HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-31, Page 100 PER YEAR IN ADVAAICB =: *2.50 OTBENw1$B. ( I?ENTIS,T •1Uac);eo will v ' �. , .._d 1visit • Itucknow • 7 uesd ,. a in r� D conn y e1L s. Office. VA� P" O C .A�H t the (Jain i ` 1r - uus -e- er` 9 1< eij. ne5cltatternuo : . .'• a,., , r. Y _ . �, , All akrania oils?,. as 4 e § uc,c s esti ul •z•e .t ate s. Y d. • Us tCo= r '. a t 'La • . p hY. tnovea, tzze" physical 5causes •d i e ase :• •A J us tmetti Of: the spine •.is more .. ;•' •,. q ickl Y aecur ed and d , fewer.' .treatments Osteo -: than by -other. •''1'orcintopricE.3 paid for''all kinds of, Poultry 0-011, •_ A. Grospnpf�..Lueknow,- ,GredUitte. Department Of Ophtbalinol- '.ogsylV,IcCorinick 'Mediegl college, Chi- ••••*- • fleatiaehes. Dry: Itehy Eyes. Grant fated: Eyelids.; Watery ,Eyes, Pain io • 'Dizziness caused • by •: Eye -strain re, , ?rose Eyes straightened ihrough , dail;.Lucknow .8 -11 -if • 'We' -the, undersigned are: in the 'delivered. at Qui- Saw Mill 'at lkaucitnOw:L-Basswood.' Hard an& 'Soft Beech and •Bireh. Vay the iugheit. Priee• for tile •above; Owing- to our having la_rge. stock of Eim lumber .pn hend;,' and. • 'there being very little sale , for ! Elm ; furniture, we are -not in 'need- of, Eirif logS. however.. from persOnS putting •a• good quantity 'of ' other logsWe, will: quart- :: tity; Win 'along. with .1he. others', oroViding the logs are; large. and good Batten, Mgr.. • - • LOST—On Main. Street Cr on Station stfeet a bunch Of. keya. Finder please at the Sentinel. Office. TENDERS. 'W.A1114ED. • -Sealed Tenders Will be: received by.: ,the undersigned until the 15th daY Of Fel:Vinery, 1924 for, the 'erection , Of. a neW Brick School House' in 8.; S. No. 9, A:sill:field,. LOwest -or `any tender not neceisarily. accepted. For ,pians specificatin apply to Wm. Clare', R. R.• 7. Lucknow. :844 Dungannon. TENDERS WANTED: ' • Tenders Will' be received by the, darsigued uP.to Monday the 4th day :of behruary pext; tor One hundred, ,. cords 'Of, four, foot wood, Jr any part. .tendm.4,for Fifty cords of .18 inch wOod.' 'or .any pert thereof; ta. be 4e Persons. tendering to, .state .,Wood fo ' delivered net„ later than the Vi:rsi next: , 1Dated this TWenty=second day of Application for „Village 'offices Applicetion's will be received: by.the , unersigned up to, Monday, February' '4th pext, for the' following Village .0nices‘ for the year 1044, namely:"As'-' sessor, Constable, Secretary Ludknow •Ilycl-ro-Efiretric System, and •Engineer of Waterworks, Dwelling at Weter- Applicant's 'to state' salary expected, NO appliCatioa' necessarily aCcepted. Joieph Agnew, Clerk. AUCTION SALE -OP PUREBRED 'SCOTCH SHORTHORNS Seefng' Is •IlelieviniT—ibothe to ,the ..JUdge for yourself the breeding; 'freshened,. With their .ProgenY• one , bvo.thott.,447Thels. minti-y„,... who:, diod. ohej , liptitid, YOttrig tejarkt Of horse* 'and '4' Year ago Jan, 2/tho. 193,' ' ' bod 'order,' Other 01.40.10red: 'stock ie. „ .Each night ad ;WI lie ,d6Wil; ' • 1 O. be edded.,t0' this , Hat, , '1 , ' IJ ' Wif ihear 'your Veleta fiff When ori earth . The ',ttno, •atistotAtiO nose' .,ii long' - Thle, world AO' eve Are. thkouglii ' nd. thin, ,A11, won, pilAcliaptsr•all ittisok wn pritY ta 'God .to let titt;ito.. ' r yCKisTOW !x ' • LOOAL .AND GENERAL , o ,I:' . 11 • 1iss Frances .Cainis attending- � � d t; the. li er .� fi y opening ut, L• ondon, ' • • L ea uL, --. .. g Y th � p n L- orne: K, to =i •'h e- vs"':Luckn"u" "I 4r P., al mer � s•f o• r bargains w ,. this • eel c r E . inn " z' ...rson Bossenber : r . of zt� Y c e.,ner, is, .spending tho,"week;.•rvrth:; W:' L MacKenzie'>. . • Mrs., Mat_ •Sprotil, went to: Lendoii a week ago :where he taking:, Miss Dere grid Miss ,Vansiekie 'of ale •Wingliem Public School • staff, 'spent' the Week,end: with Mrs. Sher - the, Ashfiela auditors -spent: last port tilie'towpshi books in first class •Wie are ",Pleased to note that MA:, 'Joseph Taylor who.,,,has been confined to the heuse for a number tif 'weeks :leek OSterhout picked up Oklarid, 'tialifornia, Los :Angeles; Califernia_ and: San ,Franciseo , all :On one night _this .Week• on a three bull) '.'Sfair" :set ithe 'hind speaker; lie also,beard ,shonet'Ter $10. This 'set gets the sta- this week ' At the. Feinily, .Theatie-"Glerigary School Days," on Saturday Feb., 2mi • Oltf Fc)c representing," m ns 'since o game da Y b ler e •,tea m Iry 1 .� 2 K da night, �ht, �w a;..'on'•t 1— �in,`;fa ami g .eGwa e, bui•:'�ud Very good hursd'a� ), in-yuhen •a ;for. •o o:o; ,THE SCHOOL; BOARD a; result ; of the • g'• for the. �rromin trustees �hel�i'' Thu'rsd ,Week,.. 1Vhsses�.D. Rei,'i. `1%ecia tie ,, m I)• -:r P��ewcon and os} 'retiring aft ',faithful �sezviice; Thi emuers; the above ;wq years,•'The a J. A,`�Glennie,.1 :. E; T.releaveri than:, the: usual ted:, . in � the :•niee.ti»g ..ad.ui� S sclheme of };e,at'' Town.•Hall by Stearn e'Wake.woi•Ifs' Power central plant' 'ilii;,: hra lru.ildini,=s frog •a, cona�paritively �e'in•stalli�dit appears satisfaction, :bE vell'-as efficient, o..o-r • rt -AZ APPIU C TION •Hb4koy "team']fiin • The'Late .Willianr. ; cat -dine and i 'L x!, Gardner _ et o ere ,zc c+ I n air,t oceaslo Mir' last issue l. ',The first am .g the..Luckn. �Y; 0 ri net- . o ` _. • . n Thur, : _ . , s of•.last :week . rt�n�`i'tce`�hom as b .. vzctorbus' y a sabre of . in ca dm.• ea; d .better o n Tues Of :this Week ' • 1$75 to 1Vlrs C t when; the � • �a�e h heir own ice r who „ redo ea• P ed,h the 'score being .. . ., ,r ; . s , r,n 0S� Jeo.rs: It was' 1; vor,of. Rrn. r thnn Chir :.l.:a. � _. ,_ .. ,.. .. _ . C z _a e ,.. a; 04,0n . p l y .pre°t>y''h'eavy is ging•-by' .the,. score it. was a eXhibi,tion oi` Jh ockey., To night _( Kincardine -w711 be"he�re ga 1zveXy genii may, be looked; Willi T, Gardner) Sr born I n Btr . Was e•• e2 ' sville; :Qnt 'Au :.,2 _. , r „. g 0.18. a4. When _ 1; �:eIve : ear ,•, ' s 4 ;�Alrc.,• he `'came; t�zt-ice � e d=•Toy, P, and'' since' then ben, ,a: b err'- resi d a resident :in, c r n m u u t .H ::. e Was, married ar rze d z n �.I Miss. • ' a erz• ; . ic one h As ppeeial,', public' last •of new .the -Rev C.'' Langfprd, 'These Will Ser.:. VO for . Mere and *the ed a. put and one girl; His occupation Was.that stranger Ito Mr, Tjardrer. Even; When • 3 life of :hard work entitled hini,,to busy",, Eten, tlye 'day 'before'', his' Sum- ., Slipped back, tO the hush end cleened up4he. top" of a tree, . on' thek day•ef his !death his' usual 'ear-, pest year. Or two. 4 was'. trOubled of January 18, Was ,forced to lie doWn; it was thought. that, 'as us,, t, hut 'Without, Life 14.1i rifti,s1 -Warn ink ' the,' earthly NVVi1,1{11 S was transform-, 'knowing, 'that at . 'such tiM as.: we : Ghris,tian "of 'Sterling 'Charac- ter.. In his, capacity as' local preacher Misa Frances.' Webster, riUrse-in- training At the Toronte General, Hos- tiOn it her home here. She fa accOm:- ponied' by „her friend' Miss Ella Ho'.;: garr, also a student at :the General.' . Owing.. to. --the ,great • demand for seats 'at the bla3i "Whet Happened to Jones ". to be -Presented in the Town Hall tp-nierrow '(Friday) evening, it hes been' decided tC, repeat ',the play on the even ink. of, Tue sday: ,February Plen,of Hall .and seats on:sale at At the ',Lengside „district:•died on Alan Z1,• at tbe -age- of -81 -years. -The fun- eral which wes to.' have been oh Sat- urday last bad to be poStponed until MondaYi. owing to the unpaisrble con--; dition Of the roads. Interinent 'was the county of Bruce: There were 33 aprilications; for the position. Vile poSition formerly 'connnanded al, sal- ary of - $2000 Per year, but this, year PaisleY.',His salary will be $1,690 per year'. 'This Is a reduction from ttALWA YS :IN TROUBLE° Orange •Viall• on the evening of Feb- ruary, 4th, commencing at 8 o'cleck. Jt starts wilt a laugh, and it ends with a latiglic ls full, of punch ' and. vim, Don't miss it, Admission 35c end The, i3ervice. •SUnday, Feb, 3rd, iiitor will reilethe 'Message of the General Stiperititentlent' to the, chur- 'and Will 'sneak briefly „upon, the ;duos! Ond the. doct"rine and polity sof the United „Church'. All the inelnh0,. 'and adherents .et'e' eSpeeially urged to. be preserit,..,VOlUntarl OfferingS Will 6. teceiVOd Clitirch Union" prepating..for an,Old Home Week , the ex4eache;ts!. and pupils; of :tir ;.readi an organization is at•werk and "!secretary'and'he .Will lie glad to heal' froni,anyOne. interested.. in , "the 'enterpriSe 'Mr, -McQuillin re'- uluests, that, those. -having, the address to as many', aa'. possible. The seeretary should., Pe addressed' at LuJknow: • ,Mrs. George liennerman has. with hey sister ,in Toronto.. . .On „accolint of the grea-t .storni on, priday.-laSt tbe tr. o. dance Was postponed. , Miss Ethel Bannerman iS. 'with her cousin,: Mrs. •Earl CUlberti: Mr;'and Mrs. George:Richardson of, TeesWater, spent a few day?s last' week , A large number of people tqok in dale all, reported a geed 1Virs., Ogle Rus;ell and Gor- don spent the weekend With. Mrs. Bern -Te •111r. and. Mrs, Roy 'Hal-, The school, was ,closed a few 'days of lase week ori account of the 'storni Master Clifford .4ussell Of Ringatf,' has' teturned home after visiting two weeks with his aunt Mrs.' 'Walter Ka.: home after visiting sWith :her. datt0,117, ter, Atli: White at:tnniShillen. ' the Social' .ev.ening at the Church On' Tjeagua again this winter, The' eYell, ing Was Spent in games and, '6Ontentii, Lunci1,13eing ,served at, the, close, Mr, Rietard Martin' has been laid Up, for tWo ,Weeks with Et vetY acute; attack:04 Pleurisy, tire 'le able to he aratind again *a hear. le, noW recovering nkely, Mr, nod McLeod Amu the INVesto ,Sionis mese acceptably., lye was .oretg- ...assiirance and of' deterinipation,to 'faithful, ,with the, thelp 'Of 'Gad, to''the a • 4..lether ' in 'Israel.," ,..in Zion church.' ',was establiskied in .the ?hon cornnturt-- will ,,tr,reatly ntiss. the, bodily presence, the. pasi -Rev -1:4eWitt -C. Os eirs storm; scores of -.11.1'ker.,.1s.: were unable respect; 'to. the- denarted, The re.nains were' liid to rest rn ^Greennhill genie - Lay down they 1 -n -ad :upon thy Say - ;Thine IS a, perfeet rest.- • secure .nrid' A little while'? -•an,d all saints Iii hallowed union indivisible- 1:.112til. we meet. again, before:his Cloth e?,1 in. the' spotlest robe He MeA., tell, of Walt; orlon is visiting' her /Sister Mrs,',Will r brother in Go,derich this Week: • : James Richard front Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. Diek Kiehards, here 'h,ld to spend Sithdity eight, at -StiATUrtTiiilfil-,boya—ther'e. .be other' ' Most iiitereeting :meeting was . ,CHURCH IVEWS EIGNTH�'CQN. 'l INLOSS Quarterly Communion service: be observed in the Methodist .Ch ur 'next Sund a or ' zn nzn Sunday g. Every of `the Church ch. -. _ _ . Urged, ed t s ob • g e r P sen There e wi1.� bete ee l tion • P _ of new' mem -be s -: r . e ni ,, :,.ve ng`Rev, ;,l', H. Aste. xB A' . B D will Preach on th P ub e s et How ow Shall 'vVe,)seape.if . -Ne lect en' -.Gr• g . ._ ... •. eat, Salvation, All. • wee come. me r Th "Guild 'P Gd ror�}' ami . � , ... �. on Monday, .ev .nit'waw . put • n ':by Program Coin rrutteo, The Pres Ken, Murdie, was in the chair. After the opening; exercises Annie_ McDonald red the..-Scr-i'ptux messa�:e. A piano ' duet by Misses Wz11 Miss Ethel Bannerman, o eh f Kinloss; is v z sztzn her , g oust n. Mr er ,, s. >✓ar. C•ut`- ert 0 ..C• 1 is a' sz=�T .sn r :Nur nz�ll.: b Mr ss ' A nnn e Me Ka'� J S1 tin . r xan ' rr ,... drngthez,;•. Mrs, 1�'((•�-`.� oa• oc ltr'•��ey. P- h: The = ., -'people w , h9-. were ,pxop}ie5sin�; .; an : open winter' ; bCLrlrinanr to' think'��;' tr--:-"E-Te'ir.c,iirral-Orthe late IVIrs; Matt, Oeddes and -Mitchell was very well rendered. Miss Isobel Chestnut gave a reading entitled' 'The, Chtireh and The World," While Mrs, Pli:iate • reading-, :was given bY. Jessie Chestnut, end a Chorus by a. group Of. little girls. McIntogh :took the, - Hassell ariciRobt..:MoCalluni enlivened. „selections, arid Winnified j, Douglas :An instruetiye and helPful .meeting Monagy night Under .the Citizenship department. Dr, NeWton 'Was. -in the' 'chair .and the Scripeure..leiso,n -Was yead,',:by Harold Ackert,. A piano solo, duet was .1'i:trig' by Mildred: Treleaven and'," MisS POWler: The chief ;feature; of the Prograinine was az) 'impromptu.; "'debate_ on ',the subject 2reSelved, that, tion than Love?? 1?,'. Treleaven,. Iiareld' Ackert, Mrs.. •RathiRiell; 'Mrs. Ostrander; Mrs. Phil"-, I, Mr Osterliout took Tart in the dis- cu•sSiOn.,The 'debate' was- both instrue- . Another" citizen was celled frornopy. ur.. 'Zvi:1,, 1.,..entlerson. fs visiting midst last week when„death claimed ill friends at...St., Helens. • -Mrs., , Morrison.. ' The ,deceased 1., 44Tr, Harold „ Sperling .v'isited at • x-ae Well' thought of '1;Y* :all, '14er lkincerdine for a few days last week. lerture from the life, was' not une,x- 'Miss Jean Gillies visited over the ,,ected aa' -she had been • seribwily ill ream Pu s Pure 'Pineapple Tarts -Whole Whe-at Bread at or.. some three' or four inenthS;•; and suffered. greatly at times though she na.tient, and ncheerfril, She was Iaid..ht; rest in RI le Cei for the liereaVed,, espeCially the t'..4,174 in 'infant in ,,fittle ever a year. 'Mr. •Goldwin" Wilkinson; of Ripley ..ra4. burled 0,I1 Saturday, liewas verYr young„,man, and had :been, :in Sisters, 'and brother to' m ourn his 'loss, good atte.ndalfee'.' VESTFORD Moore' of. Riversdele 'Alphonsua and ,Charlie Murray spent a recent. Sunday „after: - We sorry to;report, theillne,ss Jemes Thornpso.r, who has -been. confined'-to-':fier.beil 'ler the. pa t:few weeks, is: imProving. Miss 'cora Percy. IS visiting friendk at Kinrirdine • Mr, Milton' Guest' has returned home from the 'West; sorrOe. say „is "..laid up at his home here. " ..The :Itching .PeOnle's Cluh meeting had to be ealled off here ph 'Friday night owing to the' storm., , ' Misses Edna and •Mee BOyle have spent the Peat Month visiting friendS!. at ,ClandebOy and London. Chas', Ellis 'is' on' the' sick listi,• We hope ter his speedy reCoVery, DeVe Johnston, and daughter, Margaret., of Bervie spent a few days with' .,the 1,forornr's parents here ,laqt We .WOnder *1-ratAlp happened, to Doty -idea boye gill 'can - of the •belfs -passing ty, the wee houre of the' Morning .10/ninie, COX' CHARGED. WITH ASSAULT .As the ekuity• into the 'in •Celberne'TOWtiship, neer .C4Oderiel tvtdve On WediteSday night et. the lentoti• Colt, COlhOrne 418 Ives and J friends in and' firOtind: , J. v94 di , . :, 4:4:"..-,35,.:(.11..-52cc...., -7nrebt,Ntla: njt; '41,1c1;aii,3Yziatihje 1,1130",ii, .. LOCAL MARKETS ; •xviS a measure of confusion itnder the, 'week -end, with friends in Kincardine, Band will, be held on Saturday' after.... '7Alits;.----EPliraltn Taylor from ft/ie WeSt .iS visiting at her former honid Repetition 14:41.00:p4•H. .011 s". wing to the seats for Friday Evg., Februa.ryist, tieing all sold, it — has been decided to repeat the Play, on esday, The Plan will be open „at McKines --Drug Store Satufday,nagrning. Procure Your Seats,,Early .v.R.NER.. • Ladies' Golo'Shes are,very comfortable •1/4ata Alt popular,,. !iced --In order to clean out the rbalalice of oUt: Ladies HOuSe 'Slippers; I've 'have ''redticed the, price of. 8evetal,htli.,8. that, at I i25, th