The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-14, Page 5•
rent of 90•, tie, ,!1}vamley
gravel .$5.8 ; Vis, rueglan,yeloaning
ditch recut 1 .. J;' , , 4ir4nt gra-
.vel ,road 2 ;$7.50; U; hose;, killing
strante :dog worrying slreep, $2'5;00;
Neil McAdamgi'eiveilag-1.,, R. ;$15,90;,
Joe 'McAdam' hauling tile and ;ditch=
' $10:;00, Stephen 1llartiir
avid , tv:1-^
olrnston fr fore =n on contract
work .$7-,59"'lit4-4.1.11ty repair'
road '4 $2.50;.,,W, P. Croizer 'repair
bridge -road, 4' $4.00; R. C. Hays legal
ac'rvice $2,00;' Walter Alton dragging:
road 3 $5•,00; Fred.Johnston drawing,
for: cul ori road 2,}$2^50, ,T. Parrish
fQr fol enren on con'.ract work• $$,75,
'BY -Law -No. 1, appointing the fblloW
Preserve lens
oolen garments or' arti
cies .
can-... - _ _ ....
....sedith SUR P
-soap-feel soft; fluffy, and-' well.
washed......_Dry :.woolen.-ar •ticles . - -
' in a moderate temperature
not in the sun -'--and db not
allow them to freeze; Sun is
injurious: to. wool; freeiin
Causes' 'shrinka'ge.
.Cenncil Met Jan, 1.4; as per.Statue
All menibers present., MinUtes of. Dec
ineetingrearand- on motion of 'Colin:
eillorS, Parrish and. Sullivan, Were ad-
opted, 'NOtice',frOni the King Edward
Senatoriurn, for Ceneunintiyes Re
.G'ouncillor's Sullivan- anct„Farrisli "that
owns ip appeal 4) the ,Judge as to,
his 'place. of tesidenee , prier his,
quotien 'Of Forrish and Campbell the
G.:Dal:ger for heree injured and .Ern-
• until next. ineetihg'for further in..
forntationLon Motion of Famish: anil
Jamieson ,the ,feilciwinp aecountS.were
ordetecl paid, ',...Treasurer
, $20.00; Win. Helm tile and frent :jail;;;They. take the gronnd that
• lug' effteers wase du Se-passed;:.,.Clerk.
C. h, ' McDonagh; Collector, Q C,
Treleavijn; Treasurer'W, P, Reid; As-
sevisor. Jas, , Cook;' -Auditors ' Donald
1VreLean and Wm, McCarthy;; Medical
Officer of Health Dr; A. A, J. 'Sump.
,son, third member of local Board of
Health, Will;•B, Hawkins; Sheep Val-
uators,-,Robt Drennan, Robt 'J, Web
ster, Ar2hie Johns'on, D. M. Johnston,
1119§: Garvey and Richard Johnstone;
I'o:;indkeepers • Jno, Savage,'
Green, N, G. McKenzie, .Frank Scott,
Thos Irwin and' Patrick Moran,'
Fence viewers, Wm. J.• Black, Robt.
Davids .ii 'James Lane, Thos, Dixon,
Rebt Fitgerald, Jno; - Finlayson, JJas.
CrawfordJno ' Met od,,• Jas', Keane
'and Daniel E. McLean.; School' atten-`
dance Officer,.; Richard Jolnston
Moved .by Sullivan, and ,Jamieson: that
resolution 'of' 'Twp, Council re grant
on work .cin tiig'hways be _sent ,to the
Highway Department, Council'. 'ad .
journed to. meet Feb. 18th,' at--1--pm-,7-
t-1-pm; 'C, E :. McDonagh; Clerk,
Friends of J. .Benson Cox, of Col-
borne .Township; «rho • recently • was.
sentenced. to , two inonths;.'in• jail for
.es,aulting '::the late Charlie Bulpitt
•Whe for, Min, get up 'a pets
ion requesting -:that he be released:
pairs to bid road.1, $4,50; Phil Hogan -Cox has already been arePlY'plinished
rep Cul road 2; $1 00;" "Wrn Johnston fel. hi ff " '
3 9711E. story I of the.. JaPanese
•" eartlitluake disaster Made. ap-'
-peal ,to Canadians. fel,' manY•reasons,
';'!;04and . the Government ef this Do -
Minion did. not hesitate to lead..prae:.
7-0.-t-471114011; which staggered under. one
' -of the worst .disaste,rs in histery.
in command 'of the. Canadian PacifiC
steamer "Empress of -Australia "
, 'which: happened to be in'the 'harbor-
, of .Yokohanni at -the time 'of the 'di.
• bringing to light the fact that this
:, Marine Wet instrumental in the res
cite of approximatdly thirce thousand
persons, ' Honor ;to whom honor it
dile •has been worthily and. fittingly.
done -in the presentation • of : the-
. •C,B.E; by the British'Constil-General,
at NeW York, in the *presence of -a
C.P.IL Canadians cannot help feel-
ing a 'thrill of -pride wheri, reading
• the odyssey Of Captain Samuel Ret13.
iiMbue And Vasco do •Gatna -and M.
the high Of the British' mercantile
' .inatine, and the gallantry of Cana»
ditto sallors`today, is not altogether
•• 'different froM what "imbued those
, Orttigtiete, Italians -who 'risked
. their liVes in the earlier dayS, The'
" world, 'oni sometimes lament Vaa no
Incite ..Mytteriee" left and nothMg
Orb ' for exploters to do, ' Prim)
. hina tt. Pot% frOm Pole ,to Pole, all
. a *sown and mapPed and even pile-
' itlik het But Wewneed apt 'leer that
go )1 gleam 0 Will elifk NA' 04
becouse..there'are no ' More "worlds, to
'growing up. today will read 'with a
thrill of pride Of the' achievementsof
:Shin 'EnipreSer of Australia irra time
of great trial and difficulty in the
burning waters pf Yokohama -and
-will want to groW up and, if tho
occasion deniands it in the daYs of
th:p future, go 'and do likewise.
The old -famous sea captains,' CO-
luinbuk, and Dtrike, and all the 'rest
the hill" did thoin work nobly, man-
fully and welt,' with their creWs
help them. Captain Robituion's•
bright, Particalar page in Canadian
'Pacific, steamship history, -,,where,-
taking Immense risks, the morale;
courage and proUd sea 'history of
the nien of the •inereantile 'Waring
Wore again exernplified • their
brightest celbrs. It it Well foe the
world that there are men of the
Cayitain Robinson type in command
of those great ships flying ineshari»;
tile Marine flagt on the seven Bean,
Tho Government of Japan will take'
a suitable Opportunity. to 'give due
appreciatiOn. Of the Vahlablo help
'rendered by the 0.,Pt-steamShips. and'
their officers for- a. service 'gladly
rendered in token of our frieft'dhhip
and our, COMM013 humanity. `How,,,
aver .olouded the outlook 'maY be 4n
Q. her quorterp, we, have elwa p beau
JaPen,,.whose; friendship is doubly
precious, to us in these day's. If we -
reflect upon the,- pbSsible conse-
quences of a serious earthquake in '
:we Can forin some idea of what hap-
pened in Tokio arid of the dreadful --
devastation wrought in a few hours.
-The stOutest.heart must have quailed,
in that Inferno where human. beings
,•iyere ,perishing by. hundreds of thou-
sands -so that we offer to Captain,.
:•congratulations 'for hie shate."Inka
noble work ---nobly Performed."•'
The feregeing tribute to CaPttiiii
:Robinson apPeated tie an editorial •
,but One Of Many recognitions of his'
heroic: iiCtione,.' 'The PaSeefigere Of
the "tinprett . of ' Australia" have
presented the Pacific liner tab-
' let Which cOnitneitoratet• the Part
Idle, her 'Captain arid crew teek in the
relief and resetta work at the 'One
of, the diaatter find ;prior to the
tailing froth New York on Jtipuary..
80 of the '"Empress of Cahadal.
which he.noW coMmands off World
crtlise, 'the 'American' Metropolis'
hdnoted' the intrepid Cot/intender
and adtnitation, Canadian boys may,
Indeed, lead with * of prida
of --the.-athiostomenta, -Of thii.
and men at t;14 Itniprata• 4440, '
ter, littunsriakt ar Blrr lA,wT44 $ •1924
Fe figh,z-co • cd10 riri' foitunate'I'•
c Hough to 1'and into.the . bag ` money
during their ring careers, are : wiser"
enough to' haiig on to the same -not
that .they do' not try and make' proper
investmentek hug biecause many. of,
;-a,heni fall= as b'ait-,t10 go- many -Of the
0. ks at has been rho
nun ern '
es of the.,boxing. hampions',
and, stare,•There' are exceptions, of
course, but not many of them; Bat-
tling Nelson, ex Yigl}tw'gight eham-,
pion,,'Piad a:' quarterlmiliion, dellars in,
real; estate: around. I=ledgeniieeh, not
far from' 'Chicago, and, accordingto:
all aceounts,'lost everything,
Ail Wolgest-a_nother._ex h iff i
was-ci e f teiJ with. having a e rim.
g 'like :am
'ount, of .real` estate' around Los 'Atte,..
cies and other places, but the unfort-
'un'ate fellow lost.•ever,"y penny throe.
.gli. bad._transactions:::an.d.false friends,;,..
At. the.present time, Wolgast lsaiving `,
at, Vernon ,and'is "being'sup orted 'b
Jack. Doy1e,. w}io always to k' a fath7.
erly interest in the lad • '
"Philadelphia" Jack O'Brein,. at
one . time light heavyweight chain -
pion,,, lost ever_ $15O,,,
J' ade1.
phia through bad investments." Now
Jack • is tryiingo'to recoup his, losses.
school and is doing, very nicely,. He
.a4sq ,tache -'s ,the manly art of boxing'
and there are 'few better • clualified.
than jack to' imPart the knoWledge
to others'',
.tieb Fitzsimmons 'had a 'fortune at
One time during his career ' and
through :poor' speculation lost. all Of.
,t; He Made a lot More before he
died, bnt theimlk "51: his. fortone' was
iotit John L. Sullivan. the. pride of
Lhe 'fans" for tbe Past forty veorso_lis;
he alga lost another. through, poot in-.;
Kid," and clusinpion of the light•:•
.sharks arid lest all his money. George
' Jimmy Britt, at one ".tirne" cham-
pien lightweight, had plenty of -dotwii,
but ' lost most' of it through- bod spec-:
tilations. Jim; ,Leffi!ies had plenty,
frot. even the gOod-natured Burbank
alfalfa fornier hit the bninps;'. bat IS
once inore.„reeOuping his losees;,
Freddy Welsh ht
;.1'enotts 'hove it now that the clever
little boxer is".: about brOke GitorleY''
Nreary, a Milwaukee stet 20 ',years.
through. S'•getIliitions .;lost almost
pien7heavyWirght; Tan his `,Pile7Thite'
the 'quarter niark, hut like ,s9
nriiny . others 'lest most
to the stage and.get by With 4 s,qa.Y.Y
that has. made 'life Worth liying,
chaiiipion,' had over $100,900 'when
he quit, the •gaMe 'and lost inoit:ol'it„.
.Made another, clash for the MoneY
• goal 'and 'of late -has been 'successfal'.
business.' Willie. , ex-light-
in- San 'FraneiFOTVuildirigs,
.much -of it. and is ne* doing a ,Voude-
%leading' the race, '
Pan .giad I leained when :I ',Was
"Adam Bede." glad that r: ac-
abairbed it by the ,quait: "The teadin.e
.reetill3 grew, bent ind.
,gre.:,e.anci now beneath 'the ;suniet
sublime"; 'I liaVe no bol•eil-Or .weary
so inanY'"grayheard wightS 'Who, find'
old age a b-Oi•e, their days are dreary
land" their nights inake, souls , and
trios -in noisy .cars
they're'. tired of • , m jugs' , arid .ot
ilawns;,. of watching suns. and stars,
%And they might' sit in eonify nooks
and ;have the, blamedest time; if
tately prose ,and ,rhyme,' And some
of them;', stored 'doublodits„ and
gems' as- large oi beons; , they, have
and, Courmalines,. 'rho? have ten then -
one; ;but they' catilt. Sit With' Walter,
Seott.,and- haVe a raft of fun, They
,hats from ;every elinte;' but theYean't,
..etinient' made
,that.4itey -.were getting '-nway Irma
tile idea that education wos'
and th'at when -One. had
edtteation,.•4vits. complete, ".Wo real,
iZe that' education is a proceis Of
nieetal, training," he skid, 'and' Wo
are realiing,., too, that written Omni"-
lieleney offiCieney, We are, going
, to, pat the. responsibility for ed14-
while We eknnot,dei'awiit.W.itik
pooe to do Oway. with, ie itipploittioa;
ullHluUWl11W(Wil( ioug III.
A Wonderful
Getting out of ...a w .::.
}ped, `to go downairs :unci`-
answer .a telephone '-has'
its• drawbacks. An''ex-
ex r tension . telephone along-
lon -;'' -
side,'the ri' bed saves many • :.
a man or woman that
unpleasant necessity.
extension telephones •} ;
cost only. $1.24; a month!
Th Charge for .nista
ng is only $1.90.t
are a wonderful ., con-
Save 'your: "better Calf"
man y ' fatiguing' steps, -
Business a n d profes
sional men find thein in-
dispensable in ho-m e s
'and offices. Let us .talk -
it overt
.ong 'Distance Station.' •
examinations. Whk it is proposed tt;
do it •to establish a boaid 'of qualified
people, and, instead of students . who
faleti in .Time having ,to write again!.
September,, the inembers of thia-
board will rerread you'r papers .and if;
you have a_ good record fer the year'
You will gek throtigk whether You
hive pasaed in that one subject .or,
fhe lowing herd'
flat milking -time
••the way
Is .painfully, alas,
the k.nell of part -
'winds slOwly o'er
will soon be on
Now -fades the glimmering landscape.
,:aiV1 fox the. milk th.eir • Stomachs
menid 'enfold.
Save:. that 'froth yonder hop-Vined
. covered bower
,And in his, hoste, there's net a soli-:
tit not ambition mock their useful
:For .farming is; te neverty
And Makes a' living Positively' 'sure:.
canolbllinePYgifiev'es et' Trine-
coritent lead' 'the
Ana keep; pen the Straight' arid non-'',
The beast. of heraldry, tbe pomp of
The fight for freedom en the. fields
A -waits, alike,' the inevitable hoUr;
The :paths .daty lead' but to 'the .
Beneath thaie rukged sheds.
roughly made, '
Where stands',/, Manare in. many ,a
moulding heap;
Some. heifer that,a record'inight have
The -dark tenipestuOus 'waves' of
Apd waft its -fragrance oti the .desert
Yet, even these bones from+ itisult to
SoMe frail memorial still erected
Shall tell of her that Oft the'inilk,
pail, decked, -
Here rest her bones 'upon -the leo of
eo* to. fortune and to fanie well.
('oupcil tnetna b'eb; )1,:f92,4 "Wirer'
Reeve Irwin in the chain, ,Members
were all. present, The 'minutes .;o! last
meeting were read anii adopted; Tho';
ing • ;aounts were ordered
paicls.- RIM Y :1;i3r,Oro Cemmission for -
lighting h$11_ $t 59.y L7 Hen
1.✓.il1t...LlrCYlh2) .$ .a'.y ' ..
jY $4 yds gravel $2.q 80, :Angus 1lurt:•.,
stn •attending Division ' Court ' $4r 00;,
Frank Mitchell cleaning out ditch; and-
culyerte. Rd, ,14.. $25,00;, A,' Martyn
registration , of births: marriages ° and
deaths for year •. $18,00;; Angus; Mc-
Leod, burying horse $3:00;r A; Martyn:
Jr,„:refund•tasc $200; .David,
,Stewart .rep. culvert 50c;;.Thos; Hen
•ry rep;' grader. $1;90;'McKay, mm
.erton.=--That this council ado a to
cdnfirm . the -agreement ' made by ` the
Reeved at Holyrood,' with the Reeve
of Kin
loss and the .Deputyreewe of,
Ashfield and Mr, Gillespie the 'con-
tractor of the Henderson Drain, that
is to :say that we 'will pay to said con-
tractor Huron's .share ,sof .the $1,75.00
agreed upon for, extras, owing to,, his,
zli rging 'the said drain. 'deeper than -
first .plan, called for, • (Carried)
McLennan—That this.
c'euncil accept the application of, Dar.
McKay as assessor ,for the year 192¢,
(learned) Morgan--Emrnerton-By-
taw N. 693 to appoint an assessor'crf
theN Township; of :Huron for t!re year
1924 was' .finally passed, - signed". and..
sealed,' Morgan -McKay -That 'the
plan of Bruce Beach: >survey extend-
'ing=from- farm -Lot-31.-t'o:;farm\ Lot 50.
Qon, A, prepared by. E. ,D Bolton
O, l., .S , be and .i:.,hereby.approved ,
(Carried) \ Irwin-Emmerton-That
the co'a;teit-giYe_IZ;_,Reid_the-use-ofa
hall -for: picture ':show at '$15.00 a
'night,' provided -that 'he puts Up` a
bond of $75,00 to ,guarantee that he
will'put.on at least ten shows,: The
council is to wire the hall -and furnish'
•power; 'The clerk:is hereby instructed
to notify :Mr,; Reid., to. this effect,,
(Carried) ,,McKay-Mtihennan.--That •
we. accept Fred Thompson',: tender to
supply`,tainarack plank at"$45,;00 per
1000! ft. and also. notify ;that the-,
council is prepared to -accept 2000 ad-
ditiorial feet:` on the, same :ternas, Thek;
plank' is to be' delivered',at' Thos. E.
Morgan's residence` and. the clerk is
hereby instructed to •'notify r IVl
Thompson:c)F ,this eeffect; (Carried)
B3' -law No., 692, a by-law: to 'protide:
for .expenditure on roads and bridges
in the Township of - Huron for the
year 19'24 was , passed, signed and
sealed. Emnferton---McKay-That
'This /council do now adjourn to meet
again on Monday the- 17th day of
March at the usual time and place,
(Carried)--Cierk, township of Htir-.
r...cpnsiderable...4iSeussion is -being'
&tete& Every article Sliewit. ie
,ftietureci by the boy or girl eXhibiting
and, the patents;.'ambitiouS "to ''have
[race for. the prizes; are very efien
respenSible fer the. success of
the. exhibits'.instead or the Children;
Exhibits should be, honestly what.' and
•to_be, -Otherwise
these fairs. will have an .evil influenee
on Vie children.,EX.
A writer..encleavoring to ,make the'
casualty lists of the *late • war mere
'real than Mere figurea. can nlake
,theni Asks 'yon tO =visualize the dead:
as marching past 'on a street, firat
=the British dead, "At daytireal they
start,;, twerttY,..abreast. Until' sundoWn
they Mara -and next day and •
the next, and. the next-For:ten days
the British ,dead:..paSs ‘revieW, For
eleven days more the' F'rench` dead' file
'down the 'Avenue of the Allies," For
the Ritssiand' it roald, require the
triontlis, and a half wOUld be 'required
fot the Allied deed to pass, a• giVen.
point, The enemy dead would' reqo4'e
more than Six weeTs, Fer fionr Mon-
ths 'men aetually killed in the. War
passing steadily, twenty • abreast-,"
ed ifs inPmbers 'a salary on the basis
meeting; of Council' and' $2 for spoiler,
'meetings, The mayer, reeve and' de..
puty reeve Oppoted on, the ground of
econemY, thOSt voting in, fiver took
the ground .that now7a-days foikliave
to pay for the iervites qf councillOrs,
Every, preacher's wife "longs at -
As a rule the citizens !"Who 'try to
ruri everything" are the ones- willing
The World is -gettlrie hitter r
you% 00 a man 'With tevridee was
Slashed in Trio
Sheared:Gre Coat
Y X3.95
.K. -. ._,
a gan weaver
Natural Wombat
Blaci T' 1e.
CatsJ U
Inh ,
c es:ung,; with Worm-.
bat Collar, ' .
Special Price. ce X1495
_Ladies' 'Serge, Tritotine
10 Odd Dresses, up-to-date:
in style, mostly Navy.
Blue, worth up to $15.00,
,Clearing them out thit
38 or 20 years.
This is Ahe STORE for
Telephone and a S'k for
write. We are 150 , runes'
'nearer than the deliartment
stores and Can 'give you
quicker service, °
11 Goods satisfactory
Or Money Refunded
who, know' him, as a. good; stibsteutill
CountY product Horn' in Saugeen
TownShig, _he Went as a:. lad to p
No: 5;;Sangeerr
High' Sehool ,and Owen Satinet Colle-
giate.. Like hundreds othe; ambit,
Profession as t9 stepPing stoma to a '
Continuation School,' later holding a
which he stepped Up to ,the -,.
Shin of Oakville Publit School., David:-
Forrester,ShOwed kind Of stuff he -,
Made of when he 'took- the' entire
!folir years' Bacheloi,..of At Cs course
at Toronto 'University wlihorit attend,-,
the Iectnres, his uniVersity study-
ing was done during the. eitening' and '•
hol!c'ays while he .waS carrying on as .
his B, 'A. parchment, from the Univerz
sity 1903', he began „the ittidy of'
law at bagoods ' Tian. He was called
reeeiVed the cleiree' 9f L, L, 13,.from
the 'University, Mr, Forrester Pra44,
,fo*re.locadng in Paisley in 1008 where -:-
• he uP a large office businest
and won, the solid respect arid eOnfid-
eriee. of "the people of that district. He
has been4 on the Pnblic LibrarY Beard,
the School 'Board, -and has 'been Met;
.1:-28-24:" he Was; It eeve of Paisley and
would, have been Warden of Bruce
his 37,ear, had he not resigned to sp.,'
ly for ,the County Clerkship,
:The soft d"."..rinl;°;"%be ahomina.
tien, but fortunately Yon can drink
or, let itilone. ,
Many a men thinks he is, OverWOrk.
.ed Snot heeatise he takes all day to
handle a three hour job; ,
. You will :notice, however, that:Alkalus-- -