HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-21, Page 3Passing, of °Wand candles
reaaing 'use of electricity,
•clIatiee- ler,:•liglIt5 to Ple-Y• i!--,,, -
j. lar.n..ritinarzuloite, IitnIglit '
.....,.....,="2. "'
....,,„ • • •
ight• eoillea it bY tbeclectrie w .
)q•10-X4iinned il:,4/1,th 0.41141) a; cbit a 01 Mt.*
• ' Iti, *eta we-Ylaid•bY a der* ,gree4Y Wall
•-'9V 'Ceiling $4094470; Ileing,gentlYaflit- :.
4, nttlforth'bY a good light -re
teeth], , (firface. .111iiminating, experts.
. baYe eterinillect• that 'the surfaces ,ot •
the_rooin. And, , itEi Oentents_arelearly _
intrimPortant-inOhttiiiiing-aatis tanterv- - 'T -.: -‘,PENN:114,CiTON
.:-..ligin as the electric illnlin.', Or. the lia'cial Orialn•-;-English... '
, , .
o• ..• . • . De • , •
4004; :4(,40,04,0P.0.4 4.* *074 , V01,04.0404004.***(4,tOrkfw700,,ty...,
f.,4.4a.Si'y4w00..040#41Vript.; .900-.7.o44tsfliai;,
$.*:0*..0.0"wolgoo• are OHO!, • ,i;reff.ter'0710.0tWO'OurY0.404.1AF.,
pow; ,p,teitints, .1440 fiom Peconlr*Ae 001.7. PA 4011040 .B.07e11,00;
lfig .frokt:oitten., • • . '• • • • Not .01...lei4•.00, oft ell..t . rpug4f,
,Thern, krig411hur: 'WO! Witerfe.74.0;',a$
neW)318440 • •' .,,,A4tootk.vQpppr epcmo....14 00 .00..04
. ,„. .
Salt, ad4$ to040*..,i,g.003,,O r10:1 .h014: • •
igw0::-0.mverr..40x.e4 • , 00,na.:r1,04, 4414, 0 PK, 1„
: acid , ,loomPetient 41 - • ,
81,10.544. tkOnfOre,,, !.f.PleM1W-; POrringet;4kge,n14.7i.;b0W107!-•nililr:OBleIW-
"04.ntik and•prisme areflect-onlY the -whitelight --With half -knit. stocking' and , .Wpellew
lath$W4osra"cer."7,5,..ries-i'intts.,•,tith ' • —
Snow onaPme Menntain•-tePa neVer "And'' needie•
•' ' ' "•• • • melts, liecanse. • -the rareflerl • aid . ab- TnrnIng a gray yarn. heel abent.,
es and
eir rigm
.ertrian, Fisker, Peisoner. • . ,
. . Source -An Occuicalint177- , ' - its 'fluted side,
ngnt ne,Wetild Probably urge tilat/011- mean's. rrheae 'in. the geographical- :which _illustra_te vividly the chariges Left Weak,•NerYOPS dt held, th,e. arena at -the ev.ening meal
D H ith R • a' - *For the•lovers Wedded for woe or weal
..„ , _ .
°len' 131°cIni- et InagneSinni e Th st f th name holvever which take place in a: langiiage in the Down-- ea egame •
carbonate, freshlY Beraped each 'day. b ' c matter of twentY-five generations for • • .And later milk forthe babies tour
Seen a surface sends 'back for use 98' As a family* name 'Pennington, or it has ,been: no longer than that,AMee "A few. years age,” saYa •Ildise Fran- That Played ' in tarn •• by the cottage '
stracte all•the heat from surrounding While •the pewter Sugar. bawl,
objectir. r
and plump,.
many a. luSeloaa.InmP
pyeer•that supplies th.ein- ,Source-•ograPhical. ,
..33-litabTelnawter-pitoluir with-te*eiti
• . liP, . • „ " • ' •
.004 Jkpi- iiiicre7ptlIWO.T)Pr
NFLUENZA Elite a, calla'IllY's' levely!tipp .
"., If the lighting' engineer' wonlreare 'first et,
mirrors , or ,secondary, eoltrees. of word. ,in the • Cymric. tongue • 'le another 'one * of those surnames' ' • bride. ••• "
'Only about hOw much: liglft: lie: 'cell:id penningten ton to"f3uppbee.
,'..faree the ceilinge and walla te Preduce :that ,it is of Welsh origity for, the Tbe fantily Ilani`e of: 'Fink; of risk%
dr -
„A1111 11 •
'Fr -r•
• Per 'centof the light that falls nnon it. I penington,.as. it Is sonietimiS. spelled, our modern Word ..'.`fish” was 'So Pro- cee Hankla,, of, Plenty, Sask„ ‘'.iny' '. doer,. '
. ' Although Magnesium , carbonate ' as , is traceable ("meth' to Pennington as flounced. 'Virtually all of these .“.tish" Mother, ' Viis. • •Walter -1-laolt1a.;.. "Was' : ' ' ''' ' , •
' building' material' .would hardly be ' a 'geographical 'name. And it is ,found ,names • have arisen , from the • coecliPa. stricken ,with influenza, ,whien • was . Great great
...Practicable, such , blocks are used as as thedesignation of a township-in4,tions-ef those to whom they were first then epidemid, and for a•tinte was in a Folded her hands and passed: away,
.,' the 'standard surface in calibrating the •Lancashire, England. and of n tYthing' ePplied. ;It is possible of course,- but critical. CoflditIon. • ' She appeared to And . out of her:cherished pewter 'set .
. • .
instruments that have been deVeloPed , it .Ham'pslifre. ' , ' . ' ' ' ;• ' hardly likely, that there were a ,.. W "get over the Prominerit sYmPtoms. of Only the pitcher :a?2,2•Vives her yet, •
' •for • measuring the quantity of light re -1 English. geographical family' nameS rare instances In which the first use the .trouble • but did not regain her It stands in a niansien now between
fleeted by various SiirtaceIt iS'An of this sort are likely to denote an or was as a nickname, denoting ,.(1. Inn' strength. Some weeks later hex -weak= A .Cilinese vane' 0.1 aPPle green' .
;easy standard to. :obtain; becalkse. a tgin. among the nobility, for of course' cied*.likeneSs to a..fisk• ' ' ' ' ' neeg ,developed Into sinking, Spells'. in •Aild, Venetian glase'es thin as air,,
` s. i -''
.chunk :Of magnesitilia • carbonate . can I. the.. Old •Norinen feudal 'chiefs"natural=,1 All. ,variations, however- may • be .which she watild almost smother.- Not Like a bubble blown from, a Jewel rare
, .
' .be 'obtained at any drug • 'store -for 11.1y took as their , family 'names the:. taken for granted as having been de. w,ithstanding, medical aid' these .spells • '.• .. ,. '
, ,few .OeritS. ,Thelight-neasuring in names, of, the territories`d from either. of two occupations, continued. and • she • was constantly The •old•callector et •precious things,:
, ov.er which. rive , na
• ..struMeni4 are 'called photometerS, and they held leadership, As a• matter of :the seiling. of • fish or the catching, of .growing °weaker ; until she Was .prae-..• cuPeand es.era and, coins and ring.a„.
theyalio* 'the. lighting -expert ,to -e914- •of -fact % one, :Pennington, family, : does .them. These •occupations Were tre-• Wally reduced to skin and hone. :Her. It weight in gold twiceover; Paid.
' Pare the light. given` eff`hY a wall with trace diiectly'back to one Camel. de mendeusli •iniPortant. in , the middle gibe and gams were colorleae, She was ker. the Pitcher' of lead and POPPer
. that emitted by tne•standard.
, • Penniagthn,everlord of a place of that ages,' for the 'English .nation Subsisted nervous, and suffered 'from. indigestion '` - .• made; . • • • .• ... -,, . •
. • • .
' Such tests show that '•eircta' thengli. 'nenie,who hadhis seat in: piliilcaster , largely on Ash, both as an economic and Palpitation et the. heart. At this For the atmosphere ;Of the long ago,,
, walla and'.cellings cannot he Matle.'ef (or Muncaster) ..-..county. _Certain and religions • ,neoeseity.' Medieval stage, a friend- of 'Mother's, who lived 011116 to the humble metal, lo' .
•the,' ,best 'light -reflecting. ',Material,. branches of the fainily'•have taken the England. was. Catholie,. and in the irdd- at a distaece, came to see her and • Homel.Y. virtues; and•SIMPle )pys;;
-PaintS7-and-lither-fin1alles. --aPPlied-to_ 4A-ter...name as their' family *name. . • ' I die, ages:, th&fastsof the church werestrongly advised , her to try' Dr. Wit-. ''A, And - the merrr'Prattle ' P..f. ',gi.rlsii.nd'
' different materials will give 'very Sat- ' put thisdoes not mean at all that7far more rigorous and numerous than .liams!--Pink-Pillawhich,late_gaid,„d : .` boys '.',. •. ' ''',., , • .. ' •
"., isfactory results: 'As . would ‘. be ex- all PenningtOns trace back to this' or , to -day. . Indeed; the Fishmongers' greatly helped her in ii, critical 111 es .. .
pected; ..white .Paint uses less . of •the any ntbet of tile Normannverlorda In i Gulld of Old London • was the most We .got. theseand -raother began The pewter pitcher ..is full of Areanagr .
, light than any other, as it .will reflect
82 to 8� per bent.. of , the, light"When
• new end from 75 t� 8.5 per cent..when
• old, depending On. the 'kind, ot paint.
•• ',Other -colors , of paint, ...wall •naperri
. and Wood finishes are effleient.as.light
•-•2 reflectors, - as. indicated • by , the 'follow;
, ing %percentages-:. ,Creanf, - 02, to SO ; •
'• huff; 49 .to 60; ivory, .73 to 78;, gray,
- ? 27 to: 03; ' light. green,. i'd to 75; , dark
, . a gi•een, 11 to .25; light blue, 34 to 61;
pink,. 36 to. 61;* dark red, 13 to 30; yol-
' ' low-,--6-1.-46476-;--ttark-taa.J.0...in.L4,6_; na-
tural wood•brown stain 17 to 29 light
• wood varnish, 42 to, 49. .
If you. wish to use gray for your
, walla and ceilings be sure that it is
made, by mixing vermilion and emer-
ald green paint te give black, ;then
thinning out with a white, as the
•'Shade -Produced . in this way has a
Markedly higher.refiection than has a
grair tone made by mixing lainpblack
•with a white paint. '
- The reason why. a colored surface
refleets less light than a white one is
that it abierlis more light'. • White
. light Is not sim'ple, but very .,complex;
made up of all the oolors.ot.the rain-
bow. Nature's display e icolors in
” the sky when _the sunshines through
rain is .a brilliant proof ot the com-•
anany histanee.s humble dwellers in powerful of the merchants' .associa- taking thein. Tlie improvement -------------- ory woods and crystal streams
the • varlet's Penningtons moved to 1 o .. ,.' . eneations. * ' • - slow at first, but we could See that, the A farmhoueroWn with Messy eaves,
, , , , .. - .
' Rosy .apples. and golden sheaves.;., -,
other Parts of .England, and there btf.,l • The Anglo-Saxon 'name appears on sinking spells Were growing • less 1 ire -
„ie quent., and that strength was return- A-Mber latilPlight and breacl;and -Milk,
places • whence ..they had. come, as Fischere,” "le Fyske;" "le •Fys-cer," ing• The treatinent with•Dr.,.Williams' And yellow, crearn.as. iradoth• as silk, '
Came 'known ' by the 'naines., of the ' the • old records `.variously. as .'
"Roger, de •Peimington," etc. in nearly and. sometimes softened into ''le. Via'-
. Pink, .Pills v. •as. continue, d, and 'clay by Of all his treasures of gems .and 'art ••'•
• . '.
an Eaglisli • family loonies , such pre- ."aere (the . Anglo Saxon "eh", had the day ,health and strength returned; un-. The .pitcher is dearest ...,_tomhiinanhae jarrvt. ;lig..
, , . . , .
I -
fixes as "de • (of) and 'le (the) have "k'. The N
.1 , sound)., .. on -Ilan forms . , • , - , • . , ,,
f . til she was again able to .go about and •
.either been 'eliminathd •as superfine -Us' siTescher" and "Pescheur" d "P help with the work Of the house. The
taxes on the tongue, or have been In ,,sofier", have only a -few
. sdrvivais in, improvement this. medicine • made., in
corporated Into the name:. In the case . the last mentioned' surname, though her case was simply remarkable.]
of Pennington . it is eapi to See that '1! originally the Anglo Saxon and Nor' ' ,"I may also, say, adds adds Misa- Hankie,
„the. lattar. would ,produce a .combina- I man fonds- Were 'often . used '' inter-' "thaf,in my otin case thege pills sve.re
'lion rather hard to ,pronmince---as'al-changeabiY---by--the iiiiie--faiiiilY, as 'hi- of the. greatest benefit'. ,Last winterl
d Whichoxplairia-why---such-Lth • - "Es ' F' li ' p ' • or was .in a badly run-db-Wir-con-dition-
single ii,,..oi• ... , , , 0--,ease--,geas..7 .is er,-or essoner, . -• • = • '
a variation ia nev.er. met 'with. ' • . who :was morof Gloucesterin 1241. ., and' very nervons.. My appetite tailed
• ' •• • and L'had na color. Knowing what'Dr:
. Love.and Life at Vigo.
Love at a distance until you are en-
gaged is the, rule I -n Spain. As a 're•
suit* of that SonieWhat inconvenient
•• -; • • •
custom• levers are driven to strange
expedients to Comnjunicati with each
other. -Consider the gentlema.n of
:Vigo whom Mr. Ralph -.Stock: tells
about in the Crpise of the Dream Ship.
• PiCture it you can, says Mr., Stock,
well-dreseed• Spanish gentlenaan
standing in the middle of qne of the
main thoroughfares and gazing toward
one of the housetops; he Isapparently
engaged in practicing the deaf -and -
The healthy sleeps .well and:
.dtiting its Waking hews is never eras§
but. always.,haPpy- and laiighing it: i8.
only the' aickly Child.that is cross,and
peevish.' -Mothers/if your children do
not sleep well; if they'are .cross. and
Cry a great' deal, 'giVe. therm', Baby's
Own Tablets and 'they will scion: be
well and lianpy again. The Tablets,
Williams.' Pink, Pine had done for
mother, began taking -them with the
result thet they "soon Made me as.
stiOng .and full of vigor as :the Other
'girls of my age.' I may just add that I
think we owe -mother's life •and. - my
goodlthalth to the pills and I h'epe Our,
exneriencewillbe of; benefit to aonae'
other s'affeter." •',. , •
' You can get these: pills, from' any
medicine dealer or by mail at 500,1a
box from The Dr.- Williams' Medicine
Co.; Brockville, Ont .
plexity arcly *e Trot -7---A, nyinrad sur '
(luniii alpifithetrVe-eneet-the stream -are• a mild but thorough laxative which
.-•'-',' factr-selecta-and-'retains......those.; rays. .regulate the bowels, sweeten . e .
....telling upon it 'which are .not needed br-Pedestriane-passing-along . the s
ach, banish_constiPatiOn; colic and in takes. the slightest notice of
to produce the 'color that our eye sees . digestion and promote healthful Sleep:.
nim ; -,-neither does the, wheeled' traffic '
; light ,can be aided ip,. • its work by .tie except to ..swerve• obligingly put,,,of... his They are absolutely . guaranteed free.
The ant' itself as well ,as 'the' electric •
path... it is hie affair, and a love af, `frpm .opiates and may he given to, tiid
selection of „surfaces' with', the best fair at . that. He k' conversing -with, new-born: -babe : . With ...perfect safety.
lighting qualities. Tanks or 'Machinery new
new sales tax, will not increase
' his. hiamerata. at :the third-floet bal-,
Set in a dark earner wil be brightened the price of Baby's .Own Tableta, .as
cony •windoW yonder:. ', It needed three
; and,seeing will be aided_ if _ they are . • - • • . • • . ' - • -
the company pays the °tax... Yeti, can
ridges, sightseers such the 'crew Of
painted *itlithe-nreeier 'tidbit.' 'Often the . Dreani Ship to find' anythingun 'stilt -obtain- the .Tahlets, through- -atif-'
less illumination .18',required, and inmectitine dealer', at 25 cents a..b.ox, or
ueual, in the 'proceeding: I am ashamed
such banes a light-absprbing •partate .. ,.. by mail,. ppst paid, fromThe...I:ix...Wit-
e say that the lady caught Sight et na`
can be usedr
. ' ., , . • . ,, °'". , ` 'liams' Medicine Co., ,Broc,kville„ Ont. ,
and pointed in alarm whereupon the
• If: ls_pften, Just as easy and heap _ ..
-gentleman turned with an ''excusable
.:tri paint or paper with an eye to light-- .frown of annoyance, land we .1h-i-d-ae ._:,• Words ofWiii:IVIen., . .
as . not 'to. ' A little planning" and On' our way; , ". ' . .
•thought in advahce'will pak.dividends
, In legs. eyestrain 'and lOwit oast of
' Virtticr is tr.'qualitY More admired
'than rewarded. . ,, . ..., . ' "'.
lighting.... - •(1 IIT , " ' Wheif the,antisleplaYaythe heart `is
ligh.t.'..•,.._.---..-„,..._. _ • • . ,. . .
' " ' , Ships 'tliat are badly 'naVigitted ..hit
. Ten Long -Life .Hints: ,
: . : •the'recks..and human. beings„ are, often,
ForodMeiit "'people-, overeaV 4 !Tao- IiihiptCWIthriutAradders.. - ', 'Y''''.1-i,,',i,
. ,sauch.,,food clogs' the. digestive, tract; • It is astonishing how little Onefeela
generates putrefactive producta, which poverty when ono loves. . ':.•'• . .:
liody, • ilndti:"ItiereasittilY 'difficult .t0 Beware • 0 Iiiiititiont
• .kneading trongli,:ndt; in the' denee.
• Pelson the tissue cells and Which the .. You .inust judge a maiden at Ind
.173 .. Pluck. the .. rose . and ' leave the
. . . „ •
thorns. • , .
* :Tea and Coffee' -Be moderate in tea
• • end ;PeSee; drinking; but -generous, In--,
Milking Pure water: ' "
The Hands •'•Keep your teeth clean
.Yolie Father .ktioWeth what -things.
ye have' need ot before ,ye ask Him.
l• ad in good. repair. Frequent 'vlaiti ' 13AY=ER• ..,• , A fine cage won't feed the bird.
'i , A, little oil may save atdeat of' fric-
to a good dentist. is a 'g•Ood investment. '• I.-• ,• tion, . ,•-,. ,
One false Move May lose the ga.ine:
1 The Bath -Bath ti regularly--,atleasti...
Prudence, ' looketh unto faith, on
twice tyweek. It LS or the greatest 1m- ,
portance that,' the many miles of tiny tent to, wait.solutions. • • •• •
i We wiaely strip. the steed we mean
Aetera of the „skin be kept active and
the drieriiiig&treiii';'ilienliatitlilf,' btr-
I Cent per cent de we pay`tor•every
these•sewers (grease and aweat pares) .
be washed a' ray. . ' - i vicious pleasure.
...16x0rolser:-.1- ralto some kind of real' '• -illness You see-- tile '"naine--193aYer - Loaves -put 11W.Ty, In tb.a. oven,. come
,.,. physical exercise everyday. Walk a
. ' t eras's" on package ,or on tablets you out „eroaked.
He overconies a stottt enemy who
, .are not getting the genuine BayerA
- Wag. two milea• daily.- Indulge in sonle
kind play and rectesith:m, ' ' pn .Koved safe by millions and pre- overcomes his 'own anier.. ,
' The Mind. --Why WeirrY over things Scribed . by Phydicians nvir:, twenty' ,....,,. • . .
you cannot help or far .Whic . ou ,,are
not reSPeile.lble? ' WotrY : ettpa the ` , - a olds; ,,,. •.1 • Ileadadlie ,
threel. years( or , • , ,, .
....J...;. -,energy, and: Vitatity„sotitS .the,' diapoSi..• , , .*, rpootii'seite ." . -", . Ltinibage• • , ..
tion, "bluata the apPetife,' 'i,iiiiiilii -It: :`,',
geS•tion, and 'iptittieng -the Whole :$Ys.- , . . , -i4entalgia- . .Pain; Pain ,.
, tern. Bs ilieerftil. ' ‘' I.- ' ' •' ' ' Aceent ••"Bli,Yer • Tablets bf Aspirin"
Takiiii- 8 tock -Hairs i a. 'therou411: only tech 'Unbroken package Con- I, their experienco,,,tho„dno of their ,dit, ren late to take
PhYSICal exaillifl.at10103,Y,"„a good doctor tains Oaten direetlotta.. Bandy beieS.i eord,%. And the ..canbanionalliP of heantY 'genuine "Cantor.
at least onee'each Ycai'..tiilfi fell*.biti'. of t.Welyb, tablets Catt fear cents 'Drag- . and terror 'fin' their, troubled souls. nia . 'Fig . iii);riip',"
' • i
. adVide: . • ' .,.., • - , " ' . . giata; rase 'sell bottles . ot 24 and i00. They go 10 literature for life, for More No .other ..nxat vs ,
giesp-,810"ep, at toast, oleic honrs% A:spirit,: is the trade mark .(registeted Iffa'and keener life, fa lire,As it dry's. regulates the ten,,,„:, ,
' ' . - d 1 Of BeYer. manutatturn is,llito.,:, bite higher articiihtionesi and der little bowc!e'''
A Modern* Maid. '
•. Mrs. .Tones advertised for a Woman
to do general housework and a. colored
girl applied ler the 'plebe. , •••• • .•
•"a'What sort. ot..a, cook- are yen?" was
1-11-07ffrat--:questiOn-lint. ,
"Ah Cook," was the reply. •
"Are, yen •ageod laundress?" •
"Ah don't do,no an', ironin',;
its tea hard ori.rnah hands." ' •
yen. sweep " •
• "No lady;.- I ain't strong enpngh
s we dp." . • . '
, "What: on, earth an you da?"..
' ,the applicant • answered,
. •- The,,DrawiapOk.
• Eastman -"Se your hiredman's ' quit
, •, . '
•.,-Wasterthan "Yes -found it too
mach , work to 'open his, tebacco pack -
Always 7 fragrant
'AlWaYs •— the Sarnei
Always—in good cond4ion.
'Wherever ancly,hlitenel'ier you bu.
A is so as poi ms,les sag r
, • .
. Size of Lake VVInnlpeg.
take •Winnipeg 1s lucre than 1,900
'spuare miles greater in area than Lake •
'Ontario. .
A c aptive Tiger's Food.
told pounds of beef a ,dap. . ,
• Depends oath° Form.'
it bad form to appear in
knickers'?" '• ,
' Beas--.1rPhat *depends on the "form."
• -
When making a baked- custard the
n•iilk should he bro'ught almost to boil-
ing point before it is Poured over the
eggs. This will prevent the custard
from turning -watery, ,a11--stroften;hap
pens when cold Milk is used. •
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
T'FreeRides to School. -•
'Carfare -1s ' not needed by schbol
.,, , -
children in Victoria, Australia.. They
ar.e carried. in streetcars, to arid -from
,_• •
school free' of charge. ' •
, , • Prossgrairied. • •
7 ..`''N(.71.0 is that,woniani:'.
'Rogers."' '•", ••••-.‘ '
'---"Thatt." ;answered- his • triend.-."Why
Haven't Descended As Yet:
"Do you believe that men, have des-,
cended not only-'from--monkeys;but,
'farther back,. from ,fishes?" ' '•• '
- "No -most of 'em arepoor fish still.",
.the home of•his sweetheatt-beering"a
large .brix ...With...the...name of .well-:
knoWn ilprist, fill the cover.
"."1 -low sweet, dud fresh theY' are!"
crie'd the ,youtigf7bin.an,
hoi. "I. beliete there...is still a. little
dew on then yet.'
"but. IVA Juntc,a, 144.9r.:SPO,J1,1 pi'y it
aditiitted 'the iOnth,,
tomorrow," •
Scnea Dominion Express, MorkeY
Order. ' They, are' payable grerywhere,'.
. He Knnt. 7 '
Clear,Bright 'and Beautiful
Write Murine C.o.,Chicago,forEyeCarellook
I Your B ood
Starving For
nt of Ims
• Classified Adyertisemenb
• •wool manufactured or excluing-
ed 'for 'yarn or 'blankets. Woellen
Mills; Georgetown; Ontario.•
4•••-•-• Chinese game.'Cpmplete set,
with full instructions, one, dollar,
postpaid: W. Aslett, Sarnia, Ont.
• V Charges batteries in 10 minutes., .
Gallon free to Agents. Radiolite Co.,
1St. Paul, Minn.
For quick relief' heat Minard's and
inhale. .Splendid for cold in head,
throat or chest .
• Cause of
• Early Old Age
Without Plenty of Iron In Your
Blood You' Don't Get the.
Strength and '.Nourishment Out
• of the Food You Eat:.
. . ,
>,-When orer-work; lack of sleep. Improper, foodan
th n from your blood, ani Make
'that 'is' Alvira Cross,.., And rightly. °
You feel weak, nervous. hiltable and ..out,of,horts.
.name--------------------.aten1-4,-dthibt ta umiak -ant that yo.o.. shold at, once 'DM- more
but what 'that woman would climb a " Auto ions .blood.. Without. iroti Ito idood loses
• amount of, good, because you .„ don't . get ,ibe full
strength,' Mit. of it. Tour • toed „merely Passes through
- through a mill with She .
fence, jut to he an the. Other side."• therefore nothing' Chat you • eat does 'ylu. (he '
the povier , change food Mtn living. tisane and.,
"Men ,go to books -Heaven fOrbidt--.•
fer, but *oknoth and ,. • ton;tipe•
The .celebrated Dr. Miehenhoff,
an authority on early. old age,
.Says that It Is ""caused by poisons
generated In ;the Intestine."
• When your storriach ,dlgests- food
properly It Is absorbed . Without
forming poisonous matter. Fol.
aens,bring on early old age and
premature death. 15 to SO drops
of "Seigere„Syrup" after meals
makes' your digestion sound. 10
rollerssYso wide 'apart ..that the mill—ean't—grintl..--or=c;:ii==20=0,_gtd=.0---41,
, ,
THICK AND BFAI.JTIVI.JL ,4ecause of this steady starvatiVt on et the blood and
• nerves people:- often. beeome .weakened, tired-eut,
•Cerit D d D —sorts -of -symptoms. .. But the menus:It organic iron
' nervous and • rundown , and frequently `develop ' '
onderS for Lifeless,Mniptents—dlsappear.-in—mOst.--cases.. „the_ ties
pale ind atoklY looking. , "
, an erine oes —1,luxated Iron—is sttpplied a mUltitude of dange
• • and the roses of liealth bloom in cheeks that ,ivere '
becomes firmer, the waticieS .get bit& their strength . 1
ot, luxgriant hair 1 g
AcilEs.AN0 p Aims_
an; 1.4e, short-
sokrty and wen, yott, owe it to yoursel to make the
or,.gloas, .lua. following testf .See• noW long ../-oty. saw work or • how ' •
far . yoti _han wtt k .wIthout booming tired. 'Next.
ter Using laYdial:
take_ ivr.e. filre•strg.in,. ,tatucts „git °titulary Nuxated iron , arnshed Af
of Then test tone sirenglit again and •-see for youMelf PnIkbam a Vegeta
ge Haps •.ner day , 'after meals for to weeks. I.
• • 'g eamY mass .
• • mos halve tried ' volt are not stron vi °Mug
• Cozny•:)wid
.- . .. t.... notch you have gained._ You can obtain Nuxated ' ' '
"Witil" ependablo i standing that if , yeti Atv, ,nofully lat14, scar ,,
neglee.:(1 -scalps •
1—n .rom drtiggist on •the distinct under- I -• •
, Branchten, • Ont; When J•wrote
"Danderdine." n'e be
to'you for help my nation ivas „mostly
Falling h al r,
•itching scalp. and
• the dandruff is
• T t ` corrected lininecllatel/. Thin, dry,
The sheep Taranto,- or Italy, wear
place is'noted for its fine wool 'and•for •arated' g • g ' '
, and youthful beauty' "Danderine" is
blankets 4.6 rweteet their fleeces...Ting *IsPY .(4ifadtat hair ritilekly"
. • .
'Itin on now siren th colo -
the' -delightffit-Tin'the,'-ba1r.r.tr4efresitin
s secured for fabrics o ne tiSsue.
stimulating tonic not'sticky r
aoreaosYNL drug,store: •
Otheit Give Sick HabY -
. ,
"California Fig.SYrup"
, "
Laxative to Clean Lhier and stiris
i3owels of BabY or Walk'.
-Alia. struggle inartidniately.*• within „istf, ,sitk, toile
themselves-, for the enlargement of " 'd ,
Bab es, an
canh night with the bed eom
WIUfl{)W11 101 OPen,, or; better-; on a'1*. I • ' ' eticaCidlater of ` SancYlicacla. deoPer eignificance, mho efflargontent so n Le *
OccUpe.tion or ptafesslan a y
belMve, and in viliff.di yeti have .the joy 4 th o Pt b I i 4 0 . a g a 1 n t imitations, tile Tab- I.,litiwig /.,ylsohn,, ' .' , . g, .,, ,,
.. of uceonipli.shmant L.;ife without Work: !eta Of Payer •CorillianY Will be Sterrin: , 0, , ...v , ' . ' . , • ! ing arni;s", Say -‘ualltornia '1 tu, Y.nr
IS tints totes i.,14, unprofitable and un-; ed witictlioir:general:,trade nark, the ,
, Mk for. Millard's 'mitt take. no'other.. suit upon genuine "CalifPrnia 'Fig, -
drtiggIs and A old , c into. ells! In-
lioarable, ' - • I "BaYer' Cross." , • .,
, . , . , . i 1
...1' '
1 t
Which on nietins 13aYer MalltifitetilrO.' to assiSt fg fitfittio'n "Iitdp'atin.0_. liver and bot'els' actlinng \VAltian'tt gttl:;••
Ing Coutalas nareoties. et .sootb,
work -Work icguiarly Ekinie task, While it.r.• is Well Ittoivn that Aspirin and eiAtifistiott, .Of niew-t4 •expel.mlico twee 1 t • 's •
Can Yen 'Hear? ss,
Place ....,,,,,tc11,to ear tliob-clr.ow N.
nohy, You should hoer tick at N
ttONA.R13 tAll OIL
56 inches. Datil n ringing in yoUr %
Mara prevent Yonr proper hearing/ I,
relleveal)oth Hood Noittes and Deot-
room Joat rob it back of ehro imd
iitanrt In,noitriisi .13tlee $1•2S,
Fee 5t.lo4 Everywhere.,
r.i?orontiot; uhirrotihtivr4 loicler
to.nt unnn tee/008f.
Ai Oi LtONrtni tut.
• 70 Sax Ava.
Nei,' Writ
Cuticitra Soap *Baths
. Because they are eloothipe; and re-
freshing for'tender idns, enecially •
if asaisted b Cuticura Ointment on
first sign a of redness or ronghoess.
The Cutiettra Talculn also, delicately
medicated'and yitsltely perfunied,
Is,exeellent for little ones.
St 2, Ointment/Li ..150c.. Ta1ctral2tc, Said"
goao sheyel' Without' rtn.d.,
,prorripted by curios- ,
ity. I wondered if
I, 'too, would benefit
bY your medicine. It
was the most prefit-,
able action 1 have '
ever, taken, I heart,: •
ily Eis.sure you, for
am relleyed of most
of my.suffe.rings.' I ..
have takensix boxes
of --Lydia E. ;Pink- •
ham's Vegetable
Compound Talllets and e bottle of Lydia.
E. Isinkharn.'s Blood Medicine, and I can
.•hanegtly say I• have never been so well
before. r had sufferod from pains and
other troubles since. I was fifteen years
e )(I, 'and during the 'Groat War ' period
1:worked on munitions for .two yeais,
:called for, I - strained myaelf, causing
pelvic., inflanuna.tipn from which 1 have
• .sufrered unteld agony,' and 1 often had "
to give up and go to bed.: I had doctored
for 'Several years without:getting. per,
manent relief, when 1 started to take
• your medicines, "---Mrs.,Q0Lbctrot Mrs,
• ,r'INE'Vitr;t13ertaantlihet°11'abianIt'S.:P'ixittliani.' Medi-
cine Co., C,ohour OntatiO, Or'atreecOPy
WTyudpi SAII:inzink.e.!tit::013:771I4orpivrietne„. rs.t?E: