HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-27, Page 1• ' Aatztaft- oor'-4044%.*,.644 • •••• •-`'.44• 4,4;••• • •• • - , dr, ..dc •• „ .••• ' •,, ".0 11* , .e.•466 Ir'6•6•I • -- • • , 6 . • ' r .f • • • , 4, 1: • " • ' —1 .• „ . • :. .$g...O.PElt •N'IlAit,IN,•ADVANCE•;',•'42.50ADTHEHVII.SE. ., '77; ,...--:,..;;;"7!".--.5.-.-1' *•";:';•,...°;•-",:i,,!,..°4:4*;-4.-':*1:AjeTitN0 - . 'verHURSDAY- MARCH 27th.,1924. ,. . , . , A • ., # ' • Y i . • 4 i ' ' 1 FORMER BRUCE MEN •": „ • ' CHURCH, Ni)TES " • THE LATE' ALKXANDElt • '''' Mrs, Moisef ;25; Bob 'MePre, $1;0o; • - ' 7," SINOLE COPIES.5"CENT"S; , , VETERINARY SPRGEOK. Or. F. J. Keleher, Ripleyi, Phone .:laight. or day.-t.f, - :DENTIST -• - 614, • Pr; MacLeod will visit ' LlicknOty. ?, every ,ues ay. in •Dr. Connell s Office . • , eARK4R '..,STEOPATII at the Chin Hou:36..LI:kaillow, every Wed- . • ,Lnesday.,. afternoon. All chrOnic'dia: , eaS'es.-.Eitiecesaftilly treated. 'Mee -6:-. pathy iamoves tne physical causes • :or diti-eaSe. Adjustnaent' of --the- , spine is. more qtfickly seemed' and 'With, fewer treatments . by Oats- ,. pathY than: by • anY other method. , . "?. • k,• • • f • Torollt6'Priee3 paid for kinds .01 - • poultry. , , A. Grospopf, Lucknow. DR.-MAUDE C., BRYANS Registered Optometrist r Graduate Department of 'Ophtlialmol- oe.•.y. 4Y1cCorrnick Medical*College. Chi- cago, Ill.• ' timadaches, Dry Itchy Eyes, Grand- '• hated EYelids. Watery Eyes. Pain in Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. Pus or , Water), Discharge from Eyes and , Dizziness ":cauSed-by""-Eire;strain • re- lieved through. properly fitted Glass- Oross Eyes straightened though .-4----oroperly-litted Lenses, --. • „Satisfaction Assured . .At the Cain House, Lucknow, Every • Wednesday .Afternoon, and Evening. • • • • - ' , • FOR SALE.-Nordheimer Piano in good, condition. Apply' to G, A, Sid-, Lucknow. • 8-11-tt. , . . SEED' OATS -A limited quantity for saie, clean, Lincoln and 2Oth Century, averaged Si bus. to tile/acre in 1V23. 'Albert Cook, 2 miles .west of Luek- •I • "1 o - LOCAL AND pENIERAL, ' ' 0 0 0 0 , 0 Timothy, and. -lover seed for sal at W. G. Andrew's. 1 Mr. Malcolm Campbell,- of bohal 'spent, the Week -end With .11i3. •riStel Watson.F. • , 'Jane Rutherford; Havelock St. Was seriously ill a ,week ago has ,somewhat 'unproved:, "'"" Dr; 'Parker, Of Wingham, will resume hi30weekly visits to the; .Jan House-'Lucknow, begirmin-g-Wedn.,-3- day-afternoon, April 2nd. • Extra quality No. 1 Ontario varie- gated' Alfalfa, certified grown. in 'Peel county at W. G: Andrew's. • • t • „ ' .• 'GATHE'R AT WINNIPEG'-. ' '• z , ' '' C..- $0 Sidda PAT1ERSON •• . COnnell, ..:•,A.• ll .- One' a 'the 'inost instructive meet` Dr$100; G ----:- l-•--.-: - .--• .;,,,----- •-:-....-0----,-..,--,-- -------00;;,Mrs'.- TreleaVen,' .,00; AliSS.,.4-,'0,1316. Hold Reintion at Whith'Early : ings held by the Epworth League 'for 0;. some time-vMi-put. on -by• the citizen 'Paterson' at -Ladner, B, .-C.• • -hrieflY. -A • Vrientl;', $L00;-• DI -Stewart.4$/-.00; " • Regarding the death of Mr. A. C.- •Campbell, 111.0,0;: Ed. HollYnian, $2.0 Struggles are 'Told hy.; . • .• • , • , Prominent Men . •ship ..,0epartuiefit, lastMenday ,night. Mentiened in The „Sentinel' a- edul* W;A. Kearney, $1. , rs, ,Reld, .00, Dr Newton was in the chair Doilg.of Wks.'gt:),. we have the '1`11h3vving ''John 1)iitt(i6; M1)18°.r4 Iaq Osterhout'read the 'Scripture 1,04. Son, ..:',1'he.:subjeet, under'.' -discussien. Was: the liaraig*tiari.• suestien „. end' 'very „interestingalicirt .talics.,Were en by D. C. Tailor, • Dr. Newton, S, C. Rathwell, Mrs. H., Ehitlips, T S. Reid, Harold. Aeltert, . Ifev. 'V, E. Treleaven and Rev.' Os.terhont. Each, • The following accetpit.',of a.. meet. • ing ef Bruce Old Bos at.' WinniPeg is from 1 • 'The 17,Viiinipeg' Tribune 9.f4 'March ..Qriffin-: 15- 'It '*as Sent .tb,..na by Mr. 4.0111E.M.S.e..1.10.17P,4•Iie ,no.dOuht, great... ly enjeyed. the :evening. . ,Mac-•• Intyre,points;out that the.three. prin- ciple _s_peakers at tbejliinquetLwere,. foriner •Kinloss- boys. • Judge'. *Lae, Itherson is•a .soir of the kite Ewen 'MacPherson,: 8th Can. Kiiiloss while Chief Justice Mathers, and Pi:inch:MI , John MacKay . had their early, homes near Lucknow.'N0 less :than_ 52 of the, 300 at .,the banquet were ,fro.ni LucknOw and ` Kinloss; The Tribune article follows i •••• , , . . .:The , woods, the fields, ,the iling . , towns and):,yillages.•;of.-11roce county, Ontario; .'were' horn ...again. 'in the Oinds of.,.'some:7800 ;former resident3 •of-that.-sectiOn-Of:.the-dominion,:-at.,a„ •Bruce county, Old Boys' .re -union,, in Marlhoropgh Fridag,:eyening.• MemOries. Of flays' tong since gone; 7ditOf hardship. .and 'pioneering, days • OE struggles., for 'existence. against great: Odds, and. happy' days which they hid 'Spent' in their •child,' , hoo'cl; were revived. It Was 14 years ago, Wilhiarn ,ThOrburn;' ehairinaii, said;, 'since. Winnipeg' ."'Brike,;cOunty, Old ...Boys had first Met." it was ,-his: wish that , from now on the', event would be: annual. The. function,was , •.in .the forni"Of banqUet.,„;Proiptly . 7 . O'clock the assemblage ...;corigre; ' gated ill'. the great banqn4t hill' 'on the eighth Door, and --every- noiv'„anci :thin. the •rooni.„reSOtinded to • smile•-liVely choruF.„.•: • • , •• COiiiitY of •Ris Choice • Following -.-the ' banquet, all stood While a toast to the: King was:drunk.• !Bitice. "county"' : next, arid with: it were ••.ce,upled, the', -names' of ',Princi- pal•john. McKay' of llailitoba college, ,Mathers :and'juclge:A. :M.cphersoli' • • • ; • While . he ';could net elaim Bruce. ,CMIntY„as -the of ',his -birth, still; it -• Was the; County of his 'A:lit:dee declared" the Conirnencernent of 'his addreis. wondered how how, it'P•Was • possible ,for so many . peoOle from Bruce cotinty to 'lie in, Other parts Of. the -world, He" ,,looked ::back' 'on his ybOyhood gays.. liear Lucknow, with-, pleasure - and it, filled him;*.he said,,:with7pri-de- tO see so •inany of Ids • boyhood com- panions doing -so well in' many, fields of ''endeaver ' in the world,„.; ", The original Brace county' stock were Scotch.' They'left :their' impress ... on the county, arid .on the don-link:in; to the better-,. afent of .conanninities .- not only -in Ganado-but in the United State's And., cithei parts of the world as well, iororn the little county ':had come many: of the World's leaders in bus- iness and in social life.. Log_SchoOl House • . • As an example .he cited'. Several Winnipaggers Who had firat - seen the light 'of day in Bruce, Asshming, a joiular vain; Mr....Ecicay said that entitled 40 speak' anthoritativelyrer - 'girding '.. Bruce county than' ,those iersons, Who' .had-abeeri. born -,,there, ole could not claim. that distinction le 'said, but he •Could plaint', to itiizen :of the ,tounty by Choice. per - ons born there --had no .Say .in the matitee. . • '.„0 : :The speaker, strenied. the detire fer, ducation Which •,.had' been a ruling• actor:in the life of all Bruce cOunty itizens. The little school .er- eted by. the willing iis1,i13-a sett- -9114--fredin Aogatewilrorty the----Virw4.•; in forest had prodnced Mere- prem., tient personages' than pal4t1a1 Echool buses - of. today,- Teadlicirsthinl, tilight4 for 'a pittance, but -they ,had heir hearta,,and sOulit th their tOrk. toti...linti played 4 great art hi their Ifiyen and tl.e church', ike, the, Odh001; rude 1g tenipla that . he dmnthfl1ty, . _t• .•sebeol daYs (Out the4oYi Of skatin.i.;," aseliall and shinny :Were extolled bY hief Justice:Mathers, who said that., ports 'in tliese day, were' net the kid glove" -recreations ,to -day, ights were .nunierouti 'but grticiges Vere unknoWta n, Shinny cks' Woke tiV trom the rOota ef a telt; 'When hinny was played there Wee. stiCh hing es "Off Side," There Was Ile' tick, only A robber hell that WOW ti halt Mile it tiWatted right, 'Neighbors, he eald" Were never inititered," the were plain ,"',13111!'. r to -'both tolti4114 $01111-g-44 Ite further particulars from a•Vancouver W. ,Murdie $5;00; Alias B. Campbel 1, Ladnerp4per; 00 'Merch Al„exand;::MS3;°s.Q:.;IiRiNeesii‘ste..2t ;1C3461.:;:'"Gt44I40',i:961;`:$$51:0000'; • c: Paterson, 85, 'father Of :A.. P. Va- 0.66t. mis, .terson. M.. L. A 'and- ebrother-M-lioN - • • - .50;" Mrs,"G 1-1-; Douglas; $1.00; •Mrs. or the late Lieut. Governor Thomas Win' Armstrong 25. Mrs 'D' K. Wo'c'locPlcatertesnZito.fatVitchtoeria4;d1°ietfat8 his 3/11-,a• R. McCallum $10.00; igr,s- Arebster .50. 'Mrs. Struthers, $3.00; Besides '1ViSlow and A. D• ,50; Mrs: MeMorran, .50;./Mrs': Stan- sonsPate r sa On nd .MfiveL. dAa.u,gohftel-drsadllei., tw° iey, .50; F. Armstrogg, $1 00; A': -Banffshire, -,Scptlan as a- boy of -8 years sWaS;InTn.esFiPaantkerP8canierosfonA,tcohfisVoann, eRmaav1.17- mivve\ndJe.rsillitile.5,0$;1A.0b;%.M. DeR.jeani'm$egr,0°0n:. werhiJa,m,es Lum..sden, Of VanC0,1.1V $2.06; $5.09; , Mr.. Paterson was a ''native of IL, c. Bridge, 1.,•(,)0; suss M. Hood,', Miarms. mAelelixenDzaiev,ieo,f.oLfuLeicadnnower,; coMnrts..; 135e.1.00$1.1v/007.m. T;s.Resipdi,nsdile.aro;$1.m.oros;. Mrs. ' ing nearly Mrs. A. Y. Johnstonteo, Mrs. Eric Telfer, of - SkagwaY, 25 years ,41CoafimnaiLddada:lellisieevix:' T. wats°n' $1*()°;' Rey, 'C°sens' $1.4:16; (1, --and 'e'lligrated 25; prs, §°17ive; $1.QO; R. J. Rutton, .50; Well. and A-.b.elYll'u$rdliMe0:$'71‘1.01.0;RMrviesrss'41.11°°M;UMrdiies, -• $5:00; itae.A. Porteous, $1,00; •Mrs. W‘. Ferris, .50;, E. Miller, $1.00; Aitchison, .00; J.,13e11, Mr. Jack Holt, formerly of New York,,is- spending a feW days of this wee with his stint,. Miss Marie"Mur- ray„, Or. Holt is wearing the _uniform of the, Canadian 'Mounted Police and is stationed at Regina. • • BASEBALL • 6 r ( • An organization meeting will be held in -the =Council .-'?hantber, "Lnek- n,ow, Monday March 31st, at 8 o'qlock. A cordial invitation' is extended to every baseball fan to attend this meeting and heost our, .village in sport. We make this appeal on our last year's record • Be Out Sharp At Eight • 0-0— • „ _A SECOND DISPLAY. ' , On Tuesday next April. 1st,. we will have another splendid display' •of Ladies •Coats,. Suits mid Presse. All .-orders filled for. Eas•tei.. 'EveryOne invited„ -See "ad".-bameren Mur-• FOS.'SALE , . SOCIAL EvErinsTO. . , • 100 acres .west.,Of Luck- Lucknow Lodge ). O. a F . will • now-Comfartable house.. barn 56x66. suo of hold a social evening in the Lodge 14x30 ft. stabling for 40 bead .ciaue,,, cement flooringfarM suit; room On Friday, March. 2$th. Ofunes able fer =grass or grain growing, plenty of water. School '4 mile For, inrther information apply to, Albert Towl, LucknoW, ' .• FERTILI4Elt-'0icler your fertiliz- ernew. A ear will arrive: soon- --Gunns Sure Crop.' See ---G. S. Rob-, Wall Paper --7-I have on hand the 19-• 24 samples of a nuniber of the best' wall -paper boasts, and will be pleas- ed te'show than at my house. or will take them -to' your resirlenceR. Carnerob,• Box 174,, Lucknow.. 3 yrs. , • make gobd farm:. horse, Will sell- cheap.- Con 'Forel). R. 2, Ltlekne," " - Phone 23 ort 4o. • , AUCTION SALE ' , • • W. J. Lane Lot 4, Con. 10 E. D. " Ashfield will have an auction sale at -- • - his -farna-,stock and -.implements .on. Monday March 31st, Everything will _ be BOW as the proprietor is, leaving the. farm.- , , John Purvis Auc, V • ', ' ' AUCTION SALE ,- ._ .' Robert Webster who recently sold ., -- ....... - . his farm a short - distanee west of- , ....... Lucknow, will have an Auction Sale • of his stock and implements -on • ' 'day, March 28th, commencing at one clock,' - -Elliott Miller, -Auct. • , . , , . . . - ' • • : -, 150 acres being Lots .12-1344 on. the Durham Road,,Kinless Township good reeidence:' barn 45x80 ft; teinent • ' stabling, alio hay barn. 30,100 ft.: Further information fit= C. W. ' Smith Henley...Sask. or from, Alex' ,NichOlson. Lucknow.' 16-4-p oormo•rosammoo••••• 'GIRL WANTED- TO do housework ' in 'hoine- :With modern, conveniences. ,For information; phone Lticknow No. , • 85, or write, to The Sentinel. Office. SEED POTATOES -A limite&-quari- • , • „ tity• 'of Hustler seed potatoes. Apply M. Greer, • 84 -•• • •.1 In proud arid loving menuirY• bf ,dear wife Catharine -Leach -Who died--March-290,--192-1, ,,,In the graveyard softly sleeping, 'Where tho flowers 'gently wave' Lies the one we loved so dearly, '.• In her •lonely 'Silent grave: . Days of sadness. still Cornell o er us, . Tears: in silence' °Oen flow,, • . Memory keeps .her..ever near us, As it did three years ago: Th the silent„grave we laid her, " • Till the ,.iYforn when Chrtsti aP- . 'pears, o' . . : 'There with -30Y we hone to' greet, . her, . • Var beyond this va'‘ Of tears. Husband, Sisters and Brothers°, ' ''• - ratiir lAkOovui, 144toti 246, 24, .$o t A114. NeKlino 41 800, ' „.• • ,• • ' „ • , to commence •at 8 o'clock. Ladies please bring lunch• -'-,Com. • . • „ , DIED 'AT FIRANTFORD •' Mrs. James PicheFing passed awaY: 'at :the General ':Hospital, EranttOrd, olloW14 Tong' illneSS, on Monday diis. Week. The remains were brought to LacknOW-fer -intern-lent in Greenhill Cemetery on, Wednesday afternoon, seryice being 'held at..the heme'of the Missei Pickering, Have,. .lock Street., • „ Before her marriage, thelateMrs,. Pickering was Miss Christena 'Nur- --r-ay, her early hoine being in the Paramount locality, 'where la hrether• James and. 'sister Margaret reside. Mrs, Pickering was ip her 5:0th year., ASHFIELD MAN nIgs "Charlea. `'Of the Lake Shore. Road, Ashfield 'died on Saturday '•• last' it the age ,of .73.* -Mr. 'MadLennan had been ill for some -weeki.--=-He -was iiiimarriedrhe-and-e°, sister making ,their horrid on a farm , .riear-the end of Con, '12. The'funeral wa-s:,.on Monday • afternoon Cemetery, • , , ' THE .LATE MRS. NEIL MCKAY , , 'During a tall at The- &nth -14'4e' fice last Thursday,, 'Albert Mc- Kay, who wits:here ,from, Owen Sound' to Attend -the funeral of his 'mother the late Mrs. Neil: mcNity; gave us the !_f011ovving information about. the, 'deceased; • ' , Mr. and -.Mrs. Neil' McKay cariieio' Kinless' 50 Years tii4,3 from ,Pe'ru; State of Indiina. Mr. mexity died With ''.three small - boys .to care for, fair -year i later,. leaving his widow Albert being then :au, infante The thrie.„,ifills 404111 living,: Charles H. 'at. Eyres' F.1Is, - Washington State; Ilarry, ThOmpkina;'.8ask; and Al- bert, at Owen Sound,..Mr,..and Mrs. - Albert McKay who -With-their dau- ghter ,attended • the 4ineral wish On -behalf of the feniiiy, ,,,to thank the .kind • whii 'did, at) -eMeh ,fOr their Mother during her 'Rheas. _Auction Auction .SatUrdaY, March 29th . at the'. AUCTION -ROM Lucknow ' , response to Oilr anvertlgerient of last week, we have 1iptc4 fOr, this salt, 'a lazge and varied lit3Sortment of tiSeful articles wliich will bo etter!; ed for sale to the highest bidder, on the afternoon of the above date. PeittblY :the very art'.cle you have been 10Oltilig for and „ require,. Wl11, be Sold or a lorY tinut11 part et its ileSt; , speaker dealing with a special•phase .02. the subject. 4 duett Was sung by Harold and„Mildred,Treleaven, A solo by Carrick DouglaS, and an instru- mental,duett by Murdoch Bros., There was a Very large aftendanee 'and `the meeting Was thoroughly enioyed..• The Pastor .Rev, J. H. Osterhout, B. 4.; B. D. will have charge of the' Services in the'Aileiliodist church next •Sunday.,An-the -evening bout will discuss the pre,sent Temper- ance, situation 'in tha. 'province of Ontario. You •itre welcome to all the • services 91-tiiiir- ": • , , . , The Presbyterian Guild " - • The Literary.committee had cliar?,•ok of the Guild meeting this week, •The , programme was of very high order, each number being well rendered and° very -anuch; enjoyed by those present, After the opening'exercises Rev, Mr. McCallum took the Scripture reading, , Grant MacKenzie aneMiss, Malik Al - lin each gave 0: piano selection.. Car -- rick Donglas„Sang a solo. A violin so- lo 'selection was given hi'J. Orr and Miss P: Irving contributed a reading The tppie of the. evening was taken by Mr, McK'enile; 'gave a yery able and educative' review of "Our Canadian Prose Writers.": The Missionary Committee' have ,charge 9f • the meeting next Monday eyening. and a cordial inVitation isextended to 'son on- „•"InVerholme .rancli. :Ladner. • colm ..50; Mrs. John A -.McDonald, icnougnety,n,e.tanftoarriiioii,,nia.ndHer wvainsg. "on.I;t,e0;• rl.,,.. Hodgins, $2.66; ,m7„ joe Taylor, to Brute. e.o-anty;TWhere, he engaged ' ------vlr:"....ilieliOn_Reid,„4,504-1VIrs. Jas. Tay 'or, $1.0O; ,Mrs. 'Douglas, $1.00; Mrs. the . rnoSt :Successful, breeders :of .00; Mrs. Will Mee'ott, $1.00; MrS! 'shoithorn ,Cattle,;.irt. western. Ontario • ariti was '.,Well, known and ' respected 1-31„./0-;,...P,,...4,,,i.§......0.t.eo.w•Tma.rrEts!.. -,:,$!ts3.ii.,..°80ist;i;,. Izi 0M$iIis.io,stoi;omn:;:ms$•it2:::. thronkhent. Bruce county.' 'He took ' an active -part 'in,' Public affairs' iti. Ontario .iiiid'; fOr, a nuinber of „y„ears IL. inds3r, .5;, Mrs. McNah, $5,00';• W. W. Hill, .$1,00; IVIrS: Miller, ,50;• Miss theld important offices in agrleoltural methr,e0r,., erganizations...., . W. pifiRs:idc.,$;i1ift000;0.i:I.M:,. $1.00; .mr,s. 4.0.);):. • mrsi.ss6,7A,nbdsretewr,, $50._ ' -tiredtFi it;1 n.'174;i:r4iyozniat4er is•iaeCaaitgugifiv6ii' ; hi4u,t.1 r1;) :bkPPer.ra::y and l341..;i litlerPai.6Pariiiie::' • :. .'..)'93.4:26011:04.6Mr:rsWwri.tr$:*.:0.70B;eab,'lloieu,si!;, :2$51.:0j0c;fiii Aj.°H1..4.. L. •iviersean, $1•, - to British Columbia for . his. reinaionik 'BoYd, $1.00; D.•McLeed, $1.06;',Ijoht. ink'.Yeari. He lived a:number rOwn,...: $1:00. Plate. et:Woe-tie:xi ...,Uleetr Years : in ' Kitsilano • and later inevect J.:woo. , 70,t14 ??2.55.. „ • to :Ladzie'r..; He ..leavRe a. wide., d,itee. - Thi. :list kr not complete as one of friends both in: yariconver and:. ecti?4.of ti,,ie town wite rtoi, cnvas_, the' Delta:, r'., : :-.-2,,,--.:: • --. .. ' sed. Owing to the conditions of the • . l'he.. funeral took -place' on Wednes.; all roads. nothing was done ;in the cOlin- day,. Mar., .12; from rih6. famil5.7.'''isaii- try, .b.L4, Nith„ 16:ie.-care .raa there will • . - (fence', Ladner A large number of ..re.,, he a canyasa, of the surrounding' dii7 .lativee,and friends-of,th4fainily Were . WHEN; "FATS" MEET "LEANS" ',Present from ',Miner,. Vancouver, and , . .. • - , -, :THERE'S. PLENTY' FUN :New 'Westminser:. The Rev. Charles ••., ' 2 ,-- ..-0-er'e.-4." " - 4' . '. Big-Filkiiiii'Win In Burlesque :. t a native of the . county - of Bruce -and. . . • i ; . ' . - ' - MacGillivray,"i)asof'of the deceased, mr. J.WITE.S7AFnO:eiDso has gone . .•'. iloCkey ' • • ' • • the Rev° R. Gihnore, of Vancouver, Londouand Alvinston fel., a'Week, cOnducted the ' funeral. service. .The %pallbearers were T. li',. Paterson, Mr. :Frank- Brown .. spent "Sunday 'sons o the deceased, Alex Davie, A. • •, Vancouver; A. D. Paterson, M L A •,' evHenaionglioigu logs burgjotho, ,,ord.or: of the II Y. Joblistori,- and-4,1*es- p.- Ltn*,den -daY.-- ; . s' . • ........:„ ' • 1 ''-'_ --s-onsl -la*--and-DouglaS PaterSbirli"---Maii r.-Shelton-oUr School ma'ani-• grAnd on, and a son -of W. Innis fat-. spent the Week' end if her 'home. terson, who at present is in Kansas .• 'Miss Irelen - Murray visited • Over . . State IJ...S., A..' ; , ,,. • ---, .„ ' ' . , the week ' „end :with . Miis Nancy • . The. crowd, at the Rink last. Friday . evening was .entertained. -the -blirleaquoliockey game, Was .-9n, -The-Jat•-•-•merrevitlently had; the-sym---- nathy of- the fans -and inspired by this the big fellows surprised their inore•ngile opponents, who. evidently' • had, looked for an 'easy victory. It Was really ,a.,":hroein-ball • gaine-;--a foot, ball being used :fer a puck and broarns'for:hockey sticks. It .ia' said. fliacthe7Wiii n er:S :1 -Midi' to JIM Young, who as goal keeper shoWel tineipeeted adtiVity and Its . . • nearly,50 years sinee Jim got Out of his-teensi--but-apparentlY- re- tained some of the deftness inhand- hing stick which Made him -one:C.f days. , • • ' • Referee T. • Watson 'didn't enforce the rules of the' genie 'too strictly.ani. there was little penalizing •, ,tIld'- "fatS," 'but the "leans" have 'enter& a protest claiming that the'. i•eferep. allowed a goal to the, fats which they did not 'score.• • The line up was: Pats•. -7 -Jim Yoting., •Geo: Douglas, Mel; Reid, Cliff Aitch- is�n, Marshal Graham; Irwin, Wm. -Macintosh,. W. Kearney, A, Ritchie (spare). Leans" -F. T. 'Armstrong, RObt Rae, Wm. Murdoch; mcQoaik, R. Buchanan, C. Agnew, J, A. can - W: McCoy. • 7baseball.1on-Skates Also furn- jshed,=a--good-410e1-‘. .-. --amuiernent,,. though Somewhat over -shadowed the other event,• ,'• • struggle, .of • Had l6 -.Mlle ..JUdge ;IVICPherson 'Was' the ° last • Speaker,: ije told of his boyhood claYs near .Lucknow; Ile recalled times When he. use or o town' .,and after.,,•,,s,tiodine aa', hotli. there run again.,'He referred to the° great athletic Meets • • that, 'were- held -annually. The 'Cala- donian gatria„ - attracted Seine Of the WOrld's best -athletes: " He voiced ,his 'pride. Of being a -na- tive Of • 'Prude' and claimed .that cOlititY were the hardleetin the id Briefly he related:the struggles Of . the aottlets, 'how they • had cleared. the Vittiri•tor4ts and planted crops 44114 the Stumps of the newly 'felled- tees-, Their Perifititence, ,Stiele40-it.liVeneSni;ii,eSkidr, had. Plade .Brtice :CoOnty Whet It IS tOdaY, • yaw lintoit• 140)01, had: ikta 'VeltiOitit the eddreseen the entire, its to You to be there, OP Y°0111 eaea #4.114illf 040 fitl4 Xitttd OiereAtIty 1114111$04 44414 p1144,.44..„ ,m41,141,94 At.1S DONATION' TO THE ARM: • ' ' Mrs. J: 14' Anders" and Baby. An- ,•ENIAN RELIEF FUND' dvie'slist°nth:Toeringe:'nse." iits�terRs.0 Burlington' to , - . -misis Jean flaldenby, and Dorothy ' John MUrray, $5.00; Mrs. D Hus- , $1.., Murray spent .• Sunday ' at Mr. ,..lras ,on, $1,00; Mrs. R. D. Camel:on. ,.JO; D. C, Taylor, $1.00; J. G. Ander- C6Alli5nlisher 1,roin h' ere attended ',,t'he' s�n, $1,q.); mrs. M Bruce, .50; Mrs. ' mil. trodd, .50; Ha -g}-1. ivierntosh, $1._ dance 'in -Bervie--on,-Friday_ evening, - -1 ,•01),• Mrs.Cims". Cook, .25;' G. 4athwei4 .Murdoch, Irving "$i..09. miss. L. 'Ireleayeti; '$1•;00;'„MiSS S. 'Treleaven," $1,...00; 'Miss ..111; ,Allen, ;25; D. 4. vosil,,$Loo; G, S. ItObertson, $5..00;. WiSS1-.-MtAilistert,44$1".!00;-:::=M-rir-L-1=itef4 "Tiittrsh,, 41.2,5; .W. E;.•Treleaveri, $2,00'; E.McCluskY,• .50; Mrs. iin, .75; Mrs, R. T; •$1„60; Robt,, McKenzie 41.00;, Jos.., Mallough ;$1:00; ,d Robt. Fisher, 4,1..00; Mrs.. Canleron,-,50; & Newton, $3.00; , Mrs. J. .3nlith A. R. 'Fitilaystni; $2,00;, Mrs.,13P, Sherrift ,25;• -Mrs. c: B'. -Al - lin, ;50; iviiss':meGregor, ,25;'• Mrs', 50* ',Mr:• Millet $1.00' E. LoChhart, $1.;00; S. Leah, Will iFisher, $1,00; Mrs.:,Thos, Burns, 4;2 ,BroWnr.$1.•;001,-MrS.- M.: - Weeds, $1,00; Miss P.: Henderson, $5;00; ,Mrs, , Geo. Aiteheson, $1,0); 'A. Boyle, .25; E. IlendErsen,. '$$;00r1Virs.-JEary.'•Moorai ;00 • Steel Hunter, $1,00; Mrs, Ferguson,' ',50;• Miss 'Archer., ,?o;, $5r.00; Rev, Langfoi;d, $1,00; Mona 0,•00;" Mrs‘. M. Mitcliell;,, 04-,-G .25.; • MrK.Thswolh $1.00', -Eillett; $5,00; Mrs, ...MC., .25; Mrs..-.8olonion; ',50: Mrs. McNall .25i Mrs. Mullin 18,00; Dor ' $2,00; 'Mrs, H, !i1.0,4 Mrs. Allan McLeod ,25;, Stun Murchition,,g,00;, Alta, 11.• Thompson, $2,00; , .:RObt. Thefiffiten, $1.00; Mrs,. taniphell, .t() Miss M. Connell;' ,75; Mr, Alton,... -.g5; Mrs, Utting,25; • Mrs. Ensign, .50; A. $1:00; ,25; Miss McLean; ,50';! T, ,25; P, Mc., $1.00; Mies •c, A. -„McKenzie, :SO; Miss M. 'McKenzie; Mk, Car.. ricit,'SL'oOr '4tiddlIcitiilt,00;: Mr, Acrirnegatir,',50; ,,ttarry McCharles, .5fq W E. Rendertion, $5.05; VIC, . gssanthly repaired to the 1)411 i'00113 Durnin .01 giot cs .orahatat ,out • • ., r , , • Bon BOuche :Cream Puffs Nut Tarts7"- Chocalate Pie.With• • Whipped Cream- ., WhMe Wheat Bread ome Made Bread . , , Bytter arid rEggif atr'Belit Priciii ' H0.1,13rinall9S Phone 56,• IL.ticknew • • Send your applicat,ion form properly filled out ' with required m -o n e Y This Morning and Have ,Your License This Afternoori— sasTeui.heripisnviogcsgeotiau.viricneegl.ilis,ii.eortscdh.:.yanc'expdat.urr:billi.l.:_•;".. " Issuer, of Licenses wiN G.. S.M.ITOIL. , • G AM - ARM ' .• „, • • ' e'r oc, ,•1.2 • FANIILY ,THEATRE—, Lucknow Saturday,. March 29th . „ VITAGRAPH SPECIAL ‘‘A Woman's- Sacrifice A • ORCH'ESTRA • IN, ATTENIDANCE 7 30 and 9 30 p.m Admission 25c. and• • • Tuesday, April 1st. DUSTIN .I'ARN'AM.IN "The Grail" "UP IN. THE AIR"' 8.00 o'clock Bert gr • ••. yh, Big, Strong, Healthy last and repert the affair ,very sue- Baby Chicks - cessful. : • " ' - • -Mi--•s. Jno. , IVICWiiii-7-a-c-e-Oiniianie-cl -: •'-' - ' .._,,'____ •• ,. • . , by miss Ella Moore • Spent Sunday • • - ' . • ' • . ••• • ••. , . • From -selected- -heavy laying -Pure' ' visiting at Mr, . and Mrs. Jas. Miir•-• • ' 1 : ...' -.i • - ' Bred- o -lay Pou try • . - ray, ' *' , . ., , • .S. C 'White .Leghorns.. $16100 Per -...,... ,.s.,Quite a IlUillbe!!_i‘from_...-1_1--;'re-toole•ill...-rhundrediN;Barred :--..R-ocks,,.418;00,-per -,:' ", .... :- the social evening at Mrs '..- Brown's hundied. F.O.B, Whitechurch Write ' - ' •• • and Margaret Ruth and ' • Mrs ' G, '' 1 on "Friday. last •and •sTient a: v.er_y, for Prices on' Eggs for hatching from „ ', , enjoyable evening, . . .- . aboVe, also :S. C .Black‘ Minoreas- ' • '"I'" Mr. William Ruth, Misses 'Katie Anipection invited. and satisfaction ei gnaranteed. Custom hatching done at - --,I Brown. and Naney Spent an 00 0; tats•-Pliglise °1 -write - • • . • . •• - - Duncan, Kennedy, .Box 12 , last Week.. at F. C., lialdenby's. ' Whitechurch,, Ont. . Kevo,4; OLD • .FIS , tej On THURSDAY, FRIDAY a n d 4 , --SATUR.DAY, -MARCH 27, •28 and r; 29, we are giving the people of Lucknow:' and vicinity an oppor- tunity to get two Gold Fish and a HERE IS THE PLAN • 14 With each purchase of•75c. o r 4 over we will giVe absolutely free, .witifout a...ny • ttirthet .Cost..„t0 yott • - • •whatever, Awo Gold FiSh and"' a Globe. Reinernbek the Dates---;. • IVIarch 27, 2E3 and 29. • 1 'A. E. IVIcKIIYI The Druggist •Lucknow, Ont v,-.0vw1/44w.lowlwoorigKor.outokx.e.orovramoreakowAtme . • , 11.60(6.66,66( N%6•666611,..,(,61•66