HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-10, Page 7.MIMEItAI AND 'MEAT 7Saak., who, captured
'MEALS FOR B4coN.HOGS. • 'first. in .the two -rowed class. In. the
The availability Of Mineral, Matter cix-owed 'elites Mr Avery took a:tiec-...1
or:the..proper nutrition of hogs is Of .ond Prize, in the Trebi; which incind-;
vital importance- and the normal de- ed the large kerne led barleys, grown
mand, for such in the development ,of under, irrigatipa. Canadian greWera.
Honey consists of angar. aboutIli•
Honey Oidi Son* 9f,14,140,,..:
per cent, Water 18; per coat, and!
smolt quantities Of Mineral. matter and " Oft, ,M,a1n7": fierins.•.•thec hens obtan't
Other subStenegiS suckaeproteln* acid 'pleritY'Or grit while on the reage, but
and volatile -oils: . , , • ...L.. . when housed for Winter the grit jup-, Tk. Lo,....so;ottro in.,
.' Freetleally all .1aoneY Produced, in ply ifi fergOtten, • If a -tiarrel at: fine!, '' 1."..b. ; ' -
, , • _
Canada :soon after extract.' gravel alas net been eaved-for Oat
pig but alas ..e..peaiipt„.41,ffeeteel..4siVaiNItf,i.a.-.11 _
(.414.40.4.4Wearkeito**WritaT:41M0*tbilt-iltentre.A nOt
, . „prop .
Sgariet fever.When‘..the-ffeh-OOla-OPM!
lated caP' he hr°1.1ght .bacl; ta• •noirrighnient-freiii, the hard The- -stories ...of -the -patriarch's amilt„'" the death `of his best beloved scarlet ' fever begine.• -anti', the' nurilhir
'quid orm by heat ng it slowly in Israel are full ,
arid 'contain moral and religious les- his sons. He speaks of his life: as Eihturnii and remains at a high level
bulky mash unless they have grit th increases steadily during the •
grind it ap. ' of historical' interest, wife, Rachael, and the misconduct of of eases
,a double boiler to 'a temperature of
• 155 degrees Fahrenheit, a higher tein- 1' • ''' d k of h "u8 Qf'''grea value' There are pass- been shorter than that or during the winter months until the
tram:e and also in the functioning of took third, fifth and .tenth Prizes- ,I
parer} ,w ene imeh 43' 'lacking, mere competed in the White field pea di-'
PartielllarlY With, young growing 'vision and their !stood first, third and
and brood fourth. • '
Thelackof-an ,'adeqlOt Caleium, Among Other winnings were 'first
phosphorus supply is not irrimediately and eighth places for red Clover seed;
apparent, ` but after e more or • leis secOnd; sixth , and tenth for aleilte
prolonged period a 'cleficieneY will t seed; " second,. fourth ,; and 'fifth for,
' be ,raanifeste.I by a general. debility' sweet clover seed; fourth and Sixth •
and lack of tone • in the animal and for alsake; eighth and twelfth for
this followed by clecreasedprocluctien„ timothy; Second place. for rye; first
Of all Classes •of livestock hoge-suf-1 eight; and ,11th and 13th prizes for
, fer nuare-freqUently-beeause-of-theirt Flintecorne-a11-grewn-in:southivesthrri
aving and injures its flavor.. ,l-lopey meet be, - X
pereture than this darkens ,the honey wereoncevi:7lice e. e,ein`,3that, g , also ofrarY .excellence of a,i_tricutAbrahoi:inlar(oc:ti,y25:m.a..7)thlanizimawiLd of c
supplied with tilenty of masra verv' hi 11 order find the stories 0S, ch 85. 28), -- - • -- -
Serateh grain. andgreenfeed, but the 'Jacob, Esau. and of Joseph__ /gag V 'Rarneirea.' Com,
( .4 • •'
at-Orea in it; dry Pl.itee, as it ahSorbs owher had not been able to go th thwn his. brothera 'a e .reckoned among` the pare. le•11 and 12. 37 This
,moieture quite readily, which causes it' r sev r weelcs -world's_ r •telassies. -
• r
to ferrnent_andjecnmpose,---I-festorede-a-*d • C
e op er lairbee ernpt'-y.-Tir h. • -Jess h ca9ne nd told this name, long after Joseph's tint°
under suitable'Conclitions• P.' • 1.'1' e P
springtime . _
• Scarlet fever caused over 500 deaths
In. Canada- last• year, over one:half of '
etheseebeihg in-youngaChildren; •
Prri`v7 Scarlet Fever2,Spreads.--The
weiiri fled were on a beArd floor .covered passage in ch. 45: 17,20; and.'after the king Rarnefies had hull& disease is „spread by the secretions of
jiivus .honey will keep fore long time 'even.; wet etre*, so :had no thence to dig in . efv. Pharaoh.offers a„.! home in -there a city called' by. his 'own name,' the 'Mouth, nose and dieehr4Viii`fe•ear.
trona one ,Year to al -tether; . ,.i. . 1.,grayei ,from the. floor as they ,often Egypt to Joseph's father amihrothers, probably in the tWelftit century '1W:1:While many physicians believe it is .
Honey:has.. a claim to be lused„,regie. d , irth . b _. _ •iisenarlielaePeaeTdhtor be drawn from another See the poeticalaiecOunt of the. 4.'1•".•
of its sWeetness' Whigh! is ! delicate] y : '
account on 9, me ea .:00r:a :pus: ii, l'i,tl'iney:lago‘enrs.,trn adic., ii.cio,
seemed-hicicing in li etith . " d bePtweeeinS.' Jiihr teraveanr'arilac'atigaoesn; c'elaathnhe 'aPaltrair72eh41.3•-• • aTahdiS..efw. riete-srhefiT,ohf -a!:!1:.7igichatiie.,:i840.11,:::14:hpeeel°iwni,aPrtiterravtoli'Ci,y,elesytihaeenfaceentiti'voleef.
larly in every lionie both
.alaaorecae-eoraing th the soure,e- from', w, 3th ,- grOnn 4,a0e,f OZ u'and cevered--41- the 'foriher:Pharaoh`fgivee'the-invar later age:Skil Over. all the guiding •• • a..., . , . 7 , cf . .
which ,t is gathered and also beeause I snow,
s° 3A; amid' not
. .
obtain, tation; here.eeph. informs him that and protecting liand cif! God ' • cause, rt us gruy resistant en re-
'ef" Its hi h i , being a eon- earthen,: jug, .11his . map • ceacked• up, . and nitrothiceS five or his' brothers to • ."What ia• yonr occivattPn?" Men 'discharges of 'the noSer mouth and ear.:
. gravel, But we did find an old cracked the settlementhas'actually been made APFUCA7tION. quires. thorough disinfection of the
f • "
centrated and easily assimilat,ed heat 'by hammering the broken chunks .01.„ athe king. Goahen; was probably that are 'graded largely by their eallings• •• The first irnPtoras of scarlet fever •
___..."The_hullcoef__Ganadiso4eney_is__Iif of in. - al 8Cal,uare its as the Wady-el-Tuet, "a stretch of become a ta al din ti
andenergy producing food. • chin* Ofavood: The S all h. districtof northern EgYPt•noW'known Concerning hnougrante esPeciallY, this may lie headache fever vomiting arid
. e jug were - placed in shallow
. unsurpassed , iluality, being light in' d ' to th h ' A
low grotind extenrg from the eaete "Whatcan you dor is,the first que7. scarlet rash appears. Thia rash Cove
f 1 t officer and the ..
ey a own the grit like corn, and south of this, district the country • is who cannot be specific as to the cone sanburn. After the rash disapPears- •
mineral constituents th maintain the 'partment of Agriculture of Alberta limitless. • • • •• I
body requirements. The -cereal grains whichconsisted of a -collection:of very .:.L.The most.. -way- e •
, - . in about five minutes thej 'barren desert It ' this region et • th'beginsto . 1 • fi
t,oaat or cra in tot
I .
gond,' The exam1e' he
P proves t strong
. ug was • was in is thing he can- do be . - 'Pharaoh could e • skin . --pee off ---in .- no- -
_ o using
are loW in calcium and unless tine eon- creditable ears of perfec,tly 'matured honey is as a spread upon
v ggrit' thateXists•When hens .,
fought in 1832. -
that, the battle of Tel el- ehiflake T
- K r was do with more shepherds, especially s. here are many forms of scar...7;.,
stituent is supplied ' from. 'another 'corn. It was a decided revelation to bread. it readily takes the place f ''
or preserves, , . In the malt•' t
_0 1 are deprived of if.' It is evidence of ••
V.' 3 -Th 8 rv '' r. .. since it was an .occupation his- OWI1" let fever, from the very mild .
fact that •they cannot thrive with-' 1/, e oats a e sitepherda.• people disliked intensely. Hilt it was ,whieli the syniptcos‘arela and
' source such a :ratio 'b found the in y A i who li I either jain•
. n may ee an mer cans . eve long . ,n 1 he t , Their occupation was,..an ancient .and rather 'a . joke that these 'rustics had fleeting as hareffy. to ttractattention,
unsatisfactOrY, .if ased. exchisively. been under the 'impression that West- ing of eakes-and coeiciefs it has a
eided achiantage, ...especially for cakes with s 1 '
Cie- ' out it. Before . the:re -clh
a are block,ed "kindred te the, shepherd' kings: In..ch. minitter. However Joeeph is too, blee '-
honorable one, -and proclaimed their established ,,kinship with ' the prim ./..„ ' ' - 'a
the' s'evere. types in ,which deat '
The additiore of succulent. feeds,. su.ch ern .Canada was well beyond the ,
e arapidly reatilta. •
the ultr
now, t al aye pa.s to ve t • 4 •
ve ,p y in n ory 6: 32-34 they , are said to have been •a man. to be scorned because o them, A.12 forms of scarlet
_____:..as rootiLbeetpulp",,rnelassesi:ete.;_anci_porthern limit of_ the corn belt... , '
fever are ,eqUally dangerous to the ,
., that are meant to be kept for some -
also legumino,us, roughages such . as • • '''', . ______ •- --.--1'----- etnnee-as- it--keeps-thememoist-andaime 4 ilifofio ey supplies and be' 'sure there shepherds, and keepers of cattle. It and their ' pastoral. callinglaill segre-
i rit-gritatoe-keepo.-the-heppers, marbe--thilt-the7statement of 46: 34' ,gate them iiiiiiel-E6'vay thaf•thW-Will-
clover or,alfalfa hay is. neces,sary, be- WINTER; FEEDIN.G OF DAIRY ,• ProVes ' the flavor .with age. " When si'8 ' • public, •-for_a_fataLattack may result
, anise or the Mineral content of these CYws ' - • " ' '
, . ____ :, fi lee. .. • • • , ' can be eic lained by the hatred which not be a'isocial enc inbrance It Its 'fro contact with the' mild - •
. ______a_e______,... the native Egyptians
P u . leo M est case-
- . • •
, bore to their .like a • good enough arrangeme'all In epidemics •some eases occur without
s na r , lea g clues °n•I sore throat. After a dey or two, a
theae roughages being , a , fruitful I Much attention was attracted by the color and delicately flavore , therefore thou
inability to " utilize bulky roughages Ontario. d pan an given e ens. Nae ern arm of the de a to the valley of o einP oYmen 0 me,n.: ors the body and resembles. a se.,,,ere
ht, the were starved '
'source from which to draw- sufficient exhibit put on by the Provincial De, its uses in the home are praeticaily Th gthd y for .grit. Suez and the Lakea.'- No'rth, and man least likely to b9 hired msthe
feeds, among' other reasons, and such The cheapest milk production is .
honey is used in choking .must be
'remeinbered that •every cup of honey
contains about % ,liquid„ therelore,:the
amount of that the 'recipe galls
As. honey: containw acid A shun am -
Cleaning Rusted Rini
. tha th • E •
s • Asiatic shepherd rulers. 0 i
r t may be round and Pharaod tactful' h dl d s
'inter , ,feeding and • .;When • •pasture,•graSs,.. lint ;there ' is no reason 'why Imqumd
Cermet -be too 'strongly .advocathd• fear 'Made from. the' deiry'', herd • while . On . eless• except 1 ' -
.is,.beetaakues.ne. cieLulleftriy,
. , a armers„ atedth
e • gyiftians.:wAhor,e•Were almest.by the astute Joseph bids .that'lle:Set; •it passes unneticed'. ' 'When scarlet
, y an e a ra li, ca. 'With , P., rash' So• fleeting -that
- 'iPrOPS are riet..available.-4/filia.bYelirO,--fair-'PrefitSeeannet-beeninag-lrora-the. -eastern borderelland-who-fre-i-of'-the-lahdr-fer4heire-ParpoSe,' eVen'.
inyaded aa pelledtheir ci.d.: iir.__Goos.hen7..-. :. : ' , .
b shepherds tle Ina father andllirotheisHi; iris, e be. st,,, ahrneeuatr,,aaitc.yo:e.a.ili;tc..vtoeimirdi iat.gizi:v;.0ai.si,loa7iny,.:tacIre:iarr:ti,:.
dacts. rink high as- sources of mifieral•herd,,during the inter months: This,
Matter. and are a valuable suPPlerrient however' e h i -be done 'by 'feeding
. , , a no . , , , • .„, level ..„__.• , , %
Pent ' ef Soda .sh•ould be Used, about ..• :otaast maide thEerines:
to every ,,cuil : e..:14 7 rl l.Y.h:I'''.' car :.te. t l'Idaatin'uflir4g7else a' thetiresa're-4
of cumuletha when .the ;car 'is driVen over,'
Thiaelitast'ae- •tivated fieldS; - i.Sii,phProrturn‘ty alwaYs -comes :to the these symptoms.should he seen ' 17 .ft, I '
w 0 fedprepared. It wee Lin- '
' Such , as. bone mal, meat Meal, :tania.", but bY feedirig :A :well,balinced. ration' .hcloll'eipdg; ' ggiveenseYit.;eahObnoinia::flotelvDner' b.,01Hleed4' rim. ..The',..hri . then ' + . i .• . • • . for laY and &mite& by th
, . 'Other ' ephreea. of mineral., • matter • few • roots, ea., is:often the. 'Praetice ,
,age'grenird, liniestOrie,•TOOC.:/110epbSe;' /Moe . up. of sueceilents, ecineentrate.„a'. alto ..readily•takes the pleCe of ' isuga
as : the tire, patting' it through :near the.
el *et roads, and ,,oen, it dries it griods isntr:i'llin'ygleie*AnlEts'eeep'rhpr.si!hrthoh•lilte6hiedeie,". 4iiiirebri`:dii:afjor'nsecr•:icie(g)ti;:..iwg..lenoeintroweaain€,.,,a7in.N.4 ta,A,nn•wilnioralpely:se..e.bioeutrarke,1::.tay:i)re4.12:. treyao,:nsddeorliceo.tne60,liih!dien,h4t:ieciptrn:iway.h. fif., (. ot,lin e,r ehila .
: e lip,l,s. haVe .beceilie rhsteci ' is . again.
c ea ears, : .:•, ... "
... I •IY. to - the brothers bit ng's Sanction, class . debate,: ,or ferllife. decision, dan ' : ' Scarlet', fever., ii, ' Often 'Spread : in •
v c or: cleAr, ., . ' ' •'' .. • : 4.' • ' • '.
, be': the ' grain' ration.' ''.. , • . ' ' • ;, . " hey :Alone 'er. with the addition of a s'-'•- a' T'easill'a .
nioney, • arid ...the 'baking peveder r
. a ureo the trotible.!s.
. .penei'Ve , but valuable ' Searees upon Of good .frostrivater,.. • •,, ,
• ;fish meal, 'char:Coal,' ete.; careamcire ex-, and. roughfigearith, . 0,;'•Plentifi4 .s...U.,P. P)I.Y. .in Canaing or preseev:
inglruits,•..eper: theY:Cah b.eauicklY and eaaily CI aried , 'ke Joseph'•' . r'non__,g; .• his chiyef 'Ma., ilihei:s:leincr
et.'ffitetaht.isc.'„,- t•cho" ices. Are early stage ef, thriew:dieee;;;•"oinr ntlOte 'eveeM*37:
:sup,. ci:11Y Plum's,' peaches, ,Pea,r0; ete.: ' ' 'Ter. 're.et 'wheela'iacii• up the car end 1'1 Yr: 'glTee"1.1.e. itithiiOrity:thua '• Oefereed you ' getting . •readY'• to , diiiesoreethirig
oy: a. ov the tire: Take aalisearded•fflel.upOn . the brothers would 'meek h
'..whicti to . draW, • •,. • 7.. ..' . , ', . . The ' siimmer ' •:graea.• intik ..b0 it 'rein
• The exactaireolint of these. last that Planted' With an. • abandance 'of geed - ';!‘rulere" over or iV th - 701
.., e t em • that' beech: to, be done?, As. the thine pletely,recevered from: it.' These chila: '
al o •givee them a' richer flevoe:'.11con
• ., .dren,,will spread the disease to ,others '--'
can, also. be:used instead •of , sugar 'n ,. and Put Pri• athandle, SO that it M''
a • sweeterung for . ' • - • • • '
should be • supplied has: not been dell- succulents such 'loots and Cern !oats . g e em , arge. of- yoti,mliyar!aeoll;r.c.ini.in).n.W4otirythe • dt.tion..in,/..,',.? .,
•,:>sont., in .school and. elseWliete by means of.,
, n ie_ • „ ., _ , • , • a.. Making jinni ' As ' . - • . . used 'safely: The motor lath'. etY' be
1 the roya •herds •• . , . a • • • . • '
i_ .. 'rang. 'a 'lowly as -
, obtaining, some - information' :citi this The • Value •of succulents to the dairy ' ' • - •
. Matter,. therefore, five lets of • hogs to- cow iii due ''prineipally to: theirlexe- '
nitely dete,1114ned-;•With,the object of peas and ve h or, sunflower ensilage - '
can be:'made • Of all •o'r part 'honey are - -
leg reeultis. '. The kinds of Candy' th
, honey gives refresh
at, • re • . wheel.,i •Mn• etSee,..L4:aiiireintrj,.onethyn owlenotibdenedictiOn.," The aged. 'culture, but• to' his fnther's faith: A d mouth, thrOugh the. dririking .eun used '
_will cause the.
e gde •of the fi ' g '' . ' U '
. , le a ainstthe r
icop13.0s:::ai, e.8,., aoroci!arTevi'enat-.2iaca- ntrjatieSsed; h. a,-' ra.:0' h2C: in the remained everst .heart. a. Hebrew. ' He the • fine mouth' enraY given off hi talk':
.d,..be. , bY,.a."solemn dedicated, his son•s not to ,• Ezyptian.ing ,through 'p,eacits . pinged*, the.
'summer drinks hOn • -'
•middlings,.• each 1 . part; and 'oil :Meal 'nee dairy Co* Is. extremely.important
2 - parts.; ...ground -liarleiyi„Shoits; and' digestion.. A healthy, digettive tract
;•-talling. in all . twenty, head were ,fect tiire, effect and to • their. palatability
' bu. a ',ration '601UPese.d of .ground pats,' Whieh..unqUeaticniably • stimulates the ul
nery sugar, lie 'hciney is, .far easier
assiMilate end does . net tax ;the. di. 'wletivi; icIY:: 11' 6
riMnerons.:-. Candy Mede .of . honeY
hCh'better than that.niade from ordi-
is ,.an '•.•as7 the. • wheel ,revolvea: it"; Wilrhimself ea
, serape' during rue6weart thVi the' king, ' • • : ' -
. . t , . per.ati 11,'"a,.S. a,''sii131•:'. ••v •• -,u. 4.1.1e pf101ird4 e, By. tiii. figure take his bedy 'with •them,.nnd bury it .
6.pi . pot' haire,..reger,ded• further, :Wirth 'Proplietic:Vision he foil•le-
oyi.er .. rank' or :, dignity' sees that his:people ' would rethrri to
1 Canaan creme time, and tiebids them 0 e. child.. . Neve' th-at the prone . .
.ailin.dczodri,,,., ,:gzeed,inbsy7f,n479,r.-. .
, ,en, .. . .0s..,.
., ..
.:, the other four hits each of, which was and roughagee :e0 neeessary :for' .maXi- t, being, imPaireci. in '• flavor o
hs, . fsfiree,, f7., prir , .pia, g ,. should :,be 'c,O.n. tin.ue,cle .7 •:*g 'e (Rev.Iitolvte,.:1Thri.nattgin
r until the inside. of the riin ii. -8' ''.1.: 1i. " o e. .. oon e mus .' ' ' ''''i.„45-1" . careful
7 a ;Per 'cent,. Supplemented. with i ekinie and •Witheut tine she gannet consume •
geation. Icing mede from horiesi Wit6'11 ' •g le e'' n . 1 . is i y hi .... e .ca . Y • escr4?es- In that dearoil..patri
It 'a been but a. "sojourn beeneugh yert,there is emielthill 3r.11
' ' fed, a •Mineral., meal s in !' a, •self -feeder; Minn productio.n.'. • Experinients , have N'Vl •
Meat, and bone theala.• • ' ' ••:' ': • as Cern silage V , £03- ' added to a hay•ra- :..
, meal; 'Lot 4; fish- meal, ,.• gill Lot '.., the 'tali.. flow' ' when a- Succulent' such ka' tlie'r• •• than trusting . ' , ..
.X.t.Pt... hein.g.fecI•tartkaget.Let 3, Meat shown an: inerease :Of 7.:Per ceiit.' in .aa4iateUe•Y! ''' ''• '. 't "' ' ". '•'' '' ' ''''
. • . • , • •• • - • :- .•
to your. mem-
• -should .be 'given at • least ilio coats '• 1
This scia t' ' Ill..11'.'al .°11.4' e :'''sil' ed .tathnee:h.lia'geee,11p.fcleiuisr'grimiE.foamsfaau.,:ii;assliP. t,.;,val..landlinidnctiiis.O, per- In this thoroughgoing '-• 111. ri1. h ' li ' e
ere. .ter this .operatieh -;thebeen' II I
, . edge get theior.1.1
re y i :t pass on., own flesh. and belc;e:.a...,alTei,hyner_ e. are eorne. sYstem of medreal .eurrervikien o tha.a...
p en. their •waY 'to I debts. We e n .ri ye i f 1 ',„ r:l..aiy, No eh. ildren in the Seliciola 1 With th
eartlily'•Ii n • , :. 1 e
O or •Jd-leph-..cOli d , r nder to ech 1 le d 1 .e .
eep affeetion'that, h a a ' ' '
comaen, •lroin 'all medical.' c t el' and ' th ' el '
a !'e se Will eentintie te sprecidon, Clieekede' • '
oo s.c se , !chi de n. are. removed
n re: is- ,
'. Milli:. ,Lcot, 1 was, need ea.'s :cheek. on the large quantities :Of concentrates ''
loGyt'ai sl ty to one'sn)il'it.9`,il':!i'it
relitun;" fresh. .and .Moist for ..niont
each jar: or cari; 'Make labels:for all that the clinet'llie'r abneidn.gital careful79 s
',....477 .4-71-:: z: -.,,..ti . 4 , - v- • .' . ..,.., ,. .... . . , , .. . , „ . , .t .
uring .t..e• :first •peraod ca 60 daye tion • and. decrease; Of '8, •per Cent • When . „ ,
geed rim paint, alloweng each coat to
rim . ‘ e, 09ic jo.ack,to. his,4onligairiYot•ii.ihnisii'eantlifeerr ic4hoterld ,
If:a,. 'lit :Om. • lifil: ' '
me 0 yen th „a eh riahed son 'the mem - '
- . . , , .. . . • , . , e c. oiee o . colleen ra is.goyern
.• : cent. -of. Meat' ineal .4.72 per 'cent: of• ' ' Th. • h '''' : f ' ' ' ' 't '' te '' • ' '
- oh the above the hogs ,coneurned the • silieulent was removed from the
,•:•0.53 per -cent,: eif tankage, 945 per ration -; ''.44., 11' ' '' . ,
, ,
.,„ . „,. ,• y.our•storea. Then
, .
of vegetableor frizit en. ' -
put 'all of one 'kind
..-, ..- .. „. This .shouldbe aerie at least: On e ' •
, dry hisbrot •
a e • service in.. Me ''. • ' .
, , . . , . . . ci, , f. , a . • :a. . pEp uy rboo py 1 ie.. oaond: . , r n . , 01Y- as theY ,gather!oiltside.theelassreeml
prit,... If they are. .kept in'. school, "under the '
,. watchfril eyes of 'physicians and nurs '
o .
Well before putting on' the. tire. his, : heed ear-, t ' • - • •
ii ....liy .W,.,. Odd. Alcphol is:FalP°1.1'.- ' . . ' ' ' Co ''' -13 :` .es, children. suepecteci.'er'b'eving the,'-'' '
nue. y to get tire, mileage
+. fish ineala., and . 3.bi.. per 'emit of meat ed largely by avnilabilitY . and :Cest, ther Hii. ard went to, his cup- The - EueOpean 'corn • be • '
,.. n ,ed,. . ... rer, „Iv lc
h. •h „disease or known to have been exposed
yea, will a1 133 know juet. where tO •
- and bone meal and, with the exception Themixture should conaist Of ' '
Ina •I s. find, wi,,i, at..._.,...___(y,so vv. aht. . ,
. . . . ' n.; ,:, ... • - '. 'We ..c can -1-71"""-.:--retty .a, cciiratelY, judge . ,: • ' 'hoard. , ., •,. • !' • • .• . • was discovered in Ontario three ,yeark ..• • ' .-
can be sent home and ieolatedliefore
.: of the. last int made, . :03" to .1 Of a enable miMi)er 'of. feeds to ' k • 't ' ' ' - .. . . • •
' To tickle. his ,pal4t.e, that's all; '•', . ago has alreadY done 'ranch. aarria they, do: any' darnage.- .In., this, way;
, pound 'greater ,daily--iains •Pot . hog Mare palatable.. • The mixture ' h , •• Far fever tincture of' ' '• hi ;farmer .bY:. the euality,.!•of the. 'Alfalfa In forty-eight herrn.. 'a •praYer and ' ' ' li •' ' • ' • • • . ge %school • werk Continues " •th. the-' 1 t •
:then the 'Check let; ' Lot 5 Made •elight- made up very. largely Or iiiime-groWn
. , . .. may , e . , .- , . . , ..,.. ,ecenite
seven:to ten -drop dokee in .Water eery . , . . . •-: - •
e, vv:hieh' he, grows. . : ' • Some' flowerS.--- ., ' • -.• •• ' " • ;i1Y' infeated. ' • A' regulation' goy:el-fled'
, . . . . . „. • • .. .. .. , m,suc ,districts ae have b,ecome. he • posSible' i.nteraerenee .-auwd1••the• diseesagee.
:IY: • leaver. '. aiiicit..40.edi4eii.chis-ocits,aliarley-andawlie ' h ' e• .6 . o. -
- ' - i .. imealLpuls .'e - ---'--7-----.---'----- . ,,wrill, :be. broirglitiaarder 'control in the
1 s. to pay ' ,• 4:14r -at was*aidealeohol.: '
•, When ordihary'aleohol is taken into 'ber 1:this year, is designed' to further.- :
taught never to place. any aril:de bat :
.. of, theeeniiiiersitarieillirWhieh thehegi meal as well as,.a," small aniount of Poisciniihei it •ia•best giVeri by theatetera her 'boa:rd. „ 'I'he average litter 'in 1923.
VrOirOle very first..,a child should be
sow ust.. raise our ,
' 'by, the -DeatehatiVe'Inee • t • -el • Pest'
..--.,...-nese ,resulte indicate., the 'per, eent. :With the additien,"_efeil ealcc.Or_glUten
- "
-. , - , eview. -Act, that•,caineTinto. foree • On Septein- • : ."' st possible - ime.- ••-- •.• .. •
as full', and houndin ' ' s• acorri is
. .
„:. nn . , n. nnn_ ., .,. 1 . „ , . ; . , c an.
contained" 'b. ..3 'Piga.-- l' -"...T.11 -is . is t-e'co•-i'inall..
.penaiimed ;When fed the above Meat' red..-
.' tiers ' supplemented :With • skim -milk. .daily ration the. dairy co* ehoulth-re-
-Theraiseindidate.thirt1Whogs -*MEW eerie the beetcif.clever haY.', Toot hay
'cotton' •seed meal; . .TO,roUnd out the inariari: Saltpeter .in One to.four-'diate
doses tvire or three times daily inweter. a Profit'. Only sows that ratse• big lie:
is safer Air general use... For kiln.: r----
ers Stiet-Tdd be used for breeding. • ..
. , ,Nyattritt: and •ecarhonic aeld• gas, wlh 'cern products 'from- , the 'infested ells-, drinking .vessei used ,by, 6,tho. iii,h.oi,18,,
the body' it, ia rePidlY' cinverted. into .'es.triet the MoVement • of 'e0/11:: arid.' .ahaise a nitoai.:ehle-2-77.:,teeii,si..--a ' t• :
ent in the beilY, arid any .:;eXcess• Of : a S a 1 " ' . • " ' ' ' ::4ver ::'
'Were. f.64 these Mineral feeds required fed to dairy :crews only :meana, the ad_ mega combine i 'with hye 'le '.SeVea :..„ ' . .-------'--''-'-. • ' ' ere harinlese,euliatances, alwaYS„ Pres.: triets. : The. qiraran,tirred area 'how in -
in • common ,with
soinewliat lens Meal ..to preclude a dition.of extra eiperisive concentrates •drops of field extract Of "belladonna . Now that the , cOenierilis 'are '.filled, w
Ontarie, incleding the. countiea ol:E1-''
- ' ' ntliere, and to sneeze: and Cough, into
du' e .large•section' of south-western ' • ' ' ' •
,. POunfl-af :gain in vreight, -the':Cheek let if high. Preauetion is looked 'fen' , ...-• . • •the rat population will, fatten' ti
"gia Middlesex" B 't E ' L-
leavee, One dram' of . fluid' eictraet ef hich.•as •promptly',eliminated 'bY, •the
. :•his• awn individual bandkerehief. ;The.,
. requirihg 2,29 •-lbs.a the tankage 'lot a7Hifled": ' -al ' .... - • .' ' • .
,The average '1;000 pohnd aosa ay.. gentian root, two drams of sweet spire, , - , , if
1.94 Ib., the'reeat-enieaLjote.1.79.-ilbsa.tquirea--fronl.!-12atoal5-rgallona••-cil'*iter
selle; fiSle ''meal 1.96 'lbs.; and the beef per 'day. And if 'the .00W• does 'not drink
take on their usual, slick fall coat; - .
1 neys • an ". ungs. Wood alcohol, on .. ....., ....
gdt..;,..hus4,ete_e_o_ttle_r_..nand,a...insteall-of.-Lbeinganisna, ..eip.iton,....e.Kent, Lame -ton, Lin--. . observance Of .tlaia rule 'inaY 'result An
its ofniter_in water. This-Ideiserfer an I unlesar2.cifietkirse :-Tariner`a--
coin, Norfolk, Oxford Perth Water- • . . . . - ..
r -your child escaping some of the most '
.adult horse. Give, a cow one-third i with the usual and unusual method; 11 'changed' int°
, hdrenlese • sub.sta,nces *, ' . fatal diseases :of childhood, as nearly
. . . • which are easily -eliminated remains loo, Welland arid Wentworth. ' Cor- -, .
larger -des.-A. S -Alexander. I of rat ext,ermination. • , . • * • a e 1 ren s iseases are transmitted ,
in the bodyas such for a considerable tain townshipsin other counties are by the tecretions of the mouth. and .
time and en sewly.conyerted into
:d ithen l
, . also 'subjected; to quarantine. ,These. - ' --- -
., .
another poison---forrnic acid -the acid' are Brighton in Northumberland; Cul...!
. . nose. - ......--a---7- -- -...^ •
t VOid'S ' ' ' ' ' - ---
carlet ever. When
and bene meal 1.83 lbs. Of meal telt': the morning when, turned out on
produce a 'pound' gain, • While the account of the Weather -being cold or
'Milk Coned e 3.8_perinds...1•'
the checirjet and ; an average Of.' 4.88
pounds • for, the mineral -fed Iota per
pound of produced.' • •
•eanadian seed growers have again
demonstrated their •ability th produce
. *lea of outstandiag. merit by the
. •
etormY, she should be given the on-
portanity Of .obtaining water again
later in the day. Nor will. tlie daily
ration be complete without its quota
of salt -the , average cow requires
from % to 1 ounce per day' to thrive
properly. The following .is theration
fed at the Experiinental Farm, NO -
pan; • during the winter months: A
Hay arid Grain ,Show, at the TweritY.' Pounds:quailed oath and barley (equal
fourth ° Annuel International Live Parts •by weight), 100 pounds oil -cake
Stock Exposition recently •'• held' at
„In-. the cless • of hard red epring
open to all lot North America,
Critics:de succeeded, from a field of 91
-,exhibits, in wineing 15 out of 25
prizes, including the grand champion.:
whicir(went to Major Strange Of
• mere Alberta, with Marquis variety.
littajtir Strange, a promirient and sue-
: Cogifill Member Of the Canadian Seed
mid 100 pounds, cotton seed meal fed
at the rate of one Pound to every three
and one-half- pounds Milk produced,
adding .21/2 :Pounds' for maintentirice.
Daring ' the ,first pert of the, whiter,
roots. are fed• at the rate of 80 to 40
pounds per cow (in late winter and
spring. ensilage is given in place �f
roots) .and 'geed elover,hay at the •rate
of 15 to 17 pounds per -cow is fed per
Gravers' Association, also won hrst • .
in white field peas.' 'Secelid prize "'MY Hoinemade'ttopell4aker:
for hard wheat-ci4fl Mififjthj, One of the handiest tools I have in
,.,•grower who had obtairred his seed my farm shop is a'rope-making ma-
aalreni, Indian Head,' Sask. Third. 'AO Chino. One ,crin be purchased, ,h but a
twelfth Prireir inclueive were ,awarded hentemedethe will do just as well and
Oiiiiadian geed growers With. the Can be made for praCtically nothihg.
Oeptien only' of the sixth and eighth, Take piece of 2x4 about two feet
long. RIM through flatwise three •sey,s, which expect to make ine a pre-
Plecesalif five -sixteen li-iach rod; and fit during the coming month „
on 'each bend a 'hook at one encrand In the first' place, I belong to
county,,,cew-testing...:association; , and
eVerY' Month the tester cornea to My
place' and checks up on the csi0 and
their feed,' ShOwirig Me' the Ones. which
are the most Profitable, also 'prepares
a formula for a•balineed ratien; using
Well Montana claimed, All 'but two
"Aire Prize-winniniaiamplee;
Itig,...,the first, and Secciiid; were of the
arquire•variety, the exceptions were
Oly. and Kitchener: At leaSt the that
tliree prize; wihning samples; at -the
Iiite,liVktitmal- Hay- andeGrairi Show,
eiblee,. and, 'including ita. inception in
10.19,-' have , been of the Marquis
Iteperiting .his viCtory of 1922; '
niglands .of Lacombe, Alberta, • wen
' for' white oats
North Ainerica. In the
oriel , contest Oa' ""ef the 'MI
'flies' offered for that' seetiop corn -
Zig Canada and theoat gloating.
*est -,"F of Oficago Were Won by
0 'Who Oied‘growerS lOcated.chiehy
Aiiiorii the, Veriothir Winliiiigs for
'4ey, :thet,-et-Peotge
Dollars -From_ Winter Days
. • One. method I have di' using the Summer profits depend upon winter
Winter itionths is'prepariag the crops preparations. These, include' keeping
for market, instead orspending a lot
of money ..to get it -done. .1 ,do the
--Whieti is found in ants. •These poisone, 'Tess ,in Bruce; Darlington' and Clarke
and perhaps a third formed frorri the in Durham; Colborne, ,Goderich, GreY,",searlet fever is. present hi -the
, munity, • every 'parent 'ghoul protect
wood.alcohol, formaldehyde, attack ,the Hay,'Hullett, 1VICKillop, Morris, Stan-' his child. and others '-iii" observing.
brain and other organs' and cause_ alenyd, aotesbeohrenne, iTnulicknerreeono;rpthi,ekTeuririi:e.arnedY is
rulbeld' ' _ . IR,' os.ehsidis
death or blindness. • -
•Poisonousness is ,an inherent quality Whitby East and , West in Ontario:: Where, tell: driesneaaswe from7xises.
as many fall and winter/ fresh cows. of wood alaihol. It is as impossible to ',Albion, Chin, quacoucy and Toronte,, in-; n, Dona let them pia..y
with children
As _passible, hauling .thee Maallre -to .prepare non-pmecorieusewood-alcoholeas+-
. cling , h -Go e_of_Torento, ri eel -aah -le - - h • •
I Made a box so as to hook the cor- the serairated '• milk to 'comfortably acid. , Individuals vary considerably in and Etobicoke, Se -arbor° and York, I'll. until he ii 'entirely well. ,
full, place chain around box and tin- Pret,ection from weather,, and through some die or become blind from 'am- chide cern fodder, corn stalks, breqm away front.public gatheringe as long
baling oftheand straw by Eand.- fields as rapidly' as it is inticle,,feeding. it is a prepare non-poisonouS priissic
. quelph and Puslinch ,in We.11ington,r deyelops • a sore ' throet, isolate him
pers. together, stand it, on end, tramp housed fall. pigs, sieving - the -tools byl their susceptibility to wood alcohol- ,Y9 Keep all members of the family
rk. The under quarantine, in- ,
ber across top, then press With lifting proper rePairitig, feeding up all fed- i!ounts Which 'Seem; to do no harm to•
.. corm green Sweet corn' roasting care, • •
jack, giving the length of jack, then der and cearae grain on the Perin, and others. This is true: however; of all corn 0,n the.0012 and Cern cobs. ExeePt Only by guarding own children" •
e li• evai s.
catch with prop, trip the jack,' put getting ,everything in , ship-shape 'Par Poikens. beath or blindness. has re- hi the .Case Of Elgin and ; MiddleaeN; agAinst exposure and , by keeping anY
block ,under----thene'repeat until-haylice the-sminner "Chnipaiiii.-=Gebrge 7.W. :itiltetrfrord-JiWTteaspobriftils cof .the,
'With, Only one man at press and one COWS AND HENS DO IT. (I
*Made in this way in ten minutes each, '
.. „ uarter Of a pint or half.a 'glassful--
. . querantined• area. dertain "exeiriptions ,munity in which you live.6.---R.
of those taking four ouncese-thatia, '
a -------------- i out r triction within the duty an this respect toward, the corn -
, 3 your chi
ee:MitieS• WhiCh pliieed-finaar''•cia Child who has tailet -fever from en -
brought to proper slie. Bales can be Rice. • . poison. Sixty to seventy_eee per eent.• double quaearitine, these proeinct,s mtia.1 da' ngering 'Others will you do your
• .
man in mew. I made the liche' so as, to ,'I will explain, in kfew words, hew have ; died or become permaaientiy. I are provided to, facilitate shipments', - . ' , , ' __' ' - '' •
have the bales larger than. ordinary., I keep busy during the winter -months, . blind. . ' • that carry no' risk of spreading the, ,` ' • ----41-------
-Gilbert Ferris.
• come.' 'I have 'P.• farm of eighty acres'
pay expenses,' and make a -little in- : disease. These include manufactured' " Builders' Aut. ,
products, ,, ..cleaned sh I ed corn and „ ,
Fryer' s' Pa' '1VI' '75°/ 13,. fi -
DDES IT THROU,GIL-GOOD COWS. on Which we keep- twenty-seven pure-
,dried . swee co r tut
t ''' • f
It seeins. to me that the most pleas- bred • Holsteins and a •few hundred I would rather raise ehickens to the tien purposes. The latter, however,',
-ore...,e- hibi ,.., Ise t it strange that Pi -ince an
make any profit' at all through • the I i We Plan, to have tWelve cow's milk- fill market dernaads. ,' At two peunda of de,etinationy Corn shipped out for And common folk like you and me
we secure. an average of $200 a month • turn around $1 per bird.' At a 'pound i to withinthe quarantined area. -
tr-fe-q- ,ed X 7 Kings
, •
ant and profitable.way.theincreaSe Or I White- Leghorn, chickens, , • broiler and fryer Stage than any other subject- to inSpeetien at, the :point that caper ;•in sawdust
'winter Months' is through the dairy ing the. year around, and froM these ea ly-htitched, chicicena Will usually re-" exhibition purposes must be
' I have a herd of pure-bred Guern-
, ,
it' handle at the other. Connect, the
handles, with a strip of board to' turn
tall three at once. •
:The' fiefit Step is to:select a poet in
a convenient position and fasten. a
hook to it.'
Run several bindertiyines from this the feeds I have' on hand first, and
lioelt to each of the three hooks en the buying the balance. Under this system'
machine:' the larger the haniber the a cow which does not show a profit
stronger will...be the rape. Set a three- does not stay around my Plaee long, ,
notched board On the strands Opal. tne The pleasure side. comes in When .1
Single hook to keep the strands f • nu can go to e clean, „waren Stable on a
tangling. Turn -the handle until ,the cold, „stormy day, do up tho Chores
stlanc:s are well tivea ed. NeW, and feel that the bossies are paying
the notched board siowlY toward the me for, mil labor,: and doing it with
thronghout the year: , BVery, morning Rad- a half; if early, •enough, • price is
after . the cattle are • milked and the not. much less..Later ore a fully 'grown .
the manure is taker -i eh!lidsuumftpetaion‘rionfgleienyeotinnegi.Pfl%crrkhtfn°°0dt long . Produced below the coet'' of Pro -
barns • .cleaned. . .
We know that no commodity Will be . ,flown, 1 '
to the 'fields.' I raise all the feed:eon ,n very gr
sa-eirmeed'hbaYiethte*hoeredo'op' s ..Oa White Lei_ • .In the latter partatoftjeni:pee Innsdoeld net eboert. ninectideiStsyarbyel'otow tnhinarekimett 'oatnypr•ofdadrme_ • , .
eat - -- - -----."--- -.1- - ' duction, and therelore it ought *never A .t,1-teniteb1111011.21, Tibic)ck or.
horn . chickets, one •.htnidred.. _and in.bueinubier85ofeenfthryeeras•ch.
I have figured tion; for if it Can be stored and .held
twentafive in each coop. These Coops
the w,erld will. be glacito pay that cost
scene day. -Frank O. Lowden. ,
, .
:, . .
: If you like honie-made thingi you
Are builders for Eternity? .,
To each is giveri a, beg of tools,
A shapeless ,Leass•and a book of rules, f
And eadh , must keshion„ ere -Lite' lit.' '
are cleaned every morning. The chick- carefully, and find that a two -pound
ens are well eared for and they return Chicken, may be grown very cheaPIY.,
around $eep per mo_nti) eoa the year. The reeult should be ab,out, 75 per cent.
We raise 1111 the. fee cl yeemired for the net Profit YvheP raised In good-sized
chickens, including green feed fleh flocks. , ,
year we hatch * about four hundred In .taaa.,, and ,ThlY 'X hitch chickens can have 11' PirriPle bleaching and
chickens, from whiph our laying,stock for . the Thenkegiving-earid.Christmas nstriagefit alotion by adding a tea -
is cselect,ed.: We gek$1.for the Yearling holidays, When the price is ellen better .spoonful of salt to hall a cup of but -
hens In the fall: - • ' than ' it is on, 0u-15a:hatched 'spring terrnilk or, the whey of sour milk.
. nis keeps roe busy throughout ithe chickens', About Christmas ' al two- Wash this over the discolored part of • Would d'One, If Called. ' •
winter months. ,I usually' w -01.k ii,eni• Pound chicken usuatlY, bririgs around Year face and neck. Let it dry on. If First Beareer-'Why doesn't some -
$1. -C1 9. G. . ' ' 1 ... . your skip begins to thighs" and feel one see. that OA. batter Its, Paned
, --------------------- , able, •then wash It off lin- round?" ;',•'
n,aelune and the rooe e ill tWist iteelf. Ipleasure, too, while some, of •the other five in ,the morning until seven at
Stied off "the fibres wi'll a blow torch fellows are grumbling about the Neu.. night My wife, and 1(10' all "this work,
er,1 you will have a nice Piece of rept ther, hard timea,,...atia everything ..in oplyWring'', Il.f,L„..threshing. ,ahcl:_alle
fir IV'eery low ebat."---.1' 13ullirriere i '.-ge'llerallt.- it."StiVelik - 1. filling time. -F. A. 13easore. . 1
A.succesaful..niaiLis,one Av•ho knows meiately w th cold water. Twice A Second B Tasted `round?"
what he wants and gets it. •
week is enough for this treatirient ' 'Call iti ta314.aitat.litio ' $t can walkr