HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-28, Page 7rs• 4-4 VIVO 491)U tA'S one breeds and'crosses, the Proport " Great Britain will probably for is AP- higher olio 25 per -Cent. A la 192a outstirip.. itt3 OW11, record in the -proportion Of the. 'pigs in the rerna 'quantit74 bacon and hams imported. 'it. 75 Per "'cent" although of go • e• rade is greater than ever. Vrom qualitf, are, too- fat and heavy :the, Cartidiall point of view thO,opeeor.:: .first.class bacen.7.• f • - tunity. or expOrt business isithere. • -- some reipects the resppnsibil foroT, greti'ter than. -ever. - , • for this undesirable: state of thin Though the aetnafam-ouiitmii'iiiire-a--reotv with semki-iirilki-b:acc,in etqe ' "'from the'Doprinion between, January'. who haVe, paid upon a basis of Welk and.the end of October was geerater....ale,•ae without „reference - to the su •o'filutrt. etrkreetnhtea' s ea mefe totalPeri6 ds supply Ywe4a1; dabilityet1:1,°fhitht e-t'ehaerciViilsb. iii-'3(;trrY1). al:PnaWPai , E • Initalle'r., :,Aektih ..r-Nrupaik, a, country a certain rins o bacon curers ha • Or only: three and a half peo- heePme selective in buying a Pie and of an afea'thet could be drop-'•ake''adePtiPg an:. imProved method Ped into One of .the Great Lakes. sent Parient• • ' four and a half times as much. imeon •"''Tha Ministry considers that t to England as. Went 'from Canada; I development of baeen__tdiept, - . In the firstniee,imatiths-nt1923-the-ai_d" the-PrOilEti6i1761'ilie rig": LY ritab-imPorts Ni:ere, distributed as °I-ha-6"-Pir-will-dePerd-31Pell'Tt tojlatvs: Canadian' .10-3% • Dani‘h ••• • • • • '• .44.0 " , American ' 38 1 " • • •• • • • •:. • • Othera . 6 7 " . • . • . ,,•411.146i.Vat,,P$04... "IVe daya, or a Week ftkiifillitig* . Wjth,•eggs,13444uk .7.no!,00.74407: . ••••4 -*1.12,1 Werj0•.4.trainOt. from..MARCH ; of,.$51x.p.qt4A47,:qop.44-*:41.,,tic.., oco,,isio .* ,4.1,trt. aPPftttif4,',1?0,Rdtkgi;tik, be madiii", Of. the•Vrerkitig parts. -TIYI peii.M.', stair Station Ste 'Anne do Ta ----- • ----:--- wan the therMeatat. end innet"net he Made ,mixtnre„ of scratch feed. For . 10.4., nApot y(94; in p„lot. lornior4i vmatierq,,. Q..pe.,, ,bi,4p4144;.,,,..4.00,. .1111e,-Revi...vallUtiderSainuelp"-..1.-Sfm_t-Vhs:f-'1.-- *---.- -00.14:110i:-TOXL, %401101„0:,r.;,I,. turned' ii.P.Isehigb....nor.:_down...ten-loW. Inillets-ther:,iieraWftiel' .n 4tinning.T" 'the:104%i a - 'week- vill:Tof.::'&44,Pa4.arAelse ' . ..,. . . ,,,,..._ 4'„..4;,:tinti..,••if..--, i - . :•:: .., . , , '1Ic,X, IttT,..0•SEI. .Ari,4* ' 4...,,DireCt y01114 __hearts.. -unto --the- r .t,•nd:'-';1-77:.-te-44.1ii. P.:W,:. On.IAP*: .. — e --:Siftifit.T.•"-- ' • •"!.:1"-• " ..1 '5' ., L .k" ;'" C'' i • rt.472‘+''' i :';ener,•!•fil._ .04,:itga:40 4 ler4tirskqexpree0or -at-;;;41-4 't _ ,,, air and how Much the Wiek. itniat be Clean- • 1Pa ed., or tibia/tied. before relighting :it. /Mini were given the MiXtprilitit',.re9crIteie°1v MOrning and, evening, ,T,:::::"I'leY;trig ''' : and body Wail then. off the market for pod... '... . .,. a; l721A4'7,71;„„,344-,.-Aeiiiii;;,.. . unity Of action, 1)404 non., cominun,;,.. On, 44TheY emildi pot. .eat. 'Stick pre-. never be TiiiliAg' t*gfell it; It will be r.ge. Before refilling, thq' lamp the height Were given lest, .scratch grain in the ., Iri; of the flame. should be. :noted,..b9forP• ,nifitizing.„ a°4f1)41)1147V4tilailIr. 4134';,;,1:a'. •C413114;t1, tyf .vitilidic confession of Sin, i maybe, you lea: about, aferOpranas; as The .14'11411er qUaritity given- tgn .a., recrintrhable. waiyo•riafor itplaig 99..t.:,1-faliltr: ahenditoftPluQrT R. , ._ iel'n' b cc; ie'tsc;ii•.'" - - . •?11 I-. used to feel before :taking- nix Aiiit:'1. 44c .4i'tui:1?i.,.,:' it, - 4albo - 4. temper-: - -. gt- this tune' -indueed: 'greater' exercise be. • ,igaZirite (ain eh: OY,'. he. Stood 41: gathering._ iiil - Seee_,,conir Zin.c1:414--.:fikk-tthat' thel t°P• of the windmill' • ature of pne• MaChille,' so that,,,t_liP,PrP.1. with. beneficial- reanite:following.-:".-.-De'-for-r 'a' pure worship 'at -.01e-::tiltliis-Of; attention : Of thi'Philiatines..Coneecra•• ''tki*Pr' * . Went Iligh,*4"04' tC,' -1°4747; ,--i-'-'Per--aditiatiilent-careber'inade:-=-7-' additien.".".te -the Beret* feed' e dr i Jehovah against the unclean practices tion is A' firSt, easential 'to, that sePer.: .'turee. I that be the 6.03,e, plear;e /et. , - ., . -7 , A theringetat j4; .able to handle only mash 'was. given ...•conSisting, of two of the :.,ons of Eli. Though._eit.gulit-,..-101L-Lggnra'gP,Lth4t--ia----req018ite.-:-.-fe"gr, -ire:-.2,434:0-0-.You-thWY04.":2,411-leer Or' • rift: -- incubator to •,..",. '.' t • - - ' ''' or r , 'mix' tnre. ip: :kePt..-conStaotly•_beeferr. the therm -Ostia ea,. Z '1,iire fieely: ' bird ga_ve4.41ittle. surible-heati.---for'the;ree, -parts wheat bran; thiddliOga-and7cern"7hr,aordr.4iril.''thht taaVetearaairh;e4ar.ttnis: thhithP';r• iaetd sCaruidsdwehee'''*.4-trihe 7, V. „e, r I. gh li iss 1 1.• ':' laiiill ''qir-en'niles at . aSai-4,°t iiinn,yloPal7feee' 14''W°Dliiient:="keeti.k7a,Ti;elyht::: re son that the tenipetature „inside the Meal and one nart of beef s 'an . Thiselh; there, 1.,,vhilc. yet:a:bey, he waRk„calleds, prayer,: 'TR, and at therri..' They' haveingi make , ., , i . a ,111 ,a hop•p. e'g... : ' :' Doing „tile min, to be * prophet • ' In mature inanhOO4 P,Ognu 001.),attle;" "An Y living church dase•5,f.. •4i.e..4.0 or oil . ,: , . • :."•• 'r,1',.,..`.. • th 'Windmill Ne eel its periodic • • °7. irhie' ma'7 e'"ee- the' temPeratura of 't-er .iii"ths" 'When' other green.. food i.a content to arroW•his'.0c,tiVitieS to the Poeition. But God's. reSeurces; are stilli • It 4'4;7474'414e thin;..put.qtlite tra0.0.1-''' , he, heearee a Judie in Israel, and not Mast. 040,38 provoke 'Criticisor and o . . ' ' ' : • ' . re the egg 'chamber. to ge": t90 ''higil- and net „ayeilable,., mangele arefeddailY: irlace, as .onther,...judges- had done, he •fer tboae '.ho -arl.'i':' olit. Ms. Prograine'that'4'"he4 T'74" illj) ' il'I a 131ane•'• Ini•et •''' •_‘ the.' oely practical • thing ttbea to 'do , A -oght. diirerence ,avis.'„nead& in the held, circuit ,court, ',Meg .freire'plecea',Jt. la for!'.,ever,:yetfue: that Gott is.: en - 'dreds.,'nf-,:feet `-from the ground, I felt- "P... it 't0Yreigalate. 4 'the. ilanie; of the. 'feeding-. of the yeeeling hene,.''' only' in 'antral 'Palestirie••• 'On, more t.ban the side of the, etreegest'.battelions. , that' if I should step out I would not al laMp.. ' 'After that ' inforinatiOn has One pert of cracked corn Was, used. in one PePasi" • he called' ••together ' t4 The laws- °I- nature are God's laws' ' fai.j. but remain suspended in the air' : , been secured intich of thel mypterY. Of the scratch feed while in the dry Mash - • . . ..accident or •hap-, I always ,suppoped, that I would hold-, chiefs- or.,..eldere of Israel for fellow- and it 18 not by '''• • • ; ‘' a ' h hie -ti haz rd chance that they .6Perate toto the t. Ili - -death Iffee-gripi'''.-47' Pe artificial incubation will he secured. the"..*.propertion. of cOromeal-was-con, - • ; : ' - : • • hip and.;:' worship an :.',1 us._ac y_e •„:__ a •- --,- •-- ; - .- --,en - e see •-viri a r „ . lr machine,-'1the. thermometer..-MaSt be season It was, found that ,the pullets to their Cod- - „ • prieirig la the Mark the:, time and place. • In • statel P9'watched "d h • ' ry ":,,;:whetho..„,.;h.dat...._is..-iiroced7 . Ticui,6.: sid-er.iy roveed., At. the ,6,n4 of tho ilionos-e;'-iiii,o;tiatirlaitny,t ,l4illesTdelcisonTmaonningrveotriiii 'de his •eovereign. WIll. 4qIitherta llatli, - 0 ., chills 040404 0404 other up. 444 ._ • - . „ .. . c • With my hair 'standing on end; while the Lord helped •us. " . We do well to : • • - ' he , h • . • • • ' • ' • O'Mara ure• in this dock gaVe a net Profit, of '$4,19. national- spirit in ' resistance to ' the AbheY,. bY cOnntrY, Church Yard: WithYi''d*n mY. clualdrcg aPine; but it (h.da't. ' hel , •• • • 1, reec ea tli,03 deg. P., the .thermistat PPreW4, while the Yeailing hens -gave, inselent, aggresSion Of the Philistines. Jiving green of a tree of beauty 'ant- 1.,:muSt•be d3usted se .theclapper above $1. 0.4 fit • e reason for olie. all; Samuel was a man of vi- e significantly,. in fadeless ink in the : - In walking op to •the plane • it re- bWealrtoreSseucinirset' itheye,.,6.advanita . . .. . „eve n "gtheeS1'hrttctbhe- Pt4hsekti a°f11:3'Gaatig•r'eliatia•Yri'. Peasstraigeetleasti747Per.tAiq;:: children, . . . may we. symbolize our find-'• pan. out that way. • • • . . -: 'holding Over the birds he second year '- e •ii, a: pif on and faith -"-a man -with a great o family Bible by simple' priceless minded me of the thriel walked, down heirloom, treastire trove to children's the, church . aisle. With . that little. of the chickens. . ' • . . , •.: . - • • and. fearless; I. brown -eyed girl Who is now My' wife.; .I „,,,_, chnibed.„ in, seated. • myaelf, -• and, - . . e nation • was one with his service ing of 'God." The reCUrriOlfestival--L ability of their'egge•end the, vitality• .t.p, hid,, God. .:1-lighmin.ded, lienorabla the ' harVest home,,, the: anniversary,. , - • :. ---,-,-4,----:--,• . 2. courage ' against . the grosser evils. of rays :Wherein ,we 'follow.. in the train )10 stood .with. steadfast •' the., glorious dawn are high .*eloiiftedow. riontiYm4iasWtasktlehteheerhastat:eti.hio.nilig9Oft,'„ • '•-•• Does:a .Garden Pay? 1. '. ' his time, and for absolute loyalty and of • ",saints, anoitlep deprouppestse_e;n:mthaart., .10Y' teeth for . a: knock in the 414tOr.... r . ion, not sure wh‘ther Qu"r ...iii,rde,n. obedienee .M. his Lord. . : , •. • . . - ••.',, ters,"'who have tast'e a • • '. The ' propeller. began to, huh'', _ the ' pays its was, or not .it taketsi 4 fa 0 • ,Ch. 7:5. Gather,all Israel.' In the the Lord is goad.' 4. • .. ..' ' ' • ' machineqiiivered slightly and . then ,•:' hard work to ..ple_war•arid get out • the' .netinle. Stuff;• and. then. it's • I - t d ' • • ' ' • Of ',things it. could only'llaVe ,: ..••••••••,-,..".....7 • F. when, adjustment Must 'be made •as ), el who responded to such a Call .Sainuel ' . . So . Hyacinths. . made -4 quick run. Across the ,pastnre. •••• for a hundred feet of .50 When, I. SenS•••••• • . been. re/oreSentati,ve inen of the. tribes How' I S Id '. about a' half-hour after • making, the :we. could get along without. a. eird'en: earrliPt 'and mit:leen •formsLof wet-I.:at 100 per cerree•profit-The lereal-fler i+eaw: the aireadY.-stated• ''Insliect,. tile working geta. tired. ,at it! sometimes: / think:against the Canaanite. gods , anti their. fall ,I.•sold in blossom at Easter • : ' . - . • - • plant and . hoe! , ' Gosh, , hut my 'back' had alreadr• engaged ;in. a :ep,nipaign , 7 Uyacitlth, Ich'71bs. that:1 bought in; the, • ,.. , . :•. . - . • • • - , ' . . ' ed a feeling of .snaoothnesii . and, time glancing over the side of the fuselage, tois-.Of..the'--tellest-trees :far' ' adjizetnient,--enel '., if -.everything Ase e • • i• . i . '" • -many Alines ea' necessat until t .* 1 . 'rtinning'cOrrealy. • ' ''. ' - ' . 1, promising return an hour later, Or y. .nying -a .• itt e green . stuff off the: shi,P.* :H. • had'. • d di' ' ' " t' ' . d'l ..d. ' '' as occesiorially. . ' ' .. '.. clenizig•bus'n 'ssi •Iiist s i . • ' :' r. have,been.keepirig tab .on this „,.. . the „Philistine,oppressorS to the; Alt 't . 'plants.": an...people,. 4 the would but turn to 'the ... ' . .. , premise , erverance is , lea 1 y par . me •50 cents 'each for - ' ' ...• ' thoedst,:zit, - , • . • . i below us. 'eve Were up in the -air..stilE. • I have had, verY little -trouble with 'tilrfo Wbalei,days"With-.the team: hairline .arid. SerVe , i 0 . pr rig 1 I:mgt.:4; pLrorpr.. p: e !thaeil-Y:hetlia.ertsst7zintoge o her, merchants. are usually glad- to .t.,Or°e,ers.e• baker-, 'confectioner's; arid . .. . . , , .. • . . . • Him oni$7, va., ,a; 4,, - er-..:-.1..e, h die these 'anti at,'Eazter Iline, - . f t ' ' ' •• • "thermometers. I, have, found :that: Meet ! reaiaire • •••nlowing ' herr • ' " - - ' ' • ' ' . • ''vw " finaneial inducement: offered to., t farmer by • the bacon curer for t supply of graded pigs, -at recognizedthe lamp raises, dear about,. one_ graded Prices.' The farmer, too, ,should sixteenth or one -twelfth of an inch. realize that by helPhIg• forward...the ShoUld the temPerature continue to , locum I for 'himself. bacon industry he is stabilizing The producer, the curer .lowered until the theriPometer. regis-. Priee',,,rise,. the ,flame of the lamp ••nitiet bea and the, retailer are all equally' res - As might have been. exPected, *this pensible. for increasing and improv-tirnust be taken that this clapper covers ters 102 deg F, and stays there. Care !date of ^ things „has called for corn- ing the supply of Englishliacon. TheS" the hole perfectly, and if it does not, ;me,nt. .In the Pecember ilsne of, the. are in fact, partners, and the interest "Journal" of the -Ministry of Agricul'• Of each is hound up With that slightly bend and adjust' it so the of the claPper fits tightly ever the holeinitil - tUre of Great Britain there are two others, and close co7operation7between tine temperature goes "-up •to 103 deg. 'I:editorial' artieles froin which extracts them is easential. are given below, because. of their sig..; "The „size calculated to produce the zilifiCance to Our :own two -fold indus- ' best price is the medium baein pig try of liyeetock:prodiicieg and, nieat producing sides • wheo, cured Of 56-65 Packing. •-•<. - I in weighte., a,. rg-appreilniate- "There is a greatneedfor an in- ly 220' lbs.. live weight or 160:165 lb. crease in the number' Of pigs kept in dead *eight. Such pigs should be this country, and particularly of high-, reach. at about' seven months •old. grade heath pigs.- It is not a question; "The 'ideal bacon pig can:be raised of breedin • ' • e up as lish breeds It is generally agreed Models, use. British pedigree beers for that the bacon type of pig kali best producing their bacon,pigs. • Ner is it he obtained 'as a' first cross, nsing.ohe a question of nature of fp,aii, for the of the large breeds to,: attain 'length Danish pig is.. fed •on standard lines--1:of side. It is rarely, Wise iito go, he - largely •with foreign barley. • Yet yond the first 'eyes's, as with a. second difference.:hi the 'results is etriking."1 eroSe, the progeny often fail in uni- , The view is held' that,. whereas at formity of type. AS an example of least threekluarteis of the Danish Piga, a suitable cross, Many rearers1Of bacon give first, quality bacon,less than one-. pigs use .Large White -.(Yorkshire) quarter of the Xngliahpfg.s:reach-that,-boars forItheirleirgth7V-eide, with a standard. "The Pangs seoure their'f:Middle White sow to secure more rapid results by eonenti.afion on the singlel growth and a better ham and streak. 'aim of produeina a side of bacon: pig l'A cross the ether •-way _about also, for the English market. •teginning' makes a very goo& bacon pig. The with the bears they do what is • accord witkeheidern views on genetics. P variety , of in many ways from the various -En Pig' the Danes.' -Boars-whoke progeny do not come up bacon • nig can, however, be .9btaieed from. other.' breeds and ',crosses 'pre' ,videel that :the breeder •keeps in mind to a certain standard are slaughtered. the type. Owing, however, 'the In ,other words, 'the.; test 'applied 'hi presence of bleck pigment iri the•marn- progeny, not pedigree. The standard znary. glands 'of•xertain.races of black _ is not a 'fancy one..liased-on external pigs, produeing .ethe. so-called seedy _points. , It depends mainly Upon Tie, 'elle in the streaky; wholly .black pigs cise measurements of the.earcass aha should be' avoided,. unless, 'es seems consideration is given also_ to, 'such possible, strains .cazi be selected which Matters • as early: Mattirity, caPecity dee not. show 'seedy cut.' • • • of flesh to. take up :salt ;readily,- distri • "In , the feeding of pigs for bacon biltidn 'Of and ' • ,,,," it.will he sufficient to emphasize the '‘‘It• is, clear 'that the' Danes have" fact that bacon. pig's should not be too succeeded because' _they: have.. organ_ fat but should show_a_gciod proportion isedlthhate-bUilness-of .biona-prti::' of idan, andthat foods tending to, pro- duction,- from •breeding t8-,euring aridTdUce soft fat should avoided.An ITOrketing.--Iii-thiS country there. is °ice" of •swill or. too ineeh maize. 'or a lack of maw,. of aim or effort. As linseed tends to. preduce • an undesir- •Prefessor. Wood 'pointed out An thel: able quality' :of fat." .' • ,Course of a' discussion at ..Cambridge, • • • -; the farmer is- inaufAciently .iri tchich I Lliire Stock and Products with the consumers' market: The con- Exports. elusion of the whole Matter seems to' Marieet,---rePorts .of , the Dominion • , • be that there is- one Procedure-which-eLiee'Stock Brineh','ShOW:tharin-.1023, iniy go a long way tia. remedy the: e'7_,672 cattle were 'shipped' to Great 'exiSting state of effefra., .We need , Britain compared:With 18;475 hi 1022; mere -Standardization of otir produc-•! and that 96,873 went to the. tide. 'What the EirglW_niarleat_re-Istates-npare vvith -189;760 in, the qiiires and appreciaths a regular; year , previeus. Great l3ritain took • supply of a. standard" product: iS ealyea lest year comPared with• the !Meat Market ,iri the world. 27,72•011i, 1922; ' 6i2.3;400 Ihs.'..of beef irony:O.-the position la- that beet- :eorripared with 99;230,-' English produce is: stiff ..suPoiot, to 100 lbs. cif' iracen compared with 9.8;- anyth,ing co; ming feo,n,l. arheoad„_. The 384-21be,:e2.•;01-2e.000---Ths:-of.---p.ork ; beat hO'Con• stiif.:corninands ,.,paved .with 305,700 lbs." and .29,500 • ' the highest pike; but ohe can • The, of. Metton.e.ompareci,•„Avith :34,100 undertakea futuredeliverr"ef-regiikir ,The Uriited States took, 28,148 • fniPplies, of uniform 'quality. - Yet the' sheep' in 1923 compared vvith 90,266 Danes tan contract to supply Sides. in ,1922; 13,087;300 lbs. of beef ,coni- -.the thotisand,, ' of one quality." pared with 18,583,000 lb., 282,406 lbs: "Co-operative seeietieS,' .Of ,bacon Conipered with -154,6001he, are only Metlieds; it is orgetnizatime '709,000 , lbs. of pork corepared :, with cad tho ethronon pnrpeee -inspiring 699,000 lbs., and 1,553,000 lbs.. of Mut..., actirating the • •whole- • meehenieni ton ceetiptifed With 4;497,806 of production and supply that count" ' The following, are .eXtracts 'from' a second in the Same issue of the "Journal". of the Britiale Ministry of Agriculttire::- • ••,: I- '• 1 "The farnier who Seth. OUt to pi•o- Canadian Bacon Shows Improved Qtiality. - A cablegram received in 'Canada quotes a large firm of importers of ,stock •prodects Englaed, as duce bacon pigs 'should breed and feed saying that: Canadian bacon recently With the object of tilenirig"out eni- feeinprOdnet,„,,04,00,,typo..that,,,can..be kgen.::!:)..fegteatlY,:imPreved quality This firm attributeethe • cOnyerfed, into first ,quality bacon with !movement to the, system of govern- Ini emphasized that a! pig suitably -bred merit grading 'of hogs.-' ; The ,same flint also ratites ;;that recent for the bacon manufacturer is usually ments of butte° froth, Western Canada an excellent pork pig; but it does not heve earned commeridatien from" BA., ' follow that it pig which may be killed tish purchasers. for pork is • of .suitiible, structure' for • first; quality baeon. Strong representations have heen Made; to the Minietry be the ;bacon Carers that they are uniibIe to ebtaio -stifileient pigs of the right qualitY to enable thein to keep their busineszlea 'running at full Power, and that in particular :they receive an undue pro- portion of pigs which 'cannot be con Verted into first quality bacon. It Is stated that in other, Countries, notably Denmark and Sweden, *here pig rear- ing has 'been organized for the pro-: duetiOn of bacon, as many as 75 per cent ;of the pigs sent to market are • convertible •Into first-claas bacon, largely as a result of alining at a ndar.' 4,1-.4, whereas in England,', • Complete Radio Map of - Canada and the United States, showing all Broad- casting Stations, giving Call Numbers and Locations. The New Eaton Edition ' Pri t5c 4Prk EAT.DIVCS101. TORONTO ' CANADA NINNINININsmamememiximilip Zfl , er very.. slightly, if . any. 1 file'. That .was ten •dollar! •'• I , , Wheh I want to test one I. pleoe it ini two 'more days helping 'Wife ' . • • . , , • two or three 'different rnachines with• thing. That was six dollars!• ether:thermometers, and Make co ---"I-1 cost eight1.dollars, and, Coentizi parison„ ',I piece it 'just as high,!eunie i time I -helped hoe and work it th slant; .. same 'position as . the therino- 1 the sal -inner would, amount to t meter I am testing by, sideby side I dollars! • with the gleee' tube -i. having the same . Of course,, we "'had all the• . If I ,•firid any difference it will be a,nd ' sold ebotit fOrt ' likel : 1 . Ploizel: , '•-• • ., • •• • vegetableS We 'Wanted on. the',. shriliks with age arid after the dif- peas, toinatoes,' arid 'all kind of-jurik:- fer „leher. ( The great tasl< of' over•,1 I purchtte d the 'h lb ' alive, and htat of all I had no sense '.• of fear,..: ' '. - . ' • : ::.. .•••• .., .' .We did •not seem to be moving fast,e... but bele* us was Seward -three miles • is sought to confirm them iii their new, often without any commisaion if the from the, farm Veldt but a minute . T.;tit In found. faith, by a great.gathering for owner ' agrees to take •h.adk inisOld ago --and the train standing it the• ,praier, '.fasting, and • waiting ...Open planti Th fl • ''' A • The owers make good trade:. - ' " - station lookeil,as if we 'could • pick it ,the .oarnearieans "watch -tower," Was ' Therightkind 6i an advertisement. tis 'God', • , Mi;Pah• (Rev. • Ver.) . of "vvhich attract°'re.• - • .: , .: tip, put. it in ourpocketsand take it. roull...3.itilated 'about six miles northwest of in thelocelPaper wilr boring - home for baby to • piaY''' with: The . 1 F.'rophet , Samuel." On tw other oc- 'played, where the crowd paSses.::‘ The looked- like well,behaved, fleas. • i - and.' automobiles in. the Street , -cystomers trPdkS WetitY pfjellai.:;Nebyl'''Sairipwr,l'ithaPt -4•4 ii l m. T e az d Zia ,of4...lfer . ." ai,ea when the floWer's. carieet be dis- fresh Casioris it wee .the-•rneetingplace of a' etipply of moderete-Oriced tolbasoniS, at The Oriole banks (turps) around a ' cloud and again We passed over' the table national asqrably. (See Judges (.20, e:, 1 '„Easter time iS ; Seldom ‘,'eq'uaE to ...the 'village on our way back to the farm. most• yL,a.....trifie.22bigh, fer e put UP awo' quarts of COrnrbeani ydollars'wozteam. 1_7•Li legL-211s-aY Over_the-farin-We-Swept;096-feet- You. xreYer the best. Preparation towns. , ' •• p, at a speed of . seV,entY miles an' ference is ckterniined the ther meter is Used again, illoWirig fer the mo- We MOS. yo.galiOns of•kraut; had 150' -unifying_ the nation, "arid of establish_ • -coming• the Philistine "ineaders, of. Pollads„ of sotiP beans. Had plenty 'of:ing open :firm-. fonndatienYthe reli•• 'difference. • . • k cabbage, a " • • ' •• a and turnips to feed our .gion of Jehovah, could only accom- If the two •thermerneters, .wheni'ehieLaen! through the winter,,, but it ,plished • through • and by • prayer.1 p ace sideY "side, do not coMPare cost pretty heavy. our gars:len. may ,Samuel •wai a •man of PraYer. See in length', I place the liulbs side by pay -I du I'' . • • nno d e, u froms.a largo ing the. "cts re- tailing.. housee,g, ark.ite:cdt: ex. xc). ss. nts planted them: in_five-incli pots, -onebulb:in each, in rich, clailt soil with 'which l hour -the pilot had redeced the speed. • so as, to alio* ue, a better view of The alfalfa fields Were; pieces of our possessions. - - : .„ , ' ' .. „. ' .. rich: -green Velvet,.4be_eorre•ffeld. a it -beautiful piece of brown silk the trees si e on a. f t 1 ' , , • u noll‘l.,• R., ., . caso-chr-8:-67:12 :17-19, 23; 15:11e and small a•mount of Peed and leaf , compare PP. 99:6 .and • Jer.' 15:1. 1 had been carefully miXect. The .. tits maid 'in the orchard rows of tiny ,greeiv. .Milk Adulteration. • V. capped :soldiers guarding the toinia- - The Cheinietry Department :Of- the water itney Thre Seinhelizedfie'pourd Aa I Wated the .hyacintlis to bi ' ••• 6.' Drew water',4 The .effering_cf cokt. ine hy.6 :cents •eeeh,_ „ , ----',P- ture_, house in , which 1F,e- live: ••'... piste/ice' 'lent enchantment tO the with each other; for if one thermometer is • a little higher of a little lower than the other One, they will not register ke 111 rnaiiy lestanceS I•• have knoWn".an Ontario ,Agricultni-al during- deOU 0 d. !. LaOUi 111 in.. 2 :19., ---------------------------..in1 yiew taking her . magic. iron and time had to keep them." inch either up Or .down to -make difference:of one or two degeees; 'the • . a the • pait year made a \ studY of 'the vme-a eyinbol. of:penitence, of humina_ id deen in •sand ink 'aeorrier'.9f the cellar: 'the amonrit of :difference Varying' aCcOrd- ' the, freezing point of „Milk by means of tion and 'contrition of heart.. ,•.:And. . .ing to the ioside. of the - maeliine. I apparatus • :to be ,alisoletely reliable ',believed , him to be. a prophet - of. „God, : from thesand.. When the buds: hill beemneS flat, 'While hollows and ravines are leveled uP.'A'ereek, which land.. When -viewed from the air Hortvet• Cryoscope, preying,. sn the __z.auel jtftked.., Because the people About._S11E weeks before. Easter 'I tOok • . -C. C.. S. ' in detectieg adulteration idding : water. The' Hortvet, of. ronk by and therefore, divinely .guided, they ( De Were W111 11:1g ,,t(), ACCept: his anthority., he time clesirea by...saying them, t, gan. to ewe - ed them. to.. °pea at lieles and lined with giant oaks,' is knot is full -of dandy swimming- . • V; 7. IThe Pledistgrics heard. These _plenty of surishineto argerthem : - - . m ele trickle of Water bordered lav 1. 5 ,so I buried them pot and all smoothing .outall the rough spots on • • • 111 Milk in Bread .Makirig._ , scciPe,.hvirig -----------------44 arlike neighbors„of• -Israel,- at this:-• ward if 1 p achig . • • - ten-Art:lotion- filipc time he.ld, a large_part-of-Alie-land--in--L-.--1.- --h- •-th Dpf_the • • •h • ' h • 'b t subdued ig --w en e y_came--on-too;- , -1",„ftLiet unsig t og-.° g e chemistry e. ar m n o • - --.1reeded-requirement of an official „test subject° , exacting eavy•.,• tri u e• fast. As nea.r a uniform temperature' - - • •• • gling erowth of ugh.sunflawers? Can • • ' a. bazid Of dark green•moss. Wheee_ - Ontario Airicultural Coliege studied fOr detecting added water in milk re- and for .that -purpose maintaining . , tha.t tiny golden square be it. Well, experimentally the effect :of - whole • milk, skiramed,.milk,' condensed milk gar ess of the breed of • co3,vs from strong. garrisons in fortified plaCes. and milk powder in making ' bread. which the milk, may be obtained.. ' When they heard' Of this gathering of • . • • , e• _ I Israel they supposed. it to. be for. the ..Guide in Purchasing . ' Fertilizers. • he whole milk naturally" had some Of the effects Of fat, and the Sweeteried, condenSedscinie,of the effects" of sugar, but, otherWise, Milk Will not replace as possible. was .er *bunches we and some Of th purpose of rebellion,', and so "the y- clusters ' went Up 'against. Is'racl.'' , Vs. 8', p. Stich' ivas the .fea,i.• of the ' :Cows on rye maintained: The flow - re 'extra large in site,' precluded.. fear , pasture should be rd. eel' nourS befere,nillk• will not be tainted. '. Farmers purchasing fertillzere Philistine's that the inee of. Ierael did, Move,d forevesugar, malt .or-Shortening-"rin thahing',wonid---dot-wen. to -.bee that they' g -de net:-.1.;celieve that they could' OVereorrie so the Milk bread. It has an influence all its,own What they pay for. .fii• re'.; theni" in battle. " kle OTI I y: y of whieh, nene Of:'_-t_hesenther.conatiteents. coal -Y.- issued by .the Demin ion Seed escaPe "Arn.'13Y-PraYe'''' i'irehe:Y'aPP,FaTed Will produee.. , In conjuriction_ivithi_Cotrimii-onei-,_;_shoWs that--in-,inan., ilacesm.ereav-------n.-----,--P--- ,. to,Samtiel to ray fort m. The s,ae. -these other ingredients it does„ how- instances the fertilizers ...offered -.for. and represented ,inore than -a cry for was an embodied preYer, ever, influence -the flavor of the bread;1.saIeneitheinceme up te the. gUarantee..help . It represented 'a neW. depen- an inprove he color of the crust. In nor meet the requirementa of the Per, dencenpon and rusq.in• Jehoyah, and feet it makes e Helier. loaf of bread,ItilizerS'Aet passed! iii 1922. • The pain.: a new or renewed' ptirpose, to serve *jth greater Moisture' istainin and ' pillet referred to; ' entitled ,"Fertilizer Him.. faithfully.. • higher food value,properties. the big item • in :farrowing -houses. •• Geniis. turn tIp their toes when 'Old Serenters.' L.. - eects-for—S*6- Peel County , noted for Its Islan.quallty seeds. reel Seed. Gouse. 13rdinDton, Is located In the very .contrev of thi9' 'abottle:t. It has' lafite", Quantities of Grimm, Variegated- and guccial ',nod tvesors, Strrt ' Clovers. TIrridtlik, etc., which r ;If na r bnce or ers,. any uart. 'In any 'size IOU,' • eampie§,0 eati be . had frea on appliea.„1- Vs. 10, 11. Drell., n'ea-r- to v attic. - ), • ' , PEE).. s.Eca "Heusi: tion •-tothe -Publications - Branch.o-The ' iflen- of - Israel fought,and the --4,--13-ellePto,ne;•--------, -...--,---„-e,-en/ang- storm fought for thein Always they ' .. ___ , had 'heard" ,Tehovaho's voice iir . the --- information •:.:- ,relative to ......... -diffe,re.....nt„lthonder,:ansl_nowethey•Werel'ireartened - -brands •of - fertilizer.e. =••• -- 1 by the sense of his , presence with .. was theirs. Neee ' r after 'wardcould ; .. 1 therm ,., They fought and the eicterY •. ithey believe their Philistiae•foes,Tto he . . , .. ., Vs. 12' 13. Ebn e-ezrm e• means »T110 invincible. • •• . " : ' • - Oeerhalf. cupful, ef : coMpressed yeast; Stone •of .1telp.". It •iniii-ked The 'place ' two cupfuls ' of flour.. Let.:-riee over, ,where- God • came: te the' help of His , . • • tawit, and conveys •C' deal .of valuable' Goodji:fot...St Patrick's Day thicken, Feitters--Cut meet from a dressed chicken,' into thin meat slices, flour these' well, or if preferred, draw them' through: egg and cover' them • 4BABY.---.CH SOAKS' Queen,City Hatchez:y,' Breeder , dlstrihutOr of litiSky, healthy - Chicks and Dticks„ten variette3, Write. for • datileene and price list: • Linernore Crescent, Toronto, Ont.- • ' night. In the Morning "; add ',flour, sorely ,oppfessed people' For•the time enough to /italic a stiff dough. Let the Philistines were subdued; but in with hread crumbs, which have been rise again, then, add one-half cnnfui later yearS they came back ;again, to ' ------- be finally' eonquered by the arineez of mixed with:a,•little butter in a small Of' sUgar, a piece of butter, a • little ;saw and ria,14: of inee0,, ceeik, ' the'm ' gently, turning and eggs to a bream, then add: toi 1,.. silent 1, ram. what was samus., frying pan, •When hocput in the slices mitmegrtwo 'egg's. Beat butter, sUgar, .,. APPLICATION; well, 'we never knew. before that it. Was beautiful!, And those:little: red . anti must be :the Shorthorns in the big •paSture. • • -' ' There,' as gefitiy-as a -bird, We settled' down. in the pasture by the-hotise'and laughed as we watehedchickens, guiue • eas ducks. and turkeys breaking speed- - -records as they scooted for the friend. -1y4Fhelter-7-of---the=hen-hoUse. ' If yoti are discouraged with the •old -place, _maybe you'd better take a look at if from the clonde,;,;•The•vision will • do you' "good; be'werth ten aiines what it• will cost: r - a ospe o eau y.. ' 1 v. I once Ine:c-N- a ,fine 014 :Qutiketi;::. •Lgtand,rna,:who'l•Wouldaek;•••.±Now,-Would ' thee ,not like root of this?" if the saw you admirieg,a • flewei_she had, . • Provided it was, one she could divide with yOu,:. - • • ., •`. ' • She loVed to give her ',flowers to othei, arid .thoy .Were bound to take 'care. ofsh , the flowers- e gave -them. . - they well ,knew••„ Grandma Would be " ORTCACE LIFTERS ' : looking 'affer 'the': Wanderer to see if .• • ' , .. ._ , ' , • it had a good home.. I -low • niueh she .....-,-,..........„......teiv,ii3nroctinbgagtoHrsottt wi9a7levar i did fo.r that commu.i.lity..-, in building 1 , 9 j.ilI Pi*.T.,411 ' Puffy euivardeed IV I i tlri ft :bee' uty-loving 'spirit „no .erie could ., calculate We all hited to; visit_ber , I 1 11, 1 , riegIrt paid 'to your =amid a.rcient too, rot she' had so many t115*- .... , It.it. srahill Matta In Canada : (,?I'z'•; and'. so fine.---AgneS, Hileo. • • ' -:•• ' : • . • When brown pile them en it'dish and cot with a large Cake chtter, then cut,cabing' during -4P6Inttr ii."!ii="Beil-iii'lititiitoes arid lay -against One another,. with rounded home had ruined thernselves, their ,. ry"e'' thioule 71, '1) reaCIY tcyr "" eend brownto the table. Alp111,.Jaq)trghlitt.0.4',-and-revival?-4-rwtriSatil'beys'''ffien bed', rCetli'w• "g put through rider. 'Beat one egg, mix part , up. • Let, rise again then bake., father and. his family, and their them once or twice during the process. dough. Knead; with rnolling pin, • or ed years that preceded the great.,'„ sig,ze fete,;,,,std, the twenty long .unre- g lass (tom, double walls with al'r IDACe hes 30 too Hstwater I Mil a thoroubC:tonirp.l.ne. 1;23.235 thlipotaides f butterIt. - With it f h ,piece:o and salt. Pea • Timbales Cook` c table-. shook the nation, and was fatal to the; 74 one- ourt cupful of milk, add Very delicious. _ [live town: The crash' of their 1U1114 11300°,:celgdck C6r"11 19'7 . iwentv•four Faar0 qxphrlenea has 'cloy apac ty Grain Sproutor Form potatoep, into fancy shepes,spoonful of flour, in One and h If cause of•rehOen' Ii:look the atient' ;0°,,t, L'23"1:14bnft.,P„,riulp',7„1,',h.An 14.,P.too etht,r rhen ab. babi erseverance sainouu. run7 Irirate4 wit} • * e 'beau": brush with egg and bake in hdt oven. tables f peon uls of butt r ------------------------------- U • 13 , ;oorr p u - 141.1* p u o mg, stir in gradually one -halt Cu f .We.htY: years,:of thiebest years of his I • L. R. Haiihatnn, throUnd O'st St. Pathok's Cake. -One .eu f 1 'f butter, two cupfuls Of flour, two4clip- fulS Of sugar,.. tWo teaspoorifuls of baking ' :.,-fotir.--whites,.-of---eggs;-4-one-euliftil-Of-- ( earn starch, 'ene-Jialf teaspoonful of , almond' extract. Cream 'butter, add 1 Sugar, and alripand, siftlOgether, flour, orn starch, baking.• Add, c alternately . with milk to first mixture, beat eggs' (Whites) until stiff, add to (lake and beat vigorbusly. Make into loaves. • ' Frosting-Whitea of three eggs and pulverized sugar to make a good 'stiff- ening, add a little vanilla flaVoring and green ,coloring. „ St. Patrtck's Rolls -one cupful of milk' scalded and cooled, one table- spoonful of 'sugar, a pinch of salt, powder -one cupful of milli,. • of milk, cOok, until smooth, and sea- son •Orith a little salt and onion juice. Remove from fire, add ,three beaten -eggs;-,tind'-one-trixpfuror'EVelted , preseri -through a •sieve,' 'turn ' into 'greased timbale melds: Stand thdm' in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderately hot oven.' Turn out 1 heated Plates and serve with white, , envied Celery -Select the fine white stalks, wash wej4 and cut in two -Inch' lengths, then with a small knife slit the ends into fringe, tilaut ,one -halt - inch long. Itetip in a bowl Of. lee wgter to which a little Iemon-Jujce has heeti added to keep it white. Serve in dainty piles in individual Mabee with French or mayorinalse dressing. I life; to, rekindle and reit:ore' the reli- I gious Iffe, of the people, following the 'moral shipwreck of Eli's. Sons. I '2 Re mral......lieetia as --Soo ti !Inte7, to the' preparing armies. of the Lord, the day 'of, march Will, 0i -he. To some leader God gi•v/41 the spirit' of discernment to note .the hoar , and sound the clan call. Then is the time to drop all elem.' and hasten to follow the fiery CrosS. Of the day of the lord. It is a tide in the affairs of men. Wise Is the spIrittial engiheer- who can cal- culate and utilize the lift of he tide. :At sueli"a time we may 'well" follow the program of ,Sitiriuel, ,The first thing they did at the great gathering iyati to: pray. Then in sararnoijtai VoW, they pledged their corilmitinent, to the new life, bye the symbol Of Water' koured, out. • This signified no tecall. The vow Was to bo eoniidered itrtwoo, • ' ••' Take No !lances - TRW and, fusti la he may% your bora. espnait id4 • sway from th0 • sleety Snap oh , Cur eitotr,•Rat• ..tor &rani% hASk 44 • p4.• War prides. Shaish Coinyirrin, t0 33 7*nt O (*Ail 44041 of Fort WII11arn„ ,awo. only tall ti conta eachr., ' • • •For yeti: urctiwtloti, thi• Safety Ratter Star.nk Is• Iron sumtterd with biro thread running threueli it 100141 013 014 ittost, rtroy ooit loroar* atve T.,,gt cat tort. :or tropic ot .01447.4 . , blp& shoyfiny usWeat AL,oirr• toting' Ace* streciiaties.: • r 4 Ightte , Strattaed. aives: Be Kind :'Aniinals. . U\' STOKES A. BilNNETT, , kind to aninifils, itienclii, • ; ; •6041-has.„rniide .them -Same 'as' nit; .• . And they're lits treaturee; -toe- icind to sill:Malt, ,friends;-;' Aha they'll.be kind and trize;, , Yfhat,,,Yotil give will alwayS be Reflected back to ,y-tpi. • ; • Be kind to, animals, Mylriends, And they'll he. kind to you; For Itindneetz is A Will/141k trAit' .:111 everything we 0 happy day when men shall be Of one benignant mind; When they shall all be governed by 141181JE •, . :The *ought of beins hind! 4.