HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-27, Page 5!?.
more" ortionnif. .171VP41" MAW 'F.1...111 1104' •
Simplicity. 'opet*I0111
The FOrdis'reinarkably.easy•ti-perate, •
, • , •
Gear shifting is done automaticallyhy-,---,---
the feet. The driver's hands are always '
on the w are 1,-aTv'm the '
road. He can watch -troth& constaritly.
Thereis no pOsSibility of ,failure to
accomplish a gear shift. Ford gears being '
of the planetary type are always in mesh
and eiazei,.y shift is positive and ,unfall4ig., •
The Ford is very easy to steer end ,
sponcls to the slightest movement o the •
wheel.. It will turn in a circle with a ,
radius of nineteen,Jeethree inches.
. ,
'The shod Ford Wheelbase is a boon in
.opngested tiafEc: Itgivea easy manipu-
„ lotion everywhere, and enables you to:
park in crowded sections 'where a big
is handicapped.
See Any Authorized FOrd•Dealet-
nuxcics TRACT°
•Mr; Alvin Percy is confined to h,d
. with a severe cold. '
Miss Ryan and Miss Lizzie
e -to'
Soo, Ont. She intends stayincr until
fall. She is greatly missed here,
" We are sorry to report that Mrs,
• Jas. Johnston is not as well as her
many friends; would wish.
• ,The; ladies.. :of the, W. M. S. of the
Anglicanr church lInd a very. success?
' quilting bee: on.; Wednesday of
-last„week„ ,
The nieetihg• of the HolyrOOd-,,Wo-
ineri's„Astitute: will • be -held) at the
home of MissL• Purvis On Apri1.3rd,
Topic ."Chietcen. Raising", . MrsWill
" '
. •
Ar"'eni.Pgitiki'ree iit'trkselfAaelliftvwv°dn: 1°°- rs'
Write to Head Office, Moigreig for free: fiaoktet,
soLp EtY'
A '•I'eal4144
frned to.:1/1 fia;i•••Sweeeek'nb.yre.°ailli 17th, pursuant
irvVi i in
attack ofillnegs, . '• present.
, „
,iss . Auline..McInnes came: home, .34ilmt:e4•4:4):.-:
..0aranon.., , . • ' .....„.„ ..--. .---,-----,-.7.:,, -frOht-lOrOtO-O-n."..ti94-ir-fiiia;•-iii-•i''e: T,ic",1;cri.oais''.651744-7anejri.4.4i4)...*'-4711,119.101$9wm.irlogii,',:t•a.:Q9nrdleerr;
...aSt •meeting_were ' read_
...spent a rdayl.lest---week Witil.,Ernesti
the Zion. Dramatic ',society 'One even- ..,...alr.„ Roo, ,, xaitorn pi..1 .of ,, ii.4.16 fcill6oflt:o. 11. wg:sihi7a ,gve: 4siu:in 4' rwnidO4Fe:41.' po'4i:d. ;:4: .: cTgia; ro' erilh4,cs:.::: ;t5V.i:TA' :::4;;CUI)71: T.:
main for a .feev •days : - '
. Mr, 'John CamphOlt, , of •Belfast '
$3..lo for• • diainfectailts„ .:ordered by
, spent .a day last :week,.at•-jaoou :1-iun, -.T.he. eV,.pry Harkness W,ent to ItilecliCal Officer:Of Health " For haul -
;. • • , - , .. 7 Lopdon on. Monday to attend .o.SYhod:
. .. .
Mrs.. Richard Gardner " entertained 1:0etit4 On..FOreign Missions." ' ' : •
ino• lest -week. ' - . ' - . . Martyn:,. leaves,' ter.' Regina •on. Woci.. • :Iloopy„.127 ,yarda, •'$36.00; . John Ill'•:: '.uriP.-.I'iNOCr-'-'T.TIli,E!7-2,;'.1.;•1'7'1+lt:liTC:.•;.091:?::$7:1t,''' i
a‘f.. 'Pod 'Mrs, . Mark ' Gardner. , Ana" OeS4O,ST-,:,inorning :Of "this 'woOk, ' D'ori4id,.. 4,3%. Yardn $18'00; ,Ffank
W.: J. Nixon Visited.: at XISSeS :011f. Mr.. Alex..:Macatirchy isrecover:- MeCreight. .9,14..,..yardi;•$1266;., ' .: Geo... WE HAYIE ::1.'•ATTIERNS. ',THAT'.
ton's One: evening: this7.4week;: ' , .'. ".' ' mg: 'After 'isa":-, -foii,!:. days. quite: 'seriouS Sutherland; 13i,4-.. y-ordi• $16-014. John
Mr, Jas., . ltiacDonagh- :Of Mount .ndia.,I39sitiO' n!, . . ' ::. ' - 4C.Murehy; 9 „yards; $'12.00; , 4.larold
• FOrest„ Made,. a flying. :trip:toljne PP". ..-Nt,,,D4iii-Sineltie4of Con. 2, i1-.1"nr.- Walden, . ;15 'yar45;''''''.21'409; . •-•."1:TI:drOlv.' -17.4.1:1'N.VrT7T4g14.TEM777.;. '1'1)iii1"-CirLIIIIR;MIK:r..
'friends arotind,•Zion tourey'S., .6>tn- on • nricierWerit' an .operation...for app- Canieron; : 9 :yards, . 12.00,; .- SAM •
ex.'s and :LuCknow last: ..tyek;,. .4ndialtia• On .: Monday, ail his, home. ' 111cAIUrChy,, 3: yards„ $4.00,; John Cam OF 6iiky.s,,, • BROWNS, BLUE
. „Sidney Gardner Who; has. been....Ser-. ..Mri. ..:•;.Ilarkness, ,,.-,,,,a.dcitessed, , the' ,:ei'on;.Jr. 9 •Yards., $ig,cp,- and keeping ETC,. FROM :$30.:06 to,$4.5.00;7 .
lously . ill ..,• with plehra,pneumonia :01.'ails,g„. ChUreh,; Siinday ...".seh,o1, On: :account of 'gravel $3" 90; ',$Lau.Laraliain_
underwent ..in, operation-at-hiS7-hoine. , W,,E ;CAN...SAVE:. IOU lkIONgy.
ishirse-:.. maliouigh: u., in.....attendance... , • .:'..,,u•,..sf(3-Us,,,;..••,• ,,....'.-. - . .._ .. ;AniuSenient • Tax, Officer; Ripley PIY- '
7$UndaY.,-.1.....1).:. :i9r-'lli) gca):•:the:::stibjeCt:' nf, $.5.8&. ,f.Ot! :otteadaticet. at '.- Han , .0-
OY:` T'HAT ' 'SUIT ' ANO Wolilim .
3frn. Robt, ',Andrew and: daiighter
7: ":lte'llberi. Sivalwell of Saskatoon ".he,s., dro. Electric -System .4.0.5 for. light at
:Ellen:. have ..; returned 'hen*: . after. . , ..
Halt, 'Kincardine...TOWnshiii Boundary • APPRECIATE % YOUR E*_,,,,II,
,Oeen in Ripley calling upon his aged.
speriding' 'several' weeks ...with i.i,,i,e.nds.,
at Detroit and Windsor • . • .rnii.d.father -: and grandmother :, M. .g6-°?1•illt.,re,c0`.'6rj. X"fto.N.ring a.'. balanc..
,fORDY.F •• • • .761:1rrt-Lrnt4SV:i1101.2W;e11• ..171n479i;6,14g1".:717575. ir: 7+' Eiln7nflPttliroTiio:•$.v‘Ta''';i8.7.:LirlAhhi'0,13'ritre'',11' .:t71)1-::.;1;15,:tOir.
, . .......,:„.0:0-0.,..,#.: •
• '. :•51,r:.:: and • .rs-.. -.4enneth.'MeKen.:zie.: the ,•Treasurekr the SUM of .,.$;:o.0..i..e-
lir, .a,a4, Mrs.: A. I-Iavins and Ifaniily 'tjth their two :efiticirea,..froin.,Alberta, -,:eiVed:from .....Hanni et, Eninierton' : for
are at 'Plfe'S.ent .y:igriting..:11.X"'S.S1*oh.: .old plank. -The foilowihe:,Sums were
. . .: . . .. , . .. .. . ... -
. , .
. visited' at POrdyee On Sunda' „.
• glad• to 4ielir,..that.,,Mra., . Si., AlOiie • '.41'ea . -fat4°- 4741''. 'C'ali'i."'''I'acijai1/4414*-'.. p°1d1!wrti::14°-.'1:1.,%'...P.045.i::4:f9vir::.:',..7• :upptiiMe:illiCni::.,.
- . and , son.: jainja.: are iinproying, :, .: , ,.:: i hey purpose Makizig, their ,..hOnie in
..."Quite :a large ninnber received ',the.%indsor.'-ludi dog tags. •R. J. Graham .end
'. .• '' 00 •
,invitation to the wood l)ee and.. social;,- „:„.....Miss„,:.;,.Flera Alexander of .. the ,DeA W.Patterson $15,each for'.
evening to .. be .:held. at. Mr!,...: Jaines.: 4ertineht'•.:01.'Agtieuittite:'Who is. con?, . Al'Alli.t.'bes. salary, and R•:. J. graham',
• . .. . • Martin's on Wednesday evening ,:pf ..ducting a large, Class:. :of fiftyLtiVe...in. . $-.W.00' for Ifs,e'hYthe"'AnOitgri.7.I-3,
. .
• '•,..c*XA.ii.t:has .:droP.co.:4Apt:E, •, , • . , - • : .. , • I
ped to ' lesS :than. 20,000;01P 'has In, recent :Years . been developed this week.; : ':. •.' .., : ...,•:: .:. ., • : .', . .' : „Ei&acirrildierieN[tiwt ii:i.,giii..a.tgitip.reirs,...0.;1%...i,sd.rii irifirjtdai,;_,i-... „1-leni';Y: $I3.5.-, for 'st:fitiPtiOTy for ..aud.....
„. ., ..... , . . , ,.., ".ittirs.. 9e1:!rgel...:.A.., Emerson . $1, ..59 :for,
SpOAR. INDUS'rRY .1.16iiii.Cis:-::':' ' '''' :••:'.• ' •: • .,' ... ' .:-• ,:. '. ; .:. into:the, Ili Odom eVaPorator. 50.th • ecif.' ' ' k'nOmber of •farinets'•in - thia- .1.0.
..;. „. One Of the Oldest industries in, Can,.
\ '.- . .. . . . ..
-farths .the .sugar bus4 iS• ' . ' ' ' • • - , .,.. . .., .,..'.'.7 alit..,410 .!drirking...l.liorne . fertilizer' .',etijig..friet'd, . '' '' ' ' ' ''. . . •iii...i.rei6i1,..'99i7a4.'or,..ettiu!lilit'7.:3'f,';,i0 a8.'1.4,1i..k''R:ri''..*:iiife'
simrily .the, wOodiot., ',that. 'ha& • teen'• . , . • • . • . •
„ . . . . , rugated,..bettOrti - , and separate cOin,
,,priyserved to supply fuel .aiiti' to pro, .partments. Not only for the COnser-, front: 817,1iiteCliurell.' for , .,•use:.: in ' tbe., •• , On: iM044Y• 'night •the • q... 6....i... T. •
edit .and, One Whi4h iS' trtily.,..Catia'diiiii ., vine , aR -.annual crop of ' 'kigar , an. l , " Vation. of the life, of. the tree but else': '8Plrihi• : '• • ' • :. '-': --:' ...' ' . " ' ' '
. .. , . 'n,re.t :At .ti*:liOnie.:OfMisS Isabel Me7.k
,, in ita'otigin is -that; of , producing me? ,§yxku0 to, be Used:as:4 de.ficaek Ot.so• 4'or • aleanliness ' n sugam :•inaking ' the ' • Joliii•: Rintotil, :•irid, the ...: ..:•McDoliald . Lean Who'i performed ..:,te .'dtitieS Of •
,,ilall . for attendance attendance :at 'eXtra:::, /Tieet.- :
• ••,:. , . :. • ,.., ....',..,_..•.• . .•11g'S;andepiertainiteilitt to mato, :ist :
lc sugar 4arly setties'fthni the Old, :th.:;thgAlar .14Stooleis:. It lisnet' hev- • ' ' - - --... - 1.. '1:' ' :1 :_:.' : • . brothers:.are, making- :inaPle syrqp. in• ,ii L- in, the ''abSence. ..fille:,.to' ill? ineluSive; ' „Henry : StePhenSon; '$3,50 •''', ' •-•,. -
. .. ,. . . . . . „ . . . . .., . .
, , • . .. ,wooden•spout•wis• annost. u's '
. . ..,. - • ..• 7 , . . ... .. ,. _ .: I appeated.:
. Land were: taught how- th extract and. 'ever• frOm theSe: Small :.rniiied' .:for •.traYeli Frank Scott and ,Jaines• .: T.. M.cPeeh • and . Oliiis4' fli.mertori,,...
'...that , the 'great ..inarketable ,utig:ireil; -iii!c: tt hell'el,ritoeSnt.,''.adelYat70.ed 'isecticians,: ile . Wellington. Dow'S .bUsli,. ',.......,....J..,-,,..-,------nTe-sitTsT.S. (aLhtri .Mait,.: .The
, •, • . . . • • • . , . • .... • • • :
,concenti.ate the sap of the!niaple tree . . ,
.• :: ,.....ronp.' haVe-, been:: invited: 'to , t.e. ,Man-StOtt; • ac1.1, . $32:50,"..„;'for 2o .ds 'Of, Con. .A-Wiii . Brow '.(LOt0),;. Hai.'
. •
by the Indians .and for. pe.thaPs a' cert.:- 'secured,. :but: .: rather ..:•froin -the:...inore • a
.tury, 'they .folloWed.,elosely..the prim- -,:rosi Are :„..Wileitethe-'--pititig` : and! - : • '
. .
'nett:II' 'in.'. 0/07 .. artiele : . of
, . t* , .
.. • • • , .S1 e 011,'Pri4aY: night, to, hear ari•addreSS., grayel put On ,Sideline ' 30'; :at $1.30; old' (0 111 .. • Joseph '.. Suieltzer;
cq-Mpment with Which.,"the'sap;k,s'rhn: by mfs ,m4choll. ,. .,,•,, , ,,... ,-. : . -per'.yard'.. Huron and,..Kinloss, Mums- . pron •, '4. ot.i.t.; .: J.as. Brown (Alnia)';
.:"itive niethod.Stoithorligt-Ne-shr :rne.narves'ter are: n:ot ..0 •easily ciper.': y. i..s4g.m. •:co.n:10,,s,, in .7,-.„ntact,..... . :.
4..'the sunstitUtionctif.' Metal .Veagela 'for aced:: . .1 he . gro.se47- as' found -',in ' .. ,th,O„
r!aciiities' ,." are, .•also :provided: ' for lie,I.4"27. dte-' . Tkie , nejobbor.11.6,0, vci,„te.,.stortlti . by i1 al :Tel eph,one .sy.sterii.' $.1542.87 . ba:..: Stephen- -- ToOt,;:-•.Hugh.:Sr. '...."Caineren;,•.:4 ..
...-those :of elaY or yiiood, ,..Until ! about principal'," sugai., eooritjea -i. 1111111 • anee ; (rue: the- Said 'Systein .after .de? .:W.m.:,..Stiirdoelf;* li-araier Eininerton; •
maple :tree,5 'the :Other kimis hi -vine t:akink •.i.gti.,,:aUvontage of. the lat.*/ of the neWS,.that Mrs'....James
,, linovenient . made' in 311.0-..methocL5.
fifty , years, ago'. there -was ...little' ini-
pf been ;•retnoved:-.1.or. fuel or • .the .s4ty., ...rav;itatiOn in •tne. lia.ndling. of sap, . . , • k
of. the..:1s:t.' COrf.. HUron had'
')1ePhO"s.gn'", 7ducting t,he.ksum due the corporation, . George.: :H.-•'::,li,ay ' (Road, 20)••• Eminer-
st-eattier',• ',Eno" ,has .. earried'•.frorn , be.en •s4i7: ..on -;',.Doe.: 341.923, ...frein . the ',1,44.an. of '''ton-MaircKak-That OAS. Connell ; 149 ,.
.- .... • . • • • • , .• . , - . . .. .. . , . . , • • . • - , , , .
'2 Lr in Some:, ,well:.eqUippeci..planta - ,The. Canadian ',Pacific. coaStotise.
:. sugai..niakerii; but sin.ce that time 4 ills ; iS • the. .coziditlen in. many of the ;:,,ow.s o'f.
the advance. his kept stage ' with. that :settled .co,Unties, • of .'eastern• 'Ontario, ' its .ewn .aceord from the col- i...k-en .witk;f4,aiwyiis o:il'iFriday,' -Heir.' $3600.:00 uhdOi. BY...LaW../•To;, 689.: A now'. adjourn. to Meet.' again. ' en. :Mon; • •
iecting :!'t.ank,S,!: ' to-ztbe. storage t tank the: seven plants: Operating on :Bar-
eley• Sound .over. x2,poo. tog.: of ;,ifilt.' ;..teath foll!OWeci , on, Monday... She lea.:.. communication ,from. the .Clerk of •the day- 14th day •of April A II 1924 it
in. other 'branches, :of .ag.riculture • un? 'mist of... QUebec,.' where the. Seine gre, .
ili On ' to .the 'evaporator ,and finally ;es' tWo. diughters;And *a son•:•te •N'OhOin•
',. til ,.it liaa"beCorne ti.rtiOre Or. leis, higli-, -ve*:: and in Many' caSes the same' t;rees,
,.1Y, prganized•coniniereiel:::industry. .. •OaVe., been tapped: by• several, genera-. ,',;,..heri boiled to. the pro 01 ccinsisteney -opened ' in :NO.Yeinber:This'•,repre- , ",:.h.e, uas a ,I'ajthful.:•anci;:.helcie4 .niO;,. 'Tp: of KinlosS, was read advising :the , the, tis'Oel..hoi;,r and place; ,(Carried),-:'
- - • • - .. • ' ..- .• • ,, • " '" '..,• .. , . . . ,, • • . n ' ' , . , ... • ./.. , , ..
' .liefring., sinee: the present . season.
, The ,:iinPOrtence,Ofthe,-itiaPle ,,..,sugar, --kionsj4.11.:the..inere ,northerlY,,parts.-of„! '--mentis ,almost ' half. ..theT'seasetil-0: i.i..ft-.. ...fret.- Het htialiatici., di'ed in::""the" SUM- .C.°1'1141:' l' 91: 'lle' '1".":1)'sh"ii) Pf:..4.11r."'s ."Angils-AlartYli' 'Clerk'''.
..... 07....70....,...,.
Ji4.0 'the ,kr.eccixting :oans„.,,thus .aavirig•-
• • '
..: • .
..0... catia.40) wii.ere .: it. ...h4s 100.; incs.(...4p 0 .chitfly.,1174kd tpaple fOrest . in ::'•iov."47. 'rOf'ated ' On , a •hillside' Seine -• tons. .: :-- :'.'
'indpstiv., lp....scarcely,Lreallsed----in-prtS2 ille.-0--Provinees•-there-..ate,ifitreti,,, ,,,,i.)-_..g_Ttiatii,antoini.t.„.;of: labour,- w.b.r.e.:41-,,, -PuC, *10614- will atirir9x4nat."13,04r nler. of , .1924.: .......Sfie - Yk7as• an., . earnesf:, tkbiant'Iotills'ea°11:dlitiely1-6i)%t!lc,%-.7.:r4s_1114:11:.'--,Gtoiff.:-.
o,akers.:haVe.,talen fhtther ;advantage. ,. .. . .. :,...r.lherent!',Of I the 'AngliCati church': - ' 13144CW.:.:ItEEP":.
thiseil, to be: carried . on but it. ;still .n 'primeval: state. a'' 11(1"" the• ,stigar- .
.....,hOio-_ 4.Aiee' of ,,.otoxilittei)e:e ...:ove. , lilaxer with...ilia, .tno4ern.',:'4qqiniiient. r.-
large areas; in Quebec lin& to. a les.e'r ' , '1 he - Methods :of garnerly- :this ' an,: O`t!..the :law ..cifgrayitation.--14y7.-jayi.n.k."-d, - --The. heaVieSt7iiniiii"ii4fiOnIo' can:,
'troll-) oht4ing. points . to • the. sugar ' Years • 'is 143iiked -for, this •.Year.,. ' Al- •
,ysz•tent ,of"inet'alTpipeS Wind.) denveys . • ada experieneed 'during the last ten '. 'HOSPITAL :"WINS :SUIT::.:. , . '.aniencf Ily7Lew Ice. 122 4.: :D. l.922,.' - ..
known AS the . `.`Henderson. Drainafge.
Men .are oiOstlyr good. and straight
" I al '13 .110.1.Ci, .t(:,; the belief ' that
'-. extent ', iti Ontario,:-.9NeW..BriniSviick: .ii.ual: 11 1151,t have Changed: consider-
m'use.. The PiPes •are erected teinPot. • - toady .the .artivids. Are -running ahead • , . 0,'Al•NSTI:,F1*gitk'T4S::., and reads,..:itY•t14 • Tewnsliip Of 11 11011 :and se it.brin,^.s Me. bitter; grief t1sdierti:,.
RY'-,Law'',-iind 'that the sunt;the landS
'..'•and•Neva Scala...It is es,tirriated: that . abi-,-!'since.. thedaYS, who the, Indian." '
ar;1.3, on •".snpports :during ' the sugar-.. . of,. thos for the. seittie',,months in.
50A00. Obwers :are :..- engaged in Ithe ektracted the -,:sap : from...a
work.. From 185.0.11O.,1899., the product', ggsh '•i41 'die:tree:it acia...,.w.4.4...::fii.s7L.:poill.... ..,!Ig. sa..$03.1...'arq.L.:taketi---dOWn-.and:care- 1923,.t4.44e. fimn EdrePeall'eountries: -,-:-An interesting-,caSe.,•was settled 98. Th,e'cOmmunicatiOn. was- faid .Over
Slanting:. . , • . ,
beipk.i :especiilly . large... The en- wiil he: remined ,te Contribute :is, $9.9., :Setneene',PreVes." :r000ked Skate, he-;:.:-•
:etz.:47.s-.: r ise,...ne:irg,nhibaokis.,,; f Wel; and:T!'
tiok,4f.,,roopiosogar.::.toother...*it.h.j,is7:ati'aVkirk,Lbbililig, ',it. Ari,„ark..earthen..yes... .,:141,3" .StOi'eft...f,Or.,ttile..,reniaincler ,,,Jf;..ti.
; (tStfeiriaiifeTA17.5.'itttue ,seertotulr.i in ,••••.lie -City liallTOrcinfO-,.:re..entlY,Ari.s..--: .iliftil---ifetiiititikt,..,,AStatenfetit'!ot. .
. .• !lt.'.s ,sad,.,to :see • a!, neighbor leSe .ahi.:-:
scoran..anicF.li te..
, eqUiiralent: in .011.3i),-. increased '. Year. :set, until :a small: 222 12 "of ...dark, :'s:P.:.', , ' , : :: :: -::,. '1 ' ' • ., ...• ....:
,1. he, majesfic: -maple ;lia's )ceri. :cut r. -g 'out of . the,' nt.iintepance:..of ,N.Cil, , thhiepP.Uaranuteed ..4..e,Oari,t. 'of, . th.i.;,7'7.o.N.:vr.1- . ,..r.riii on r hone -t i.:41, Worthr .thi: :.
.b37::37.'614r, 'reathin:g...:an:aVerage, *Mal
. yield ,of 22,5.90,009 Pound's. dpringl.:the ' firf :Ste.ns were' the- subititiition; Of : -
thick' sYroo 114.0 ...4eOP..P.riiduceilt;The; :
twaY: tO":a . great ex,,,,it t for. tne :1:irez.", .:!'. Canada ' eiPotted 6.532 'pairs' . of •
• • . ni s; ani 1YOungblut, :in the 'sanitarinin at ,...a of -H ron.,:.'ith, ; The oronte" P,FetncleS, giV'esP Y.,'-n?'ie.:•:. the blues '',and.
,'t.:e. -rand ' the 14 ' '.. .,! , '',A ,proner: 11)14 f?ot?y"r dli.t,?ng: ,.. Jamiary, '',,.rili..it,6•S:41t.....Tohet.t:sia.:Orniit..a.rioriii.e.iii.,.::ag.tiortiestri:,ttibe.:,, !..re,:oeora4la;•„Tv‘i,.-ue:4ts..,liCoo'rreflo.Brayt.tnai: it 6.0eiiiNt,...: .1toiciftle.,s.hi'a;11,1:"fri;o:vmb:litbhb.61i.eng4itnilt.i:1,.-t,rhh4e. salitilv;iiilt„;
, ten. 'Years ....between,' 1881 and • 1801.
. ' ' :the anger for the exe;,,cOopereci*.paiii
e3lization of tht- '‘'ai. • ;:',:the, Maple: : s• sad. to •,see the .ctel.i.'s' of guys .who'cl
Doilog rtlie...:nort, deeade• the ''yee'rly for , the '..bitch bark, '.‘caso?!..er -,heV•ii -
" ..• ., . •
4:roVe: or" tore•s.' •:.•ot 'on.•,' as .A OrOdile-- •,Xttire u, f-
alteacorrstnfiaitioa ..a. re
as fell . ti)'.. Sotne.-..2.1;2130;0.00....-saiy; trough,' and. the eviipbrziting., Pon
•,tr,4ol: -lumber a,. . .fuel out, tor the• on,,, S 7hlii:f2,14:.- 'not 7alt 'an ,hour for 'Proof 'that' he
for the:, kettle. . •• yap.orating,:pan
...i.ual :etto of 'Sugar it Yields Will'..doe 'Tillage . of' :fleShert on". and,. anothe:&: ed The 'arnodrit to -the credit Of this
' ' .POundS • .and in more' iecent ,"years . it ' The e' • ' - ' went.' •to: the United •stateh., ,2;038 to ''..tgainSt idle. To.;tvoship• of .Noimanby,. 'Pund. :at this• date. iS: $5647.59, Inter- :las' sinned. as pe&Ple claim ;..they 'gaze: .
' . • 'New. Zealand' 'and' 2,031 to China. and,
21 1.2) to, reViveLianclextend-the Maple jpa.ii, Bermuda the
straits, s.ettie7 . aiiiliing . an 'Agg-regate-,'-01--...abOut,-.-3.1-,-:.:- -est-,Lre,---;weSt-ShOre '!Eleet-rie-Co,. •Mc, r•roni.7•nun'aret - and • roof and, sav: his, •
..i.4..ar :.,inaustry, *.E7erk though... a de.- ments end, Newfoundland ...took, the • - , •., : E . ,
)00' 'fOr keepel. 'this patient:, in.the.. . i • . . • . .• . _ • .
.i. '. . d lIeiCi. the' industrY.still ,bulkaTlarge•
rease iti • produCtion ,is ' being , exPer- rest... The value was $21 ',' '',..2..,....._ ....',!1.:u.Sficika:•_San'itatin_M_foit_:aJninuber ,of 11:...Ay,;:tilf::;:ttit.pl,.eilr:kcint,.,t 1g,'Ttellpaile, nt.liti,,ste,aolu)10.4i.1.,.., iik,-:...ilictor::,e1:,7nius1.4aari:.si:11;t0,,fhoilfie.:,li.eta.hneTd.ht,.ehkyaic7ivkgiti",:lin:homt::....
;ears: • • . • - i.. . .., ,.. • : •• i'to'• tiip ,J1.1•10:•. ,cc:adiledY: B.Y.-'-',av. ' . ,is•teri-to ..a- wond that one .Would..iaY''
„..;.,:13ath:',:,nuilli4Paiities',.;.4-iiSpnied,,their .....O.;.:..,6.94:,.41/.„.,,.;,,appo4ot,:,:4,...PatlitnastOr,s,.•.,1,
.. •• , , . •, .. , ,
'..tability;""... Th'e - aCtiOn'':-WaS-:06iittiallY 13iitkn:diiee,rierg7,''Aottf..,77.FOC4i0Ver15,,l'N:rkilifilab§,Oteri:‘,4d-ibort. of . truth and. .
ettied in Codr.t ,by ConSent, TI:1, Sant' for the ToWnShip Of .Huron for the.' -.2einmOn'.:serise; the sinner 'is . A vile
1 31.4,.:.btrd "
.iyho shOuld be shooed and
. ., . . J •
.1 :fa.iitnyi, '''i.,e'e:,i-,i ti g • iOdgnIent '.againgt ;yea•r :,19,./4:• was r .dilly Passed; . signed .
hiN;ie,d.. herice,'Bitti .I 'refute, to ' 'ihake '
Ithri!.d...,'.co'isii:sg,.e'70,,.f,he:ttele,t'si9hoerioang:a'•fit. ',t6h0e()„. ;'a.i.t.,1,71g;;:S.e.,,c.trid.:,,.':11-,!$(ts,c;Oftit..,1.1.P)thn. jiaasnti,eesrS: fN:s'or;
';'roorki•e',.°‘,unlesS ::the'•evidenee they lend
' beeaus.e..Sorge. .say: he, is at., •
.4Wnsliip . of 21ermanby as .44inisio4 Stanley; • . Isaac ,EnSigh; . D, .12: ,Me, : :st.fiaaiL A.§..: the stiored,.,g0pk.r•apd'„Ai.m.:: •
,, ., MeKentie;' David Stewart :11r..r.Peter in arlti With. hint --I went to fish for : ..
stickers'. in, the „brook : .Let otheta... ply
, •.. , . • • . , ,
Withent COStS, • • • :
•.• . • . • • • '
Cii'LltOSS CENTRE • : .'M DonAld; .11obert Steele;•• janies 'M. '
• • ,1••••,:•--o. 0,0:-,-.'-''
I he ;Vicions' k.hot, Jin41. sa5i• the sinner, '
'1..31u.' cqn:., 1 ' ei 2t-4.a.raa' h.liri; ..' A'' :hould 'be,• Shot. r.ir think iny. friend,
'ahd• ::Nlys. J. Nleinnes: Visited W. ilinnito.n; Wm.•;:tiOrderi;, flortintd, a''' g;.04, 61
, d Scout 'Until they 'Prove
6.y.1..„.stivd.ii,y7,1,01:,...„,,.. MeCharles. Kenneth 'McLeod; 'Alex .
:"Nff.T.toloil-TliatilWIT::-.§ebttr -$-Etnul' leiFit.atilirlia;1*(48.iIi 'ti•-i•i';'.1:'g, Snit) - ' ' ' '
that he is,notz• I'll•teke ,hiin • It' 't • - , ,
:..ip.:33til'idinj;°:tkhe'S.:-itItItheta'urpt.nuOrnrtehd. aft°r 4CL5i11-rtafcella;r1..j1I:ve.tii..1.-e1.t7-Ne.t°':':Iti'l' . 3l
• . . • : . . , • , . itig,hot: '''• ! •'.zWalt, gagni,
A iitinfbeifrern here attended VVm..
Payler'S •sale Chi. Monday of
. .. ,
.... ..4r.:..k.:Af..Kazge. ts.,sisiting:frien:i4,.
mit -rels tion is : on Con, -8,' eakt,', and in
. . ,
AiTY' WITH, • US -WE ,
, •
with •the more general seof :
t. ile.d6r/1 ,..'ntc.,thq,ci$and proper :encout?
e --thei•e" no reason why' c
not to and even' stir:"
its 'previous' records. •
• .
Canadians imported 5,326.567.
pounds of -tee last. month, or :about,
three-fifths of a Pound per head of
population. • The value of last
month's tea imports was $1,661,176;
and for the twelve months ending.
January 31, the 'value of the 43,223.-
119 pounds imported into , Canada
WaS $13,253,642. , The bulk of it
'came from India.
"-.1. was midnight .on the:-.0-ceati, •
.____. , • .
:NOt.' a". s'treet "tar was .i.iti.'Sight,.. •
nue tne sun Was ;Sinking ,btightly, " Siiecitl:. 'trains '' Of, linniigtant4'
:it,. rained both day ,and night. . hearit'oim
e....oarecentorlY to
ocarrthiole liiiisilhd,. coonurittehet,
1WAs '4' winter ,day in suminer .a
While 'the 'barefoot .boy with shoes on,
Ann; the sky was raining glass, .. , trainsirsarvtiensdteatraist'oad taltai(tliset,inicmaeriri4:
'3 t
,NitifieluriVelliAIIIii FaW•ir-ifiT IS" -a
*4'''S''ll'rin.114'.g:t".4g '
'''''''Y '''-'7''''''''' "' feature ..Of all long' dist-tinCe iremi-
, .
'lii as evening and • the ,rising, , Man
grant' trsiint, thtni, doing away With.,
was setting in. the West,
the neeeteity of the neWcomera. pro -
And he little 'fishes in th'e trees vidihg their own food or using"sta-,`
' 'wer•e huddled,' in their.nests, Ilan hincli counters en tante..
•';' deltil'etp'. in6letPt!eotif,°bnYdt-e-1311etritsri-ef'PptOWItT
, .
during the 'eurrent, year :will .:add.
900,096 h.p., to the present total Of
8,228,090 'ho., already .installed in. ' Mr, .itici. Mr -3. August 'Millei. spent • w;71(4.; `JOIM CaniefOri • j't ,, Matthew
..: :tnagedda.;in_Tireilibitiolad_..,cditiraltittiiitla „POia tWoer,assWilg ' 3und ay , at ' the, hoille Of., M.t........td„..M.r.S.,,..tako.re ; •Addin„...Mcbcinalcl.„ :Con. .7-.7.7.._.'.
ininineond , puiii: itiddistties, it , maoi. : .c..' Scott's; Con. 4, '; ' , i , . Pait,, Nielteriii-e;-.'.'tlis.ha, '..&iJoriald;.•
Ontario, for gold4iiiiiing and. other , , Mr. Nat Dunbar has returned 'after :Allan McIver; Norniak McDonald
, • ,.. • . •
toba to supply ,thial ,needs, and in
visq:Ing. friends, at 7.-Lucknow •and. I (27.4Y; tun'ean' .Srnit'll, tofi,. 8-Hen-
i:elonitoitteliatte'. Ispri,(416:hteocti....thneectf!iliiefwditeh. •Blythe. ' ' . : • ' ' ':: . ty Stanley:;,LOt E. Ciilbert:: Rocierick
. . the pulp and *toot industries, *rid , misl:, stoacitindst:101nra;a' tOte6tind, 0,Rdicthhaerdas.4onne.eanind . GMet9DrogneatIldu;stoDn.;Aii ,..Nrif,:totaultcf(t2'.4_,,7-3,8:
Walkerton Egg ind.":Daity co, was
Frank Leek, an einPlOYee ' of the 'farther Nat: in the Mari.tinte Prow.,
inee:S,' for public utility .parpeata, •
the victim of a pee:Wier accident lila
There' icevery, indication' that the the Orange Hall at Kinloss last Tne4;i:Con,„ 0 S.:' 10 -Robert McCOsb-• nur.i.
week. While going . tip the stairs at
dearth Of the domeStic SerVant in day evening. . , . I can . Campbell; ' Andre* Paterson;'
his' hOine he took 4 d4zY slien. az* Pdhida, will be greatlY• relieved in' Mrs, Jaeksa of 'Teeswater, visited "Neil McKay; Bert Bain; Earl, KIliott;
v;-itli Mrs: Harry "MeKague last TueS. ; .Joseph Deupe . and William ttardY!
, falling clown the. 'stairs landed. on: his , the course 0f, , the ensuing ivy. gr, 'and mr§: -,G..,. Reid entertained con, ..ii. 4, 12 --Wm, Hill; .1.1.ini 'jollies A.
had at the hottOni. pr: staoter ,who inotitlia..... Miss of,,
,Mackle, head, A !lumber of friends last "tuesday i'Pollock; ErnesV Osborne; Sanmel A.
i';21'4 in the house .at the time released 0 e worn, an a
bronchi. ColOn1.2*,'
'hitt', but ,found that Leek WAS pare- tion ' depattitient, Canadian, Pacifie. evening. ' ' 7 '. ' 1 P611661t; ' Egerton
.184iell; ''348' ' A.
lysed from the ;heck &Wit, While,the .12 it-
gi.a.iiwnY. London, anaoutices that • "the Jolly tine Club" mot at.the I Harris; John Wilaoio, lames. Percy •
Spine does not appear to be broken "SSPetiallY .e0tiducted partiet: of ',do. home of Mr, and Ligra. StobO on Fri- 1 Con., • 12 (Noto)--Georg D. Ther4P-
there:, is' Presanre uPon1101141' itestitoietooto ate befog otgiutisid daY''evenlitg, A. good trit)i program.! aiitil Claude Dore;' 'John G. Pair"; Al.
ehord soniewheig 'AM it its. hoped Oita under' 0%4 Entply,a Settlemoat Aot in
I tOVe.r. Though in, tItia, Condition 'Os rt
cokiuttctiari 'with .th• Catilidiaii Go*, • me was eni.°Ynd )# nn.: The 'tot of bert tiltrtit; George ' Rittle, EASe
mem t th , , . ty. . , ,,,t..4y, the 'evening:''Utiiii lipcht iIi." titiniell Iiiti .1.:IfiNtatthog, Welsh, -Sidelitle rive
if thla oin bei" relithited he insiY, te4
0140' ,.iii '0011891001 - . 11:11.!ft1 '04 tf w!tilto cliniftv , ,aotoittz., A'"fr. '. :'''A'j''''' Milton Ofitav•}7 thettoo •1100,01-Aptidrt,
..-.,. ,
ram n .poured dawn in drops
bile the sun was shinirig' bright ,
21,tid Ithat conld 1)e ,soerk,
was hidden' out of sight.,
While the Organ pealed potatoes .
Lard wat.,rendered„:by the choir,
1 lute, the. sexton rang • thc-cisbOctb,
-S-41-C'offe-tiet 'the *.:hurch affre;"--;'''
lady smOke! the , preacher shouted,',
And in the rush he, lost his hair,
,New his head resenibleS
As there is „no ,parting there.
ow to as
Preserve - Woolens
ooten garments. or artict s .
-cleansed , with -SI_JRP,14 'Sr
Is, soap feel soft, ,fluffy, anci
,washed. 'Dry, Wbolen articles
hi a mderate-ternperature7.
not in .the sun -and do not
allow them to frecozo, Sun is
Injurious ,to wobh freezing
causes shrinkage,
• •
• Murchy; Elmer Osborne, Charles E, FORGERY MUSN'T BE ALLOWED
Sm;th; David Campbell; Win,Wilson; •
. •
Alex Fraser; •Samuel Geddes: Thoin- his addros's to: the Jury in -.the
as H.• Hooey. con, 54.-kez • 6 -Win: Ken-- -GantWe.-forgeb: case last week, -Mm.
a..62-S•dnigiu-sMED,;: McDonald; J.
omery;hUSitieSS the past generatibri, •'The
„ellett-,bf----riAawers---used ter.,.hc-a
favorite' depository ,for a mates Sal:- •
'n•rs. and he paid his bills in cash.'
to -day fo.;1•4 Settle their accobrits by „.
nk cheque and thousands of these'
l'heqUes are cashed in a conimuniW
-2 Vary day Most people are honest
heir ordinary deal'ng,s, Otherwise
this SYstern could-, not go on, The
Judge reminded the jurymen :that if
forgers were permitted,: to go free,
banks would soon draw in their
horns- and the prO)lic would lose the
enefitof what is to...44y a trernen.-
10!)4' Convenience. --Walkerton
Cf th' 25 cities ir ()tat* ' Port
conieS lowest Mirk.
diAtaariitah;::: =,payss:166t 5e7$ h kwhiletite talxvopoedrstroatok.,