HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-07, Page 142.00, emit TEAR pt ApToclo; .r4.511 OTHERWISE, 4T.E,ION4R74 $(„IliQB,ON.,.. EiphO, ..V•40ne. 29, niglit or' DENTIST' Apr.:.1,1VIar:tooll-wi1l.. 1.411C.411_9*-, ekety Tuesday in Dr, Connell/A Office; • -.I o i?oCAL AND GENEKAk 1. • Mitt in'at? at ',the. heine Of Mi. an. Mrs John Agked- ' Vain1101144.". LuelFneWs: every 'Wed- "neAday afternoon.:7Ail chr3nie dis-' ases successfully •treated. •Osteo...• . PathV "tanioveS tiie naYsieal eaus'es. "of ; .disease.* Adjustmeht, of the '8pifle is more quickly ,pecured, and • with•rteiver, -• trcatnients. by Osteo• pithy than by any other method. Toronto priecs paid for all kinds of , poultry; „, • ,Dit MAUDE C. BRYANS • Registered, Optometrist Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- ogy. McCormick "Medical College. Chi-. cago. III. ,...... •• heaaaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu- lated (Eyelids. Watery Eyes. Pain in Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. Pus or Watery Diseharge from' Eyes and Dizziness • caused by filye-strain re- .lieved through properly fitted Glass- ross .Eyes straightened through -pronerbr fitted 'Lenses - Satisfaction Assured At the Cain Mouse; Lucknow„ Ever* Wednesday Afternoon and 'Evening, •FOR SALE---Nordhirner Piano in good Condition., J•ipplY to G. A.' id" uaist.•Lucknew., 8-11 ti • LOGS WANTED We . the .undersigned,. are in the • . , market to buy the following kinds of %togs. cienyeied at our Saw, Milt at 1-:Pulelinew.;---.basswbod, Hard and Soft ko.apie; beech and Birch. Vviii pay ue nignest market' pricefor tile ' above, '. owing to our having a. large stock of „Elm lumber on hand; and, tnere: being very little sale for Lint furniturewe are' not in need of Elm' logs.' However, from' persons putting -*in a ;good quantity of other logs: we • will be willing to take a small 'ratan - providing the logs are large and.gooci stock. •, • ..Lucknow Table Co', Ltd., • J. Button, Mgr, ' TENDERS WANTVD , Sealed Tenders will be received by the under,signed. untifthe .45th day Pt' February, roz4 for 'the erection of a new Brick School House in S. No'. A.shirield. Lowest- or any tender not necesSarny accepted. Icor mans _ and apecificatin apply to Win. Clare, R. it,„ 7,';Lucknow, ehone 81r4 Dtingannon. -,LOST,-:A -Pox Hound---Biack-and ,vvith..sniall-white,spots,...-hat pone - sore feat, Any ,person„ knowing., of . hini, kindly report' to L. .MacDonald, Store; Kinloss. ' • AUCTION:SALE: • Lawrence, Bowe, half imire- north of KinlotS•rr-Villaga-will7have-an-Anc,tion:- - Sale of hit farm stock and ,imple- • Merits-. on; Friday,:- Feb'. 'meneingatr,1 o'clock pin, Mr. Bowe has a good lot of sttiff and everything, will be Sold is he is giving up farm' , _ing. • • John ; PUryis,'Auct. J. CANNON, STOTH,ERS, APPOINT- , • • ED SCHOOL INSPECTOR_ , • , Many friends...in this digit:jet Will be lcased at the nes�ftheap •. Pointinent-of'. j, Cannon Stothers, 0.1iaof inspector of the Miiske- ': kit" diStrict in .suecessiori to the late • . Inspector &oven. Mr; Stothers is a . . „ • 'brother' df Mr. 0: B. SAthers,"distriet agiicultfiral tepreeentailve.fOr*Huron Comity, :Ile was •bOrn in Ashfield •a %son of:the late Win, .Stothers, a form - et' reeve' Of 'H P e graduated • , • from .the Goderich Collegiate. insti- tutc in 1904,:iie taught for five years, Athfield ' and. Nos.: 7 and.4 :Colborne:: Univer- sity With specialist standingin En lish, .And .had :taught . in Toorrito • for ti nuriabeI..ol' Years', lately at the Ryer- , : ton lichee], He waa a veteran ,of the war, having 'served in.'the Scottish , 14ig1andcrs, 1541 Ptattalon, His new. .anpaintnient is.: from the Denniiiion Pcivernment. WEST nuti',E ORANGE tZlidg 'the annUal meeting, or,. Wea"Brute 'CountyWas held" at Ripley. T11081:114 of this' Week. The, folio*, • big. ,oflieeril were elected:---,CoUnty Walsh, Barviii; Deputy County 111alitei; Rev, C, L, Langford,' ' 3.putknoW,.* Chaplain,' Bell 'Lotto:if., Alp: Dophty ReVils, Cos - One, Lawitti; ,Jo'hitOton Dickson and • OtSiiiiro; Rc. See'y,,, Chnii, SteDonatit; •tiot;,.; ',P ttrkt r, • tniekliowt: Roth». lv,lareWto. Othertiet Ripleyt ' t4ectOor8o Wr •NOVO -1400ti ". • • Mrs.,' Allan ill'urner,` who,-• ha been •corifined to the'house,for 4 eQapie of , weeksris alate to be about again„ :Genuine Saie Bargainn. ,in 'every iteint"-At" . •" • t • Miss.,Bell Mniehisori who has been in VVingliam the Past Connie of weeks isagain in charge of the office work' at •Silverwood'it'S"-13duldilig wlfo IC ; the hemeof•J, ,H, Aciceit ..for a.. vis it tang verY-feeling.,1,Y-a7eor.nie-of-soloS- in the Methodist •last Sunday • ,, cvening ' . • 'Dont forget. we are giving Real, Bargains A. Palnier. .• 'The, treasurer of. the MUSkokit, HOs, pita' .,for ContuniiitiVes acknowledged receipt of $65.59 contlibuted by Luck-'.. new.,citizent, at the:time ofthe seere- tary's recent Visit. ' • Real 'Genuine Bargains, --20 Days' Great Clearing Sale of Winter Goods at Cameron,: Murdoch See on last 'pagei-showing..their Re-- duced. Clearing, Pnees. • , Mr, R.I. Moore who was Seriously ill Saturday and Sunday last has been anProVing de Past •fevy days.His 3i8ter, Miss Della Moore, has come, frOni Toronto to be With him Don't forget :11illiard's Sale:is still an this week."' Another 'Cold 'Time" dance wjll Fit' held in•the:Te*n Hall on,the:eireiiing• Of Feb.*a4th; ,(St,..:"Valentine's' Day.) Good music and geed lune.h ate sUred," Old time dances only..Fire , . , auspices, Couple $1,00, extra lady 25e •',FAMILY THEATRE --"Front Page Story" • on 'Friday. and SatiardaY= „Friday at 8 : o'clock, Saturday 1.30 and 9,30, The Comedy with this. pic- tureis tarry .Seemon, in "Dull Care," fuesday* and-.'Wedifeaday.-7"Harbor Lights."" AthoU MacQUarrie ,rho has . . been managing editor of the. Goderichi Signal :tinen August of 1921 has'giv en, up that position and it leaving Goderich.: " Mr Robertson, who was taking:a needed' lest has again taken fUil: Control: Mk. Huntley 'Gordon Wentlto De troit last - week Where -he has taken•asiti. wit t e fehigan State In- speetion Bureau;. Mr..: Gordon has been ari,...inspector. on the „proviricittl. highways the peat two years: We wish, hiin success In his new penitiqn. Paliner it offering his entire_ stock to the Public at best prices ever offered:in:tnek.noW....:Call.end-get-your.: share Of bargaiiit. ' ' • Mr. A D: Patterson,1LP, for Lad- ner, was in town for 'a few days' this' Week .on 'a Visit to his sister, Mrs. Wrn,' MacKenzie,. Mr; 'Patte.r,- _son's' early home was .near I.4tirkPOW ,and -he.:dadyea*-meatinK, :manyoid friends ` after an 'absence. of Many ycar• „ . .We notice.7t4: .that Cameren.' was over... in the, County" TeWn recently giving an address before the Walker,' •ton„ WelfareLeague, an eigani.zatiofl. for the preniotion,of good citizenship,. Mr, Cameron's. address on.,,Tnii.NeWP Lane Of ,Otira,".. was"mest • appropri- ate to the occasion and. was- well re- ceived., , .•, • Mr, • :Alex, MeDongall; his ,wife; and Son E G. .MACDougall„'Of Van- couver, B C., visited their'I'...neknorr,. frientip:., on Monday; and. •:.TiiesdaY; • rhey were on .a tiip which took thein asfar south as the Panama Canal where', they crossed to the , Atlantic_ and Canie.north to Nev.York, , touch-. , Cuba:: Mr, MitcDou-; galr'. spent a. feW days at Montreal; vhere he had ,business with the , dir- ectoi'a of the C.N.R, His firrn...is just coMpleting a large building , Contract with the B. C.; Governiiient, A sis- ter of Mr, ' MacDougall, - ,Norton, of Guelph, •and a, brother, 'John; of ahir'') -visited here; A philosopher is 4 jokesniith' who Sits near a foton radiator and Writes, merry jest about a tOtii.shortag Wittink romantic poetry is more difficult liOW So.".,,feW things thYnie 'with henna( • No inero.vanip can Wein a liushafid away from Croitt who kndivii the' tirt. °of Man ttoeifti. .ittittikt-'pottitatolit- *ovii 40t. $90, iaott: 'Orinfolet*hi,r1" When 'Stuart Rebertsen and Men Went to, NOrk Thursday morning of last We'elsat a_barn:on- -Farm;41th Con, of Ashfield,. -they---found,-that-- the.--•gasenginethey-... had been nsing-114c1-13ePri fconVertcd, into soniething like junk 'during. the night hefOre,-,Evideritly 4 crowbar.or, an,...oX•had been uSed in an effort "to. . smash the engine ethnrdetely, .4The belting.' and tpartai of the ,engine bad been carried away and'a few screens belonging to the 'flax mill .had :been destroyed. ' ' . Mr, Robertson has quitea large' ,qUantity: of flex, this season and Of, the flax straw into tow, and it is th,;, -machine...used in this work that was .broken someWhat-iimilat'liieee of mischief was perpetrated on Mr,. Robertson. outfit 4 year age; whOi belting and a magneto Were cairried The -(Ininage• was quite' evidently the Work of some Miscreant . 'whh Ought to be ."doing,time," in Kingston Penitentiary or other plat?? of :Safe keeping. The destruction is evidently, a piece of spite werlt, While the is not, serious the breaking 'Ofthe machine causes :much", inconyenienee, -.-The--mari-who--indulges in -this, sort 'of nitschief is a Meimee to the Com- Munity and it ,is liopecl•, thathe will be disnVered and put where be can do no Warm. • ; .DRAM.ATIC -SOCIETY SC04ES: SPLENDID SlUCCESS. **What' Happened to Jones" Draws ;.God Crowds and 'Greatly Pleases: , It cost a .lot of workand, a :lot' of., WO'rry, 'dolibt hut the folk' who . . Presented the }inn-lei:ens .1 drama "W ha t•--HapPeri ed .oyen,inks withinthe past week •must' feel well reWarded "Jor their•effortS • • ...,"Ithe play is -very good, as 4 coM7 ..)(4y.;". it plaYed;:. the Town Bair was- packed the "'first evenin-; :(Priday"- of lett week) and, the-rewas. a three-quarter house at the second presentation on Tuesday; and the audiences were well 'entertained' and • well pleased, ' ••, • Those ..whe took ,part .were Bridge, 44: g. 1eid, T,' Watson; W, Anderson, E., Miller,1D,.M. Johnston, Ca'ntelori, Mrs! W. L•:Macken- TitURSDAY,.. 'RIPLEY AND VICINITY Mr?. Kenneth • McLeod i ,eonfinefl -EAR. .to her home Saffering from a Severe'. -a64.05, of ••- • - Stewart H15oleY who Im?.,heen very 1S-inakinelffsplenFr' Alici'receVerY; ••• . • • Mrs Albert 'I'raplin and babe ar- rived home, frem. Kincardine Hospit- al Friday. . , .• Mrs., Jahn Su tb e rlandi,16f t,' Satur- day for London to spend 4. popple" Of. 'Weerci'ameng-4....frien • We are pleased to report that Mrs. Angus Martyn Jr, who, has been quite • ill is ,recovering • • - • eIiLand,„ber_ brother Lorne Hall, of Kineardine are visiting at .Mrs, , Mr Andrew Johnston of the 9th Con.. -met with. an accident On Satur- day morning. ,Driving 'down the line i.the cutter, he put out her arm: as it 'tipped' and had a :bone .in .the ter- .r-- Alias :Dor.alda, McLepid••. goes . to „Stratfoi.d.;on Thtirsclay to attend the "At Ifor.oe" M the Noi•niatSchool. She will be allsht till the following -Tues, • The C G, I, and th.eir leader are ,talfaVe aThin bk, party at the Manse after -schoel' on "Friday. 111.rs.••:.Robt. 'Munn returned from Torontoon Friday evening, Continuation 'Scheel Literary:: Mrs Thos. Harris spent a "couple of days .with ;her father, Mr, M. T. '11JVI'Man, whois'Stillconfined to his room', in the Kincardine Hospital :A Social Hour ..*" •• ' Donald. McLeett,.,(Zorl'a). ' an: lifpd :lady of Huron While sitting On n :chair' on: Saturday. Morning, *as seized with a"fainting"spell. In fall- Pinp,•,the fr,,...ctivred, her, hip'. •At time of eonditiOn:iq critic:al, Mrs DarwOo'd of Kincardine it A :daAgilier, . , „ • On Friday afternoon With. the Pres- ident Dorothy •Jacksen -in the.chair, the three *forms Onjoy.eci-an,iinusOilly good mcetifig The 'Glee Club tang seveiaI nunibers'; a quartette and -to, los,-.,were well rendered : 'Each (dorm ,hadlprep"ared •a class' paper•and it go- es .without .'saYifig ,that these 'drew fortli tiuclt applause, Fven Beach - ..man. gave a- bright. and'sensibie addr; ress. key.' 'Who'' is no elernent anon -:the' boys ,andgirls, spoke : on -Some' Of. 'the' • qualities-. necessary for a - student. .• These Literary.soCieties are powerful zie suss '6nnie maeponaid mis--w educative, forces' in School life • and m ell m_i N Th h,.. ti spots to look 1•I •• to in aftar • 7 SINGLE, COMM 114hritteds ?atSZiailll :1,y!heaolnItiWinieehatvewl etileliirilie 'doing 1,P3w7 she askedDo not answ, er-now-Think about it. ReVe we out- grown WaS11einleetxitnglui ne r Ya.- - SPrhia14'.1;ehonu180eVe? int0,-.4L-10F:hougeflroni,the-countrYL-for-,_ -eiii*Tiri-S, and have '4. :Pie Place .. a, ;asphoinuntinigt.n. w11! 40: . Po. i°..t.: an8Wer . thi4.. now either. ,I want.,:yeir,to think. Aeolirmittee todookafter. Dr; ings lecture consists of Mrs. Bryce, Mss Stanley and Mrs, White, A .eorn-': mittee on future friianCe includes Miss McInnes, Mrs. L, Culbert, ,Mrs,. Kelleher, Miss potty .4pd Miss Ye - Was given by the Rev, .Mr, Dickson of the Anglican church, Ile spoke of India as a glorious nationaltheritage sundered by a dozen great languages, riven ,by caste, split by Buddhism, Braluninism Mohammedanism, et!, India needs regeneration .from the power of new- life from Christ. ASIIF,IELD NOTES Mist • Maniie 1V1CDOnald or • Pine River, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs Jack Henderson, of Paramount chiming the week -end.. • MTS RObt Johnston; of Detioriti,7-is visiting With :her .mother Mrs,. J. D., McKenzie, Of Lochalth. Mr and Mks. Tom Hackett and dau:: Spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., ,Clair Irwin ofParanioirti Mr, Archie Medaul *he has spent the ,last-two,manthS" in Detroit, has returned to .his 'honie in-LOchalsh, , Mr. and Uri; Walter , Alton,,. of Lanes, were the guests' of Mr and Mrs Max Rifynard of Paramount dur- ,ing the week, - Mr, Murdock'. McGregor; of .SaSk,. atcliewan.,..is visiting aVhiaheme.near Kintail, . 'Stewart of Lucknow spent a feW days with fri- . grids in Payinnount„ Mr. •Albert Cook; "ef..:' Paramount, 'spent a day recently with friends in ' Bessie Barnby, of -Lothian, is sriend- a nionth visiting:with friends in Ham Barger, of. Lothian, 'return- ed 'from a month's visit with friends . • in Toronto: ; ' , • " • . ::James Alton, is Spending a Week with his son Mr, Chas. W Al • ton, Torooto,_. nri s crinj)s , s • , . •-year.s. , • A Vatned Gift,-1:In the nieining,-ser- 'vkin Si, ArnireiV'sM.SundaY Andersorr,-MISS L Cam It is not, undue praise.,:to -saylthat every part was well taken; They were and. as stars 'we might:nien- tion,Mr. ',Bridge „WhO1145:ed the parf ,1"Jonet", and Mist :Campbell :he 'Very effectively represented a rather but cunning, The MacKenzie ,'-Orchestra • enter- tained the Crowd before the' cuitain. •vent up, and ,gave „selections between. Mrs.', Langford tang a sole on Friday , ,evening, , ana, 'Misses Mary Aitchison: and Martha IViacCallum contrihnied A' dueton 'Tuesday even- ing,' Misr$,I* en .presitled-at-the7-p4.-- ano •forthose who sang, ..--Onbeth-evenings • the play Was tot- loWed by, 'a .dance, andvve understand • ' s'i4.'-f-rkiiet,s, in .a.` ll!eW --iinpressiVe aiiI (orating 'words,, announced the gilt of 'f,Ofirheaiitiful plateS. for the Chur,• Ji offetinq.s,'bestowed by Allan- K. hjsI -,T-iother, Mrs Kenneth A.' Mc -Lay, who (lied Dec" 13th j[923,"'The eOngre atiori .stbod,while Dr. Barknessiatter, ed.a short 'prayer dedicating the -pia: tes to their service and then he ..pre-. sented 'them' to theushers for. the .111 i steadily growihg •••• Stoddard' is, doWn. on the Pro - examine To-iTaii. ffittdrusi-at.the March • . , -Irit-,itute. 'Let us make'. it; .public 'meeting, A h•ealthful interest in ,beal- that evenings. .were silecessfulAim: , s , , _• AS the measles Cheated the public , school out of their Christmas 'festiv-, HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY.' 414 ,MiislJanet Welsh gave her room a. gay hour floe( 3,00 -to .00 on Fit, The firSt, meeting of , the LiterarY, , day; All ,the pupils.'"and teieher had society for the Spring terra was held written 'their:names on slips of On Jan, 23rd; from " 3.30-4;9041.111, 'The •per,-; The 'slipt. Were ..,throWn •••into " a Meeting:Was.opened with, kekiburs by. :hex., and' 'tetsed: about; Each one in the school, followed by a short add-. the •robto drew a lij, and found out ress by the President, The minutes of , fo)... the firs,t'Ite.vvlioni the gift he or the .• last Meeting Were ,then red and she .had ina.cle';or bought was going,. adopted, following this was the tree- Kathleen ;Matheson a:visitor. gave "a siger's report.. A selection:was.. then recitation, but the i!est Of the time yei.idnincrECY.WtirnTstliiibrarCifeStrteratr 'War 'de-feted-td-"'-tlfe'ldll-igSrlffftrhlifg .ter this there :was al chorus by th'e. Piest gables.wherein everybody had a „ boys of Form 111, Rev, Mr.- Langford delightftil' thie arid -a gift,. • gave,' every suitable:address dealing with the ..writing. of final'. examin- ations, The School,wat then favoured ing of the, Ripley -ilranch of Wornen's with an inatitunehtal by Jean; Durnia, InStittiteS mot at, Mrs', Yeinen's on Stewart MacKenzie moved a yiite of Pl•'idaY•• Feb. 1, wIih an adtleitaancb:of thank* to ,Rei. Mr,, Langford Which 81. TsP lia, hi8tritli•t:116.6.q(Itoodw,ats,iestillni,gout-tiolse 40.(1'ritye ' Wad* seconded by Malcom inacInnes. .1• • and very heartily earried. The meeting -valle•Atedtit-hwel;.itLthse4;etri;;ging4::of:the, Nation-. . , OLI) TIME SKATE ,Old 'timers will beat LOMA Rink, on Tuesday night next, week', Feb,, ro„, in,attendanteAdmishiot Addlts Mei Children " StegirAL EVEr4INO ° , toeknow 1,fidge jt: b, 0, r. Innca in an informal and iiniuMijg hol,d'' a aocinl.' Friday c>f iilgtuter-rof6Piiect thie.wOakt .oboitt se6'ing' iottoalihtotito. thi of last nieeting readr the treasurer's' .-111,01p .b.e.4r.s1-M1d. the rorrespondence...J ,. _ - , carne en for discuionA su I , I3P .stne t- NOTIC d i tary course in home nursing • it to be. An accoUnts' must bs settled before conducted by ' Nurse Alexander, ,of mariii 1924. , • , • 1 • L • , Hazel Ray- iard and •Nelseri Reynard of-Paia- -lin'ount spent the week ;end with Mr: and .,.1,Wrs: Walter AltonofLane's " • MaCLeod; .Old,resi- dent of the Lochalsh district, on l the HiiiOn'side died on Wednesday -She had been a widow for.'a.nuinber f ••• Th Al Will be to Rip- ley .•.CerneterY on Friday , afterneen. , . ,,p/i Wednesday night of last 'week two -fellows With axes, or some -Other weapons; visited the barn on .the Intyre-fai•in' at "LAttlian;-.-ancrTdittLa 'couple of hundred dollars dainage to the flax -threshing • --ontfit-.-of-Stuar Robertson, whichhe has there to thresh the :large crop of flak he has stored in the barns, It is the general, opinion, that the "reptiles"- who did this,.did it for revenge because Stu-. art,in doing nothing but what was his duty, and what any other self- respecting citizen wotildr, under the same 'circumstances' who had the law and order of ,the coinmunity at heart Would do, informed the authorities; that there Was a Still in operation in a vacant house on, the boundarY., It is just whatdhootleggers and swarnii.-. vhiskeyc. makers Would do, for they mtk!.-494.11wf_Atl.0s.41:41,.. p.0 M.,ttr vhere they are-,loCated;"-The-auth'er:. ties are now Working On the ease and t is the fervent, hope of everybOdy hat they will be aticeessfnl•in:finding.' ut the guilty ' Parties', If they tail t will he' poor etleourageinent, for nybody to inforin 'On law breaker4;. 1VIra. (ReY.) Ilardie• is, tendon for a few days this. week,' Toronto for June 16•-27, ' the fmoving spirit of the GeOrgetclvvil t. A, Pahner LtidkIlOW Mefeliaht, ..tinienian Patin' will speak it Ripley ..,.......6.0,6,.. 'OitfMiteth II-, and in,. Lucknew Mar,. .. ...„... ..... AtitAt4' MARKETS' .12,', ,PiVe dellara' was voted to help the ihildren's. Shelter' in wolitettoti to mz....: . . . ,,,, .a....qsis'a.,, * 4 4 i' 0% if V 1 4 4 1 i 4 4 i; 4. 44040ek2gel ' tnlitha§a A ,y16ti,04; and .11' sitnilif.gitt ..,„„„1,,, . • : , , 't.,$(ic, .04.11•419r 4.41444,1i r lo . ?! .. A I, the acelety, 'Thepresident Miss MC. 11°0 ' ' ' '' '.;''''' ''' ' ' ' '''' ' ' $7.6 was apportioned to a young friend f illtheikt' Ir 4"4 . 4 4,4 4 . 4' '4, 006.05C, „.011411 -Ti roan fok, ; I 4* 4 4; 4:; 4' of' .0$1.0 hoyt Bikotyt., • ,SI LUCKNOW HIGH REPORT • Fenn:• , Standing given in C., frik,..Pvimg1:4, ^9q(-igrai.?!iY01 A-Igetil* and tatifi,„:"' . A, "BaNusr 1 I; 1 C., F; P. Calner- *..910341j7.4z.v...xxifiail-i:4T F;' m,- Douglas 5 I; N. Douglas r; 1-ilt C* P Grant 1,1 .3- F; H,enclerSciri a 1; 3 II; M. Hend- erson 211!, a C,1 F. "N- liodgins 3'F; • TA. jerniesori 2-11 -1 HI; GyiTOhnstob '..lvieD.oligall• 4 D": McIntosh 3 I,' 1 'III, 1 C; S. McIv- r 1 1; 1 Q, G,'MacKenZie -II, .111';'' 1 F;;M, MacKinnon ,111acDonald .2' I; 2• III,- 1 C;M. Peiey a .c, F; J. c Stein 5 F. J. SteWart. r. 1 m ;tewart 5. I-; I. ",Strathdee 4 C., 1 fi';' ;',-C.,'Ilornpstifi 3 I, 1 III, 1 C; p.. Fin-. •a;,•Son 1 F;.B- r C. . - Tested in Physiography, Zoology, Arithnietie,' English 'Grammar'. and; Geometry'. ,.. • Alton, 01/iVe 3 1, 1 II, Alton, Elizahetti 2 C, 1 F; Burns, Elliott 3, III, C;• Chestnut; Beisie. 1 C 3.F. Felce Ruby 2.0 2 P; ,Oe'acing Margaret- 'F; 'Grant, Isabelle 2 . T, .3 Hackett; Lena 2 I; 111, 2 III; , Rogan, • D en . ; Piegan;LW_Ill Eet:liabaw; Annie 1 2 •Kennetly,;Olive."2,11; 1- 2 F;•Mae-'"' r.C, Mad:- KenZrei, Mary 1 C;. 2 Y; Murdie • Clarence 1 .III,, F% :Myers. Margaret 1.1-, 2 II, 1 III,: 1,Y; Shackleto.n, Alice . C;']..P; Smith Lottie.1 0,. 2 F; Sproule Willie 2 C,•'13 Stewart Jean .5 Tliompson,„ Andrew 'I 'I, 3 : C, *, P. ;7 Thompson, CaniPbell' .C, 2 • , Form III `. Tested in .Anc. Hist., AIg, Bi Hist, Fr Au, :Anciers'On, 'Elsie 1 n, 1 ,0; 1 Blake,. Grace 1 II, 1'111 1 C." Colivell --A-Titra72 ; Chestnut, Isobel 1 III,, 1 'C,: 1 P;- Durbin: ..Jean 2' 1•.;., Marjory..4. c,, •F, ton, Carnian..a•C;;1F; Hogan, Wilfrid 1 F.‘,", (a); Johnston, Isobel 1 d; .Kilpatrick, ' Palmer 1 ,C; Lane, Beisie,1 'II, 2 17; Lane, . jean .1 1 II, 1,51 oFisi,;z.iligcLaemD.yeniaald2,',.,A4h:nlie;,1.;,..1.4a..oCD;oMnaaied-, Selena 1VIacNabb; Jack 1:0, 2 F; , McQuoid, 'Ruby r It; 2...F;'Mc- . Gillyray,; Tola 1 11,-1 .C, '1 .(a); Mac- Kenzie;'Stewart 2'C; MaeIrmis,,Mal.. Mal - coni I. I, Mona * 2. C;, MiirdeCli,, Wilfred :2' F.; .:Murdoch,f -Lovell .1.4.;:::Ostorliout, DonglaS41-11I; Reid, Eldon 171I, .1 111, 1 FShackle- ton, Finlay 1 I; "Switzer; Ena. ,1 F;,,•Todd., vera; JII; :"Treteaen, Harold. t II 1 • 'Woods Vei.a ,Saturday Specials Cream puffs Chelsea;gunw-7.-7Poughnuts- -- nefich Pastries Whole Wheat .Bread • • Horne. Made Bread - 011STITIalfS • Phone 36, ' Luckairew NoTEs. TheGL:Id--'7, Ca Monday evening, the inerebers•..:„.4.o.d" had:a yery enjoy- -able ;and . educative 'meeting, with .• •Our. Canadian Poets." The : pro. " gramme prepared by. the Literary Qemmittee was eveptionally good. Jessie .McKenzie took the 'Scripture reading. . V,Vilfred Murdock gave IL paper' on Drs. Wm, 'Henry Drummond, ,rnciting, in closing one of this writers ehoiee,,poemS, "delinnie Courteau, gratin of•LyOung. girls contributed a AlelLtergtexled. chortle. Misa,,Katie_MC,- !gur-ialU read •a paper on ut:ie Indian ...lie, • • poetess; PaPline. 'Johnston; and .a.4ce44. Mary Douglas to read "The •Song My Paddle Sings,". one Of her best poema. ;rat -lam kicNey rendered "a co,..iple of :„ violin Solos, • which reeeived, 'hearty applause; while the High .School Or: ehestra favored the meeting with music. 1VIrss .Mary. Connell gave an :will :take as his subject. next Sunday Oi:'0,hteiii`Cehe's:tteml..n'taletlirYquekci.T°1; much • meeting,- t Wartimeg,41nappreciatedobringPet ; •` Rev 11 .'Osterhotit B A.* B inorningl, Paul, l'he Enthusiast" the. sermon oTh----i7rflie Great- _ ness- or.Great Men, At the evening: :service, eV. A. ;13, Stevenson of Strati- fOrd ,••••••-Ac i the interestsof the: Lord's 'Da''."y7A-Illial:Ince; All Welcome, A -niott' interesting' meeting of the , Epworth League was arranged for last Monday': night by Miss Annie But. Ion who is- in- c.liarge of the Christman . Endeavour ,Department. Jack ,Otter, hout "WaS 'in the •chair, The shepherd Psalm read .in unison and; the .hy-', nirth and music was all suitable to the topie aiid 'fitted in yerY. apropriatily.. The• •topic:•"The 'Song of the Syrian • .Guest".....Was-givenby Mrs, Rev. Oster- "liont,', readings! were_„.given'ibi.Aliss .M4Y-c.:2•:aret Rivers, and Miss Myrtle- . Palmer. ,solos were well rendered. by B,oulding'and• Mrs, X, W,•JoYht ..1v,1ilddil.e;1(1.4.".elktrelera'vMenis.rsT',Gheerretudwel'isa4111 gobd, attendance. ilarknesS. of Ripley 'and . A S Kiiloss :attend.. cd an adjourned meeting of Maitland , l'preiliTY.teil.,a1.Executive at Brusselson Fuesday afternoon of last wee . rilrOgrani was .arranged for. the Pres.' • byterial meeting. at Walton im Tues- day, May, 20th., Mrs, Robt, Ireland of. atet °West appointed- delegate:, to •Lhe' meeting at 'Hamilton,;, a d .Mrs -' Gellert was nominated for - he office" of Provincial M. B, Secret- whe „Avirt tour the .'resbyteria! ,March visiting 4the Auxiliaries ,in the last, tour,_. ST1' HELENS , 1 1,-2 F;•WoOds Alvin 1' C,' ' • 'town , • •• MacKenzie, Gladys r„MacDonald .F Mary'Mactritos.h, • loyFinlayson, Fiances':ThOmps, 'Winhified Arm:strong..., . °Good-LFfed SteWard Helen .Me., ,L'eod; ]Don aid Hen clerSeri; .1!,/argaript" .1VlacDona1d; Teni, MacKenzie, ,.tvy 'Fa ir-÷Lereen Naylor*.; Roszelta TEulIin,:,•:'Armstron Wilson, • IS ob61 • IvIelitillan*,' Pauline Reid*; "Wils'On Armstrong,: taura-L-Webste,r1;-----,--:,..--,- Finloyk..:1, Eldon 'Agar." cad n stenc;. Dav:1-11 Horne,' Mae McMahon, 'Ilareld ;Greer ' IThrothy, Nixon. Maribrie _Henderson, TsennethtCarneron4r*Marion•-'-.Cousins, 'Kathleen' Ferris: , , ' Baker*, Elwood ..S.e.to-. • 121011,. Donaldn pep fV4,1e. Jr.; W1114. SteNr.hi7tCanierett Tori cPina1d, Harold Buttbn, ‘0Sent, durin(!' tic •iponth • Nortitoni1th0,,1,11,:s, on,;,tea chei !t , Senior • ' Class-ExCellent-:-.Kathar• line Ma,c,ke.nzie;,,Margaret Helen :MacDonald, Mideolm. ,Watson, Arabett.'Cameron*;' Winnifre'd. Web- ster, Vera Shevriff. • Buswell*, Sheila Mae:. • Rea 'Watson; 'Cliarie :Webster,: difford :Webster; 'Bertha +Milne, Fairt-tArchie, MacMillan, Elwyn Pentland,"Mary '-Jewitt, ,••• „.Junior ClatS-LEXeellbrit,,,,Slick'Bra- bson'`, Arthiir , Andrew, Alan , doeho, M3,itiorzt, .PAiniot*, ,Ste wart"!, Loiiraine; ilrabson*.i Phillips Difenary*.. ' • , Good -Clarence Order,. ;,Almeda Duroin*f MeIntO.s:ht 44a Wat- son, eA8ie IVIs4kenzier`i, •Alex' Smith, Harold Johnston*, FairL-Stella..St_eWart;*;;;Evelyn Nix- on, Margaret • Button, Stewart Those marked with (*) have beln 'neither late no absent -Airing the month, ' J, MtieCallarri; teaeher, R�fr Vit :jects7..:hdC1f.41:t:1:CaPhYd8Peiling. Sr,IV—Xa1ireil':'.‘nn4Fisher, 1ae/ni3( Cs)$4;" 1Wilno 94; C tilitzsteint L, Mend‘ryl Annual- I. Meeting .of the lielenS,•• Rifle Club will be held in .the Hall on. Thursday. evening, Feb: 7th, a full attendance is requestEkl.• ' • The monthly meeting of,the W, M Society:of Calvin Chureh, St, Helens will he held ' on Wednesday the 13th, • at ;2,30 o'clock. 'in the church .Parlor. • ,k." cordial invitation is extended to .11 the ladies of the congregation, . .., the Harris Mission : Rand meeting will be. held in the church on Satur- day, 9,th :.at" 2,30 o'clock, The . Presiciont, Would like 'a .good' attend - /I' r • . ance •• . .,' The We'rn.ari' Iristittite held. :their inenthly , njeeting' on Thursday with a geod attendance, Paper on the sUb- ie0t. itights in the Honieli•_; was 'NA& by,Mrs; D, Nt.tts .servecl,• :The" Members_ intend holding their annual "At Home' ,ozi the evening ,of, Friday Feb,, 15th, ' E Collyer (ties) '79; L,: Webster, 14, , Wilson (ties) 78; E. MacDonald, 11, Webster (ties) 75; D, MacInneii 79, . 1\%-•-.M. *nee 9'1,D, MacKin ion 89; A, -Atldrew' 75; D. Reid 74; M, McQuillin 64,; • W., Agar* 40; 11, Jewitt 60;D, Wine 49: H. Naylor 42, , Students in Jr, ttr• are reminded that it is necessary for them to Mike an average of 50% aitring the vonth4 In order ilitItlheniiif Waif 4titios 1 X‘*1141))04141 ttsoiq , •