HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-24, Page 37, ::7 71 7 r 4 'o 1 7 in Agriodtgre,, mixed with the Aimb 'to fadlitate V I, L ime, has two especial no wneld, applied, to, the soll.' It. neutral- mo(wt d Fo#*. lipam of about Nilictio, apt, S PIN"'.- 4- Y,4640 het S. u n on A I 1_ ,, '.1 a QO ess izes 4citdtiy. and I pounq.-.qaqh pro WAYS TO HFY fifty _vj4e PrOv s, the tIlth or p.. an. app4,, 9.H tju" Inee 'on, An. acid soil, S*. approximate . p" 'JAN 27 OMEGRP I`— cal cgudltk ili Of ly TH catio ni toq�, per VARY unfavorable for the growth o acre. many cr4j,. the. bacteria necessary., for, the rate - 37 to 18: 27. Go garden is, generally Speaking Slakedlime. is yer d"it the Red SeA, E Xod. I 1 2- _ y conv PI , is f lovers papecially,canno led, � t�. the,soij by a, lime, 4pre Iden ze index to the home.- If that ig ;%d�r or thrive.'in an gej.d goil. � Low_� fertili.ier drill, it oan,­howeveri be Text tmwdi ngand 7 - 7- not,*aj A �ill-drained -s6il &trengtk;tn4.,;sqng,, and -he b' Are, especially, -lia f A wagon box,.'Wt the come 0 Mp , " 7 n, A -a ,a ghtly-,'4c riginal: a I* used-_iw s.' ts- j40jses:hadwb Iiie unprotontlqils,,� age_ may�- , , I ., ff, " -1 1 V R I 7 -AN"15 U W-40f'the tib. o. ea onAte �of -very 'Ponim,90 n a a - 7, 10; 74 7'-p-ra 4a� 4-m.. , m- Pealm,106.: Ott par� JuOtant, c6flie f deli h to of RPM* t 0 " [Ph!i�is "he Ihs - , re 8.12: --.N evOrtheless, AS made -a' Ig t to, t alway4- $ne or its with&a I e: 9stritifileProvinceg., For prompt 0 -of tho he: eye with ap-, gr 4M to he jed,., the roprgq., 'an& PfiqWq rag to the o 'Ihe'migh�, W6 - gyPt 014, VhA Saved th6m for his nanieps Sake, T6i Q, Abe odor 7 regvW f eropping. Betio utgOIRCO 111�; 14i�elltfes, ma lit te In �i Ois age of hurry and.'btistle'it away. fro ii . ch by, PY xears th h I vines ii. limestone should be 0 ke his nug y power to g a� rg, not f6rr V oil. froiT -p IT 3od led be known gottin the M or tat titrefaetion, of organic i The in hile tha;t;� 4 Ter "( , fiblTrishing vege4b], fluence of lithe , Venty-five P�er,cent. :,v e Patch up,, 'Com - to thi) average farmer.1 tea., WithAlle dawn, of thelMlisrl pounds 13 gat work - pendl-gp muipli xture "of will',PAW through, a ...one r.oa by - the lite .1 1 P f ti - , .� , I , I j. I'� .1. reat hand:!' SiO it ro;�-� -0 our-_ Me in t e,opon­tha�t farniers,niect' the eon-, trial eja, tb�, a Wa f the,l-----. �,rally, "thi�g - Mwever, was . 1. and its' of, it them not by the direct 31. Israel, saw that 9?1 in the back yard. Wes wh problem 'of "ina f on, the tilth or. te sieve with d 44 _ __ , prover nu, c- the -soil is most Philistines 11 the� gar- Ve sa mairked in: the case of, lduroj�o e, near inch. 0 1 411 shes to the, li fre Poars equerited -that.. L6 �,deid should -'be- �Par tioii turns I to, ture&'a ells'connected with, ino�stry� c,laysi I Appli�cati 'ni'-of lime, to­-siich er.- gr r6ad,'-'iithe� a ess d ou ne- athe erness of f Th lati --size.-,and- -value,' also heof longler, topi -TINOA y soil&- render' the Red MeMPTY 0 th a, great deliv ve, etanoe, by qr`e_fore,�. th, e ]joy --,f nd: c 8 a _U17 r —, 49 -road __see�-111 j More W, h This ,0a.jqn g4ve urgency to 'the, question'-' y w, pn dry. 94'. M o n tons sea Passable e pontiniT41 support tot their. fa The.,,,tive cft�dumstaii&es p6rriiit. �f 'I God: who' had �,save& them would sdv r f6rms is ve In_ he - a, WOOL cres, 176 Lime alsa has a be e, th n.eficial IiTguene6 per acre ifj,cle6md� During'th( ve, of what 1�4he, eff.eet�pf oora".6n. healt10' catimi �an t The Iawid wtheItextiii a As it baj� -, the � character e, In. now led hii��.,pe IS great iiIp.ortan"Cb;' oproope solto and acidity, of. tb' in sanHe" who� . I M X, , " J" ftimd. that in 9like k#y� foll g, 64. war, i� *ii. ma�Y �conip. 4in to th&.-Health t well.11cePf it "ds .much., t;o the., pur a en.ency to cement. t e soil partiqlep While 4uicklime or slikd4V ased two i&. trucks -of three., Officer."' that a- soil lim�, dsy'o., e, go' -M and "ch Ii t, IT �e a flock b3� the' hand of eral P! geh- :_Aisagreeable.. 'smell xten fa Me an .1 , is a plea and, that, -rendering the are best th6 .:autumid, than it, now iAaiQn t6 leadI them. an ng sell,& d r i o ma8s,"m4re co�,npadt- and -ap t at Jeb:6�ah­hadj proy 6D' th� colors, we :knay- im ble to:,dTy-,' at.. "No. part', to an, thel gods Of, EgyPi;I- an 0, er'bordei ,,,y ave theii�f uIletidn which"is, Any r . -cle _P.6w-, iIs'and shrubs 'lly. demolished ,,.e b0,allo eason.of . eye !.any,.rate ihesthry�*.niakes. it -,-bor,, Mr. at-hisi-49mil h th 011 a, less, 'Iiii IT Inie&Whe may t -t. e ap'geo7have e nso-If te f h 1.9 ';,taen�.,,plac� t quar. rs nd'the Plohe�­pf o'ne-ton,' Plied 'in, 4 . rem the & dei gfop d Ii 'Tbe lighter, since. `At 'Orje� was, rap h lletirl he ca. in kn- aceidt "it, re:... sore th Ghtsaildi ct!n� eis of th IT, th tj SIT ace. SIT6111 4 be, m"e as even as riven itek by a mately'prevall a n were en Ili one could ulti.; seque %tb�e,, �61! uSteil the decoj�o� 8Q of �tbe Experimental Parini A b ce.ntly. hnd., 1. foinid. it necessary to jleiLlth sitign f pot4a, 0 t_ p -ace�, re-: compounds in, the, soil.. 'Too freq tawa, "Lime In' A riculture," covers that IT, Officer, though anxioua to sup-, strollg� wind during the nig, 'and at blrli� Possible, leveling any rough parts, and L.Sinc 9. For the Lord 6- when remaking or* rehewin was lierfectly. satis- Press the nuisance, has, np''direct eyi� the Israelites. were. able to cross , gre� or too 6 11 Wh ff g use on y. ed h t e,' ol , stiblect of 'the, purpose of �prohably AM great king above d I gods., 'the Ve wit th licittions 'are make of the old: o e, �i co as to � the pois6nou, low tid 1. It,. may -be,:had 5ness Of the'' be voided -ps� its, t lime. 4n&.methods of- -ap e - but'the ry best, seed. idekation was -proper B11104, , Though 'there whis Over on y PO kOnero' tian SoOn'deplete'the soil ia, available at the PIT, licatiO ha It elt are ot,course em A LTCATION' �9'qf the new. .1 h6sita f,�, . . will whelyneed -by 'the, wat0i . h s4 . . her,with or: Wit .DUtL white, clove ted rquije poisonous - 1ike. h to f li�` Tis Branch From. earl' ' d gases, _yd sulwt!l� ...Iest ays tldree.gre�At a very small prop�rth>n, of white clov-. Men tility unless k�pt.up by h 'manur. 0., is 'whild-.bef6 gavy, t e. Depsrtme4f: Of Agriculture, retuiTied' to it roa re' making'my final de-,'Phide, that. have a pronounced a g a. strengh.,11 OttaWa. have led out of -Egypt erjp, 0i. that is necess'ary., Ion In'4 the matter. In k` Ub led. Was short-. dneo. tends to, Is 11:�e 'cannot pa iIom: heOfthe. Red' Se� the East The'hbrth route that, it is t t +11 ­ make a thicker aild e bdo Uhiad; kept In Iagrlcultur�i-practice li of Exd carr the story eat, easie� a record of tf In me y t and. best watered cost, Q.f-.,w-,.,ich is harmful n6r Indeed c o the *iIdej;jj d., When mAk ng a new,j;k PlId''partietul but er an we in thre�e verii�W ess-iourney '0' ih"ny_-known�, Aisease- to-6doi _thAt_a_cojd:�chi4e1 so: ration quic ime,� niV shou a 6lakedL ',lime and- giou�dd and a hanim r-arei.thetoil A ere, 'The central 'road., led 4, be � gown' as early,.i aref Tilly t� . 11 1 1 . oulto veiy c' 0 a- for cut-r.then telI8 of �the fi spring as P%SAible,tO`givdth Of the straight into a ng stretch of d�sert cd tile; but, not '6v one tat giving P, grasses no -Water or food for the of 'the tent ith r With -ii�igh4oro. who, had 6' to work' .'azh'oiig' buildini, a' fair chance of bbacoiinig For -even distribution Vitr i aaw and, the, dise'ussed ill *]lose Ppcu'PsItions lead'Ahm, 11 mest6ne. ting. f on disagi6e�able. sm6lls1'quickIInia'-'ls Olitced Iii -small knows' holp it' s h deeply earlier;.cha a of eir flocks. -The sotith road, w at size, or b 1, an. earned' soon becoi Iniplifies tie *0 k ffietuary.� eaTid th rooted h h bt .149�i:841�6't6 tfi fl�e hot. nces. I talked to a.`num,.` it is now w6fl,e6tablis II ithe pi withsand; ellajso,,�of the first - sorin,4'distafice. ent , 0.� '.A sumMer ays'ar.- exp�rie d7 nO em,. an d by the Red Se r1V f 'One dis- ''D wor Is a Water is.theri'PiDured re, Watered'tlie' rst a esmen and to 'thence ani, u in r I of" 'ek ad the, n'' j!abOut, a. blishel In. ea6, at- 'regitlar ;,for hed, that 'ks fervals:oo. the held'6 be tr t.4.* Over on ilie. ni h ber tru ewage' ea andgive -the, 9 t of rthe - departu f sewerA and 'a Id with gon e a, helt I as Ill a ow� lk* of the Passpyep ;Is it grazi'ng.;, is r, egion, was 6 a- CjjARM o, b�ll 'to a'xi6ss-'tie In tTh _tjoie.,healthy occup ti, t at�', the 'rate ING F01VNDATION, waif, 0 being the home, of his majority of observed' in the f millr to Mosgs, GS* 0i fai�eis 6 - .. . - I .- I , of CAB" ffillar- L�i directly, ho��� gh. 0 Ve T ties. e. enflii 66k7E-7ffi­j&, up 'forty. years of :exile;' The Sh vine' and hardy, herbaceous_ lly -situated 6al "San ta, 10 c Inches of'swing, then r ri i'sI:0�11 wire both of nari�tives and, ebe to 90 ilistia, road ti� should.be weli re thelIr exporiences I ry, Significance. A amell c or two of moist soil, f th;D bell, to; the house, 'and i. adAf the grou lded with' mifi,, coin- A,r red- with anin jg*s,� descrip,- d the Short,. P PeW Aom�erinj. plan a .14, . th'd tent teftiple -of i to sent Y 'p neippq miarkot for wo -or y ts you frbill'tho'barn, ness drawn froin: �e ere,'no.'prepare 'either pds:ar6 of Ei size, th Mrainall s'�igests 'the Ahik and' allowed. to tions of ;he wilder- it: they w d 16'a, PO.SSi1 our t of a'polldted, witter suppl�;, a'smell veral souiceii and' face :Philistine Iwarriors,-� 6r fo, settl adhift of their' fre6 fourt h�_ee 'weeks, t sk 1, e e.eii -miles - from I 1 11 . V , ild, - coi,y1ink on. the wira. ifistead7of , ilf U11Y *oven: togvth;er. in- the �new'.h.ome use� A founda,� my farm,- will presence of le Of coal L on 'effective alo, iii of ne. that I, use at cert�jln seasons ji,..the* 0 00 d y-elling'tih, �au the '.iie�ighbo Chi. 1-4:.21. The Lord c4u84 thi aeai�f the Red Sea road , roughly a aidd fall 1h.th,.A'T1m . Hence.. t66 discipline, ow er. .1 to.,gb ll"k..'.The H eadly carbon : I I . . I rs' think Plai2ting Of low owifig shrubs t] -soil: should then be soin I . . ; I I isoile is .;� , '', , ng tho fro ell, is. 0br6w_woid used While t may be quite'trti�' at to, th 'th. taller R Ind Urty-six; miles. distant. hhere me ans simp�ly tQ u to. farm is Oxi e.' In such -'cases sin 1 0.1D a_9X -Lto.:some-,ev AV-' to-±g-o,- J01irne-y-h0j�ef-u-l1y_-js_b e., ho' se' ens ry-irri is 'be rt of the story -arr ve the'- f"t emains th to weian i I . � . .� v- Putney an : arrixial axe :v,.tal,ly con-! ows, nor. that 4- northeast, nd,.' dri d * .1 . ikht fioni �vihd oa w ca e& Ing, the Iivater�'Fsouthward,, acC�mpanL,'-ditioded by thi,clioice of, � righ�, turri t,�yet.tlde view of thi t e porch lry.'- This,gies. rhe an excellent it ' d.`It� danger, which it* indi *' t 0 -un at 'both iIbiciii&e the .1 J, and .'C wards either bfid, wher� they will, not the, highway cofinecting these. -towns, 1 -and: Should lead to the rem I 1 1 -:; For' a OW cost ;Df truck oper -point, of Oew.:smells. are of' ied an ebb -,tide; So as to cause un' IT" i the f6rk -ir� the''rmd gi Pipiuming' the g '' 'd ea In! W el p6rtance. to health yes, us roun a' are, or, pause. -qu flowering` Shrubs: -should, HUMArf;natuie ..,And. A�cq�dingto my,recordg, it cost Me usually low cents.'Per'rn Work- �tudy and ay hurnan ite� sniall, f6r*gas-and Ojl�for The fact that U" " I P1 more'probably� b:-ar ds Sme .9 ea:nnot'in:thein-.. S. e s�arj upon. *hip -h &.4anning, tend all tob,; of ten'., joW e r�gard d' ards planted. fr�el "An,': Y, ;masses or in �O 't throe�quarter- ton and two cents' 6elves b p as' a'direct' the Israelites ;Weiro Able to:cross- The, ines If least,r6--ista. We. shrink large . bo. ell ance, 'Origins, to, hE 6 pe j.6 he ,4er whi may, cobtinpe menace BY, ETHEL M. Cft�P,&A.N. dbiep6i 'waterc.on �eith4r. side iitiao a dally f in ng', hard e'road.,: around all; sides., the iwalth,,does,ii�t meah'that no ep res. oil'both't ports fr Guelp gai4st -any Bt'it is,not-progkess to. cu'j The,.'bo.rderi . -must': - Orners TIRt.,...however, be in ii'straight. line, in b 'the enem �we-miss the Wide' post.`,i or.' an hoing a which 'fui 'e taken' or _h,'an , d in'Obt6ber had I flank'� attacl�- - k a parently, should. b Gih,;'� Institutes -effitual *all 'o6,f defefice--:a them., ' .1 - to ,supprebs: �-r the. yeart they have wor S low� it fairly - erditab e're� ­ ' Oss Y' IT on I e a *a the -b -ab6ut ihe sAmo. -They,' wIII still b gar'd'6d' as' -a Tuis, line 1jr. R f 'while."a So hat 'ance an people mp'.. t eau y.,and patural'et-, t1le, of,'work awco' ' lislidd -0 tear guard'of: 'Israel's fi A' d� here item -,of-,repairs one �Will not. any the ass '0 'pr6vier, e Nevf Year is - a '-good Wide t6 re� f 'tea' too ­close �a. pursuit. ',F�r no, tu'rhi"ng bac ects *ill be entirely: lost tbe'� lighter Because Macd;Dn'&ld Institute -and a k� In sii6:'a Flowering 'shrubs.'' hs'.cost,j�e.;46--80, agairik 'Ore Asp�sed -to�'end%l er)Aud6r'jts' gave,'a deirionstrail6n of the 11 ter'it is. insp 81.50 .gure : used' in v. Te' re disagiiaeabl the twelve. nlo�t6 'and games' and F , I iraton to .22� compare. mem er 4 -should be u e h5r the heavier trulek. Sm011s. The. most. gatisifict, folk dancing With: tl�e Nahuni '8 - h Y, *a of w 'ere, the seas�is said" an, an e e reslolutlofis,Ao fill'the -the fre"ely; sele4Af g v.Ari0'uS`%'ap*1Pqie4. or eGod has a' pl the saving' of tj blet a the, county,, 0, ave lak d1hat on of oar even. dttt thing.5, we are I they too part. in ,,regard 'to do"i away -with a - disagre coming, other ` Instiiute girls. 6f t h been. a raiiipart An:d a'wa11- 'ways, from which we have%tD choose *e,can havet,flowers in�the,shrubber 'verY: little�' dir&n -Ing' compe. 1�. mei a b hebes, -and Exod 16* is. his - way "ind liene righ -g until,.fa:Ij there .' is . I's to rem0p, the,s6urce of offen�e., If k n a in g city. bf -T M 0)1 a, sunlynatry -of what has t 8:M;wise from spri person Y-cohducted te�"','- the" from P r.'Xi garden, is, due I' to 1-givizit here th tion,. the first, in -1 n priza,.b�in'g a jtjp., jo, 8, 1 -h�. Pfctu're:Sqii6 jan-u"'* d beSt Yor us 'The pi.116k- by �day r -d: Girl ngreSs n rls 'ate described as axi( �Aoo'se-:from"�golde'n_ b Is wi aw. average, sav- t 'Chica and fibie; of tha destiny lin'-d medk'' -that -'shapes our- en ds; g a on' J �tree, g-0 about t� !eat re signs 'an overflowing fed 'ikht in' -a 'heap short n_ going. oil in -the, Jtffiio� `1nsti-j'fh6 13*,oyal,pal of -poetry 'the wate, ihaul was,�made to the -iiiin yjidght, manifest f cesspoo�. .. p- 't i II tot do''away with the u,dag qonj ,in nutes,'an-d'the lon - h' -*hfte he, 'ne�et fall d y an- a equate 1 ordwich hAs. had neourges, In Foo,6 f ansdowne two. �i e a, e V'Alpd) ITTA bir,place; 'r white' etted: hslf' h b h, ce 01 and re)A�ce krim,'who- waits ogwood, an., out 'in 14vor, of it' d u�l ves passed. on. - 1.1, i -Japan' dc"& -th� - I ' I o er. ese �'quince, de tz* ydrangeaj.: I Si ...,Wa 0 U, la.;, lence'- the dAvers wqr4gQ sYst6m., This- may, -be" 0 a ues and Coo ing,'and Sewing.. -an e Thai lvoid--oof offe towards, God- and. man.;'mol* orange, iiac a I A. I I V 1 k; d'. .124.' In ih sbelik'and'' for' a baby, at. horne;I :t c nee jLrd t46L Northern. Ohtaz�,Io, reefve t e , . I the lighter truck. WhOii pirea: alid w6t. Wa fr�quently' the proin -sev '"They tba:t it gethiolr';, whi' h iowever, inme. Nursing.: They e, had *om. two o;!cj4ck to 'the I Upon, the 1i6rd.'.' ere a th s,nd �8ifference as t��y . The. Japanese'barbe�rr 4 im* eral debates, at. theli'me;etin, inornink'.,� The 46M­l�dke c is and �e I Ll- CID ic I AbIlirs fow6i sim ITS -whether therle-AS-h-ol r -a 'a n gliall :;;i -alk -1' (no. Inatbei. how 'I g ? 11 ono, pler d6rrieteries',, �i. '006 Ps,,- 77 the. poei I _y'cant-be used together. I , * lqipted tl�e' Senior ex6ldhngq; progrhos with As duSty,'m re urn ave' found thil em. Va method solvifig� the' prob.1 I , �. 1 Oi�tffes' '4, storm ieiiy, or dlfAe'ult.tld� jo ni ute� in entoprtaim.'ng 'to be econoniy;� espciall riolis �prbeess6s.fdr'.;get . ting iid t e' hAvilig.,* take with poliong fiot faint"I with - telli'rik �ff�cj in, ij�an s'itio­ns,,,_:, S h'i6r Iii�titute. For the beiiefl' p ace, :r y :pO nkia convo t! A. I 't . Ot . 010748 Mit0mity. It bAs,�b�fen A` IT 'Is so--hatdy'gtn y on. qpg f unple'a�`aot­sim'ells,� Such antion delegIst�6-` 'of the - co' rat un er, a d d d:ada' dble de- -,the bought 'fie iirict a t n a Of the truckil,'may y y Jightning.: 9 ow 'whei6 many Sal' that traveling. library. to the to took.,'iip. ten*:4olliti shareii "The *ateid saw, % e,. 0: God 'd minori eg are, tro' b "'Th-' mentatior filttiLti6n' TI. CO Aght. e a - presence Of - organic. a wn fail- '' '' of the *as�tea;.. �nd o3i'idati atin"' wa !a Whi6his inbre-of truth -than. the cy �econd, driver. has',,on. a reading course their.- regula'r k g 'rink. They ".-held ,'he6;.:.,'�he;',,were everal o6ca� on -j ohib4stion or ha ,a.'s.at�ngj Vines -must' q in 'a rald - CISM of 'Napoleon, si.ons, m6r6"than 0orilpensated i aerati gs;- 4, course ild, F66d Val-' Paty and-wi-iner r6aA -wit -that, God �flghts­on fiot ,'b� over 6oked'. Vej�; . t_ .-foi] 04, of' the -gies -have been. h the -J'u'n -'1 inle one Ina vised by science Lin ;in d C Th� deptlis, tre'inbled.. I.Ahe side of the. sti-onge�t,-baittali,,�..,'aii.clahs, ences, -pergolas, rile f -91 are in daily u�e. arang u a poured: water oiltshei 9 .w4itiri ed. t' n. line - they" served Th' d ..any t i6r' jFarmersr- i y se, by 'a ti dr,sion, a Pa ra�old 'an d his h6att ar� symbols. op� and even -th ai ous e thb�other to'unload. eii ,tfigSe Sleigh iide and :seyei-al, sapper tor -if L 'Whit and iy 9kies.-set'o;U"t�-a sound,:, d6sp6tic ".power.. ed c over�d 'e.veiyofie, go, rings . uring'. toWel trad me� IThifiet �lscl',wnf�'abt6ad. poof, nd of bo'ndsinen.' -With.. ftwerjilk an` �shoiild' be ­knov�,fi to i6 ial, gathe d th6,. �.eiir es �makj[ljg - an' t! 'did' not.own i hat is 6Verwroughteb�' -and res's Till e T iq NyAs in� t th nP o 'pub' intaine'd a* -childr,60s h69 lig tr rudks'-pi I " :,Mn ..,,other inos intay,not'appeal to-e�ory- f, lic,opliTion. may -be' 'iP. ihr6bgh� the,�P'o'unt bf'thy, thu Tyriint.§ haid­_` le war e y, an ell: he. oppressed them, through bnie, but the delights- in -such worn Out`ohe*by.fa1x I a gave ture er f -their use.; ;�Iden!: f aar an in -a woIr. a yp, ave never - tile -Fall �F�iiA iz6&'$75,-a-nd--'n D b at -b z q6e I �Piiie� at 1 ecom heaV four hundred �6ars - a �feeble;:rnix -wear; ear uppor boght a - a The, liglItnngS. li leiied nee b '.Part -of "this. toned: th e am ut th4r ell hip'ment of fruit, fo� caji� 1hey c h ien 'and chll�r h diluted tfeeir,.4 t dep-6ndent ce -and appli- i ,money e world: 'go arm.-.:, n 'rar ni at �Wholesal� Th4 earth, treffibled an d 'sho6k. thih,-rsnki-: their masters were,' Y to: the opinion "o many, Qation.-; is 'generallY,the business of.' Prices forAhb. �en6:. ea to the Skating Hnk­ I P a n_ arloted',.the, poor -Fie- the, u so . anip, the N�er IT -on -les n Si6 is Ifi ', n librar h- �d agear of a,pop 61ar"MiLliel'of o t1of Ifistftiitol�ni, "I and"Paft �oj.Thy way I iii.--the's6a, ed 'fiors4 -i foria t7he 46dividual embers.;,aiid-they:aie bu� owbooks and 6 _,� - - I And thy Ta, tion t, -pi si,inning to orgailize a Hoiticul "These. gMs ado6 y, o.f �0 .ty -e e rn ow' I - .1, , ed. i� Mid life*t of, the h pre a, average kKee�q U 7 n ere -,-Is L no Smoke I outf Tdin.k. to: the S,� At' e ense y coveted -twirn 'leaves, eel i rains or g� govi a garding -.9nnelio' hp-d'b Sudety. I-Northe n!, relief. IT' "G" ­Strdf6rd was 9 rue -sme I wil ou i a,, if1s, rele organized at' the� We'sh6uld;­thejjfo_e,; tr 'I' a; their'meek aiia, nefti- th6:1 'hie ill -no- ]T16 Hebrew'� crooli or; mpL -7while "the 'ave illdinj to6l k -IS ft- I'- - __ a s C, IiIobal;ly means "bound �1' U source, aMAha 'u'rc'e , ill :th67 cldse o .41is ate, "He' waill'-itselfr" -fie w4 being 99 t with t ter ton ituck Is -Y ,so and Women's, P-L-Coarse-im D a6rA I inis h a _omesti"ejene,��-_bound o --clogged ' � t h�i­ .3 r _j�ht-d-hy.-tM-leaves.. In- ears. 0 ma. ba Mena g1rls, meet regul 'c ft a sblfdatin� my records I find! ce to: aily it t ince't ell they�have had 4ourgies i ae he � 'i, , . I. affold'; �i q, e TaXeS., the p, ace -of a liter, vG's6nid 13 ec ee, i a... 'of -the bo,tt liieii. in "giving a' house, d,hdnielike y t is, by tking them,,sfilk t Xothffi,�' healt.b., but.they Ila II om, 6f, �thdr own r' r , Ili aju gipg c - ition arr IT drive'heA�il apVearanceC "Vihes- -�bout, th�b one che operate. in 7 illinery and Sewing,' and �hav mper �.to regard to arid t. e r, on a t d But behind,th di unk'n'ow'n4 gas a.nd*oil, to�thd extent 0 . :t�- , . . I. Qmpet* , g. mile. Ipt ppecial� I e'j� or n ver - Y' -8tandth cent In 6ip� time' lines of or t i n the - kHcultural-�Repi t God-'withi '. the shadow Aridah� P. esenta: I r, er itain s--. finports--of BUtte—r.-. -a w0fited Keelin, 9 'Tatch above -his' ow�' an orna- a the c., !i� _9. nirm the fir' rst. , , IT re b6th useful d As neglignblej at, i Y Ina 0. layette for ea� d ern ---i t- -to rs s ow a', a, Ance-, -d&n-a he ainroc -1 ver as accom often -used,for-this C ..of in fa�ror of -'the h6a �Of "the 2362574 Tea",. rea izln`g.,,$25;. ariIanged, a i IT panied'b'y'A,charige, justice, -a4d� it I*.' tl�e-. 'e, use -of the urpose lth':g6od 1,8,30 1* �oln-lpronlia6nt m6li.in" the cou'ty. The of 'W'' in ell, Lord 'p'&cIPle, r -lot the,jr6n illight of Phataoh ins.'with- its long- hundred- effKt. vier one,,, mu ity III J�ly`:and;, a bas6ba-111`1118 hold' a. " _4 ga7, ife:*'t6'b-6,six' olghs o �ebeesb im icnic 1picnlc�, rais'in� 1" or AlexV, Nero, or. is a ne siibj,6ct for such­� Wes ihw,its I rte g $77 f .While stafi� po. d by'.Gieat� off-). lider J` -pink ilow-ers'i Caesar 'IN' leon, ' hic sea, UPO L m- gypt ns. in er t is, topp, ork., eri t montlis long IT 'a Rion th n !lament,, ana c'o­ t -a-i-n-i-n-the-4e rn�roas ill Augost t w ��rved dinn gypt w a' p6s is in' its. blifty Gnth-endiil"6 Have'their h Dr i,' the aghi& to, carry tiverity-,fi 81, - 1923 ' n own at, tne� count ve per'.'c S�PPIIid 7'60 - ry 'in tch had a-1 anieu ata, which tw -hin ion ';�,s 69d IiQied I' Ca adti'' kni are-.6tudying the' A&I-J' a cle cent :11101-a. Per load, all, *eights New,Zealand ' I Governmetit as to do publlica ti "'Laws of -011 cliltul-ai � C61,1e, e Frenc'k,Can�dian Cattle P hori in flowet. Is uch in t �12,346 liu�d id the Un- tari6 ' Con- r e it nii�� the Fruit n :fouk, rxps.as.,.the lj� re,dwei;hts -al h Junior' T.. 'Sina Ree.' gragf W i , . I cerhing Wonieh hnd' 6hildilen"; and' ga, e �, doh' In "T d rd ant�. One does. Ave. Rea -'gtatc-,R,'3b';099:.hundredw*eiglitg.', Of atioh§ 'of,.'' ApOle Trees. kblo fatforhas. h6etl 0 S westai !-a Hall6welen Par�fy Ihdl�idihg to:, the I ' If han, ome ti�stifiiajble va an.,' ftlo�e a In �o b6:01i'gible opage be the, for a'dinission. Goo'd rcsults PlY.cphsideration Jh6m ImPotte, mer.0 of' il No ii1:"b6th j378p227 ldundred*eight� of ;"buiter gue nd Jap- hef. thile, and mone�- 4 tain,in th i ronl-conte8tll (tixplgin6d:I ITia�ve' f< ddring� 61D ��Tja 11V Great Bri Jll the' Record of' Peiforniance;- con-' thinning of 4.ple. tj,-o6s i ft., the :A, Tina- is �nbbettef Y. sea - exp, e aam'a Bulleitin),,�'_the -proe6ed ukhr�an',# noes period supplied" 3 a from.` -Bond". He'd ­d' has `.hb�h duethid, by. 'th6 ominibn ma.". ng A tock polits' d 1, th6 'N,S pe. to crie 3'764 I A .1 � 1. o handso�16 jre.6n lea�e� 1,',555,785 �-hiiifi- c I drdn' ih I diai t.'A, rge a r over each in Id n In which �w. t6:, buy, present fol: -study of'CanAdiari.A,,t IT, �-145ts'iii'tfiin . ft as pro dredweights Denma -,the ' B h Frene - Gana I . a, th me: ors � at 'their 16ry6air- E;,% -'fa�turally the. truck'! bil county S �L the idegl,,`sze �.to, redwe'l,ghts new, t�..Zdala� anitiriin. -hi''. thl old c'OWS Jilust d ko�ili�6 �4.40 0_i uF C ge program�, wi'th'o 98- lbs.:,of Sutt6 A years - Pi anted - whic 'Grapes' �quiirl�me rying. LA of ne a IT ra it- 450,2.9 c. an ther girlsl,i, h, -were cal' are excell 16 , er in. tie -Ciele,.ha's. 6e affil Institutes in the t-wo-yea - 6 d at Dohiinib'ft kxperl­ Set' of a ent-,'.subjects:*:td hundredweight�, the. .. I I , ctio o 0 cover Arg*,ntiTdd.-R0@W county, the 'the and.have had:: 960 aiffi'was'to gf.,tea Ual need''ot They sent I CRP�Rouge, Qubec", t1iin'the -apples la' leading from. the - h Of iMi.v;1dual Igin. This is.: iin -or�ailization of serve, inade' niilk, and .809 lbs, b' reflk'tj-on regarding ld�bilts; countries utter tat with an a'part on the branchb,3.'" Fi ?fily Suggestions,' I I 'have -seen, tho, animals, and of oe. motherland' over Elgin, Co), average,o] ive trees d ts' he 'Indian Re' ttIa .girls from all' linti., They for',Northern relief, hpld a'b`a'z'&'aar In wer� equal numbe'l, Yin' g butter to, th per "cent." ''This is -a so usie: 0 6ndredwo o er.:. a b*j1.ofcjojlji'ng'tO the Institute-oll 19SProduce irfV)5'days�8;pr9.5lbs.'of 'Spur 'and to an 6f �lx -b k' w�h to.'4 n4rb�vu&6d.'Th w0ig ten ' ' ' 'I ilic 'th �,'Uyfited inut e'to a fruit given us a better, *realization 'of -qti6n 'at t pergo P lie 399,781 � -hundiddweights",1 aii our a -course in nonTO Nbrslnk t' .,Tbe P rch or; t S eac ll578 tesup rheet.' the first,' 9 ..,Vnth muc effect. every De6embor, real'izing $70 Ill' w.6rld's record.: ini, jjjjl�4 foj tCanada, was nint. and the I Tilted aturday '61 the rui, was gr at, the sense of. sm4ll Ich o- lett-unt"Thed, Tbe,f t ided; There is 110'6xcuselor bael'feness tates'- t6nth;: but t6r,4 �ra month in the office of 'the Coun b' orial park 6eds.i 6t'pi'eking tim t hould the ty �%donated to the� local mpm yoar�bld, class' -,of br bOuri The 1. The n0iber of'tip_ r oPerat veat*d per,"tree thinned amoun y Co- rd-, also made by heifer pies har all be 'covered with �roseq or',dfh6v Is. of' great Impo,rtiince, The: i startled usually t`r ' a n' fiicliltuiAl R,6pteaenta'tNe. h6'Ak­ form6i s�ands,, with,' dilated nostri 0 W03 hun- the me clinibing thin speelfid. ana as contribution Of r aeo at a- ber, 98 . to dred*;ikh 6 closely un "Erawea" W 'and',the, Perc�llta dt'"num' beauty breem,'sure thl ts 9uppliedby count less not ior Farm- at Aho-. Do!lninion ExPeri nti�. St' for as Orga-_ -S,'will 'fell :hot 'C t1o'n, Cap 'Roug6,'*ds 8,�44 lb .' o1'on'e'§,,69.06,'4f'numb6i t�vos:'88-8$, 6f,;Pit,:00 Pos 6rs' organization in biIinging'all th�.Jzed the �Closo i0f a heap, cl-Ocken her eye wilitherAo ITT flde, buttOr was Young -People, of the.coul -y fO'9Ar'Dohi&stic qci milk,, 403 lbs. fat and huniber tllre� 4.4, an& o' other building, sIhould,,� be S�ro6n4d The hunkry wolf presg6.j itii f'10,000 hudmdiveights I - lit ence course. Since then, 66.. -toss. it! the ten Thontba, this yda' ban I in Social . and e a, eouh�y� The latter,'It wiss be noticed, is still. The 'number of apples oved, Arub�, 6r bnt- 0. speed upon�-a trail �Vhich the ]ill 't therine. part in 'With a yerectill ..Believing that th rein g,a rough t'dis'Ghk6ish at ITT the Sam period, last e 60711filunitYAancIes ji4dging' the record Ili fat and pe year, competition held rcent� tree was 492.' Froin trellis, on ckwgrowing v� We the urithinned: inea, might be improve ,qui ,man, bein all d may. believ d� the girls fraxA64' inoitthly meetings 'plarl, tre0s 164 apples were Picked. Of theS j that, nce I),]] men v were, aimi arly chd" ITS an nion-'s r -at '6 ns,,, aad owed, I a' iiui6 debhtos,, a. Ive Sto"ck i nada... -earlier hour for clos-ing'j"' er., Ties, peliftfoi? �row n or n p ir. ete a . pre., sp-e I mltch, a Ve hl�fib6k ,21,4 numbecr tribes the acuteness.,of - I IVIt J rn in Ca' tai Elusi, e a as gree ve, st6ck'Ijj C4fia�d "hi eir--request soil tells 'of the d' � dele nng �half- the ost.. Ifud sense ok smell. its, fl. it to -the' �oyj�e:-conlmittee snO RecutAe,'nieth6d -hrees It �W!11. be 5� eAcoo�4ing, to offi. geography 5 -not. altogothef :-comr .�en,t��a.-dDnttti6n",t45','Che -Armeii-_ :,thero fOTI A . .... ..... W ap,- ded . reas6d, jjft�..n d fund,; and a, b�x of canned, the presence and amounti that hiie'niore th istinct benefit to theprestigel umbers froni,-Iast year, 'With Of 'in an n�bad tribes of Queens-lan w To w Pti 'Ile and. poultryi NorfMs 'athei 'Toronto, Sick Childt6h's, 0 y food., rhisis part,. v Tilln_ e?cpe ng iwl the At ttu I t i�6 fruit oin'the thinil'ied, trees graded r December found to h6nt by shioll, alarg�-' 11,11mPital. Th' y 'us, no'one knows'exactly Wfiat no rat re p anning ect nuniber'6' pecies to i6ke ly hressthan, a va:r-: 6� b6i -with which IT nd partly,,beeauso the M thwunthinildd.trees came UP 648,87f last year) 'mules they, had two hundyed fivid Afty In vitainihs in Vario1da-1-66 tthat­sitandar4 ana that the twos, plement Pid%ed with 3-;' a � vitami IS. "a I ter fro ate aid to, number' -30b,641 com� T�fti)174�ry meeting, including a debate I a layetW for relitef work, they,,sup Aefr''more* gruesome., Aiet:. '. The- eVill, 8J92 toniphirdd with. Pre'sent. At 6hristinas arraing'M C'oficerts' byj 60 d9tuff6 se-jilf' o smell ot the skunk, is produced,:td: 246,291- 1 compared time 10,cill taleht"�'Tlsslfted'tii� unstabl0i� and' jilAy be � def9t�oyed threes' and- cullq , ill, thd: latter ease diq the local leddiago'his eneml d with .9,719j969, girls sent a box of h6Tn6Tnade:cajddy movIng.'When'unduly heated, expo� were hiore nUmerous. es air, Utcons.1tu ure theatre to brink good sbows sed to' the tes- With 3,263,�i to each: inmate of theTounty"Chtl­ 6$jnk him to a, powerful' weapon of I self- fe th wi P .According t6 the theory of, natufal -.1tild � taking art',qf the p 6io,8I.113jected 'to. the action. of 0� 2�#, 4j405j816 -compared Ith- drenti And House 6t.RefiLTgeL_ 6ts to self., Iltmosp ere , U er oert�ain c6nd(ti'­ de, 4616, .5 45,40, "ghiTt-j- i 6, town "by IT tick - and Poultry also to a koceeds 292..com- �h6ld; b -61116 prbc ta rpadeasting, ra Which 'Made use dtheir nose's!"' Horses, liae var oUs communities throughout the' ly known -met P"g avttaging !the Institute t on. Vor " ' - L ; hO& for Vitamin die� five bouts, eachi To le to di decreased :in' o I � . or the Blind anheld n IT y province. 6keept The atitlibd hebeen tin&lah goOd fbodl, from baa! rsona terHhittion consist,of feeding experl- tra4srdjtte�d from statfonst in 0 at, An Omistion. PL The British Columbia%`iind cattle in � gr6eti�'k, card: that twe�b a tag day.' The girls report '1OWi Ars entel with -animals.' The ourining,skunk fools flif with these 'a enenillwthai i . 16bject,w" to --I ITT 06VInde exd6ptin'j,011tario and Birif, boxes I fta a think of ills I ra Se money, this d6ne, 06 hl*tho& Britain, -16 ad food 'even be&r� he is, Longwed­ What thq nTatj he ea'. ti.netion in are now plAhh* are long,,tostly,* and kive only rgati�6 t Nrie eOnth - Ani d,, ih Columbila.' Swine show'a'd6crbase Ing to build a batld� Val luq, but the y know' ledg,e each 'and, a 'Lint bi-ush't Alt�r fOAV6 him alp hOus' oni bnti y with, the N fte- , 'in Nova,.iScStia and Ne' Briinsi�ick Br e OTT our bathing 'bi Doesn't it' 4guataliteo woul hi' w Mon sellt�ft bafe,of cl to tennis� co,.Irt, in 'our villaft" They niffis has been gained Ill this. are to pt nose 0' only. At r least dght c6min, 'Wipe the �b�u8h with. figbts #Ith men the ;01 e of Cl iv(iid b food. We Speak of the orth6rn Ontario fire dnntncontain help I suffeers, 6180 , Ve the. F all. � V ca,ni, , Mig "tasto" 6f"d tottoft egg Sate of 'h6mema& �111�jljg a soft qjot'h Ott 9 NOivorwed--"Threls not vitamins and fA pen W6,d� in it, but If thd ose The 'laying age of pulletS air, the *N�Avy 'League' the Russian. aprmren y p6,d liver 611 lace the 0, ublid Library,'' brush in a � Pan' or abOLIfinatriage rites. Varies 911,kdon Party, and had a booth -af tho; Reftf, bd th ;p ntain fb6ih in greates be firmly pinched Or I or' and lettuce e basin of 'vinegar. dold'Aft the headi he will,bo a' pro- to,listAld 61torid. Put the V&S-: ts Own' :,With different bredds, according to sehool:'fair to raise inoney, for the quantity. i g t, I The M60it'er nean ounty A f 11 grown b�agle, taid cOnsk, �u g its b, 'a IoW6 reach laying 'age hiTour or five 'i 66 sick 'hleniberi, at a, mefiL -ra C HoSpIjaj_ ith the family, - need the 9toVean bring the vinegar u lile� to Mid. and i Id Vido'd wood and elothing'fot a eat badlegg' without 4�tih W y Y6 ng 6'instinct tv ich ma An egg is idevel., fresh wall ness,', ;.The sam unior� V armer§ �heY a skating and eaas to il boiL ', Rinse, � the brush in the in rem IT it pre trust dgismakes hl Six to eight months;, the Asiatics in, June �vith the o' nihiried;, gild at Christmas tlln� In. f obgtacj�j'to' r," imh the American breeds: arty, a, debae afid'a corn roast,, in ing rl be. 'as I vinegar and boll. for 4 few' 'mi'lilites, uccess, dlaulise lwi lwa-j ft all ther girl�l Ina r )r tintil�thd: point is diswivVed -in Ar4in Plli� (a er, f tonteight t6� ten months. titutd 6�f 61111060"Cil eighteph robs. you of y *0hen As monotony in the, many men Nanify thetxtern4j,pna*,, n ran g t. r 0 PnJgf th g1reater oned Red acdonald. of, ity witil a, i'� 'll �u Ai thb SOIL Oel.'. qOutity,'they Via' vInega:r, '. Wipe �Ivgalli ft In brdcr t blverAdy "Your Ot ti