HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-24, Page 4xv oi�, wo,oral,xes in gqQC1 1,
etor an -y police con- via do", do
b at buckpqwi'P�Ltolll or
jrgui�f�.arel oing t6gl' Apgj �ter arei students: at Ox�
Voi.4 D ford4 So the, Jeader, -the THIE V 0
Msickepziie. Propr; X
'fte*v thil Sup.p,,ri0r_-L. of British, Atablp�,or
00 �A any 01figer' lip qinted. for
find Ed . p
y -�cili ryjng, out be provisions of. thii
PA#Y is Cry 0 ffer at r
, tso*
er u from. the lea
act mayat.ani tim
j 0
d@r4 Russia produced.
llp;4 inspect or esli
In 140qrtsilking
men to- Carr
C y On goverrI
'an inspection to. be made, of tbe bra-,
'Y YOU CAN t', t# II'as he ha icle on the bighw',
.,Call and. find: 9114t.1h,li gn tions, VA following.sue p,, kes of any, motor veb RERYRONT,H WARE
f it 10
this offer ?�.s,sis,41loui Ma*Di i& as -
! _� IN, " yehl
11-4orthwith Nto'Put sue
'or A expec
'WE, HAVE GOOD AWRTMENT'L,op. "own er. C! -
orl all fair play. grant into Practice,'the
orgl§ensq, ; . L,
peivil Makin- hi -t�ua to 'at niii
g, his call t e t -put their Pro,- brakes put
L in good� w6rkifi;'Qr4
h L ,r*l)y bringi
'Off PF Within city, Town or village;* Too about L E4 IF -$1.50 TO
often,folk put a new.heaven wit!
a- neiv �oiarth, No - motor vehicle s ha'I I'
small., (kqVt bee 0 YL be d N SA�Vgr'TOV
ause'they assiv e h' 'q this', bel will,be at n CA ON, T 9
Faqi�g to,
inaI h up
b on. a Ili Vrsiy,, wit
'the �am.ount- b 'y wit ' wn
it matt
greater: ........
ers, sli greater even
--or, village t. aL
little, �thg* I , I
Vj t y peed CTED
041 P
%at 20 in _es 4PO,1, ATM,
O;Ind. -�--$%000 0 ObL-,: .. .. ..
To- conclude that he haviri tetib s'A u situation, *6u 'feel J, fore Of L' I VAL�E`FOR SOMETIME
71 river
no at 'Any' 2
e ng [it a
When, biirl Ice, hki4L 'Pro'
ea er ra.e of.�poed.than- i
'It ' li Tj ere is'nothink more. -q rtiin t CR -CUT SAW$ r'P It E M, I E R impRovikii,'
ma e4, q01 l difference, iii
Orr VI age, or O
is not as' egislatio 'Ouf." O'UJS, A AT THE.-.'
mesa -B�'v;e, be: no n such 12% iniles, pj
de a 'pity; C
_BANK the that'. under',:MacDonald1s.
ii PRICE..
ould like -t e capita levy ots-,t
s as h6 natinklizit-'
one.,,can,do1s.,t6,7 ra
his' accounts well'paldr %slimes power MacDonald -*0 11 b e at' % 'Ci ASSORTMENT
Off irs God anki;ig,'ft,6i1ifi' The 'pa�--
B Y, town or Village
es n' the linercy f ths,. L . . .........
me t'Of fifty grvite hundred dollars' iberajs under As. shall 'OF THESE TO CHOOSE FR
0 *mot r vehicle
0 -be, 4rivert OM, AT A BRY GOOD PRICE.,
Lloyd George.
not ofily relieves a m r quith arid IlighwaY outside a
to Merchants,' easure of stag s there will uon any
Manuf axtur6rs and"'. Farmers,: 'on or, Vill" 'of Lei 'Of'
nation where it is paid -but 1 1 be . n4bing but Qpppsfti fr;O
t a in, ..in ther A GOOD HEATING STOVE'dR.'
I age at a greater IF, IN NEED OF
Consq�vativle V
mediately pass s, and 1he Conser
on, so that before al e6 th
AIM.: Any., pe rs oil Wh 6. -,any SLA CALI� 'AS, WE
oJA es
Bn 90 Miles Per ho r.1 -
Branch; end of a, week it dozen: or more �o
Saving Departments at, nd L e U
eryutnumber'.th La- i t
U t olill _e pro STOVE TO SU
orites, so'that should Mae
tight sit a idn nianybe,relleved. That b visions. -Of this,- V asection �h IT YOU DRAND ALSO YOUR"
means: 4tte'r -business pr -so marl Oertake' to PBSO any incur,rfor th first off
ence, a penalty PURSE
S� M Every dollar beld idlei in the pocket'ot legisisitwfir dirstsisiteful'to thq Ub6rais, if not less han $5
I D,, LUCJ and'hot mo�re,thin
6 rbination o
elsewhere,�,while a debt J' a e, n
unpaid fthe two opposition for: the sebrid Offence, 4, -penalty Ipp
he parties �wou d -at once bring of *not less' than.: $16., and' not 'in
ut-that'niuch to make business :about it
'duller' . thanAt might'llilli fe ore
'de at in Addit
ion is li2e
utting off, paymda b One most uril nate qircumstari r Perin May ! e 'suspended for any 9 9 St o' vie
P A tb
ntg MacDonaldr.as he"a'-sumes period;,not exceeding 3 mont
t is d, .0 Chestfiutt I
and oa
Its; and
HeAbirki. he"s bkter'off'�thli is powel The union railway engineers for any su
bsequent and hot ttMO
Seafortrh-,"C-reaM1()ry_,, 'H -a: Th -one 'into Pe, fl
inyiay t gets 91,
re than
ways On Ha
4ad f ad�ditio,
and be spends. MDney- Jhat oth�rw'lse elI throughout, the country
n iis icenpe ex-
andr 'in
CREAM -BUYING, "STATION. have gone on strike,. in an: -eff
saved. Then. 1
a ongLohiles the Ort to. -eedin.
irlsix, months,,
"lip trAns-port-ation'of,th bill; there is
A new tie no Money to pay it and le e cou
Posit 0 :soapstone �,W � I I L ' , r n-, I a9 -7-P
ly r enalty
Notwithstanding tl e. provisions ilif
-)np, feels 6or and thinks tin! s'. �re try. -aturall labor', ulnioihr? wi
lkien' dijkovired" e N
11 ey
On p 'Lake, a
Highte t, ca It prices P t.! Uth of Wabi government do omem! thabove
I fil "lake- io pect, a
S d
n. any-jigrson-w-b.
wdes, o, re"Z�11 L 6-rla aWE.a d;
e guara E
RA goon Lake or
In its e-quitlit; of the stone -hiI b , , or ve ic e oar a hi
t sen rives a mo way'
ted aiek-
no hing mo,
en r or vatlot Of
esPs. re than, Liberals will Pei._ at , a,. �r'eater 'speed`-tb
i. -:. -service'and.'siati4fac�iiiin to; all our arid practical trials are n an 40.
mit, -him' to do.
der way. iniles per hour or �who drive re Goe� the 'Farthest
'9, a motor The- Sto Where, Yodr
Water� transportation- is Money
I SSly r 1. .1 1 . V - . L . .1 1 1 . . I I
Weli'ni-ay he regard -the - assuming vehic on - a Aigh-Arsili reek e, or
!ons. direct from, tilleA
us list es*s., negli-geriltly, ,or a t
THE SAD CASE OF. of Powei, A.serio
nd Drydefil the,maiii -H of thc. spetd 'or in �it,
n fte
manne dangerou
O*e, IML
-to tbe'pubiie '6!6
u now.,
ive us.a tria and 'let 'us, pr hav
k6giird to all: the'eirefinistan66 �hall
a -worth whild IJ3'SjIn6 Viat casp 'Of Obirlie Bul�.',
incur a p
to you,,,that.,4,e are4 Imeed by tl�� Caftadi LAW`.,WVERNING' MO. endl hot les2i tharii
'i;Railw Nj 0
Paelf IM RTA�',, F.,C11AN a '$2001 and shall 'al;-
-4aged. himself on, PO
that �'t*or 'free -pit who. e�idehtly` M A
And n6t'al'ove.tha
wenciarsillill covering � four. years" e I in 'to'
tuft , 'r , . i : , :.30. e
Ek farm. ileai''G64 r ch, Order, esm b liable t ent 'for 'in
ion, architecture, -ehernicsil, y
C o. tmpriqonT,),
froth buillyinj in "The HigfiwayL
eC' �Mt'll'jn ciiiI, alechAnkal or, slitil with Traffi t oj'192,'i
oteAc ernii
III UjiVerilifty, end exceedin'qQ-, days, in.
r , . * ' I , , L * L t
tie- in titleof ihi addition -hi Ah 11 .: I t
whord -�,e is the short limit shall,be a Pass, or a tempt to pass,'ano III*
g at McG was engaged', Ab, -rouse. e -'Act thatLSIM
are,. ould, e Ing r the �pe- .
-W�BtEinch a ic rise! or pe no. ekeeed six ifionths,fo
Mgr. Lii c kl: n.0 offered, subject to competitive � e syni�ithet!6 'interest s'p
X� so: much, eaks lims, cd-O�rdiill , for any p6rid er,vehicl e'. going in the sam
Sminitiohill, and consolidates not eXcc�_ e,diiection cond-'ofiie
apprentices arid, Other nee; thili ix, -months
P w,elled,on H for'the 'third -or, b
16 getl he'proAsiong of. 4he Motor Vebjele�` inj
hone 6., will for tbe pe6p 6ally' But the t on.a�-hl hway, unless,. aiid-until,� the'
permanent any. su. sequent-�
reare'so-me ithway Travel foe
tiff d' uifder 21' case go" to a -arid Load of' Vehicle- emoving -the high 'it ohtravelled.4 of W.Y."in,
conismy 'an
liconse or
then who are, ti),tally unfit to, Irave a Act-% in Onfiiriq, e neW.r, t a
agog on to 11111hor Ac' -c lr,� Obstruction Ity rot of, "and to. the left of, the vehicle
e se cancel
AnyL':�ersow,who,'rem t' b pas'sl'�djs., saft. -fie
b bo
imp6' h r n erferes 'with %.any' proachifig traffic.
a' Prod 'No dou t:t,e rqaJoill Of Who There are in ny. rtant.e arli In any y Such: L
oy entrusted, td',heir 'care into fo
Wes rce"Decei�lii ovesi dlsilices ly e f lli be
s th '.ca, ii 66, shitil
31st 102�-.,
e r in
ed"a", Monumen led and shilfbe declared
uction, d YS Ma 'er� in 0 ice agistrate Orr jq3ties
are pl in governing, -use no ice., o 'Driver
of the.
fag. 1928 is Ur aced'in ho es . Charlie' Bul� from the'old Ats h t* 'r Obstrueion. 4awfully placed 1-IntOxicated' Persons; Not to Pelice'to be ai.S4 dd from hold"
eitimatid to be worth t eL
$46�00 000. At tfi v It us Ifi
The, ucknow., Marble, a Gran ebeginninj of,thp.. Pit Was areir t eagonably-'Weii,' and'operation,Lf Inlot' e i�ie on a, hith-wai shall', incur ih4 6 intoxicated person shall -driV Ing
or s and :'N e
enh, thought a -la- arge and Iind a rest 0Xe o0ca fi�st offencei a penal of not: less Motor vehidle, PE)NALTY:-,The e .
as that I Ank and[ I h but SiOnall the -Ontirio'Motor Legue, in order $ ty that,. one n self"
thing,like this ill W 'th y a n
6uld bit
reach+. !il iforni gL
p ete stoc utally self i�hpeople take 6y� or �a .1 nilot6rists and thereby an 25. - an,,d not rri than, se.or o yearsi.
k tlile� 'inost beautiful ed
tW Feil tariff.,had caj $100,: lieen pierifi# or, in case the.
#ts.,.to 'the
Ose than' to- save them: much, inconvenience slid ad also be liable to rinprisoril bris owne
d D, purp
,desgiil -ehi s froutjh itedr ee is, idso.'t)I6 r of the' motor Municipal BY -La III
'30- Ari -y n8istent,
1 01 oo.e, hili of I th a fewL,fin( m6nt for"a �Vs
a slave. get, a 1 0 outlines- below ny term not, me vehicle,. t enboth the license a
ar Alyel, wori'I,� on the a
B* "few tbr by-lawi Paqsed,',by any
'ear., generally! Jal w 0 e a an victedr:of
r ad , 6ible, out of ih6n, reble; Scotch arid Canadia Gran- dem ork ork pas ore irvi n re�isljohs days.' d, for:'an subseqtfent offence of a Person who is On
y pal rporsiti
el L co . on -,or -board of Police
of. the �oung
rinen a on -itions.' all ur jjr P 4 tj Ian: 'elli 66aull isi ioners or ti
Proved jhas giving Billie eison's ,health pqt 1658� tI icle while' ilill
jiiWi1W , Or W.61 and add S in e alty, Of
the MUC 'fare. . .:
e Milli
Ve:'allikel 4, Specialty of Family bill *&*,at, Th6 Ontario :Motor ieaglie points :$160 -'and not " ni than $500 and e4ted shall be sus asteei.,'for.
liable , t regulating traffic 'on the high-
itivite The maril undertakes 1. W 'P� ou t ' that in a geril sense the' Whole shall also be nprisonnI stei 4 upon reto L h
Ule� pended. by th ways
in fs 'and yo 0 t e Police Which, th'.
sweinconsistent with
App2izimately $5,000g'66 or "t
"gnu en a boy who is.hired with him as,young. L , e pro-
0.!will be We 'of laws which' re any., erni no�t lexceeding six tratsi dr:, Justice L of the Pe6be ho
dti ion. the Do, i Bulpitt ms ,,v Cox, ought be pagulsil 'th6 inak fo
Coal Coll es the convi ori, is silall be deemed
of, v�_-Iiic es ; n4,.'th6 this' to be� j�epeiled an
pany o .*1 0 a peri
p By, wl I be found 'in 'one gchtt . _" Passing Vehicle, 'Going a).. not exceeding three m6nihs. for
ofliciipfloilis; neatly arid' Mr� mine'' and highw fiere'aft'eir' all 'by.
orom t PM , Up a 11 pu�i�hed for 'assault If � a man,can'
olliery Stir Ung&n.. XO%Ta� Scotia, arid get4 along with a"by W:ithout beati
119 D ws regu siting, traffic on hii**a
oilin 1 b
It a;
ine of ill � in --,he should 'give UP. M 4" -of the 11iihway�Tr,affic,-A the first Off eiiii shall �ber V. �'co , n , struction enie
hi nt
_B S�ct, vehiele Ab), -Not --less than thieeliparil
jj�' ag t!q �Osjjjorl (W th#t�, ny�
-you _�bii 20�' _a _bt
Call d Mcing The e 4rperson. In, charge, "of to he Dep#rtme
Ry to the new siti� has alrOkay, beea, 0 -a
d -approva -and-sliall-1101 conle op -
a Be US" before,,' pUcing qtartilidi-_ for
"who dkives motor vehi le on
our order.. e lipped. wit. -ha -made 'goo r n p ersg c
y (VIU & every. -mod ',, ve d bis,esesilptill th
Ma em devIlmet. gill -some, way. e.ed or in
ROBT. A6 SPOTT will be plann - ave irected.the attention. P
it I t ed in h di
aye,a capacity,- -�of -Aeighbors -&-the- ' authdritl r ee-
V effif a Tri hngeTOUSL__tO_the
daily avin
'nt :he was .96biected to all the ci
"Lucknow On of S�ae 2 9 regard,tili*
U are pOimonertly seftled.' Strkes, shall, incur. -a: peniii
The teilith4inual Ski'Tourhamimt -does not appiiiii- to: have.
gee W. J. Douklag
O'L F st One Principle u'rid1,eHjqs this. W
will be- fielld -at Revelitok ebrustry b6eii of �iobu d was young h
bject. Thcil�w
tA e duty
'6th and Othi in connection Wlth-*hI-cV an , no s roag; e-*a6'hol and Pon every. --
47. Lt s imposes, u.
yb Id rie:.L W
01 ho, Uses ihe- highway-, tfi
e 6dge room every, secon
A Tues will be" featured of exer6isinj at all times,
eaVer that.egee
An beiriff'made to'�seciu%* Jay,'.of the 'itionth 8 o'cl, inof esrefor thers �t and donvellience
H. M.'P'r ei; Rec.'s.bely.4 W. k the, attendants, of 1[ja6 in
of -others which a reasonabli
_MeQuil.liri" Siveden's ebasupio;U - liI j as: eser. fial
OUP ple.1-jumpers x
will" is � oth
would e ercise,,, under the 'c'
bo' Ircum
e 'Un
in , th 'Canada, and th t starI The rules of law which'ser
it is alssuirried tha Mi.'. Ramsay ve.
MacDo, nduct 'under all Or' -
as a guide to .",c
nald0eader-of-the-Ukbor Party' .0
5 of
nain �JlSVS� Produced more will be' the' next' primeministe ce _ tra 1-j-arei knwiI
coal, lead,, col and ishestos than Bfitafri ke allay not,hold 6 -t- the rules of the road
e post ion,
'during any
Ln y9try lbngi- but. he is to h ave the 4�.
Insurance 17- other rear since mffilng� B _51�s
reordit have been pti Th� output portunity'l,of seleethig' a -ea'biri and. Wheneverbil a higkWhy after usk
CANADA' W nelighborlii of
gQ00 tons 'or 686,006
ariA before.. dawn, every, � bicycle and
-the 'c6u
:17,300 tons b endeavoring, 6 govern, ntry.
--th s- r
aof pa entary d, lighted I
and 2,000i060�"ton life, �'be has Of A re timp"brred iefle
,over thatAn 192 so pla�ed it
output of elliPpoi,' nickel, e of 'ally kind,
cement never Iie14 publicf* s visible t�
and asbestbe *84'a,lao mueh abo,
fjoin' S
The. drivi Ve c approachiiI4, kd "Predomm
if. -Iceland really �.wqnts� obibiflon, and many'of-t ose.who'will be associ-
it r I that 'for -th preceding 'years. 1h "Uncle Sam h L Gold
lot, of
as -a that isnot �ate overnmerit Will A e rear own somewhat, but d'with �hi the g
�beihg-' used. 0 I� n
this wa'dui more 'to powe hts'
r short' be eq.uAllk inexperiefied" Oq a big"'
e modern dreh
When till A -dpredornin
ite jigs than: a ything Was. rm 0 vehicle while ates iS to be found in'r
�t,'has a s6ale' the' experiment wilfb� lik� i'that, standing up.; Proof thai Foi
Pt 4 ghway at such 'times � as" . L 1 :,1,
Ontario onany - f 0 the
little tw6 by four sp left-dvef.,oh,
facf'that 5 perde''
fhe,ground. floor, hv,dalls it tbLi it, 'At it koll t of effortmi the Of- the ine'xperiene'ed nt of all cars,in Ca
nada Arer FoWs'
ch'n. Kiin,, J., A. Robb?,,Mfnister of III y GoVehini took 'charge' of �Jightls are required y the' provisions, F oed pi6dornin�tes -.beca
-nes unnat- migration.and Colollinatiob,'a 20 per provincial 'affairs' use it SU
When,"little i iq of this section for such V iej 'the es
, becoi ehibles mAyj 'Ade Se
ur'all-y �gbod t, thL-,, thne of the. 4Rent. PrOteren tiAls f pp,
in is..to A, fibil the: lighting equipme
ia�6n ce rate 'an Atlantic that irft fi ve� a in .4414ate,. eCOnomi
Passages I**, all BrUlh- inindgral 0 say at, c4transPortation.."
'not, 6L Say 'that'
heyou can't te Ir NVhe t g
--he j� ape fied, in this 'sectlo
a or g riniiii I W
0 bee L b over' n,. sho' one Ford ha' si� pioneer i
of heaven r, Santa -Claus. in Cinidi hii n ar- - Jig ci been -the
�'to t6, the, country JB'goink "'red'? as, Russia I ht carried on the lef t - side_oj� the eautomot
n caurts every ma a ae � come in 4 effect on March htis b zed
I the police' ti h, "a manner as'to -be dus,try; t4li'trial in Vry fj&ndij IYL''
I and n nue Until. th did. Ago-Rainsay Xaw, ca in sue clearik
e end of the .,A few years
a iair',chan,e evcept'the.' one who is sound. tranopor al
'I 'ree' -gro�vth Arnmigrition season at the end Donald was regarded as � little if any i1ii t& the v front and rear or a Pation principle:
'RU r " afi 6ft atIeast
Wj� 'to Can a'di- frorri- the
_Ofbeard Ndi --,It,, -will `aPplk�-'only -beft& th L ir� 'the' an OutStand
sdierl the beet�
A to British iminitrsill corininj direct, , be:,. c
ekfainly.'Ilas. followers", ,arid' to show and.- _eXfjnjplC
u ers W ie h I oul ses c
L- and will affect ll lineit. coming to as savilgc,� as senseless' and as "red' jreA io, the resti ok 'the velildfil Pro. predomfildil -16.- of, Ford', --
t S' n
to tir i a dead beat. service -is to be
PO ha u h i hall U d wher,46ver rnOtOr cars'
y anadla�'Atlaatid r-64 those who ughi 'ruin 'upon the ide:d, ohowever,, t are Used 1W
Ws' all kiss and iillakei lip . ...... ot b d' layed While, the capablet, busineS L ike and'r) a
e Isli motor, ve ays
f you dn't.mind the fkavok' of, the �elljrbdul cr�isea hii been The are some tb*ngLs,. about Mal' ii.iri motion.,, r6mpt..
make-up. iWarJed to agents
Of the Canadian
P .if id, Rii f
a, gootllgkA, MOk6 th an. Ice stationg The li1o9t!'exa8lJef.j6rjg tu ]Is, the, or Oery ces read-' 'assUre L Us, "-Wrance, of 6anada
company ur lawfui to cariy on any mot-,
one v�hb 'calls on, �6u On di ing past that s a ifiuch b6tt& typ'e of'ril it ig'utl are
your �usy ered the year. One f- them, J $orster, miatt leaders, The'edn' of Or ' �ehlfcle 011! .1 ny lain -P
d y than the'gu i -high-Way
po I e ou re ashamed
general agent. a
t j6h w h-revol�bguboa nco farm -laborer -lil w9i t'Aktih r
-the�world- ise
to ei h in. sail on it
round., sie Aftv U
the, W..C','�froml school r b
lence(l drivoi-s ire' not noisy Cas rd eajej
E ili tlii:tee� device,
'to help in the's -eted in different diree-
9 so' ey, w-anipg, Upport 6 the fail mity.-be pioj(
It's'a rg�rcenh`brn bbat� kqeps ootin general agent.
Will end 'sixty-eight days' ctuisitig i But bi-4 'educitioW id, not stop when dons by an occupant of thi Vehicle, '
9pillterraheiii n the "Empress h js�jf He ;�eVjb
Y06 Wl.1 rioticil hoW6v(.A'r 'that 'the bf Stotlafidilf while 1), Ri K_ r 4d, 0 Spotlights or. Aeaeliliglits shall %er
enn y, V�d a fond ,
will enj" e of the vehicle
libefal spender 81j�nds it all t o show general agent at 'Buffald, oy' ness for books, and it iePort is true aff ixed to' the � left' Bid!
f,a good time, Ul
a twenty -nine -day cruisb in the West, be hiii red nearl All only, and eraylof liglil
a read No,vamp cab -%�ife at 66' Injie's on the IIIE, that la be'� t, it! Scotch 'and English shall be directed to the extidinie, right
" 93L rinpress of Brifaim" 8 1
usine. . shiiWing, b of' ou'a good; time, The trips were awarded by flie'coni. en 9
-11torrature,','rjtb, Is an ifistieL ald� '10f -the ttdv 1160" portin of the' 111gh-
ff,vou %pend wt;
OYbrd p"Aby'' in r6e6griftion of last yearls' mirer y in such' that the beam
Of Oliver Cromwell arid is Par. Wft
work O.QuOiltion 'With ;rpise jbo( a manneT
Ile reason 6"W61.1 t eighteenth ce 9 ha I strike t 0 extreme right
r d no lohger'bp- ticulftAy. load. of tilI Of' I i; ht, Ifeve.T Ili a' 'dall,0 to �reaqh is W 'S
lirury autlii Of the tfsiv TA I TO
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