HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-28, Page 2e•euessemeeeeseeereeeeee•
THE CUT ,PRICE FIENle th .-• • • nne*gee:o ' uent
e • ,
Lt.401.::* "
t9..'d •en eefeetlY -good par,. fro*
vrench and a vise for, OL,kb,bY ri outwzird .a/pekFanee, w
•;g3fAugirogitP„EN7L.,....47-000,1r4=eitagta19.46UjoAt*otO ..4x*.%:4 •
,A.44 a pan.tokeep eikoff. the 'floor, red, .;.or top becomes 'faded, and the
sifengce and:a chamoie that's softer upitolsterj., worn. Pepair work 'Of
' than silk, . this kind takes time and refinish jobs
And e hose, *mete 711*;, 1best ,wer, fie,ed a period -or bardening.. The beet.
.plan is 167.1iaVe SuCh workdone In
• Just the thinks, 1 would see, that I'd, winter,'When tb:ere is littld'.ditat flying.!.
Use everydayI There are, Various tYpes. of refinish
If I had a garage of .6 rjobs It Is 'safe to say that a che p
1 got a. reduction on packing for jdb-seldoin :gives satisfaction. A !nen,.
ee"pumps, •' • • ` • who Is quipped .to 'do the work, and '
eAndfAenetheYeeere haying '-a--sala ,Who Will tiairitntee reults, ii the: _
bumpers' that Sefteli, the .,hardest Inost,econoniical man -in„the ,
' of. bumps. •• .*• .him to estimate, on the, Week ,whi:ele-
:Alleguaranteed,eever. to ,00ught to f- be ',dent,and what- he Will ,
• e •';selected a tire -for Use for a spare charge, for doing it t. roughly, fOr,
. That hadn't been run- very far; doing ce: fairly good job, or .doing it
And for • one forty-five got a' book ed that it will just get be
" • ""116* to Oftentimes refinishing the wheels,
Now all that I need is acar. • teeehieg , up a few scratches on the -
-• S.' Osborne. body, and reilniehing the fenders will
work wonders. It is not .expensive to
OW IS •THE TIME TO MAKE •' have the top 'died or redressed,- and
1tP.A113S ON YOUR CAR. t°'• permit windows to remain outis
Xgnt .61/4'4
.an shiftless in the exteeine.. I '7 ear owners .P.lto New roes for the ear floor or wee.
; .
',have their miter -driven "vehiClee over- made: sup, covers will all help- to put
hauled during the 'Winter, When there
is the least teniptation to drive, and your last , year's' ''flivrer" into satis-
when the car can :be spared best. One fa tory 'condition for, another season'.
- • •
ef 'Usually the most atisfactory w 's
the ad"ntagesmf-lbis Is th t suais to have an expert do the necessary
ge' mechanics are net likely •work, whatever it may be, but if it
hurried and so better •
Before the outbreak •of e the*Gletat rary for the and- anti:Mede its
'War, work on behalf of • the, adult', library and -Publishing liopartment;
blind -of Canada 'was non-existent in has organized a wonderfplly efficient
the national aspect Of the case A few' kA I es oom department to furnish at
. , ,
tieattered organizations were located costi.stipplies requijed by .bliod work-
in sertein....e.entres,,..but--theeseeneeeef--ersent theie homes,„.„ --,and to„ Jay ,,y4izel.97
their actwities and54P qintroitietiirttpisha
otinably (1,,ithat;.op.947.1.4 artieles,:.,Xbe Tiii;titute P81,P})--11
without sight prevJled among the ighted- bodies 111 the. carnp.tifl to
'ItAlea0j6,4'44,iogirgetiozve,047.7.*Nitommtv' -radaivzwat.icitkVztrit"TAFAT-Vifr)•-
he war came and ch'auget1 all this, crease' ofblindness. it has, taken by
°.)?tol nud se!, niTheenas rinni ha et igoann et; heroicof" finalbieth'eeenms°usst ie-
service to the country and sympathy,' in the boniinion. It hassgiVen'tmy
for the-leas.,--nf:--tha- greatest. phyeedaleand• needed relief- Wmartr
. blessing knoWn',.to man aroused an. and families whom without. this Assis-
i interest in .` their welfareee*: which kith', tance Jolt have bicnrne
their assfstance,'was exteffclid-co benejiiharges and have lea' that ,Priceless,
'fit' civilian blind as well. It was at 'I,uality of geed' citizenship -self.'
this 'stage that the Canadian, National, respect.- ',,The Institute hae'clone many
Institute for the niirid was oeganized' great. and noble. things, ,but pee ee
earn4d.rf.chlic,auriatethedoMfoar7bnotio,':t1h/t8.thRee,aindf. the 'achieve/rent which` will nee);
of blinded soldiers, blind civilians; pa- that .
stitute Was formed the efforts
triotic an,d'unielfleh woinen end intele,
ested-hiisinegs men. Its ohjects -were
the public and general .understemling
With -the him:feet:end clearest epice es
i :that`which tells of theincrease, in nye
years of the tete', value of work pre.
to furnish in every Way possible the ,$t14110e,eedO'Obtvoeeth4e00.000e0neaayeenar.hi•inc.1 „fr.".
health,' happiness: edneationeandecon--Hs-itenoteaegoed thing,' is. it ne.. 'rl
. . . . -
, iothi-d-judnpendence Of the adult. blind sine 'thing to be a sharer in such a
o Canada, and to prevent needless :Week both as,a buyer of goods mede
blindness To this end it has estab- .by hands pnguided by eyes, and 85 a
. • . . .
lisheci. factories. of various kinds, em- giver to the funds of the Institute-- .
ploying blind leen and women; has for the field is yet new' and the Outgo,
trained and einployed home teaChers .ia:; much greater, than the i:. n.
who travel about thecountry visiting 'Donations of time, effort and fund
, People In their own liPmeteand,giVing are, promptly ackpowled7,cd hy. the
useful instruction in many lines; has •Cenadian, National Institute for the
taken Over the Canadian -National Lib- Blind,- Pearson Hell, Toronto, Ont. *
The VVIII to Live '•
,stow are theirs to give because what-
ever life brought they faced in an un-
, secured at this time, • .
, t attention can beIs Possible to waled the gatage a geed ••
conquerable spirit. : They niade• up
!• deal 'may. be ,clone by e handy.iman on • All round about " us are tired and ,
discouraged souls confronted' iv probL ' '
When an erigine his -done .good the stormy days when other worIc does erect with Will to choos-e'or to reject." '
lems Which ' nothing that is read ein - ' . That both men and women are eager
s th meet de adequate,
service itis geed economy to have it not, press. • One man Used an ordi- a book or heard from epulpftSeerns out: of their very failures are built for health Instruction has been Proven
gonceover thoroughly, eeery. worn part nary, rather small -sized, , ,dotiblee. the foundations of the Ultimate victory' 133'
rcplaced, loose tightened up; and hoarded barn for a gerage. Hewatch- yers,...hich ha been running in Toronto for
id reach and to dispel. Doctors, law -
of fortune hut on a man's indemitable a unique free health ' cechibition
th.e 'entire construction put in "apple ed his Opportunity and rieUktit.i:fairlY• they can to imagine the: plight of the • the past month. It has been ,attended
which depends not on a blind hazard *
Writers do' the best • - 4
pie," order at least a year. .To good second-hand furnace 'and set' it gne y end distraught and to adeenis- - ______e_ee.„ 113Y over 15,000, people. • '
Crowds Attend Health .
eta ong as it will go up with little trouble. In this he has
giplind, ' loleele connecting • rods tight- up . quickly and with little ,fuel. :Here
is, a mistake- The valves should be a giant stove that will heat the Place- is success; :ilia the. condition of those . •.
'ter the prescription. Frequently there .• . Prepared by the Social Hygirie,
In An Okl. Sireet. Council with the co-operation of the
- ri up wheels properly1. d hworked I* ' • T. he; •twilight'gathera here like 'brood- Federal,'Provincial' and .OitY DePart"
exec. ,.a igne i e on is car,.truck, and tree-- .who come in quest of comfort is all-'
-th hi • • ments of Health the exhibit was
, ,btee,enge or 'broken ball bearings re-, the 'price of .the furnace he beught...
e Nt(elelek gear tightened, and e worn tor, and soon' saved much, More than Of a man in ,a.celling that brings him., . Haenting, each E4tadoered •doeryard thrown open first for women; 5,000 of
, viated, if not, healed The chief joy •
1( d. , ' . ', •., ' ' I A couple of heating 'Pipes. were ex- -such a calling asethat Of medicine
into contact milt huinan woe and need
With gene, for ott ' b ' t th t Then it Was opened for men, who have
'and its door, ' ' whom attended in the first fortnight,
'The nicest satisfactory way to use 4 tended to the floor above, andherehe g . On eau y a was
• cea,e_els ..,to have,. the 'meehanical part did loth of repair and repaint jobs on Of hands • atid heart that 'come th''
*Fought, • ' ' • • ' . • een crowding' - rts- daily sessions at
the 'ate of 5,000 a eneek. e , • '
or e nu is ry-!s to ow.. e ,g00
the • 're t ` ' t know the ' d -
as correctly adjusted as 'a fine watchi, other 'farm Machinery,, getting of* he has. done which; is ,•ethe reward .i . 18 . . . • . , ., 1
SUPetiOr to any payment can be ' waY n° mere. ' "
The Exhibit consists of wax,medee,
To give it timely attention is really it in .shape for the coming spring. /nide in mone P . 1 ' H
ii-eaving of unnecessary repair 'ex-} Winter repairs on the car should be ' y. , • .. , . , ere an intenser.quiet stills, the ale '. missing pietureseaccomPaeied.by ad-
.. . Posters, lantern slide, literature and .
lien.se,' and prevents Over -rapid de- carefully Planned: It is poor Policy Resides • such professional'. aid as - With ,old.rememhering,of what is not dresses•explanator of their nature or ••'
ierjoratione It is decidedly better to for example, to liaint and then ' may e received frem _those who are 0 silver slippers • gone from everyof present ,social conditions. Winch, are
ehaye -an engine taken down and put haul the engine or adjust som':ine-
ver''' consulted in •doctor's Office or inieis. 'stair, . I , • On need of remedy through an •exten-
elle-0,44as. secondition-thaneto-runetheeehanical-pare,'-foretheefinishleeimre 's study -or eve between the pages And silver laughter Idng and.„ long sion of ' knowledge. , The . exhibitide •
teola'noble bool—r-lhe-ks-the hicalcul- forgot -
.risIt'ef aeeident Or to bo subjected to to becoine,marred. . • . . • : ' • - '. • - -""was-.°Pe."d-bYs-MaYar--Hilt-'-z' wh°with---
. „ • able help to be found in ehe tender • ,
r. ,J. W. S.. McCullouglieof the Pro -
,r Linking the East to the We-st. studying Political Science end to :a a ,Othies fef • d hie A man maY DeePerePred deeper where this dusk Is
be rich in friends' d l• tl I • '- • ',drifted, , 'a Dent. Health and Die C. j.
, an se and .
h • -Gathers a sense of waitink h
roug . 0: 'Hastings, Medical lieelth officer.
At the semi-monthly meeting on young 1 an rom as, a hewan ,he is never poor while e can go to a ..
l'hursday Feb u ry 14th B rd who is studying History, few and divul th. • the night of Toronto laid emphasis on the es
r a , e• oa, • ge e contents of .his '
**onto heard with a -great dial ofllfted
Governors -of the University -of To- Mind With he ta-: A , • social bYgie.ne movement and, paid tel. --
time • bout old .doors .whOse latchle 'never , see y na lona aspects 9 the whole
egralificatien....thet-the:. seven Fellow- Yet :with -alletheeassistanee- to -live• ,
thips foe/graduate seudents have been
r an eeper, till the grey turns •
in Canada. Dr. Hastings referred to
that •may come• from the science of D e d -d ' the lamentable and costly penalties of or. Gordon Bates
professional men or the affectionate •
light . • Bateseitsefotinder
And. dusty ...INEindo*s-z-irAcant eto Dr Gordon
who came to demonstrate the old
adade, "Seeing is believinge' were
similarly democratic,buta very grati-
fying aspect of the men's exhibit was,
that so many laboring Men attended,
while all the big meies clubs, such as
Rotary, Kiwanis, Y.M.CA, Big Bro..,
therseLions-anci Knights of Columbus
turned in with corps of assistants to
• .
' one:medley another year: For some
I ,
Natural Reuffircel
The Neterel Resources Intel-
ligenCe Service. of the Depart-,
Mont of the Interior. at Ottawa
1923. •Can- "
sitare Are` les'irinyouriterfd'OVer7
Q2 L4L
litjklings„'...ipit an is turni-
FaizgasOwnitigitr47.4.4*0.4*, gethee
eveiltible of the loss : through
fret fires, but it is'.knowe that
the,:eniount was tremendous.
, What lees of .$34,619,009•' .
, •
- means- te-Canallaeeeneonly'eee-
. realiZed .(lepits+
eized_ at 5'..pe,e.,.cent., it ,thereeente
Ihe,;ariiings •of $.680i0t001).„-Or. •
.444„000,000 more lhon the`tetal
iereoen t of. ell • Canadian Londs
le in 1023.! it else represents •
Hpercent. , qf Can•acia's,edial
eeporr: trade .eOe.,,•••1•923e.
' • This 'elee lees-- is " value 'gone
4fereVere •It • cannot, be reeovered.
Only neW -Construction•end/ne*
• menufecttires .cen• take its place.
And the Material- for this re-
the open , market in Competition •
with req.airements.for new con-
street:ion,' the increesed demand
• affccting :the cost of .the latter,.
, .And who pays ;for, this °fie:
lose? There is no supply of capi-
availebleto provide far. it It
must 'be paid be the- public' in,.
• general, and its distribution
it constitutes •• cherge upon'
everething we buy. •As. insurance .
. premiems it :is insliided,in.:the
• cost of Manu/attures • and
.procitice,'collec,ted and•,-diatribute
..ed by the insuranee cernpaiiiee;
who also at the atinie-thne col-.,
• lect sufecienttO cover the coat:
of • management. During the
• ycer 1922,insurance- companied :
,.regiSter6d, wieh. •the borninion
• Soperintoultiit of ii/Surenee col-
lected in -prernitiinse $51,036;206
and paid losSes arneuntieg to ,
$35,174,033. While Unelciiiieedly
a certain aniotint of fire loss is '
an-uV041able; a0b enotietoils am- '•
• ouneg show. a:degree:Of
nes :that is. inexcusable, '
"MY.' Kpbert. .
. .
,•• . . .
Ono .Ofethe..."ileet eeeOgniae .the
gentes .9f :Sir Jiireee BerrieWas.'Reftert •
' ily,. wine". mite' of Stevenson's
.queintese)deae inePotee Pahee :Every
child: •knoiee 'that, -• for • his lost •
"„Shairloy.O.'4.,ibet9: peter returns ,thethe
Darling childreree..beeroOine..' • e.•
• The fellowing4poetre -frOin..•Stevenee •
"elere."--A-70.1firee.§:-Geare ef, Tettes,'"
_Ljtite-T'greatest contribution to.lciiiki
erature Since Blake's,'Sengslimo- •-
. .• ,
• , • ,blue , , , • ill -:Conceived ilL:advisCil 'mock • neral Secretary....of the Canadian
.,. the Canadian Pacific Railway concern of those who pereonally c•are '
Co. has provided three of these Fel-
peer through. •
est whi h i th d ' S
tourships:and one Fellowship has been signs, there • Must be—in the', 1 t bitter fruit, and advised knowlede ' organization Interested in forwarding ent 'with me,
' .
fer us. and want, to further •our 41e-•`• An.d one hy one, the. patient 'stars c .11 e,past ha borne such, ocial Hygiene. onne 1, a .nation-wide reeve a little seadoW that nes in
lroVided by the Imperial Oil Co., one analysis -the strength o w --David Morton. • '
. . •
as the great preventive of social die.' the cause' ot'Ouiiiic health. 1)1'. Bates And t • -b '
w a can e the: :us. of him is
y Sir Edmund Osier, one by Sir Ed -
his duty and his destiny, to make the A Prayer
eluded foremost hygienists, medical c;ne .0f the Prime factors in th?. pre. heels wee the head •
• ' • f ill • • a. -
eases , I was; Inc founder of theSor-ial ifyelene inere thew•I tan see•. •
• • •
man's own part to' live his life' teface
reed Kemp,. and one by Colonel R. W. 4 It is my joy in life to find '
best of things with. a high coeraee
Other. sneakers dt the Exhibit 'in.- •.inev.em.cnt Can,nclai, and,: has-,be3n Heels_ very; verY feem thee
h- b
-worke4. ...of the' •enci I seen juniip..'befori; ene
„men .-end -women :tzesial
• eoriard: These . Fellowships are of
that never 'recd • defeat ' 4 d At tverY ;•turning .i--4 'tbe-rgade' . "' ' '
4he'ainitutl value of $500 each end are genesan never
--iV, LWU
ntended- .for, men- and weinen who --clergymen, magistr'ates --educational: le to asa d,e0n ttru:nnulg moil.th • .1 juno into my. bed •
1,1 ists„, and .physical directore, ee n a iecting -large aI1d- - • . '
will hauledoweie the . flag ifirierider.".".".ry"U'sh°":1;leng. aer'omU•w''Na'-rad--ete-6imt-hf-re-3,
eue Kinn
---have'graduate. d frefen some' Canadian We think we suffer alone because
, whom delivered notable addresses on
-1Pierel;. The :funiest thing- about .him the'
' University outside Of ;Ontario and. we know so little ef the lives Of all And' since I have ne gold to give ei •
it the University of Toronto. The play
intention of these Feeowehipe is, te • ay- ,Jch Good Roads. • beca
Who wish to take post -graduate work
eiec'abotit eOU, arid the•brOei the
rest., Nature has no: pt • Fate , ',Aed• love , alone must inake lamends :bearing ° directly .on what makes for ` '
annet feel the weight that millierie
there, ere. beeeinge • , ,.. e . •
ceeil,„the.qclieerful where., yeu• :see. •
s • no, faveiitie.' It-orily • seems. sO My .only. prayer Is While 1 live"- ' 'Or against. ceminunity. health and so-
use Of etif.igedrance. The cross • ' God n-iak' tne worthy of my friends! 'dal hygiene. ' • • . - '
We have we are awaiq of; , NA , -prank Dempster Sherinan: 'Those who attended. • the Exhibit
. . .
• )(pang Man -"I Should like to ask
eesei'eeekee., , e...„:„ . were di•awn keen all classes
. ,,v,riicth,h,lia4diiileisi.i.epei;tho_ellsvr. f_opirad.a__efoab.ebtilidi.'r..lit i'. while the.
? a ' Vi(I0 range, of ,subjects; •but• each act s
the fortnight's 'ShoWirig for. D.tiKno,, lit;Cr4t'ure Were.: gi.v.e4 aWs-y-or:,,-Cole.'4nd-h'el'Somatiit,•gbts.,:o.:eittle that
.1"'nent6'1...1dii4ete4eiegd the
wnlethnththeencidoSieesett:tiel'tetl.' r.'ilr'tieoln.e ir ' • . l'' the'r•-e4:4e'*th9e• .0' of
I 'Deets,- en d two doctors Were in charge i.,. ..-• is: Very, very slow,
for each day. ' .. " '•• • ',' '' * , 7. :• t'•70/ehe Soinetinitee•eliebts gun taller like -
4 Over 100 000. pieces of . inStilictive I- an indie-eubber belle .. •
guides' for the .yaeious dcpa"rte,- Not at all like,iroper 'clifldren; which '
,? , , .
I-et:Liar-19bl° , filins Shown 'Fie licsnli got'a notion- of toi'l
-----, . • way he.hkes to grow, .
at all.
. .
.. likely - to 'be - the verY ones who think your daughter would make me
your. aTdvIcerte_iri asr'to.:whether.-: 3.7.0li
atives, and the iiverige'heine-inaking, every evening ettrected„pecked.,audi.:1 ought to, pley,. . - , e ..• , ,"•
this very ' meinent ,ctre passing
come out Of gieat ' tribulatiOn'.or a'
, „LaWYer ; ,(ironically,).4-``I\TO, I don't , s„. Though tbe. Exhibit was free, men . eeere SOrt of
suitable wife?",, • • . . . _,_ •
. • . . mother of a 'fanilly was as dohs - enee,S. . . • .. .....1 And an only ',Mayo a fool of'xne- in
egle the, valley of • the shade* uthi!nalts9",!r. would! $16, for Mit. adVicsr
. . ohue,sssatotrrihe:nintoanY) ')•epseeeteenSa'nieneavito.yr abutideii...4.."6,d
women grateful for tlie infertile:1 He stays so close: beside me; hes a
solace. and the strength they be.-.
: . . • tam ., gained, 41011 it( enough to" paS,i• , ' ceward, You pan sec;-
ence; At 'the showing, for men those . • , , , ; . . , .
, ,' . • air eNpenSes, anclit was shown clearly id •think shame to stick to nuraie af3
that 'a 8ocial'HYgleee demonstration I:, , • . th;-.4. 5.1lads*::_fithilte,:.-tO mot,
• 1
of this chiracter wetild-heentiefir'l as' aj., , . : ' .. .,.. :-.,'.,
•Permanent agency in -all large centres' One eno.rbitig, eery earle • before ,.tiuy .
strengthen 'Canadian national ties -by '.est.Moto.,se -"My, what geed, tim• 0 that
: linking the East" to the' West and in t4.°80 airPranes.'are able to ne,yates!',"ti.e..y..„. .71 :
the enittion of the authorities of the 2nd Ditto' . (*sighing) - .
l , :
provincial university of Ontario this liave suchtgood r -ads." • ' , L
, s . :'
i purpoSe. is being well served. The , ...,
Windshield llesIstanCe. - , , , ta7:
• tudents who have benefited i,' these • I -lave .you over LI l'eft; w)iilo drIV- e •
Fellowships during ,the years that 1 ,d we , ,...../ e • have
they have. been given have been stu- rig ,o the road. iii „a ,windatorni, at
what pressure would be necessary, to thrO
•• dents of excellent,"Calibre. •. The 'Fel-
. ,.; shatter. the windshield?.; -You ' could The
- ,lowships have been awarded this year . ,
park some , cars In tbe middle. -of "n. .
'th- fivo-Young-wmen-and7twrY°ung-Kansas, cyclone and the windshield
.;,saea,. of, whom four have come from 4 :
iBritish Columbia, one from • Saskat= .wiiituhld r°P1s.f net 'force, ' ;cif a tornado
Nv a velocity n-excess'*,of 1.9p trifles,
- -thewitty-one-froni-ManitOba; 'arid one an.. hour, ., until recently•:- the Worldts
1 froni Nova ',Scotia.' The subjects • in S'peecl record for airplanes,.
which these: studenth are taking post- •
Akraduatd -Work ' are English,
Political 8cience, Romance Languages,
.,,Educational Theory and Bicichemistry.
. .
• The donors of the,graddate, Fellow-
ibips have the satitifection of know-
ing that they. are doing work' of na-
tional importnnce and that they are
assiating' the' -SchoO1 of. Graduate
litudies' of the' UniversitY, of TOronto
jto' develop the excellent service that
rinulering to the Dominion. • 'rile
i two Alexander MacKenzie • Fellow -
have this, year been awarded to
youn rria4,41.:2L.M412.:t ba w,ho
. swaliovved..the Object.: • ,
• It was theeObject," drawing, lesson,
Where , :the beys,. Were' Opposed .to
bring seine, article -,a hammer, top,
a box; 'or what:not-With . them . to
sahoot-to serve as Model.
-ORO bey nreseuted• himself at ths.
master's desk . the tearful . an-
nouncement,,"please 6,1r, I'Ve swallow -
!ea .my ableet,", "
. It'." cried. the maS ter, in
alarm. !'Whatever wEt5. am• '
Please,..cfr," -With a gulp, "a; ban.
tine," . '
'This huge 2 -ton aerial hornb,,:sald to be the 'largest the world,. has just been
'ernment,' When. drop.p7eeeed froa pleue, it can make. a hole 450 feet wi4e..
• •
CARIE. COITONTilet. AN' • PAT FO • ''' '''
leit.P..E. VISIerIN' HER. MOTAER List to '.ii
MoNIDA1/4( : -'
*----k. AIM
CARRIE '5M5 -" NORSE 15 sc.
" 7, SCIENTIFI C ! •
.of. ,
The -Exhibit will be ehown in, °thee eotiO :4nd found the shining'"de,,W
parts ,of Ontario after It 010808 lit To- :- • ,.;_everi buttercup;
Tonto.. $ix town s `h.ave already a Hut My lazy' little .Shadow, like an ar-
. •
rent sleepy. !mid1Lt, .
.stayed ,at home. behind Me. and.
•,„1 Was fast asleep in' bed.
plied for it •• '
"The true end etedtication is to un -
foie ilia direct aright, otir W1iOhe.-:11fi-
Itire1 Its -office tito call forth power
of every 'ltind•--,pow,er 'of, tlioUght, affec.
tion, .wile and ,outward add* power
9beeree, to reason, to Judge, to eon:
triv.d;; poiter 'to adopt 1
9 fitm,
ly, •and to pursue them etliceentiy"e
peer,* to gevere burs.elvee, and to In.
comp.1.leted by the 1• g
be, eltienc'ce.others;' DoWerjo.ialti
5.0e. NEve.p. LETS AN4 ONE;
"K I S S T4E. BABY • ieJ HEN
1,WhOAtii,S OILICO afraid to, diee.
...WI:o),rloaisttehised tense with Ind ta,V; a •
. •
To Mark the ohWarci ;reel, of 'death,
rlightly nOw.beileatfi the cky,,
Since you 'hay filird tier
' • 77-4" „
:Ned eet it free, emi medo !Leine,
•vor &Ong I, leve,e.e„, leech •
WELL'. • ia-heanty-onit be mute':
- My body iS 110e;
NOW.1711E.q: HA\ie, Nt.t4
WNW WANt, 1-0 ?
- 'Your klee Is life's etornat breate
melts in these; ei. yoneee..ich.
. • _
E ..w.ititorred
0.64ri Old Spec. •
I. -tiapjjeroj Itt ht. 21e1 son de (KS.
of the species I just Alai?" . ,
sir," retul'acti the guide
,suavelk, last bec.n •inyeAtfasting
and he says his xinnitwjA
„A goose egg, 411.ibi Led 'al the mar -
kat In yannotitb, irrnglind,., weighed
fourteen ',onfices and :was • .ten inches
In • Olrouniferelice, Who can beat it?
The public library may become for ee,
many of use'unieersity; and it is a-
Unlyersity.,which• fortunately we; need " •
never HOn„,