HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-07, Page 7Our Unpolitical Prince.
I aeked, a friend recently what his
POIitice= -wei,l'ex.7 +perplexed',
Lind remise! ss;:1 el:•!Oeei err?Y'tYwry.
4.6 role ii Leti'tlrul z
Way+of nayiug Iib 'had.:
fi Veil, ft: ug. • •
• 01: Course,.` I looked superipr and
eased, him by. ° There are few m
a may 'sewn to no political mi
111100 '10011g . caste. One .of . them
thO Wines, of''Wales.,•
"1,A* not allowed.'_ to know anythi
.fi hnu politlas'--' he `said they other day
"That .is;one of the greatest privileg
Ipossess "
• Perhaps the 'only real diflferenee b
twe'en the Prince and ,his, pople4s th
be. pretends not to k'noW anything abpi
polities; when he'•does, 'while' we, pr
tend''to, know all about" politics whe
we don't.
finer tea and more of it
�lrn4mes: and Their Origin'
88 Variation -Dyson..
c ;Raciar. Origin•—Middle English.•
e- goatee-,aA baptismal name.
:Variations' —=. Grunewald;; Greenwalt,•
Greenwood. . "'
Racial 'Origin -German, alio English.'
at ' ThRrPiimity „fl ;e o ,.,_ ounce,=—Descriptive of Locality
e- the/se whieh ha:ire cleVelOPed rreni bap- this fettailyname gives you the eltie te.
Moleetwitsch, • the' Jammu
Pianist, has no tremor's reg,arding him-
.• self now, but once he.was exceedingly
nervous. " He einfeassee that his most,
0*-Ying experience occurred before he
DeVonshire Park; Eastbourne, •• :some
4yearaego. Harry' Lauder was the turn,
before him., 'and • prior to:the:concert"
the 'anxious. pfanist, Was leapreeised by
the size of, Lauder'S tame On the" post-
ers—se much bigger, then•his own. •
• ' wanted ltd.'see, this man who wee
was afraid fo7:•my .playiag.
• 'almost, wished I was net playing at
to watch HarrY Lauder's performance.
l 'the. time . I 'was afraid that, When , lie
that weuld .take 'no notice of my
stick, Harry Lauder turned' le us and•
i, "It was only part of hie -stage bust -
frightened that I turned and. ran out
as fast is I et:midi"
The Spoken Word.
Before yeti express an opinion of e
matzess words you really ought to see
his face while he utters them. I haVe,
for instance seen a ..fat youth 'fill his
moidk eagerly with apple -pudding while
,re,marking: "This pudding's n.g." And,
wonder what expression Mr., Israel
Zang1111 Wore 4 when he Gerd • to an
American :audience:
"You New 'Yorkers are lazy and ln-
consequentiel. You are aisle yulgar.
Your doller drives typify this.
YOur"Million dollar tt3mples ere as vial -
gar as .Youi Sunday paperer. Your im-
-414111 you are the best .half-educsited
Reminiscent; this, of the youth 'whet
-applied for a job as offiee boy, And said`
anti tha,t mY boot§ were dirty, and that
• , leaked like' a first-class liar, and en-
gagednie to start next MondaY."
Aluminum Cars.
One,"-euthe•S.Wiss, elect*, tramway
the Weight -Cir the. car is' much leseenect
' d inetherqictint is that the 'painting
lion plates talon shOwea ' rusitieg' and.
the Paint suffered, much: from. this... in
tried; thia. is an, ,inaPnrtatit point„ eathe
. cars ire ..pahlt afl. in a light color In
. the ilret place the metal Was used for
. wait ,so setisfactory' 14-,-iietiSon or the
absence of riast ;that it was:, decided :to'
'• go ' Nether end te .employ it tor the
bedy cevering• of the. tee :and 'peal or
alianlinana is used .alid, it hats a: /naafi,
; aninunt or Copper added se as td mike
ties la the Werld le the "Minantain of his.
' nearTTertolielt; the -greatest 'WV -di
' ' ' • • ' • • • English origin in the group. The res,
Mon at, thoee rieriods in the imiddie By far the. larger number .of front
ages in which family names began to lies in 'Canada bearing the iariou
take sha
Tyson' but that's, reelly what- it de-
veloped from. •
TYson is,one of those names which
became a Manny naine at e fairly
.longs in the earliest classifies
:Which is composed Oiliest entire'
Anglo-Saxon names. It belongs te
period when the NoTman inilueace was,
etill 'strong,' bet those of Norman
blood had begun to regerd' themeelves
the "every -day" language. This is ee-
was distinctly Norman while the elan.
ing "son'.'• 'shows the •reassertiet 'of the
-Anglo-Sax-on tongue.
bionisitie Was variously abbreviated
in the Norman-Freneh speeeli bite the
nicknames Dellis, Denot and Dyot.
From the latter—developed Dyoteon,.
which at a later period' was shortened
ehanged by' cithers• to, Tyson. 'The. laV'
ter lei the more comraon form in thie
' The name often is erroneouely ex-
cord/3 shoW no midi conection; while
treeed step by !step.: '
fl 04P WOW?, A1114, GTOVD.
length.. Car Iota Reid
RO,thW011• Gate
he. fell a. great distance and Was se
, Nat, long .ago - a thrilling.. light ji.t34 .
taking .his intention,lbe'.eagle• swoole:".:
•ed down Upealiim. aed he only escaped
for *nether. attaek, theleaan, hit it with ,,
the Oct jumping cenipetitionat the iQeehec Wintersporte held at the Chateau, ;
Man, as,. everybody .eow knows; is
the result of, millions of years of de,
veloPmene ori this Planet; perhaps
s-. even. on some other before "the sta
dust swirled." What we ,.d.p not al
waye ,realize that- this develepment
- is still going one very sloWly, lie 'it al-
ways has done, but eurely,
lhere are a number of scientists, es-
Pecially surgeons; who .thin.k that, the
.process . may, he lipeeded np, end that
man ind would' be saved much suffer--
ing if Nature' were •assisted in. this
forms or this gienie trate: it back to
German origin, for the name had e
much :wider Clevelapment 14 Germany
than in England. 'This is ascribed tr./
the feet that even though the period
ean of familY name' fermatien, took .place
he, consideiably"later in Germany than in
tter,,, England; Moist Sectiona, of that coen-
yr;lf: try were less, developed than„the Veg..
the land ig 6V0 er three bUndred-years be-
• fore, .In short,- there . were mere fon
• este, hence more "Greenivoode.7 in Ger-
rare that an Engiteh. andai Ger-
men femily name Of exacilit7ilie-SanTe
Meaning tun. 80. near' pariallef!;in the
philology of the words of :which. they
-"griane",-Tcome—frene-the,, same. root.
Formerly' the 'English. Word wee :epell-
ed.;"gr,e,ne," and the older kerne dr 'the
hes Prevailed, and in. that. of . the other
the the: isaine mariner the•
worda "woad". end -"weld". Come froth
the •sathe -rept. The elder form 'of the,
one ,,was "vicide"..developenfrorn a still
Grunewild. ie; of eourse, . the trite
:reran ',Of the., German. name.. 'Greentie
liens, developed,' tie iyon.iniay plainlY,
'observe, frona.the:fl.rat !syllable, 'Under'
the influence of English speeth. .
vation, that thoeigh be' but the Prinee
, These lines •from ,the .seco act of
the"First Part et King Henry:IV," re -
a big luntheon given by an, aieeociation
oi business Men; at which he was the
ette-I nitS.elongetect holder.; to -the two
the banquet 'ventured to bring their -
Menus, to hian for his iiatographe and
.to, the flaehlightphotegrapher .wha-de-
attithcle, irniressed Me'''. very
nig more like, egondaooking,• nrersin-
or twenty -Math he epeake, when. hie: -
Maturity 'becontes there 'apparent: .".
-thhig elee • about the Prince was his
'speak' With. that tagliltitmiiition'rether
type dr 'Varsity nien het, phasees
ably more pleaeant, iniiek•and
eelient and, though' I hesitate to de
that,it contains.jUbt :the :slightest
hated tiniesitetidri in saying that there
thitightit a Londoner: He would' Prob.
, incognito, flak keen young, beef -
e end Ware accustotiled to Make, up
tel. that he, hes ,tt, Paled, Of ,his OWn
hi obvious for, despite his bnyish ap-
pearance,' his face is a'.etrong one,
With, steady eyes full of resolntion.,An
old jOurnalistic colleague *ha was Site
tingnext me at the •luncheon, echoed
my thoughts when he said:
. "By Jove, they'll be, no hurrying him -
into a marriage with a foreign royalty.
unless his heart approyee, fdr if ever
,a led had A will 'of his own he heel".
probably "a legacy from his great-
grandmother,- independent, deter -
And I;feel sure that we were ,hoth
• • Honeymoon Still On.
thing be has to"•say."
ver camp in _the .world, and not far
from: the 'fainous . Comstock Mines,
• where Mark l'evain': Spent his early
The discoVery et title .toeth-powner•
mountain' Is already ' "booming", the
been awa.re that the niaterial front
WhiehMOthal -Superdeet,. es it is `called,
is Made " would: take • tobacat-stains.
froin their teeth, but not until .recent-
. It was a wonitua, Miss' Josephine,
'":11.ohinsoni whose trial et theanaterial.
'pearly 'white 'teeth ea a result
+---cdnyinced certain business Men that
the Mountain ,:was better than a gold,-
nrine, Noy the product is beleg sold
'broadettet,Ahd fortunes are .piling np
Cohirtion colds 'Arc ,infcctioue, and
jptobaWy dud to a germ se 'small that
, it onimot be seen through. the moiit
provee Lifeless, Neglected
lexuelant hale
leeted scalps With
dependable 1.',Da4-
the dendruff Is ,
eberected 'immediately( Thin, drz
Whiny or hiding hair is •Cmickly invigan
on the! a 'forresiiing;
Gold From Sea Water.
The Modern elehemitst nn--TIonger
dreame of transrmatiag the baser Met,
ale. into, gold"; he is more concerned
wath the possibility of extracting trom
the viaters' Of the ecean the Vast Man-
tity of the preeleaS metal known to be
•••AS a. matter, of fact, it was' rumored
e.centlY that a profitable method of
hat GetnaanY •might bay bee. 'rendre-
ion debts in sea -water gold. •
The tumor, hoWeVer, was premature.
It has been, calculated. that there is
Lone ouncen.E.gelctirceiteeyAl.;000: to est -
of sea -Water. And thie gold is not hi
the, •Eina'e. Youngest, .8.0n,, passed
-through • experience which in a
,.In the' first:place; 'he 'wag -operated:
upon fer appendicitis, when what
pliyalolOgists 'call. the "vermiform ap-
n_ is -a reliant oar. aBeent •from 'a lower
forna, of, life, . In' some of the other
altogether. • In another thilisand years
,or so, perhapsenehaman being will he
:here with this "baccreecence,•• put me.
years hence; " very'. likely, the.
operation for its- .removal will be as
;learnt thet 'he Was again in -the bends '
Only the: loss of, hialittle. thee, • " '
*- • There- wee-,' Certainly a iinie When
!biting pest:: They ate f‘,* .nerely 'en- •
walk Or. run ',or jump; they do-nothing
batting Oe...bewling average's. .To . the
majerity of people they -are. shnply
sprigs.. en , which: td :grow" Corns. :. The
Only...person to Whena little toes. ate .
. conceivably otimportenee. is the 'bare-*
foat woman :dancer, ' who Would ' pen: •
belle -76f inbial structure .tha(lis`ve 43,
,eVolutien..: Seine time in.the4taturele
AO appendix; and with ' Mali four toes a'
on: eAch ;foot. In the meantime,: su'r,-
gerY•has: to i be called, in where. their
ppseession , causes- danger •• or incon,
GUARD' illiBA13..,..:Y:
A Quehee Woman Found Relief
and' WantE 'Others to Know.
Mrs'. ,Donald M. McLeod, ,epritigh
Que., Was at victim ef great nerve
and Is. now anxious that others eh
profit by. her experience. hire. hl
tame run down- and .grew so eerve
sto'94, therP 'Say, but it
htbiBatflibc;,..cotil.d, 471. lie, hot breath en
When :the rifle "dropPen ...front his
•• hands it, hae fallen. against a tree" and
us -
is right knee.. How to get it was the
alleneetion. Thai. the beast remained do
, 'quiet. was; he believed,: oveMg to his
, Grown peeple ,have Iota disap-
pointments, but none of them :c'om-
pares to that which a little fellow feels
rhea} the clerk inforfiris him that shdes
2 like his big brother'e are not madein
sizes small enough for him. '•
• that my life was a .burden to MyS
and nll, around pie. Every night
week! wake tip' 'With a chohing feeling,
numb all over' and my heart beating
end walk the 'goer and declare *
epells, 'and, all day hang woula be
dizzy, that I would stagger like
drunken person, I, was: eirain te..b
left alone, and my.tonclition was' le
rible. was „then taken to the She
there nd goodlind•I Caine bac
home so weak that '.1 Could, hardl
eress the floor. 'I" cOuld nat take ale
°tiny:children,. and my metherditi
was jest waiting ,and wondering'whe
the -end would !genie. At thie etagem
attention , Was 'directed, to .Dr.. Wil
lianas', pink Pilia,! and go a •stappl
at once. By the tires I had used. fiv
felt Much better; , could ,ea
better,: and shienl better, . and felt al
'at it.Poiw--1°3-;-1581:trZI3—tintdraie7.1realitility.thwernMaann'd
•I adVist. all rundoWn women to try
Dr::•Williams' Pink Pille as I am _sure
they will de .for .others What they befit
?".• gently- he loiesened grant) Of his
right hand on the brute's throat and
at the sanati time tightened the grip
or his left." He slowlY crouched lime?
loWer and then cautiously. stretch-
leonard's blitzing eyed, ,
presently', he -found that • he :Could
Jusetotieia • t weapon with lila fin-
gers., With. lefinite tare, he edged over
Until he- *as able 'to grasp it firmly.
Now caMe 'the Crucial moment. Should"
e rifle' as he tilled it toward' hiin
ch .even momentarily in the. under:
wtia',;' the noliel would alertly the:
brute into • a raging furY. He
htened ,grip ,on the' beast's
Oat toad began to pull the 'rifle. te,
rds, hiln. ',As:, hick wotild have :it,
d to .draw" it te him until RS. butt -
tett on'.the ground ageinst• the in -
le of .his right foot Feom there he
wly raised it with his fingers, tietif.
..The new'salee MX Will not increase•
th ice Of Dr PinklPills
as the. compsnY pays the tax., You
Call still obtain the pills through any
medicine dealer at 50 eents box,. or
by mail, 'post' paid, at thia• price, frona:
The Dr. Willlaras' Medicine!' Co.,,
Breckville Ont
, The Tree!s Heart -Beat.
Has a tree a, seal.? Has it a per-
onality ? ..'These ',apparently? -absurd
uestions ere proveked ,by Sir. J. C.
f the tree -
tree. The ',cellular' -parsations of: this
tissue in ;regular ''selitience. :by :their
arrested -they be"reviyed.by dnigs,
• brbloWS, or- ;by. Massage -
.the sugar -Canes. are actually 'milked. ,
The pulsation, df the ceil is nitre,
detected it by his electric probIn
with a• rem__ e.jiwiem_J.Attte.tei
Aey agent which quickens the', heart -
heat of the, animel alea, quickence the
heart-beat orthe. tree. --The '01'
tree is as.,'Wonderrul as the life ofnien.
'guard :the bahy egainet
nothing cart equal EabY'sT•OWn Tab:
lets. The Tablets, are a Mild laxative
.that Itheythe"littin'OneiiiTStornach
atid!bowele Waking regularly. ' It is a
A.Chnnti'llew,ele are ,in geed order that
colds will not exist; thai the health of
the' little one :,will;the rraid that he
th:lve and be ,happy.' The new
'sales tax will not increhee the priee of
:bays the tax. Yon cac,still late's] the
at g5 eentaa bog, et by mail; post paid,
froM The Dr.: Medicine CO.,
simple solution, but in vvhat is.,knoWu
as' the ,"colloidal" state, thus render,
Ina its extraction a Very' difficult and.
costly matter, - ,
At present, Indeed:the cost ,cif pro-
ducing gold' from sea -water le apeet
twenty times the Merket
. "Remember," said the sergeant, "ne
cane le allowed to diernotafit without
MUrPhy Was ne „eponer in the sed:
tile.. than the horse backed, and,
AUrphy went over hia lead.
"Front headquarters;!!
The Preliminary Step., ,
'Yoe say ,I3rown is ;fitting himself
b an Ameridam statesman?"
"Oh, yes; Ile's just left for a y -ear in
DOminion Express Mciney Orders., „.•
A man wanted to ring up the par -
quire& when he heard. the sound of a
girl's voice over the ,
"No,"' ehe replied,: sweetly. "I'm
ere in • Arabic; six in other 'Oriental
languages, :sixty-three in European
Eaetern and Western, latiguageb,
dria forty -'six, and . the rest of the
country fifteen. In feet Cairo with
a populetion of between 600:006 and.
700,000, 'has twenty-four daily rieWike
q!thulit be taught te
arents 'might produce lOng-liveCI
rem' but :they will: hilye no chdracter,
A chick Jabot the only useful me- h
chanism that can 'be displayed to pub- p
lie Vie* toWer or eteePle.. The GCS- d
man city 'of Munich hes, reeently eet
In- the tower Of the' niuseutti e huge
die] that shows the height of the bar-
ometer. The mean heroine:ter figere
fer 11ineiell appears nt the fel), and the
the hand points -to': the right or' to the
left of that mark to kumstiliw.r-Ienthlury, "IOUR DUI yen can 14'01110 _fie i '
a little More ,and got.his .finger On. the,
trigger.' quickly releasing ,hia , grip; on
the -beast's throat; he ptalled, the trig -
..The animal, es he diecovered later,
wee killed instantly; . the •bnllet broke
'its neck:' But Pienatir.• carrY•'to
his 'grave' the soars of the *minds that
'NO' adversary made in ,:that borrible
Timely Adilee.'
*: "I don't know all about hciiv farM
Should be run, but I do the best Teen,"
corn, •• oate., • potatoes, alfalfa, hogs,.
Chicken's, and aso 'en, do a fair dairy
business and ma,nage to own.%
.,.Don't let Us . manufacture irnagin- -
ary sine, btit concentrate on the sins:* ,
Beware. of Imit,ations
*listless %Yoh pee the name 'IllaYee ,
Cross" on package, Or tahlets• you
are not 'getting tke genuine Bayer .A.1
seilbed fir ,Pliplciant Over; tient):
Accept "Bayer Tablets' of ;Aspirin
oily. . Each unbroken' Package •ccia
of Melva tablets cost. few cents.' Drug
elate :also•.:sell bottles of 24. and -100
ASpitin is:the trade Mark, (registered
In Canada) 'of Bayer Manufacture 'of
is Well known that Aspiiin
means Bayer Manufecture,..•
the public, against irnitations,':the Tab.
eta of BaTe; Company will he atom.*
od with their general ',trade • inarke. the
buildings painted: up,. end so. forth: And:
good ,over. the: Way thinge
ere going•, keen comes an earnest fawn
1%,4...7._t. r.t.fICAGliifvciernSiiack-Fili:b'S*34 up
Hinnies' Leacittiae to Glees's Liver and
Bowels. of laillaY or Child.,
Babies' and:Olai1d,,f
genizine "Califon
'ren love 'tit take
elo other :entire,
regulates, the ten-
der' little howeisd
Remove the danger of bronchitis by
gargling with Minard's•in water.
An enemy to germs.
Ilver.-end bowels' acting 'without
g. , Contains; no' narcotics or scieth-
hag, 'drugs. Oa'y "California"' to your.
drUggist .and avoid couaterfeits!
sist, Upon . genuine "California 'Fig
Syrup" Which cOntaine, direction's.
Clear Your Coniplexion
Bathe with CuticuriZeligiattlathot
water td free the pores of Imperities
and follow with a gentle 'application
of Cutioura Olattnet# ti). soothe and
'-'.hea1,, They -arc ideal for Illetollet.
Lae ha also petit -um 'Ealcum for pove.i
tin oughou(r11::1)Omitlion-CawidiadDepot:
Mrs,. McMahen Tells How She
Found Relief by Taking Lydiii-E:'
,f Chatham, Ont., --,"I took Lydia IL 1
eun‘clown eonditien 'aftet. the birth of ,_
--')Itlekaelle7MarWilatieed-andylveak, hot.'
fit to de my work and, care for my three
little children, One day I received yet= ,
little book and read it, and gave up Lek-
ing the medicine I bed 'and began takin
better now and tun net ashamed to tel :
what it has done for me. I recommend
for nearly fif tyyears been restoring sick,:
-irregularities, tired, worn-out feeling; •
and nervoueneSs. This is shown Again and
again by Such letters at Mrs. McMahon
., writes,. is Well as by one woman telling
anOther. These women knoW, and are i
willing, to tell' others, what it did for, ' '
, Wont en who -au irar-shemki-w rite to -the '-
Lydia E,Pinkha in Medicine Co.LCObeittro.