HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-28, Page 7rs•
VIVO 491)U tA'S one breeds and'crosses, the Proport
" Great Britain will probably for is AP- higher olio 25 per -Cent. A la
192a outstirip.. itt3 OW11, record in the -proportion Of the. 'pigs in the rerna
'quantit74 bacon and hams imported. 'it. 75 Per "'cent" although of go
• e• rade is greater than ever. Vrom qualitf, are, too- fat and heavy
:the, Cartidiall point of view thO,opeeor.:: .first.class bacen.7.•
f • -
tunity. or expOrt business isithere. • -- some reipects the resppnsibil
foroT, greti'ter than. -ever. - , • for this undesirable: state of thin
Though the aetnafam-ouiitmii'iiiire-a--reotv with semki-iirilki-b:acc,in etqe
' "'from the'Doprinion between, January'. who haVe, paid upon a basis of Welk
and.the end of October was geerater....ale,•ae without „reference - to the su
•o'filutrt. etrkreetnhtea' s
totalPeri6 ds supply Ywe4a1; dabilityet1:1,°fhitht e-t'ehaerciViilsb. iii-'3(;trrY1). al:PnaWPai
, E • Initalle'r., :,Aektih ..r-Nrupaik, a, country a certain rins o bacon curers ha
• Or only: three and a half peo- heePme selective in buying a
Pie and of an afea'thet could be drop-'•ake''adePtiPg an:. imProved method
Ped into One of .the Great Lakes. sent Parient• • '
four and a half times as much. imeon •"''Tha Ministry considers that t
to England as. Went 'from Canada; I development of baeen__tdiept,
- . In the firstniee,imatiths-nt1923-the-ai_d" the-PrOilEti6i1761'ilie rig": LY
ritab-imPorts Ni:ere, distributed as °I-ha-6"-Pir-will-dePerd-31Pell'Tt
Canadian' .10-3% •
Dani‘h ••• • • • • '• .44.0 "
, American ' 38 1 "
• • •• • • • •:. • •
Othera . 6 7 "
. • . •
"IVe daya, or a Week ftkiifillitig* .
Wjth,•eggs,13444uk .7.no!,00.74407: . ••••4 -*1.12,1 Werj0•.4.trainOt. from..MARCH ;
of,.$51x.p.qt4A47,:qop.44-*:41.,,tic.., oco,,isio .* ,4.1,trt. aPPftttif4,',1?0,Rdtkgi;tik,
be madiii", Of. the•Vrerkitig parts. -TIYI peii.M.', stair Station Ste 'Anne do Ta ----- • ----:---
wan the therMeatat. end innet"net he Made ,mixtnre„ of scratch feed. For .
10.4., nApot y(94; in p„lot. lornior4i vmatierq,,. Q..pe.,, ,bi,4p4144;.,,,..4.00,. .1111e,-Revi...vallUtiderSainuelp"-..1.-Sfm_t-Vhs:f-'1.-- *---.- -00.14:110i:-TOXL, %401101„0:,r.;,I,.
turned' ii.P.Isehigb....nor.:_down...ten-loW. Inillets-ther:,iieraWftiel' .n
4tinning.T" 'the:104%i a - 'week- vill:Tof.::'&44,Pa4.arAelse ' . ..,. . . ,,,,..._
4'„..4;,:tinti..,••if..--, i
- .
.., . , ,
'1Ic,X, IttT,..0•SEI. .Ari,4*
' 4...,,DireCt y01114 __hearts.. -unto --the- r .t,•nd:'-';1-77:.-te-44.1ii.
P.:W,:. On.IAP*: .. — e --:Siftifit.T.•"-- ' • •"!.:1"-• " ..1
'5' .,
L .k" ;'" C'' i • rt.472‘+'''
i :';ener,•!•fil._
.04,:itga:40 4 ler4tirskqexpree0or -at-;;;41-4 't _ ,,,
and how Much the Wiek. itniat be Clean- •
1Pa ed., or tibia/tied. before relighting :it. /Mini were given the MiXtprilitit',.re9crIteie°1v
MOrning and, evening, ,T,:::::"I'leY;trig '''
: and body Wail then. off the market for pod... '... . .,.
a; l721A4'7,71;„„,344-,.-Aeiiiii;;,.. .
unity Of action, 1)404 non., cominun,;,.. On, 44TheY emildi pot. .eat. 'Stick pre-. never be TiiiliAg' t*gfell it; It will be
r.ge. Before refilling, thq' lamp the height Were given lest, .scratch grain in the .,
Iri; of the flame. should be. :noted,..b9forP• ,nifitizing.„ a°4f1)41)1147V4tilailIr. 4134';,;,1:a'. •C413114;t1, tyf .vitilidic confession of Sin, i maybe, you lea: about, aferOpranas; as
The .14'11411er qUaritity given- tgn .a., recrintrhable. waiyo•riafor itplaig 99..t.:,1-faliltr: ahenditoftPluQrT R. , ._ iel'n' b cc; ie'tsc;ii•.'" - -
. •?11 I-. used to feel before :taking- nix Aiiit:'1.
44c .4i'tui:1?i.,.,:' it, - 4albo - 4. temper-: - -. gt- this tune' -indueed: 'greater' exercise be. • ,igaZirite (ain eh: OY,'. he. Stood 41: gathering._ iiil - Seee_,,conir Zin.c1:414--.:fikk-tthat' thel t°P• of the windmill' •
ature of pne• MaChille,' so that,,,t_liP,PrP.1. with. beneficial- reanite:following.-:".-.-De'-for-r 'a' pure worship 'at -.01e-::tiltliis-Of; attention : Of thi'Philiatines..Coneecra•• ''tki*Pr' * . Went Iligh,*4"04' tC,' -1°4747;
,--i-'-'Per--aditiatiilent-careber'inade:-=-7-' additien.".".te -the Beret* feed' e dr i Jehovah against the unclean practices tion is A' firSt, easential 'to, that sePer.: .'turee. I that be the 6.03,e, plear;e /et. ,
., .
-7 , A theringetat j4; .able to handle only mash 'was. given ...•conSisting, of two of the :.,ons of Eli. Though._eit.gulit-,..-101L-Lggnra'gP,Lth4t--ia----req018ite.-:-.-fe"gr, -ire:-.2,434:0-0-.You-thWY04.":2,411-leer Or' •
rift: --
incubator to •,..",. '.' t • - - ' ''' or r , 'mix' tnre. ip: :kePt..-conStaotly•_beeferr.
the therm -Ostia ea,. Z '1,iire fieely: ' bird
ga_ve4.41ittle. surible-heati.---for'the;ree, -parts wheat bran; thiddliOga-and7cern"7hr,aordr.4iril.''thht taaVetearaairh;e4ar.ttnis: thhithP';r• iaetd sCaruidsdwehee'''*.4-trihe 7, V. „e, r I. gh li iss 1 1.• ':' laiiill ''qir-en'niles at . aSai-4,°t iiinn,yloPal7feee' 14''W°Dliiient:="keeti.k7a,Ti;elyht:::
re son that the tenipetature „inside the Meal and one nart of beef s 'an . Thiselh; there, 1.,,vhilc. yet:a:bey, he waRk„calleds, prayer,: 'TR, and at therri..' They' haveingi
make , ., , i . a ,111 ,a hop•p. e'g... : ' :' Doing „tile min, to be * prophet • ' In mature inanhOO4 P,Ognu 001.),attle;" "An Y living church dase•5,f.. •4i.e..4.0 or oil
. ,: , . • :."•• 'r,1',.,..`.. •
th 'Windmill Ne eel its periodic • •
°7. irhie' ma'7 e'"ee- the' temPeratura of 't-er .iii"ths" 'When' other green.. food i.a content to arroW•his'.0c,tiVitieS to the Poeition. But God's. reSeurces; are stilli • It 4'4;7474'414e thin;..put.qtlite tra0.0.1-'''
, he, heearee a Judie in Israel, and not Mast. 040,38 provoke 'Criticisor and o . . ' ' ' : • ' .
re the egg 'chamber. to ge": t90 ''higil- and net „ayeilable,., mangele arefeddailY: irlace, as .onther,...judges- had done, he •fer tboae '.ho -arl.'i':' olit. Ms. Prograine'that'4'"he4 T'74" illj) ' il'I a 131ane•'• Ini•et •'''
•_‘ the.' oely practical • thing ttbea to 'do , A -oght. diirerence ,avis.'„nead& in the held, circuit ,court, ',Meg .freire'plecea',Jt. la for!'.,ever,:yetfue: that Gott is.: en - 'dreds.,'nf-,:feet `-from the ground, I felt-
"P... it 't0Yreigalate. 4 'the. ilanie; of the. 'feeding-. of the yeeeling hene,.''' only' in 'antral 'Palestirie••• 'On, more t.ban the side of the, etreegest'.battelions. , that' if I should step out I would not
al laMp.. ' 'After that ' inforinatiOn has One pert of cracked corn Was, used. in one PePasi" • he called' ••together ' t4 The laws- °I- nature are God's laws' ' fai.j. but remain suspended in the air' :
, been secured intich of thel mypterY. Of the scratch feed while in the dry Mash - • . . ..accident or •hap-, I always ,suppoped, that I would hold-,
chiefs- or.,..eldere of Israel for fellow- and it 18 not by '''• • • ;
‘' a ' h hie -ti haz rd chance that they .6Perate toto the t. Ili - -death Iffee-gripi'''.-47'
artificial incubation will he secured. the"..*.propertion. of cOromeal-was-con, -
• ; : ' - : • • hip and.;:' worship an :.',1 us._ac y_e •„:__ a •- --,- •-- ; - .- --,en - e see •-viri a r „ .
lr machine,-'1the. thermometer..-MaSt be season It was, found that ,the pullets to their Cod- - „ • prieirig la the Mark the:, time and place. • In • statel
P9'watched "d h • '
ry ":,,;:whetho..„,.;h.dat...._is..-iiroced7 . Ticui,6.: sid-er.iy roveed., At. the ,6,n4 of tho ilionos-e;'-iiii,o;tiatirlaitny,t ,l4illesTdelcisonTmaonningrveotriiii 'de his •eovereign. WIll. 4qIitherta llatli, - 0 ., chills 040404 0404 other
up. 444 ._
• -
. „ .. .
c •
With my hair 'standing on end; while
the Lord helped •us. " . We do well to : • • - '
he , h • . • • • ' • ' •
O'Mara ure• in this dock gaVe a net Profit, of '$4,19. national- spirit in ' resistance to ' the AbheY,. bY cOnntrY, Church Yard: WithYi''d*n mY. clualdrcg aPine; but it (h.da't. '
hel , •• • •
1, reec ea tli,03 deg. P., the .thermistat PPreW4, while the Yeailing hens -gave, inselent, aggresSion Of the Philistines. Jiving green of a tree of beauty 'ant-
1.,:muSt•be d3usted se .theclapper above
$1. 0.4 fit • e reason for olie. all; Samuel was a man of vi- e significantly,. in fadeless ink in the : - In walking op to •the plane • it re-
bWealrtoreSseucinirset' itheye,.,6.advanita
. . .. . „eve n "gtheeS1'hrttctbhe- Pt4hsekti a°f11:3'Gaatig•r'eliatia•Yri'. Peasstraigeetleasti747Per.tAiq;:: children,
. . . may we. symbolize our find-'• pan. out that way. • • • . . -:
'holding Over the birds he second year '- e •ii, a: pif
on and faith -"-a man -with a great o family Bible by simple' priceless minded me of the thriel walked, down
heirloom, treastire trove to children's the, church . aisle. With . that little.
of the chickens. . ' • . . , •.: . - • • and. fearless; I. brown -eyed girl Who is now My' wife.;
.I „,,,_, chnibed.„ in, seated. • myaelf, -• and, -
. . e nation • was one with his service ing of 'God." The reCUrriOlfestival--L
ability of their'egge•end the, vitality• .t.p, hid,, God. .:1-lighmin.ded, lienorabla the ' harVest home,,, the: anniversary,.
, - • :. ---,-,-4,----:--,• . 2. courage ' against . the grosser evils. of rays :Wherein ,we 'follow.. in the train
)10 stood .with. steadfast •' the., glorious dawn are high .*eloiiftedow. riontiYm4iasWtasktlehteheerhastat:eti.hio.nilig9Oft,'„
• '•-•• Does:a .Garden Pay? 1. '. ' his time, and for absolute loyalty and of • ",saints, anoitlep deprouppestse_e;n:mthaart., .10Y' teeth for . a: knock in the 414tOr....
r . ion, not sure wh‘ther Qu"r ...iii,rde,n. obedienee .M. his Lord. . : , •. • . . - ••.',, ters,"'who have tast'e a • • '. The ' propeller. began to, huh'', _ the '
pays its was, or not .it taketsi 4 fa 0 • ,Ch. 7:5. Gather,all Israel.' In the the Lord is goad.' 4. • .. ..' ' ' • ' machineqiiivered slightly and . then ,•:'
hard work to ..ple_war•arid get out • the' .netinle.
Stuff;• and. then. it's • I - t d ' • • ' ' •
Of ',things it. could only'llaVe ,: ..••••••••,-,..".....7 •
F. when, adjustment Must 'be made •as ), el who responded to such a Call .Sainuel ' . . So
. Hyacinths.
. made -4 quick run. Across the ,pastnre. ••••
for a hundred feet of .50 When, I. SenS•••••• •
. been. re/oreSentati,ve inen of the. tribes How' I S Id '.
about a' half-hour after • making, the :we. could get along without. a. eird'en: earrliPt 'and mit:leen •formsLof wet-I.:at 100 per cerree•profit-The lereal-fler i+eaw: the
aireadY.-stated• ''Insliect,. tile working geta. tired. ,at it! sometimes: / think:against the Canaanite. gods , anti their. fall ,I.•sold in blossom at Easter
• : ' . - . • - • plant and . hoe! , ' Gosh, , hut my 'back' had alreadr• engaged ;in. a :ep,nipaign , 7 Uyacitlth, Ich'71bs. that:1 bought in; the, • ,.. , . :•. . - . • • • - , ' . .
' ed a feeling of .snaoothnesii . and,
time glancing over the side of the fuselage,
tois-.Of..the'--tellest-trees :far' '
adjizetnient,--enel '., if -.everything Ase e • • i• . i . '" •
-many Alines ea' necessat until t .* 1 .
'rtinning'cOrrealy. • ' ''. ' - ' . 1,
promising return an hour later, Or y. .nying -a .• itt e green . stuff off the: shi,P.* :H. • had'. • d di' ' ' " t' ' . d'l ..d. ' ''
as occesiorially. . ' ' .. '..
clenizig•bus'n 'ssi •Iiist s i . • '
:' r. have,been.keepirig tab .on this
„,.. . the „Philistine,oppressorS to the; Alt 't . 'plants.":
an...people,. 4 the would but turn to 'the ... '
. .. , premise , erverance is , lea 1 y par . me •50 cents 'each for - ' ' ...• '
thoedst,:zit, - , • . • . i below us. 'eve Were up in the -air..stilE.
• I have had, verY little -trouble with 'tilrfo Wbalei,days"With-.the team: hairline .arid. SerVe
, i 0 . pr rig 1 I:mgt.:4; pLrorpr.. p: e
!thaeil-Y:hetlia.ertsst7zintoge o her, merchants. are usually glad- to
.t.,Or°e,ers.e• baker-, 'confectioner's; arid
. .. . . ,
, .. • . . . •
Him oni$7, va., ,a; 4,, - er-..:-.1..e, h die these 'anti at,'Eazter Iline,
- . f t ' ' ' •• •
"thermometers. I, have, found :that: Meet ! reaiaire • •••nlowing ' herr • ' " - - ' ' • ' ' . • ''vw "
finaneial inducement: offered to., t
farmer by • the bacon curer for t
supply of graded pigs, -at recognizedthe lamp raises, dear about,. one_
graded Prices.' The farmer, too, ,should sixteenth or one -twelfth of an inch.
realize that by helPhIg• forward...the ShoUld the temPerature continue to
, locum I for 'himself.
bacon industry he is stabilizing
The producer, the curer .lowered until the theriPometer. regis-.
Priee',,,rise,. the ,flame of the lamp ••nitiet bea
and the, retailer are all equally' res -
As might have been. exPected, *this pensible. for increasing and improv-tirnust be taken that this clapper covers
ters 102 deg F, and stays there. Care
!date of ^ things „has called for corn- ing the supply of Englishliacon. TheS" the hole perfectly, and if it does not,
;me,nt. .In the Pecember ilsne of, the. are in fact, partners, and the interest
"Journal" of the -Ministry of Agricul'• Of each is hound up With that slightly bend and adjust' it so the
of the claPper fits tightly ever the holeinitil
- tUre of Great Britain there are two others, and close co7operation7between tine temperature goes "-up •to 103 deg.
'I:editorial' artieles froin which extracts them is easential.
are given below, because. of their sig..; "The „size calculated to produce the
zilifiCance to Our :own two -fold indus- ' best price is the medium baein pig
try of liyeetock:prodiicieg and, nieat producing sides • wheo, cured Of 56-65
Packing. •-•<. - I in weighte., a,. rg-appreilniate-
"There is a greatneedfor an in- ly 220' lbs.. live weight or 160:165 lb.
crease in the number' Of pigs kept in dead *eight. Such pigs should be
this country, and particularly of high-, reach. at about' seven months •old.
grade heath pigs.- It is not a question; "The 'ideal bacon pig can:be raised
of breedin • ' •
e up as lish breeds It is generally agreed
Models, use. British pedigree beers for that the bacon type of pig kali best
producing their bacon,pigs. • Ner is it he obtained 'as a' first cross, nsing.ohe
a question of nature of fp,aii, for the of the large breeds to,: attain 'length
Danish pig is.. fed •on standard lines--1:of side. It is rarely, Wise iito go, he -
largely •with foreign barley. • Yet yond the first 'eyes's, as with a. second
difference.:hi the 'results is etriking."1 eroSe, the progeny often fail in uni-
, The view is held' that,. whereas at formity of type. AS an example of
least threekluarteis of the Danish Piga, a suitable cross, Many rearers1Of bacon
give first, quality bacon,less than one-. pigs use .Large White -.(Yorkshire)
quarter of the Xngliahpfg.s:reach-that,-boars forItheirleirgth7V-eide, with a
standard. "The Pangs seoure their'f:Middle White sow to secure more rapid
results by eonenti.afion on the singlel growth and a better ham and streak.
'aim of produeina a side of bacon: pig l'A cross the ether •-way _about also,
for the English market. •teginning' makes a very goo& bacon pig. The
with the bears they do what is
• accord witkeheidern views on genetics.
P variety , of in many ways from the various -En
Pig' the Danes.'
-Boars-whoke progeny do not come up
bacon • nig can, however, be .9btaieed
from. other.' breeds and ',crosses 'pre'
,videel that :the breeder •keeps in mind
to a certain standard are slaughtered. the type. Owing, however, 'the
In ,other words, 'the.; test 'applied 'hi presence of bleck pigment iri the•marn-
progeny, not pedigree. The standard znary. glands 'of•xertain.races of black
is not a 'fancy one..liased-on external pigs, produeing .ethe. so-called seedy
_points. , It depends mainly Upon Tie, 'elle in the streaky; wholly .black pigs
cise measurements of the.earcass aha should be' avoided,. unless, 'es seems
consideration is given also_ to, 'such possible, strains .cazi be selected which
Matters • as early: Mattirity, caPecity dee not. show 'seedy cut.' • •
• of flesh to. take up :salt ;readily,- distri • "In , the feeding of pigs for bacon
biltidn 'Of and ' • ,,,," it.will he sufficient to emphasize the
'‘‘It• is, clear 'that the' Danes have" fact that bacon. pig's should not be too
succeeded because' _they: have.. organ_ fat but should show_a_gciod proportion
isedlthhate-bUilness-of .biona-prti::' of idan, andthat foods tending to, pro-
duction,- from •breeding t8-,euring aridTdUce soft fat should avoided.An
ITOrketing.--Iii-thiS country there. is °ice" of •swill or. too ineeh maize. 'or
a lack of maw,. of aim or effort. As linseed tends to. preduce • an undesir-
•Prefessor. Wood 'pointed out An thel: able quality' :of fat." .' •
,Course of a' discussion at ..Cambridge, • • •
-; the farmer is- inaufAciently .iri tchich I Lliire Stock and Products
with the consumers' market: The con- Exports.
elusion of the whole Matter seems to' Marieet,---rePorts .of , the Dominion
• , •
be that there is- one Procedure-which-eLiee'Stock Brineh','ShOW:tharin-.1023,
iniy go a long way tia. remedy the: e'7_,672 cattle were 'shipped' to Great
'exiSting state of effefra., .We need , Britain compared:With 18;475 hi 1022;
mere -Standardization of otir produc-•! and that 96,873 went to the.
tide. 'What the EirglW_niarleat_re-Istates-npare vvith -189;760 in, the
qiiires and appreciaths a regular; year , previeus. Great l3ritain took
supply of a. standard" product: iS ealyea lest year comPared with•
the !Meat Market ,iri the world. 27,72•011i, 1922; ' 6i2.3;400 Ihs.'..of beef
irony:O.-the position la- that beet- :eorripared with 99;230,-'
English produce is: stiff ..suPoiot, to 100 lbs. cif' iracen compared with 9.8;-
anyth,ing co; ming feo,n,l. arheoad„_. The 384-21be,:e2.•;01-2e.000---Ths:-of.---p.ork
; beat hO'Con• stiif.:corninands ,.,paved .with 305,700 lbs." and .29,500
• ' the highest pike; but ohe can • The, of. Metton.e.ompareci,•„Avith :34,100
undertakea futuredeliverr"ef-regiikir ,The Uriited States took, 28,148
• fniPplies, of uniform 'quality. - Yet the' sheep' in 1923 compared vvith 90,266
Danes tan contract to supply Sides. in ,1922; 13,087;300 lbs. of beef ,coni-
-.the thotisand,, ' of one quality." pared with 18,583,000 lb., 282,406 lbs:
"Co-operative seeietieS,' .Of ,bacon Conipered with -154,6001he,
are only Metlieds; it is orgetnizatime '709,000 , lbs. of pork corepared :, with
cad tho ethronon pnrpeee -inspiring 699,000 lbs., and 1,553,000 lbs.. of Mut...,
actirating the • •whole- • meehenieni ton ceetiptifed With 4;497,806
of production and supply that count"
' The following, are .eXtracts 'from' a
second in the Same issue of the
"Journal". of the Britiale Ministry of
Agriculttire::- • ••,: I- '•
1 "The farnier who Seth. OUt to pi•o-
Canadian Bacon Shows
Improved Qtiality. -
A cablegram received in 'Canada
quotes a large firm of importers of
,stock •prodects Englaed, as
duce bacon pigs 'should breed and feed
saying that: Canadian bacon recently
With the object of tilenirig"out eni-
feeinprOdnet,„,,04,00,,typo..that,,,can..be kgen.::!:)..fegteatlY,:imPreved
quality This firm attributeethe
• cOnyerfed, into first ,quality bacon with
!movement to the, system of govern-
emphasized that a! pig suitably -bred merit grading 'of hogs.-' ; The ,same
flint also ratites ;;that recent for the bacon manufacturer is usually
ments of butte° froth, Western Canada
an excellent pork pig; but it does not heve earned commeridatien from" BA.,
' follow that it pig which may be killed tish purchasers.
for pork is • of .suitiible, structure' for •
first; quality baeon.
Strong representations have heen
Made; to the Minietry be the ;bacon
Carers that they are uniibIe to ebtaio
-stifileient pigs of the right qualitY to
enable thein to keep their busineszlea
'running at full Power, and that in
particular :they receive an undue pro-
portion of pigs which 'cannot be con
Verted into first quality bacon. It Is
stated that in other, Countries, notably
Denmark and Sweden, *here pig rear-
ing has 'been organized for the pro-:
duetiOn of bacon, as many as 75 per
cent ;of the pigs sent to market are
convertible •Into first-claas bacon,
largely as a result of alining at a
ndar.' 4,1-.4, whereas in England,',
Complete Radio Map of -
Canada and the United
States, showing all Broad-
casting Stations, giving Call
Numbers and Locations.
The New Eaton Edition '
Pri t5c
4Prk EAT.DIVCS101.
, er very.. slightly, if . any. 1 file'. That .was ten •dollar! •'• I ,
Wheh I want to test one I. pleoe it ini two 'more days helping 'Wife '
. • • . , , •
two or three 'different rnachines with• thing. That was six dollars!•
ether:thermometers, and Make co ---"I-1 cost eight1.dollars, and, Coentizi
parison„ ',I piece it 'just as high,!eunie i time I -helped hoe and work it th
slant; .. same 'position as . the therino- 1 the sal -inner would, amount to t
meter I am testing by, sideby side I dollars! •
with the gleee' tube -i. having the same . Of course,, we "'had all the•
. If I ,•firid any difference it will be a,nd ' sold ebotit fOrt '
likel : 1
. Ploizel: , '•-• • ., • •• • vegetableS We 'Wanted on. the',.
shriliks with age arid after the dif- peas, toinatoes,' arid 'all kind of-jurik:- fer „leher. ( The great tasl< of' over•,1 I purchtte d the 'h lb '
alive, and htat of all I had no sense '.•
of fear,..: ' '. - . ' • : ::.. .•••• .., .'
.We did •not seem to be moving fast,e...
but bele* us was Seward -three miles •
is sought to confirm them iii their new, often without any commisaion if the from the, farm Veldt but a minute .
T.;tit In found. faith, by a great.gathering for owner ' agrees to take •h.adk inisOld ago --and the train standing it the•
,praier, '.fasting, and • waiting ...Open planti Th fl • ''' A •
The owers make good trade:. - ' "
- station lookeil,as if we 'could • pick it
,the .oarnearieans "watch -tower," Was ' Therightkind 6i an advertisement.
tis 'God', • , Mi;Pah• (Rev. • Ver.) . of "vvhich attract°'re.• - • .: , .: tip, put. it in ourpocketsand take it.
roull...3.itilated 'about six miles northwest of in thelocelPaper wilr boring
- home for baby to • piaY''' with: The .
1 F.'rophet , Samuel." On tw other oc- 'played, where the crowd paSses.::‘ The looked- like well,behaved, fleas. • i -
and.' automobiles in. the Street
, -cystomers trPdkS
WetitY pfjellai.:;Nebyl'''Sairipwr,l'ithaPt -4•4 ii
l m. T e az d Zia ,of4...lfer .
." ai,ea when the floWer's. carieet be dis-
fresh Casioris it wee .the-•rneetingplace of a' etipply of moderete-Oriced tolbasoniS, at The Oriole banks (turps) around a '
cloud and again We passed over' the
table national asqrably. (See Judges (.20, e:, 1 '„Easter time iS ; Seldom ‘,'eq'uaE to ...the 'village on our way back to the farm.
most• yL,a.....trifie.22bigh, fer
e put UP awo' quarts of COrnrbeani
ydollars'wozteam. 1_7•Li legL-211s-aY Over_the-farin-We-Swept;096-feet-
You. xreYer the best. Preparation towns. , ' •• p, at a speed of . seV,entY miles an'
ference is ckterniined the ther
meter is Used again, illoWirig fer the
mo- We MOS. yo.galiOns of•kraut; had 150' -unifying_ the nation, "arid of establish_
• -coming• the Philistine "ineaders, of.
Pollads„ of sotiP beans. Had plenty 'of:ing open :firm-. fonndatienYthe reli••
'difference. • . • k cabbage, a " • • '
•• a and turnips to feed our .gion of Jehovah, could only accom-
If the two •thermerneters, .wheni'ehieLaen! through the winter,,, but it ,plished • through • and by • prayer.1
p ace sideY "side, do not coMPare cost pretty heavy. our gars:len. may ,Samuel •wai a •man of PraYer. See
in length', I place the liulbs side by pay -I du I''
. •
• nno d
e, u froms.a largo
ing the.
"cts re-
housee,g, ark.ite:cdt: ex. xc). ss.
them: in_five-incli pots, -onebulb:in
each, in rich, clailt soil with 'which
l hour -the pilot had redeced the speed.
• so as, to alio* ue, a better view of
The alfalfa fields Were; pieces of
our possessions. - - :
.„ , ' ' .. „. ' ..
rich: -green Velvet,.4be_eorre•ffeld. a
it -beautiful piece of brown silk the trees
si e on a. f t 1 ' , , • u noll‘l.,• R., ., . caso-chr-8:-67:12 :17-19, 23; 15:11e and small a•mount of Peed and leaf
, compare PP. 99:6 .and • Jer.' 15:1. 1 had been carefully miXect. The .. tits
maid 'in the orchard rows of tiny ,greeiv.
.Milk Adulteration. • V. capped :soldiers guarding the toinia-
- The Cheinietry Department :Of- the water itney Thre Seinhelizedfie'pourd Aa I Wated the .hyacintlis to bi ' •••
6.' Drew water',4 The .effering_cf cokt. ine hy.6 :cents •eeeh,_ „ , ----',P- ture_, house in , which 1F,e- live:
••'... piste/ice' 'lent enchantment tO the
with each
other; for if one thermometer is • a
little higher of a little lower than the
other One, they will not register ke
111 rnaiiy lestanceS I•• have knoWn".an Ontario ,Agricultni-al during- deOU 0 d. !. LaOUi 111 in.. 2 :19., ---------------------------..in1 yiew taking her . magic. iron and
time had to keep them."
inch either up Or .down to -make
difference:of one or two degeees; 'the •
. a the • pait year made a \ studY of 'the vme-a eyinbol. of:penitence, of humina_ id
deen in •sand ink 'aeorrier'.9f the cellar: 'the
amonrit of :difference Varying' aCcOrd- ' the,
freezing point of „Milk by means of tion and 'contrition of heart.. ,•.:And. .
.ing to the ioside. of the - maeliine. I apparatus • :to be ,alisoletely reliable ',believed , him to be. a prophet - of. „God, : from thesand.. When the buds: hill beemneS flat, 'While hollows and
ravines are leveled uP.'A'ereek, which
land.. When -viewed from the air
Hortvet• Cryoscope, preying,. sn
the __z.auel jtftked.., Because the people About._S11E weeks before. Easter 'I tOok
• .
-C. C.. S. ' in detectieg adulteration
idding : water. The' Hortvet,
of. ronk by and therefore, divinely .guided, they ( De
Were W111 11:1g ,,t(), ACCept: his anthority., he time clesirea by...saying them,
t, gan. to ewe - ed them. to.. °pea at
lieles and lined with giant oaks,' is
knot is full -of dandy swimming-
. • V; 7. IThe Pledistgrics heard. These _plenty of surishineto argerthem : - - .
m ele trickle of Water bordered lav
,so I buried them pot and all smoothing .outall the rough spots on • •
Milk in Bread .Makirig._ , scciPe,.hvirig -----------------44 arlike neighbors„of• -Israel,- at this:-• ward if 1 p achig
. • • - ten-Art:lotion- filipc time he.ld, a large_part-of-Alie-land--in--L-.--1.- --h- •-th
Dpf_the • • •h • ' h • 'b t subdued ig --w en e y_came--on-too;-
, -1",„ftLiet unsig t og-.° g
e chemistry e. ar m n o
• - --.1reeded-requirement of an official „test subject° , exacting eavy•.,• tri u e• fast. As nea.r a uniform temperature' - - • •• •
gling erowth of ugh.sunflawers? Can
• • ' a. bazid Of dark green•moss. Wheee_ -
Ontario Airicultural Coliege studied fOr detecting added water in milk re- and for .that -purpose maintaining . ,
tha.t tiny golden square be it. Well,
experimentally the effect :of - whole •
milk, skiramed,.milk,' condensed milk gar ess of the breed of • co3,vs from strong. garrisons in fortified plaCes.
and milk powder in making ' bread. which the milk, may be obtained.. ' When they heard' Of this gathering of
• . • • , e• _ I Israel they supposed. it to. be for. the
..Guide in Purchasing
. ' Fertilizers. •
he whole milk naturally" had some Of
the effects Of fat, and the Sweeteried,
condenSedscinie,of the effects" of sugar,
but, otherWise, Milk Will not replace
as possible. was
.er *bunches we
and some Of th
purpose of rebellion,', and so "the y- clusters '
went Up 'against. Is'racl.''
Vs. 8', p. Stich' ivas the .fea,i.• of the ' :Cows on rye
maintained: The flow -
'extra large in site,'
precluded.. fear
pasture should be rd.
eel' nourS befere,nillk•
will not be tainted.
'. Farmers purchasing fertillzere Philistine's that the inee of. Ierael did, Move,d forevesugar, malt .or-Shortening-"rin thahing',wonid---dot-wen. to -.bee that they' g -de net:-.1.;celieve that they could' OVereorrie so the Milk
bread. It has an influence all its,own What they pay for. .fii• re'.; theni" in battle. " kle OTI I y: y of
whieh, nene Of:'_-t_hesenther.conatiteents. coal -Y.- issued by .the Demin ion Seed escaPe "Arn.'13Y-PraYe'''' i'irehe:Y'aPP,FaTed
Will produee.. , In conjuriction_ivithi_Cotrimii-onei-,_;_shoWs that--in-,inan., ilacesm.ereav-------n.-----,--P---
,. to,Samtiel to ray fort m. The s,ae.
-these other ingredients it does„ how- instances the fertilizers ...offered -.for. and represented ,inore than -a cry for
was an embodied preYer,
ever, influence -the flavor of the bread;1.saIeneitheinceme up te the. gUarantee..help . It represented 'a neW. depen-
an inprove he color of the crust. In nor meet the requirementa of the Per, dencenpon and rusq.in• Jehoyah, and
feet it makes e Helier. loaf of bread,ItilizerS'Aet passed! iii 1922. • The pain.: a new or renewed' ptirpose, to serve
*jth greater Moisture' istainin and ' pillet referred to; ' entitled ,"Fertilizer Him.. faithfully.. •
higher food value,properties.
the big item • in
:farrowing -houses. •• Geniis. turn tIp
their toes when 'Old Serenters.' L.. -
Peel County , noted for Its Islan.quallty seeds.
reel Seed. Gouse. 13rdinDton, Is located In the
very .contrev of thi9' 'abottle:t. It has' lafite", Quantities
of Grimm, Variegated- and guccial ',nod
tvesors, Strrt ' Clovers. TIrridtlik, etc., which
r ;If na
r bnce or ers,. any uart. 'In any 'size IOU,'
• eampie§,0 eati be . had frea on appliea.„1- Vs. 10, 11. Drell., n'ea-r- to v attic. - ), • ' , PEE).. s.Eca "Heusi:
tion •-tothe -Publications - Branch.o-The ' iflen- of - Israel fought,and the --4,--13-ellePto,ne;•--------, -...--,---„-e,-en/ang-
storm fought for thein Always they '
.. ___ , had 'heard" ,Tehovaho's voice iir . the ---
information •:.:- ,relative to ......... -diffe,re.....nt„lthonder,:ansl_nowethey•Werel'ireartened -
-brands •of - fertilizer.e. =••• -- 1 by the sense of his , presence with
was theirs. Neee
' r after
'wardcould ;
.. 1 therm ,., They fought and the eicterY
•. ithey believe their Philistiae•foes,Tto he
. . , .. ., Vs. 12' 13. Ebn
e• means »T110
invincible. • •• . " : ' • -
Oeerhalf. cupful, ef : coMpressed yeast; Stone •of .1telp.". It •iniii-ked The
'place '
two cupfuls ' of flour.. Let.:-riee over, ,where- God • came: te the' help of His , . • •
tawit, and conveys •C' deal .of valuable'
Goodji:fot...St Patrick's Day
thicken, Feitters--Cut meet from a
dressed chicken,' into thin meat slices,
flour these' well, or if preferred, draw
them' through: egg and cover' them
Queen,City Hatchez:y,' Breeder
, dlstrihutOr of litiSky, healthy -
Chicks and Dticks„ten variette3,
Write. for • datileene and price
list: • Linernore Crescent,
Toronto, Ont.- • '
night. In the Morning "; add ',flour, sorely ,oppfessed people' For•the time
enough to /italic a stiff dough. Let the Philistines were subdued; but in
with hread crumbs, which have been rise again, then, add one-half cnnfui later yearS they came back ;again, to '
------- be finally' eonquered by the arineez of
mixed with:a,•little butter in a small Of' sUgar, a piece of butter, a • little ;saw and ria,14:
of inee0,, ceeik, ' the'm ' gently, turning and eggs to a bream, then add: toi 1,.. silent 1, ram. what was samus.,
frying pan, •When hocput in the slices mitmegrtwo 'egg's. Beat butter, sUgar,
well, 'we never knew. before that it.
Was beautiful!, And those:little: red .
anti must be :the Shorthorns in the
big •paSture. • • -'
' There,' as gefitiy-as a -bird, We settled'
down. in the pasture by the-hotise'and
laughed as we watehedchickens, guiue •
eas ducks. and turkeys breaking speed- -
-records as they scooted for the friend.
-1y4Fhelter-7-of---the=hen-hoUse. '
If yoti are discouraged with the •old
-place, _maybe you'd better take a look
at if from the clonde,;,;•The•vision will •
do you' "good; be'werth ten
aiines what it• will cost:
r - a
ospe o eau y..
' 1 v. I once Ine:c-N- a ,fine 014 :Qutiketi;::.
' thee ,not like root of this?" if the
saw you admirieg,a • flewei_she had,
. • Provided it was, one she could divide
with yOu,:. - • • ., •`. '
• She loVed to give her ',flowers to
othei, arid .thoy .Were bound to take
'care. ofsh
, the flowers- e gave -them.
. - they well ,knew••„ Grandma Would be "
: looking 'affer 'the': Wanderer to see if
.• • ' , .. ._ , ' , • it had a good home.. I -low • niueh she
.....-,-,..........„......teiv,ii3nroctinbgagtoHrsottt wi9a7levar i did fo.r that commu.i.lity..-, in building
1 , 9 j.ilI
' Puffy euivardeed IV I i tlri ft :bee' uty-loving 'spirit „no .erie could
., calculate We all hited to; visit_ber ,
I 1 11,
1 , riegIrt paid 'to your =amid
a.rcient too, rot she' had so many t115*- ....
It.it. srahill Matta In Canada : (,?I'z'•; and'. so fine.---AgneS, Hileo. • • '
-:•• ' : • .
• When brown pile them en it'dish and cot with a large Cake chtter, then cut,cabing' during
-4P6Inttr ii."!ii="Beil-iii'lititiitoes arid lay -against One another,. with rounded home had ruined thernselves, their ,. ry"e'' thioule 71, '1) reaCIY tcyr ""
eend brownto the table. Alp111,.Jaq)trghlitt.0.4',-and-revival?-4-rwtriSatil'beys'''ffien bed', rCetli'w• "g
put through rider. 'Beat one egg, mix part , up. • Let, rise again then bake., father and. his family, and their them once or twice during the process. dough. Knead; with rnolling pin,
• or ed years that preceded the great.,'„ sig,ze fete,;,,,std,
the twenty long .unre-
g lass (tom, double walls with al'r IDACe hes
30 too Hstwater I Mil a thoroubC:tonirp.l.ne. 1;23.235
thlipotaides f butterIt. -
With it f h
,piece:o and salt. Pea • Timbales Cook` c table-. shook the nation, and was fatal to the; 74
one- ourt cupful of milk, add Very delicious. _ [live town: The crash' of their 1U1114 11300°,:celgdck C6r"11 19'7
iwentv•four Faar0 qxphrlenea has 'cloy
apac ty Grain Sproutor
Form potatoep, into fancy shepes,spoonful of flour, in One and h If cause of•rehOen' Ii:look the atient' ;0°,,t, L'23"1:14bnft.,P„,riulp',7„1,',h.An 14.,P.too etht,r
rhen ab. babi erseverance
sainouu. run7 Irirate4 wit} • * e 'beau":
brush with egg and bake in hdt oven. tables f
peon uls of butt r
U • 13
, ;oorr
p u
141.1* p u o mg, stir in gradually one -halt Cu f .We.htY: years,:of thiebest years of his I • L. R. Haiihatnn, throUnd O'st
St. Pathok's Cake. -One .eu f 1 'f
butter, two cupfuls Of flour, two4clip-
fulS Of sugar,.. tWo teaspoorifuls of
baking '
( earn starch, 'ene-Jialf teaspoonful of
, almond' extract. Cream 'butter, add
1 Sugar, and alripand, siftlOgether, flour,
orn starch, baking.• Add,
alternately . with milk to first mixture,
beat eggs' (Whites) until stiff, add to
(lake and beat vigorbusly. Make into
loaves. • '
Frosting-Whitea of three eggs and
pulverized sugar to make a good 'stiff-
ening, add a little vanilla flaVoring
and green ,coloring. „
St. Patrtck's Rolls -one cupful of
milk' scalded and cooled, one table-
spoonful of 'sugar, a pinch of salt,
powder -one cupful of milli,.
of milk, cOok, until smooth, and sea-
son •Orith a little salt and onion juice.
Remove from fire, add ,three beaten
preseri -through a •sieve,' 'turn ' into
'greased timbale melds: Stand thdm'
in a pan of hot water and bake in a
moderately hot oven.' Turn out 1
heated Plates and serve with white,
envied Celery -Select the fine white
stalks, wash wej4 and cut in two -Inch'
lengths, then with a small knife slit
the ends into fringe, tilaut ,one -halt -
inch long. Itetip in a bowl Of. lee
wgter to which a little Iemon-Jujce has
heeti added to keep it white. Serve in
dainty piles in individual Mabee with
French or mayorinalse dressing. I
life; to, rekindle and reit:ore' the reli-
I gious Iffe, of the people, following the
'moral shipwreck of Eli's. Sons. I
'2 Re mral......lieetia as --Soo ti
!Inte7, to the' preparing armies. of the
Lord, the day 'of, march Will, 0i -he. To
some leader God gi•v/41 the spirit' of
discernment to note .the hoar , and
sound the clan call. Then is the time
to drop all elem.' and hasten to follow
the fiery CrosS. Of the day of the lord.
It is a tide in the affairs of men. Wise
Is the spIrittial engiheer- who can cal-
culate and utilize the lift of he tide.
:At sueli"a time we may 'well" follow
the program of ,Sitiriuel, ,The first
thing they did at the great gathering
iyati to: pray. Then in sararnoijtai
VoW, they pledged their corilmitinent, to
the new life, bye the symbol Of Water'
koured, out. • This signified no tecall.
The vow Was to bo eoniidered itrtwoo,
• ' ••'
Take No
TRW and, fusti
la he may% your
bora. espnait id4
• sway from th0 •
sleety Snap oh
, Cur eitotr,•Rat•
..tor &rani% hASk 44 • p4.• War prides.
Shaish Coinyirrin, t0 33 7*nt O (*Ail 44041
of Fort WII11arn„ ,awo. only tall ti
conta eachr., ' • •
•For yeti: urctiwtloti, thi• Safety Ratter
Star.nk Is• Iron sumtterd with biro thread
running threueli it 100141 013 014 ittost,
rtroy ooit loroar*
atve T.,,gt cat tort. :or tropic ot .01447.4
. ,
shoyfiny usWeat AL,oirr• toting' Ace*
• r 4 Ightte
, Strattaed.
Be Kind :'Aniinals.
, kind to aninifils, itienclii, •
; •6041-has.„rniide .them -Same 'as' nit; .•
. And they're lits treaturee; -toe-
icind to sill:Malt, ,friends;-;'
Aha they'll.be kind and trize;,
, Yfhat,,,Yotil give will alwayS be
Reflected back to ,y-tpi.
• ; •
Be kind to, animals, Mylriends,
And they'll he. kind to you;
For Itindneetz is A Will/141k trAit'
.:111 everything we
0 happy day when men shall be
Of one benignant mind;
When they shall all be governed by
141181JE •, . :The *ought of beins hind!