HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-28, Page 174 • VAG PER YEAR IN ADYANCNs' 11188 -7-77777,77. ealeele ereeesereeeteaazaate • DENTIST MacLeod will visit Lucknove „. P4iPAimEar-vSTE02AMeetethe aneeday effernoon. Ali chronic pathyeaamoves the physical, canna ;With, feWei treatments ,by Ostecee' 'petite' than. by any 'ether Method, Tomtit(' pricca paid, for all'kinds of ' • poultry. IVIAU0E C. BRYAN'S Registered Detometrist ogee Metionnick Medical College. Chi - Headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu- lated' Eyelids, Watery Eyes. Pain in -.Eye Balls. Inflemed Eyes. Pus or Watery Discharge from Eyes and Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re- beved through Properly fitted Glass- P.Cross' Eyes :straightened through Properly fitted Lenses ' • Satisfaction Assured At the Cain House. Lucknow. EvarY Wednesday -Afternoon_and Evening. FOR SALE.---Nordheimer Piano in good' coridition. Apply to G. A. Sid- dall. Lucknow. 8-11-tf. LOGS WANTED , eale Mies Rena Gorden was,. over from 'Palmer hes, hie conipleee eeoult sale BO Now ^ 7 is visiting, at William' Irwin's' of team • Mrs. 0,'"DecAr' his been in Toronto the past week where phe attended the funeral of 'her brother's' wife. 'market to bue the following kinds .of logs, deiieered at our Saw Mill at Lucknow:—Bassevood. Hard and Soft • Maple,' Beech and leirch. Will •Pay stock of. Elm lumbee • en hand. and . :there being very kittle sale for •Elin ',furniture: We- are riot ineneed-Of-Elm in a geed' quantity •of other logs, We -thy of elm along . with the others. . providing the -logs are large and good Mr. IL; J. Moore has so far recoe ad from. his illness that he, is able be out of bed. Mrs. Ed, Palmer who has. been c fined to,her room throughont the ,f wifiter, is strong enough; te e 'Mies Bell •Robertson Who has h attending the millinery openings „Termite expects to be hOme and h Mr. Rose Anderson' who has. b *visiting here the past three we Mr Anderson , is it present' engi ce er- to on - all -be een see lasse: jest . east of Luc -know -eied. fridae of last week at the age Of 65 y'ears. Me. Jewett had not, enjoyed the end had been looked for, for some time. He leaves a , widow,: two eons and two deughtersei , eST„ HELENS , Miss Eyelen .Bowles .of 'Belfast. has. been. visiting her amet, Mire. C. 'Dun . end in Lueknow; the guest Of Mies • Mr. ante Mrs., George Webbe. were mtg. tg.14',Zzgmragv,,V,irtm vetei early Sunday morning loot Wife and' mOtheiee MVS, Wation'a. "Ceedition had 'been in the Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church. was Misa Anna MacKenzie; She watt a &lighter of the late John MacKen- zie', the feenilY home being at Para - tempt. She was married 17 yearseago eed with a eon, Rae, 14 years ef age: and a daughter, Ada 11 years. MacKenzie and Wmele MaeKenzie of town are brethers of the deceased • FOR SALE—About ten acres ad- * 'jacent to the Village of Lucknow on a.'theapioperty-are-- situate. a -comfort-. able :cement and frame. dwelling with "'five rooms. woodshed•and good cellar. good well and cistern. Frame barn 36ft.x25ft "with good' cement stabling underneath.' Hog pen and poultry, house, 30 fruit' trees and a variety of small fruits. also a never failing Everett Massachusettes saYing Foe further particuiars apply to Everett which is about 500 28.2-e Lucknow. oat. -from Luckirew. ;a -The -call -letter in *farming, H. Norris, who hat conducted the Kincardine Creaniery the' past Robert MeEeery & Seas, of Erie. The tranefer tOok plied on Peb, Toth. raner—l•hava op hand 'the 1p- 24 samplea of a number ef the beet nin for a .few weeks. • wallepaper houses, end will be pleas - 'ed te ehoW the* at my hoase, or will oa Monday Of this week froni Lendon where she had silent five*weeks * St. ieus 'operation while there., She wish- -esetathanlaher many friends 'for their Douglas Osterhoiii has been build- ing uP a Radio Broadcasting outfit that he hae 'been experimenting with. He has been einding •out code signals 'with this outfit and this Weelahe re- ceived 'a letter from ,a Radio Fan in that p milee een eke ged The Mildmay Gazette giv6s the at Hensel', Schuyler, ip, ppg: 'Of .;,t pair ed frela our eeleariefeitY 'the'death by,' getting $24 dealers' which did not:. ‘.n01101§Pital. Toni '14id ,I00in a saffOr-' )1004. -ea eleam: ea.-, eee, • , - er for, several; yeareewith bronehitiee The haere -been' Woking foe aSd early last veeek he landed at Ati, the Pair e ever ''Since, but Hensel', lecate this- One .on •a. far.* Yery"illealind abiolately•erefiated-the neer Brucefield. Howes before igag- doctors' assiseance, Saterday, prbliminery hearing Andthe evidence that it was censidered ibesteta. have we; seee, that he was 56ra...to Walk- eini taken to the hesPital; where be e jail te await trail hetere Ad- passed away on Sunday. evehing ge, • nine o'clock. Tom's e.are,er, while not The ether map, Wm. CorOelaie, Ine worthy of emulation, was' in a way bvoal:edn:n.teabiedente bieocaot,Pentle:O}'•ibui:taadicalldalyaZ: eiwuainte, •bleareneresintinega,vtaonasgaby t_ch,benlnetays,t1Hree,.. said 'he Would be either in London o wed, yeare ago, arid came, pair Were ,eutting weod- (or Pretend- his' parents', ambition- to have him en, •of town, thee occupying a . shack -in Tteorm°'Ideld, 'Awneg.ilieCaarnn:'•chatutrethd 'sinomineiScrYel: :lig to. be ao engeged) for jake,Miller Miller's Web. One eveniege they came ieg the aftetebon they made h., e-heeice so anuch with .the freedom that he se eraw,he eknewiegeethat,,,,,ole,_ had eaS This' wai aWay back between fife been working for Millerebelieved hi§ • pretty; smooth, story and caehed the, check. Schuyler says. thet '''ae be Can-, net wriee beeceed signing his name; CornelUis made , •the check while be .regard eor the truth, es ehe readily Turner'e. This wae., proved to be felse :by Mr Blitzstein, who eald' the ebeek lied been offered to him and ba Miss Cook, who recognized Schuyler. as the SALEa-A' Bronze' Gobler and FARM FoR, SALE ' Lot 5, ,Con. 11, Kinloss lee, Bruce • Co.. Farm situated 12/2 ',mile west of Kirileugia known as the -Hayes home- lese). Prospective buyers please add-. • "'rem- -communications eaegardingeprice; Eliiabeth Hayes, 244 EastSwat St • .JOHN PURVIS'S, SALE- REGISTER Monday. Mar. 3rd. ,east .6f Riversdetle—goOd,cattle and, hor- .--26 head buile end heiferee'illISciet-e ,E• state John Ruttle „Wedneeday, Mar. 6. Farm of 300' HAND BADLY CUT IN • ..-acred and "big list of good farm, ' . .ICEePleTTING MAC stock and' implements. 114 116'0 Wm., Whitock— ineplemente, 1 mi e eh of: art of his left hand while ope Westford,- ' Thoinas Tuesday. • Mar. 11. farm stock—' • cows and etockersa-2 miles east' of Henry Mathers— John Coultis-- Friday, Mita 14.—evell bred horses -and cattle -south west of Winghana HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY Douglas's station is' a Canadian 300. • 'JACK_ MINER AND :THE BIRDS Written. hee Jack Miner hi This' book coveis ell Mr„ • Miner's perienees with the 'birde and is: b tifully illustrated with 53 Piet mestly:teken by Mr, Miner.. , book novr in 'stock and. on sal Hughes; Holyrood, the, beginnirig of, ' The .regular Monthly : meeting' of 'the.Harris Mission ,Bitial will' be held on Saturday afternoon 'met, a Jones". to have been given here Mit tions the Play eWhat Happeeed to' owing to weather 'and road, condi- tic Society, has been` poetponed in - The Young People's' Bible Class •of the Presbyterian cherch, bas pur- chased a plane, fram .lier. R.: Anders .eon foe the. basement of: the church. MreChas. .Martin is 'putting' on a, eX- eauz ures, Thiie PURPLE GROVE • :Schuyler eaid thateafeele:aetting the ..Sehaeler has not seen bini .since, nor . does,: he know where he is Coraeluis .appears bp the creeerer• iagee Mr. and,Mie.- Will 'Welsh has stier-• ted tie move to' there' neW home. few idays••at • Mr. Isurnes Richerda left this week Stenley of neer LucknOw. inakee his usual callgeneeetheaBirega,, The:11,,icFnelana ' Brothers ate 'at present engaged cutting lee, oe the' the Lech -6e' "Aid- 'Was:. held'. at- the', a• llY onday leg 8' temperatures of the:season, loc On'Sunday morning, 2R degree low. zero- was registeredi; on. M it Was 18,. and on Tuesday morn ci HINE reater ratiag .TreleaVen's pond Teiesday in Thompson was oPerating the bee; and in reaching out to something. the' cuff of his coa caught by a 'set Screw which cuts the "fie-lii''ii)irifiktitnt'th fourth:finger, to, ebeve the the sMall finger only ,beinele ter ',receiving first end here Hospital', He appears to hay the shodk very well : -an _ingeetious contrivance ma adjusted in such a ,Way. as tO the ice as it moveS along by power. It does Very :leis work. Mr, ThompSiin ,Was :ace Jed by his partner:in the ice basinCes, Mr.. Kitchen of Tees Thompson Bros. operate the e on mach - adjust t was which om • 'the ft. At - the ine e stood eh was cat late faCtory omPan- -cutting Tees- . ation Liedeitey Society was held on. Leehersdagatela.alatlea from 3,304.00. ' The Meeting was "olieifeelewitheet-cheree- . us, by there'clieol, This was feillOwee, . ,by the' secretary's teport. A 'selection wag then. rendered by the school or -- "Resolved that the gaines and :spans , of the preserit dee ere moreenjurioue than beeeticial," The AffitinatiVe was '•'Geddeis., and 'Elliott Burns wIdle the Douglas..M.orgoss Henderson and Gov. . small nuMber Of iwinti. Miss Mac. . us Was.,,Ovett by the tod Fenn .girls, l'•+1atiorie...Dottsitag and Jessie ,Fitawayt the two AS after. the ebeck WAS .eash- id be gnt the eaeh.' allteeimahle Part- ed, ,walked to -.Brucefielil 'eteitare working foe his ,board. It mey be added' that after the de - and •Un alarm ceock beloeelng to. Mil- ler were mieSslOg• ' •CHURCHe NOTES ' strong Wae in' the chair. The scrip- ture leeson was ,reed by Lieingston Menary mid a s.,‘,sword Drill" wee eon-. ducted ip 'ewhiely many Of :the Leagues, home of Mr.'' and Mrs. i'V". X. 0,OW1eYe hie by, finding eepassageseie. iecord st' "e A. solo ewes sung --by -Myrtle. Bruce, Instrumentale were played Leohe Buswell ..enci Helen' 'McLeod, t. ar, freni, being as. popular. Runoi4i'Mqoa entertained the. :hair arid a fe,ve additional -friende on' • . Atria eel* Re MacDonald ,of 'Miss Albeetei Findlay:visiting Marie enenels about Ripley is to return, toe nee . home, at',Zu rich „this Week, :„„ Miss chriStee Detroit -about Week ago to. epend the reniainder • of :the ;welter' • Mrst Kenneth Belle Of Con, 8 has eelle• tie Detroit to visit her sister, dee Fred Young who has been very St 'as enoniacasea-Mrs; Mary Brown sister' A' John , Welsh of the village. kr. Lane ofeleanes' Corners' -broth, ee Mrs. Treleaven, ,has purchased Mr. rSenith• el .the Royal Bank staff end •Mr.. Taal& of the Continuation s Omer .entertained :twenty -friends on end hotelunch afterwards at •Mre Wm, ed 'a very rugged constittition, a re- Mr,. •and Mee. Mee MacDonald .of Wit, and esuallyetheie Who aiined jib- eho arrived in cutters and; aleigh, at es it himehad them reterne - inner on on ay .reg , • and gave - 'Wrest in:full. When be grew tiree of, Iern an, evening' of v ried amuse,' • • eer. Gideon Ruttle *ill move into ver' getting away mach _farther then mai. 1 and, ace,apy. •rie. He was an adept .aglesmari and 4.:;11 oWg alit Mrs. Rutue will be welcOmed •6y the ..RipleY,. pee - knew low ,to appeoach hiadustemere. He knew -every peradn's "soft s and .he opened negotietions by a sab- Steddaed *ill give his public ele line., of flettery, , 'which put the austemer lett. geodliemor, an -doe -sale, Was usually 'effe.ected,' What might March 4, en: the' Oddfellew's Hall,' ine haye.been an exceptionally bright eae stead 'of Mar. , '5th, as stated feat. 'week. 'On that date thel.T; F. OehaVe tavernseedeformer days found a snewshoes, and without. to see the cut hsteayhead his •toises free zein so badly thet they had to be amputated; !which in- terfered seriously- with his locative- •ate,rb time During the past ten yeers he oni....ell..cLthseo eiroonagd_3.:bhaerei:amewh:y.ttrraaineic wwaass part of his time. The farrneee Were Mr; Rory Martyn has• a 'beautiful ‘eirld to ,him, and didn't mIndputting "rsnow-in." A very 'picturesque Wind, him up for A , week or so. at a time, ieg road leads 'in sbetween ,snoWeee-alls• a rem:Aber of the Oraige Order. 'The be ',a .hank rising - to: ehe ..heleony; -fueletala. k placee: ...Tuesday • rioon There is :. eomethifig. about „living. in 400 maniere; egfeehntbil-ereirde„.1-aresse'eabnidsiacrqeumaalaina-s ..iiid•away in their last eget:lag plaee, La,ara Healy • Who was • teaching* . at' • A FEW.. MORE FACTS , dangerous ' illnees necessitating .`a, eerian church beld their'. Meeting on Wednesday: etterneon the. preeident Mra, Mrs. Baehel was in charge, Mrs, McWilliam gave a speendid, talk and lelieseIrene.,Brent fkared the meet.; LOOS Of mastery lava conint Mende roaiiiitt Sot, on *fill. hose old OAT Detroit and, Windscni to. anent' a fe* 'Mr. Boden Ritchiehas gone to Tor, We extend. Congrettilations to Mr: .and'.11Its, Will Ritchie On the arrival: Of a "wee mon", Who intends, staying, Mts.. john F.,7AndreW :Liickineeee is spending e. few Weeks ;With 'her Nisei Esther Ritchie' id-ei4ndinric Week With her 'cousin, -Mrs. Robt; Johnston, of Lucknow,. The'Zion Draniatie Club IS 'putting on their "Safety First"- ie the hold sPerial 'meeting* on Friday' Fel% i9th, *large attendance .re. ;IVO ate sorry tO•report the'Painfni readings 'by Margaret, Seteon and Whilliereene 'Agar. Tee lteepie'*as 'Li- ken be Wienifred Welestere'Dr. New, ton and, Mr, Osterhotit 'Congratulated me There was a good attendance:, Will haere charge. of 'the servicee 'in'. the Methodist. chtirchenext" Sendae. thi,eYenirig service a special "Sae cred or "Old •Memoey",''eerviee will be awaits aea Pleas- had -charae•-of the.,Guildeineee, ing, this week,. aed presented a most entertaining And ; inspiring program, jack Mardeek :wes 'in the 'chair, ,after the aliening, hymn; Mi.'„ 3; C. Muedoch offered prayea and' Cecil .Mullin reed die "gaiiiieterealliete"Tlidee-Tqwiseeeeele rises. by the Plass were well rendered and mach 'enjoyed. •A helpful talk was given 'by Mr. Armetvong, who O: Murdoch, teacher Of the Y,:ivt. a kindly inyitation te :the young men of the village tee attend the Bunday, ' Alma veas suddenly seized with prompt, operation. Fortunately: slie pulled through alright. - .Her inothei .. e '111raaDavideelenre haa been w44 114.1: learn the' 'following ' feces. regarding death, we refered lie best week's Sent- oischsei, ;The, Ternaine oh 'it the township bail on Wednes-- the. eeening Of Saturday Feb. iteh eeere placed ,ini * vault at Windsor .di%Y, eyeningsehough the weather Was the.. audience,_ was, iieklia Pablic and and ,iiriglits when they will be taken te Mingle's and WO 'his parente• moYed :to bune 'violin , noio were given :,by,. mr: goy temMon in ,early "life; TionieDungetrie -Our esteeined,:fellow-citizen,,gr: f.'". ter bought; ,Ile resided..in,Tee.dwater' alrnost, 40 years, leaving, ie. to.q, 1 Pliff Phone 36, 1-eliliskow FAMILYLTHEATRE Lacknow Friday' and Saturday Feb; 29th and Mar. ist, illaSters of Men ' A GREAT SEA PICI`UItE Friday, 8.00 'o'clock Saterday, 7,30 and 9.30 Wednesday March, 'A' RAILROAD STIYRY 5:00 o'clock ert Reid, Mgr, KINCARDINE STORE ROBBED ' • Defence the night' of Tele: 15 t4tbe jne 7.Was; 'broken into :and a Consider- able • oliantity of goods taken AM- • ong.-the things taken -were 6 bags of. %- leeted. and taken, the rebbery was ev- ieently" the work of • bootleggers., ak profif when the -distillers get the. They will: ha:V.e. the canned. salmon for and wich c,,S• they wait upon the brew, sci they ,haVe free food lie wen ..:11§ free: raw :material. The rub - 'day morpin:z so there ,is absolutely . no. Ovate the, theft; The .sama store , I was 'toned 'less • than a month ago. .(Interided fee last week)... beet' Spent.-..tha Week oing to work as a clerk With the lite son; and 'Mr: Goilloe sang CP& • Miss GrenaChe Of Winglitim spent _Mrs,. Jackson of Auburn visited at shop te 'Mr.. Fief*. liebsen'ef water. Mr. Dobson is moving -over his immediately. Mr. Cameron has• beeri an excellent Workman', a model of tends eo go Mrs_ Cameron and .fana • BOYS CONFERENCE AT , PALMERSTON Band eaill be held. on Saturday.after, Mr. aid Mrs. Jas. Pardon tof St: Helens visited on , Monday at. Mi. Thos., Henderson's,: ed Into Mr. Thos., HendereOn's house. father to the village., ' A ,play entitled "The' Spinster's 'Convention!' 'Will 'be' given On Friday evenieg 'Feba-2etla,-in the basement of the cherch.„Other'numbers'i*In al - A wave may sliP. up on the weather bureau but It always takes elaee 'when friend ;wife taken off an- other quilt. tati oh the ortot -thotight it' Wag' worth attending; '..be h getting Wildf.and Bois: remember the boys confer.;-, ence at PalnierstOni Feb. 29 tp Mete boys. Every boy is requested to fetth his skates, Come •all, end make the eonference a, huge success. ;Fred Malone, toilvener; hard ou .luirness.,:uang on tilts; 'Kenneth Bell Ins gone to t,o so ent , shone time wit We ,lleard 'Westford hid a -Box So- a that , bar); „was , sttil en Aga of "Terra inueb of that' little Village. • G•00., and Miss GladyS and Net- SundaY,, on their waY to Ripley to thpir atii?t Miss 'Moore. who is at pi 0:.ent nn de r the' Doetor's care; eiisa AoOre 'we are pleased to report . le slightly improved. Her •sister Mrs.. The -feet that sleek to roc); the • Cradle PO* atenti.On the 0118# 1000, 'Went that. *.ei OtOSUrtie' KINLOUGH Owing' to the , bad roida the young Mr,. end ell's, FredeHodgins enter-, ouit0 nunibele of young pea; mooting. be beta ar the hems Meech tele Tepid "T.he Happy Ws, to ,LOCAL MARKETS -77