HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-03-06, Page 8ARNIM n110'1410' 0 tnio r-iiiitel. Vde 040' .,,0r 0re. ••:Tdler 4,;,,41,."00,', ,g5:04140;" 28'Mila17.4. Al.req."04110, 400t, .100T. 'ftrla,40;•;, #0010h.:. 404,0r* 000: (4140,14',04C,),06.1,4h);,: Jr.; '1I,Pr-409.01.;_utoi**-mzirgiti- rv iTig.'6., ,-. ,e• 'me,— TOO 14 ' 4. • 40, • ARA I; Tr 17$ isclu4.1171( WliTif,"ptta.riATritgA " • ..,11*SUITABIE FOR THE PURPOSE, . INNA UR. ,•. 040./::9110`,' 4. YD 04,-,40iN-wirrmArbCR-IltjElgps AND, nAlrfE.1,101ogkr THIS•flEAVTlifTt, SOFT 'WOOL,' AT -2 tALLs.,-FOR 4, .4., • ' • (lir; ''4. • , WOULD,, z mcpit iitAiii 4 TIVO,iPittO'PY,14014.'ovpRiNfr.i.; co _ T1IENEASLiP-OVE itAs Tllie: . -,nJENNY ' .PPE! A.;$0..,': '‘',,S,It.94:T. GUN SLEEVES, 15 SHIRRED AIST:Pgl 0144).r. 14Y.g: .TX!. -.8 .T ciP4R;rtisT, • LNESSPANTS21t*:,51t tc. 'W,AISTLII:-‘:.;,,.1(0 it `..w.9v.lio KONEOF THE„I E, .$01'4717,*, 1.1,1' -giiikErnkfO' SUITS, COM. ., . TMLFi AND c 140ES, .AND',`,.45 0:”. '0"0:c.i,1): 40.0‘104ABLE.. ' LITY MAKE IT orliine P1INTED,-c0 ' X 'CREPE,' AT 45 ' • ._• •L . MB FASHJON SATs ImAT„ MORE 'Cogsn'ts WIt,i; BE sr 1 • WORN , , EN SEE "rng TOUR . ,PROPER NE1O MO1EL ON • ' ' GIIRE, ADJUSTED. YOU WILL APPRECIATE -• A UPERD FIT TD , mopisp. LINES; 4Nri THE AnnirkON., PA.Ft TO: YouR PiEW '4019NS' .4.NP^ '14311'S, • cLolsngs CAN LOOK. NO BETTER THAN THE COIESET • ;IT Ars* BOSS THEM s*0 THE 'NEXOLINES,AT $3* O's g o o urable orsets, all sizes, at $1.501 , f ; , ••• • erVIC Credit Stores curee One Incubators ro ers,, eStlhae ine t a Is.being of - will ave them in stock in re are some of the ,out- iifeatures of the machine--; FORDYCE- r •CF Martin• held. 1i• radio con- cert, .Se.; 'Helens hist74riek. • • *. 'Mr,':,,Taines!:::Aitcheibii.;:' visited )7: -Nter• .Lteavers one 'day recently, Mr and. Mks Arch' Aitcheson or St, Helens also Mr.," and. Mrs. John • McCallum of belgrave visited at -M -r --- John Jammeson'a. on Sunday Icist, Mrs Champion and Mrs M;Gai :44enye-lastrvisited4t:14t:EHaines on. ' Mr. and Mrs M Gardner of Zion spent the week -end, at W. M.. Chain.. ions. • • • • , •••.t'Mr. .John''Jammesoii:.who haa'pur; .chaSed Some. buSh, ,near' St.' •eUgagell cuttingand drawing :'Quite. -a number of, "teania, are at A • . present engaged•,drawiirog legs to :St; Helens for Mr. FraniNO4d. Richaid--Gardner:-nrade-a-trir-' ineagArip-167Throrite7Satifidak-laSir L. O. No. 1044 -intend holding an , "At, Home" in Zion .halr, March 14th. • We hope to meet, all the .0rangemen with 'their ariveS and "-family out, that nightfor a, jolly old time;,also dorri-: : .tywnity-friends 'mg and flia101; The Young PeopleV,Draniatie club • intend putting on their ,play entitled "Safety, First" ' on ,mai;e1;;21.13t. A good • time expected: and 'Mrs; Chas...*elicOnagh en- tertained a ,feW of thew rielghborny; frierids,One evening' lrist, week: 'Mr, 'Vlfeiley Ritchie' has purchased .Itobt; Webster's'. feria :andintends taking possession in 'April 1St. .Wc ster as friends and neighbOrs. (Sonie. thing ,doing SPring,,WeS, Eh?) MisaeS. Margaret and Ada Webster and Fred Anderson attended a part• at ,Mra, Sep' •Kilpatriek's of Mafe. Friday last and' all repo,rt enjoyable time:. (LeivIng:n FebriicitY' ,anCreturning...itiLMar5h) • —000-4-- - LEAVING • FOR . THE SOUTH .^ Mr,' Norman Robertson., the Iriffi county treasurer, Jeft with Mrs. Rob. ertson ;feat week On an extended /s- -it to their'daughter (DO ke- Guire at Richmond *Nirgina After Preeiding for, thirty=00001 Yearn over • the, finianeee et 'the county, --Mr, Rob- ertsoni itealth nest been good,, it about- -tir tOte17.1101.64161@d kelt vohldh *au:11000 IslentliP --lione-iney-testiviiint-10110'.erst4 Otrg!liftil YlOP ALL COPPER ALL COPPER HEATING 'BRASS ,EXPANSION cpp,, NUIISERY-TRAYS; INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WALL OF CALIFORNIA -RED- • • • , VENTILATORS IN TOP AND BOTTOM OF .TIIE 'CHINE, ' • t •..ALL cAsi, IRON _LAMP SHELF, OE.PIECE LAMP; FOUNT WHICH CANNOT Ede,: TRAYS, MESH WIRE COVERED.' • THESE' MACHNES ARE ALL GUARANTEED AND 'ABE., LL . POSITIVELY' GUARAN TEED TO HATCH; EVIERy HATCH- 1 , AMA EGo...: IT WIIL PAY YOU, TO 'skg,' Tins INCUBATOR EEFORE PUCHASINta. , .urd-ie&Son iccessors picknow:Hardware, SE:Coalro. ItiN,LOg§ :Mr,HAlbert-Stinieyrand-Mae-spent ViU,loreek*enci at Mr: and Mra..ctoorie, Itiehardscei Of near. Teeswater, from here attended the •ague° and Play at "HolYrooci last*Fri- day night. All fiport a •good time. About gixty people, were pres6nt at 9y*iter, supper last Monday- night •'citeas„,he1t1,-at Mr, Waiter Ka - *irk MoGee of a*Salldei itt.Mr. Waiter. , last Wedneaday, night,' The .ionia Ives re.ailf:bY Miss Mae 'Stanley and ^,i+fr,. -Ntrillianu-Armkt-of.,Betvie. Mr. Abe Stringer of. Kincardine is , spending a few days at 'Mr. Allan Kaalce!s, • ' Nurse' 'Moffatt of •Teeensitter has returned -to her .home after spending a week at •Edgar IfOrrisonN 'where she • was looking -after, Sarah, ., 'what puzzles US is bow tbe deritist knows when these lia.vamps are tin. " Ile teal 4 genuine old, Inter urgets he. 'thinks ,A ,uti stilted ett selt oh, hes brains! , 1.1,ieteirt • - 1.1411c.161er6T.tj'f10100.iiiCA''.Ird11414V *CPOlakk Alfred 4110trongi ,Itut kuwar4.4,•:,:c., 04004 -Petty Brown*.; MO_ITIlaii; Leonard Webster. .• jolitOr 0100e-4*celle0t.--40e* • *- rnto§b.:,'1400. Horne, &of , Al*it'r• rstr903'i'-;.:Fra:0: *OgOilziet-;•„(1*.#1' JeOO:MelgWeni ClIalrie•?4,1•-• 01,er; Stewart 'Collyer, :Margaret .134e... • Maudis FiSher, Leonard McDonald 13061' Illianilton; (Charlie; 40,#itt"o0a :Ciirte,tiP'e • F101uZlsO0)ties, Flora Web 'Ytreb.1 Good -Fred Milne Audrey Hend- erson, George., loynt„. Isobel PoOgifie, ',,Rexford. Ostraiider„, , • Those- parked,' (*) , *Aire absent ',a week or more througlyl)illese;' • „ . . • -,. I. Miirdie,,teadkey ' Roof,' • Sr. 'Macintosh,' Alex 'MacKenzie,' Gli4s-"MacrooriciiP • Fred Steward Rey :"Fiiila'yion Fran-. ces ' ThoMpSOU,;DOnahlifenderaon.. , ..,GoiodHlKargarep Mfopoliald; bel..kcMilian, 'Lei:Pe/1'41'4'104 W°#. • fred A.rinStreng, ReSzepa •McLeod, .Bauline Reed,' Toni 'Mac-. 103000: Fair-44yy • Whitbir..*': Armstrong Wilson, Wilson Aoktrong, ;Lauri Webster*: ' : • • , • . Clark Finlayson,' Eldon Agr Clare : -John- st�ne,,Dorothy.:Niien; : Good -Mae MeMalio,:',1)avid Horne Kathleen' Ferris,' Harold !Greer,' -1Cen- rth :COineroei jorie Henderson, • : Fair-Ernie:Balcerf, Vonalda glas*i Marion.,•Coucii0.1`, E14od Sol�- mon, Whitby,!Stewart Cainpron Poot4-,Toni *RCP 011411t, Harold ;Button; Meh.rin, Stariley44.4. absent pait, the; menth. ••-,.: ; • : . • . • . • • Norma Thtsipson teacher .17it 1 'Senior ClaSsEX.1=41argaret Xe- Ailiater,,Eatbarine Mackenkie Helen XacDorialie,Wirinifred Webster. . . ' Good:---Arabell CarnerOn*,,. - Vera . Sherriff; Malcolm Watson, Enola 'BuaWell*i CharlielVebster, Rea • ' ;on,. Clifford -Webster.- .1FairMary, Jewitt, Bertha Wine; "heila MacLeod, " Archie MacMillan; Elwyn Pentland.,, Junior Clase--.-Ex.'Jack Arthur Andrew, Alan Murdoch*,:' my.7 lOria Pabner, Carlyla-MeI4itiish* Good-Almeda Durnin*; Clarence .Brabscin Phillips N eharY* Jim Stewart*,• Harold John - :Atone* "Jessie Maekenzie, Ada :Wat- ':Fair-Stella Stowart''`i Eyelyi ix - ,ti;: • Alpx Smith; Stewart . rtTBUttit -- -. Those marked:()' have been trith:-,_ ....T.T.late nor absent during the monTh MacCallum teacher Room IV Sr. IV aubjects'Arith-.-, Gram., Hygiene. N. Wilson 81; Milne 79; C. Blitzstein 18; G.' Fisher 77; E. Mac-: Inties-71(1-4-.-"Webster'4171;:.1.,;'-ilenary MacInnes 66; G. 'Mac,Innea 66; Palmer 65; *H. Webster 02 ' ' Jr. I subjects -Hygiene, Gram." Comp., Lit. '', , , Bruce 75; D, MacKinnon 74; D. -Reid 68; W. Agar 66; A. Anarew 66; M. McQuillon 60; H. Naylor 56; D. 11,11iie 57; *S, Jewitt 54. • Those merited (*) "missed one .ex - 140,erkinialdt teacher 0.4. scnoot- REPonts " .5, s. NO. 4, West Wawainnih "RepOrt of Senior. ROOm V.,,,EXatninatioris.,.4Gramtaar,. ,Nrithitiotte-,H • noiny: • t W •• oods E . 71 it. Aker , tin .Ithiteul 60. .. Jr V,-,--Examinations--,.Art, Geographiv, Botany, L„ Gaunt 15%, M. Martin. 80; M, Milier 78; I. 4neh 67; T, Tedd 60; ,G; Farrier 53. D Mc9,41111in. Sr IV,-4xaMinationa-Arithtrietie, Art., ttiatork, Grattnner, Ge6Ofaphy , 4, LOIS daunt- IV, d, 4*". , • ' . r, ,IVar•-ExiOinationS7,--Atithrcietic, • kJit, , History, Granimar, Geography.. R,„ MACPliorsOn...04%0.A. TriOn06, iarrofl 84,, L. Dintin 14,,11, MWer 49 'Otttining 41, M. tont 85;A, let -124c Thene:..matkody,thit'-(*) basi iiect eximitoitiens„ 'Netbet o, ltofl eel, 14.iersioratteritlitt*Iik - , t u ::$:1a:P-r4.05,g.:' t:/fq41:Mi117;:g4,6v'i.ele:#Thom 104::1v:eo0bert) - T°44 • •1628? Purvis • 7734.,! "14e0.r.orlaOe ' Jr ;I-Diek yyeatherheat ..MYrtle21,51c90illie iyerett, - '7184*, Veronica. Gaynor' 1754% . "Pr," -Dorothy Mil1er 1500, Fior- enc.0 29' Walter.Maellarlane ;"*":r.,-4Jeciii..- Thom-, 362; Eldon Miller :4'.23*p •Obrclon MorrisOif 248*, David Swan (absent) ...);-eet,1.t12,11e,oeskle'trirl'a ragI170'dt--: rh•dtvr--•-e t e Ira t on aecOurit Of illness • Number on roll 26, Average att. Jessie M• ."114ckinghani. • . , II, S. S. NO. 12, p..;.* W. NYawaneslr Report January and FebruarY' Wehoter- .,84%;iGertru4e Aiteheibii 9'2!: , Sr, IV-ralary St ,Mari 84%, Ger- t t • rude Martin, 69*o.. • • , Jr, IV--.41uhy- Turner .84 %, Dorine Webster ill:. „ Sr. .III-Xyles St., Marie 60%*„ Rintotil 58, ' Jr IID -Jean. Webster .37%, Nellie Mc„gf(?94*, • Enpheinia kintoril,. 03, Veronieri, St; Marie .89; -David 4Nicor Ge'orge, Nicol 84; Gordon 1.01;.' toul 84-, Willie Taylor 77*.,, 6 • Sr: H,McKinley.Ramage 65%; Jr. II -.--Etta .Taylor 81%, ElZabeth'' Nicol*; • ' ••• Sr,: Ir....James McGee 65%, Joseph ;St: Marie 60. -- Prrner.-John . St _Marie*, William " • • Tho standing of pupils marked. :(*) riot ac'enrate is it. is reckoned Only en exams. written, .' No. on ROB -„a3., Av. att '17. - 'Grace 'Lockhart, 'teacher S.- S. No; 12,Ashfield Sr -7 I17.-------Verik'R-O-hi; `do' Donald, -Boyd:59, Jack 'MacLennan -58_ • ; Jr; IV -Ewan MacLean 52,- HarrY :Calver 51, *Wilmer Robb 32. III,J*ROSS Sr. , . Boyd ,8Q -Sr II -Billie: Campbell 74; - iehze t MacLean ;73 liar- s e , vey Robb 58 Those :marked '',(1 ations; . " ',F7t-"',- • MacRae, teacher I • 0'..• • .• • :Your ,Shat...Cif finPrargai ices- few of �ur blatty Specials are:--, Natural Pongee-Si1k-Flleavy-Weight,-89c;, y ,1 Pie Navy 'Serge, 54 rnches wide, suitable or C1iiken's Reefers • or )34:s Suits, Regular $1.06 ' • . 7 -Lb, Wool Blankets for $7.00 per pair. . . 1 Piece_,Chiriti,_36._incheS_wic-ftegu1ar--3 • --101-=-25c. a yd. ' • Listowel Yarns Wool and Silk and Wool a 22 . PA L/VIE• -IZ S Lvc:KNow Jr. • IV -Della .Grilinore 55%., Irene Hogan' 52, Connie -Hogan 61, ill -Peter- Cook 61%. III -L -Andrew' Ritchie 64%.:. :MacLeOcl 68%,Tillie Ritchie 61; Frankier Gibriore, 69; Lox': „ , , ena Hogan 56. • " I ---Wilbert Robb 65% . ir I-LMargaret Gilmoie 86% prinier--Gray-don; Ritehie 79%7 _ Nt, pp, Tell .1? S. ,Long,. teachey .• S., NO; 15- Ashfieid. . • . Sr; IV--Robert_MeWhlnney-80%-.77 Sr • ,Crozier Al- .dori-. Hasty'. 78„ • Li cri. -Finnigan 63, • rein Andersori ,• Jr ,I13..fa:-.1'iances Crozier 00%,: , . . lemi Treleaven: 8G Jean Anderson 86,: Beth McConnell 77 " Jr HA-AIcx Gauley 61 Ir -Gertrude' Finnigan: . . 'No. Ori -.roll attentlance ''.Perfect 'Atteaciance---'-A • Haity, .• • .,. Halm, :teacher S No 6 -Asheieid • •Ritclife... Paircr.j. Andrew, -D- • .••, :.clorson.*, C. Ritchie. Anderson...Fair- W ,.` win M. d* J '": Ritchie* • • • . • , Sr. IIIr-12x.-r•A Hunter, '• chje,Good-W 'titer, E, Ritch:e: Fair,r-W. WE b'stf..:r . J1' ,III-r(lood-z-G, Webster,, Fair N. And.c.rson; E. , Sr, II-a-rd.,'.Gardnor," S; Gardner. , Anderson. i• F57. Webster; .J', Gardner. • ."A" class -rt. Hunter.," • No.: on Roil, g7; Ay‘.rage attenclaifde Webster; teaChe'..• • PERCENTAGE risFpCilvt - -1)r: Kiteley who: i* Makin* a :health' survey of Brice ,CoUritY: at thepre-..- sent. time, states that ..he•VnCip: 85 to. • .90 percent: ofthe- children-phYsicallv • • defective; •Defects ,found as •fellows:: befective . Vision •beatind.' :nasal brea- '- thing...abnormal' tonsils, •ainampro, de- fective Teeth,' skiri•;d,iseaSes, enlarged- inalnutrition; ' pecials Children's Underwear, Regular 50, 60 and 65c., to clear at 39c, Childrep,s Underwear, Re. 60. to 75c., to clear at 49(... Only 3 Pair of Wool Blanketsleft, $8.49. tadieS!' Ireavy-Fle Vests,'Reg $1 'no . . , at 79c. ' at.6•.30, learin • • ' • • . • A' • ' • • Boys' Fleeced -lined .Combiriations;-.in sizes- frCip to 34: ...Reg. 1:40.• • . L40 - and $1Z0, Claring. at 98C.: Men's HeavY Weighi 'Blueand Black Overalls,,ith bib, guaranteed '.wear,,' Special two days at $1:95 a pair. ' 3 Pieces Dress Velveteen, 35 inches wide, colors Electric Blue.Navy - and Black,' Regular' $2.75. Friday and Saturday $1.98 a yard. 7, • "A A - WA •"••"-".., A...:A• -AA of -9 Ladies', Brpad Rib Silk and Wool Hose," in Black, Light Grey -Cleri. . • A cal Prey and Fawn, sizes 8 to 10, Reg.,$1.75.' Friday and Sat., -urday Special at $1.39 a pair. - 4 , - NOTE --This line of Silk and Wool Hose has give excellent satisfac. tion and there are only alimited number of pairs at tl* low price.. 41111111111111111010MOMINa. . . Now 'is the titne to order your. Spring Suit • r • o n e Aoliosimmompooproo-404110t444~: ',A3e SPECIAL 6O -Inch Dress Flannel in Cotten only, $1..gO yd;