HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-17, Page 1' • 11 • • , fif101,4. 114,:4DV,AtfCill• WPM, !Ma • * , ttLrr=a-Ax • 'PlObt-elt (.147044, DENTIST Dr.: 1MacLeod will vielt:' Lucknow every 'Tuesday in'Pr, . _ „. RR. PAEKEE, 'vEl,TEOrATH.: at- t.,..ha :OSA -Houser- -7efterneon• WseS. anceelefully ,treated.'' Oiteo-• PathY. LeinoVes the physical..eanses Of •°. diaease:. Adjustment et lbw .aPhie, he more quickly lecered? and . .with fever.. treatments. by Oat.O. pathy' thin by .,any • other methed:- 'WOronte PrleeS intid for all kinds of poultry. - • • DR, MAIJDE C.,BRYAN l'AICKNOW; 014111rit.' 1-HURSDAY,14. JANUARY W4A" G1004AL, I "What Happened To Joaer i th best i'et i. "amiey:131".1,1;NION7 •A fen' weeks age the people of laieknOWhad the opportunity to hear the arguments againat the, proposed _2411n10,_;:ne"oenigrtehgeP a-tiora,17.etehruiraenh,Me8_ientThodist C T. L McKerrol and the Rev W. 1)1c- .0f,mne,11„ Were the speakers, -and as might be expected they rade a strong„. presentition. of ,the .case against ami,04• :, Tuesday- ,:evenhiji...weekdPPOIPtMent:-thir.-unPaid-ac4iiuriti are the other side of the debate was heard away, in d.Xees's of any:termer Year, • . . when the Rev, D. C. MacGregor of On January 1St, of thii,year, „'we had London, and the Rot: G. A.,,WoOdsidct on our book. Eight_Theneand, Six of ,-Brantford were 'the -sneakers:- 71...;uPelifed inerk: you, this filled ,by an; audience which included , The Fresbiterian Church was well fel. :the Herware: alone, Methodists and Anglicans as well as as the Coal litiginess hi carried on by. Presbyterians. It %ca an attentative E. N, Iledfrins and W, Mtirdie;and is and.deeply jp.terestedatidience-too:and-, entirely separatet :You will 'readily see all must have felt that they Were re- that this means carrying tire:, Stocks, warded . for' attending., . •' one .in the 'store; to serve eirs,' temer's Meagre. lilacGreger and 'Wocid'Sile and an' 'other:ii; the hands' Of the eust being among the strong. speakers ot well maintained their reputation o , i ior. n 'the Presbyterian church in Oetario thIng. After briefdevotional exercises th( • We wish to be Perfectly .frankit speakers were introduced bY the Rev our chsteiners, and. in conclusion% Apply tff Mrs Whitby. r; Will Douglas went up to Sud. bury with 'a jar' ioad.of kerees :On Tuesday!", • 14-1.S'•;-• 10041' and p 40s. r, sianleY Were in Toronte for a few 'A. Grospop4 Linkup*. dalYs this week, . * • , • • • Registered Optometrist • .Mr.---andldri,-It. A. MacLeod, of S near Granunit Alia., are visiting with Mr, MacLeod% mother in town. • The plan for "What -Happened To Jones" is selling fast. Procure your ticket early mat,evold disappointment later. • •. Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- , (MY/. MeCoriniek Medical College. Clti- , egg°. Ili. • - ' kleadachei. Dry Itchy Eyes. Grano- • Aided EYelids: Watery Eyes. Pain in • • Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. Pui or ....iVatery Discharge from Eye. and •. Dizziness eauffed OY Eh -strain re- , •Ileved through properly fitted Glass- . Cross Eyes straightened throngh Properly fitted Louse " Satiafaction Angara • • At the Cain. House. Luclutow, Bray Aypineaday Aftentoon , and Mulling. FOR SALE.:—Nordheinter Pianojn good condition. Apply th G. A. Sid-. dell, Lucknow„ ' 8-11-tf, RA1/16 ,APPARATtli"---7- Special Christmas Prices for Radio • Sets. A 'complete "Starr," honeyeomb coil long distance receiver. 'every- , thing "ready to "listen in". ;45. Osterhout Br,os. ,Litelcnow.• •••••••••••• LOGS'' WANTED •1' We the undersigned, are in the . market to buy the following '•kinda . lege.' delivered at our Saw Mill .at Lucknow:—.13sisswood. Hard and Soft Maple. Beech and Birch, Will pay .the highest market price for the ,above. Owing to our having a ,large stock of Elm lumber on band: and ' there ,being very little sale for Elm furniture. we are not in need of Ehn logs. However, from persona putting in a. good quantity) of other logs. we will be willing to take a. small quan- tity of elm along with the ot.hers. ,_.;,..p.royiding the loge are large and good Lueknow Table, Co, Ltd.. , J. Button. Mgr; , • • TENDERS WANTED , Tenders will be received by -the un- dersigned for the supplying of 15 Corde of 20 -inch Woad. beach or map- ,<Zie,:•ito Paramount School . Albert Struthers. Sec.Y.. ' • , Ft. R„ •••••10.1.1•01.1011111/11.0......1111•11= ••••••••••..•••••••••••••••• ANNUAL MEETING: - Notice is hereby given that the An- nual` Meeting of the Lucknow Agri- Willcultural -Society held in the . . • Town 'Hall. Lucknow. on Friday. the . 25th day of January. A.D. 1924. at 2 o'clock, p,m, ' • All • inembers are requested • 24-17n • , FRUIT GROWERS • Meeting"; in the interest . of the fruit industry in linron County will be held as follows:-- , Wed.. Jan: 23rd. -Clinton. 2 1).111,.. Department of Agriculture — Thurs.. Jan. 24th,. Goderich. 2 p.in,„ Town • Ball—Frt., Jan 25th, Dungannon. 2 • p.m. AlteleicHal ---.11;ese.tneetingiL,wilLbesaildressed by F, L. Gable.',.liamilton! District ,Fruit Inspector; P. J. Carey, Teri:Into. Demonstrator and John Lawlor. Stith- • , erland; C.:, Expert Apple Packer, Fruit growers are invited to attend _Algae meetings and_take_part in the discussion. , • • • Ontario Derer,ienent of Agriculture; , • . • 44,,,;,, Clintou • S. B. Stotheri, Agricultural Repro'. • • , 'tentative, , 1.444.1.114411.41141.4, 404614464.04. 06.1144111. 661444141146•41.4416164 trimEmOitgAm i. -,...,..p...,.....,,, 2----,.....,,,,-,..,-....,,,...-.,-,,..... bison— n IMO iiiiiiioriortivr. . A Yintir Aitchism4 who died in Ger- ; Many. 'five years lago. 'Jan .15th. ' We little thought when .he • left home •' He would no more return. • That he in death so soon would, sleep. And leave us here to mourn. We do not. know what vain. he bore,' ,__' We, did not see• him die:• , We only know: he 'passed away. . And never, said; cOod-bye. - - " , —Frailly' missed by tither. mother. • Sister and brothers: s, • L6CAL MARKETS ;'''......2ggA. a a 't i it 'a 1 lib a i:a a 's 'a. iitic -Ste 424' .... ,, A. litter 6 a a i,ii a iiss'ilsi.i• 4.4 4 i • . og.,,• i i .6 4 4 i 1 4 4 6 6 4 .6 • 4 4'6 • '6 • 'Wheat, • .1. 4 6 14%1 i t 4 4 4 Ir'il .1 fi'd 4 4 ' Ii00. "t...bitt,.. ..., 6 4:6 4 6 4 6..4 66'666 44 .6.1.4.•••••• "64 ' • rent.. •-6 t area, o 4 4 4 4)$ '6 '6 6 '6 4 4 6 6 4 4, 4. "eirritioat '.*...a..,;i*e;t.,...*'... tilt" *.i **,.... i,l'i i 4 t4600•6 r ' ,i...4.44 -...i. ' t• , , , •i Yinti, hi, 4 itiiiii iiiialeit,..lit AI' Olt' •' )111r)it'tittilii tiit.otlii ot: ' • P io to .401100::,414.- gr11101,1",,, ' „ „ .M ani • ••8 Minstrel Sow in Wingham• *Town Hall Jan.,:-24tb and 25th. An all-stareast' of 60 'pingo; Lton's Club••aus- pices, Phone for reservations to Me- Kibbon't Drui Store. The Hand Will play at Lorne link this Thufeday„ evening ina. each Thursday night throughout the sea- son, Adinissiin on Bandnights,..-Ad- ults 20e, chitilten 12 and under 15c. ' J. W. Henderson._ Nomination to fill vatancies 'on the L"kpow.'School *wird be held on January 24th, There are three vacan- cies; We understand that Mrs Mit. chell, who his been a Member for sev: era 'yeam has, resigned. . • ' Mr .• Ileib:McQiiillin who for sometime has been onsisting Mr, Albert Rivers Blecksmithing, halt bought the shop and the barn in connection. 'He takes possession about April 1st: For Adele thite the.businees will go CM as at *tient. • Harris piirdon. R. Lucknow is a candidate in the Partneri?' Advocate Contest and. will 'appreciate ' the re- Ceipt of. AdIMeate coupons, and will he pleased ' to act as agent for the extension .of :iiiheeriptione, Coupons may be left with Mr; 'Fraser Patter - sen, at Di. Spence's Drug Store, , Messrs. D. C., Taylor and Robert Johnstone attendedthe banquet given , at London PiidaY of last week, by the London ConePivat4ve Club, in honor of Hon; Mr. bieighen: It was quite ,11 big affair, ovex, fifteen hundred tickets having been: !ague& Western Ontario, Was "pretty well zeprenented. There Was much enthusiasm and si good time, Card of Tbanks—James Macintosh and Sisters wish to thank their friends and neigkbors for helpful kindness and sympathy...shown during the ill- ness And at tke death of .their _mother._ LANGSIDR 44...4.6••••••••41 A deed 14E,i011.41PPRInti Out udigh,Whoodlast Week lost one 'of its beet:eid Meat highly resPetted meralima.in4mi .person 0,-flirs: D. S, Macintosh, si4rief reference 'being made to her death. last week', naine was • Penelope , Kennedy, •'.ivaa horn in the tewnihip Of PUehlench but ., . , . Came .when ' i girl With: her parents to ..Kinloss, In 1889 he was Married, to Donald' Machiteskand went with him to North .Dalcota; where they melded for tvielVe. wears, .7** then returned to Kinloss suatk'f,r a short ,tinie lived On. it fairinicsat. of Whitechurch, and fine* :tinheid to the present family home On the Seiond Con, of KinlOgs, **plata distenCe ..from whet* Mrs., ., .. , Macint,oph Itad•ep,ent her girlhood _.. • Min, Misei*ell ',wet a wOmnn. Of ninny stet** . qualitiiii, eVer;,,readY• to ,Itelp-the''needyy. always Mindful Of the sick. a regular attendant at. the , Presbyterian ..ophurch, ' and ' one i in. arlioM the hive of family' was deeply imbued'. The tattatiq Caused by her. death will be Mt 1,ry the entireneigh- 6erheed tilt 4Peciallr„,by her, Own family by all of Whoin she 'vie loved' With 'that love •that is due to a good 'Mother; '':'':'.--1.:- --- T The eon and diughlei',. all of *born -were' preterit . at .her death have the !sincere eYnipethy of a Wide neighbor - heed.. ' '.; ' 1 ' • Pottr$0 Et -AUCTION' . SAM t .....,"04.4ie-6.....1 . • , 1 OwW to the viet ask iiostPli iys A.ticifoli 4040; 440.0rJati..180, wu poitpoliOd. 001: 1M*. haufrY 01011 Pgitively oa, 11.14•040141..,01$1,-.: • ° r‘rolo tiofit,i *NI * ,wwPBLic BY A iUCKNOW, MERCHANT - The year 1923 OnS•Pasae4 intn his teryInnd-With haa'passed,..prebahly;- one of the most suceessfill , business e.•.,Wod--fi.probably” for the reason „.. . . we are net 'through, •stOck-taking and therefore. cannot Inake an ; absolute . „ stitement., HoWever, there).is one dip - ,MacCallum, pastor of the church would say that the situation has bee who presided. thoroughly discussed in our Offlee and Mr. MacGregor :spoke upon the we_1 two conclusions points So which ebjection has' been Basis of-Unioirrtaking-nP thrWq"us- First: 'That' we must get the mone _Made. --L. is—addres,s ... , characterized_ ,;',.1° , • . •-•-'-' earrY on, and Second: that'„„if,Loint. throughout by • a ;spirit befitting. the Festomers .kne'W .the, fact,• we...wOuld. seriousi matter in hand, Was: all in:the net be•long.in getting it • .. . way of exiositien'and' explanation, • . . . , , We ,,know thatthis is an entirely He Said that we , all glorY in .th',... new venture."' We jicnovv ..that this '.wii) traditions of.. the Presbyterian;churelfle,.dre, •via,ed ix), by 'icine:O„.t..4.ht i.p.,e.,:.:pPpleeaW/.47,0 doowlie. eiSr.i. 'iiiinclspleateic• great what he iiI;e wtheos!jephltea, tt,'.., •11;ciar,fuli, . j)et:o.i..e .1i,obr.tiziry lot. :, 4iiid trreateat question which had 'come be ' ,'et.us beVe 'the ',aineUnt You owe, and fore the church -in'a ienitiri.bni'aim, if you eaimot PeSsibly raise the'lnon- -: ,lie said, i should .be not Po . meekti, qy'.' %re'r; (ACI- 6e, .y,eur ..in.te,- . We trust oppose OS to tinderstand,oan'd time and yen' and belieVe that . you' Will !iot dik,-• *gain he:advised .his hearers to stud:: •appoint.,ns, .arric tn..ie urn we. eternise • the Basis of Union, and the bill...Which a:better sprviee, than ever. was to he presented to ..'perliament; . ' ' •' Wm,...111erdie &.Son land net to be satisfied with, what they.' ,(peic W, •Miirdie)..' heard about these documents:• .He: found in the minds. Of many a.. belief that Church ,Union nieant th,1;. end Of;the Presbyterian Church•i-Thet: - auCh Would, not be the caSe h'e illust- A fewl:weeks'',agp,' at the 'Close: of rated by saying that Whentwo rivers the .trial of Richard Portico', who had .united and flowed on together, neither: been• charged ;with icattlestealin, it Was lest. •while the unite stream was; was Annoim.e.il that the trial Of, i'07: able to bear' upon its, bhsore .biirdens, ppph, • Qa.inble, charged with ..forgery,' which , 'before neither, cetild., Cirri; Would be left Oyer until," the,Sitting 'of each river is still' there doing its the:court .in 'j'une: net .: Now .it is an - work.: . . . , , :nounced, that. Gamble' wiiibe nil ,kof Referring to the 'three .forms of'atir.ial -,.hh. FridaY 'of„'.this _week, .:Jatiu7 church goVernment7-EniscOPal; Pre•7'.yj8t ... ,byterian Mid . Congregational, - be . .But this is not'the,,saine.....triaLat all: - found, the. proposed Basis Of trefOn . il" -fact this is not a trial •ifer_criine.... : was largely. Presbyterian The Pres,... The:, Canadian- Bank -pf - Com merce:.is , bYtery would he the iiinciloniii,ghodV , in the United Church as it is now in the, PreabYter'en Chitich, , ?Neither. would the ordained eldership be done away With. Congregations , going ,inte, ..,,the Viiion„might,still.retain.theielo,, till, organization, • init as they : n.'45w ' • • E' GAM111.,Fj TRIAL 4; IritCH NOTES • Rev. J. H. DaterhrSit; will have charge of the serVicee in the Methodist: :Church next' thSunday In e Morning he will Preach the 4th sermon "13f- Greatt:Mon;*-the'striajeet being,; "Dan- iel,, The Greatness; of the Unstained Life,",In the evening •he »'iJl discuss the subject of "Church 'Union " All, welcome •er $42.. diltt4f4 6 interestingf meeting' Was 'put on .by the Epworth League ea Monday •right by the Missionary bePartment. ' nrs, Dr. Newton was in thes„Itair,-The-tenie-was-well-fakee Myrtle Webster and was on the work of the French Methodist ,Institutein Montreal,' A reading was :given by Miss Ruby MeQuoid and the Scrip- ture lesson was read by kiss Alton.. A. French reading was given by 'Mr', Collyer„ The music was, all by French composers and consiite•d 'of a 'vocal 'solo, by Harold ',I'releaven, a solo. by Mrs., J. W; J.oynt and an , instrumen- tal by Austin Reid, Next Monday ev- ening the Social coinmittee • are ; ar- ranging for a fine evening, About 85 beautiful lantern :views On "Beautiful Canada" Will , be a' feature of the •LucknOw W M —The 'regular- menthly Meeting o f the Women's Missionary Society, 1 of . the Methodist. Church,: was held .,thisLweek....at..411e- home of 14-4; ; . it.1,ickeit, when :the president, Mrs..: J. Osterhout, was in the, chair. There was a large' atten- danee and. it most, interesting meeting, Prayer was made by Mrs; E, J, Smith and Mrs. John Button, the Scripture lesson was .read by Mrs, Dr, Spence and a,' reading was given by Mrs, Robt, Johnston. A number of sentence 'sermons and. Nen, Yeat'S 'resolutions were read by different members of the ,society and a:Paper was read by Mrs, J, W, Joint. SoloS•Were'seng, by Miss' Gertrude Treleaven ,and, Mrs, J. .G. Anderson. and a Plane duet played by Mrs. 'S. Reid and Mrs. Newton. 'Mrs, Ackert served lunch at the close ef the meeting, ' presbYterian Guil&-The Guild held their first me'eting of the year on Monday evening, with a ,very encour- .aging attendance. An excellent , pre - gram:, was prepared" by° the Social Committee, and a very '' profitablie evening spent; The 'meeting opened with Psalm 36, after which Campbell Thoinpson read.' the Scripture iesson, Rev, Mr kacCalluin lead in prayer, • Miss Carrie Geddes contributed a sole in her 'usual pleasing!. mariner. A See: c1al-feature5f- the--prografiVivit'S- couple of well 'rendered., readings by Mrs, Lyman Malcolm a .visitor from -the est, Miss Dolly Henderson, took the topic land gave a very helpful and seasonable paper entitled "A New Be- ,Tihnieg." The 'duet by AiliSS Neccal- . T p08 ente can reco bein whe men -for--a ,refiti the At .p help to li he fe As a pick thou than syste did n could The polity of the proposed Union urchViff the.-pelrby..-of,the•r-Presbyz•- terian Church, and he thought the Methodists :had been very generous in agreeing to - - He defended the course' the General suing Gainhle.....for., S350;sa. spor-whieir the hank relaTths,„Gamble got,On a: bad cheque This, of course', :is. the cheque which vas 'cashed at Walkerton When. Daiid .Robertson ",introduced Gamble .the -banlcas_41113ert-l'thoinkeii;'W , . .Kinloss. 80 the present' cou'rt will just e '‘.1eide as ,,10 whether 'Joseph Gainble . he statement that, under he pro- ethe bank's mon- d arrangement, ,• anybody could eu,',as-f-otrithneiilfliVow;!;1191egs;t, cheque a r the, t,ninistry, was not true; A. ,IqrOttP is counsI fOr G didate'for the ministry had ' to be • Gamble ' asked for a jury trial,' while:. inmended by a presbytery before... David ; Robertson solicitor the g ordained lity,the.cenferenee, and bank asked,that-theacelisekbe--tried: n ,presbytery refused te. recem-' Without a jurY,' It iipPears.tO • be one, d, the 'conference could not act; Of these Cases' in''which the trial judge he present .sySteni of, preaching (in' this ease, Judge Iclein'ean,,decide W ' -ve •,:to AN+ ether4ernetAli ere".shall ement of cruelty to the minister. jurY, After' 'taking 'matter into e resent there is no inachinery to • :cOnsideration.,for.'e;., few' days, Judge e a Minister, to get 'a charge, nor Klein. decided that .there 'should be • no h elp him, to leave. a 'charge When 'jury. This likely, will 'result hi. an out- p it ,that hewasLiii lenger_Atanted,... ,konio..nioirektiskac'torY---to-the-i;nblitr an ,minister his, to live' he tannot, than if A , ,;:to, pass w un and 'leave on short notice, He lap'on the matter,. as nvo n g the an ght the new sYstem muCh • better°, ,"twelve ' and;-• irue," there. M the one nOV/In vogue. The new often Ore .p few' Softheads, or block... p ni Might net be perfect, but he heads who ,are toe. ,sIttek to bring in be ot 'knew that':'a•-perfect system a Verdict of guilti,. except when there, fo be arranged; • It is 'reported that the. clefenge;,:i4,. „see is'no escape from it, as; WRS da done the case or Portitetliat is • jai :inc t°O7pr`11..beiVee 4.thhdi *it hg4ai)i-alblvie'YeAt;aNYsnif'it:9'inli.d4aa'v116:- 'erten!, •and.....thatin fact' he 'WaS name_ • and Mr Watson was good A .couple of Solos on the 'Victrola' by Mr.. Cain ron. GeddeS. was an unusual treat. the meeting. for next lgondaY;eyen;,. ng Will be arranged: by the DeVOtion.• ' 1, Committee, the subject to be, "Th.e reef. Commission" Everyone is. der: - hilly. inyited'IO attend; . - REMEMBERED )3Y , A ,nuniber of .Mr. and Mrs'. Victor hitley's friends, in Lucknew. and vi- _nitytya:therefLat_their_liome-on-the- vening„of January 15th and present - d them :with two beautiful Oak. uP-• elstered chairs' te,...expresi their ap. reciatiOn 'of Mr. and ots. Whitley trip, by2'Ford Car,. out est !eat Fall and their 'safe return d extend to then their good knri4res. r,,Whitley; although taken by .sur- riSe. thanked them' ,very,sineerely on half Of himself and Whitley r their, kindness and good Wishes' to m and his The T'rening. was spent in .141,,,,,chn't-.-Aindt,_-gnmesr!rinafterso- intY lunch all wit homeweli, sat- ied with the'. 'evening's- entertain'. nt , • •. • • , • .1 I X EIGHTH CON.; KINLOSS , , 1 • • .V.Ve are pleased' 'to`t•,report Mn os, Harris Who has been under the- tor'i care; able to be around agitha; AssenyhlY had taken in connection Where .else at the time the 'cheque, withunion; it had proceeded regular- was -passed in Walkerton, The ..out- ly and it hokalways' voted Tractically, comwill be Wetehed With lunch in,- Th !four -to -one in favor of union. terest,. ' 'doe The 'Enabling Bill had been ,Ab, nounced as" "Iniquitous," but it ,was based upon the bit! 1075 which_un-, ited the two branches of the Presby- terian church, A CongeegetiOn not concurring keeps lts local; property and 'aide Lite share' of ,tie &meal church ad well, , With regai to ". going ahead oe „pointed out. that.!80.90..congregationa had already' gone Into, ;Co-operation believing t h ,'th e, 'Presbyterian Chtreki.tineaking through ,the ;General ;Aelentbly; intent 'What it said, It is ittelisaat7 to keep', .faith With these.; Di, WoOdoitti dealsired that 'The 1011110911.4-010111tVaion vet, #eatet--1 tr,!, '• cot Pronier's .Conieretice at London, end , . for,-he,--sald the Church y institution in. :the Weird to -day which w`eu, takeS anything •to-: de • With Malting : rfetil)10, t te .11Vein the World: rela ciVociy, he thought', should be So de- ,Voted Union' itS PreebYterialuti for was not .the tweet 't310titribilAt4r 0On, °it ititelt, a nnien clecirrneiti, 'tin; hiniSell, he 'Wee 'always trend that the Presbyterian 'Church was first to it move' in,thit:inetter of Church Union, bq'ia particularly with the aP I tor woodetdc'e etldpose tioeit more , 1041.4 dide t4L1,4 Y re. ',Jos' ',Culbert iperit the meek -- with Kincardine' friends.' • ,' ade, England was •in our burg /or week end r, jab. Culbert,spent, Sunday with tives, on the ,I0th, • , , r. and Mrs. Will Eadie visited the ' er's parents at Glenannon n few s this week, he fed tkkets again and hp el It is good-bye Meanies.; ' os, Wall and soh, Harry are out - weed for Ackert Eros. its Mein& jOhritton ‘SPOnt the guest of 'Mies , myrtle, Mar- tha tnevement, end did not op .114411Y ' My, obt P*lidr hs • rotued to- thmi Anir fositleit4fpfuiutii At till Oil be./ gt i • - tiOnV &Att. a visit With, • pottit, • , HEN „ eyes tire .easily; , when it is an effort to keep thein'focuSed on youi. work, 'whin, they legifi",to pain yo, it is high . time We examined 'them, for you, Glasses suPPlied only. when neres- Roaster:ed.-. Optometrist ' • . •• NOTICE Our supply of milk bottles is -pretty Somefolk must be keeping the:61.: If • you have any, please return their SromptlY; Other folk who sell milk : hould • be able to supply ' their own , ontainer,s: . • • ,* R. J, Button • a, e aturday Specials e • 'fil"Pilff132'1StiltaiW Ca OS -Tarts: :ChelSea"Bune Whole Wheat Bread Home Made Bread 'at Hollyman s Phone' .____LuritatelliL At The Family, Theatre •AL LIVES" A' smashing. Crashing Melodrama of**. ' Mail Service ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY• TIIIS WEEK. "ROB ROY"- ' MONDAY and TUESDAY „JAN. 21st and 22nd; Produced by 'special arrangement with . • , Samuel French -cif New York riday, ebru With the Fottowling Cas t of Characters JONES; Who, Travels for a Hy tnnbook Heise, M. C. BRIDGE EBENEZER. ,GOODLY, A Professor of A:natomi. ‘' T"„ S. REID ANTONY GOODLY, Li.D.;;Bishop of Ballarat :• T. WATSON RICH:ARID. ''HEATHERLY, En,tav,d to, Marjorie W.. ANDERSON THOlVIA,S HOLDER, A Policem • E. MILLER WILLIAM HIGBEE An Imitate 'of the &mit:or:min M JOHNSTONE- HENRY FIALER, -Superintede at of the Sanitorium,. J, cANTELorr MRS. GOODLY, •EbeneZer% Wife . MRS; W, L..MacKENZI11? eirssvi. Ebenezer's Ward :MISS J. MacDONALD 'MARJORIE) • :• : mitk, a)NNELL MINERV,A.y Ebeeezer!s Daug •• MISS N.--TIIOMPSON ALVINA "STARLIGHT, • Mrs'. Glioilly%•SiSter, mks: d_ANDEssobi- ; :HELM.4,-;--SWedish-Seevatic•Giil ' Mig's L. CAMPBELL Pianist, -MRS NEWTON PLA-C-NEW---YORR -CIT - TIME—THE PRESENT ADMISSION 50c. (including War tax) Children 25c. The Plan of the Hall is now open -and-Reserved Seats on Sale at McKim's Drug Store .T1111Ng11 e- ome-of Gociad-Sitijes" omfortable Feet help US to enjoy the Cold Syappy Days ' e. ,Ladies' : Goloshes lie .gery comfortable; ;priced at ISO, 4,50, and $5..00... '' " Ladies Spats are still popu ar Priced . . , . at 1.75, 2.00 and. $2:25. ., , .. We have a \.1e11 -assorted Stock of,)"' . , • eorre,dtrating or"' Heavy: Rubbers. and 'Leather' Top., Rt. doubly' import -OA' Men's , ,OVerShoes„;..in 1, 2 and .4 Bileint part i furnish.' popular prices. • 4, than the - 'A. S f Special Prices in Ladies', 1-1(4, ,413 f\* 133°4 4 1, c0 ,7 -In order to clean Out the balatic& Ladle's House Slippers, we have reiikrtele: the price Of several lines that sold at 1.:25 - to $2.6a to tell at t1,00 a.' ake Nature's *ay, Wa0c and Healthy Diring i9 • re. '