm to day as it did to buy the farm current that Puts the, fire out A pro- twenty years ago. go ga ing, u coun o s aye • • , . Two slogans for the live stock man: . Feed et fooled d th r.• rings Motoring Enjoyme to EveryCanadian tileatAbtusetvice done for the Cana- , dian People , by. Chevrolet Cannot be estimated. How., great the ..benefits ' it has - brought. to them is beyond 'human ability to ....L., reckon. :---. ' „ . -,,motordpra;'NVith,'a means to speedup busines, :It ha provided them, at a•.cost unecitt.i.11,ed in to increase i4+ealth,lo;better health, to bring friends closer and to, open up every' Part of the whole country to every Canadian; ., • - • The fine quality, strength, endurance'and full equiptherit povided by Chevrolet .rcanriot bo. purchased for so little money, anywhere .alSe. - Moreover, the' owner of a Chevrolet finds a . c, further satisfaction in the savings effected ' day by day as he drives his cat., No other cat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,•,.. -.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,,-,...g..., 4.,...,,,,--..,s„Art•,•t;41,,V.,••,,,` . ,- 1,-t bizilt,,can be run -or maintained a, s cheaply as /Chevrolet. ' ,. • 'Chevrolet cars" are built in Canada by Cana- dian workmen. Every dollar you pay not only : .buys a goodaloOking,„ comfortable car, but helps build up a strong Canadian. industry. 0-110 , , • Ask About 'The G.M.A.C. Deferred Psyment.,ijfan . eat " ' '.l.• Tranapottaticat.... Chevrolet Motor Company, ' cfCtmikdA, Limited .•, Oshawa Ontario Dealers and Service Stations Evei•ywhere. •• • a No their' town 'neighbors: But she Sue...a 4 eeeded only in conViacing them- that the city must be a delightfill,plage to, live in, if people there had antlie tinie. they 'wanted for, rest. and'recreation: It is not fair to teach the children that town people 'hav.e nothing to do, because it is net true. And until par- ents learn to 'Magnify the delights of country living, instead of these, Of crowded citles, the exodus from the farina -Will. go on,, for only years of ' 'hard exptrince can efface,the power . i -cif early, teaching... ''Repairing Silo Walls. Usually when the inside of, a con- crete or other masonry silo Fs plaster- ed the'sSvalls -areateLyets rigid. Sub-' Sequent...checking-and' cracking often - follow and the 'owner wonders Why, yet fails to lake the time to, repair ' theni a'Shaface cheeks Usually do no harm sand ;are often the .Teshlt•ef. excessive 'strain on the Suaface when tbe water 'evaporates. .Bot if .the checks ' are crack e and 'extend ;through the Wall ;they should be repaired. Pure cement wash is perhans, as geed as anything. But to make the wash bond perfectly th the : otti_assenerete ,the -stirface, should be-soaked.With -Water for sev- eral miriutesbefore the wash" is ap- plied, The 'wash' should be of . the consistency of thick cream first; then thickened until It Will just pour. ,recatire,A",: 'fleaible joint are repaired byaheating with a blowtorch until the surrotind- • Ing sorface' is warm. Asplialt-soaked rags are thee taloned -in Witha ham- nie.r and,a hardwood stick and. then .4taplialt crrheayy • tea, These hints w 11 aPPIY also 'to . ciaternsor water tanks. •• —Locating Electrical Trouble.....4 • A simple method of discovering whether' eleetrienl- trouble, is in the generator is to procure an ammeter— , one from any car, will answer very well. Run a Separate wire frorn the generator throUgh this ammeter and then connect it to, the battery of the ear, first , disconnecting the regular wire. Now if on ruoning the engine this ammeter allows, the normal charg- ing rate it indicates that the trouble Is elsewhere in, the electrie systetn amt.., not in the generator. Often a gen..,- orator is suspected, and this simple " • test Clears it without disturbing , any other part of the wiring system, 'which is an obvious advantage, ' '