The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-07, Page 4• v► r'or Barn. u' ipTent . ,W4P of this., ovehlr on th •fi ARY Pitt; IP4. ION, COUNTY , COUNCIL: - !h' At~the mean, of the, County m' uonn: i1 i><i Goderic�:1. last week, Reeve as, � Q. 'Erwin , of Hayfield, .was elect rd 'as Warden i Ex -Weider!' B. W. 1?. Beavers,' of c7xeter, eenductecj Warden Erwin to tho chair. In his inaugural address,, which `was brief, but to the :point: the newly elected 'Warden thanked! 'the ,.iembers of the, council and,' express ed 'his appreciation,. net only of .the. nnyyoonor t�heyt .had, doles: hTni� but ,also, bf-the: trust, the$'i acl .placed in his andg..t`,,k*^rye Zz i':ir� e7t. �ftzic'lt �a"4 s i "illocl the position' with credit ;t4 themselves 'their iiiunieipalitics apci;; the county, 1 hone,; with your: help, to fulfill the .responsibilities: and: dis- charge the duties' of the office faith-. fully. cotes eentiously'amt. impartially. fhe .tax -pa er is squealing; 1, believe 10 economy. and 1 prefer' -retrench ,neat. wherever possible, but'' our OOcL roads systuu iciest'" be niain ' aained to the. necessary standard for..; lie exceedingl�heayy _automobile ^and_ ? nor` Puck traffic of the day, ;lot .taking office as a man who knows •.:verything by any means. and 1 win .io niy- utmost to- furnish you' with any ntoimation that syou nay.requi a .ire': osmg Warden• Erwin.mnade. reference -o the ;passing 'of 'Our iate esteemed. CKNO7 5Et�rTTNE' 4141'4(4' l xt set, It itFwwYs has. flier .� 4 .•,-� �''! �+ .s' ill be' he liday tfor ,foo>a !Published' every Thursda morning So our loves alldleeeas.�,phut dot fro at LucknaNv, Clntazdo .$h..sins:,of, wo';oirne , A; D. Macke nZl4, Prupreetea -vented send there e s byt 1ttC1 ronancY are rn THPRSDAT, VAIIllIJARY 7th , 1324 Its train end' then 'there a (leelln geuerationS,' from the homes ef idle zarAiltz,174-14.4.7,41-1'15 -4 17"4'notZ:4;n: .1P'w;s4"atri7+.rta' .intich. left 41 it' man: atter. apending Whit enjoy a nightie. refreshing two terms there.. . -4 4 4.eataft0r a 410'0f toil, instead:of' of , office was, too. great for late, Lrial inert Often are •!* the heine-epra:, Wijapny'-•Whe ima.."jOst .Passed " away, 'and night -late .M6,- really big men •9•11: 'over -the, graves of their godlY for-. 'teal" I-Pi:Arent& the cranker has 'aet ih. intone. the Wealthy class, of a Capital. and Reserve, $0460.060 " - Over 125 Branchel his .instifutim offers depositors 'safety fol. their' say - and --freedom from-. fed t ape in' case of withdrawals,: DePOsits Of $1.00 and upwards invited . ,----T-Savnepart-inents at • • ':ifOtth Crea'OerY; ',,Hightest cash prices paid for Cream and Eggs. We guarantee ' service arid satisfaction to all our Givens a 'trial gital let us Prove "you that we are a worth while • ecil gr. Luckhow Branch Phone 63. • •Liickrtow 'Marble and Gran- ite :Werke, has a large,,and ,pleter-otoch—the most beautiful inigrie to choose •froni in Mar- e, 4Coteh and Canadian Gran; a Specialty of Family MOnuments and invite your inT..' and see ue before pladne- •.your artier. Lucknow, Ontario. Until 'we are permanently settled sea nonelos their lodge room evers, second Tues. - day of the month at 8 o'clock D.M. Guars insilearide Sr: IV. -,Ruth AlacAdarn, 76; Gla- dys ,Johnston, Robeit Seati, 72. NIelda Lane 59; . John HoWard t'6; -Myrtle Johnston' 55; Joseph Hogan „Sr. MacLean 83; Tom Howard' 81; James 'Alec/titian' .58, Li,te 77; Gordon Johnston 76; Lonis Hogan 25. Johnstone 78; Dick 'Reid 53;- Billie • Pr, Frank Drertnari 65;- James Dre- den umber on roll' 25, Average attenlr IV; Class—Horold" Camphe'l 84;', MaryaCamnhelI 82; Roy Madanis 5f4 jessie 56: Tem England 51 Prank 42; ItTyrie Gainble 29° dna MaeDoegalt 26*; Jim Stewart Or. I V.—Jessie . Collins; Harold Campbell; Flank IllacAan; !eyrie_ ar. Ill.—Lenard Madnnis; Malcolm nlyelyn ;MacDougall) ties.. • Ist..:-,-Jim MacNeil. Harold Stewart, . Examined in ‘History, Geography, Si. 'IV =BerOlitc-W-hi_nney-757-Per Clifford Crozier '67;' 'Lloyd,. Finnigan •dr. ID -Jean Anderson 78 per remit.; Frances. Crozier .77; Eileen,Treleaven ' Jr.. I -z -Gertrude Finnigan, Sr. V.--Examinationi—Algebrag L. Weatherhead 66; G: Farrier; 48; Sr IY.--;Examinations--Literature, History. Geegranhv. Arithmetic.' SPel7 Jr. IV.--L-ExaminationsL-Literature, 'Snelling, Grammar. ' Pherson 53; 'M. Thom 52; L. Durnin Those ix/larked (5) have taiseed eir- Jr.',IV.-c-'-,Katherine MacKinnon 58% 'Helen Svvan 58;',Alma Carruthers 51. Sr, III—Ted 'Murray 30.%; (Jim II:—Mary Belle MacLeod 73%; ona White 71; Harold Swan 70; David Henry Carruthers 70; John Mac- Kinnon 65; Elizabeth Robinson 62 Pr, Sr,—John Carrathers 65% : Ernie Carter 65. • No. on roll 22, Av. attendance 14, H, Seott, teacher Mr; Stanley HenimingWay has' re - tinned home te 'the West aftee in,g' friends and relations here, Mr: and Mrs_ Thos. MacDonald spent Thursday of last week the honie of the „.latter's ' brother, Mr, A- nurliber froth liere Miss: JOhnstim spent Sunday at her home near: •Whitechurcit.-• Colwell and .411dieti Were week -end viaitors. at the hone, of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Ittehardoon, Tile Jolly lioie dub iiiialtft trot' meeting at the flOma pf MO, the! Urfa, Before the. olithreelt„..pf, the. Gnat WaellieTe avai,-eVerY „indication that ,woUld.enk among, the 'great presidents, of the; Unien.. yo had sta, iligh ideals and ' good, intentiens, but his qualities' were those which fit .a.man for peaee hat ,Mexieo and with Germany he appear- ed to thirik 'that all disputes 'could, be settled by negotiations, and for tWo THEY,- NEED CANADIAN: WHEAT hard spring w,heat:is reeognized by the, Utiited States millers; especiallY yeara he wrote totes to:Germany Be': duty 7imposed by the Fordney . tariff, large qoantitiei of Canadian wheat catality et Ameriean thine Accord- ing te :United States euetimas Service •Dulotli amounted' 'to ,11,602,631 bu,shT 343,165,buihels in 1322; and .4,010,123 l'cii..-.-the-first--eleveti-inonths. of .1923. Even, with ;,the, tunount: .of Canadian seemed like a -znan who would° under- take to argne with' a' burglar whp had entered -his house and.,was carry- ing away his valuables. Being ' "toe prond to 'fight" is a Poor policy when It appears_ to have been 4 greet misfortune that Wilson instead of Reosevelt Was -.president yylien the. War breke 'mit. There .ie little doubt „but „it' 'greatly prelenged the _war- - costing millions of lives_ and saw at Mice,. what was• wrong,. 'he States,. flour milling "is not Hourish-' ;inonient's donbt aa Whieh the. .Minneapolis, .fhitir mills • In that State, , United States onght to. be on.. His were in, December running at ene7 gallant , Manner 'Would' in all liklihood. half. capacity or less,', and the output have carried the. aountry", With' hiln. in Was booked , almost entirely. for de- spite ' Of the foreign elementa Which mestic trade. -In . contrast with this; were either anti-British. or even fri- the readers ot .this Review, 90. told. -explained. So' he wasted' twe.Pnecione years' Writing. notes, 'and. finally • had weakly theught that •fight-, capacity on export demancL Canadian in, aore."0. ,at full attitude, which Republicans tinallY developed 'towards • the late, president and he wits deporneed as. ari, antockat; an extreme- partisan, and' a Miserable Weakling who Would • sacrifice atY, "prominent . in polities. -Hien' George Washington Was ealled the step-fath- thought, them: tyrants and crooks; - TORONTO'S 'SMART :SET ' 'The Toronto Star.. :Weekly of Jan- uary ,26th an '11111-strated artiele hiS,hat anki coat' and being shown the home in Terento.fortrying to induce icating--liquor".'7atnartY;:"-Ine"Oril47 Nye feel maid at the, same party requesting that' Probably . kneinibers of a lady ,eigarette smoker to, retire to theamoking •' ro6m at the -doer -of -the feminine 'devotee of.ticotine that prile. Three .young girls; to escape, boozing with their male. eacorts -""" lite -.Writer . of ;die Star ' article is one who has taken at. actirie interest. .:.,the ,arToroxittes Writer asserts that „ft danee net: iging'.ago .he counted '100 out of 170 young Women, who smoked. They would' impudently° -blow . smoke into their rpartperis faces as. they danced younger; simart set has become as :::Theaction' of the county council in eating the grant to the ,hOspitals in the county „in 'tWo is . one, that *ill be open ..to a great deal of adverse.criti4 cism; At any time this county:hits' not been over generous in ite treat:- ment.,ef our %hospitals, as compared; tor instance,' With the adjoining ,Coun-„, tY of Eruce, Which makes a grant of $2,506 each, to the hpspitals at Walk, erten 'and, Kincardine.' And , the. 'gybe few Year's 'ago, when. they •ap- proaChed the empty :council for „a grant ,towards the -Coat of „erecting lieVy--'-hospital 'in GcgderiA :'Were that the policy of the council was against making grants for constrnc- tien, but that, increased grants for mainteriance 'might be looked for, will feel, :that sontething like a, breack of faith has. been miule in, the , cutting the comity. council do not At Ail rea- liFe ,to What an extent our. hospitals are serving the cotinty ontside the towns in Which, thei are located. In 1923,, 250 patients were.treated at the Cloderich hospital and one-third:of the, -.side the town Possibly the coupcil mly;:ifeedId-havetteielitets brought out to reCtify- the- inatier'Of the grant ,at ..their..next_sesSion.t, In: addition to cigarette anneking the society -home, partieS by, :young ladies and- their immodeSt °dress and the familiarity e-1 recklessnesS be- tween the -sexes, it is quite custom--; ary :for' young ..,men to carry flask" these . scions .-of -wealthy 'fathers to. make theirS' uncomfortable by be- coming intoxicated; ' ners of tOte yoenger set is ,to be at- tributed, to the hostess: Who "'haven't acter AO put their, foot:down on Un- becoming 'conduct and make' it im- nossible '.for the ,guests to turn parlor into ir .sitioking room, For what unless 'deportment gives them 'decent Idleness ,is at the -bottom of , most Joseph, Guest, Cm WednesdaY even- ing of last week. A. good programme was rendered by membera of the Club, The reading of the Jolly TiMe News caused much interest. roller. AN? the Pregramme the mb-Mbers pyeti games and dane!no, peat Week visiting friends at Kintaii... 1V1r.oHarryJrWin and Misa vi -- 'gad .with Mr; and Mrs, George on Sunday. . Mr. and George Heary,'sPent day • recently " with Mr.' and Mrs, WM. Wilson of WaWanosh; Mr: and Mrs. Herb Stothers Mid alumber from here attended tl-e Tuesday ,, evening. Mee.' Herb Curran, of Mafeking, visited with, friends here on rhflr's-: We ,are sorry to report the illne, of Miss Ethel Finnigan, but bope -4pent Sunday with Ilia, sister Mrs, W.. , The , worst lias -happened, A• Scot who is accustorqd bagpiPiii has' ondemned Jazz, The test et free speech IS 47'4101.,teti nton von NM H. ilieeb, of Stephini„' an jlerk. (4.. W. Holman were appointe -0 the- hoareettrimital Audit, ' '• Reeve: Wm, Uoate.s. of Usborne dtd-lteeve Thomaa-biglis, Of How amioiated. ea -the 4oade COmaniesien. for .1924. •°. Albert' .Whitesides, ,of iteeiall, was tebert Higgins. of lieneall...*ere•a0 Ivor there, than: two houth Witter' there„was real live "war' Thursday afterpoonis sittings o, rinstrong of litillett. beating high e standard of economy, ,brenght in. e connection with varlen• ants. The' committee recornmende wing grants:: $25.. te ,the Herisai ed :Show, $160 to .each agriculture, ni;...$25 to each publielibrary„ se A gr go se tea for soh os t mit Old Bli mit the sch the Chi inst ed her Wh and war voca Pels and eel legiate„ ins titutes: -in the pitals-in the-enuntYTThe Shine "fit iOn" was recommended bY the sem:. airy aid from the Hosnital for Sick lid and' Sahration ,The corn tee' did' See tit, hoWever, to reCora nd that $25 ..be granted:: to vac) arden A; Erwin' Of Hayfield call.: ry- .the Chair. and repOrt Was ole.. Immediately the ,storrin•brolce, 'the disenssien beearne: ;rather' ai betWeen,_ the "sternest, adz, tea" . for economy and :retretich2 • • 11E1) F ARDWA.R.E, • STOVEf, WILI4',PAY YO U TO .pivE. us, A, CALL AS WE -HAVE A-STOYE TO SUI'1' YOUR NEEDS_ ,AND ALSO yOUR • g, Stove ,an Chestnut Coal waY's, On Hand RTEOU Phone triodergiteS" Who ,vverer 'in favor reeuctions all along ,. the dile; 'ehe discussion:-° became one. time --zonieSt-no-innonioas:,,sa:.,.betWeen, :the ...oral' and; nrhon representativest• "amendments an& the-!' chairman. ".sting• -one,. Or two cleeidnnk Hensel' Seed Show;. $5,0 to.° each ads., and $500• te each lieepital.. The 'The ''Counti.,Council 'eonelede'd its: op • Friday: he eouneil cut :Own ,its,'apecial grants o the. five aCheols:.,and.:dollegiate'in- • • • that the Coupcil saved onlY $4,1.00 in. .2.glants„this Session.. A. „Whole, eest-of.PrpVin.Ciiil •hignwit,,,a and, ., And the second:be:cause ;the Connell . :that it, in titre; might have: ie.'', r.i.ffirmed. its. nolicyzin retaining as 'n 01:e Road trent Grand -Heed . to Aiii; -.1 —777 Pord Predominates If fortlioriorT . W. African Proteclotito modibgeolko Won of South,Africo ranianyllto 'Gold Cowes Cambia effdah Boone* ow▪ ioundland ▪ Calidonla Awe a don virslontl prs F.rorti, time irnmemorit.,di 1.3ritons:hafe,gone forth and pioneered - In the face of 'seemingly ineqperable die:la/hies they haVe built up .a -World-Wide trade'-=4tracie that grew and flourished in spite of the limitations ofthose primitive 'burden -bearers, the 'native Carriers; the Mule' train end the caniel caravan. t'ord carries the 'burdens OthrnPire 'trade on the and New ZAAlsixil „on. the- plan toritnrinitCeWri iind-BUrrna! Universal Usage under all theSe. con.ditions has stainpeci the Ford as -dependable transportation. 'Made Ccinadc.i,for '04.! Enikire The Ford oar eompletel'y made in. Canada 'with ' the exception of parts to !.he ;value 6E415.02, • , See Any,Autherized • 01470