HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-10, Page 82�5t Woo : • G LA GAN N L FT: NK E,. S• ET Imam Rslips° l� D $5,$5+ A+FAQ FR':$215, $265 AND $3;25. Tr, ER QUILTS, GOOD'F - L � L SIZE " E AT 20 3.2 600A � aro P, V Ta RESTING; PL•WEAVE ..:_ _-8 . . . �:.. , AND 8 4 WIDTH;:.:. ^. .:. . , . AT 65e. "p R HIE T .G >S N. ETI iH ET NCr PL. ARD* ITB gilt LED: 'W AVE AND '8-4 W .., , � WIDTH,. AT 85c PER. IN WEAVE AND .9,..4:'WIDT,. AT 75 AND PILL() �' +GLOTiI ::CI ,, CU. AR'`" ., . .,.r . E . L TY E . •, ,, �. • . ' ,, , .. .... - ;. $ k , Ilti ¢0 AIy'i11' • ,' 42, -INCH D'111.AT5 , r.• D,.i;Sc„ A, •Y'ARb. ' P �1 , ' OTH , CIRGt L A.R':STYLE • IN .44 INCH . WI H .:. RY S k`G1<AL ARD U,.r ,ELS, `FANCY BQIIDEIt �!'Nipi'`1•I�3.BTIT . �,. , . e.,. 1'1 ' "S ,L , EXTRA � YtAiUF., : AT ' 5 A 11' '1;1:11:1. D 4 e .EAC • TOW•ELS' LARGE'SI �, q, „ .:I AND ,GALT•„ QUALITY . 75c, AND 0'. EACH ." C'. a^ ALL -,LINEN' FINE ALIT T ., :. .. , ....,�iT;,,.._... 7�. .,OWELING, 17", IN,C ES: W'�DE' .: . 45 AND 35c PERw=YARD,r COTTO,'. ;I W D 'Vit T$ '. A ,.:.� •• � F* ,..,><� , ,,. . T -2Q,. 25 A D 300: ER YARD .• • Ec LOWa Vii? HIT '' E Q'SHAMOIS ; FETISH ,u.0 BRIC; 3:6 : CHES, EAT c?„ •.� ^�ARD:a ^ L'N .._,I , . N; TABLING► :^ 70,, I . ,CH ,.. ,.. . �. ,.. ,. � _. 'WIDEA 3�7 PE y.. ..... , `>C $ ..$. R YARD .LI•�T•EN NBLE A,CIiED TABLING, A,T'$1,25' PER- YARD ' L t1'$ITE TABLING, SPECIAL AT`, 1.60•' 'P PESTRY RUGS AT °$16,5a'.EACH k 1►I,. i . I, , NEAT PAT �E�RN ~ ' HEAVY, WEIGHT •- ' STING SHOES WHILE THEY,:' LAST; AT $2 25, • 131 ' FINL `ARING'°'SHOES GpING AT - 3 5 .$!% VY BL TELABEL•. :D 'S N ..,: ,�� UST ERWEAR,•'S'I'ANFIELD S HRAND; °. • » LITMBREMEN NS'SO,CKS.,,AT 85c. Tu3ntoiP0tiortter were :very:aquiff .this Year, there being no'ceei petition forthe•'village offices. ere :was, ao op,OAsitioil t'o:Mer. , S#�rome #ar tho @aveship and as she Awas w.itl-• to=.serve :for another year he got sire position by> aeelamation,'` 'here went 'a nurnber.,of ,nominations fczr,the �filip�eilr `��#jitn}i,r lk�M4e L! l a Y place, : nil•'that x'wf tliop;'t'an-;,lection ' P.d Mr, Geo ,B ptist.wp o, servos! i>n 1023" withdrew a ►d Mr,, Wm. Thompson of the Teeswat'er: Creamery takes his place, `' The vacancy on the.' Hydro'Contmis.. cion • is filled by Dr. G S. Fowler, •who, years ago, had; experience •with �•he.,• •n ,,. - .,.t e,..l;g`lhti g,,.system-o# the -•town, --.arid shoull: make ;a very. Rseful• mernber. Ther ewill have to ea mother ,nor; nationfor the School •Bo rdThe 'Board ,Of 1923, had seen . a' goed deal 1 Of service, and although ei h`t•'" i • .g omi g n_. nations• were,' made=: for - the : four• wa- 'cancies' occurring ' this Y,ear, there were so many resignations that the, board is not complete, two members being wanted q .... The animal nomination meeting of Culross Township was keld' as usual On the last Monday'ef the y • ear• and i resulted ° a. a renewal: of confidencein the Council of .... . °The 1923boaxd'.con- sists • 'of Reeve, . Dave• MacDonald :Council!. ' J h oir4,John Ireland, Wm;, Ma fat . R ,,, Doers Colvin and J, D Meyer: co AUC'1ION SALE. • 10.0e0.004 -,Sale of Pure Scotch Bred•an ; Dw d Purpose ps> • SHORT • UOR CA,TTI E * arae hr'eeit rig :.Outfitpa}i,.d Maeliinery. •' MR, JAMES CIIYSIIOLM will sell byEpuCbb'lic' auction at Lot .6, Colborne ,(4 miles z44rt of Code tic. 1 n UES% 1 Y; .:JANtultr. to th:, ry 2h: Comniencing at 1.30 Sharp: 22 Head Pure bred • Registered, Short Horns, Mostof them of the famous. Duchess of •Gloucester"'family, .the rest 'are Dual purpose of heavy tlliiking strains •• ' A• All. ,the pure. bred! cattle: Mr Chisholm has will be.soldincluding.-tho-s oe:: bull, Ricl't;e",bank-Cott^ -. 0 159182; a ',grand thick, .indivrdu l risin •„ oar. - Y s .old . 4,Youn 'Bulls ' 1 g„. u: to 9 months o` p . ld. the balance ar�e,cows 'and heifers in#' , calf' and , some young' grade y.. g calves, .also' • ... 3 good cows, due early, • Sows, due, tit Mateh ;. 1 25-H. P. Baker, En nine, u e' t vo: a sd ti years,, easy. to fire: and in first class condition, °1 16 II,. P. Engine • Saw r.. ` - 1 3•,er MAssey Separator with: out- ter• 1 Large, 'Steel Tank 1 ,Blizzard cutting box with teleseo e distributing pipe' p -, p-i1e 1 Johnston Corn Binder, nearly new 1 Corn Planter. ; . Conveyances ' will m e c t''incomiri '�• f= trains on C,N:R• :and C;P•R., on• day' of :Sale, Sale 'tS be held under cover. PIIRMS:—Nine Months credit edits t�,ill ,be '•given' on furnishing approved; joint notes:, A 'discount at the rate of 6 Per, cent, per annum allowed.for cash; Ori the thi'e$hing Outfit longer: terms will• be given ,and . will !be annou` sed at tirne of sale... • . } �,:, This_saleJs being held. on • eco t. . g :�. �, a ,count of ill -health. of, proprietor and`eWery thing must be disposed of. Write fpr Catalogues or any' information to Jaines Chisholm,: • ' 'Tl1os Gundry,,- jt, undry,, -� R; •R, '3 Godcrich, Auctioneer. • NOT. A BED OF ROSES (Toronto .waturda .Night) Y The .::'dfficulties; in the way of ,any , leader. ;.of .the Labor Part in _office are , as' manifold as they are obvious. ous.' The Rt Hon:. 'J... H Thomas, Privy Councillor and railway Wider, ,made ,the statement in a London now spaper to the effect . that his party in office would' countenance nothing "extreme," to which the Sunday' "Times"' retts that in the first place Thomas is not the leader of his party, 'and that if the leader, Ramsay ''Macdonald, came out ` against: ' . the capital' levy and vy against ' the -'nationalization of indus try, he would have the Whole of • the. Glasglow labor brigade arid ' a lot'of other labor brigades•on •his,back,im- mediately ::'a No "moderate" eould for a lmnoment,. lead the British Labor Party. inother Words ' no leade"ri,> •Raitisay Macdonald included,can afford to appear' reason- abler noiinatter what:his;own 'convic- tion inight.be, We, :have had a. taste of Giasglow' extremists' 'on this. side of the sea, and we;know ,how "reas.on A PAIR' ri YO ertanily is -here -and - Owing in stock which, S E. --Made for the man who. appreciates a good „.:,e,Tie'etrect in shape, tough in materiel alld eVery defective d selection -of Axe Pantiles on hand.' superior•fth.anythirig the lantern market, everyone gaaian- • 'teed, satisfaCtion. IA First c'la...4s.Assortritent of Winter Mitts, Pullovers and Gloves and, the price reasonable, . ' DR, HESS1,STOCK.I'ONIC,,AND,,,PANACEA.-Iirnprove the health . -Keep -year D,c,t2.1try healthy hy feeding Dr. Reps' Poultry panacea. • Spccea",'•ar.,$16 Mick/low Hardware &Coal CO. r,f Time Ilait:ctili.r:s; Apply To Any Tici<ot ,Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL.. prosing hay at Jehn Webster's.. Mr, arid Mrs. Mark Gardner vis:tect the week -end atl,"Wniv Glad to hear, that- Mr, EdWard Hi:Orme who ',as not been ,well is im- social evening last week ati Mr, E.:•4 Mrs tayina -who has been visiting relitiyes in this leOttli# • LET ME LIVE,;AMOIitG:MY FRIENDS . Let me live 'among my friends; let me hear the : laughter of them, Let them know, past, doirht.. or chance or misgiving ,that i lone ,#heir!, '1'his;one,.,,that one.for hia-smile, that ne, this one .for his chuckle, ,Let a live among my •friends and to ever-y,,eare-Ill buckle, .:' • Oh; I'll ask no odds from; :feriae and ' I'll ask nb 'gift •frgm- glory, Let•eme live' among., my=`fr ends and make mine a ainiple, stmly, -Let niethave-'this one'-for,-fishing,and the other one for waking, And my trite friend; whe t Ism troub- led," and my wise friend when I'm 'talking , I've`s'' friend for every hour and .a friend' for _every trouble, • �hve-a-friend-whd-leves-the-clover-••and- a friend 'who''fl tread :the stub-'. ble,. ` tread :the 'a friend to set me laaghing and a friend to share my sorrow, 'Aird I-knoveirlfierid=will. answer, sh'onld I; cry for help today Let 'me . live among any "i friends; `let,: ' me'' keep` them all• about me, Let them learn • how .much'• 1 ''' trust them, .'let- them never eine to doubt. me, And . Pil.. seek. no joy . from; farrie Land no:pride from high endeavor, Let me live 'among• tiny friends and; I'll be' happy forever, --,Edgar A. Guest HORSE AND RIG '.STOLEN at°n9dlitniF:daritrdalChdiiiysniWellhili.orgfdrsi*hinetlenCirilthRil';7KeeVnilWO.Nwx4416;the'uLarcininh: i:tihed. When he was ready te go lome Sorge time during tbe night Thonlas shed. lie got up, and_ put it up, for shelter in his( barn, Next:day a neigh- bor recognized the horse and „it was i,eturned to the owner . There is pretty good, evidence as to the culprits. Two young,ehapa who do riot own a horse were trY1X4 to sell The roads lleing veri bad our gag - al Mail 'carrier did not make hie 'US- 'ual rounds on Mondti, Not 's ustuti thing for Chsrlle, able" they are, 'Indeed, their strong card in fact their only rcard, Whigh,` they play month after.,month is' their unreasonablenek 'The truth IS that if 'UM*: 'were -moderate no' one *Mild listen and,wbere.worild one di those. One of the outstanding traits .of. 'class political ::organizations,.`ouch' as' the British Labor -Party iorthe United. Farmers .of Ontario or any ether 'farmer' party- is its "sweet unreasen- effice preach the millennium, 'which apparently is just around the cerner, With, rin 'more taXes and turkey , for dinner every Sunday; if; Only they are elected to office_When irr_power.they natairally • cannot fulfil their „, spoken and Written obligations:No one 'short . of the angel Gabriel conk], So it'is that ha tithe they are discredited hY the, greater 'proportion of voters 'who had been prniised much and received little, leader Of the'Eritish Labor PartY?can be master Of his owri actions. Ile 'Can- not lead; so he will be dtiven:',Rebell- eusispirits, botbinside,and outside Of 13ritairi will shape his destiny, both in- ide and. outside of Britain 'will shape. destiny. For instance, from far off . ff Canton, San Yat Sen maintaining hat they are an unjantitiable inter- entien in, the dome,stic affairs of hat eotintry. If Premier, what would fr. Macdonald- •de?' Worild be follow. is partY's programme and; order the ritish. fleet to •Withraw, leaving: the ritisli residents of Chiria to protect' hey Can it .would in all. .likephoo' d pell political:failing if be heeded not on and it would be murder if he did. Any labor "Cabinet that riesuinea flee in Britain will, in all human robability, 'find itself, between the vil' and the deell sea, in, respect to th home and foreign policies; : '5 th ti 0 WIIITECIIURCH • Mrs. A. Fox is visiting with fri., Mds in Galt Mr. Carl, Lcitt of Kincardine vislthd at his borne here on Monday. Mrs, Paterson' 'of Lucknow visited last week. at Mr, -Georie MeQuoicls, The Sacrament ef toaptisin will be observed next Sunday in the Presbyt MISS08 Olive: Terriff and Nettle Cottle whe 'haw been visiting in :the' 'WANTS DAMAGES • 'John D. Thoriapson; who operated a bus 'fine ' between' Owen Sourid arid. Wharton, 'has iisued a writ against the Counties of Brine and Grey fin $600. damages to .his spead wagon, alleged' to have been'austained in an accident and Wiarton on Nov. llth,. The caSe will ceme up at the -Spring AssizeS. . Mar'cla. The claiins is that through the . impassable and dangerous condition -a the deteur where a small bridp,e. or had upset and had been badly darnag... A, McLaren, of •Wiarion Was the contractor and the suit io .reallY 'r against him:: 1Vlunicipal 'authorities' La pretect -theinselves against any Clam- ." ages when awarding cOntrrots. for. work on the roads by Iolacing'yespon-, SibilitY.. on' the contractors.SOuth- ampton Beacon, -The .1meeting "of. the Para- R1I�LEY „AND, ”' 1CJN, T1t'' A l+'first :C'nss'Report pqr boys and 3iis1, are ' learn ,' :Xt•..',Shirl 13o1/rere, ,teas:'been ,trent greater advantages and opportunities- vtlthlo. 0091's for, ;