HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-10, Page 67
4 1
7". B uDeti
The, Natural, Readurces, nteV
By a
'The Doutl,"
lie* 0
omd 'Pro "On, W_ 11$epdq, fervice, Of the :DePATt
A ;1olla) in a tree of the ITTIP1317 a *nt'of -the' Interior at Ottawa
went., JL4.
ousl 0 half Inch, "yvad,� the,
an rango'exte
idll ihin,eastekh� Seidel. 9� eano, a peat#", a -
:'Al 7 00PA (M
- When in. Augkiqt last the Am -
veteran, OV149 444er� Slopes, 0., the, Roefty
'the,ioajit of Brj"s and
Wffer In Sin. eriquo
h Ipstitute, of Mini g
Metallurgy visited. Northern On-
tiw clIT-ate Ipplumbla. it tat
Althou b, �b ''I
aad. w
ed�,�bjr, 09�',a4r trap. Ia'l0aa#d* ith the;'**., �4)0104_ly 140w, only
.7nines-of Continent.,
ve _tOL b
119' Ou. Interior VAOUntilas, as compa ed
In diameter And,r 200' raveliLtion to i"greatm
elau with'ithl Any of
-Vile. Of vialtqr a ImpoitAnt
;,,.WhIl one
OfAhQ'cOaXt reglcaj� Thp,
D"' q,reeor -hAdr g helkht,of, cOANt .1eature -which ethe
elr�.T"um ro
one found in Oe'more moist d
91ir 94%ft ro. a a d engineers
reach 4 larger,size qtp, More jh
set. lnr'� ]Kew 4p" quick to obse at
11 badly falling ikCialdn
were rvol Was
Vapid 14 groth. essdeposits 'at
have ktAdde A '006 thes 'Vallily rich
Per Got _sX, 220
high pi6sentedr by ifile- gjqti&h� Colula. indicate the- wood -,of the,,'
feet bae#r''1Wfi,
ail �Poi On the d
t,e ge
or Metal A am In- w
-0overnin Rt disco
last I T Utt 1W.. h eTy o rnineq'in. int
Ing Jes
10moter have, bject tip".
-numberi-Ag. -,An- -,ee'
been f6unlf lnjM Wh,
can: -succ W is ngle an
U!4,4, 1 1 igint uftimat
1- -,k ligned: 10 'feet, la'd .4h. Trees earlk,,a
ed' p*era� it a Y.
leg an 'ate schooled -to-
grown, ouWde Its natural range.
11 ay t!44�t tile Tkiak;ly 017911!!P�I)q 6000 feet board
,;should" leil.* measure.' These' in
Mr Moatlij.
It. would. require, 1,200'logp'o; th' n
At mAdAight, tAe:tragqrS;,,qeek0; -I
41red'to, culoyato it.
Measure a ex
6 left 4 glarC6 the. tent
49e.alze no*'be
for.' jD%staimbanada, tha�hgrdiar. moup
am 'Prod '40feliefico to d' ki
,Itb, stY. parts mineral Wth possibilities
Ing,cut In'L MAU of
Ur� aouce, from remar a Ma a is
-form, the a t"
At Sin thifr D 8
4boat 11.3,0� Ou quantity of lumber.' Ong its ilk 61 at thsif- th unanimous, opin-
�JWW, tirpinings hat at. gracefUl iittima6ti e
follaie ve
c6nd6d the ki
Captain vqr-la. i. skff�, and uidei Attain Great fie.''. ton, has been, reached that tha and good rate Of f I Northern On, .
�Q ' d, Ahere
rtg an cQvero he nighti accentuate growth, it
9- 'as
a- a, grea, #k r extent
I be used to a greg(e
The Douglas firp mineral fields o
ge , a "
foi., 'the aitai might wl
Old Simon, y tarlii are earmarked, -likely to
g a dJO the U at-for-Ornamental-pla. eve ovhm _t
r the 0 g.. —1c 1%t I-
ath re the, treasure, to. ho 'in on' t
-at, 11 4�-U]Ae� �Of our departure. of �,the inmates the Pat at th
Atte old.' The -majority. of' th !,
This a tha� cell
176 a e do-noCreac thl6r,a -they,dre ree 'at. p so t piodu a a
ge befolre
ar Proved, mineO the kmidelh reach.
IS SeCond-olily'.1
of Calladglis 1210 t Im 'At Woods' it
0yercowe by Wind, fire, iiisi�ts or Ols' 11 porta
PVery,,JqA1ure. tha ern,a, C W.� Ing this conclu n. b(it' rather
0 rat vely.,. few are -found
mV Mpa, I
4ara lars4atione ai,dI0I 0 spruce In. -the
th ove r 4100, YpAre; 'f� Ag6..r th�," tree,. bqWw" tity of lumber,' cut. NO
+ and a 'and S it is area or
the pnormou +
th asion, ot the, p6tr. In* + Othor, single lions of Aires of
fUrglahlag, Soninh of,Caja.
ever, Is remarkabli.ite 'Ithy. j ipoples is
r ad spe- than 760
-Pkredr With Bom6'of-,ItS jlaa6elat -da'a lumber.
untouched on v�hkh thos;,.,
f it 000,000 In search
. . . . . . . es aud-does iiot suffer Same et
can, erls of: opportunity are i.x-
ktonit f
Cut, e4ch i
Ing their gam
tor in
6 Ousting 6f'rthe
on an red' fe th infernal
the layla of the 70!m and, th
rega la',
Then followed:'
ThL dA c! IR cut
oubtleadi in. 2�ath
tAme_,LF# ghost f efdaBO 'With the growing Scar Iti. 6f -he' Insti
a ea ly
rover opiritq.. With of t
hesl�ape " ' , I tut
tire etructura, timbeis in., 6, ekpreised the
amday.w0rd compiaint ke
nj; . . of h East that
AIV ,.gtbough�th6
ofCob it have Produced close i-� a
'y Oldek trees 840,600,00,0 0
0. ear or the
lower branches dro6pft, wood becomes mi6re widely. -A 'dari Arlie durl ag'th it 0 of silver, yet'
star a.
4 ore Wood 'Very Durable.
ge. Although allow bldin ceaAdr
much advauta to id
or less flatte"d r r
anded W L of ounded' In his, opinion, the field will eon� the'Douglaa t
U freii of brah0h Inue, � to Produce a 'metal, i
of gold pll4r� Such groans, ad lamentations as, for 10 feet. or. more o one IS hardlbbf� htavleat,- 1111portat qiiantities n
ng, the land. The p Uthe
The- wood' Of'
solo, In the. ng as well the. �'dykas 7afid resum'' towns. 'In oldag6 It:.Js uguill
cOnQW rOd,: It play One vessels ell :4L 1plq4, the most. interesti .4gain, eldse
5 as One of the sligbts' Of ihe oroppi L Y eriods when-, and �he trunk strafflit. wlt�, Iffest, And'.
cent :dIseMbo ortil ebuid JWariffine, Provincea-6ne after i
in that is also I� is. :necessary to open'- the -dykes'. far .,,tUe very 8trOulkilst 6fur native Woods.' it�.. in
tha th a* r I So the iners. are �,dc
0 a bear., The disma aL.source of large,,revliinu&A Present,
Se taper. also d.
at' Octal -41m!
�re. h' _IandA,_or_wbAt_ar�_4m0Wn V r a' 'd dm6-6f-th if, -.,- undo below a tha'dyli� wilewal pUrpoea:,ar6 wi,dei Priblibees our.
r 0 Ad NMILO--Opli6ndidly�-eitempliffed'itb6ve-b
..y a
With. P.Ioko�'Wh6 ad6 dise. xaminar w 0 a ers Great unailt
R�:Qj �,gold. - He Wisioubled
with the age. are Us6d'In. Uccebs fiGig,
Area ofr rah.- laads 4'olns -fifty. yeaki afi the ih U Young tieeis It lid' b I
iise. -at. -tije the'llay: marihis.- ,Theie-maZ utstshdi�ff buried forturies, . lazitirn and' -fire bro achieved In South Lorrain.
terval W. afx, works. t1kin an structIQU
Smooth and shows those pe- and, heavy on
extend around the head OfAhe BAy of d rldgG bulllng!, h
in charil: Is r I
gy. very
'was frame-etrwrappid figures which ad Ahnajoll Ph urable.,abd large.
-ou at r0sin-IlIled bllste�rz
Of. hdra-headed and Colchester, The 0
haro of In.- Cumberland,
filled to the Pdody,
asure, ts111) a. WO.0 IS d
tra� which ovir iipOlft" the also Auds.6a
he Hanta'.,KiligS: AL grasses,
A counties i he, Do g.
are �ujad to
62him; 14 -a dream.' SAW:. leave 46itei'partd, of isdyked, lands iiV1 U llaUtitib C
as con- sweat it Might, & Wall 'to
ihe;.jremise� D;.-.Novar8c0tIsii, and in Westmorland b tate-he road.� ties,
.;thaf the aUioeg:
I th d as, u a superior. 4048. not,belbug to that group, of tx6ei 86, 11 'Froin
use.' Would 146re W�as.zio the English hay grass r6,, and. mining tin
doubt An Albeit -counties of .'New �Brpns- t H
a Minds 0 our W
r1a M tukew off the �Ianjd, but fa. *o6dea condul*
gppliea�tor�ffia�a.JOW I arsh lands. is lot -evade the �'tirma that Iiii
eib fln4 hr. '(Abla. balsanige) oUr t'
ne of
are g what -the name g, excellent[ly noWn species.
an to get WaY with the Swag! areas, they ;Iia the maishei afte in wlde. "Altho
What a night,. ying pipes. it elf. Imposes. The li
elifelil Dicko would. -of hay"per. year called firs (Ableal.'of *hIcit the'balsain' tankS, 8116san& manufacture.. of, We'
exorcism' ad, bben Wick. While the iie ut one �ropi aY Used for 'the
near by a i hayin 1310 1 Widely known' all ipst. Nowi :far from, bein' WLMa
Vy ConStrit
-or less:mattered 1W ein rom an Ction it X
o"firtilizers 1 -bark th D the :a Wouhded,rsnake
A * .1 : On 'Old irefls 'the, material for� li�� Its 'a SMance 'that *e'jollo
porage fpr thilir.cattle. N
few Jewels more Looking 'At th !'f
Ouglas fit* b
qPS o these,juc they beir',-the. hppeArafici o -marsh 'thick, knil: daeply furrowed. it hA ake,
reckl 'tle t QCOMes.very Wood; haj� prop as we try to
ky mort;als-1. but the
df.any kind are Used upon,the to be �used:L in
it lead US, Only. throug Verdant meads
-of w
1or an. enter- proa,,alau; the pro6f! lk oulti;Vation cons�sta heaviest bark of a tr a wide *arleij
ece §arY-- I . .� �: .. I I t of 14nd,, q on 9 the h
"a and, th
-Stretches of prairie lan-d�'o`
r in a, 12Y ce-111 Canada- kes RYS. and flowery'. -vales.- But
O,r na plowing" on an avet- somtimes 1-0 to 12 Inches' It MA U& �excellbi Ater
n,.occasio I
bridge which, meAdowso' covered- with grass' 44rdawearin
tied, trea� SpanS the thlck-.� -The' floor 6 'there are
�or bu ge Once, in tep 'or fiftein years, when, bark. mal And' when laid In thi rocks. in the athway, hArgh- Ily. reoSdted, form of a0gl "to
as good fue bo ning read
one of' ghoUISr carried th6li I 't a crop,o surmouhtL 00 'slid there %t
stream` below- 'the house th4 Wbile -almost gii� the. eye sinil f oats. -blocka prb ld aance
two , iS,joWnr r
iliacl Can followed but more.- I' ' v as a Innuineigbia hai,lbirnsand'hay- .,a Ow1Y tham *ood. t1kat, are not of our eliction,, to
;ft1re-rtO*a of 0 �oiice, by, grais. The"I' be over;.,
weariiii 31161ilelaiiii -duiftless,pave. dthe iantern .stacks dot the landscapli
An'axt�nsive'mark a oradeaves -are 'flattened- and" polai.' fpr roadays'.. onm- Th6se who I SY V�
(11inlY - 'burrang,, ad -.6a it
unimoned a -been brought'intbl h; y 'g- dark green- aboii�,and PAIPbeneAth. It has. af f ion
mself, and one t�ngrljej �11* in, the . decis - of 4
IMOlk,- gild existence by'the power rown aq a ay of, Fiindyl.They,�gke f ift plain n
�fi � excliedin
Sto thq. neighbor to g.Agure1otherfli W)l6were-suirounded
tileL inrOin one' to one. and 'o.ne-half'; aind"when cut At a alisgibers, .,suddenj Y L -by shodk-
of 'the
agc4,,generai the see` whAr' arshes, and at godd pries. Urgel-hich- Aug a to, th Mae ves
bauty,- confronted. by the'gri
1de,of tha- Bay of, Fun Y are. a tahed mor la� log,"rIvals'lluarter Jind'. the I
e. ch had. revealed. dyk s, long. The
iPPIng otifa bowle kni . fe " With All wherli there is sometimes a difference. Andies, to -sa*ji oa�k* It,
bd'treAsure� an Wit Vintities, Are ;shipped 7the�-West I spirally rdutkd- thb. tig
`,CharlI6:t6 -search the abandon but thereflirlii_�:beinik* f im necess
of a Tdh' Newfoundland, : Boston and theff. n a used extenalili-* "taking the:flrML Initffiti�
V(,S1lver,.�DI6 0 �,el'of the arrowed -base
�'Shels tio Or 'aem permits. ly fqr' dbbrfi.� pinellf ve.,, o.th6r, New E
date, slashed,'the -eateu.tar6' ngland
AM�,.ahi's date! old t,paulfii.
CoVerin' war. enormous quan ities war n- OP- sas mmer cloud'
9 the 11104 hrid'imp 'a reas, were. therefor6� subjected,to in Posite sldes�of th t rab:' nd the" wind of adiersity'hlow
t1m6-WO rii, moth a nlgw. And Large as. 1:� IjuA tlib "them to atrange-,1lieniselvej ng, stair work, tune is dissipated ike a su,
h and Wig In tW& ranks
e�.bf wbiqb,DIckoJ �o a nee. or eather like. ;':ThIaL,_
startled.gAze pt the tq kireat Britain and -Fra tldiilly., fills all. the%n. ads. 0 "a home'. and �keen- .',,When
-shiveois Ufidation. At PeA649 of- hijb -tide. The the test 04iffed 'Spirit whoin IspectAtoes v sion',of,untola' ring earl T9` the inl anadian, U a ng,wodd.
and C wever, Is'!.n'Ot so disibactiy"two. ent, Fuildl
wealth'. Y� Pkench. settl&6 built-,dykea., tA
r 9,, these rank- weak. ings g1vi�,U1Jr-an&*1
W 0 get- a . *ay.W th the Pott A the ocean till dyke 9'
u1Xe0-'tbbk.Aa three
ofhe' a The, Dou I -tile-
.00ht I , , ' , he 'tide the. tiAg, �61 ..a A& as In the c as- -fir has atttdc Ali! Ho t t6,d con- valorous 4 a 6i the irue firs..'The sidrable summon. A fortitude.'ua�
se 1.
rom This'Ais I -smile
'driaMed,"tin'guesse , ;and yrit
t"FA � 4,
al OW of. f t n a ver Ifatd in ay'brini. It_
-Xotmidable, devised �*Ayj d NilthOut -d ay.. app
_over the sp6l1a..ensuL OM as t a a
ri E a laea';' 'and a light' . d that areas'th na n winter-kuds Are sbarp_POJ�ted and fre 6 Mirope-and it'hila. d' It devilish, dU4, ? That y rnRrghes' Int4rest In
wau an present as
us :reclaimed form .4
ast: natural oarane
mead roximite- gujsh6k them
Or;,�Stlbtle Iligentlity -,Threat& werd- made, kidves were bian- ;T is. ' arsh- Sl ght-L variations t e.Shore4ine froln anii on the"c6ldne�4WQ,.r �reforeiitlag. is
biit - i
nt Wh te
ly 50,000:mres in extent k'
in the thie.l.firs ,the ran
wli"Ich ]is. t h e
coward thati. flinch"'s tron,
n an y In. a marvel- YPe,, as', een, found' and
dished,. and 1 th iihs' its feriffli kes and rivers;- it is� har'd to realizd lu-nit -L' Tlio� coast -t b
a cOnfuslO d -or round ]the ord� ae-oks to run and,'hide
'ret'a la
'With Make
feQuI t, James A. P_ lous way, prod that,but or I. r I ad; ve: to,'
u ad buns c6rei a
pmen was roar -a confeder�ate, who. tiding -hay cro the� dykes 'these large 1 es rY iavoiible h" dr,*gg
Wa Ps avervg;. rOwt , PMPeelal- iiill friini�, li
ach. areas Would. -at high tide:be coverad), The ..,h ons. an
in; tl�l
ingJ , e�
ly� _iBritis 510s," Wit ch haTb,i.or the 'bla
ate. P 611y
Whei ears ke5 hative, heibi on
it tb 9 �be detiarioil�
and- disciii fishing at the Be dk na in the way
Plat;L Atole the an taken in th, roin two to three tons'pet
9P acre d
roM 2 to 4'
in h �nnj a regd:7,.bf. Ap
Must I. the Soil app ith water. es wings.
of gold, 'Jew atifig it LIS Only how i -was-'readil IY 'f�oni Ahle h A
e ever, Ut GrItle
est .
f -branches The, true -For are - Nor can one�hnd a'spot 'a
-is pot and. inade, OkA The value -of the Aand, I ldng and',1i&fig gradeful- Tie tostli
cq;i darknesi...
in 'the 6ri Apced u0ng thlitre
qnce 'of this fin the nal S'ettle-ra, f y .6nes, 'atand SOS queste -
a tock-_
many 6 whorii rdet., e7; irtin —a 4Y�e�s, A,119w -the tide t6'11o�&, a a
Of PIR618, In ozisequ 'Charl th� land; -ed—and �AS.',denud;bd during, th 6.
duk:7fOr-hilpisell c u y d, el ;1g, �arl Walking
F �rla velancls flad been .dompbljed :L laa; fie, s bei di ___fea'&, good cal.: g6 8
. ..... ... on'' __ . re- of, destiny; -will 'notf, fd1low il&
Ahe res -i -I
L 14ii have a i
ead t ver
M9A di'Verd made im-which.-I lie, never, found-th6 Ulance of h
-�JKI I I 11133aillan Government has disco
DD" in largoL fin'where h
a cowers.
treasure. D 'belie*� L the a �6- '116* -well thbge 6arly settlirs'ed -twi -P61nt- alread y stioplied them- -with Seveial -Franc* Th
oes -lie
tO-tb6 base to" OmPson in his; glori
.g lettera;:appegred, 6a.each brlk� .. ellulneness- of that wb
9 ? ASk him' did, their -b6 j
Udged, frow Ofseed for,. th a purpose. ous
d_- the�__!,H utid
eln L in
hba - -ih"-act--�tht;�a-t-varl 0
ts the
_are r -the "I oirk—es t -,-E 0 -st Heaven"
Ao daAr OUS poi
... .... original dykes are' still in existence.-
etullj,, -.13611ol ilrl& and InflammatGry vitupbrailOn"O f Ce
to', Pe -on the t
a eye, car
tousl rvant Ch ld
y fail; and
from 'it ne'raight tak� th
a imaje of.
ped �ln a
-am sifter a perioci of --X, - - '
tar 11 Gr9s AV add Dlck6', that' y I ; , , , , wash in
eared I ou. have hundred life self, in, ceaS6J L
. f it
�Rmpty,� tin Sai�pje ever liag, the I yea asa.. quest of those
Pleasure 6. steallig rs., : : r'
oto.�, "W, It whofbrevei strive to hide:fjoM
Whey aarned"It Ike. YOU 0
Y Iliad With These fainous, dyked lands Are t6- Y t !.Powder lt'l ito
tell you 'day; asAn.the
fi, �rould:
-'On-thi I .....
pi6ilna a of,NoVa -oritrary, they seek life; full�
fat. Y �Phrase.
gew- elles ha#e a pretty Word lot Brunswick, A�d as 4bey COfitir; nd fr
:See 'YOU 10_(!&Y,'� Ii4pa," said EUT4 BattY.; IS.
Pe as On dad de� Find 'glorious.- But 'their: idea.
5kq#1qe4"�_"" sha eyalooning." The that
Cal Yr' crops :for ay e aft to producer.theiii, h Did he leave k bill V� - rogreag-from otib-delihtt
er ddVa is
A&,01the� d Ai. akm6l . i expo# -r -o
g- home ul,
age'as were c4ressi Pq a, b -lukurious�sensati"'r
'a A plain nose. 17to t a next, -and
oil tlmOnY to the energy the, Minute t ceases, to
at, tis
ta AJJL`�compl6te VI Lae'
w 6 in the eaij, spurn
people 0 ftin they
t_4 , ", L 1Y, part or n6f'Srltain�. what. it -brin 'and a
Eal Wo Meat.,, , I go,
can ry- fought
affatl6red the old c thee.eighteinth -and' In i1te kli3pfre tiiepa exiEt ferant� ainiusementi, Tall
British a d
a lin n Arab_ who I *Orl! th' batt ' vith them f
n& a d, hi'r.G,
it a iv��' largely�, e ba a the,sea for,,their 11�1, posalbly'3,000' d;istin t Iiing-uages, 0
on ctn
dates, Is, axt U�=pline there.- is, in sorrow an
h' A all made ready for ra. Possession #-There a 500,in. India. d
t On ol �,Charlle,� oae,41t6t�- ira.. el for y ryand can and- V l6neline ',and' you,
ay4 In 'burning heat that Resources''Intelli ire -talking 'a foreign- Iiinkiiage; If life
-WOUld-kill'a'aleat4lid Mail 'th ep' ig'your gooso� and'the
c Ink, a -mineral rod ? on
a hap�'. service, Of a D aftinent'.of the In.: Your money
'M . . 11 � 16 like that, they tel
te . I You, thoyWiSr
terioi ' ha's J� u yr, your golde Take
ber of the donspirae SUg$6 t" rest"
e 'Y a ver a egg. 0
d A, cornetL�; 1B 'llat at ing Thore, of it. The Ind ha r Eire Loftyqty. mdboo�a On'L y t, At[ all
th roses and"_
cOm_ ave uble,, t] 0,: raptures";'� -or,- S, ck� �&piea of',,*hich aj t 4 'ha7agga h do avlies SA69 fee
1nd, a "corn' 't the,Y se& no reason; why
it in its was t tk.b6v4 h Q a 0 in a on request 'for.L the they. shoU14
take y in as
a':Ihfner'al rod. So Pa It teats
aalong issons ol dour, stark,'
firework. Pessary to:, dis Mmitigable� Pain, -i
Ado lUthere, b.0'one tltiqg.up*n� th -earth But they will ne"
sess, d h e
find that 'W'gr�et
good place",
that.'mankind; 10*6s, and a&" _
Such as theise, Ma
Ut.,ttifidd" ter thai�-a:noth . . . . . . . . . . . they niier :.bailfite'heg' Were* _Ij i br4V L ,trouble ne
a WlP6L e':, � r . , e_man�— ver,coms, wh,
Zan o da,reu 166ir the 4eill innho
poi4tad tha outOf stresafes,a
Company of treasure seekdri Leprosy ItIs a man
nd fen -
as' mutdorpA 810ns and tori
to get on With, My 'on rok of India 'in lilrcuiar �erit,,Ouit byr ova We In
'A Blltia�' r 1.
Viscount ChOnisford former Vice- In the face -and tell hlm�bO Is.a deT Aflcar,� whio
I lit acquire
'Well .,JAmes A, Garfield. In Northei� 11Ldia a character worth havin
-tecently alid' ose
death ha t h0
ml)tre� Leprosy Relief, 8, boug t. A climax aBritish E
D100 and thie flua'dikYr in mid. stimmet, g7 that.will nof fail
rosy can. e wiped out Ift, at Qf as' A th'e'' character that Will: enable us
t lap Tinildity, is -djAQiAS4r f,.th r aid� "kind -red spiritgii ad tr
Sail d says b'
for itment again
the British E:m ir aob I ate and, fatal to sery
away in%A fishing bbatfor, a 'in ih
Riviera de Hal P. reb decade a in once Easily Rattlid Amly. of �Aghanj�ta Wh�b had undej. the race, and acquit. our
T 1. 1 -
Portage., t at 'a ni'y I it- 'I ' �k I en
Hundreds are recov6rt selves like in
oUr 00 g JJf u
Afte ocular Bug—"Hey, Snalley! I bet Ilk from the,4is�- peiigu!dded h MvOdlmebif is in to , gtitiprei�s the. ilder the dommandi
r�4u unevelitful,� trip :Of'twinty iomebod gives You d speed , r , , -ease nt'L :curative iiiiethods.1sulietible h ' ' I With r a jU3j ny Q 1) rJ tam'h:, J , " .1 1 i* vision Of God
ometer f Under preiie as given It,r I am way be f
or, espect Ftoattli�r_lll
a galleon arrlv�,E!4 at tk� :The Aosdelatioll f, in t,
Istms i10 0", proce La 0 111MAelft that str4tigth And mouth, wChr f
o'is treaiv d
w e if a nli� 76
;6'r, JOCZI�7�,.' Wo rcri
tled." flit Wood
lumberjack with a,broken:1
eg, was
taken- to a hboltal,for
'P ORO-'
MRS or. the lei
EIM' WANrE D ilid been sett the nurse
RA9BITB reame(:OM L I(q,
NN 1) 1 a
asked lilm,bbw tfi
_adeldent occurr
Iste. in;
100TA THA'r ouweis th
RA( Is 'Way, waz 8 Yllooting for the Potl
b, Company 'and, I lia&
L I K E�i HLk atch Lunt.
CA OnC d
1167 sent tili a Dlg,Ajlge
611d" was. -a 11a.
Yaw and yelled. to him- tfj�
akfilto her And guned her,rand t
brokb my leg.
athe h repli
ed, eX a
"Neltur, said the
"The fool mu%
I St avenraWhatever YOU
: you,
-will bring the whole
MAP t6 IV, that you will fling1he whole weight of ybVe,,
twing Into It; that YOU will do It In'th
r t
of a conqueror, irandSo
0 to the CnrPqu6r6r.
, flon and Po*er out it Whf'bh