HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-24, Page 64t3
�,j �0
177 1,
opki wrold dv-
E*pj�kfhpd *tLit,�C60idtid',1 see', o'.. beti
owllk rceg
h e, Service Of t 0 -ut'"
R sp
'Ne. Natoral
I A. other�, anima ij� that tortP,Pes'
e an
477\ QP
of the Interior, 4% Ottawa
of" ck�rtshed Illusigns.. !For e the fo4d, P
MpIej j,�i6ed in' gardens, in
Nero Old no -t fidd W y will ea, V Ougs 40 145
th 6 r,
19, W4111 Aomq� `Aa 'ilia t
t the Vre'sourgw
lthe liaturA
gLjor the�_
Aptium,. My. Intl a 7, on -the, have
ea a oga!�
dates, e A on pigued;.
nd whi ch: �TpT le, -',converte
cen a net 'T '1111 '
Mot tbept .4 into
d g, did' n �th d 60
T at - -denote purity 'ot brood
laf x rox to - A d'o
alarg oull
e a4 ..,yf.,Ar to the tour. IQ; ffl
b, he 40�s ot U861-hl�,,brodd, a 49
-o in 'thd'buyl ng due
ad �T a
OT ng Although motd cars tq�d4y Are gn-
t )ie QixTte* !Bill is not, 1�' and a� beaver will
ii, pence.
he, 4get -To- in eiliting,rejulatto trowel Atoles� are not blind. although
T Aprced I th One of, the,
to 40tomobijes In degr and 'so on; t qhlief 0
f these King, jo4g; did not ilgri th6 magu� i not brilliant, and men
he automobije� 'is., esson- heir -night, la
Bins that, t] if
ihe'Hoophoe Falls at Niagara.
Iroys riLrely, over, hav Ile a..
Charta the seat vias,probably put on, 0 a,
motor Cars t1ally" a piece of erop 0 AV 0 us eemL to than
pf visitorA are
Ch , "T '?, , ;"
4 ee7 ii,oive*11. doubtful -
No 01 -Nia0ra--anruallyi
a a, pie e q, Or drowing. p I
tIvould write.. "The
_sh*4 at_ lAVA pe it
m-d7jarm B Tp ely. hoy -nq
gig a not-'
t7AIW4 7 to
�whether.klng John, attrdcted�
s wA4 _e—.a .,,:r
'th things' like the,
and receive: leqq� such t ings,as growing pa ng,"4nd that'
born' In arna n biia-ile`for me. rcogn��,.es'fhiit 6, �ast amoun
than any nal "wliat -are called' gro" �ins ,
ious wjiig: p over the cres
Ie, O.Oholt
stmba, reason tb t "the 'castle wag Obt is�paasjng;
HUI on, oirld are rheu mail it Is
eel contri ute to mach
ma *hich 'they f inery% In 'the
f )iakely, commenced, by Edward I., and a. more in ture c6i si�deratibri
unwi66 aid,.eirii dangerous t0,46gloct,
vdin ort and, cohienience.
CIIASSIS IS dUlj -three i�a�6 h
riot finished until' thirty impressoi one with the. tact t at'
h f' t th
They Aye -seemed to orge e, one 0 Ch althful and inylgo,r4ting, ,real,
is the 1. 1 -.1 , L ;e " _ . ,, j , his 'foiirW-sn?� t�ed
bi 4 ust s� the: chassis; the, mkchiriery* Otei the- bab thi�; tr6men4ous volume 0
ih has. to do lv�lth their Yhood of, 130 he thus.' des�endfu� for
1� tActqr, wh ftn-
'undation of', the m6t n �V me omius%rel, did niltdiscovef: in Vat ac,.s as an,
- , �.� . _id.lia a -JThe, effe
is thof� 6on An 9".
VoInfor;Viihd coiiVen. q the'O lliiement4n
Ac6, ls,�the�.chas'
TL a -chassis h Tight ti6ard L, though th6- ard: to al 4 g vifig'.it Ws'- and t ir. rt e or of I itary. of
satiafaeti6ii,,' his comfort and, his con- 0 highly The existence' Of wear' away th e erp
fX - -1 "three' of th
they A ;'the
re, sure to,,, got, im 9M, fin- slngt:tig:putgIde the castleL to lea hiii$eshbe, fjroM
th venlence, Al rest 'beem- the. term of
_Car one the air has a ways
pip e a: at 1hq iows
ti oi which . it takes, its'name,'. Fro
sor —
,_v L f 1118jurwamfty
7- and ry' �Bi atlop, , however,,,
machine . Shopid thej' fall in 'a
0 -s, it IS'
'that it Is neyor.present bol w a titud
ustAro, it- should be said that of an� covering, amumber of'yeai
large way;'or in 'a successiiin Iscovorod horth A 6rfoa. O;i 8;660, f The a' ell. attributed to
the inotor,6ar-'buye rio�jng tfr�all AV Pa�qt D
rS !tlie ownee gets no- inknown that the'erest Is receding
at tj�i
81741 Sir, Walte'r-Raligh e iifild e roally� arts 6 -der�
It t th
this ati -Many may id'not introduce e pqint, of gr�ogtest qrogion,, oamfor tude.r 11 from ly;
.either tobacco 6 tatd. into Enj. ANeed
IS the, po t at the rate of a. P:Kl toV,
true,of course, -that
.4 Comfort 'or convenience.
t, doubtleiij ay
th�: motor In r ii In .-Ppr
land. Tobacco -w Can r is; no hereditary; brimatime
aa IntioduidedbyA.31ir -p6i ybari -while on the. 'X.'
a c6me d �cthers :ungbnsciQusI*; eight feet,
c Drakb, es
p car has been perficted to a, remar nd treacle is not good for chil'aren In
rogr �8 t almost no r
�MejjjL of the Biassion.1s, not -
he John .*r Sit X.�rAhdla
e dgioe , -If the *ord . perfe to e r a n- af r to b* coli th I time and the good
be, u'aed' to describe iomijiLinj t and the 01ato. fir 'reached, this I 1ra. any ed. This concentration of I
!.try ag. Ar'
.�OIble result of ne ot-Drake's. ex- oultic b0l.oved of our.
ab6 water in'the' he'
9#ntre or
paver made fully 100
gra no� good so %Ar ajr.the
DErE peditti brig to- �Or
t.. But th&t. doear ting the New,World. �C
per. P not,
$PABL)L ieshoo -5 'rapidly changi
4 orneit (A sponge would,�
or Columbus .:did notd4sdverArfieri. a co
IR - rm the 'crest. It, has.
ph linse
the,,fo of
iiiii" VS of th
uppose. that ill. buyini, tin
e Inotorear of. Its . ca, do as no I
at!1#48t, -not North Am'etl '"ieh also pop
experimenta. ca tio
u essitated th - extension
liquid be cast bodily to the h
b g t t e to th wbJe It Is mixed. f
ab V16ilb, t e �wl
was disovered bi dhn Q ot, a of the tunnel under thelall for*
�t eir,o jn�6tiga on or 'different ways , London, on ali..
en ou I,, 0''car until con-; *Inds. Different maniffacturers fiave 'for f6da� a 4. tlimately. findd Tho'mai;" C At
Its. way H' pit In, 1492 Columbus sighi- Mild Winter, Hialthlosti
:)wn . QS .1 Ali , . -. I . a dtatance of 150 fe
"of doln' h s' k f the pbo mijs of 'pipes ca �e is
q Into e poc et it f et, Ao� that
rry.p "on 'August Adt,
t -in the th d,San. SlVad ' 'hl'!r fhA0 ik vigifois may',view1he enorinot
taifis jrty Iil� Wlritei Is'lealt e
d striets.
be ra hovwat�� for. etc., into every, 14 8,,*-he'beheld for -the first time tij vol t the
-motor cari Is':4111 a I pne, and, therefore a green Intei, ume f wa er.coming over
1, 11 " *,L, 4 't on bag
valh and of- South lea
Penqtralon�of Canada ward. A er' as A This p, eac,
bahm, 111 but ddes e urch- falls.. A auggesti
does, not riecessiirtly, ill th ch
goo hing to study what is hidden by eople from 6e south �appear to have lafided
-made thAA A� sub -ged dive
-"of �im to It Is a popular be mez
1),UtL� , , L. -hood an of, the,line nVL C� as!. not, yard. ief that It is
Ithai eriod`6f 66 undei�4ho-shiriV, r6lidej-purposes-As alsobeneficial' hinbDrIa ildeimog.;"she posse not, I bid to b4t -w
0� ' Oft duration, floor boards.. � It is � still a' -6n nvent the a team he In",cold water 'lien you slot! w6fr,'be. placed., in, ri er,
"W, Was -qn7 P
_PW atural, atractliins-cio.
_R_od thi�jg 7'
kftd�prinqlpl�es were gun
to into account the manufactur. able 'of pr' dic s eaqx- a
gooftill'and kett6r underAta"A ally unIlrdited deVelop-
til .11, �4 . ding. engt
And bk.� are' funditn' no was nvented.by e
it , I � . . a I -good. ward S n t so.', 6n, the ;aontrary,.It'ia:bett6r o water ov r 'the'eriir
day' omI 0 tb e erest
&cituxei 'or: erset, �a' Mirquesa_and' Ear tiii,'when: the body' and thus retafti the sc6niqL gran-
or's roputatii,on. h is' still a Travel, In, a country -an
disiils in y ii- ment.
c Be g to, rfiak car's ionedli 'And' reveals
the thin o soM6 study.of Lthe 1: 'of Wor- to )lathe I c6lA �ra
Be e Falls.
opin on ,.o uni In 1655 Aeui f ifi Aorgesho
and of -the',* I' f it.4 -pbs aid 1 iict in. Is! warm' -provided no time, is In 0. boornerang., pr ncIpI6, 'does -hold
suspected, natIonal It. I Fortunately, the law of.'rbaction, the, Vent.'the wire'less'.. tq 'but' do. i�itlng into the water.'
of L nd gibilitles. ,egraph,
aowner ada':beyond�'
anddubtedl 'true -that Cal�
y not
8-atovos are
l3oidbri ii still often regarded �iliDne with evil acts. "'Tfie g6od db6da woqE�&.�
an&,,�apxilied, it it was. tlie ooms - warmed -',.,by ga
eY ry th�
as, it- . t by� lare, us as 8 Clerk Ma*welq 'nofunhealthy,'neith�er do�th R46adi
ome Vadk,., and
ra6kiegs 'forest, roamed over' ur&'to . " , .1 nem
And the Scleilt flo, pert aiiosphere unduly, btit,c.gre 6bould, ,be
bb I X mOnts- of Hertz
Ara, hioo6e �bleiod ."'16h and' Iiidlans, where 6e they br ng with',them i
the', tove a not*'
R CENIC RESOURIM 6d wire too -power
OU w w c theY, were loss telbirs, hy. 'taken ihat i I
Are uiid6r Arctic condl. d. � n ent �'Th6 readiness Is all," said"Hamlet,.
I hkbitAn6 It' I tons 'h p
out. -the. saying 1 pasbed into L
ful foi- th in.
e greater, part. q Y�Ilrow
Mot6 do n6t. eat clothis.�� Thiiis' :an
siz6, of the rdo 'h �7, AM
ItIOIS th �Oravii vs. ibi4y'soji. a
Ito,bellov,e finue to, Pr e 0*6rfjd' I summet-holl
1 gue, from t e, play L L
ov The amount f essure applied'by e grubs, that dove oIi 1rom lz�'_Idhid Parks C6n Wigi�e6 fo� �aY tw Can'ada'1EP there
30ij done by th:
Jere' educational In the best Sense and 0 pr is bealthidt t6'11ve n, that:a.clay.., fiat 6k.'� aff, writing �utside the rect and Indire'd']Ben'6fij8`.-, anis to he Veywin,ohe"minifte, is h 't of' the eggs, the; in th fiave,141dl..
The inate' st.,often quo
Berves often e , fact when *rav6l a mo �ii qupt d'.'
as a prellminar go y to -in 4i a maft agpip
nit -a a ber declaredL 1bb inteptio, of retu
ur g��th4;�,�t�gefiao vestment., "1111 permaneiii' settle efi.' oftoe Anything,upto a-t6n 'and a has. Ue'n', tendered foul by, infift on e- did" ere mu6t be 'not alofi' the Te&,.
I Sgo,tland 'but nai'L oig
D t in
n L
W th
a 0� at' e:� a of how, 'IMM a same L e has I aced, ii� an,c ent
a40� 'ing.4eik jear for g_hotid In th t
'and, bY-L Inf Y,,t,, n Age of'
on rganic ers, it becomes -"a -P sla'�',' erencel. . in
�na�tonal`pal brov %y jhia be ELM minute'.the ey can etr" I eTh .,q. 6nce, ;;ag i n,, �:th
�k Igtation. matt as. go .
0 ver for. tourist, trav he,m iftlital 'sigrn_s.. and Oe ngers
-ead amlet there
Loillows toullist trael is, perraps fo�UT ry hotbed h�
b '000 mw�ements. in h xl�akea out g, .. and: -in ng to� t t , wafd of A r cp ntr es. It Is beco kingdom, jt oro f d1ly, armed�; di�
teUls �AOUUIO�n -Calif ornia hajd 'a small Blount.
l0g, TheL,growth I* travel howev 8out ern'Califqrhla.� Twenty years he -antifia r'lllu
not conil � d ntIonal parks. 'r Afl,that'ilfe ne to the' A�� . . . � Girls, 'what are you p anning. -to do
Ve dAy
Population and , A, ry, limited', pros- ,
natlonal park$ la� not Stin tar In visitors, was re -
Increase. t1—deielap- It,, make ille"most.
,w h What is. it,to be ready?, Roadiries!
To -day I life
thoy;.�Are� pi I pa L 8 mply as a i
pv ng;each�ydar. L.Ported from' AA Of the Do-,
the talents d6d ii jlirdd bit, and
no -an IMPTQVISatif)T
d minion, partlejilarly,1r6m. thb6� pr.6'!' capitaaizing he'r' scene :'Accomplish L something i. -It 6tnnoi b
60table mOuts. , ry and climate'
�afid develop were, o'et. aqgid'bL to *13i 'a undertaken special na aLttrac* or sit calmly downh nd witif'f or tlielni-,' lY"dbnned:L'Iik6 a
Th national 'parl,,W ing her' 9a
wh eh'LhAv, sudde 61
built. up
reserve some 0,L � A large, cu.rL'jn�c' I puilic'Ity'and roids cam . paig, a une. im
it, �jaiitjjii tloris,� has,
good- Ila. pos�lble. to', Wpm 'or- dream. extemporl7ed like t
dly of p igA..
na outs andIng seen c reg ons. and o n '.hard . trainffi
Ace6rdingto, ie&rti reo6iftly publish. ipan4nt*-pobifl�tlori and:A'touri-st travel- -bd It yoiir-su�- Th
worth', It !A. sildi � $30L' L what you would, like io L 9t course f 9..
. 4 , ed In the daily, press The an' � tourist football fiel&-to choose 0,000,00� a year. L: ro'
Y rRat. sl�aturdiy '.exaniple---�Abounds e to trave --of Britt now., on I;G�jldr population Can
Y - . I . nual 'diffe
in prGliotl
c�SL, OfL
io's6e,t e, wondp .9, reached the aston shlng� total of $SO,- a a, grea er area setL' 46 o'n'ivho work in,high -to stin play h
ihe:'.deFAr' i in -
'art ada'possessie t si
of otherL'p
ipperatures aW. 0 were P1
r1lie'dile part laf act
for national Ila an tiny other counI often ose,.'�Gnsidejrable weilxh from Bug L
�of Is an' a most univdrsal, b00,000, sum equa rkff th Puziled.. and Picked16
or a I tojhe' total d
pa&. . . I e dropki
one "ibe-vo try an she can -look, orwafd P9st 'a —"I'.wIsh th se folks, of Ahe ck oi tiie r-�
ia * , to an" in n
�id: -is a, Annual! mineral pioduction' =t #ro- nc- C, rd
unusual 'respiration and per -i onieht to'Remai Fatient� Nd pass,
�easing ,appreciation of their at. piraticin. n nbers their hod ',a., and" ho the psych6logit, . -al iij t ''t
_v in, L o. T re '�of 0
tkeir, gate.%,'und,.iticidentall-Y'briiiging; C he venue an would have nui W
from so lose mu"ch.salt. In Engl d Doubt. V
were e
direct an -a 1: ts tractions. S: e Possesse(:� too, many p 1 'JI.L
as not'., been :coxbputed,, .6f.ex eilments on workers,i -"What Is It you find, 'so stt�ngb 'iind'Laid'
Dur- ow am I to find A. Worm, Acdru j�ut into the gi�nii�
many nditq�t' 6nefl
ac , ar.' po6i liy,t'
Ing the seas-ou. p�%�ttc:Ally e bt4i is hot mines '�eofiis to -show that a small a�bout the' pAtlents of' that doctor who o
ery um; while, In other'I)Gtenti�iitles which as'yee
it It must. To 'h. a I ge �s .. . ., !, , I dL rai
f carcely 'ibeen To
'Oneo t,.�6PArkiat-lio�r.ed:ahlocreasbin: ..Quebec,,. due lax improved hig L alized.' hei sum-- o;-- They had1ong pra-ticed alone -:,41
* saw'u sly hero; co-ur- wi no� L gely to L 'Imdr and n, rminte'r i quantity' of salt 1aken daily�� relieves wyiteg,, so many 'liquor :pf eacriptions
travel. 'Ja-pper parki -which :v�as able avel'laat- yeari*acc& -he te, r' Ar"
in ji No on'
a the men, of much 4, t eir exhastib 'fWhy, 'none of L the -ever, been
AV ya, tr rding toA h , Ir- xi.t 1A has e evei pennant;Iwqving 0
ie'; first time �oi offer. suiltablp ac, I Int6ter of Avas worth;$20,000,- her'big' ga�ine aud'.fish1nk,,! age has dn Open face.,' -for tj h,
A drin k b i6n,of dbout:
n6wn elther to dle"or'to get well
��arg, -I an
at a .000 d 1 Frenone-thivd -0 1 ounce -of BAlt to a, igai-I §truckjound them
'times -mord vi hwen,,picturpique IndjAn
0 aniodntilon,' had -
Canadian. -In
'ira r d,malfy People 'AaVe
th dlilons- � h,%
il lo mos ec ion
-was boautif A— -ii� -soirietimes '[ '-ht- b'---- cb agon re -also n,� -Avater-,-AV"-,,, �ducated-.m mo a cities, Land' ru 1 .. L 1, su marine c asers- and epn- The.lawyer may suill 'I
.i's and. a' l4rie addition to its, large traielAo-ttlo, Mariti ral,distribta; an h t. L 'b
g*.off. ht;�gue.-, ..finds__6ut. that -what.-he doesni_.kn,6w__ - veTed years
.1 -.1 1. 1 'them into -house IiO�ts. " Strip- legal educajjo
bu ngalow hotel -pll 'be made & hext' New l3runswIckL r6porfbig, atotal of that'-�rh t he ped -%of th�ir lirgP,' high-'Sliee4, -bligines, -ie
e wants; nc� in -a
Arhat h n and expql:
A4C n
buew4lf uL '006,000��r� ezrLYT-threeitimbs- -h '__7��_,they make coz
knows e use.
e e, cause, o rs Igo. 'It. must be. to.
wer th f1brinkitij many hun that of, two (in the.'spur` of 41�0, moincn'�.'
ed Out t e, rie
-spito or a we� tourists d bridg�_btj,lj OM 1i 4e rovpp�je -.from, h.:aqcumul U
reds..ot lie6plt ' i io' Caxir�(!&,., fr' the membeired, too, t at t�
Is. Widely dlS d'
trlNu( 113P 1 Of Ill.
spn� and7 other drawbacks over 3,000 all
_c,1aqS',0. of.,:pe.6pIo given he credit 'a 'prompt AN"
pars re itlanit , and .,Kootenay.' build up,.the-prospert y. qg,,. lio
th town r his
onto 'n,- lke the of
;k as,-froML.-.t e, - nit6 country� we rk- h' N'xine
n gures care u
oU Y
ID h�600 V,SltprS Spent 'less thAh. flv� d ilienj -St d
ouf by',pubile ty experts 'Indicate
days In Canaa, many, f the -m- spent, that' out. of -eiery dolI sp - en 7 t.b L y 41a . el� testing !an. ,US
d_ cQnipa ison,.
-more -And a large num- 1 t9urlatL approximately onethlid
But.it, goes e mus not be
spen e 'in
A QUESTION OF making i6ady t'jive_ Wi�'ea
-71 tio�, for�
'ever postpone 6 word or aL deed.;L. !a no Oi
"A n d er than hoi, fools r Say, some dforty times
are'possesed -,with' Of. Our ution,
i�eels, sho'.w many signs, of end ill find'il
qld�rusty springs and W' day;,but dAys
91v ng way. Whe You -y ting: whar-to. do.
W� ungpr I could fa and not'lle, la4dd ad'
'AvonderiTg *hht it -'is that
b -or
-,wc hu,vi
Apl�.:qr. knee;" as.: spr ngy_as,,a.xub -ball, no,accid nt Be
- - - - -------
4 tl end,wh
i` my -glee. :'-b tT-if
u Qw-1f I - f dil' do' n the Stairs I,&_aureL to -d a -
ma e-1 if&—
t_tlrue �aro AV,
my back.,andif_�I f ver'
-a u blc� o chairs.'--aJ tz...6f.-r-lbs b __not. a
�'to. crack.; I soM times.,slide ori,.oranig,
e 8e 8 -Rn
'ir6 facts� but
d t'
purpos� f
V�� ion, is not to aeq
tui AIR I cry, "A ma� 116 older thah, b dels,"' wh 8 sto. attain a. ehAfHrttej- 'an'd Lto'enalife us
of tru,thful,'lle. I'd h in foe ng young,,�hd right to ae4uit,ours'61
ave You think tea like Yneil -in cow-_
side up, and good, as new, and'so, you, see,, I'm'Kiving-.tonguo� t
Q. %4ge-ar�d_iil service' 6'the ruc
that which ls'u6t strictly, truei', And yet It's AruOprpnbukh, I gu
that I'm no older than Ijeel -a' f 8, the-
nd, it my, ce ings I confes or exp ain yout Heilds do�not
tal 'Your sonses roe A hjwell,, ods -bonea and litilly
o,would make, necd,-it-And your ow I ril-lv
gr anyway.
chee, the fact's too Bad The tongue -or pen, but, "'itbdards eve you
hate o'see themselves outclassed by youngqr,me hey hate
The, best saf
t -thinli th ety app lance .dji an
o more ldjoAotards on the, latAge, I
kutOffioblle Is' . ca o ul
f Man A t
plao'es in't'he aun, and �SOL,rejjudlat6 their, age; a,
HAAS;' rANAbA mal, and dry In acconts, bold, 'LADIES-�,6 13E'COME NURStS
el my 'S'luggisliblo6d, c4ngL iNDIAN
lie gallant Dritish war ch�bcarg the'name, of thegreatest Brl- "M�n are no�oldei, than tho: fe, el, and- I'M a sorrel three -Year The ship! will -old. ��e first,two Indian girls'to leave that couniry and train for the nursing, Itin fbresCres in,
Infillon. within the E'rnplre "Tbe'Canad
a," which to6k.part in a re.
d. Lad Readi Vicoroy. of india Colj�pt'se ail
cent revi w.- Pro e ion are now -in inglin� ng, wife. of th
ere. an
0 t t f con6i"t: Ic 11
Jand t4hLle
Ri RARRITBOR0 r, agricuto
Ve been set
A N t W, ORn4iN)� A�, WHO SAID tI V0 5
0 du
..,SA 100KI' .6 SH 10L,
145OR 01 AS MA
�in Y" lifc4TI
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FOR. A H058ANT) otge I eol'& to the" IhsurahCo'Jouro:,t r -all aer"Jane so hazar6us as to
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Th6. m�jh iction
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Ican Biblo'N600ty reeently r6ceiv(,d
an .order f6rl and a half
)lUmes Of the &kipturex 1�,
8pan�ejh to njake
t;h9llsh and be
oiiaodi The books 06!,',
for distri,
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