HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-31, Page 5:11 77— Tn.n .,WORIVOW fr1TvalY)14,734tNvor u.e, 924,, 4. Ye* fltl..1:04g!.. Last year. Out eous ,conibustion cases and 811 as • unknOW.k, 1 an certajn., that. •many, of -that.B.11-'shetricrhe7lit::the•-`6theri''tell uniu, tlieprog.„-,:vommatri!.31:i:tr" ri=7144443W4iii:gat othes a_Gdod Color To have lothes perfectly cleansed and good color, the Sck4p must remove all the vis- • ible and •invisible impurities. SURPRISE will d..� •this thorough -II. "r • . Would be $1200' yegrly, Ex GaolerL-D 1Vielehnie •and, the frni Turnkey • ':•„Geo, •Lobsinger,„ also ineriforalized..tb_e_ • eoitneil . for a •suPer-ii.iffitiallon trice •of t-hree•fifthsof th'enq previous Safari, Which ,wouici, be $490 'for the "..1,Ailer ',and 60 Air' 'the Thimkey, ",of .hiJi they elaimed the Ontario Gov't . •would contribute half of the above • ..."."ifinotints. Matter Avas „left over f6r., Owl at'thi:g,iAnci. Session AS •:ex -Turnkey'• LObsinger showed that he was. in dire.wanthe 'C91-in.en„ a ".grarit • of .$160 to help ide'him over, the . winter, •.., Mi.;, 'Ott-6'MM doanty 'Court:Sten -• ograPheis henceforth in, additior to his 'salary -Of $1000, to be.,allowed.to• retaii all fees ,collected by 'hini whieh • will inciteaseAlis yearly remAeration . by .about $125, • , `. A motion to -award. 2':() per.CFPi* ...of the Legislative grant to till schools • in Bruee carrying on Fifth ;Class :work. was, laid over till JuneSesSion. .A metioa' by Weigel, and -to• :" have aportion of the 10th. sicieroad, ;Carrick, and the Ai Con Read..in .-Carrick, aSsurneii as e„onntY ,highWays was aIsoiajd until the next seesion. ". The ConntY„Engineer is examin'e: the East :End' Bridge; ' • 'Walkerton; , . . tvhich is 1 reported-tObe„:•in an tins.afe . . andition and report to .Warden. A cominittee, COM•posed of GeO, Mae - Kay and .Areh, Weir are eninowered to ,have saine:repaireCIT-if-'irefossarY, • A comMittee of Reeve•Voed, MC--; Kenzie and,thelCay will attend to 1:e - pairs to. Il'uronjerrace 1Cincardine. ' • • a• COmmittee' that will' meet IIiiron., County .C.baacd -'te have:- bridge".over. • Govt, ditch. On ..bciry, of 'Cultoss ' and •', TarriberrY repaired 'and ' :Put in sae • . . !, 34.'condition. , .1. 3 , . . • • • • :' , The , Bruce COuntY • Celli -lei] are .ineitioralizing; the .' nrin-Gavts, to take, stens ..,te prevent' -l1e:.exportaton-df Christmas 4 trees- to• -19:1•etri eennfries,' believing. that. the wholesale. cutting:. of these trees' detrinientaK3o, the be.s& interests, of this Province; •,' .'Legislature is also to belietitioned to Send a representative to heJuL'o- ,Se•Ssien of.,the • Bruce • coimc!.1,. and .,eXplain • the' 'advantages of :leforestration. . •' ••, 1(Srs' Robertson. ' and ; NICNab Were re -appointed au; •,di.tors 'of Crintinal Jus,ice Ac&iunt• s., . • were made td • each • . ;Horticultural „SocietyDis.t., 13Oard cL 7-A:grreulttire , and Women's Institute in the County:. • .•: • •A- request bY Messrs.' HarVey Rich- ardson and ,S; Clark to have the:Hap- Vver Pali Show, 'put on' ,t e list o fairs'•for'sa grant in Bruce': COunty;' • wa's: rejected by, the Connell • Resohtjon .of. • co:indolence • were e.xtencled .et -Warden McVittie on :the irrenerable, loss Wife -and to. the fainily. of the late .litr,• 'Malcomsorr,: •farmer,Caunty , Clerk; on the Passing of „their .beloved 'band .,aind father, The ceuncil. adjourned !rte. meet Walkerton for their,4iine SeSsion on Rine • 'A: large _flowering „plan' •„, blabra;"'whieli'deeotated the ' oundil 'Chamber ,d,tiring .the session was War.t.led by Caretakei,-Norrish 'te. be urp..fordraWirig -and • ttpicete t -25c Were.: sold to the .extent of .$11.4; 50,- to .aid GeOrge7I-Ce'bert's'on, a yourifi.: Cripple' of Refuge' "ReeVe M1 l. illYSTEI?Y BARN. FIRES • AND SPONTANEOUS' A , COMBUSTION ."There '•tia no questiop in. my Mind 'that 'the ehief_cansetef-thir.niu-a14- AirfoTT-701.hey of berm fires in. On'tar• : io this Year'is' spontarieou.4 combUs-' . • tion of the' crop storedin the barns said Vire Marsha1•E..13.- Heaton inan interviewr reCeritlY,' • "The., shOrtness •Of the :harvest season -=and the.- sea* city.of, labor }tae led to the „use, Of : • mecha•nical .,deVliceS.• in haying,' and • barvest• a'ncl • mechanical . .:devices ha'Ve rritelligence.'• Th9 '11.9avier'' grcik of h i now g youirk is too often rushec• tbe. Meefoiu t enred,'' and often spentan- eqns:.•i:embustion, restiltS.• If 'all, .4.f,r int -o.. the barn in ''thoronghly L." ,ahd•.dry •••barn :fire ..7.8° losses .vkild be greltly ed."' • • rduc- A 'Proi !"-!"'" Mr • Heaton produced. bulletin 'for the Secend :quarter, of 192`3, nub- liShed in ,',.1n1Y., last; ten on July: go,. before the heavy "fire'. • f'r . . • . losaeS7-Comniencerl'i":. ,,he • remariced ht While 1 -.tan nci.t' a '''PrOnliet 'olr'the •son of a' pref;het I 'felt should 'Send 11 outa nete•••of, warning: ', Here it, is: 7N"i 'Report 'coaling... ourl”'Offioe !in -di...". 'P.° (bate .that' • era p.s7 ,'.of '.alfal and the 2,1).Y' tclOyers aro • :Particularly': ..heaVy, and that there is '.evidenee .pf rriuch.imiLO - .mattire -drawing.-inte the hains'. • ,am , Very. reluctant to epress the " .-ey'Anion,.'yet, anr'e,ompellecl tO' do so; • -11.f9 •:that, .a ‘,..ery,clear and "Co flistinet evidence of .an:•nrinsually. FIT large • number of fires arising' from' eon • the 'CaLISQS natural to: the ..storin f °f improperly housed', •••qops,:•• We Are. •ti°71 jut onthe threshold .of -the,se,asori , when We ninst leek': for very !many, •Ti.!_ fireS:,'"t liaraCterized-ra's-"M"ysterious.' . - Skepticism• ' • "Mest,farmers do not believe'•pon-.lor 'tanceuseomlnistien.; POb1e,r con- are •tinned the •• Fire • •Marshal. •• "if 'Vou stm% sh6W. theni char'red' Oi• . Straw "v:614t • , • • -„defiatte?,;fiowever, necoarited . • 4.104:s. PI Q3104470;090. " * 4 VICO ca.8, 4.-ter'p are the fats In a fire, Which, GCCurred' hi Grey COuntY The farm- er' owned: two-• farms No 9ne lived. 9.1LfaraiNe:72',, andthere wiis 003 -stack, theLhairt----X- onseguently7-Aliw.',7barn " •Was'.very- seldom' visited andhad not .beeri enteredfor. at least nine daYs .before the fire. Theft were na tramps' •SuSpicions. eharadters ,in.the. hprhood,' and yet •that •barn' burned; we :found --every .other evidence ' pointing to spontan- eous combustion as a clause„. Law CaSes,in the English courts, dating bscit to the reign of George 'III: refer to it, and, an English insurance . company ..as far hack. as 1835 wouldinsure, f airn property only upon 'condition that it' , ,was not to_be_held responsible,. for ..i ossWiiii-eing from the natnral heat-ing , ,of the crop. In fact:„ if We. 'Care to delve ;into ancient .history, w� find • the Romer) , Writer Pliny deieribing the ause and.o.ccufreaCe . such. • 1.'There • are l'iwO Other pronounced, causes;" went on Mr,.. Heatek" "Gag-. (dine , and,: 14atern- •explosions, etc:' .1•Vhich we niav classify asre'Sii1Hng 1. 03 f: PetrOletini and: iter.:-''Producte , • . nd th reshing •accidents. : There ha • een a particularly large nUMber o res this 'year,frOni flaines shoofin oni.,•tho , ,separator blower durini, yeshin one case the burst wa Sndderi .that 4 .man, in the " mow' as :burned -to death, We are in- vestigating. this'. cause • arid, 'expeet on to have.a.conclusior(frain,which, •to make .recoinmendationS.",' •• ••••!Is' there any e2nnectiOn „between 'f•be .hard and" , the nuMber of • es?" Mr. Heaton Was asked:. ,'Very tle-,7if-e-ant'"-Was the replr-riTleie-- es are taking place when thebarns .1 • e, Crammed:with:, Crop; If •a 'inan • , . • shed to raise .money he could raise re of it by •selling the 'Crop, than burning', it, The:: average inMir e: ,carried on buns C.oVers: only•. tit '60" per „cent ofthe value'! . • Weather Has Influence Has the.' weather, :any -influence n fires r Was, ..the last question• neiderable.' infliience,'" replied:the, e Marshal'. "There is, a •:cleciddd. necti between .the teinperatare: the •day and. stiOntaneous embus-. • fires on that day. year h a fairly eool.,August we had• less s_than are usual for: August With. Unusually hot November we, had unifisually large,' number ,of fires that 'Month, :As; tirne-,gOeS on we securing, convincing data; which `s (190464 ecinneetien .between her and 'mysterious', fires ' '019 Tfan Hamilton of, Tara, the oldest irrembe-;: •-of:•-,the-;Council-"- won-the-":handSiniir plant, which was valued at $3„ but generously turhed'itover :to be-givi,." wio the Proceeds apd • subseriptions .amounting to over $20, to the young sufferer at the Refuge." " IP " a - Wein a -T. -is -a-good ,rnaphger, he---may-iir-tiine make her husband rich enough to divorce her and get a' nice young," Wife. •• v dismiss it witli; `Oh,•thiit.'s fire- ging,'• and ...let" it g6 ,at; that., But, • :ng or , cOmbilstiop. where • there is not ,-enough -air •tol- feed: a- flame: •• We are still working:on the question Of ',he relation, ofventilation t� sjion- taneous coinbastion, Mere 'and 'Mare are Venting to ',believe ii . its possibiI- ity, however, 'ae.,°, "Cenies4-more iiidisputable And we have inclispUtable"evidence, We. class- ify •ae"sPoritancons combustion eases' , • ••••• •• • •••:::•.•:••• SCOTCH 1.4A,5SIES.FIND NEW. ult)Nles. , . A VVA,IT,IN6 • THEM IN CANADA,: . . . . . . ,, ... , . ' 4,Z tiOU'LLY the ''.hitoh..iett P, ot.. the "'reale tit SO,..Work" Or tirade -tone' by' take ii. 'Wait late the Presentd O. Satiation, the ith06k. WoUtAlhf.LoeyetkAfrld.Aliisl•bly•Lfttlill • , .,., :- , • , . , • , , . ' "--Arittiii Of thi.--titnet4 ShiiVo 'Cohdltfoini to be!tin:Proved la 'relation to the! 4dOrneetle.' Wherr.the ataitat . ittoop, of :tills than- ;Pie:13'10Sn Isles' arrived atH :Oorciiostei: liotiSo„ Miintreals, after' eteteitig. to Qatibed • hy the dtinfitliati ,Paciffe 5,8 AlOritrelai3' CO' take iiir 'domstic eserVfee, in 'Otinatiti', the atfebi: Wee literally. . linen cV,ithlitanualase 'end 'tinier( tearing 'Cara . - 4,• , . ; . , , , , ., • After': the !arta/ill tide ' Of intervieiving atid ' the 'tigtiing, ofirNpapotii, tile. aiittititities , of, Oaten:est• e* Hailed' Might, daellY.:SaY "VOA!. Wolis'Oe no itieldiO•it all' of the group Of eaPelletiti Old ,tleuntty lassieii,'. found "Intinediate .eitiployinent Thet,(i. *eta soprorionately fiftY -Ili -tliecorisighnieht and there Werd W.0.1/ ' ilyet firtY Waiting hothes., itif ._thOtkl'lle.,fteii. ,)Plib.,,Gittlehnittt.„Wlie,ikereh-dil -theAlltietratier1e'llifiiiii;-7''-' latat'''faatOt7irr"nriiiittlifrtb-riiiiadifiiii‘lisiirallilit*':tiipe at ''dotheetie. eetoeht 'nett he follows , hl S :Work Ii 0 bY'.'009ittlf 'that' the indiVidiriii. '010 IS 'placed in it..,11011te entigenial :tInit... Thete. girle aro frottOill Patti) - bf th0 ()la '060041! '4141'41'0',!.0.01`,00tilitia4t0). of Oil) t'910.1901_ 100010c '4t II 10:4-114liitt Attoild ,h041 to vaoid.., IA! homat 0/.1)40444VA. ' fe.41149„40.1. -4,n,Q..eppliti..P, ,. .. , . . . . ,.. „ . .: I -I. .4!' .', .4 4.,..' '''.. 1- . * 4, THE RECORD WINTER The winter's. been. a won der,..an d t:wonder still;'•the..gent • has: niad ;b1fthdjjwho runs the weather,' ni we cannot help believing he nodded is 9 a ill; . at the switctli, but none of us' is grieving --,-tae weather is tOo rieli. The•barcla :_Sev_10'1tting,,,..stanzaS, and -search a-, iviind. in Vaiai ..suniinerlike •iii hansts, it's' suinmerlike in Maine; the in Nebraska in- gorgetias-Caltiri_ "te -,-short of ick aiid snowj The •_winter 'dangerenjoy it -while We'mayinekt ts. nt ke in n- z - d. k. -• week. May be the bringer of .tempea • 8tark and gray, Enjoy -the fragra ephyrs, .enjoy the ,'.d•Oldeii day. li lambs and, calts and :heifers' that he pasture Play... Then • Whea.'th moisture driZzles trom•baiwahi ter cloud,' arid When the norther' si ;les, and blizzard :shrieks 'aloud,,whe sunshine' doesn't function, the mem' 'of ' these 'days' should • be a soothin nactioa to .1111 deepondent jays., "Ah well," we'll say together, like •dea genie snorts' in line,."we'ha'd a strea of weather that, was extremely fine the,,,Wcather iPan May ,drivens indig neat With his Srioars, but hecanno those' These days' ere' gratid and gatidy.,,en ay ':thein..While •fOr weather (ink and slioddy,, perchance, is•onthe Mason. • BA1,4140T,S WIRE WRONG is reported that the recent Intlni- cip11 'electioa at Harriaton;_..in which„ ‘Vr, ,,cOnstinliously . in. the . county council. 's.inca 1910, was defeatocrby• Edward' May be Voided on accannt an, irregtAar is alleged, that, the 1aI1�t Mailed to the voters, Contained'. the rolnee, of eithdidetegi• •'f'ot the. reeveihip:AS well di. theaclidal biiardy Iklioreaa they!ah:oold_liavo been -.Sdfieritte balltitS; and in 'this way tatmetS the: adjoining? 60;1%144, Who *of() 'nat. aotItled :to."4.vote.for ret,VO, 'had the triVilegt o 6iritt eove.oleet Mousing only had a oiffy of two votes ' over the • ioor was Oita. ertlin ' intOtliee ht the' ti10010tii e early. weeks �1924., ii9t be -dull far those, - who go' after business • with special offers by People have money • enough. and confidence enough to buy now if •:you will make it worth their While. • 'Snow, and later SPiing • floods, wilt make -it diffi- cult for travellers to call ontheir trade. • Long Distance will • come the handicap. Use the Bell to Sell. May we help' yen? ',Nei, Boil relephOnd Ire • Long platinyco•pation' • "'WRECK OF" THE HESPERUS" , • „(Up to date.) • It was•the rum -runner HesPerus, That sailed the wintry...sea; • And the .skipper• had taken his 'little daughter , To bear him company,' Fair was he hair, (a peroxide blonde) Her eyes a delphinium blue, Twin cherries her. lip stick had • 'deftly made And her cheeks we -e the latest hue. The skipperhe stood beside the heirn A cigarette in his•Piouth; • And he witched how`the Veering ' wind did :blear •: The, smoke now West now South Thea up spike an old SmUggler,• Had sailed' to 'Bermuda before; •SayrboSs;- it looks -to me like a - .storrn - - You better. put for.,the shore'' 'Last, night I could •iti•ve moons' Te -night„ I can' see' three."`!' l'he skipper inhaled a hingful of AncLa •scornful laugh laughed he., •'Hustle now, girlie: conie °veil her And: don't you take on se' •" • •Vor. I can weather the rougheat gale" That e%;eii wind did..blow" He wrapped her, warni.in her seal- skin :coat, -To' shield her from the blast; _fiateut:.a.-Llidp 21 a rolon—b--c- And lashed,the cargo fast, 4011;fathertl-heir SOu lid' of guns Oh say, what may it be7" • "Some rum -runner fighting off pm- , ates,,girl," , And he swore right lustily. , father! I see'a gleariiing- Oh, say, 'what may it be?" Tis a revende. Cutter after us, kid," And he steered for the °pea sea, '•!Oh* fatheri 1 hear tlh:3 church bells , ;Oh .say, what may it , be?" But the ' father, ans,Wored_never,. For stewed, to the eyes was, he; And fast through the' midnigth cleric and drear, , •". • Through, •the whistling sleet 'and now; Like a'slieeted ghost the Vessel swept fowards the ,reef of Ruin -runner's „. She struck where the.-whitean fleecy: ,witVes •" ,„ ! Looked soft as the fOrth bh beer; And the Ti.zet Wetcla that the ,sltipper ;need. • , Were 'something AWful• to 'daibtetik on the .bleak ska,betch Ballerina* Stood aghiiist;, TO See' Cale# ' of whiskey ancirehant. 41tift, with a floating. :intiat. 'H� Waded in :titidr•pulled•:tlidini-Ottil- A jtiy10 tied Wit he,: . I 4i ths'Iontlit a 1* igisro iets ...*teti..Iftf,PiOstnion4 ��bt00t, --Vhatttli4tivvet.'rage-,:Vidight-4f *t-C24-•-1RasTatInNIOVINV424t,V -44:4544:20r00`71104n.dif PICTS -Ann- 4ht Istanilard, •iie, ;A. )gtatenterit 'qa.O.rga • RM.'''. 1;00110•1011 Grain 10.;:‘ • specter at palgary. • . •• The season of nayigatien for thb • 3411.17 19g3. is the loagest_Sincd' the year 014? or 4.o9 years 'ago; accord - /ng to' a.,,stateinentmade at Quahec- •byCaptain-J.- E. Bernier? Arctic- -explore 2 Two-thirds of' Canada's'. exhibits. Tor the British Empire, Eichifiltion being POW England; i.neSt Of these . being already at ,;;Webley. • Among • thorn a moaster/3silver nagge4r, weighing ziearly't_hres tops,_the lest-,eireicifitearthecl; which, was (lag • up in Canada., • enty-nine mil ion :pounds • halibutwere lairded at 'Prince Rap- 'ert, daring. the past year, with figures .for the mouth of December incomplete. This total is consider- ably in excess of the previous year. Several large shipments were made to Chicago and other middle 'West- ern States! points. • • E. . W. Beatty, PreSident. 'of the. • Canadian' Pacific Railway, has ac- cepted the honorary presidency ;of the. Province of • Quebec Safety Leaguei,succeeding: the. late Lord Shaughnessy, who wig its first ,hon ,orary president. The object of the League is to institute safeguards for • the 'protection of life eepecially children, providing .proteeteci play- grounds and streets. ' . • It is estimated- by the -proviricia tourist bureau', of the • Province of Quebec that 125,000 American auto,' mobiles visited the provinee in 1923. Of this number 40,000 travelled over the King, Edward Highway; tho•pria- cipal route Of •autormobilista, froin. • sicross•,the herder motoring to Mont- reai• and a record in the annals 0! that thoroughfare as regards Ameri- Can cars. • The Canadian .Independent °Oil . . Company, Of St. John, New tirtins-' • iviek, has closed a contract to imp- plY• lubricating , oils of all kinds, to all Canadian Pacific steamships' ing to Atlantic, ports. This is said ---to7bettlre biggest contract for lubril. •:eating oils ever cloSe.d. in Canada.; Tills company Means e new indus:- • try for.St. John, for its compounding plant will ;be located,:in East St: The Klaadyk:e is in the throes.of. another' gold and silver rush. „ At the.. head of -,the Beaver- •RiVer, '60 Miles West'Of Keno Hill, a Silver • and gold discovery of 'animal pro- portions • has started . a: stampede from Mayo,lhe major mining settle-, merit of the Yukon; tO, the- new cOun,! try i' where it is said assays 'reveal pay' dirt 'running 1,100 ..ounces. Of , silver to the ton. Rapid progress is being -made in •preparing the Canadian section Of the British Ernpire Exhibition. The! giant pavilion Was roofed in: and' -ready for. 'eXhibits in -sixty days froni its eomMeneeraent and will be ready for opening on'Marchqst::' lion feet of Canadian lumber, 7 milde of roofing and 200 tons of nails, ntits• and bolts have already , been used' inthe It is reported 'that the liotherrnere• ', interests -Of-, -tagland,--which— cently acquired a large bleck'of ber lanci in the Manicouagan River • Basin, have headed a syndicate Which Will • spend $16,000,000 . in erecting pulp and newsprint manu- facturing plants' near Quebec City, With .this newa cornea the announce- ment that the St, Regis Paper Com-., pany, build a 4,000,000 plant near the parish o! $t. Augustin,. suburb I_Cluebee • , Records compiled by the. Bureau of Railway Statist:* In..„„Chicagc, •-Show how. greatly, the cost, of rail road equipment in North America has increased ib ,the pest sixteer years, Since 1907, these figure: show," the cost of heavy freightl loco- . motives 'bee :riben froth, $16;2413 t( $58,550 each; ,o$ ; ,topassenger 1°ec11 °hrpas froth $1 s' senger cOaches„frcan $7;330 to 900 each;freight cats from $700 te $2,301 eiieh;• and Steel rails' froin ,;28 t� $48 per ten: The indialiS Of the three'. prairie` provinceti' in the 1923 'season 'har- • vested thegreatest crop in their his- tory, accOrding,to the annual report in the the three,..provincea, • the Indians' harvested 638,561 bushelwheat, • 574,2827 hualiele of oati and 62,304 bushels �f barley. The rePort: shows, they raised 58,264' baeliels of petit - toes and 10,000 bushels , of other. vegetables. They sunitherfallowed •20,00e acres of -land, broke 6,868 scree,Put up '67;000' tont Cif bay and 11,1,1044 green feed. • • -HOW EXAVATIDEN BROWN OF BRUCE WAS KILLED , . . Describing the *manner in Which Ek!.-' V1rarderk, W, H BrOwit ChealeY Was killed the Brtice, Times, had! the „fol., lowingt. "It Sedini thatlitr; troWn,' Who. had ,ftist. loadedeotte Cattle, went to doge the,door of. the'cir which Was, neat tho Aithotiott. of •the 't 'While -standing on' the side of the, cat he noticed: n freight coiningdO,vrl the Other traelt •grid roalising that he would be ,,ctuShed; as it' closed : V. ihaneon' hini, hd: 'Made a frantie:. eff-, tett, to clihnb•u to._ the topof the • ea r, lite -lied Over, the roof of thk.nat..'whint.-the Other-triiin, reached: hint tOIW.hiin weak*, like .Aiito' the tteoQ, othshitig itteo hate ht his hOilY, 4 ottoot oi toddesit iltao Avo, 4r•t000i ., tt 147 ott33 • 7.4.rter ues UNDER SKIRTS, S P S, BLOOMERS, COR • '-BR•ASS-IERES;-'-E,M- BROIDERIES;4-f;-3AOESPIL,LOW- COTTONS' SHEETING& ' LONG - CLOTHS; CAMBRICS, TA BLE )",INEN,S, 'NAPKINS', FLANNEL- -ETTES:r' AND MANY OTHER LINES THAT ARV INCLUDED IN' THIS:'WONDERFUL PRICE- .11,1A$11ING., SATE.• '• WE ARE C A -.3FERING BEAU- , , TIPUL •CHINTZ COMFORTERS. FOR 62.915: • LARGEST • S I Z 'E: FLANNEL- • ETTE BLANKETS FOR $$3.05 A PAIR., , • • LARGE WHITE QUILTS -Si $1.95 EACH:, ''250 YARDS' OF KEA** :ART SATEEN, REGULAR $1,35, FOR 75c. A1YARD. ' WEALSO HAVE MEN'S 'AND, BOY'S :OVERCOATS.' CLEARING alf PrIce. !s is a splendid oppor- tunity'tp save Money and have aH greater part '9f the Winter's wear. Come, Telephone or Write • WEST WAWANOSH Council heid :ts first uIeetizg for 19. 24, on, jantiar,i7 1.4tit...CounCillOr mole thenew hienlber,. was Welcomed by the -9th6r, ineanber. of the ,Board. , , _ _ • OYSIS4 appointing' .the following Off ir was. passed, Clerk,Diirninf Philips Tree llier, W. • J. Thompson; • Robert NeAlii§tor; Auditora, Jetties, pnrain and Wallace :Board. of. health,. Dr:. 'Case. M S. Nsy- 1• !or, .B, Murray.; Board; of Health' .Tnspeetors:, 4.. Webster; P• Kearney;' Sheep.'.InSpectora;L .Grant, ...A. AM, , !••.?t•son,'.U. Thompsori,.Jas,-.Stiroul. The , Treasurer' was -permission to • ns er the Township's account from •I the ter1ing Bank at .pungannork tO :.the branch At AdkluplThe.Clerk.wia, 4;r1Structeci,4436,-;••-•order 'World ,for the Reeve, Councillors .and 'Clerk •anili "TreaSurer, The foliowitig accounts , Were read and ordered paid,' 12Obert McAllister„ ' salary,' • Pcistage. , ete, ,$88100,; • • . ps, electjon expenses, $75L50.: Thos. Inglis, kriO4 $18.60.; •Signal.P,rinting, Office, print= •ng $4345O G,• M. Elliott,' grant to Chilren's Aid ;$15,00;,DungannOk,Pie Dibrary, grant $5Oo; Manchester ulf,- ens Public-Lhrary, grant $i0.00; VanStone; legal adVice, B. phone. etc, $6,75; Municipal, World, •. The., di:Innen, adjOarried to meet: Feb, • 11.th at P, In., , , tiirtin Philips :Clerk PEWEE LAWYEE8 IN ERUCE'" the',,LIrecent • Passing Of Couny. lerk P, A„ MalconiSon ealls atten. • tion to the at that the ranks 44:-64.I.: legal profesfon ii tra.t.tee 'CoUniSr are . h6e`oniink thinned 'Ont. A, generation ago there `Were no. lest than ttvatit-Y• laWYdre ir Bruce3Today there ,Are . 'Only tont one being leCitteci In*ICIna• cardine, Pert igin, Paisley, :*.iartdri;t,_ 'While the town of .Walkerten Can Mtiater Only foUto thiattik the CrpWli Attorney•and the. Magiatrate, The kteatiOt in the number of legit" •vats by death, Mesar, 4*4,:soset,, teto **I Mileinnhett of AiithiO4,,Ntifils•� .W411terteit,04 110,0i, tot riot, t tot,