HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-20, Page 1VEl'ERINARY SURGEON...-. Dr,
W. .J. Keleher, Ripley, Phone- gR,
nighl or day.,---t.f;
'MacLeod will 'Visit-. LitekiloW
every Tuesday in, Dr. Connell's °Mee..
. 'Cain House, lonelciew. every Wed,
-"rieulay afternoon. All chronic dis-
‘wases seccessfelly,tteated. Osteo-
pathy remeoies , tile physical 'causal'
•, of , Adjustment Of,. the
spine is nrerequickly secured and
with *ewer treatments ,by,
iathy than by any other method:
• ., •
Toronto prices paid for all kiwis of
poultry: •
04-t1 A. Grosipopf, Lucknow„
Registered Optometrist
Graduate Department of Ophthalmel-
ogy. McCormick Medical College. Chi-
cago. III. _ •
• iieauaches. Dry Itchy EYea.
Iated .Eyelies, Watery •Eyes. Pain in
,Eye Balls. inflamed Eyes. PUB or
Watery • Discharge from Eyes and
Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re-
lieved throligh properly fitted Glass.'
• •
'.,:ross Eyes' straightenedthrough
---properly -fitted -Lenses • '
•, Satisfaction Assured • .
At the Cain .House, Lucknow,
Wednesday- Afternoon and • Evening.
FOR SALE..--Nordheimer .Piano in
condition. Apply to G, A. Sid-
dail, Lucknow. •8-11--tf.
Lot 5, Con., 11, Kinloss Pp., Bruce
• Co, Perin situated 11/2 mile ,west of,
• onilough, known as the Hayes home-
stead. comprising 100 aeres' (more. or
iess); Prospective iwityers please add-
• ress comunintication.s;regarding price.
•. Elizabeth Hayes 244 Eitst*Swan• St.
Buffela, N. Y.
SEED 04TS--:-0. A. •C„ variety.
-won Lueknow • Airricultural Society,
ist prize, 1923 -
K. R. Maekeniie, 2nd Con. Kinloss
7•••••••••.... rrir,
FOR_S.ALE-Single Tube Radio -Re-
ceiver with radaus of about ,1,500
•miles' C. GE- MeNity
SEED OATS -A• !baited quantity for
sale. clean. Lincoln and 20th Century,.
. averaged 81 hes. to the acre in. 1923.
, Albert ,Cock, 2,' mileti west of Luck -
now. 27-3-P.
loo acres .3% -miles, west of Luck -
ow -Comfortable house. barn. 56x66.
silo- 14x30 ft stabling for 40 head of
cattlemnent floorting-farm• •suit,
able for grass' or grain growing,,
-plenty of water -School- %,-.mik For
further information apply- to Albert
' Towl, Lucknow, • • 3-4-p.
• . . .
FERTILIZER -Order your fertiliz-
er _now. .A ..ear will arrive soon-
, Gunn's Sure' Crop., See G. S. Rob-
ertson and get prices.30-4
Wall Paper -I have on hand the 19-
24 samples- of a number of the best ,
wall -paper houses, and will be pleas-
ed to show them at.my . house, or will
' take the& to yr..
o re4denee-R. J.
Cameron, •Box 1 4 e, Lucknow.
Notice is hereby.ienthat the
- - Beard of Health recommend and urge
all persons residiwt in the Village of
• Lucknow to be vaccinated. It has
been arranged by the Board that the
Medical Health Officer's fee for each
person shall be twenty-five cents.
20-3-c. 'Joseph Agnew, sec.
• FOR SALE -,--A nice set Of dishes -
all at Hollman'ti Bakery, - •
FOR -SALE--- A cream" 'separatov.-
:Renfrew-41in only one ,season.
"' • Herb .McQuillin
• GardestAcs
now -L -Apply to Mrs. J. J. Taylor;
vamermamosamemar •••••••••••••••rmomi
'FOR. SALE- Celt; 8 yrs, old -will
make good farm horse, Will • sell
hep.- Con Foran. R. 2. Lueknow
-Phone 28 On 45.
• tetatimit•jei •••••••ert‘etkowioir ••••••4•61,4••••,44' •••••14,4•44••.•••
Prom' March 21 to Mar. 28, at the.
Kenny -Patin, eest o Holyrood the:
'following will he offered for sold;
neve; -hojjsohold rurnlshing tind nten,•
lt goed driver and harriese; tar,
red .Rock ,. and ether fowl.,
Call any day.
:;;;P•'• SALE
"D. IL' 'Martine Let 28; Con. 12 Esed
Wowitneah, *ill 'have an stuction side
,of his farm -stock and litiplmnints on
'F1'i'doY. Match 21, cOmmetleing,at one.
H•e!eleck p.m, Eyerything will be sold
reserve, as the PrOnrietor
hail 'rented hia. farth..
•204-n. • • John Purvis, Aut.
.••,.....:•Yietet,,Whitley, will hitOss an 4030'
ten 'Sale .,of stock lmplements-
;Other •attlelts at hie- hOra.3 n :leutke
IOW on theafternoon er
Aro' 02•04001101114t. at 2.00 G'$I$,
. / • ^
I •
_ • -
•-• •-•
• .lifr,;,N, pnubar, o Ciiiross was.
week -end yi.siter keserti4; -C.
and Will MurdOeb..' •
' Mr. N. D, MacKenZie bas complet-
ed the purchase of. the Part of ;the,
-Murrar Block ,Which -he occupies., ••
• • •
• Mrs; galleon and Mrs. Patrick, of
Oakville are guests this .week at the
home of Mr. iiedMrs, John 'ill -amt.
Mr.,'Paut: Seneltzer is ableto he
about again after beings confined to
thehouse for a few weelts, •
Mr. R. S. fereaerlY of
the Bank of Commerce; 'Whighem is
essisting Mi, J. A.*Glenaii and staff,
in the bank here.
Allan Turner wail in Toronto
a few days this week seeing his
matter who: bus been serieusly • ill
there for seine.time. '
• • r .
Mr Fred Stanley who bee been in
charge of Variety store
here hati.purehatied the busioess and
is now Conducting, the 'store on his
Own account.
• Mrs, F. G. Topp, of Toronto, who
spenta week, with :her sister, Mrs.
James Cook at .her brother Cbas.Mc-
Donagh returned to her home on
Cameron Murdoch & Co. wili luive.
a Grand. Diaplay of Ladieti. Coate,
Suits.; , and, • -,'Dreises on.. Wednesde3'
next 3farch 26th. Everyone invited. -:-
Read "Ad;"'.• •
• Mr. 'Tem Henderson, who for quite
number 'Of years hss eondoeted.the
general:. 'store; et Whitechurch, • has
sold out the hnsineea to r. Radford
of Seaforth. Mi. Henderson hen not.
enjoyed good :heelth--in-reetrit-Ye-arC
At The Fluidly Theatre
. •
• •One of the most thrilling stories at
sea ever shown on the screen will be
seen in the new Vauban Fox' iniecial
production,The-Fa* on_the
rom W41 be the tea.
tured. attraction at the Family Thea-
tre, on Wednesday,March, 260.
"Don't miss it! for you'll, ,have
the biggest'aights 'fun of YOur,,Zie.,
'Come. along.' We can explain every
'reason why ..yOu. Should -not to
'yin& wife. ',Good music and entertain,
mat between Acts. 21/4 hours of fun
for 35 and 25. cents, at Zion • Halls
• Mir 26 at 8 p.m -Safety First.,
Good roads to Zion:
That Burlesque • Hockey game to
he played in Lorre Rink ,to -morrow
(Friday) night every ;indication
of drawing a, good crowd. The Fats
have taken up the challenge of the
Leans and.deklare the game won't be
ell one-sided:.. We understandthey
are to have !Atoms instead of •hecicey'
-sticks and that --a foot -ball will take
the place of the puck. Referee Milt -
sett has heen,tuning up. for the oc-,
elution. •.-if the _game'. proves mulls
more entertaining than the bills no-
body will ' begrudge the'priee. Then
there is to b.,liatieball on skates, and
-skating after the program is corer.
A subscriber to The Sentinel read,
ng In. the S. having read. our note
about ..'the letter Which,. by mistake
tains 111 the. way from Seattle to
Lucknow and had to ha returned;
'Ma' atilt:-
1ency of Uncle illun's mail .handlerki
The address label had in some *a
been rubbed. off the wrapper .of tide_
subseribeee Sentinel' but the paper-
y/as delivered to her On the using
• date 'Of arrival ,all right.' That wile
pretty •good work all right. The like:
ly ,e3tplanation la that the label stuck
long enough to direct' the '104Per to
the citY-tliesubseibcr lives in, a1d
'that the 'Mail carrier recognized tits:
Paper as eimilar tnothers he Iied de-
livered at *,Nui 0102 Mint:Nod Ave.,
,W 3. Lane tot 4. Con •16.1t, 114i
..Ashfield an atiOtion 'sate 'of
:his 'farm :albeit rind IMPlentente on
Monday March 81st, Everythhirvivill
be sold is the orepristor. it, Navin*
the farms • • •
John' 'Po*. 'Aut.
ortoothtragiramoorawa -
Rohort Webster ,wlio.„11. 90ntly !Jell
his farm a iiitOrt *Stew% wasi of
/*ekes', will twe Autsopt kir
Ait kit 'Aspic sp4 OS** 0*
'du NorsivOlth•
A high eleall Social and. Literati,
meeting. , held it the -Epworth
'League -on-- Monday
'Treleaven the „President, was in the
ctair. The •Seriptiire ledson Was read
by %Palmer Kilpetrick,"Mr. Rathwell
led in prayer,: A violin,tiole wattplay-
eo befo!! Jack Oateehout;,..readinge were
given by,:*argaref ,Batten .-Mar-
aret Rivers, tele, by Myrtle
Bruce, piano solo by Aviiitin' Reid,' vo;
gal duett by ."Mise 'Fowler and Mild-
red 'Treleaven and a ...gisitiP of Irish
senga--,were7sung-byTeyerybody, Dr.
Newton gave. a ' talk' on St. Patrick
seed Ireland,' Two: splendid contest,
Were held and it'll* lunch was serv-
ed, The,ineeting was enjoyed by the
large audience. • • -
,1110 Praohitizion
• A most enjoyable; Irish ,efening
was arranged by MO;Will Douglas;
conveynor of the Social Committee,
for Monday night. Miss ATOrMa
ThemPoon read .0e Scripture, and
IlleCal/um .offered prayer,
which was folloWed•hy: a, humorous
trial' reading by Miss Lernit Camp-:
tall. Miss Mary Aitchesen sang '‘MY
Sweet Irleh Rose,". and Wilfred ond,
tovell-BlardoeheontMbilted a, ,inus-
ice!, election. The tonic, Was taken by
Mr. W L. MacKepile, :Who gave a
ferys_ilestruetive and , entertaining.
talk. On. Ireland, its people :and cus-
toms; followed by 'a short sketeh Of
the life of • Saint.lPatrIcirSeveral
Members Were tilled on for, Irish
stories, Which produced much mirth.
Cerriek Douglas favored the audience
with & kilo,' and Mary Connell gave
a very fine reading; Anitr' eoetest-
was' an interesting featte „ Tefresh-
rnents • were served,. and the 'meeting
closed' with the National Antliene-
•• .• .
Form I
subjects--tite' ratuie, Cana -
.tan fly, French and Algebra.
wles, 4 II; 1.C; 2 F; Gr-
ace ICAttieron. 1 ,C; 3:F; Willena
uhesriut, r I; 4 F; Mary Douglas,
'2 I; 2 III; 1' W. Douglas 2 I.
2 Ili; I C; David Grant, 3 11; 2 F;
Billy De.ndersom- 2' ir; III;
(.4 ' Morgan Hendemoil,, 2 II; 3 C;
''Nerine Hedging, 1 CI 3 F; Mnrion '
Jamieucin. 1 I; 2 II; 1 'III; • Gordon
Johoston, 3 I; 2 11; Marion McDou-
gall •1 it 3 IL F; Drennan Mein -
teak 1 1 III; C; Sarah Hedy;
er,-4 'It' 1 Ci Grunt .MacKennie 1 I;
1 II; ,1 III; 2 C; 'Mari ;MacKinnon
2 111E, 1 C; 1 F; „Rena 'MacDonald
1 I; T2 II; • 1.111; "1 `C; Mamie Mae- -
Lean 1 II; 48 F; Winnified Percy 2
31; 1: ill; 2 F; John' 3.1;
141 Ci Lloyd Stein 6 F; Jessie Ste-
wart 2 I; 3 II; Marion Stewart 2 I;
2 II; 1 III; Irene Strathdee 1 III;
,C; 1 F; Kenneth'. Tboinpson 2 I;
2 II; 1 C:- Ruby Everett 1 C; 2' p;
Duncan Finlayson 1 I; I F.
•.Form II "
Tested in 'Lat.; Liter., , Fr. Comp.,
Eng: Orem.; Arith. .
Alum, Elizabeth,- 1-114, -ITC' 2 F;
Alton, Olive' 3 1i• Burns, Elliott 2 1;
2 II; C; ,Chestunt. 'Bessie' C; 1
-F; pelee, 111; r Geddes,-
Kfreclret 2 II; I ill; t 2 C; Grant,
Isebe C; 2 p;:llabkett. Lena 2
I; 1 II; Hogan. Dennis 2 F; 1 C;,
nie ;it; 1 c; •Ee
Haler, Willie 2 Pi Ketehabaw, An -
1 I; l'II;* 1 C; IVLacDonald; Isabelle
2 1; 1 III; {MacKenzie:0 Mery '1 II;'
2 111; '2 PE Murdie, Clarence C; 2
Rivers, Margaret 1 I; 2 II; Sha-
ckleton, Alice 1 I; 1 III t• 1 C; Smith,
Lettle' III; P; Seroul, Willie- 1
C; P; Stewart, Jean 5 4 Thorny:.
Bon, Andrew- 1 I; I lie int; 2 C;
Thonipson CamPbelt 1 I; 1 II; 2
C; 1 P. „1
• Perin III
sOoriatnic in the foliating tethjecte
Am'. Hist., Eng. Lit., Phys.,
• EF • in4oriOn 1111. .2 C' 23';'' G.
Well 2 111 'III:. 'Clineinut '1 t; 2
Ft. AtL. . Dublin t 1 II;. Dou-
glee • t 1 C; 1 PIA Gollan 11;„
2 C; Mliatoliton d8 F; not-,
:an, .1 1; 1 C; 2' P;' 1:4" Johnston 1 '1
I II; t; • P. KilStriek 2C; 1 F;
'B. Lane 1 11; 2_,C.A P.;., J. Lone 1 I;
-1 CI 2 Pi. ,A Meebonaldi ,1. 8 C; 1
8. Macton d 1 tr; a ,E.* J. maethib
mtiretiouvi c;
Cf 2 Pt lieltuOidq 1_1 .1 111; 2
PI S. )fhcKetazie I:, 114 1. C; 1
P; M. cMelnills.4 C; 1 1P;-MT-Mi&liell
1 C; 1,P; L. Mtirdoch`,1 1; .1 III; 3
F; W.- Murdoch 53': .1 :A; •D Oster-
hout.8 III; 1 1C;• E. jtehi 2 C; P.
.Sheekleton I III: Pr E. Sivitaer
1 I. 1131; 13'; 1A; 11 Todd 11;
'Treleitven" 1 if; 1. C; V.
Woods 1.1: /i• 1 111:. 2:..3'; 1 A; A,
Woods 1 •1 III.' 1 0 , •
• • • ,P.,„E. MeLean
Rt. 3. Armstrong
11( „woke out funny. Moonlight'
mnicae..blin tong to be Married and
nieekehitio -maks Iint,:long to It se -
*it egrityna* wank" :O.* , div. g,‘
'11'40Y WON vivo wOulti hel 6
Mr John 'POrkOr is visiting
ends in Toronto, for, 'n.eenple of' Men.
John *Brown ef•HelYreod spent
few weeks, visiting With friends in
Ashfield: • • •
. Mist; Sadie johnston of Laurier.is
visiting with, Miss Blanche Jiuniisou
of Paramount..„
Mrs. W. It; Walker of Ittiren Is
visiting with her daughter Mrs. Sas,
•Struthers oJVaramount.
-Mr& -111ax-EaYntr-d-Of -Paralnoun.
is spending a few d,ais with her diner
ghter Mrs, Aralter Alton; Lanes
Mr Jas. Cox, of Kincardine' visited
'With 'friends in Parainount during
leet week:
13.4rs. Melvin Reynard and 4 babe,
Jean, are spending a few days with
• her Mother Mrs. Jai. Drennan." ef
Miss Ada and Alex Stanley of Kin-
cardine Visited with Mr., and 'Mrs -
Jen Stanley"' of Paramount during
last week. : • _
Mrs jack' Campbell and 'Vise
Annie McDonald ,Of 'Hamilton; • were
_iip...4oLattend the funeral=of-theff,1ate
.David Stewart,-
. Miss Margaret Shaekelton Of Kin -
tail, lee: been poorly for seine time
Her cousin, Mrs, Robb of Lothian ia
nursing her. at present.
John ,West „and,' Fred .61eGregetr;
who were attending the International
SehOol.'of . Mechanical Engineers.: in
Toronto during •the winter are here'
ior the, eummer Months.'.
Mr. Frank Johnston entertained
all who assisted him at his bee 'which
he had for hauling his pressed hay
to Lucknow, :With their , wives .and
fainilieti two enjoyable sociel',even-
Ag. at C_Ourey4i_Cbriier-Club,---,houte-
oh. the 17th inst. '
MT. David Stewart Whose death
was briefly Jneritioned in last week's
Sentinel was a brother of Mr. Char-
lie Stewart, an ex -reeve of Ashfield.
Mr. Stewart died very suddenly, bv-
ing about tlwe early 'part of the
day in his usual good ,spirits. Mr,
Stewart was one of the early settlers
of the Lochalsh .distriet on Hur-
ou- side Of the, beepdery, He: woe a
lifelong Prialiyteriae and industriewus
and prosperous farmer. He is liurviv•••
1.)3T widOW, a daughter, Lizzie
of .Detroit; and. two sons, David::'at
tome and .tiekii at Guelph; The-fini-
eral on Friday lascto'Kintail.._Ceme-
terey was Iiirgely attended,'
- The paramount Club of the F.
tit. 0, met at the home of Mrs. Jack
Henderson on March Ilth., The Roll
-cell Was responded to by suitable
quotations: Various items' of business
•. were talked,: over - and: the following
resolution was adopted: '`Itesolveci
.that tile, question of theprohibition
.be not submitted to a vote of the
- .
people, but that the Q., T, A. as it
is:be more rigidly enforced, and' that
IMPrisoninent be substitute,. for fines
for violations of the net.
That this 'resolution ye, sent, to
our_.•representative Mr. John ATM
and to wmir Premier Had. ,11: Fergu-
of Ontario; Splepdid:paperst'were
givercon'"Hervelo 'Keep our girls on
the 'Farm," by Mks. R. Struthers aint
Mrs. T: Irwin followed.bydiseileeien,
violin 'selections by Mrs M. Hogan
Intsrumentals , numbers by Mee,
,Grant McDiaineid and it huniarene
reading by Myrtle Webster. Lunch
was served by the Hostess. The next
Meeting. will he held at thealionie' Of
Mrs. Grant MeeDiarmid On -April the
• Did you Wear your Shamrock on
,Jack Englandis,...aponding a few'
days in our -burg, ,
Leslie Harris is engaged with Mr,
Butte* In tuektleW, • '
Mr, Thos.' karris hat. A yqy
cessful cattle eat! on Monday.
• Mre,---E017-:CUlbert.,:,,,epent-414,--wie,k-:
.,end With "friends , at Pinkerton,-",' '
Mrs. Jos.' iMergan tipiept an even.,
ing at W. R. Johnsion'S .roc&itlY,
, A few from this line:, attended the
play at .kitilough lait FridaY eYeri-
ing, •
• A great many in this locality are
ut prefiept stiffering from :Silveri
olds, • - ' •
Mr. •Robt: Elliott and his mother
were • Sunday Viiitort with IlurOn
friende., ,
Quite a timber .of teams were a
.notleasthle • sight.lisissing along, , the
Eighth „ tO•day Oh ratite to2410
vhere they were prechrinati. II, 64144
I silt for the Onion Welt late
hisit times to *Os niSitt
itkg sof
!3ruce Herald-Tlines. Repertl„,„
The Bruce Spring ,Assftes, _whieh
opened in Walkerton on Monday af-
ternoon • before the.. Honorable Mr.
Justice Meivat of Torentovend a Jur
Joseph Gamble Of Kinloss, and *hie
comprised 'a eharge'Of passing a.fer
gettlieque 'for $140 on the Bank a
Dungannon on Nov . -15th last; and al
80 with forging another man's nam
to this cheques as well as five day
later cashing a forged cheque at th
Bank of Coinenerce in Walkerton fo
$370, '. ' '.' ' - • • . -
On the Charges 'being given to th
'Grand Jury a true hill via returned
against the prisoner in all three in
stances, and on these he. Was, ordere
to stand his trail before the Court
Mr. C.. S. Cameron, ICC-r.ef Owe
Sound, who was appointed • 'Crown
.Countel ..for the „Assizes, ,...took up
the Cudgels . for the prosecution
while' Mr-. H rry:. Tucker, berriste
of Owen.'Soiin is defending •the -ac
cuied in: the ,a senee of Lawyer 0
E. Klein, who .was in , Toronto on
legal businees.
The first witness called by the
prosecution was Mr. David Robert
son, H. C;, of Walkerton, yvhce idee-
tified- the .priaoner. as the min who
came into his office on Nov 20th,
end, pestling himseH off as another
party got him to draw 'up' a. mort-
gage. the Visitor .then got . MrRob-
ertsoll •twi' identify him at the Beek
of Commerce When he drew the mcni-
ey.• Mi,as Cori.. Wettlaufer, steriogrii•-
pher in Mr. Robertson's law _Office,
positiSely. identified Gamble as. the
Man who did business in their office
that day. Mr. L.:C; Crozier Manager
Of the -Bank of Commerce, and 'Mr. -
Van de Water, aceountant ' .in the
Bank,• had no hesitation in identify-
ing the accused as the man %AM had
&gated the cheque at their Bank that
dey, Mr. .I., G; Markle; manager Of,
the Ontario Savings Sank ,here,. and
Mr. Nina acousitant in the Bank of.
Montreal, *act identified:Gainble at;
the Man who had Come to their res-
pective , Banks, and tried to get a
cheque cashed on Nov. .20th, and to
ehoin they refused to hand over the
cash, without proper identificatiori,
list prier to the naming of the for-
ged rattier at „the 0_0MInfn.e.- - -- -
ga7ipn, ot:ii-, -thei:edapyu'llgofantnheon'let:sgeelaY
cattle buyer' named 'JoiePti O'Conner
of :Colborne Ty.. who knew Ginrible
well,. stated that. he mei liipi in Dun-.
here, and that he was speaking to
lin... A .farMer. who .detivated two
end Of cattle in Dungannon on Nov.
5th to 'O'Connor, 'stated that he met
GeMble On the' street on two oeca-
ions that day and Was speaking to
iir4 -The Dungannon- bankers--ident,,
fied Genitie as the man who Passed
he_checlue_ion_their_Iranch on Nov
5th., '
• • ' .
A Toronto Jewish Merchant , on
viewing the prisoner 7bad ' new hesita-
tion in naming him as the !nee who
bought n'Inent hia'stere'In'Toroeto
for his daughter and paid for it, with
a forged ' cheque on a „Teeswater
Bank, ,
, .
• All told twenty-three witnesses
were called by the Crown againstz
the .luteueed. ,
• „Gamble, on going into the ' witness
1)04 denied emphatically that he was
In itValkerlton• or Dungannon the
days : On Which :the forged papers
were painted. He brought eiimerolie
witstessek: to swear that they •'had.
seen him. elsewhere *bout the time
lia -so-acekeeit,of-OiliSsing-thtspur-
ious chwiuse.
The jury, however did not believe
Gamble, , and they . did- not...,think And
the evidepee as to his tairIng,heen.
elseWhern was Proof that he, was, not
the man Who Passed the bad ehecitlea,
fle was found guilty on all chargee
and the 'judge senteneed him to four
years hisPrispruneet in Kingston Pen-
Mrs. reit mail), who has been ill
'at.• the. home of 1dr, and Mrs, Alex
Ross fe the past few Weeks, puttied
away on Tuesday afternoon. She had
suffered a paralytic stroke before
being taken to Mr. Reseal. Mrs. Mc -
}Cay was , 87 years of age, and for
many years had lived Slone near. the
Ry. crossing north of Lucknow., Bite
is survived by three SOOS, one at
Owen Soundand two in the West,
Poland 'service wilt be hild '1U the
Prosiwteten Chur4h., Lucknow, this.
(ratiP4.0 Ifternnon at two o'clock
ititmikit` bo IWO
I ,
- Belle Robertson
pctsow gliAIWBER OF
, •
" Earnest enthusiasm, Was the senti-
ment .which nikevailed at a meeting
of the Lucknow Charnbei of Com-
, .
inerce, held Thursday evening of last,
1.yieek. •
Metter. which cameupoussio'n•
Among the number of importnnt
was thatof providing a:public Reit
Room for women who came to town;
A communication, , upon this matter
was received from the Lucknow Wo-'
ineps 'Institute
Discassien regarding . the Rest
Rooni resulted iii a motion .heirig' pas-
sed- that the Village Council be, re-
nuested to ....provide a suitable. room
And. see t� the ,heating. Of, it. The
Chamber- of. Commerce and the Wo-
men's Institute will co-operate in
rurnisting the room' and providing
Yorganized drive, for ;members
Wa▪ s :started witit;_the objective-of....at,
;least, 200 by Aril .6th; In this "dri-
ve" four team are coni,peting, and
there is evidence , of 'plenty .if energy
'being put into it., ,
Arrangenients • are wider way for
the .holding ,of a banquet about the.
middle of April when members will
be privileged: to hear an address
one of the outstanding public Men. of
Ontario Details. however . cannot be
• • . .
completed until the, Membership
is over.
Texecutive urge that'. those
wishing to become' i,nernbers hand
their name's to anyone Of the follow-
ing: You reside east - of, Lucktfow
Post 'Office, in Luelmow,'KinlesSor
-WaWanosh) hand your name to D. t.
Taylor, Wilfred Andersen Allan Tur-
ner or Wm. Porteous. If you reside
west of the Post Office; In Lucknow
Ashfield,. Kinloss or ,HurOn,,, hand
your naine to Wrn.,•Murdie; Walter
Mackenzie A, E.,„MplCim;or N.i1
The.yearly, memhership, ,,te is $2;,-,
60, and the membership ticket admits,
One .to the annual banquet.-
. With a large -rtneinhership there,is
scarcely, a firi* to the good work
that can bejlone,:by anotganizatian.
such as the. 'Chamber of Conneeree.
AS a suggestion of whatmay be un-
dertaken. the folloWIng is suggested
. . . .
(1) bdustrzal prometion-L,Werko;
induce -mere industriei .to Iodate in
Lucknow, especially these !which will
make use of the products of the sur
rounding country. • 4
- • !„
• Street • ImproVenient-Work
for .inaprOVing; cleaning, And repair-,
ing streets.
(3) Town Beautification.Promote
• a systematic spring cleat -up cam-
paign and ,generallyencourage civic
pride in municipalitie.s.
(4) Municipal-,Government--Advie
municipal councils in matters which
(5) Local Trade ---Make Lucknow a
retailtrading centre capable of sup -
:plying a larger,share of'the people's
needs, over e 'larger territory
.(6) Putiti RelationshipS-Proinote
maximum' agricultural' devel ova en t,
of the dlitrict, and to work to estab•-•
lish neighborly relationships betWeeti
the people r of town and country.
(7) Social and Moral-Prornot7-gr--
-chili- Industrial and Religious Sur-
veys, and encourage all agencie
which will exercise the best influ.
ences on the young People of the
eonimueity,, •
(8) Community Spirit -Strive for
a wholesome cennininity spirit bring-
ing about a closer co-operation am-
ong citizens generallY,'"
Egg e 6 6' ;„ .6 23e-21-19.
Butter 6 1' i ' 6 35t-40
Wheatw t k •I12' I • 4 • t. • 0.06-95e
Peet w • • • t i 4 81440
Wheat, .• , 4 ti 'jiit 966-$1,00,
, 40e.42e,
t 004a6cb
,SLE c0.0RS.;,5 CUNTS;
Saturday. Specials
.7P4ff Cream Ruffs. :Doughnuts
Sultana Cake .
Wlipleyileat Bread
Home Made pread
Butter and Eggs at Best Prices
Phone 6,, • Lucknc w
form pYroopuerrlya?fililecdOut
with required m on ey
his -Mori-ling and Have
• Your License This
A'f t ernoon-
, -
Thia our third year !a -
suing licenSes and we
are giving the ,public
Postage 1.0c..ex.tra
Issuer ef,..Lieenses
atut•day, March 22th
My Wild Irish Rose"
7.30 ar.d 9.30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 26th.
he Face on the
Barroom Floor'
Wm. ;FOx Production
.8-.0o:Wcioac •
Bert Reid, Mgr.
uction - - Auction
Ladies, • dc you ., realize ,that the
liousecierinitW. What,are you going ,
do- with that diecarded.O`r unused ,
furniture ?, Instead if 'shifting it -
be,. storing, it;
WV.:•not have ns sell it • for you at
the Auction ,Rootn. AsaleWill be held
ATURDAY " 29. Arrange-•'
, ,
meats maY, ba Made .at any' tiine be,
fore the sale by calljng AgnevA
fice.•We have a choice list of useful -;
articles. di§nogal at' this; sale;,
Look' your furniture over -carefully -
We 'Will sell what you do net need
, • Elliott Miller,- Auctioneer.
A meeting of the Lucknow Contin..
uatien Literary seie*ty Washeld ;On
Tbursday, •Alareh rah': The nieeting
as opened by n eherusby the
School followed by th6'..seIsriii report.
'gone il\litOell" and NiargOet: `Geddes
give a niano ;duet after Wilk+ fol-
me. 'in6st;', iini)Orttint' mimber: on the
,prograninie was a debate "Resolved
thet to build a neW^,,'sehitiei is More
advantageous ' to the oominttiiitkthan
te .repair the olcl one," Ihe affirm,
ative was upheld by 'Jean Lane and
'Stewart MacKen•zie. • The negative
was Ena, Switzer and
Douglas, • Osterhout. Each., Speaker
w'al; given 7minutes etld the leader
th. aifirmative Was' elven 2 Min-
repl;V. Rev, Langford, Rev.
and Mr, Treleaven acted at
Judges, who returned their decision
in favour of the Affirmative, Mr.
Reid and Mr. Taylor were called on
'for •short 'addresses.- Carrick D�uglas-
%hon f.::youred the school ,with a sole
Whieb was felloWecl by a ductby
'.?),',41 and Lovell Murdoch.,The mout
Ing was chiSed by Slaving the
el Antheml