The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-13, Page 1!lex if k ;00, !ER YEAR- IN.'ADYANCEss .$2.50 OTHERWISE:, every Tuesday in Dr Connell% Office • ,.:42TE(DpATib at the • of disease.' . Adjustment of • the '.'-'*with tower* treattheets' by .Deteos Path/ than bk. any • other .,methed• • 'Torten.). prieeS. paid .for all kind's of . Registered, Optometrist • -tated.'kvedcls. Watery Eyes. • Pain in 'Watery 'Diseharges from .Eles hev'ed. through:: properly fitted Glees- Jroess Eyes attaightened- *tough ....,•Satistaction Assured Wednesday sAftethoon-andLIEVeli011g . FOR SALE --Nordheimer Piano in good, condinee. •Apply to els Sid-, Lot '5, uoa. Bruce Co. eerie slcuaLeo Mile, West .01. s Lea as: colnprtstng atm acres, (more or, ress constienueatione; regarding price. liakes, 244 East Swan St. Saturday March', 1.5th is: Remnant so4e monels: A:. Palmer . her home this 'Week; ovviing to ilinesa. ...Margaret, visited in Stratford' over Mr., and Miss'..Phillipss who arc lithtei,Nityler last :week. " Rey. C, Leneferd is. in Brants ford -this -Week attending a 'meeting' •of Black. PtecePterY• '" (Mrs Hedlek• with has' been laid up fel' a few weeks with •an injured knee -cap, ,,is able to he iiheut with the aid of a cant'. :Guaranteed Blue -or Bleck OVeralls The week night serviWT-A. the Atig. licare.church will he !held At the heme been shipeed froM the station the east two weeks. Most of, it goes to the Eastern States. Mrs. Ostrander , Whe suffered greatly last week froth an' inflathimits tion of the tissues behind the eyea, is greatly inihrofeel. Watch for our "id" eext week, te- pa-arce's Drug Stere Just received' a shipment of Now Curtain ,Nets,: Madras •Oliiiista going at Bargain PriZes the' sale Iast was; in. *own for At few days, thia week/having come to Wend the finis etal of her sister Mrs. WM Trelea= formerly of Lanesl, hive learned. that. :SLED OATS—Al limitedsquanti*Yier_ ..sale, .cleans Eincole and -20th Century, ,averaged 81 to the 'etre in 1923: • .nows-domfortable house; barn 56x66. -sato 14its0 ft. stabling for 40 head 'of pleritirla water Sahel Ye mile For further: information apply to Albert ,,,Wawanosh, *ill 'have 'an auction sale (*lock 'p.m Everything. Will I3e sold without,: TeServe, as -the proprietor has rented' hie ' • AUCTION SALE Geo A Webb *ill haee an auction sale ...of •-• young, giallo Durhani cattle, rising 2 and 3 years,- and in gothl condition,. at the,. Cain House Barn, Leek -now, on Satin-de-T.:Mar. 15, Com- mencing at 2.30 o'clock_Psn. Six • FOR SALE'e-3 Purebred bronze gob- ): bleri, also 500 ced'ar tente posts and ".150 good .thieher peste-e-priced 'for. `'FOUNDe.2.un the, road`. between Luer aiow and Holyrood ar lady's scarf. In- formation at The Sentinel Office,, AUCTION SALE W. A,' Taylor,'.Lot 33, Con, 3, Kin- loss will have an auction 'sale of Iarm'stock=on Monday -Mar. -2tir cont menci'ng at 1.30 o'clock p.m, ., J. Purvis-, :auc' , .. • 'We- parrot -4i ereratings our -twilit). Making. talent this Reason and wilt he •Old eiltrons--quality ,and satisfaction maartinteed; ISAAC Andrew Wallr.PaPer--4 have on hand the 19- .24 samples of ntthiber of the best take. them, to- yOur residence—R. NOTICE TO RESIDEN'rq e`• lloartl;of Health recommend' andserge ,PerSene residiwo.in the Village, of Liteknew to be vaccinated..° tea een arranged.hy the Board 'that the edleat'Health Officer's fee for each erten shall be tweritYsflVii cents', 11,441 'PrIND‘,41*ik :hosto' 0t -00140 I 0 go At 10/A01 9#44 he $ again seriously ill in 'Toronto Alen be has been the. past few. mon- -Thursday-ni,ght-8:30-p;ms. --Everybody -turn-out-as-- there are several im- eortaet questions to discuss. Justice Mowatt is presiding at the, Spring Assizes at, Walkerton ,this weeks -One of the- -principle-sases- is up from Detroit to attend the Golden Wedding celebretion of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 14. Woods, en Tuesday' of_ this. week: "DON'T .DECEIVE YOUR W,IFE". This' ' Three -Apt Coniedy Will be of Friday:Mer. 14th by the Kinlough Diesinatie Club, in the interests. .01.: :thetinlongh Twos hours :Sol- id fun: ,Acheissien 30c, children 20, PLAY 'AND BOX SOCIAL play ."Between the ',Kits" by the peoPle Of the Section atil a Box Soc- ial 'Will be giVen In Westford School on Monday . evening, March, 17th: Mr, Devid M. Stewart,' an Ott and respeeted; resident" of the Lochalsh district died at his home on Wednet- day of this week, at 'the age of 72. noon' to Cemetery,' earVIce-to be held et the *only- tesitithice at 1:.30 0)910ek, its the afternohn., .Sittivisilir OF HONEY Geoge Nek of Tara, representing a I.5. -ton ear Of honey to a point in the PrOVince of Alberta, the freight on whioh Cott $190.9%. It said that 100 beak 000$104:„10 _,E0t1004, 1109 Mrs". Wm, MacKenzie receive0 wOrd Tuesday of the death, at her father' Mi. A. c. Pettersone Be - was. Well kneWn in*:-.thie part; ',We expect to' haVe• furthet infers/nation On one of the recent fine- March en'cl, gr. George Middleton; of - the.. 4th 'Cent; Kifiloss, Though More than half way " through, the eigkties Mr, 'Middleton fairly active in body and " bright of, need: Ile still fills a•usefulz,plade at .his,farin borne aoing -chorea ' about the 'house and conversation drifted , around to Mr Middleton's services in the- local ••"' SITIAMNLY 'Ar 'TORONTO :were'. greatly .sheekes, „.eq, keise.y last Week by.le,artiing.that'Mrs. Wil- MOI`ITHS' IN JAIL Magistrate. McNabb held, 'coUrt in Lucknow Oki Friday of , „last Week, dealing.' With' the etise- Of 'ilohn. SelM,Y- 11,olll Treleaven .had paesed. awaY Bud- the' In4lan wh° irdx° The' miteome abctit,--13;, .Was 4.seUtencetl tor: four monts in, Walkerton Jail The macr ontii.,'Sbe Wits. only feW hours Peetoriks name wai Estella •N; Reeser er a few weeks ago.; ef the hearin.g was Well, known in .Lacknow 'haying matle her hOme here until about 12- years' the' fe-)rew' as it appeared that'''. his chum; Cornelius,' had been the lead- • ,agolwlien-'-following the death of hot' ing- spirit in the fraud. husband the fainily moved to. Toron- Witnesses called were, Mr. Turner, brother ot Walter' Treleaven .J'IFI'c'eCmclkifer.Mfc-0218sItaitzbsitell.'Bloaondd; be well eemenabeted ae•hevings.opet-• WM) ,had taken the accuied'. over ated :the; flour mill 'until. shertll .The remaiaa of the' late M 1 - nesses., Schuller gaie, evidence"' but: leaven Whre bought to Luck • .f . did not put up a defenee He practie •but sueh evidence as he gave „Was , wee :was . eels it the,, home, ee mr , calculated. to lig,hten the PuniShment fie said that te..coald not read nor write. •Constable [Blood; lhowever;. presbyterian - aural semees - .fi- ii- :red --by -foUt • daugkiters-and tivo • sena: -}"s- 3ne'qs: " F°m 4.1 'Inenli 'Card's. ' : ' ' ' conetibite a record 'not ofterisurnes- Messes Lena Treleavee -awe" miss .A0_ . Magistrate Me bb, k Id the Court sett-shIr7.1Milidletthrh-a-e7been. an elelei---. -da..--T-releoYelissanel'Atistqtallough--01—',,,vh17;,inh'i,),Parcecef°sreden°weL-astili,.4 Wjaad,klenrteohri" of the •ehereh •fer.spe years, „god der_ . Termite- and ,- •*.is: . eshe, of.; Owen every communion season. He was a Sunday School teacher for 20 years, and'Session clerk for. 25 years; con- gregational seemtary, for 20 years and treasurer for:almost 20 years— quite a remarkable record., . WI% Middleton is the soh' of a pion - been spent on a farm near Deckle's Hill, on, the Kinloss. side. As' a young man he taught school, .at first in country scheols and later for a num-• WOODSTOCK'W.HOCKEY TEAM TOO STRONG FOR LOCALS The lieekey game played. 'here .ThUrsday, night f .last week' was al-. together. the, beit ganie seen in Luek-- noW this' season. Woodsteck sent' up a 'pretty husky bunch of young fellows end ,the game Was' a nip -and -tuck .af- fair from start to finish. The score has a tie sa good. part of the time, and almost remained 'a tie at the finish,. hut, in the last innings the vis- .itors increased their count by one, making the score 7-6 in .Their fever. ,There Was' a-ss;fait -crowd, ,buts-esint -4iiife—enough-Tto- make the game a financial success. ' Lueknow -played the rehire game again defeated the Score being 15—, The Ilise-upi Lucknow. Goal, Reid; .defense Dawson; wings, 'hIcCey 'arid .Milidech subs. Thomphon -and Maths; . Wooclhtock-L• Goal, •Lynhh; defense Garerey. and King; centres,. Douglas; Whitehead and Jernmett. ." kev. Chas: Cunmaing was in Tor-; •Coil HoYle and Miss Pearl • Boyle were visitors 7for, ' a few „days With Mr.: and Mrs. Smith; Master Hugh David MeDenald whe had 'teen' tinder the docter's. care is fl'infeltkilis":oin.i.nNtim.;ottaWao'yoditoe 'Ytaklefet,':,fao.r:4Bsru;qcoen- with krs, RI Webster': .lege Toronto .hccupied the pulpil of ,,Ctilvin 'Church on .Sundey: Mr. igia, Mra, Richard Martin of Saturday March 15th is Remnant The' W.'111: S. Of bilVin Church 'ob- served tbe International Day .6f Pra- yer by,holding their 111011411Y inoetink: bers led in peayet and the hymne- lined in the prograrmile. Mrs,: Wel.- lace 'Millet' took ',the Bible Study 'on the life' of Miriam and Mrs.t, W. Miiier, the Mission' Study froni "The .helpfur,anil instinctive.: LOCAL .MARKETS ,,,,whoat ,4444441011.4'44•41'444'• 900-050 of Toronto; and by tWo brothers and two sieteisi W's 'J. Bower, Melita, Man "Geo.. E ' Bower` Veteran • Alta Mrs. -Arthur MacDoeald,'Otillia, and 'Wesare terry to rePert among our Luckeow to the , County Town. Cornelies, wile associated 'with Schuller, intd who thought te have Made te check which. bore ...lake :Mil- ler's name, .has not •letsbeen located. wfirrgcHURCII Mrs. O'Brien is visiting her daught- er at Westfield. • Miss Levine,. Carrick spent Sunday sick,---Master-Sidneys4ardner, .Who. is at her home here. • ' Saturday Mardi -15th is ,ReMnant . Mr 'and 'Tilos.' Gaunt .visited .Mr. Jas. Wilson made •a business triO port,Dover on Monday; Miss 'Lettie Fox. visited over Sun- day With her ,friend, MiSe F. Gren- Very 'ill witk-speoureonia,' and' Lizzie Helm, ;ill With ;sciatica. "We .hope to 'see .them• both about soon. . • gsistine, spent a fehs days last week °With hie' coil:sire' Mrs., h1":".:11, ',Gardner Rena hsient the ,week-eed with friends in -*est Wawanosh, The Alton,' Btea., Of.:Lehes; called .s:onie of their Zion - friends last Wednesday iast with Mr. and Mrs, N. Toronto', is Ziom'Hall, Meter the auipices of the LO.L. All the' folks hi: Zion commun- ity are ,cordially invited to " attend ; with the Orarigemen and their ladiee and little ones, Friday' Match 14th •Mrs, jacks Henderson and' children spent the weeksenti with her paretits, Mr, and Mts.. McGregor ' Miss Irene Moore visiting with her.aunt, Mrs. Henderson, near Luck- will aOPear later. .. ''V.VESTFORD , Miss Ada Helni spent the week -end . , with „Mae' Olive Anders*, . . erithe 'church will 11014:1 a. sheial "everi-," Poariok's pay. A debate. be.;the :main feature of the Oro - grain. there will 'Oise; be other num- • • spent the *eek -end et,,her home.: Mr and Mrs. Gee Alton and little daughter, of Algoma, are visiting ter --Don't-forgerthe olay and box so- . did Wesfeed schoolbouse Missend Mil: H: Andersen •and 'Ted Haldenby -epent -a night last week Vialting on the' Tenth. - spept .a.'fe* days last week at. the A.: -number froth shete took the ing last, and. all .1 -sport an extelient. The regular* meeting of the Holy - rood -WOnsee's• Institute Was held at ,Mr. Charlie Murray,. 'Who 'for the kit his shome telt, rettiratel.: to ,.the' PARAMOUNT • Mr. adivge Blue, of Aniberley, is Paraknontite Visited friends in Mr. And :Mts.. Gertimi Jamie:eon, of Paramoilitt,, Weie guests of friends at •Lankaide. during the weektend: Mr. and:Mit. Melvin 14,:aytiard and. behe,, Seetv Spent. Sunday With' Mr. Mr.. and Mrs: Walker, of Lang. been called 'to the sick toten Of.Mrs. Irvirre• oisior- Mrs. Armstrong, :of London, Nytk'o critiCally The Crewe •Felk abeepted the Chid- -A play, "The OldsFashioned ie the neat future, Fridays Mar. 29th; 'is .the polisible date, 'het .futther: an- nouncement Will :be Made next Week,' Thisis.a Worth while play) so plan to of 12. groern-ups mut, view °Vet .for a Spelling seat.:c 'against .12. that Mrs: was • captain tor Crewe... The night -well filled, folk eemieg in sleigh lea& etinsiSting of 'a solo hy, Palmer' K,11., Millicent Haekett. The spelling Minch words to,the complete satidaction of both • sides.:The 'hititch lasted an beet` aid forty minutei aria tor 80,0111 mirnitei hest was a test of 'de: - detailed' of Mrs. J; Otanghlin and MeQuoid, finally ending in victory fot Cherry Groire, Then fol. lowed heartY. applause for both eides, *sit 1.0Wipikoir0;; ottie:tetdotii74 11:1:4P;10:111140siorEv:Itilrisg: At the Methodist '.0hurch on SUn- given by the pastor ori the 50th an•1 niversark of tilie'':eatabliablineut" of, Missionary: O• Jeliati by the the screen, the lant@iii. being operats 'ad by 'E 'Reid -hind D.:Oster:hold. The -"Vides, illestrateds the maniere "and. scenes 'of beauty spots, and branPhes our missies' statiens, churcheh! The EPworth League bad a fine meeting on Monday night, ,under the auspices of the Missionary depart- ment, W; M.'S. was responsible for the meeting and lire Osterhout President of the W. M. S. was, in ;he chair. The scriPture lesson was se iof lantern slides in the work of the W M. 8 In:Japan China' and °amide wee:much. enjoyed by the au- dierice which -nearly filled the **(go-. snent. "Eldon • Reid anti D. :Osterhout .gave the espianation' of 'the eiehis, , ,views wete all colored and were very. fine. The Presbyterian Guild • • Miss' Norma. Thempson. had charge „ef the guild prograni thiS Week The sneeting opened with a „hearty song service,swhich was f011owed' by pray- : ar and the Setipture reading by Mar- ten •Mclieugal. Appropriate, ieediegs'. 4vere: given., by „Mises Put: Switzer,: Martha McCallum and Winifred Doe- slas, A piano, solo by Mona Mitchell, . was 'Worthy elospeciai mention, as • was ales) the paper by Mieg Joan Me - Callum, entitled ,"The Gable of-Dom- ithies " Jessie McKenzie gave a piano solos Mary • Douglas and Jessie Stew- art sang. a. pleasieg duet and McLean johnstort contributed a_ solos A 8t., gatrick's prograinme is being -pre pared for next manday evening. The --regular.• morithlk meeting- of,. the presbyterian W. AL; S.•*ai held gavesthe opening remarks; -Mrs: Goes don read the, Scriptute 'lessen 'Jahn 17. The specially ..prepared serviee eard was 'used numhee Indies -ta- king part hymn. -146-. Mts. D; Thonapsen tobk thae. topic' on :,'soeiaf, Reform!" :Mrs. :Murdoch .and Mrs. McKenzie sang a dila; and Mrs waa called_ .and offering -taken,. the meeting. closed' With singirig a hymn and repeating the Lords Peeler; South Kinloss - The fegular-Manthly -meeting and the W. s. day of prayer was held in the -Manse on March 7th. Meeting opened with §ingiug; prayer . and son gaie • the Scripture The prograin :kit the day of ' Prayer Conan- contributed 4 sold; Mrs. L.,. Literature. of the Right Kind, ftii.-Our Foireign, .Field." The •theeting closed. With' singing and. Ptayet, ' !seen' minister. of the ''`PreS,13yterisn' has srectiived a eall to the church at aecepted the call and the Presbytery Of HUren has ties:eel, to Will be• declared- Vaeant on 'Mae. 30; bk. the "Rev. Mt, Hogg, of Clinton moderator. Mr.' tlacintaah is to re.' ceive: a stIpeng of. $2000 'with feet. Weeks ,etteation; !BOYS CONFERENCE AT, CHESLEY F. Plessmien, BOY'S 'Wei*: Sure:sees: "'stair:4re .1)4117rOlurirar 'OW' best dents and' Pastors, met te set up the huccessful and profitable get-to-geth- er of Taxis -boys and 'waders in Ches- ley on May 9th, to lltli. Let every Bruce and Grey boy ovet 15 year@ keep his eyes pealed 'for further an. Conference in . Ythit town, Church, Tuxid Scilare and S, S. Class paw .iiiiii 01;114 JVIii-iike 'tile montit;",- - ItIrlit 14O-biir niosti' (it our viol '"V'.. and triteii the othar S4turday Specials Cream 1341 Ole VVIleat 'Bread at Phone 36, Lucknow • Regular Astigmatism ma/. be des scribed as that condition. of the eY in which the rays of. light in passi ing through. tee Dioptrie system do not aot focus• at one point but con- 'alitute a. series of •IocaLpoints,cor- properly ground, lenses, if taken in time • • T. ARMSTRONG Registered Optometrist LUCKNOW • VITAGRApH' SPECIAL 'My Wild Irish Rose • "DUBS AND DRY GOODS" Mission- 23c - and...15e MOnday and Wednesday = March.17th and 19th WM. RUSSELL, IN When Odds Are Bert Rei FOR .I.ADIES -AND, GENTS ,L; forioHT Will he at HOTEL edneiday, Mani Sole makers. Of. the Doreniveild Sanitary Patthit Toapees Sind Wigs; New "styles tot the sear 1924, *duds ri,g the neW flesh siget proof: parting. Mr, knight will demonStrate and live free advice on all scalp dise*Aes. , s 129 'Yong° St,, Toronto Ont, - win,- .400, Man tad ilhaver make a.comblnatias