HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-31, Page 4•„, • ;'• 9., Pt.0, 44. • • . 4 auperiOe Bart EqfilPilleili Ca. . of Fergus* aregoing to givet.tabsolute. ly free clues theAt Superior Litter Ciirrie C and find »out the c9nditiopw,: t f erAt._ It T•;:s'"; •. • •• , • , • • INC:,OliPtt)RATELP, 1855 ..• • Capital- alai Reserve $9,0_„(18,00(1 • • , • ,04ter 125 Branch , • ' • • • „ • . , , '" • ' • „ • " • . • PARMERS:*ILL, SECURE SYMPATHETIC* BANKING • 4'47' ANY .OF OUR 'BRANCHES.. • " • 11.44 • always been: a feature of the 3fOlsOne •• RPM, MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. of and lipwards invited T Saving Departments at every Rranch • xpcorgiv. isiorriz41 TovnsnAy, JoruAny3Tht, 144 • .'".• %4T.IOIC 1%,1,Pr•It‘•I1t,• Pahlighed &Very Ph day »»In�ning •at raiekirolv, Ontarin,-. A.'D Mackenzie,• Propriatoa ' and Ed'tor , „t.4at thtro•'wOuldlol more work t. •tto a0d mOto»14oe fox 00, opovvn: who ,101)4. • That $ort .ef` prcriar a the whole *Priia: 40.0."lieceUats for the rniflions wupted, .....,---:.,7,--.7.--!-, ....--,,,,,---....„:„•,......-„.7.,„:„..., pitvg0,A.y,'•,4-ANIJARY ,31st., 1924* ' r 614TCE• '-'''--c'cOuN41;1-r-:"'c91-;:c.,..,1,1:11; ..: , MORE PROTECTION' --• -4•• - -- - . ---- 7-- ' 1- The, ",,-initial session: ,of •the ' p ...,,-- . . - " - -,-----,--" • ^ ,.., 4...., ........0.-,,,,,,,,,,k,rr&11.6.,-.:-.;„,--.W`4' ; ."'9-29,` ''1F;17,4t '94 -''''Ir-"19.4 "A e'e'''' "" '-.WS 11 . 1 I '• l''' 4 - ' .:-;,':,....1•1:'1):-',',..-.4...-(X4' '4r1..F'''''''r-4-''. an; ',‘ac'S.'rt';';;`-t-7:1"Ivir'47:-.,;?:4 proved 444'4 yearsAsix Of .the thirtY- , . s "onlY. is 'a00-ag for 0. higher ,protee-, one of' the-4410st 41114 most interest•L' give ta4ff4ifgher import "duties so , ag s'ssifins" t144 Bruce has known competition from.outside sources 111 . t en• gment5„'iierbe le'sseued..,:or".cuts .,eff alto, tr.1111er;67:reirbtehes•';1171;6re°f: nst7t.e. 'll'iSc'elIsrl Ilaa*t.. i• . • ticall in the.bands•of ;eXperienced ...This , aisociation, which;ls.'4ust,-.A.-- "-mariners... who will need._„...0,1L-412..P_I ,.. 1,nanOractinr.agileuris'IOIS:'::".-nen1114.$49.-=':--Valde::Jile-7-1A1-4'7111-:'''',a, ever asking aikliti,fbi? more protection; and • • manner, that the taxation boogey it is the ,Saine• Way With, -all protcted. ,IPAY be aluraped • overheard like an. •'inddstri'es., 'Protection,' though it. .other .ronah,..:andu-a neW"•and bright - may he of great advantage. to „an.lu.,, er era ensue for the 'sorelY4inrdetted .,dtk. y', never, 4s •as .advantageons as ratepayers •of the 1cio0ntY, • many' of . its. advbcates .expect itto be. lioia"; •whom protested .with 'petitions and • those• in '-a-VroteCted industry are 'in dePutatisns '4F6ilist ' the : Present' ., • • .• „ , . danger of coming to look to 'govern- weight of taxation,. which lt--.3"*-- ut_4ay.0, r Jather.,,--....thaw-th-e-Ir olvu•-• -dal .•M-e;-41`3iva•COVelr'Whehnini them and. CCCSSin -: '-'° f,l,e, i"sco3Ltlh9er- measure.Oft': perii.o.tbectItsiiphnj hdoriov4Inervis ons to in the county. to seek ii, 'li 1. given'. one ' industry Often' is largely' Ex -Warden ' NeVittie, who was . offset .kna like f4ver. extended to .ealled 'to the' rchair, -- opened the another • „ ' - '' ' • session at- 7.30r o'ciOck‘ Tvesday 'evening, and in feeling ternia referred briefly' to the lamentable death of the. late Clerk, P; A: mmeo...,, on Christina* Day ;Nr, A. E. ' McNab was apPointed; Clerk for the session: Nomfaatipns far • 'Warden resulted 'in the folloWing names being sub- • ,. Seaforth Creamery FROM MEDICAL DOCTOR United 'States manufacturers have acted in'Just. the •same way:: Their tariff Wall..never would wholy shut out 'foreign-111'1'1de geodS, s� they have. 'been forever asking. for a tariff, high!, The latest 'extension of the s7ateM in the home Of high protection was a • • . CLAIMING DAMAGES • mitted,,,to wit: .!Dan McDonald of ,.,---- . ••coneesslon to the farrneri, the wheat- ;Lindsay, 'W. J.'..,IgimPson �f'ober. . (Walkerton TeleseoPe) • glowers go ting special '...attention ' moi -Y, Bernard Vt'Ood of Kincardine, 1 ' A .case that attracted great inter- . owing ' to their alleged inability to -3*. -K.- Davidson- Pr- Alcahel,'--,TaMes- ' I est .lodally_came. UD in County Court compete with the wheat -growers of Byers of Warton,' Wm'. Heiserman „ --, -fieia. on Wed/Cast:kW ,Jtf last week be- the Canadir. West They'got_i=anea of ChesleY, A-rch. Welf-tif .Brart • Wn ' local aid are " I ••,: fore Judge- Spotton of Guelph, sitting- *are of rr•-!lection that 'was expected Rofit. Irwin,..of Huron, . J W.. Sinclair _ :for. Judge Klein, :when Mr; Charles to shut' out ' 'Canadian wheat alt of . Arran and 'Peter %Dobson, of of the South Line, Brant, gether, but their ,cries for 'overn it Bruce sued DrHall, the wel4nolouder• ' 1" '' "::' • practitioner. for 006 damilos ‘....iO4. stees m,inesr,in thanrderoever to.p, Unitedresere v, . l retired withi4-he exception of Byers, Davison; alleged InalliractiCe:: The caSe .occu-. the, high quality of their , flour must 'Wood,' • Of these David'sea •droPiiied' ., Sine/air, 1Veir and • pied the •Attenti(41-; 6f the .coUrt . the • have Canadian • hard N",,•heat, and they last . half ' of ,Wednesday afternoon, out on the first ballot, the ' rest go: ail day Thursday floin 9 30 are buying. it in Lpite of the Fordny • ing as far. as the_6th vote, Wheat, tilL.1J.Z._,pu.esin---a.yandf 'was „then :rned. . until 'J. a 0 this week when at . . d . . . , .e . , , ..as a ows.., Byers 4,• tariff, . th-a-ukh in red c d ' tit- " , , u e (man i s the count ' was f 11 '• 13 ''• An, now protection against. Canadian .Wood17,, W:eir 7,1Sinclair 14,, The was 'again 'held over at the• Bench's ,wheat-growera and --Canadian cattle .f°rlas.r :three at this . juncture with. , ggestion WWI ' Tuesday of next 'raiser*, having failed to ,bring. Pre- rew and left ,Mr. Sinclair elected weekF r or more witnesses f ...tae--•.'afeace-areLretii:46-heard.. '...- -ar-- -sperity-to-tlirlifiired States•farmers • , • . Wien acclamation. ' • n , • • •On A BrakenCollar-bone • ''.' .• President Coolidge is'actually pro io- • . , The new •Warden, • in , his inatigur; June 6th, last.- Mr. Tanner was sing to lend the western farrners..fif. .al, stressed the need of econoMy in assisting at a barrr-raising at J. P. ty.rnillion-dollars to enable them to• ton. ,Cemetery, when he • was struck Johnstone's feral" e .alker- diversify their: orieiation's. It appears by' a falling plank; fell to „the barn that -with the great market of his flour .and .was aerfausly Injured. Two awn country' walled around for him locall-doctors, Drs. Sinclair. and Crowe, the United States farmer is actually were 'called And Tanner was'rushed worse off than 'the Canadjaa farmer, to the hospital;Bfore they could ex- The,prosperity of the United States airline the.Patient,;Dr. Hall, who had been ;summoned by: members, of Tali. 18. o „ten, held -, up to Canadian- aila ner's farr'1v., arrived and took over .. the case The •plafntiff claimed' that . . , Proof of the beneficial effect's ofhigh , protective tariffs, but as a matter of, he had repeatedlylold the doctor that fact the Ulited States is the best ex - his shoulder blade was broken in ad- 'ample of free trade the world has ev,:, „ No Fracture; *wit Groves ' ' erhad. Over the whole vast expanse The defendant doctor- denied, that of that country trade is practically there was a fracture of the shoulder free and. transportation is well (level - ,blade, and his statement was corrob- , , orated b » r. roves of . Fergus„t well-known Surgeon• and propriet of 'the' Fergus" General Ilaspital. • arge X-ray photograph Pi the' shell CREAM BUYING STATION • •••' • Nighteat Prices—paidfOr 1•,• .Creaia-andrEgga;•.---We-guaraatee • , ,•••••,. fierVAce.„and satisfaction to all our ' • Patrons. ' • • ,..Give us dinal A.,•• let `us prove- -" • ' to you that we are a worth while market. , CeCilt M1.11111[1, Mgr. Lucknow I3rap.ch hone 63. •• ' (1 'ee a Monument The Lucknow •Nlarble and Gran- , ite,Woiks 'has a largo.and-cont- „ plate • stock—the Most beautiful • designe to choose from iajliar. bla, Scotch. and Canadian Gran. We make'a e Ishii of Family' • ' Monuments and invite your in. • • impaction, . •• • ,••;Inscriptions,peatly and prompt.. done. • ' , • ' ,Call and ',see as before placing. ;yonr order. • • . ROBT. •SPOTTON, • Lncknow,, Ontario; • Until. we are permanently settled. so W. .1”. Douglas Lucknow L. O. L., NO. 428.1neetS,In room' ever:it second Tues- . day• of the month at 8 o'clock p.mMcQiuljln . Parker; Rec. Sec'y.„ NV/a: •-• . . " • " ; the administration for 1'924 and es- peially .urged that a substantial:ctit • made in the' expendittires' of the, COunty Highways Commission,: which was: the great spending agency �f the County. The new Warden paid a pas- sing, tribute to, the retiring. County Treasurer, Mt. :Norman Robertson • • ' • ' • • , • ,the motteri • /19X. P.tuP0sitlii-t4sliel*Oft, •Aitchiem0 ByersiWyk's* PecrY FOrr00er; Harriliton,A0n. McDonald, AleLareU, McLean,' McVittle, Scott, • i'111,Psell, Warder' and, Weige1-45. • Against the ,ProlloSition:--.Avis, Cart0r, Dobs0n, Gregg, Ileisermah, Irwini arfLeliiiY;TP. aVid • • As- tins bridge w44 declared tn. be ' of sufficient len,&th'i for, a county bridge,. a .• committee was appohited to. exainine',the .Structure and report aedt..41,:y.u.dneeoP:,14.81toteast:ievi927„:f. ra. rros • r of•Tiurtin- Tp- addresied' the Council; and .urged that: the ex- penditure. on County Highway* bo re! duced at, least 5.6 per Centthey maintaining that :the •-high,:rateof taxationwas overwhelming..the '444 and driving: the youngerenera- , don' from •ithe soil 'to seek' their liheied our- eitiesLor_aeross the -line in the traighbariagL_Republici---••••-•------ --Ifejiaifs Werealso read from: rate- payers' asSociations in Saugeen and Arran urging:, a substantial reductien in the cost ofo our • highways,. The result 'was ' Highways; 'Rate for Bruce. of 2 'mills', Which W.puld -rai*e $62;000; was adopted. by the coancil for .1924 aa • ;against n.3.60 ruin rate'which, prevailed list year and Ivithich-raised 8111,000 from the taxpayers • County Positions Pilled. The , voting on the positions ;Of County Treasurer and. County. Clerk of ,Bruce featured ' Thursday after, noon's sittings. • ' In spite of several withdrawal:. ° es were submitted for the"TreasurerShip, Of these eight on ly,went. to a vote, three ballots being taken, with the folloyvringrestiit: 1st Ballot, -=A; Nelsonof 'Tiverton. 13, Otto. Monk of Walkerton 5, Milt Alexander! of Kincardine 4, Harold 'Pinkerton of Pinkerton village 2. janies_M.clierracherlof-4-paiselny 6, ,R j., Rimer of " ChesleY. 2, Winn of Southampton -1. „' . ' , 2nd BallotNelson 14, MeKerraeh- dr' 7,. Alexander 7, Treve James of, • .." .0op, :AssolumigNT• OF AIM, RA INGf IN PINCE FOM ' 34,50 TO '"$2.,?5," Ai, b. ,G.IJARANT.g. ..W•B CAN SAYE YOVI)TONEi.-9N TfitSB.:AXES, •••• Sko,*0:4:0.41,172414-8Egg 141s, •50••0:74; BBST.YAil..U. *OR • . • , C110-SS".CUT' SAWS,P•12..8111 i IMPRQVED ttAcE LEADER:AND. 'ARROVVIIEAlli'''ALL :GUARANTEED,'" 'AT; THE . • • •.10.0".11T 'PRICE • • '• •• • • .•'•'.. :•".. • .•••••i• PULLOVERS. AND. MITT •G 0 D ASSORTMENT- PF THESE-40--41I0OSE-F-ROM,--AT-A4yERi-GoDir IF IN NEED OF A GOOD HEATING STOVE Oli'COOK STOVE, IT WILL PAY YOU TO •GIVE US A gAia; .AS WE 'HAVE ASTOVE TO, SLIT YOUR .NEEDS AND ALSO YOUR I,gg,• Stove and Chestnut Coal • Always On Hand . RAE & F'ORTEOLTS The 'Store Where YOur Morie3- Gees the „ • • . , . ,.k.. E. McNab retired from the field leaving the raee:„.between Reeve Dav- (1 Forrester, ' barrister_..of ''Paislev; 3rd Bailot-,•Nelson 25 Mckerracher .qajor Berl), Henderson: barrister of ., 4, Raney, 2; Monk. 1, Pinkerton I.. - Yalkerton;,', G. C,. Wain of Allenford :Mr. "Nelson. having• secured” a maj-. 'id Russell Kidd of Southampton- Of ority of the Council Was declared ;el- . hese the. forrnei two only went to ected to the 'offioe. ' • allot;.. resulting in ,FOrre'ster .being , . .. • , „ • . . • • In a neat speech Mr..Nelsonthank, -lected•onthe 'firs -t round".bk.29 Vofs ed' his . old colleagues'. at the, couribi7. , 4 against 1:for liemie,iioti.:. for the confidence reiMsed in him an:4 , The 'new Clerk who has "been- Reeve . , who was withdrawing" from off . je.e' ciicvec.b.tHabelYhardulgrialrldtuhaetieddlitfiii).osnol f.,t.'hthee'teoaf•:° , „:tlailnndiciinnggH, law:,:er of the eb,untY. Ari Promised to do all 'Di his' power to ,If-•Palsley 'for four years: is an out the -counCir. \for the "IrmcIL courteous • and efficient service..., '' • after thirty-seven years • of honest, ohibg. oofession into the undertaking ome•vote given him fol. the postiien business and was now about to :Make •todestl3r announced that he 'Might Highways System had expended dur- It was shqwn- that Bruce catIntY his. third Change' 'of ,occupation in ,'•or a tiime have' difficulty following transferring to the County Treastir- -n •the . footsteps of such an able' pre- . which. the .statutory grants are to be ing the past •••ear $211,764A6, on decessor.as the late P. A MalcorilsOn oped., The' population, too, ii se great, ..nade by the GovernMent ,' . , e.. . b. e urge t 6 ai I. AO ea -opera The Voting. on 'the County • Clerk- who had been s.eveuteen yealts--on-the• he and....the,„products - -of ••-the, 'country' so- __,',43aih Archie erguson -~0f walk" Of five, who' OrdlY•a;', lied Mr or. interference__,with erton,..,was-apirointed High 'Constable' • . • ' ' '. i_ trade frorn *withoun t is A varied. 'that...the FP ; . ton o , t e Coan il to enable him to . • ahip wan•of a leSs contentious natur - joH ' • d li c ' no.t ao -ndtice:.- of, B,ruce at a yearly salaa- a . . -,. • fil). the breach; ......L.The,„„new-Clerk_and..,-Treasurer- -take :over the duties of their offices. !, on Thursday next, Feb; 7th. . • • • . Trustees were re -appointed forthe. • ensuing term of three years to the res-peetive Ifigh, Schools in the Coun-' ty •as follvvs: C. J. Mikle, Thos., Dixon, Walkerton; Neil Me- Gillivary, Port Elgin; Rev. H. T. Farr ' Kincardine; and II. Davies, 1#iartoni Postmaster , F., Nutting was appointed to.the Walkerton H S. • mud' to fi 1 the unexpired term of E. Leeson who has removed. from • - 'town: ' 1 Mr Norman Robertson, the retiring • dounty Treasui•er, petitioned the onncil for a retiring allowance,. he - stating that 'the Council were author.-- - ized by -statute • to grantThim three- fifths of his present salary, which der was produced in court which , able as it is in a smaller Dr. Groves stated showed no. frac- lOus-countrY. . or, less peps -u_ as successor to the late Ezra Briggs,' • lure Drs Sinclair, Crowe and talk- , who -was thirtyzeight yefirs -on the. er, the throe doctors called by the plaintiff, would not say positively W. H. Logan a Teeswater and that the large 'photograph X-ray plate Walter Taylor. of Tara, were r -elect- showed a fracttire (although Dr, Crowe thought it (lid) and Dr.. Sin-: clair stated' it WaS''''`Aniiiomically per- fect." • . The plaintiff claimed also that the afendant did not set the collar -bone roperly nor properly bandage 'his rin• to his body and that as a result he collar -bone :wag not properly join - d but one partaverlapped the other nd by reason thereof the plaintiff's ght arm nearer the centre of his ody than hi a right aide Dr Groves stifled .that this- pverlappirig was a ual thing and- the' other doctors call - as experts by the plaintiff admitt. , theame..thinr. Thedefence-Mai The cry 'of Canadian' manufacturers . • . .• • far yet imore protectonfrom outide:: competition '.sounds. 'a' :bit ..tiflienlous:' in view of the factthat•Sothe'of them, , ed County 'Auditors by:.26 and 28 •-suCh-as---the .1"'uteaT:reOctivOir-: Of ille%iWP•ather. ". and of farin, irriplementi are able -to names mentioned 'far • the positions,' elrliort their :proclitetP..tallie -Orin of 'Velledi: 8 InanY milliPriSPf to'.-Cohntries votes the Where •they 'Must 'meet the cOm t' " tion of the 'very fo.reign mannfactur. • The • ciusilizat• i611 ands :palaries"•• . ers Whose. coMpetitiOn .they Say. their ConiMitte• brouight thejit report,• • dn meet at:home. •• .reducing •th,e. salary •-• of the County • . • .• • • • , • • Treaarer„.frora • $2000 to '1800. and •,, : • .':;h1°200137tte,1.4,$fi:ilt0ht:'.acifyzenatyt::Wlel;;It • • • • • 'ilricraed the. salary Of the" Cont. • . • ' Ma.re 'Ill'irgineer4frOni-12409'-ftb-- 2700 nd 1•16-7t.he, order in the .Civil :Service, the. remuneration Of *Good •;' Roada liepartinents pp • at Ottawa: At least • SuPt. •,G ,Ruttle froin .$1500 to Se one Must conclude: after reading „$rrog.,, a. year. ,.. . • ,,..„ " ••• . • • tin. 'article in) a ,reeent 'issue of Mac - This Report ' raised: quite, fif''41S613, Lean's- Magazine; writtqn bv Grattan' sian• ,at the 'Board, the objectors': O'Leary and' entitled "The Civil •Ser7 .1.)11.aik.k.ihtNia..air;k1(i)g.f.itichi4aile.thpe4yrainisit;ge•feafe:191ei.' Sirdthole for • millionk"• • •. • The Civil Servide ' :hard matter the proposals to reduce all county, to There are. so many who Itigbwrit3,,,., work was .1"atheii intik •to the goverainent felt an eaSY 'iStent. stand:, job, and there is the jenclefipy for The result was aii.arneirdinent was areitheit of Parliament to:endeavor:to submitted • .'asking: that the County • get Jobs :for a, few • of teir. friends--- Engineees• salary be. lett. at the 6d, •,il?s, With good pay, and little 'Work -•• figure' :of • ._,$240S1Qah,,,,,,,,,r atineillrs 'lined Up asfolloW:,.., For, .the.:',-Arrintiment-,-kitChisort; Avis, • Carter; Davidson,;..„, Dobson,-• •-•'„ lainiedOn, Win • J •Mckay; . MekenZie,"Secitt, .• • .„ •• . ,Againitthe; Amendirient.,-Ailicroft; Byers, Fed, Forrester, 'Grggi Ma, Iiiiierrani-JOhnae;' Donld; '' • Siiiinsbh; • Siriclari Strome, Warder, Welrel, Wood ' ' 'The 'Warden dedlaed• the eininl- nen.t .bat and' the i•elloti adopted,. • . An ;Atter/int to :Oad. a' bridge OW, the .eolinty tht, .Opttits the Sanble' Rtver -Ott ,tiry dangerous ,etin,, • and' *ill lave prdbahly +el 130 ,rebullt at et, eStf mated, eet Of. 10700(/ • the OM' hand proeema,...:Work that the N,v4 loot, by th. 0Idia YOti) ot 11;44, notys ton anigil • liavo th:•040!,t.omi. 4104ttic• tolloo • a ri te us ed ed tained that if there were any per ..,,, • n.1, GclopSPORT,"ffirx COSTLY • . ' .„ bn • He owned. a .liarrdonte touring car, 7r4 ride in, it was heaven', • He 'ran across srne broken glas--'. • • ve Bill, $14;07. • ' • •' '. • » ed • y.„ J._ ,_ • ,no Re tuOic some Iriends: OuL tor a ratic-.. 'Twas good tabe alive.. - The carbiireter threw .a •the • Bill $2085» • • • • • ' • • tha anent %disabiliy ordeformity it wa e natural result of the injuries re- ived. Dr, Hall's ,evidence as to the ndaging, and- treatment at the los- tal was Corroborated' by Ass'-Spt iss Langstaff and his handling' of case was commended by Dr. Gro- s. The evidence of the doctors call - by the ,ralaitiff was somewhat n -committal on the points at issue When the plaintiff had presented case, Lawyer Otto E Klein, for defence suggested to His Eonor. • He Eitilrted'on a little 'tour,' • (in "'fan t the plaintiff be -non -Stilted. as • it was Clear he had Made •nut nothine• which to_hae_ h eqse:41140Spot - thought-Tir*ort.7oontinu with defence floviever only one 'of -the • ence, s medical exneit (Dr.Gro-. ) and aeouple of witnesses' had heard late FridaV night" whtl court adjourned The adjourned ings will lui•,rtonvinenced next Bak: .101111t:rY'729th, ' when the ninin withesses, for thedefSnde:', he hefird•;.' r David- • Robertson K. C ivaA ted In in •tho case for the alalatff. iither'a method Of working prob. in algebra Is "Ask *Jr moth. • He stopped 'tak'aulek ;and • ' • • 16147 he es • , ,the Ile took his • wifo•dowatowa to shap,... sitt .., To save earfareiVas *re4; ••, ' • 'TPe • HeAlinsmed'intaa laihp pst-", Bill; $268, t•••• ;11 He spent about all. that he: had f a tors' mtist haVe: been StroaglY at • "-•Work-'---tite-Palit--fetryears. He:points , • otit.thatjtorif • the :fiseaVyar -191344' tp .1921-22 the nurnber:af.eiviiserViee- .'entrilee's incrasedfrom-8109 t� 430,' Ahd•• t the sum paid salaries • :ta thse,:erkiplOyeS•••inereased' froM $g,-. • 16,361 to $23,149,511 • -• The' hiCreate- tho paptilition, of tew-YeArsivas-2"oreeht;`. but -the-hierease in the' umber of clVil service • eimployee, 14111 been 85 Per' Pent, While the:increase, ".•cost has been ahnoat 20 percent; • •• rernember readig' •Porrie• Year§ ago Of hw :Work Is dallied 611 in .the Printing •dprtplefit: it Wits then thar oneratorl sat idle At their linOtYpe intrihi4p, Printera were la wOr setting up Mtter' bv "I'll put a mortage on the houre • • And take juat one more ride," • • .' • • „ lents can't you Fled' Im buoy The reasons brothers and sisters quarrel when old, is ;beeanse they PsL, got the habit •of being childish to.. 41.1(44_,c :-Irether-Vheit-tlite-Vfcrerlioung, r It le never oorreot to say:`1 ani a Alit" ban Whoh 0.61.1 can, adnilt that, you Ogg Rivileall.t.0 the' 411001 of. 'a he ltaninier was one. Of :'tho• inventionir of men. whieh would ate that envy is hot a product eCertt InVention „ » • „b� temotesi •to organise an snood lea' 'and ak OontVibu-. frontth. 4hbtPouf ff Wk. know ny notion .ioha Mal 01)044. • • 9:110+1.,9.; 9.01i9,t9,43iic;,, • a*,.'.',.,,,,.,4•••49-44it,44.4*.A.,.}24,.41,1,0".0.00 .•.; 4 , • '••••' -• • ••• • • ' .• •_.5 41 4 . • 4 .ric rr. -7119dFord,predoininatia , • ' • •• ow Fil7ritleostit e low price of Ford .cars and ,.:automobile;'the merchant and' Iruckshas been one of the great. manufacturer extend- their dinainic "forces in the ,develop- business into new and profitale' ment ,of motor transportation. „fields by means of motor delivery; SinceJanuary1920. theaverge' thefarmer •carries his fresh e-ofi Ford .pioduts has"4 llohe of the old-time hardshipare now . - of the indusrrythe lowelay - and a11 I�r a very st mtne,mstory.. and smaII aw, investment• And bcausd'Forcl prices are so • •ifty dout of every hundrd kW the worker and his family ' cars- arid trucks n CariMa aka enjOy the innumerable benefits, Fords— due to the Public and delights Of Owning anappreciati nofFordvalut. • . See Any Authorized Ford Dealer. -:--• - 44.4 • • • 54 44 11 CARS 4 TRUC8 4 TRACTORS , • 445. •. • • • • - '"".„ . • • ! 1.* • 1