HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-24, Page 5,7?
�y . -jpjp7
L CKNoW, �$w ''P. Tii Ej
7� ----------- mm ASDAY� JANVAg.Y 940
'Ok"," 1�s 7now-'..?
>y 9W to, 60 ski Fair Profit 9"t
It, will Pay 7to Vs;de!4;*"t'bs of 11
'Avers e� Field.
W f ohUfooremes of eatA A elng �tjl% Jgtgmpqq� —Tf
-.4-en Cann IL X10%
4 b-1
by On4ift Do artment at 1
'lye U
zriculture., Tor 4
A i9wine. are *b
I�MXT`604 And right Prope
;list �qtj�, in
driOnage Can Ole
M abundant ezo 4 how far 0bi develo
nnt 4�Jr Sodium. sdljilhgte�
on 'well selepted. feeds, gently, 04 RnOihade to Pay bast liti b aZIASTePorted by the,
-,of -'Labor- uhd
opelli U
uOr s a n a a -ti o, A- iti M, recove
�--Jjor . u
Kotected',ag IOW.'A&t "sour' field Ust0l) the-nialilifa wamp area,, a
ot Cli
a QEnerIqe4pFs,. Much r, o bjs;,,6Wjj or his Or 'odd corrie* Bedell
neighbor f arm til dii nS
a P'jg,btwe'en- birth and 'old's'ib,, but e A report o, - the, British
I t is'an, eas' '6al tii. kee Ole Pirod uctiVe land
y an Co Columbia
V. 14"tke and 'hb� Department
aighi -and 41 te ready 61111 �that p�go b - for- show# loans Lt A139: sulift s
q D
�,nar�Qw �p
ath,. lead ifg Id I ly indumtries am
oun Ing
sYNS 0, N.
'to 41,176,04 entibrii plant T`H 33, B A
CCessftfl- and. pj�QWA,ble'developmeti AlEgli-priced er �,.60
0 Pay ts,:,have' -been,rn
b I_YOU :P�Othe -gar C
thes tr Bit adv, on
.:.. - %.;o Principal by 55'.industries. Total z L AND ARE, COMING,
quently,� ff e-
Igs frP sit e, ini re from
Llicknow Pr* P2 nts Am�unt to 1&1 171 OR 11jolt
bv A. E, eat," , th Vghjy drain lit PAY 'to Pretty th:
the h 0 til 428, �Qf of e sun during tile sum- it whole. area. But the $71,2
of' giving �;tjj
To pjadoctly vh
toter than they- olb,fro he Cold of, careful D -.-M RXB�AR;;-7
Year after, . year.'gives or the purpose of ...exttilding GAINS IN SH6 any a e Irees. R.T OD
e ull, us,� of available, Sh d anadian . trad LINE S,
co or, �G MANY -if average ylojos ..Of e EaSte bf
when U141cing Y 0 plan.9 for swine orclinay th rn ASO
V Her'e"a n4. he��,, 1 and
-%apm thd J�j pastures, fee editerranean, W.,
Pot. C6)C�- lo.ts 0 colony house corni pojtgt6 U4. Clarke C ABL
VW r
locations: or 4ay
e2pecially.jitt pi�eint p I Alladiait Trade Com- 1WE
Export rices toe, these In ta Yj has'beenj 'WISH T -) r
ible adid, ijiy:M`bW in inter -Er 'jVh,: S oed t Milo C Impurift, elf4
or, Pigs. commodities, look
trade In li ext, eded 1, eedett .4 altosether-out of: to "Visit these. countries
0 ng
SE H S,.If f 6 h4ving access to 'a 1`0440ft. Bealdea, it han-b 0POrtunitiefi, for
QRRI I be 'ar Ili �nfi uct
bY' over $12 000jo.00., on the
ain- 9
countries b6lun may neglect. th6-pas W �a;7 'of !OUR. Sp,
Ports ftorh 90 ture V4 THIS
44 AIL VbkY -well when Wheat wits nadis,
to the '13
ILhoroughly� bringiiii to three dollars IS WIRITEOR GRE
g, na to -tinie" The qelf� .4 tial E., D. Cal WN
to Vion .0' b guide and
t5,713,000; veft,
Ca d Watched fom d IQ . , noted Y FLA ELl,
to think of drft $pOrtalftan F-TTE
:4mounting to, $27,8&1�,Ouu fereanL.:�b.e',.11,188d. With mature nage,but ' ith'd-ollar 'Rainy'River,
Il.reeding atoe,, a Wbbst,L scarcely M na cost. or romtowards bri done, much ngin tour- EST.� SIZE, 4 LARG.�
providing thc�, ratio t
IS L Ulky. an(I contain Production, it -,Ioo j*tS all' parts (if the United' AT
Victor, Fearnehoug�, �ag, gi-ven b IBEX" BRAND
Pieven *weeks, 'son - of ,Oughage as ground alfalfa., a such thro ks foolhardy o -LESS,. THAN' WL H
------ 4 fli Mature w good'.mot:i After bad :States to the La,6 of., the WOO 4
E S A. L,E,
OL 00. t 0 %,jj[loi --- ------ . V. year hai -0
i* Llberta, ihe y* Iii Q'Ilije� breeding re' apt to become, intai COS aethat'-the. tourist traffic -PRIC .......... On -record . te, - tiave fat -if this� ..PAIR TO',SALL AT
the freed6iiii help Th greatly� 'excee&d ;
in& all pre
�hem.seives. c Important cash, items to b4 m0i 010
The� se -feeder us,years And anticipateig $3.0
pool, Engla)nd, in charge. of, of L�icia I; Jn:- PAT of t Atended as age are
tile drain it! greater
ddific Rail eedii' -cha
Canadian P an aid t f i the P't1i o, Increase ii season.
an opetr� price o
#1�e� until h0�trench--4jgkjng ---7-7--
the- Department 'Shall Rail -Ways Steamship- Llhew; thro,,agliout ations di.i,ring the-grliizing a f the 'tile -
is Si D
e A
Approved the tri HIS is
live 14-c-111 it,,4.ill-r-ed-u-ci4--�th-e-lWbor re Mat 0 shippe UC
T-Tni gtaiies' rii TR.O WRY,
A fair,' eati N IN
year 1023 'as �O
f0ii 'the' T
of the eL. eostq; in n -o v r-- ts-d&i
e d� frb
-pare ...w. 26 d t-thia -Clitinadian-por 07OUIR-F
unintions t me e erop year
111mr.-,411ti -For Serving oiie p
ceixt., gieli, '$30: per
An 'exPdFknent. -in a ip'piit 9' ' ' 1 L -thousand
Civil h Cm. fOU - SeP (ember 1 1922 to A
e a d t ND� BE
D Nf;,
fig g Revenues jiiadjaiii pe' 'En OWinter U4e. five Cents peti totai O'D
-Action Olt erli for three or
A aches',k to
ro, �'for ushels.
e, rates e e of land
Y, recomiuend�d�by' alj,succefia�; at regular' tj
....... 254 611447 'Old t nces between. it
were packd- in -a6d st�.ongl 0
SUM11101111SASSued -for a,,,yiolAtion roven successful. The peaches. The se;,af a suitab 'e I*Ylili At. thes This' meant, t6ial an lingo of ap-' �ALE
I. corrective in of siti t4e4rOvisions. of 4his'A�t 1923' Stifiall boxes els as,
e girgi to hig
One that ia J�w I
ndoh in fine condition. I S� -StoreA
ved within fo'dai Of Swiae',fe�eders.
shall se'r 1922 laced 'in c st;6ii' reaching. ful lines would 66
;;;.�"' 8' ; L LIO
Vid(W h Y,01iCient, an Per acre at- 20 f , of WOfth
q6, liro lik6lihood an -.increased demand pri�pare jj' A4 S'a t e, e ra:,at. lake,
wever, easy 0
d t
May e. provid We. yoU. If
Be $ 21,005 559 0 a 100 Ooli -Itme! Stone'
-for serving, iiiii Bum- peaches. ed as folio 61ii - .76 that e time* nerea ...... f r. Cahadi n f1grodnd .60. "W, COnVenient,
plibils'n1ay-be ��tend1ed by*the piesi& 0 E --r— ()I- slacked�. iftne.. miss Wait "T' *hy ji
perAthii xpenpes., -presentati on owne; Of Berlin," ot:
first, put
iqg Magistrai Sufficient' '06 of thi besi 1.00 Pouiids,'o NH, �w 0 in thkee yeaii since -a e ae�yiju'r Ph ne�
t ividince '!Tld swine blo f hard* w ' ood aahes or'r' h ,U 0 WrI
od of Great Britain,
ellar �soil ntereAt rates 'and; accord- ev.ed'
oWhich 10' di n a- ski, hak achii
33� animals wiitfi�orbid,from the m0!d' -P?'U" a 149 to the tekins under i:lnle throuir
Adduced �to that',th 1923 it th
'$ �34,535;000
e per een 4d& h', lick dtrihg arid, grace-..
$ 6,1
am Summitinzi �CO ati in 0 0.
of b4lib flour has b d. hich loans..
2 ound
'u.1 jumPilli has express
uld:'not be served :1922 2' egins, Saskat.'. 4re ji to. farmers.'under the: Tile, ed heir e -i
a D A-96 Act,:the totat d
sir�,� o compet
50� poun s of fialt.:, ) I
6 timespecj Ichewhn recently. There were 19 of e' With Cati
-*iihih. th
heel) 'and 16 h6i�s. in' the shipment. drainage; both princip
Incria 20'p6unds Of'SUIphUr,L
ga b —at -the -winter, Sports,
r' we -re Ought by U14 2 - -Polinds. of jroLj�, Cold-be-treftriti the 'I Qubec'on February
Nb� ctiorr'-sihall be., brought- a aingi Be $ 3,358,624 1 Pertion, for: the, iecovtry -of damages nestor In, arnival 'in'
Net Revenues !jve firavill, for, fainers in tile jjr�o� ��.i 4wellty. equar.: year,
and 24th, doiin ly PYMents '01.�—
Y a mo or. Ve!hj
1 occasioned' b material toxether� ich time]
--ffri, 2, U 11
i cle after epilig heAron iulphate. Wh 0
will ii exhibi 'PS
Iof's mo j-ho,,fr6mi ell Per, ii�re, tI 0d, s:t 201cfeet jum
exp rat.ion ...... $ t,20 arp 4:20 '40
mixed;, dissbive,, thelron, sul-
1922'-, a
Ime'w 2,49q,�12 has been.. .gal a
en the' ......... lo k4ut it4tti4bn t e I�h w, ar
Ai 11 Ion o,f* hot, �;s F u' r�'tb 6 r indication'S ;that L the ye'.
ge v6re, ti ad.2 -.RfiA
e en re Mafia., 0 in ocean
�d I1jp!eteL and. will - be spli over':th .0 i23. will create- 1ec
tg,, Shovel
for tide next year. 4t is��'stc
'on Mount cariitiei.., ni F'.
of d' Ines,' a:nd 'then'. at ra fic . 4re '.s � own., by, figiires:,
PrOduciflop L Be orb in- This f h
...... $ 17i646,035, -is fo" ' t d or er to Meet, 'ven
"'a sa 6r. brr r-use as Waitte )uti lit the head4ugrtrliii of - the, Cffana-
e 2 are. Co!'uii And U Id the Cost OfL':dr4'RiII9''A9ldW- At Memeti ian. Pacific 9teAiinshipi,'
be gl�en free icceij thej L,
A person cdfivi�t�4 Of 'L ali� offelti "Th %for A ' 9 3 t.,, feet, above."a4evel ki
Subjec f 300 Ings
L . It will be used distali e 'various ',.jmO Uh.4L . ... . John
it uf- to a eea L t nth for-;*est�o gailings were,excep.
"this Act�� if heh6ijeritibins, so. Some 4'the� r the detbeti6ji-of. for a, f 96der or - box containing the '�*O alltY .$2.60; Sala
'f est frea�,.;ind b6v 'i' te'fo 1 4, through iii rY 401: Tol
uce. item''s, 4 fiterithk. int :1 and or. Meteorooii arid oher� e'ra Steven 'toe crop' on a laijej. wbiie those for., mail. Clerk 'in N .3
0 sur U61 -ere d'' 0' G S
license shall, oriitlii pr )dt� reve�ue b ci
PU4 911 the' I ii the -Old'COUntry for Christ- 3 $3 .-S -NO
license for. the rp6S4 'if exrnea,8? hdrilied.
'Year were c
ges no h ld igh'tly affectL�; ille �i4.w d hool ousew Ro.; #4
ju tin t, P. estimated,'.,but �t)le to * f6' na and
semen t o �a' onl' e1i z0jis Imptroves', ji�ej a, Of vance, a , beit Swau'vVel'i of L L'''
t, ar , id if the d- n Far- ---Bookkeeping. d the.traff !a of ny, previous r'sa ary
,th, ear. 0. 4.: Ang .5 rt
ch the offence speaks f or, 'it pire, -so"Judges at the.�: bessert ppp dairy fa*rzi' y
chatiffelti licensei-ihe'. owner Of the Si statinnent. The sateii ple is the ellamplon d R Oo
te �in
Y. at the', Thi%,Canadi'an Melti red a of J4. D
the Drit6h -Em Is were ted -for Baolid'.on in a yn 2,
vhic L 10te detail- average #roduCtIQA'
or, in Imp 'jjitL S116*, WI of peo milk. re and' average oi received-; by 'Clllgary Board'. of. :fo;r of T61L Clerk n No, 4,
ielf,'and comp isiudy.of the 069t Pei a:ry.
ti erial Pr du� Trade 1§ -D . o nald -k�jd eg
Was comal. tted if�all forthwith pro- ed'"Linforma oiI with .. respect to -411 ' It:'was 'found that' on. one the, Cost, farthi In th'IS'Proivince ln:Iq,jI. ana in harl $4.'00 Sal
Manchester re t:entl' terest,All. hduce his-lierni for. th tirpose, 'of -'.of interest relating to y., ju ge roposa. ary of D.
n interests" Which ',in-, 91. 0. oward'] cQ
uire $%00.
ox- -orange of . milk;' d' take twb a 'd Oli
atteig diii �vao $1,.65
the They., Woo. ;Pei' hundli .4t wool' g
decided, that G weight, -on -Ahe other' -fa, " .half bushels of�faql,WJIL Cle
Nation f Railway t utilization of or S eqAqroe�j1efii
tern will be Firipin, lurnbia' to :�me t voivc-�., the: kk 0.
itsj frow,"'British Col on e
cos wa§ per tfpidredwiight,�i e t estern, V
Whole, are -the at -of r I I , r tra fcq 'the. mainufac
on blished th annul tiie be,' six- f tile Cost of -ti a&I repoi be ling ali feet apart; uro Of paperL
ov one-�half.,buliii to tile d th L iroducts,
is getting, Ouse o 'Idetibn Elish pe' is,. ptd, alit L Ah a XcDoniLI41
e,' both these -farms were. -selling 010 One and f : U .00 for Z*ii
n preparation teen ekbibits. from'.. ersea :a. 'Milk' at' $2.1�0 phundiodweigiti It at otiIii e ere a nolty vide;d, in, the nOWJ li, , th -aminis- Vjnti 1bcirefOr e fb;ily hundred, feet �Ssier, information" *fth,resp
A f . 1". and, f, I) N or ii fiti second, -,third'or u - tiatioiti Aesired prom fjy to. i0qua* h. ott say 'abo�tli weii teet al�art: it -Would t the'- dev6lopinent R
b P AM fit W at'Would y , even at ry-o 0: In 0
ple,of C Va. �up. of industries.' Jollh-,N.�,,.� -Robcl't�oni
�,�,�%equenf -'effenco he -we a irs the peo anada; with he i�niiral Para t ti,"rosperity -of 'thd two -f Mm'? ncreaae*-6f, o I fojr,sal�j7
ar tak�haa I n seven and 11tthdreds of thu4skildtio-.f. Joni- �of two
S t a
resu is, no en "aii- T ' air bofir4 -I -��raw:.are bui4i�4jn thLi� 0 Richard
shair r-elatk It' t possible to -ter up-� t I e- prairies ",:$3 00 iled diseu I as ion �of th * ei hich drainage 'year, which "olling Booth
offences committed in the oil, `A� �e& rcord -for -the' �trin�portatiozi of aide by Side, one O.f �Whlc h its to W, might every of
com. Prosperous while the ptheir'setions to dl: it - -Is.;&Iaime d 'has in No.,:_6 1VV It
'Only to' 'graiii just'lleen ichWved-�by;thei be 'fip"Ario a , cea rl rl miti in -grow zi a' corkmercial,,val Murdoch $10 00 Lf
is Shall an Isame tal ead ue.. d ' itc 'Clin or
itindar yeiti this�. time,, bujtAl�e - (;%ni _PjjCif,C�:RAijWa L, Y.—I It -one- *I.( going downi It do6jon-It Wheat be' seen; when )VOL41 r R.- A. Pol-
tv offences.4 Of persons -driving directors and the- chair 'Peried,of 24 h" 'Mean: that 'one. farmer' is i results Both aith6 16 at
Oe "tlg' .�,for -.19 00
t ir ified, in taking' ad%iani of this. 0' - peg. for the -head Of .1. b a, at I lit acres G
Ppjyl ane.e just- I ours thete were inoved St J Quebe�, has,been thition 'Richitid Sta�'ley from Wihni while the;� othdJr Is Jazy., 33i ill We g:.77...
a o * car. while' in an intoxicated Ica or as & Movie .20.fot.grai
Z�naiti I . . :: - . have all a6eh hati. ave 46 eni vei-
7 li ' h orking, farmers ushe a of fill *beat peg! l4crei, a.frangemento have! beeli ad' K&nhoith Ffillayson L$19.'50 -for
W 10, - ave failed' to make lit. ILCres n bi, 6Ld it�h 100 rod t S &
on por,unity-tti. e*prez9'the,,-hope'th4t lakes 1 , 76 4,; also L held , by� tile b 4�ozirad,'Niglj aiA Alma'Rubens:for
t aed' cars The best
0-0,0 e Service eein 1924 will nIer;-- Can' Jan . pacific iWe explain'it-bYL-sayin hid Ucre.` This result was on Aj 10" '06h 2 11 arevious ii unolkalitieit' lairld 0"ghels
ad .61u� th Lroa land Kinlos MUW'
RailWay� 'll, Ali I'n:the stiL allsportation of tho M
Wli poor
it,1the p "cars.. Ide4j., or things, r.
Ito iom ed.L
'REVEN-U.,ES-OF,.' 0e NET- Merous.
L -P one inf-hall.,'
& from the puline during Per acrt 4'nd '11 ait Win.. 'Boli
2 Ar eY�ozli 1pla�ce an
tiall brain '18, early a ton oi urinithe eakly 'winter. $12.00
abolli jig Ntli - whil that '%f�, oi- cA eaning., d
I ,Iraln#d 1,30' Winter Lionel Bati Seena S- , rig culvert.,
TWENirY M- ILLION the pask, y . ear -'The ho&W.eipec�iall 'One t porta-zli AS WusC16`if'*l1 bushels &.6d half a joij I and h6umand �young ufialo -will Ot, more go, St J*Vjje ames: rwin
bi oil - id'elinq 16, $2;60,,for
4egires to -de nb*16dge -the fine and bi tako6.1romi the Dominion Park Atli a d at for'the onKinloss Boundary
S k* in this fkrmlne,�usin ` QAts bn''dralinetil liand� Ytelded'.50
red by officers and-. fairmer can *ork' as 0difitsibly'at his bushels per "r*,�anii:t,thaae on tiig�un- Oiii to'. service kende Wainwright, Alberta rts'. f. th Itu.
In'thei official Statement I'stuied ' loose hi this idesk -.as he call in -field � ' ' ' , ? L'. . 0 ple re Wni. endex on
re employees., li Ili ti;� regi6n--in taking bbher pa grading,
which has" greatlir-,
Hen Of -Alfalfa and nkyj around th' e on Road ry W. Thornton' which ' wood rh at swhy I I, - e Cha eau Frontenap
,ciently !by Sir pijq, f' �k e ds. $2.00..: "Wm
buffaid.- aie fpunj, a:. armar to, be, Cu 25 for:"�. bieliking road L on,
ributed to the favorable -resulta, lion., :educated. I' iocressc&. bee' ',&lid Wi4deirmers, ; I . 1, a a nia
for, the yeati Charles S"&ii Mi I r .. .. L I . like of on. 2 4
'4�hsirman and President�', the �'net re�li conit ttek 'of -13191i The questi6ii oi, economical ly � uJi OUj Jimes Irwin, $TX0
�eturlis-.whether th6`4Arhier iii h Of Venues of'the Interioti announces ,This, wilY' ian ifig' 'ditch atxhot I
'I know how. ioi ke;E�O It'la,books. or not. f0ti thAi* n, 00 f ', f
Cqn'adian,' National Ry. fields.is'niet by the foil bal
at. the slaughter ;k'.tlli iti 2 a
J�ofi $2
I.t talti 'u'fem'. to joi` Taficthr:0ilkh'*thA 'Llitchinit, Canal- or.'re und
of (16g tax.
9 OL. . , 4 It I �
t4i for the year, 1923 are, placed mals made necessary by -the 'it nly a�few' I lueet th cost of,drain 'ji�ley'L fly
447 being-anL'ini of '100k� ',that matter -the one half Of or-iAlling Si �6f- ihe 7 W -3i Ing-, 4ho*ed dr Electric
0, n-Vaii Fit fqet, W it e it, - ji ease- -over�.
n hPounds ot; light �fojr H -all The'
4�7- 6,935, in net reve V L. 7tile son—hei.d- 'e- ooliiLL the, cogt� f st, -of 1922 Ili ainjost every ar
ems , f" ehu",over I a o 'drains following wepassed1r at -
w 'ji , 4 I . t week. And'if Ili heiataL
hy y UJE ense Can I
i fbilowing -bi, �mtel unuival "th
—a not
r *veli el, ii.
-ou-can-�Ri lit li .,"Th -:e Jlli
n . i the othe'r half should itla-
e,, statitrn�' ve. Milli
_AS; 2 5, 2-10-'. W i he a s. . c ot a p
O.be"A I��—represents 'briefly r the financisil per- triblaEt leisure I'-witti 87,01AI2 in IM2, . MOL' of,, ea
S h Dec. 15, 1923,
OMe Men, have an idnat e Of gives, the old: appendix Of even d at, 00r, -
I e
he,''.Canadian National th' " hd IIA17Y-mixed' clover a'
e ar "a x1age at, 20,1eet. vioin. yea, co's I illn viz:�"Rob6rt Irm7in. $4
lor'niance of i venifigg; �The,::�date- N al a rdi receipts a
'ar(Y iftore than m6re, half, a -ton incii $400 'lin
e law and some have, Ion a breathi ad L soh' $4'00
ns 'th 384;575 - ey ng pp�ll. r rep fit,� will uji the i ';to riii. J.
ilay 8 I'g;59
-4, oe tons; th'
While only in
Items, Of coli'loalty'' to be 4emem6ered. of 207f e 0 'rated. be- , d Ang:us. Mityll. 8eby.
for a' I*' ' Stem,' Martyh, Olerk, $15.00-oi
creases of '33 inir 5,462j200� ae4inst, 4,796,548-,,
Willie theIJ4 f0fli I It. � �. 1 1 1 .. A 200' pounds wjil
4 'An r ji
Reall)r '00re Is. no' 9xcus, for a - OL foot:And.. paring 8ta enient f6'the Department-
R'IDA TO IT fike ebjro of t
AENT one, .11�'nley Public LibrarY
HIE. OR tipments of pulpwood" tot;ilfing
iiof iilio I ineb. When it is 356,980 , t 313,134' last, W Jig his produetion! against
'And ft liduld, be, consiaer' drainage pt-rinits, the d that $25
cots ed: bringing, y4iar; Ahe cargo tonnage being',,4,. a kilari Entmerton-Me
tluh.of a -sign of Poor farij 4 11 r lit" the, regular -'rotagolf of many , Ibtd 411183 enn", 'Th-�t.the.Clerk be
g 11433eht.liai And Ofisture L ii the . nuznbejr:'6f I Passenge car-' V ;AssessdIr, and, 4'
growth,;of *eeds'916n , . 00mPare4 With 4,360328; jnstrui
hit Per 71 . ,
-,or the tumbling,of fences law uppork"lli '10k -,the Suet -tatallini'79;097, tg ingt, 69,39� (! ownihip Of, Hu
:a to�- ad'ofti�e. for' an
fidsried a ron
Tbe foil b
growillig 'Of our heaviiii itel4iii Ali 1922 11,124.
OLA. howing A ROjIgliAge-�-.-]FjAVe It Good., graogtji 'tile possibilit of ge- assed,' viz: B.YoLaw
6 6 8 appilint certain Offid rs ;of
Jae 4 requizi � lziereAli , t,o, A H'URON T6WNSIII
4 11 cow must be capable ;of., RMOUnts to' meet the'draina P COUN uron for the year
handling large, aryunts gig i0dats CIL, the Townshij.i
of roughage. i,ii not such all to t
poln a
on av 4
-Will Dra)m d ard' of Health for the Town -
Prov dedwith plenty of high quality Cause any worry. q24. �B��ta,,NNlo 687,,to ap
f: L"ii Made Un ejr�the I Januitry, 14th, 1924,
o1,6cal .136,
A X� A
ran a 0 Produde. 'in Itch mot
e------- -y e,3
"I Ile, drainage Ilit'within -the 'reach Township RiOle, nd-subsekibed. the Salaries of'
baitnee,pour ay aw
0 f
-4dde-.d'to-.&'�ratjon: Ithe beeh lfgh�-thl loari jui 't lk�T Decla?�ti oi� Qu:;Ii� ofI fol, trhC veir 1924 By-Lsi No., 689
found to k0dtiio the cost' 06011 Y tile Tile brainage Ac I. It Is ficaii6n. The- ik , nidini df
01i of, the
Bible. b
the counoil' io A 100 pounds of milk 'from, twenty-five. saldat And beet paying are a4 follow the, borrowing, o 'cer wn
t Can majii ftr ii�, Reee t mone-v to i'meetL tho"ClItriti
In an American w J� MacKay. Pollditni'oi of,th`e'Townshfp�-bf Hit
to, seventy-fl.�e cents,. 110 fai'luel I
riment, twelVe, Cows , were divided. a "to a, 'for r 4' systom f 1116 Ueputy�Reeve 'Rcd� qx r
�drafns tmi)o irick nnan Johri Emmertolf ild
intor two gli one, Pay [Or Itself In three or 01, fol' 'L924' BY-Law'.No '990
Ilit silage and group received four years, and dtten il , much; to the TowiiShip
9111as 41 . Alorgan� Councillors' The
0 h4Y, the other the less o, 01deks 'are vlz,: Of 1111YOn for tho' istr worstime than that. in 6ii
0 cap salifierough4ge allb*iiIlice ivith:-kitin S an. u�eait, ,ng
aItioh. pa'2"v b -231 Will' as- a Tri.istoe -of the M6niori '' 'I' P k
pion an -Osborn $100 for edy6king. ppomt, A.
-Oro- f, T
e luore,ni bd.j,'fh& , to 26,W61i,every ddl, At Wvemtbd;,Ov6r Lot It or
A knd Over, year 7 After turning $2roo for refitrid'of dog' taX . ot tiv of Hurolfr! �MacKay2
did veuwell, and esily�,e�d;llod, t2300 "1 _ fho, � or 110 pro]
standpoint ng. crop Auto lid 'of do41 N11,0gah tender 'Of' hllCal �Droduction: o'0110 thowing A balance on t (;Coi-ge -H 11 on n ey. 0 1'�' of I E t
he. right $35.00 for I i611C 1p UV qfzubs
'Aide of the
;Aodgeii al'. of printing contract. 19'23: IV. jj�
�Thege' facts are hot Meant to Lowbil 'b "� I
if any
Suvdi'vis6li Chatham. Henry $'100*. eeate that it 'ddeg not 'bay to, feed, 00 for i 04rf payiiient ol qedeptod,. Wa I
allow tr C
grain 'but to fialti of Col ecor 'of, taxes W. H 1 Tht the orthe Township be
his finbolstance,of
�"O It RF6' An, Rarly start: egis M)r od, to ftls� for tenders for
g and sitti on 'receipts expelizes 1500 fee' of' rack or Hemlock 3
101blify of-giouid, h Oti's jk Pili once sis not ve, ry apt of the� iMunicipal eI6e'jjjjS,,L thi fol- IL
We Biggest E16i. It Sufficiently, to elong, to I L W
5794 This Worl to recover , froon. New'!U'aland It Make the gains retilliked f Ing a n a were paid: -John L*.. Gam -L' Vj . 'J'od
Warried) these betwetil, these t as Produced 66 �6191 Keep the youngs or profi, t- bl $4.00 for sprvi�c(!B of, Deputy -re- . . in.
jFOR 042011344, to 1fti?d hine thousand miles ill li hog on 'r term growing 'right Countl
'd WO' POlfitsto According: to the.1raffic Llc*rd.r "Pilly the along. With, tAe,
ji ccdayt of rapid 'AL tortation jig a frc'� f, the CanAdia W t th-
0 urning officer in failing: subdivision asi
quent odeurti bbtfot three children under fifteen whiph 0011111PAII RailSY, 'officers', of kid's Wonder, as-tho animal hog market condl. our ro
Y looked ANI, the welfifo, 66111A is they Are. at present it re4 no, One: 'John Wilkie., Toll. n6j, t.4 ti V
YeaO of age to do 66 unikee6nipanied by an ��adult, Is driojethrou h tWO4()ai-61d Tam- L jo, 06 count*'' council ;
t bile ihe4t worth-)�6rkghlro, ofoss, weight, 1.6tg res very good to: keb# no, 'One , $2100' Robert
Journey.�,Frbm t1iieks6ii the, y q 1'0-1100 to ehfor6o the
Mittlitild'if hothinr More'rei Arkable still is Me travelled 6 r Chicago on, - Me;. Dixie Flyei. pouri fielght, 3.'f"�t thd hok k&ISInji venture 'showing a of ji. H
'a ;3.00, or rent I Hall I
act; thtt one tr o of youngster In Vr6m there e, 9 Inches;. blitilance A I TWO IA'riniinal cases.
a who covered, ti they travelled Via Calili Pacific to length, 9 feet 6 '1 "ches; girth, 6. L 'on the' right aide no.! 1. 1 Joseph Doupe, $4,0,0"for thaii thi's distance sloni Jack TO iri 4— Whert theyL Vancouver' n feet, r,the ekon-Mc Lennan—
vics Of D.,: It. 0,
bggod Aftee That in n
alW id 11' tralRahrrtd 'to tbd' Canadian Pacifi6 S,S. and he �S,jstll vowifig. farmer is wis 0 6,2, W -m., J,
IC ficil do' Ili adourn to
4 61 Ridtollkoli The 0 who pro- Graham $2'!OLO' Salary of Toll Clerk 1141 0144 1 101 0 al Pse lainbs a4coming, folkeds 4 jro*ljig Ii of rn o fq�44 at the 0 lay
44 fiam, ;4okoorivillisi #f' $lit 4 4qj0jIii � at LS left JackoonV41Q D4. deltili of good OjIgt
tire for his
r-04 ;4 Wi 61st. jingh th r 44114404, tA '2,. John McCormick $3 00, 'A T)
404 11 Keep th no, t f bU&I
4 1 -poll's "Ifle
1.h,o di"8040 Ot
kkilli 661 tiler qwes gomethinuto tiIi Orahke Hall. in no. 2. Richiid Ubb6tt o r
_j�ti Ang% rtyN C104,
C r =e,;