The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-31, Page 8, .4. asaladhaSilagiinUMZIMLugailitiMA .‘; .1, 4r1;letter (Or Youth$ arld BPYs ands* We have just 'completed o that every department has solnethln week'sCleaning iJp Sale. TwOlixifirti.OARAAD1101.:*coOL qtr.pg; DRESS FLANNELS ;AND HOME::. • • •, and ,Satins JL.KS,, IN NA!tURAL AND COLORS IA UATAFFETA, ..'vm SILK A:FAC CRP,g- IENS,4:IN, Evrl' „,• „ • 14:tkq2s;',11,*:-• - " — „ ••• :N14•Wir, 1 IT#WELING,'COTTON.Te,WBLINtc*BLEXCHED. ,COTTON FACToRl''. COTTON', ▪ F7,44:-NNE.ts„••Saganitos...PILLow piNp.H,A1%;8, • saarrING•;, ou0k.. • $0, poop. .04,,covo,.liNomum,..coNiGoLigultituos; Pkgpoire AND BEDROOM RUGS,' , CURTAIN SCRIMS HEARTH RUGS RrovE MATS . ' ear _ CLOTHING, SHIRTS, uNDB1RWE,4R, TIES SOX, OVERALLS, SWEATERS, -HATS, CAPS. oots and Shoes •". • • .• LBATHER .SIEIQES;. FELT _SHOES, FINE RUBBERS, HEAVY RUBBERS, Lt•TM,', ' gipwro ▪ •§100..!.4,4cEs. 'AND. SHOE' POLISH., ANING UP' -In every one ofthese departments gOods set out at Value ,Prices.• Not goods• lib for hrgattl• prices, but out of our regular good tock. ' 'Come in and look around, you will see et,‘ ing tof interest. 41 •,•z. issialimusmesiczoku=nosscr 011111111111111MIIMIMINNION1141. eit,241,1,111.111111111M1•11641111110.11111. • 10 is at Your,- SerViee' We' BO for tish.--1,Ve . Sell ;Cheaper Thai& •thi Credlii.BtOras OINA GOODS e Winter -certainly is here an we have the following in stock which you vvill require: -- -MAPLE LEAF 'cROSS CUT SAWS: --,-The beat on the 'market and everyone absolutely guaranteed. , - THE .SAM,f30& ,AX'R'..-Made, for the man who appreciates a .,good, .... . , . , . . : axi,--,gorreu,t. Iry ',shape,. totigh, in :material and every defective i . . . . „. ,-axe. replaced.. ArsPlemild selection of Axe Ilandl'es*bn hand. . . Blaele DiamOnd and Nicholson 1Files-'-AXe Wedges; G6,01) will:alwaYs find it..in the DIETZ. . It is- ., soperor, to ,anything in the lantern market, everyone guaran-, , teed .to..,give,satisfaetiOn. - FirseClas's AssOk'iment of Winter Mitts; Pullovers and Gloves arul the. 'pcice. reasonable DR.' STSS' 8T,i)Crif TONIC AND PANACEA.—Improve' the health of 2:our stock by -using Br. Hiss' Stock Tonic. Keep yeiir Poultry `healthy by feeding Dr, Ifess"Poultry Panacea," .xelowi i3, ,,there, of Nvae.a been'!" On Ur�ie- Y set c " uckno\v Hardware • oa o. ,lands he Ideating ' married: In l itrld their two •Were in the ,,e • ,clkstriet until theIall of 1C2,f, owing:Co Xrsj .• Stott's failino• they returned Britiih CoItrr,1•1a, . • • • Kelowna, tr!d, 'the.' death :Beott west, In, the . ‘"101-0, 'ht.1 d ?tr. Scott irne.ep.st and . , ')1445 1s Aare beequee 44t. ortough to• 'ritftit ' 1 1 ' . . Edgar A. Gueet' • •He's supposed -to be our son; on'. hope.. • ' and .our pride,. , ' • Iii hiln' all the .dreams.. of our future abide, • • But whenever some' act to his credit .1 never am •mentioned the glory' b.. "hers," - ' And whenever.he's,-bad ;or ilias strayer, from -the line. Then always she speaks Of the rasta• . 'as "mine,"• When -trouble ,has come ehe will sob: • erly say: you what Y•OUR ba.:: • . been, pp to -day?. ,•, your son spilled the ink on the - --room floor! . Your son broke the glass in the din, nig .room dook!-- I a)n 'telling you now, something ha:, • to be -done, '• • . high-.-tin-re-yotr'itarted• correctm.c.,7 -. your son!" . b.ut .when,to the neighbors she beasts .his. worth It is:. "My. son's the best `little , bey on the earth!" • •Acenae him Of -nrilsehief, jus •• floor you .flat • • ' With "My Son,: certain;woL -that!. • • Of course there are :times When bad.• • • But. 'then _;it's.,that' temper'. he gets from, his ' ' • , . MUST SERVE HIS ,TIME We are,:glad :to' note that Juattee Latchford Aisniissed. .the -appeal have the sentence 'Of A, E,'Hender,:. son, of' :roller • bea?..ing' iedueed., , Canada .has suffered' 'too ,thuch.• Iron; the-eroolcs-of,. 70.06,• e'erv6' lqA 'four :years ire,the penitentiary; ,T -Te lived on the fat he land 'and tile uflibi1fty �f the' rusting ptiblic'lerg etioukhi.1,.. There fire :lots of peeple.inthis ,good old buny of Bruee, Who have lost, theil, „ . oneSt d011ata beau tie IlentiersOn was t 'one time Connoted 'With. the Abr. it it • THERE WAS NO OTHER. WAY" , • "I was only .,...acting 'ihe part of peacemaker " explained a pr o But you_ knocked..., the_man -sense?, less!" said the Magistrate, . , "I Aid," was 'the answer, ',There was no other way to get 'p Pearson's Weekly,.. 4APOLOGY' :1 , ; I heieby.apOlogis0 foit,•.ank Ana All- -ton Atka regardl ing Mrot, Joseph ,Collver and 1 'retract the BOAC Aro Jahn Iptgliett, ' !CY.. • a Cunning that-wat disgraeeful, We 'd(;' not -Maine refigitn for 'this, There, MarlY men in the eifUrche thr land wile only hold -Members ipbe douse ofthe decency' -such nienlbei'./41)" Pladett upon eircime Repertet; etsuteti, Is civilized. *henit has n't anything' on. *hand mere advent: , .• Mi$P10,r.egkitto,i),A, Ittermy r0-11%;.,,TY:F44/.9.240:., - • - ii'Att4Iiigt, 00 • S.iitl4F-2 ,•4' 7)1,0 Oi;j1.:e*A11710,d i� tPrfIr44;...t•"Id olXr the•.waPK:. , 0Ott..(Shepher4)s.ekor- MeICay t' P74111'.4:7";,.:;:vd,:-:.1.0otrree •Ot.eit; an,dher 4ftlig,hter, Art.c,r0j!i?ghter AtiTi4 Munn; President; jcatherine M'cLean,' Martha .`011inp,beli 'and ars. J�hn „Tat4,X.0,, 0011,1- Pko64411.11C. 00111.:: the: Executive, '; Mrs Jthn Morison • , iITes ',daring ' -whichl.,‘Onte eveth!:tIt !eve, and skifl. coUld,sUgges.t Wtlone to,,save valuable life, the. death oc-. curred, early.. on .Wedaescia3r. 'Jan of 'MI'S. • jehti"; MOriiSon Ihe home' quite-„Ciose. to.„thei -village on ;the': 7th, • Con, 71Vft$Y.'" Allorri$1341 was" Marg:41'et 1',fa1e0d :`(ItllightCt of'•-tfi:e rate. kr, and large family a` five ,'claUghters and -four • sons she was the first to hear Death's, juin:mot:1S. Two sisters ,Kate and. Effie. •ar.e parri,ed.'ta',..Grahom. brOtherS 1.(";.near(Unie-,•, is.. ,Calder 9f ; Alberta, ,t'hree. brothers. Don e th belong, to. `Cain:net; Arigus.lives in :Huron' and N'orman' resides at:Innisl'aif; Alta. :Sattircia7 • afternoon the funeral. servicewe's. conclUcted.,by 'the Rev.,: Dr.-'31arkaes.S in the pres.byter-, .•idn'churcli.:;of which Mrs. ivforrisen., *as. a mernber."..In•:spite" of the ,storoi • and cold a. laroc •iiiiMber.. of:friends. gathered tO.pay them last; respects. to one. *he had'.grown, upon our midst •and proven:herself dndIy, seryiceable ,•and -lovable';Sincer.,''Sorrow. is 'felt throughout ,the'.douritry at 'the. depart- ure . of this good r.wenian; .ancrthe • kindest'sympathy goes put 'to' the ber7 eared husband and: lier-brotbers, d sisters, ,The 'pal17bettrerS triends'and .neighbors B. 'McLeod, Murdo,cli Matheson,'11Itilcolm Mathe- son; ;Jelin llIeteod, Dan Smith :and. -.-44e-x-4/14-?ennin Thos. Goldwin: Wilkinsen "Goldie"Wilkinson as everybody .'eve Called him was bOrrt in the. h9use, "7.rbin Whkh coffined bedywas car- ried •across the .street',feratie .Service -oticlueted by Rey,. Mr..',Wille.ns before .c.in .tan. 24.. 1 -Te attended -the' 0.01:,list., !Te' _ :TO,N.VIVSR*.lt,#ONSTKI timfthat ihe oeunell'lied spent moni'eY 1:t.i•yl.farti 99A.,t4qEs •• • '; for '1.0•:poscro.).g. 44:40 N N iONA Ojr r4 „. I"P44..lip'P.:011-0Y., 09.7.11.(1?.Y.'tbe Veliw1(14'./t:'. Van; of .be Of, several yearg apPond rcAolution .rth •. —4-tidge, rt4i, :bag: , recentt. given the pei.fonlnonce 0t, .eteekt'q 104 io,L ' .at.,.; vit,. A, m .1",t;flii, 4 ' prghlin(nt ' It1U thy, b3 It.,,Or&i,i•••tiO' hOtli.,'1:.0$1:11.11040.41.i,44. „ 'god 1,ot the:. ,eo,L1,1.. of ':tbe ' n:nMielialiti,': been:'appoint,cd head of the',Can.:Nat, ,f12.63.,. mGeOboril:e. 7,0497.44e,.4 ..,,I1,10',t 4,14tgolAb4etn.1.1:1?7i. 1%7 :, 14111.! . v. ,t,j1yea, ati61 /11 as !p,ar.riulpi it, he, dLI; ei.00,ifd nitio.',,f,ot:',"-,, EIQt,ell.'":-:.;'4,„t?.n.I',...f.•1'..°,112.,",;:\V._/Teliine: t't.' i'I(.;..' , i ; AtIlntio ( oast' Mr 'Mel, a vva tor - - • '. ." ' ' -. . '• ' ' Yeisrs ' with , the •Canadian Northern- ' was driving ,hIs car alon?.., 'Op .21)44 1 tl?e, eonclusiOn, ....thot the 'emmeil as'', • „ f tOin 8aUble:Falla. to Bauble Beach •apmed •.. jurisdktihn-_,oxe;••• •thia. roadi-ii61,--e-r-,--Lii4i,i;;;,,44t.,11.*i•,,4•Aipiter,-.N,,),„4„,,,, „, hotel sPrVigg.L.114 0 k 'al a gQ11_, the hi : • 444 Wii,e.1.1-Th "'front '.ot the . cotta • - Thorp,. ns_no- de _ „r - 41, i'' '4 ,ijt• eor; vas "not tfeaSIVI.e,.t9 pa, J.0..i1111,11,1*z.e.thA40,1410•41, ob-4 th=1§ elli1eaver6a.' to,,snec 11$ obak up ()Wing to the .deep sand r dirOct .jud,gn; eat to be ETtered • " at 'thIS 'f;eir.lt blocking the wheels, tie for 440.00 nrdrar COSIS ' wontld, .not 'r.nove, but :the, !likely:. of the deesian • • • • ' . • ^ ear and -pinion gave -"Way,. " COI; VP07.1-nsh;li-1 COI!, v,Veil; *to -.den hid .to :havehia ear teWed. into' -1.,ie,P:Informeff,ato the-rorlhoi t`) pat,.the•bad spots' in slfar':e s;:.N`. as . • • ,:b.C's4fe for ai`.ftinMihile. iafrje ' 'ff •••I • ontit • and ContinuOtio,i. jOelloels in. .Ripley. .When the Great War" came .his regret Was.. that .he was' only a b'efore' itead and: bfor'he vas 'nineteen' he enlisted: HiS na;ne •,vas poi dOwn, on: MaY.; in Jiine he: 'tressed the ocean.. and tin Sentenbei he -Ivas-,in Fra.nee and before, lone, he 'tad the experience of being iunder ...ire' On his -return he i..vent to •IvOrk iif Ki-nla'rdirre an. illh•ess. ,was upon which .ompelled CeSsati.On'pf work, 'He ' was !Olt to .the •Byron Sanitatium 3.1e4t :.r.,oridon but his life Tasted'orilya fe• W months More. He, leaves to inourp, a .vt/e,-their little fifteen' mo -1 .'10";'S Old bthe.dieda,few nnthso faithful 'loving mother,. tWo' Moirow' of cl "Katliteen at horne 'and one Young ,h.rother Morris Porn, 041 '27; 199 he tied lived "onlya httle past hiST24.th b!rthday-. 1 -lis ,fother : died ,several t -ears ago, The heart of, the Whole lonatrysiele• gees out in ,tenderness o the. hetaic nkether in the breaking fairnily ties, With, hint !foi 'Sem& • were his wife,' his,'MOther; %;rnitliehiin4.111; *ehsbtookuffeturns'ttayingrednop.iinn ind was Very grateful :to' those. about The nstESes 'and staff gaveceatitiful Wreath of, carnations', to hw tbeir,:reggrd let apatienttey *ad' learned to 'love. The pail bearers rere Great War Veteran's; dolnradesi nt'Arins, 'Khaki Clad.. Theyl"were Tom erris; Dan McDonald, Ross .Martyn, tigene Martin, -John McGregor and am Love,, , • ;.• • GASOLINE .EXPLOSION" , Oy'ey• im.....the village. of Tiverton a ouple of :weeks ago, ,a young feli6* '..?57 the name of'Earl Ilica.was tryipg ,6 open the ,tap ef All empy gasoline, Ink, He was in the 'hardware, store, nd as a last reSOrt, he applied a ,;orcli to the, tap.. In a inOment a' *IrrercptOiroli-b-clu'radrtlieralirbr" 747..1,lown to piece and fragrnentS' neta.1 a)1 rdirections, „Nice .orttinately, esdaped serioui 'injury. Iltliotigh. he suffered a "number of 8evere bruise8", A large plate .glass.. A -as: blown Mit Of the front of' ...the stoie, an 25 Other lights were broken, • -t • 'WO ITU* bear in Mind th4at the ,vorld hi ;taking' giegt ' Wfogio4g:Th tompit. ureoua6/(° t lig•'thilti,"'Attetiorr Barnum'a time the Outnut of sucke,ra , '44#404•W ono a minizia, ttlit • _ A.rnah.,;1.'•frir'$49' 00 to''' cover , . • , pair bill: The trail,. of the. aetionwas d4ourned from time •to time, ws only .,concluded at thp `tinis'S.:Ort'he .; In ivrittenjudgnient, trudge Grilr, says "The Plaintiff elait;uS froth the. , hr'it‘lit*Pit' t'll4alth'41.13le,h;;n 1ehe'd ,i',1 on his Iray, to leader.Ship. n t bo1! nridi;,1 .1.v,velit nlofflork faces. In this ;Nnin?.,tiOn is said ifas ',)•`eceti.n Old schdel claums frOrn.:\ralkellon whom_ " • FREE COUNTRY • , s`pe 'hy ..the 1,Or den AAlvertisse II..IINTII.40,IN CAR.PICK - .., \I'llere..:a;'ganle...ward0..'.;kiys:-...W.4.r.' . , , . , , • Adiong, 'the': different fox , huntitg 'r.oan'i• Close ,t9, ybitr• hotileno matter ' range in cartick, .says 'The Mildmay. haw outell...You,r6sent; : h:::. 'proximity „ y(,.1.1. nr.ist, not shoot i hfiii,,..11.11.1q4s. '...you_„: .Wielt. ,to-,-7.Pay • 1. '.::"ii,ie7.;" •T.,;',Iez,,,:ip_ay .11u isarces , but. they • get tbe.,same prl-, -...:tectIon7ns-t-r,ther-fpr.ry- e reit tole P k: S:ift-qt---;- tint ' the 'highwak IS not '."a-iii.c.ihwai;•. 0 . „P.!' he • ,,,,..0 .h. 4no, ,i. ta.! , con( ,asartd);en,hlraoe,rk 'ascl,:al..1;i1.1711osia,..ylasn' jttlii8et gameia1 ,vs : . ... .within .the ivnisctiotion of .t64.,dref•eti:: :sl.ons, nortileas't of Deeme.rien.. Tht this ,is surely the. lini,it. 'It ICaVeS.O'le '''• :, "'der no'liabilitv. to re.nair 'or main,. onnt, arui that the 'n.m.infrIp' ity ,j5,.'..aftxtyhtootic,:cati..11,0;ilegi..c:hill'utiittiogusil'capit..1;s,etnOnni:i.it: bmtilori`;1ahrefllol:lre.stl$0. t1/3.1 /atilt t :it,' 141 ot.it:.etirkieed kb.u37 2,,lac... ;•4'.a.in ,the ,ea..r,. that th.e :Tana .is „q,i. a .,.asift.rrt4e. of, this to put ,i.hflix hounds ma, muss •nli ,y lor Sunday' 'suit. the reasonable State -of renair., .' that the., '-closer ..1.p...: on • eyllaT•cl . ti All, • W1.01 4 VS , pro lints .retallation hla .sure is ". .. * • .th'at '3:% bhp -pens ,t i e_endanf damafres .for ininry• to hir, 4 chtKettelColylpletc. h11,111161.1* '4,Des not aufeniobile. caused by tric. rioilsroaty . always •eis'tt. 'aS the....,foliciwin,:÷.sto/y, Of :the Sanble Riyer at Sau.ede Beech l';',ff Pallt3"sstarteti'liPt --anasn't-- / of thp....-Iiierwov* along the south side s' 1 Wilnleate 'On'' a ' "("ellt m°r.ning''' The „ defendant in its •defence qiy-s• long 'Intl" 'their •dogs started a fox irvinry we's ..due to the ..Centrib• OtOry.' :111°' "ta..• • dui of • ti'r,nri- ',a free' country for.' beotleggerS, • nee,tIIgen.ce 'Of the plaintiff, 'and g'•14)*$ ahcl sktrinhs,—Ex • • ••,,.. '6 aufficient—atatii toi*.,-;noii • 2 P.?.'t; •: .1) -1 n g serlO"tis. fo'ir:h1:n; hi; the plaintiff. ' ''• E•0 he, e a )ee,• /or "us (grail IV- • • **. T find that the 'n'etk,,e. ave' w' N�, ' r. — ralled4it7111.4.0.nte' ethe; 1(7.1.'04111Y%, th9, 'nlaintiff I alSo.'find thp• the ; 4: .,-1•,c,,(1 • the--.d.ornes.tid'-rervic4-jrtit-' , , rrInct-i-.as:.not,:at the thre of the Cl Prdef(1r1 f1T :1'07,101 iie•r •r1(nt, and. lod no. for .srr,-0 "off' Nothing dannteil; • " . • , thre previous there:to; in a .reasonable • . lho .F,,OCOTir... part svent at -oll)ce to- (,.11(.- She...cow-lot ,00ls. :»1, I ehe Cs noti us l' . .. . . The cle-fente that the, yowl- in .cine. -1.," bin'''. t'llo Tiri"-il.eo' ' er :di''..-,.7in:".: •On tis l'or..,•. AVI;en. l''ili... )....T r-Li;,..tre,;s..a1.:- ...e. , Von, iq 'net a .11iP•hwav within the Prenuses, , a ruj bock they - came-- v. i t 1 . eti in ..0:.:..,:sf 0.t.,tt,,, 0 11,„,.1 .0.t.hru, day: inrrsdietion of the ilaferid,,nt 1,-.41q ti"e ' their perniit, fiml the ',original nartY: "Tec.,1d.a l'el9 „, ..,:tr, . . . . . . .. , ly•line: you.e n , • , of repair.... Tier Of 'land; ,erl,d s'etilrecl fr'oni of • liotisekec 1.• • . • ,• •„ . . • . . defnnee cllietly. llr'''P..•'' bs;‘, ,th .1,..-d.1... :had to".. vgeate!. in fa yor ,Of tliro'r. ri vale, .. d:o ?";','.,,, , ... . ; , • :,..,,,.',,,..„,..1, - - , . fere-ant llecl; 'previnuslv ,ev•ri'riclf....1. .. ' MeanWhiie, „the. iox • was :_hu ” too, Tor, "Yes,. Missils,", she ., re pli e.d,.: in - r 710'rnship: n7oney fry,„renvir ‘fhiS , rt)a 4. - • ?IC' ' "I'M ttC i", ' .17.01V .fa.9t •'•its• :.,1?:?,17,71.:::1:•S' S,I'Vc‘..1:11 .5 and ".:rtS citTrill 6,0, 452 'a"n, milk.. 'Seaman miras pathn4ltr - fe,..:thr•-•c,, ,,15qd; the'fox kelit; at, a....sa-le cfi,i- ay i•eijiide or r '-- , . - • ,. .- ' . • 7:6ars avid .:Seirs that read iverlc.; d,.,tae •ahend,..'.••allrl, fit 'last' accoulitsi ' . Oelle where the accident han- althengIr'tons and -tons of earth had • f•!- pen!,(1-, and Eldridve riys that skinale, • heen;removed the fox was still lead- FableIliswiLe Nva;Ved,at (V aer „ . . • StiWdUSt ;WAS Mit on tin,i' acl•for a: • COnifortahle 't1.('(?t;•.11-na '116.1)11Asileci with 511d' 1 , . 71-mc17-ple-Frsnre. • . , era!, veers by the pathrnastet_Lns4oad... " - .-------"work; • . ' , • . :••"'There is .social ambition .e.en Wii^ar 'nobility ruleir,'it teok three The :.ReeVe admits: that. the :Tenn- distniets Where' affin'enee consists' of ran.erat;onsl..:to. .a. 'rgentlemen; cil.was using it as a public higliwaY Owing, another pair of.. pants,. . • New it ',ztal;:eS 'only three . ceas , . . a • ' • ' • • . • - • . wilitewaSh" • . , .•• •. , .• , . , • • . . , , I • A " petia- rid. .r. , IW.mansame..,s,•[.410,0 ool B1ankets--0iiy a few pair' left, in 6, 7, and Lb, Weights. -' Friday andSatui'day, only $1,05 .Children!s. Underweai'_speciai Lines a 49c. Boys -;---Heavy, Weight -Flee--ced- LttiedC�jj1jj n ati on s0 Sizes 28, 30, 82 and '34: Special -9 c. a gartnent'.', A few sizes in Stanfield'S Blue Label, ouular 3: 00, 'Clearrng at $2.1 Ladies' Knitted Underskirts, .11. Value $1.50. Friday and Saturday 1.1 Ladies' Pure hi eece- e-sts,Regular 1,.00, for 79c. 3 an Ladies' Fine woot.01.0yos., in cojaiol;-7B.rown.,- Regnlar-'...1)1:00::4•.C.:.H • ••••Epto-4y,.:..4.4.0.,s.:4td..:1',04y:..'&90,.,. Chore .1 Ailitt‘-'„'Rek*O.I.ar.:.:.,.75c. a pr.,2 Fri. arid Sat. 75c., Men's Oii11s, sizes 32 to 44, Theso Ovepajjs e.. gu&ranteed to wear as well as wy overall on the markot, Pried at $2.25 a „ 0 n e F=14.040*914049.140440141,04416476,60„0.44,0401114ftlf.063114Zrft.".4„.„.0. • - 3., Swea,ter "lam 15c. Ozt Ball taa. ' • , ••• ,01•••••=.1.4n.