HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-10, Page 5,••••:.*--5•• t,t irit,CREAsg. IN 1924 • MOTOR ^ 114414$ gs Ontario 00VertMent Decides No 'Change In .Schedule Needed. For Cpniing Year: ' • -- • Motor car and motor truck owners aro:not to, he: required)* the Ontario OVernmept„ ebear.,,thajneealfa eeeia,Za;ouifAtilt:;criee'S dafitier19C l'ille*--:ifiiiiverninent; had seriouslif considered .and in' its, platforin notifteeMents, alenost , 'prepared the • •pttlelle for Some increases, perticue • larly on heavy motor trucks, it has pew cern& to a ..differentconclusion antlewili make• 'no cliengesiforea year.i ateeleaLtsiealieinsh-fereeecheelniee..., Official assurance4tO this effect WAs •• given last week by Hon,. deOrge S, , Henry, minister highways ,in the Cabinet. " During:the year -ino the. revenue •from Motor licenses has totalled'$4,- 400,000 During. the coining Year it . . , • will, without any increase in rates, go 'well over the'$5. 000 OK mark owe ,ing, to . thd increased, nuMber of Cars. and 'trucks in operation. The Gov- ernment will make • this natural in- crease satisfy ',the department's need for increased revenue ,:for a year at - . • The desire of ...the 'Governm'ent, in eferrpedating aePoliey of taxation up- on the motorist whiCh wifl enableeits good:road Work to be •vigorously pre-. ebeated•, is to .deyisesome manner of , MIXING THE 'MARRtAGESe WOW• :noirmu.4.1nom44yi ..............„ iMPOS€ WhiCh w1 th" mot the mott.e: aCCOidia .,7 tee thee idence fhe borro .I.' tertsts Who, most 14e4• OW • ilj.gil;14?3'. pa g' -o. from' be'r fil. ,i.t lieS';endtp. p The, gasoline. tax is ,being inyestigat, her seL'o!' a :14*,•ebelvile ieettrarece, :$ ed in this regard, but it, has been eta- is said to .have gone through a 'thi. .. ted b3'.;the dePartz.nerit that no dein,' !marriage 'ceremony on 'Sept.', 5t . - . sion regarding 4•tIcould be reached when, leis cleireed, she 'was. betrethe 4 • sufficiently soon tp enable it to be 1 to John W. Wilson, a ,WiartOn grocer., erineteek At the..coining passion' of the 1. Wilson '. djhuilipeared • quietly froth; 14*egi 14.ture. ' ' .,.,, v . 75 t. r V 46., . '4'9 ,, ,,,,: c• • . , i.":..0?',174.ii. 4..a.411;14... i '.iint be'-,.ayaiiiihleitifl ...:e..'first.-',..,of Thxqn pxodued copic.,9. nf,...'.'OPIIIPar February instead- .cdOn the 1t of riagce certificates -fiemi, the "Depart January, ,as has beep 'the ease 'in .pre- letent in Toronto. The defendant ,wh violas 'years; The causes for the de ,e ;wits Sent.' Un7for trail at Walkerton lay in issuing them are two,,--lowir.t, was allowed. I out on her own • bail the Governmea,t's indecision: over its Mallard„ who plays the role of the PelieY, of taxation,: , and inepart,etliejefiret.:hnehand, in- the casee-ipenteten t- ,;tactr.,thet- thOlaititUfteetii'rer-e--01--theerdaYS:l'iileefail.:forebigternye )1eeeeleitnittee ,•. ,-.. - , Ifeentie ''...e,Platei have ' not delivered , that ,..lie."-thrOght -11-IS 'first wife had. sufficient to permitethe, meeting' of ,Clied.'arni that he lit' Up hYMOU'a altar' the whele demand during January the aeepiul tithe :by, taking to.,Wife a . , . fie past years, hoWever,..coasider- 1413.r'. f0/Th.„1,ed 'Oa:Y.. . , • able leeway has .'..natirally leen o.o o--1,- ,en given ', ''' * ' .• • . , • :•. . :,..•.•„. to " thy inotori§i5 inthe • mattei.;,. Of se- . .. • • 'curing their markers. This year such. • NEW 'HONOR. FOR • leeway will not be given; the license i plates, vvill': all 'becl . eeaare for distrie . THE WATCH -DOG, , iitiii./4e on the first of the month and . Recognition of the great value .of no ,period of grace' will -be giyen to. :tliedpg to man ie the tried and tree - the inOteriatin'the matter Of .seeoring .ty protector of :lifeand. propertyhas his, .' ' • , • •recently hpen. Made by one .of the, . The delay will MOO) Milnemono.- large - illattrance Conipanies. PaYiriP' tary lose to the • ..Government,. as .. it ..high•,comineridation.": to the Vigilance ....,. . .will., lose the 'use during .the month , IdYelty: and, . integrity' of the watch ••: Of January of ; the huge stem which. 'deg,' ','the original: burglar' alarin,',', the, sale of license:Plates, .alwaye.ree this conipanY, has redueed 'its rates turns : ..for, burglary, theft and larceny, itiPpr- . a o .0 ane Upon:residential property:where ,•a. doge.is kept. . • . ,----Atteiftion is. ca led to the Areal Pu- '1111..mis of burglaries that: lieVe- been frustrated by the alereand: intelligent ;04; ,`Trorii our long experience," the, ,announcetnent'statese "We''hee..'Obe served ..that the faetlifulthauee-elog has thWartectananY an •itinerant :sneak thief. 'Every •thief, hciWever,.dreads, a dog. They may eircuinvent the police- man, 4dOtige, the caretakeneejaniteialer watellh, and some. •by . the . cunning alSe of 'clever tobls, rendereuseleeathe. ingenions inveitiorts.of 'the'loCkstintli; but as has Often. ,beeri.'proVed; ,they, :fiticOit, far More difficUltIte,reele ber the ti•airied: 'ear of ,the: faithful,loyal, un- sleeping evatch-dog,.. • • . e----i..-ce,-0-0,,-... • Having hocked the wheat thefar- mer is •ehocked• at .the '. The niiddie eletai, is :01-'64' half- way‘'.;between easy.. street. arld..:the' sheriff's.. sale. . . • '• :A bachelor is a: Man . who wants'. 'a .It is alleged that She later got 'mar- • hwife but is •thankful he hasn't :gin ried to a .*1*, ,,Selwood, and thai'three.f -."- The latest fashion, is the ,elaverine• rhildien :, restilted from ..this e unione'7Own.. ' What, de . the - anti,eitekenk.- ,Selweeet:'died';abblit. a -Year ago, and • ,ladies say? he rd h, t i,if 3 ,,'. ASPARACUS , . .. . , A Vegelab:e That Grow$•More ., , , AR 'Favor 'Eivry Year, • • ealeatribtliOd-biel'Oentarie-;4teeertrUeat or , AgricultUre Toronto) . .. 0 ,,..ManY rt. n u I r.1 s have been.reeeived with •referenee". to the Caltnie of, • asparegue,'The'loilcieven'g paragralitie, answer 'brietiti `the. ,questiorna Mally. kurther2,- 'informatiniii4,4r411, • ' • •. iven •on zequest. , 7 tarieties. . • . - • .•. . Argent euil are. coin/peaty grown good • • Read,ing palneettp;. 'Otani , varieties: e aWaSalegtore end Mary Wasaingeoh' have:recently ceiine'into •,prominenee, etiartly, on eecinnet .pf vigor but more •fer their .eornparetive. resistance to • rust.. CM:Lipar1/1g the two, Wesnlegten. Is the' raor,e:rusi , . • reeisteece and. Mary Washington the veigoetais. • .The Parentage, 91' toil' LS' v.ery.sinillar, and the yarietiela 'theiliselVes represent many Years in :arefel .breeding and eelectloie• nee enly for vigor axle rust reseetere aleo 'fur :'oilier.qualities necussit a eoaintercial aepaeagus,„ ,electlini if Pints. ARaffe Nitro cultur4 III0C114140$1 Will Olve .0ood 'Aro* 01.04,a Apply i he cull 'et tie t, teeeeeeeM3a.aea,eaew.e.aell4ref, 7-A1.00-04.--qu1a,"415440 erg"! Fieiij 711....114dIVOcd. : 'foontributed by Ontario pepartment o( • Agricul tur TouLoj . I, : e..* -ear, eirett aireetertittetle.egeeittle.ee. •v, .4. • 4 'IN in•Tiocknow. by .A:. . MeK (Bruee Times, Walkerton): • .Mrs, Elizabeth Anne Mallard, form- erly Mis NelIie Gunriess of, Greenock -----tewashiiir4vaSeephirnitted-eferetrail at- a rather sensatinal police .cciurt .sit- tings -before, Magistrate. McCartney' at Wiarton on Saturday • meriting, .at which Crown Attorney' Dixon and Prov, Cnst.able.13109d were proSent on, be -half of the proseetitiOn,,While Law- yer Klein was there in the interests of the defence Wm. :Mallard ,of Put. pie Valley; who Claims to be.her husband, iti11 ahv and •:gave.testi.; monk. at. the ,conriF to. Preetee'eo. He stated,that,he was married:liddefend- ant thirty years'age next March She left 'him some year later, ..taliing. their. family Ofthree children with her. According tohi Sthry he was out working in- the bush and'on 'his,retUrn 'fOund :the householdahad ,dena'.ted, *An entirely, new 'body design of 'remarkable beauty as Well as practical utility, is the distinguishing feature Of the new Ford Coupe.' The body lines follow in one gracefULsWeepirom-theinew,high :radiator-, to the TUrtleeleackr curve Of the rear deck, which has been enlarged to '.conveniendy accommodate grips and packages. UphOlatering is luxuriously deep both in the spat and, hack, the covering being of4rich brown broadcloth with enaleOgany stripe. A recess shelf is proyided behind the peat, for parcels. . „ ' Interior fittings include revolving window regulators, and door locks and handles finished in nickel. The large rear window is fitted with silk poplin shade in chill'silvered mountings: . The windshield is surnioutied.byit _broad 812n-vieor, which protects the '.... . eyes 'front ' As handsoine and prsedcal allh%veather car for town or cOuntry, the hew 'Ford coupe ,cannot •NeWlord Coupe, *665 ' ' • Fcirdor Sedan, $895 A. . Ekr.iric Slatting and LliAtisit ..tiiinelot4 on them models. Touring Car, $445: Runabout, $405 Truck,, $495 , Ektirk Sterling and Lighting g‘tiognant481,00 emote,' • • , All prices L o, b. Ford, il:/ntitritio.. Coivarniltient Taxes extra. Al! Ford modelsrnay be obtained.. through the Ford ..Weckhl Purchase Plan. - 1441,--444•f•011,--•,0•044'0•4'4;' 7 • •*'•:• • 0.44 t •• • t‘ A k 1 • Ca:ereful: election of plants:is' prot ..,hiy Of greater importance ..even thai -riety:There is .considerable: i!ar- •'.ation ...nlan4S .ene. etidti6tivenees. ..c.e • An ...eepareges .bed.:•eliould las/ . teen. ,yet. t's ak least ,so that eve...e .J.,1 I Perecritar,;:: of . in1e;001. ptant -ouJJ.atean n considerable iliSS 111 of theepla,ntt a'not. Eno eilany to diseatti a( Plant: •ttre---erowrzt-zr . etents , vliiejj have •ek vip;orotii: and show a few laig bees, I/ . 1 stegl Cleat er..; 1.ileca re that Levu, thin:, weak,. teats 'arid iian 3•Ital1 c•rowha ere .apt• t. eel; e n large trii leer sniaij slieete .i,ietiermis' in. Seeding.. if eioaethle gro‘y.your oval plena. Leansed .and ,giaaa eeenty. Of pante c1d '1:1.11;1181I'?:•<!.f)rtlii: to ;. two •,Y„,?a..1. old'. :7,2 t. t2 i.s kre rag ttIred" "to ':set , an 'acr. • uri :feo x 18 'Irreales... Manx - • reweas Prefer: "a :wider .ilietance 1;AntatWisal; f.01'....61,1' 'germ in033 • of Seiod rigid .st•it!,ctien. S„. 'lb 1 pounds' hi' :see, ieu id give...:the abve , tin:its:3r • nf '341) `51o\K 1 h1pjv i11,row8..31)•inctic . 0.R11. 1)6; • C e'6.'1)- • ne . Is, . hest•ieel O erspe g li• . ,• ea .e„. aperient:hensof,einanure sui ;e 0 .1 tea Nvi'l com fort i eerseetee. reqttire,ci -to secure quax "„pla n !jug, he ..yo.uti .,:eies ere set in deep: ferrewe so 1 in ; are .6. ineh,P8' boow, ,A I ittiteeo•il •eovered' ovt, . • ie is: hetet ii t eu. ,I.vatconee levelaihe.. surface., .1‘..3 • should: be lik'n off ,Le. youu etech t hir d.: 130 88033 and 08) diould he obe:eeved eveey Seas, ..exha.useeti 41I0II 1E 11 31(1 tittient • ' N 11•1 -peciiic d(( A's to %Vow.' • .: .Niny Be Best. leinie. • 2,, , ,AnpiCs, penis' •,plunis and . eeacheie :an , be; thinned 'to ,ad va n age_wli!.‘,-; lie, -crop is qtlesti,(ot •03' 1133101r:1 'plums,- and., there- 33•r0 •euurse, when the 'price 03 this fruit/is so luw •that obvionP1:3'. thinning •• lif,iNve.y.er, cannot'• be l'ore.- easeda and ait, would seent• , ttierefo.ro, 'to take the, chirnee arlo .t11.1•11 the 'fruit !Jet -lie ,est is very heevy.,. I Lin». tilinn,ing apples, •do the work • when the yoeung ' fen its are' it beeet th' size of vallitti ezierall y I eaye' on • onee'euit td spire. and spacedatrou •.4„•1o....6 c13 4;s, ..a4)4,1,p1,.•41,;,•:,;A:11..,t'frilit icinoVed bark -3111e sPurP. 'All. (13 • the frn it's on the, unilet'side- or•thi 13`.',1.1)01.1 Penh :•11Plin'lly' be' eemoved , advantage. Item uve., injured fru i ts, NI g ou Iya,eperfect erlitere7MreTerhoeld be thinned, about 016 fit,tttl as apples,: . The ittelinatide • of the avtli'a,ge w:orker will: be., tr leave twice as"much, fruit es-is'ad- ;x1osavebdle...e,, See :that stt,tlicient eia P:earltes ehtittici be ,sPaced: 'about • four 'Incliee • apart. -Agaiii do' ti• t( work while the frultale eette small as .otherwise an unnecessary drain I: put tipon .the troe. should -bc thinned °tit ,sefficiently, .soeatliat, ;--at - 4,naturity diVidnal' ft.ults will .giorp each ,Palmer, Hort. l3;xp, • land:Statibti; • ••• • Co-operailion, . •••••• In cotopeeat lett 1101.111e 801•23t fan; 0 the l'heY elven; be .co-worteri, nut ceen petil ore, a .helpifig each' ollicr °Hwy will hoz o theniseives. .11por 1,010 to4dther, work ,1,9,x41,1(here trd ` ivsylt ...gether they poen .can belt e me:dare' b to retvivn• t.heir -Along ';.vitb, the producers of, 02 ht a and hat, hare- t `day •be hastened WItea'farrn It:. • t Will offer all the pleasures and . a .wairde that pp:Justly belone. to c !post eseeateal worker -'in the evert; p 11 a th 15a an by th " To get, t,he best returns from, the alfalfa crop the aifalfa seed 'should ' inoculated a feW hours •before sowing with Hie alfalfa nitro 'cuitiCre__ ---W4erteinoculated seed Is sciWn the• bacteria 'which -elenstitute theeeulture are in position .10 enter Bre Young roots of the altelfaeas theydevelop On entering the' roota, the bacteria • treiculntloDdlYultetsudilPirdncethetctpleaweneinglisa)r,apcii nelLihe roots. The action' of the bacteria when growing in the roots is to en- able the plant to utilize the atmos-' pheric nitrogen, as •a source of food supply. , No plants other than the legumes, (i.e., alfalfa, clovers, peas and bean) can do this, and those.plants cannot d'o it 'without the' light- bacteria being' present in the roots. Different species Of baCteria are necessary ter the different. species ..ot legumes. ' eWhet the Culture Melina to a Cr" op.. ' InoCulation of alfalfa, seed oftep means the difference between.a good, Vigorous, growthy crop and a poor,e spindlyalighteerop.—Alfal ariaitiro cul- ture '(erlee 50c.) may be obtained on application to Cie • Bacteriplogical bepartment of the Ontario Agrieul- • tuardollege, GueTple 'Eticract . from, .a letter received • tem 0, R. Worthington, Comex, • British Ccrlumbia• " .-rhe inoeteated portip'n'eterey.alfelfa,' iSrop has nourished exceedingly and is !netting most luxuriant. growthentirely;. crowding,out the weeds, and showing t. ,spiendid "The.. tinirioculatedl imrtion, 'has. almoit entirely died out, and the few..plants len Were small and very ,patie. In Met, I'have. no* plough- ed them up. may say that abent' the dine .1 sowed '. :nine •ti good. many. .1eighbors did .the same, -but they did.' not inoculate: Their. plots* this Spring, without: exception, are. a Pitiful spec- tacie—wiieds with 'it• (ew.sickly alfalfa Wallis 1011." , . • wink,A1.fa If& Atone on:Summer FaI- •., . . ' lowein -In -experienenta conducted 'at' the. Agrteultural Colle4e ate Guelerti, has been found 'that excellent results' have •been obtained from sowing al'. ,falfa. alone on a snaiiner fallow. in. the month of Jury. When sown at • that time' on, a. moist. soil, germina- tion. is rapid;' and ,the plants are 'en- abled.eo make a good growth before • winter. ' There ia not apt to be a pro- longed . droutle after July. By this method, weede'are unable to nrodiece seed. in ,the atettemn and the . alfalfa has an ,excellent opportunity to:get well established:- -D. Jones, OA. College GuelPh. , • , • How ':tbskill Bindw,eed'. ' Get on the:field Just eieSOon asthe laid is dry enough to ,Pernlit of...'etil; 4vatidn. •Do not give .the leindiveod .a chance,' to 'Inake .any' early .spring .growth. ' If •the.held-is:in• sod, plow . shallow. ' If the. land was ploWed lasta fall It evili not be.aeceekearee_taaplow:e Iirgitin this spring.. Ciiltivate: every_ week,- or ten ---days"-With7a-CUItifatirir ' . with. broad 'points, that Will Cut. all •'tile, plants "off an inch or two beloW. the ..ground, witheuf,,hringing the• , creeping root -stalks :to the :stiefacee:- •,•Coneinite cultlyation,•nntir the 24th of : May or ,lst of June.Thehplant corn' In hills 42 inches apart each way so that it, eel/ be cultivated. beth ways; , As sook.ste•;the'.c.6J4,1s.uP,-cultivate-it:' irith a corn. cultivator at least every ' two weeks, Oftener. if possible. • ' Jutit: as -soon as the- Cern is. cut plow out : ' theastalks tied -cultivate- every e ten day e 'Or. :two • Weeksith the hrtiTa-dt/7 • Shared 'ctiltivater. At:4e Very import-. ant td etilavate again as soon after. the corn is eel as peeeible, So that the : bindweed will 'not have a 'Chance, to geCtitarted. into growth, e'' '.. , The lest thing- in the fall rib UP. the'.1.and .Ititt) drills, and, allow.: to stand': over'.wint'er, • The,jrost in all Probability iwile ' render , Material" as -e iistariee,4/141tee*eadication." The fti1- lowehg •sprIng start cultivation With" the broad -Shared etiltivator.:as:' sopa, . ,ae,you can'get eh the land. ' . Itepeat frequently' enough, to prevent the Oineleeeedeenakinge-anyagrowthealeo,vee 'tile ground ; until the „tiesteer middle Of 'Julie. :..Theri now._ pasture ,, rape., (Dwarf ,Essox variety), or turniPs, In • drilla ••26 • td...30 inches apart, at :.the,' rate' Of ,about ilh' Peupds,per ' acre. As Soon all the crop is tili cultleatte, eYarY 'week or 'ten 'days •until it see- "ctipiee all the .ground and makea. 'further , cultivation intioSsibik' , If the bindweed slithild. get Stetted in ' the row's,. hoe it Out as ceraPletelyeas -liessitere.e. This:, however, should not be necessary It the previouw•Caltiva.• 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS „ tion has been frog:tient and thorough. , .•. • , Thiiit plan ,rseOlees tWo ,!..atiftk,to 'own-- -,:Neiticeie-hereby,giVen', ptIreuttrit to ,, -r--a , , plete,- but rit. lit .worth doirig,./. El, • Seeder:1,50, Chap, 121 of .fhe 'ReVised . flOtvitt, ' 0: A. college, Guelph, . Statutee Of Ontat10,' that all l'eereptis having. elainis ag,abiat:.t.he ',eetate of eene:ett' ej(tili;lig.'lljeoMit;(1.101t11144;11'fbillowitia ' 'ol:'1':!lale-PS`;t•i{i1;()ItlinleYv.tc<ftter'ta:':8-'11.1:v: ‘I'llit6.11.'dli'ev3C1 °.‘j11'' f single line deWn, bteeding. a- sire r, i- (tally to the. .progeny and .• i3uch. JaintarY, 1923,' 'at, .the. ToWneleip,:o lire'4:41)131Yparteeittri.t1t:andhin:elc:-ePlid"6.t:11nnia1111:ILItieiit.e:'1°):r.: Tl'ilhlieoi:: :tsrKe)ii:jkldrYie(51.1.1811.1'::?:1:1)°:•}S-t.:tbi°71(:1):(7:;i'll'll'abl'itia;1111'1°07:1.':'1.`'13'°•Atitl:L'Iii:(il:cle' '1)1:::i°t3(;:1- lijectiontietolt. are- that It In teneitiet .1*IejYreea Posl: bat -iseitibred. The Value of it li foie the teeenty'ehrst day ,dfelantiaeyeg, °MCC', Ont„ 3l1 Or he- ny'defects in the blood 'of the,fanailY.' ,Ael5; 192,1; their elames aild eddre.sees, hat It ititeheifiee ' ane good traits. ISO. ' 14 by selection, the bad traits,. 'with full particulars df their clailne in. ;Writing, and the nature of the 'se - an be tiiiiiiiiiiiide while thegood Ai:0 caritio.s .(if any) 'held by them duly ee'nr,Ot,Otriiteatdolitildi;bbii.6tddeingtd:?irad'aprvoiimitit: .verified by' a .Statntory•Declaretion. And Further Take Notice that ilf- ble Means' Of imProtemente... If .pro- -ter- the-aaidtWerity,first day Cid-attiiii, i• tieleetiOns.. ate not made, however, ,ary, 1024, the assets- Of the said es - e bad'that AlwaYa Wants to crOP out tate .will 'be distributed by. the 'Exedn- breeding will get the ,toaer ho,nd 'Lora' 0.1nOng the parties. orititl'edi itherc. nd spoil th.6 lregeny, of litie.brect tov.having regard' onlY to the claims 1•111 Co. ' 1-410O'breedin&ti ':Pradtbied of Which they shall then heive rifitice skillful breeder's, and it One Of and the estate (will' not. be iiebl for Ei chef nle""tieciiirint ilul)tOve'• AtiV claims' not file& 'to :the Ono of,, Ont nt ik ,flOOk or hill' ,. .„,,,.!. -...,.„.r., ....',111e.gaidAlStrili.ntion--,-,..--,------------' • • . ,,,,..„., 1444,00 •Solicitar hi* R3.t.Otorli , 1 ----•'--",47 .'::''' .,„ Dated at .Wmghahi thia Twenty4. Mort tarifa Aiittihitoty-le Oat On .firSt Oa? of Dectfitibt4A,1), 1923, * ,)4ah pilft. tIr 00004 (hap ,t,ii ' t Venstnne. ihghatn. P,0 • A Jahn Cox, mataer of. many lanxuaLres. T HE great railway which nridee sineOtb-working organism of IIself on-- being. able to meet•eeee eeituation in an equable InanneF,,' le -,1 ceived a rude, jolt rine day when I two ,pictureSquely fr,,irbed strangers e:trolled into the Wincleer Depot of the Canadiati Pacific Railway. ae 7..fentrea1, and, deepjte the most eia- herate: and vociferous linguistic con- tbrtions, failed in, a, meist dephirablee planner. o make apybne Understand, 1\f -hat theY wanted: - •TtTh . Soreeereeeewho-----heetejtravelled eastventred the Oriirlion that 'they 'were Arabs,- arid the polyglot beenbardnieet, Which • had been. in progress ceased in hopeleas.despeire for the stockof 1ie:14,161e lang;uagee d • not :go :ipto • •K 13 ' Country -"cest. of Stiez,.-", Thieri a."red; cap.," o' of the-eteloredpOrters- nwirai •I"-VML. .i.,141nSe1qes sful. e ho ate the .etetiOn, leeggage-hetWeeri the trainnd ' texicala, stepped. up. • tie, re- ved hiniself • of .what Seundedlike combinallieri. `of. a baidly-riirininl.t Ford 'artd. sa Sarcee Will' 1, Chan t; end: had -the' :s.iittiatiori sereightdned , -16 no tiine .11 all, ' . ''., •• : .. ,••,Investigatien• revealerf ,-that • the. r tilway ilaci on its: staff ,of .liaggage, Jetetiersaa, veritable.- kezzefentie e, et,udetit Who' for sheer .1oVe; of the, .eequisitien ,picks- up elanguageS ,iri .16 easy manner he' deee Stiitieases. IT,e is known about, the ,station as Number' EightC;en,., though: this,, hae an refeeerice to' his ling•iiel , accenri- .plislamente. . His narrie iee.l.ohn'Cp'st`, ' tied his eduritry of origin is .,Britieh •Geiana, though .to satisfy 'his Vora . clotitethiretefor tongues that other .1).'.-Ple employ he' thas ' sisr'ayed' far :from • his ,,na tive engareplanfatioae. Seards11,'. Italian,: English, •Fret/elle Greek,,Hiedusteni aretArabic.he can, cell iptoiequisitioti , at s •nearnent's .notice, while hewrites most of"theera with equal ficifity.. He .admite not , 'being. as ,yet ecoally rat home With Germare'thoughelie ;has. sebeiitantial grasp of .the -.language.: ,.. , • •••• . -, Ilifidustani is:: his :nati/ve tdngue. Faeile English he acquired in.Erig- lend ire the, employ of a Biltishlraile way' magneto...JD the, same employ he went to . Brazil and Panama, acquirieg, Spanish in an effortless , [.Manner en route. Returning to„Eng- iand with encrely.....biLapPatite--whetee pd t� of ' 0-- 0t 31, in, - to r" e, g , s, s e tett; he, took lessena ,Italian -French -a n,d75110e411,r-allOr his linguistic list.' The 'outbreak: the.,:wer opened' tip PoSsibilities t_ttuire_interostiijg'-nensivc- travel, and hejoineel theen(1ve As b ing 'less likely to remain' coe4ined, an area where they spolce'thesain lenguage ail Of the time. •• .) Pate, played •intee' his hands Whe •,he. became -stationed, at Mudrosy.,, the GteCian Arehipelago, pear th . entrance- to'the Derdanelles.r.It nea , riot long before he had qualified keen, a. fruit. stbre and-213-lookin --rdunal7lor .more languages to col que1,Je.:.bethotiht himself of th hordes of Ttirltish :prisoners. Conile in toethe .depet and after ho.bnob bing with -them for a .few,inonth was seeding .th 6 .'.`;•krab,iark Nieits • in the original. • He was 'Clemedilliee'd in May,. 1921 •his,one;regrdt being..that the par • heehad •pla'yeel inetheaearehad nese egivertehim-the oppertunitY Seein the intetior, Gernianyk but thi `lost OrmoiteihitY.'he „has stnee mad far by etudee .'He cant from; 8ngland 10 Cetitteesiaeaand....has -tince", bee hi the, . employ of' ethe Cealdian :Pacific .ReilWey Win'd- 'star Statioh, Neae, When ,picturesqtiely 'garbed strang.ersfront Unknown• lands ataeear at the depot, id general .ettorts to interpret their motithirtgs be. w.'irr' 'sounds are enelfectunl,aeff•eend • an S,Q;$. for Nuinber Eleeheieet.. • • , Glye, 'em aftl Ohe authority est , %-nietete 31 thotrsand pereette or f) et) S 7i 41-11re 3i491 Oettlic feet of air a tle3`,' The itgiAlai4e,„en 'acted 4 ceoridensod Bilipunlik • %Old) Went Into effect, 'Sopienitiet 2i 1,928, Thiele* provides that ne don oent,ed; eeneentratod, or cYnporstet• 4.1tirnrollk tn ilermeticallY '.(fea led cans (ftla 00(ttaltts'' net. 101il3 than b tleithcit apt la pro. A t!, • • th • eLflartmelt • .1-14sJts. She „ • • . „ .; Mothing in the -store reserved.,verything-. is .-$a16 and, ,:there is gi Sale Pri on everything • WE ARE GIVING 25 PER CENT DiScOleNT,' Q N• A N D BOY'S CLOTHING. 25 `PER CENT': OFF eALLeTAP- ESTRY AND L'RUSSELS. 10 PER, CENT OFF :LINOLEU4 AND CO .;•,;.'" Ol.,F;11111•RIJOS,, ,'• • , ONE T'..e• ONE"..0.4thp opt, ALL DkES$Eg. ' • • BALANCE OW OUR LADILS' NVINTER ` COATS :AT 1.1 Ao.jKk,g ''PAIR. OF LADIES'. HOSE; Mei' AND ,WOOL,'PuRE wool; bq IN PLAIN cASttmE,RE. 111E...1`;q,E,WE'ST'SHADES ARE ON SALE "4AND ' 95e: TAKES,. YOUR • • • . ' :i•Tcrliev 'ARE A NUMBER OF ODD. LINES' OF AND, HIL.DRFN'S UN D E WEAR HAVE CHANGED:WITII 'STSPLE"OF TODAY., WERE' EOTH A,ND DRA*., 'PR1.CES START AT. 2..50. *0 T R PRICES., 59e AND,', 69e.; ANO WE :ALSO :SHOW MISSES' ALL4DOL DRAWERS T 1444 Art,g VOW1H $2 25 •- THE .,A,BOVE" ARE JUST. A FEW 'OP iviik• BARGAINS. , THERE. TEN PER CENT CASH DISCOUNT ON OTIIE;it:zoi•Es. ‘...PRICED -Er.l.tERYT.H..IST-l'I.C.A.SH., NO ItE.. • Nt'S' Oi:: -.zETURNS SEE • WHAT 'YOU BUY. BUY • WHAT YOU SEE. ' SCHOOL' REPORT , , 4,-W;eWaefincish, Sr.., V—Exaininatoiris d'eui)letry,Spelling,Compositioni,' Bee- eny, ,Algebta, PhYsiography. • ,4,.• Weeds •a0 perd'eritR. 'Martin .7-9; Inglia 72. . ,V:-.-e'E.Ratriinotlons'LatinFrench, '31)01011[a', Ceneposition,e Botany, Afk- , Lula Weetheeliea :77: per cent; D." 77; M.; Martin74; M, miner 7:3; Launt 72 Ie•Lyneh 70; ,0r..me. qpini Gd; T:. Tedd 54; G: Farrier 49. 'IVL--Exaeuipatiene Granunari 1•1:istoey.; A if t heintic, Spelling; .Conteie S: Lir 72: pee.cent; ic.MeGt/illin 61; " •, Jr: Flit4•COr:y; 2..ri-thine.tic, Spelling, Contei-. .111'611(;:teMne.in';::-. 64 Per :cent;:i 37:011 '01ei; C. Durnin 57*;11, Thema .57; If„ 11',Ii1ler 50; •A;,Lyons 55; Re ,MePliereon 47*; E. s.Priicharal 421'; A. 41';FOrster 631'.. roll 27; Average Attend-. elite 24, , 7‘' Those, inatked. (*) have Missed ex. •• Antkaaftivn E; Ge.,Mtirdie, teacher, toeless:.• • Sr, •JV -Evelyn McLean, Alirin Per. cy, L,i8 'Richard,' George . Graham,: • Williert, Ilotlekinoil, Annie- Idelvilei. • , len . " • ' ,tr, 'Jim Ryan; re -Minnie Riehardi -Roy G. 'ham.; Tiox Percy, Vera- •Ryan, Joe mary Grit. 51 1st --Edi - Bushell, Ma1?are1 Christie.; Perry Bushell. • Sr; Primer—Norval .Richard,' Diary tkdorjorie. Nicholson, „ NO, on *11 24, Average attendan4 22,67, ,/ t. Bridge, TeaCher. -that,fweeds don't. Coddling.' • lizationk.. Derish../or- the:4mi- 8oin 311 Ke kept ati in .ordor): Wiens are fall a ps0P1s, ' , 1 •i• a 1 • •••7