The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-20, Page 5•
, In Our Business"
Another whole -hearted
endorsement cornea from
Mr. A. W.. Williams,';
General Manager of the •
Belle wart Ice -Company
Limited, Toronto, who
says: "We have been us
fng Ford trucks for• the
past eight -years -and find
.. them indispensable in our
E d
ndOrsed•. By, . • •; . , .
Fleet Owners'
In almost, every business where fast
and economical delivery service is "a.,
factor, Ford trucks'have established• ' ..•
an enviable reputauoia.;
T}ie experience of Robert Simpson'.
CompanyLimited,isa typicalexample.,
The Robert Simpson; Company
operates -one -of -the -largest -truck -flee. ts--
--in Torori't S -S Fords.
This fleet has • proved so satisfactory
that it is being constantlyenlarged:
so, practical ,an d economical in open',
: ation. that during the past five years not'
ar;or •
a single carol. truck has been traded in.
,The• prompt arid efficient delivery
system which is an inseparable part of
this store's service to the public islarge- .
ly due to the •flexibility and staunch
endurance of this Ford delivery fleet.
The Ford has • the,,Confidence of its.
users. That's why. there many s..r.
Ford. users., •
See Any'Authorized Ford Dealer
VO O . $ Nx' TA1711SDAYMOM 204' 1024
HERE will be an. urgent demand all over Canada thia'
year. .1f yob .need farni help' apply early.' The Canadian
l‘lational Railways' Colonization and .DeVelopment Depart-'
menti through its ec.presentatives in Great .Britain, Scandinavian
and other European conntries, •offera a' free .servite to fanners:
Order your farM help -as.earl as 'possible in order ,that they:will: '
Saw a ctirious chap the other day;
be looked all right in, spats.
et113. 'doesn't care to` he left alone.
Sdniehow •however we prepare for
the .future it is alwayeahead of us.
He mae his7monely quickly,
but he 'Maintained his tame. kindly
In a town ,U slush ineney when•
the man whose datighter -niarried
scamp. giVeS the ,editot a $4 ad.
....Some people are sP far'from,,beiny
:prominent that nobady eVen thinks of •
diem in conneetion with a Scandal.
, he. got his pick: Of the tOwn girls;
'inuoinintioninfijiptiolioptipiv011iniplpoimmillois '••
or Every se,
9r, washing floors andAino.'
and windows -t-lor the manY
,usei about the hOuse—
washei well in. any water .and
is soft on .the hand&
elei)lione girls
sell goods
A small store in a,small
two of its own girls (or
..tlen) to take Aplephone,
In one, Store with. Over
orders, 'acting as shop-
pers, for , 'the telephone?
•phorie orders, be re-,.
ceiyed in one day.
help:you apply it tO Your
er y, ell telephone le a
long Distance Station
Mr. Jas, Murrny !spent a few ;day§
last Week Walkertou,: •
,Mtsi Lizgle Stanley is at ,'Present
A 'Maribor frOin Mir Brie visited a
Week: lest A/6140v et ,and Mrs, .
funeral of. Baby. McPherson on rrueS.,,
Play ,and! PDX ,Wes.tfatd
etirpriee. 'party at Wet, Boyle a *sok
ilinoop,.ptliPOted With A ORO, Opener
a �tzl tt 'so a,w WS A.,, Van; l vp-tf-
Ellie: f ellowrn poem was sent rto u s ;b, Mr.. R J Mrtcheli� 'prgsident of
the .ldtc 04 iroys and list§ itissoc ation at Vancouver litany QJ ,....94r
readeis will recognize the- author as a, "boy"',whose early horrie.wvas.'iear
l,ucltilow: Mr t'•atei'soly recited the' v,esses at .a recent social!revening •Held,
by the Assu ;iatxpn,' wh. re' it was..•rece:ived •:with ':much -enthpsias4]. •
'WAY BACK in•the••Bast• lies the land ot our, birth,
.A land, that !S, know to ttbe enc 41 Lie (alt 1
X'ol thosem:�^ho_.have-,travelle,d, b,,r•-°irnd' aril by,•sea • .,
Have lre'er • tound a gclnnc where ho tfruce4 men,. there be,
On the `shores; ,of. Lake" Hurojr,• rn Ontario's West,•
i(.s • the .taiuoris chid countyy ttra t's, icrrow;•i„as tlre�".Flesh.
. Erout oueihnory to . the towp • o't "Lucknow
Are banded ••a 'people who've'taken avow*•„ :;
Though they may have wandered in many a• Clime,.
had ruches heaped on •them; or poor for a time; •
:They'll never forget the land now •so famed,
'•. • The good old Brace County s6"µ•u�0iiy 11ur.�ed;. W
Her 'sons and her daughters, -wherever ,they 'roam, 4,
' Are 'thrilled. the- names 'of ;to v, ns Caged their own;
Brit* memories back whicn hearts to- SW011.
011,, who. can forget those glorious days .
When. he walked 'with his sweetheart through by-pithi arid Ylit3•4;l,
.31 hea.ven ,better there's no one knows vet. '
Whe, can forget when' we all went -to sahool?
The teaChers :Were ,,Stritt, bad .ha rd. and fagt rules. .
Their teaching, ut times, i)erhAps nth up 'to -date,
- Made Strong men and women mite could fase any $ate.
:.„.Whieh Oat: fear Of their „Alaker, i both: xining and old;
Stindey, 'they::pott,ndecl• their, bibles full well,.
thelr hearers be• good Or they'd all go tO hell.
Oen nien, 'en yet thave. 6,;ten tempted to stray;
thou -ion: oi those 'oreach,..tS and walked; "the .strait way.
prov.iding the, rood, Which .w ate „with, 4 zest.;
'. Can any` forget. the dandeS vore,
• 4111e farni<nouseoWas lighted i-rO.,. elk in the eve,. .
1.',/ mud den . xisluie-box," caret' Idly- 'there.
,..The. `.`ealler,".tbe, meat . rioted ina..1, of ,thein
374:iiitil..qriti..esiki.malci::ns, the cheeks with flushed; ,
Ad "for centre-, the .flo'it. tlie.y" all' `.`rushed. „:
, the- exi)6rts could tian0?. th;:s, .hon ton, ,.
hen,' the. hAnds • of their_lo'ved- :s ',the yontli. often 'sondezed.: •
'The hdat then Approached him w'lth good ,Seottiah brew ,
sPirie renew::
"-It 3.14'4s then that: the fil e at one gleamed in his eye,
„. 10 the, tivits then :the Words,,Ot Blake vire.''re so sweet'
At .barn-raisings,,tnr,eshings• nriti,'.ogking bees, tea.
' Those weye the day:- of the great cird•
c..nt"ihenere ,and, then.
511 1.,sT-Oft6n.
Those ',were -conditions, <in -the --el 1;hties now. Past,
Men weru produced which. our ti.,ne cannot claini,
And what Of the towns and tihe f•;11azps fair :.
That dot her green surface, are f•Durcl here.'iind there?,
From Cape ,Hurd on the northet Huron's .north
Tata and Tiverton,' each' Prowl 0 e their name,
;1z Mral,'tp •Sef.'y•a,et ,rire.i fr'or ;(
Detroit bast wee'c;.•
The Oddfellows: held, en enjoyable
social evening in their hall on Fri';
wager' ruse
nger •.to, Lucknaw vn •Saturday, af-
'ternoon "
Azr. and' ' 14Ii . dohn Chapman of
Kine ardirle Werin •the village In,
iay and Tue`saay4; `
Dr• Ee1Ieher r•S
n gx eedingiy ;lousy
-nen these• clays..Seventeeri•'pii_eunion:,
•a natien,ts anipng- the Iluroir horses
Hake a heavy, drain on his energes=
Mrs Thos_ Blair is v.•isitrng ' he'r',
sister.Mrs. .Caerons in Toronto:
• Miss Victoria Campbell .was "Mole
trom:.,,her school•near iistowel.,fer.'
the week `end (arid' ,p •
Friends aeigh.bers gath`erei'-at'"
the home 'of the Ruttie family and
presented Ben, • Miss,-Ret'a and Willie
each, with a,token• of 'their: good' will•
as the time draws near for�thgi-1
deaviig • the old farm; -Ben is, • going
West fo •Manitoba very soon..
Mrs . N. -J;, (3amerpn ,wentaas,t.week
to, v'i'sit her, sister Mrs.:Roy Best
(Cather incl Welsh) near Shelburne
and `returned- on • Saturday night ,ac
?-oniPanied by the Misses Moffat of
4Chats north who are to be ,her guests'
'for a i'ew days, .
Mr, Peter .'Campbell who has been
lately soniewhat • under the weather
was ,welcomed. down, town on Satur
day by his friends; • .Though
.Cainpbell• is near four score he work:
ed on • the roads all summer” and,.aut
uinn with the zest of one• who,'•lo.ves...
to wo :k
Mrs; Dungan' Munn went to Ham-
ilton to spend a Week with her "Sister,
•Mrs. ' Pottier but was called home by
the death pf'• Mr. David M. •Stewart a
warm personal friend .of; her. family'
With her came Mr.' and Mrs. Lernne
and Mrs. Anderson; of Hamilton,• al-
so friends of .the Stewarts to attend
the funeral.
Mrs.' John, Campbe11' and her sister;
Miss Annie McDonald, sof - H•ainilton,
'arrived on Thursday to attend the -
funeral of David • M.. Stewart, their.
'brother -in law.'•; Mrs.. - Campbell .is.
spenin •:, a •.few' days with' het' fins:.
er:`.hiis-band's inother, Mrs; ,Peter ':Campbell,
Miss • McDonald returned at the week
oue Of kirgest,': best -amt. -up,
to:.the•Minut ''D 'SPLAYS of
ever exhibitpd,'.in this vicinity.
Styles' and, materials' sliown are
Dame Fashions latest. Prices are
very 'moderate. Orders will% b
taken and delivered •in plenty of
time 'for EASTER wear,
- 0: H. 1477, t, Who 'built'g fine "rei.i.=
.dents of the.street, an, he 'lives,
;Object the: ,telephotie .9oinpany
stringing a cable through :their row
.shade 'treeS and: will n9t grant,
their' ' permission ,to go ,doWn, that -
Way. the" .telephehe
canhot.he Prcieured. A's the Ben. Tele...,
but;. again, AA the 'Railway' Board in-'.
-sists ,r that the telePbene'. '. company
• 'must serve `anY 'person aPplying for,
. service, . 'Moffat nul'at get ,the
10 'An ligreeMeht Mt' , Moffat has put
the matter' in.the hahds .of 'the ',Wail,.
Way and. MuniciPal, Board.. '
• LaY elitlipa., to, .the birth of goad, men arid true,:
"She Ileitis her head high,. 'She . we ars rOYP1
ktges of 13,tuee there yearly do meet, ",
Tli•e good•CouritY COuheli, 'she's their county ;Seat; :
Then we tome Wett to Lake 'HurPn'S Chore,:
Her people oft' drank tomethin,e, stronger than nialtE
Who 2.110 liea•rd 'of EiPley's fame,
iter itins were oft crowded from noon Until •night,..
from the sad faced mother:;`.
f rbin_th e:..h a Will -do:. dear,- --
you •have.'ii.yen.:,hini, enough fel- „one •
LoChalSh; on -the' border We always found truer
Ohie3r —stiffdfett,' they were trained' .to: figh4
Their Children ,' they .i.efired .in •:).• GOci4earing way,!',
Ah4 what tOW. Of W' O. are Seat ered afari
Sy those Whe know Bruce 13"Nt her.' )110n, 1,1416 Itia;
rithe.',1011 'btft elotese§ and honer her 11.411161