HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-10, Page 1,0^•r"-^,,
VETEEINART. '1411,40FAXNe-,•04''
Keleher, Ripley, Phone .,29,
. •
•..,•,,,,,, •,,.. •,,, .•
MaeLeird will Yisi.t 11071
very"Tueedity irt•Dr. Connell% .Office
77-7"-DR-PARKEIC7:.."-FMEOPA.TH •af.. the
' cein House, Lteknoiv. :everY; Wed.
-needay afternoon, :All 'chronic dis-
•';esee eueeesefu4 treated." .06teo-
• tamovee the physical. ceuses
6.7" "isease.' • Adjustment of the
's more quickly eecuied'and
-,eWer treatments. by Osteo.
, theta by any other method.
TorontoPrecg paid for all kinds of
poultry. ,
i0-tf , A. Grospopf, LucknoW.
,Registered, Optometrist ,
Graduate Department of 014111181mA.
ogy. McCormick Medical College. C'
eago. 111.• . .
headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu-
lated Eyelids. Watery Eyee Pain in
Eye '
Ye Balls Inflamed Eyes. Pus or
,Watery Discharge from - Eyes and
- --.ersusedby---.
lieved through properly fitted
Cioss Eyes- 'straightened through
properly fitted Lenses. -
Satisfaction Aesisred
At the Cain House, Lneknow: Every
' Wednesday Afternoon and Eveidhi
, F.OR SALE.--Nordheimer Plano in
geed Condition. Apply, to G, -A. Sid.
sink Ileknow. 8-11-tf.
*Special Christmas Prices for Radio
Seta, A .complete "Starr," honeycemb
coil long distance recelver, every-
thing ready to "listen. in". $45;
Ositerhout Bros, Lucknow. •
• We the undersigned,are e
•rnarket to 'buy the following kinds of
fogs: delivered at our Savi Mill at
-'1.aucknow:-Basswbod, Hard and •Soft
'Maple, Beech and Birch. Will Pei'
the- highest .market - price for the
above. Owing to our having a large
. stock of Elm luniber on hand, and
'there being very little sale for Elm
-furniture. We are not in need of Elm
logs. However, from persons putting
• - in a good quantity) of other logs. we
will.bp 'willing to take a small quan-
tity of elm along with the others
,log4. arelargaandsood
' • Lueknow ,Table Qr. -Ltd..
. • '` .1. Button, Mgr
Came' to the Premises of 'the un-
-• dersigned, on the lOth 'Con. West Wm-
-weirei. :on or about the 1st day of
7 , :Owe/fiber, .1923,.:4•-heifer-,-apeoarentlje-
• , el3041 one Year old. Owner may' have
---- salad"' on, proving -property, and PaY7
ing expenses.
Wm.' wf;oas
FOR SALE --A second-hand ;Pen-
insular Range. Geo; -W. Andrew;
•1=•70•11,.. O.M.•••4••••••••;•
FOH'SALE-A Geed Driving Hinse
years- be Bola reasonable,
' FOR SALE -Dwelling Heinle in
Liicknow-AineY to Mrs.,
of Treasurer of County of Bruen will,
be received up to Saturday. January
12th, 1924. Applicant to state safety..
: experience 'age, age and references.
Present salary $2000. Applications to
be addrelge& to 'Robert, McVittie.
Warden.Southampton, Ont. ".
APPLICATIONS for fire .position
of Couhty'Clerk-for-the County' of
'Bruce *ill be received un to Baturdle?
Januar /2th.. 1924. Applidatit to
state salary. "age, expetlence and re-
ferencee. A.pnlications t� be address-
' ed tt't Robert HeVittie, Warden,
• Southampton, Ont.
• 11.1.11••••••WINIII, ONIMP.1•••••••••••lp
igR.8 • • '•• • •• • • 40c-33-27.
„ Butter 28-34c.
HogsAir • 44.•'..•*••4 ••••.•••• $8.00.„'.
Wheat 90c -95c.
Oats : ............. 88c,
• Barley!' ..,.. • 6 • • • i • 'I • i • .50040e.
' ••••••47.0...07.-"- •
• -.111i, Johnston Conn'Inakes usital
tall§ titit burg.
. Mr, Thos. Hockley ii'ad a very *tic.
eestiftil wood -bee on Monday after-
• Mr; leek. Hill is at present Under
the doctor's Pare but We hope to see
him around again tenni-
t; G. Moffitt held ,itn auction
Ole of .cattle on Thursday last,' fair
.111100' being, realized;
Mt, Archie McIntyre' passes thr-r
Oug,ItAlui'bnrg oecassionally, Nothing
!Strange about .that '
Ther Livid& chair held 'their'
Veit' it the, tame of tiff.#And'Mri, D.
Iteinnts. last Thursday evefiln.it: sta
Were roY,t1Iy. entertained.
644i '''44/liek:' The 441itiiVe, the
,Lsiagsilt; 'Skid ,e1ult It having
' MO, The subject WTI* l'ReSeIveil
that the c* is -s mori - PrefItabI•
•‘hOii0 *ItthOiSt.'i thiliditi sro
.r-t,p4o. .005
• •
Mi. and Aire', Milh'returried
last weekfrom., theit.'hotipynteeri,,triP,-
,-7-Mhfkr:MeriWM11',6Diariej4„hag goiie
whereehe expects
to regnifir for a. time "
Mr: A/0c Agar took oVer ',the-ieni--
torshiP of ths..tudcnpw *hofii at .tho
.beginning d,th§ yer •
Miss Ada Webster * bag taken the
position of teacher at Zion School
• rendered yisesat by theresignation of
Miss Valetta Tiffin, ,
• ,
. The plan for "Whit Happened to
Jones" is nowopenat McKim's Drug
*ere. Reserved Beets, 50e; Make. your
reservation ,'early.
- _ •
' 'January , a good month in which
to pay newepapersubscription, and
getsquarewith the world generally.
Den't'forgek,to pay for your Sentinel.
We are 'filtquently Asked by • rural
_schoolteacgers if there is a- charge
for the pufilleatiOn-at seh*itepertiT,-
There-is no charge, andone cent will
carry the jotter unsealed'.
The .greeeritioar storm •which pre -
veiled hereon Sunday ,vvith such
was Very 'widespread, covering
the whole Continent east of the Rocky
'.itlauntains, [And as far smith as the
Gulf of Mexico, .We didn't. mind it
here, :but in. Septhit brought
great hardship ,
• Card of 'Thanks-Mrand Mrs Ed-
• ••
gar Hollymen and Mr. J. 1-1.:.Penrose
Wish. to 'expiess their sincere thanks
for the kindness arid sYnanathY shown
ii.. their recent sad bereavement.
0..P.P_Vhivtge .FeaticCeuncli of Last.
-M Johnstone Tehee
Place' of A E:-.1401800-*-Gee::M.
mit ',Heads Hodgnis-a Good -Swami
:.• The etliMeil Beard for 1924 isteo11,r-
posed 48 f0q0N/i70.:.: •;
It„ieVOi . ;
' ' Smith,.
E. .11.: Hedging
The, number of votes received by.
-the several candidates was as follows: •
Candidate g. Ward , -S. Ward Total
201 • ;118 ' .319
Hedging, 178 100 .'.275
Miller' 133 '" 116 '" :249
Johnstone, ' 82' • 215 •
.124 "76; , ,2.00
Huston, • ,126: 46,,
, Mullin; 64 89 103
There are about 660"htiedred names
on the Arillage voters' :list, but, of
course, .allon the list were not
absence. The number, who, cAme out
and voted' was 477 and there liver4e*.
few ballets spoiled, Of these residnr.
north of Campbell Street' 291 Voted,
--and--Aouth---ef-TQamphdli-Street 188.
.Asvve'S) the _ease -iresr ago. them
, •
was , an unusual emount'. Of • "PlrielP=
mg , Miller being agaih, the favorite
inthis regard. A' year ago, 52,; voted
for Miller only; on Monday -33.`f
ed" for him:, There- we're a feW‘Single
votes .fer Sinitho, and ;for .Johnston
but the number Was insignificarit.'
, Interesting features. or -the - coept
were the way voters grouped the cah,
didetes: The count; showed thet man:
voted for Hodgins, Huston,' Maisie?
and Smith:*While another set. put 'Mil-
ler, Johnstone' .and Mullin together;
ThplaY will be given at Belfast, Milier ane'. Johnstone had a" Sint of,
Janticary*,:geth. Look for particulars in neck and neck race in the North Watd,
next week's izsue• •and both finished with 133., Johnsto.ne
did riot 'do so Well in -the South
Some were inconsistent eneugh to
vote for - Smith :and: ,Miller. Suelf, a
vote , Was not intelligent ", as the:, twe
-men represent opposite ideals in the -
Council, and have nothing in Common
regarding , town -affairs. Evideily
these: voting that, way were keepirig-,a,
aroinise to each. .
There Was evidence that the house-
to,house eahvase'. had, a: geed ,deal
of -
effect &lath' did' no canvassing, last
year and carne In fourth. This year
he 'made a .therough canvass; and he
easily, ledthe field..
Miller was the only candidate to
canvass in last year's contest and was
away •ahead of competitors He
made a persistant eanyess again this
year also, and, all circurestances con-
sidered,he got a very big vote' but
•came ,-only • third.
, ,
MillsOn did -very little canvassing
and fell a little short of fourth piece..
Johnstone did a geed deal of, heuse-
to,house work, and got , a good Vote
considering, 't, is, his start in publiclife; -'
, •
"Love! FiOver" is, the title of the-.
lay at The Family Theatre on Sat
:inlay, Jan. :12th -Matinee at .3 'p.m'.
EVening'shoWs at 1,30 and 9...36.
The LucknOw Fire *Company will
give:two dances in the Town Hall in
•-the-near-firture7Thef1rdrwill be! an
Old Tirne 'Dance on Monday night
fan. 14th--7orily old time dances this
night. Good.ssiusic is arranged for and
lunch Will be served, Clippie $1, Odra
ady Poc,'thdierY 25c Then will come
the 'annual Earns. Night' ,Danee on,
fan. 25th, Rattlers Orchesira. This is
alWaYaa popular dance andevery-
- be: there -Couple -$1 25, ex -
!tie lady 50c,!411ery 25c,.. • •
Iri, Lucknot Opera House Will be
presented : by the Lucknow. Dramatic
Club on Friday•evening. February 1,
"What' Hapiened to Jones," orie, of
-the beet Faiee Comedies played by
'local' talent for many seasons. Mr. M.
C. Bridge,takee the part of Jones and
is ably assisted by Mt, Thee. Watson
as the Jliehop and Mr. T. S, Reid as
Ebenexer. GeoOley, with W. L.
Ma'cKenzie AS Mrs. Goodley, Addi-
tional.'members of the cast are Mrs.
J. G. Anderhen Mrs. Wm. Connell,
Misa N. Thompson, Miss Lorna Caro-.
bell, Miss jean% Matheneld and Mr.
„McLean' johnston;-Mr,
W, Anderson Jack C. nte-
i?n.• • •
wEst IvAwANosiii
, The, electors of ,•,'VFest Wirsvan4sh
itoed;•by the Reeve and Council of
i.p23 in the election .on Monday, Mak"-
:int only one 4100 and that was un-
avoidable as .(ouncillor Medd had as-
pired to the reeveship. •
i The by-law proposing to change
.froin theitatute labor method of keep-
ing reads in 'repair was defeated
'tipite a disive Vote, 198 voting
for the changtatuegoi.- Voting against.
• The vote for: Reeve and, CoUncillorg
was as ionowiii: •
For Reeve:; 13. S. Naylor, 296;, John
Medd, 182; ;.*jerity for Naylor, 114,
For Coune*eirs: T, it Taylor, 282;
Wm, Carr, 25,11; Wm.:Mole, 245; Jas.
gor1144% 244; David Hamilt�n, 165.
MacIntash7tIn. the • :Township of
tinlost, on lannitrOthi° 1924, ,Pene-'
lent KtenneciY,; rell0 ot *a late: Clen-
on TO Jo Oolock. n.
Wrikl* fits, Ott 11:01;-
of Voters this Year was-
so different from that _prepared in
1922 that no useful comparison can he
made. The list Used in this election
was muchlarger, the narnes of. many
women having been added, '1'
Monday, January 7th,
MrS, Robt Elliott and Joe. visited
friends la Teeswater last. week,...
Mr. and Mrs. Itiehard Elliott ,were
. .
Sunday visitors at Ernie. Ackert'S,
Thos, Harris' is under'the doc-
tor's care at present; we hope she -will
be around ,again'soon.' • 1
' the.
West, Spent a few days of the .pas!
Week with friends here,
, Miss Ada Fisk and Arthur returned
to their lionie in ,Palmerston, on -Sat-
itrilai after .spending the holidays
With their uncle, Rich,* Balcer• ',.
A' nimilaerOf our sports arOund the
burg -had to 'spend Sunday night ,at
hot.* on Account Of 'the bad roads and
weather., Never mind. lads there will
be Other nights. • ..
In a recent issue Of the Burks Falls
!"Arrow" we find, the following • puff.
for local' young lady whom readers
will recognizei-mpy-School Was-Packz-
ed t,Ci the doors Friday 'evenitig,.Dee.
14th,; when the colossal program of
Ely was rendered- by the local schdol
childrene. The quality and the efficient'
,manner in Which this Program Was .
;rendered' speaks' louder than Words of
.the' ability, energy And perseverance
,put into it by the teacher; MSS Grace
ThOmpsion, whode herne is near tuck -
now, Ao. teacher ..desoVet .1unit than
credit Who'tein successfully bring out
of small school, children, the .talent as
rendered. . A school, Section is indeed'
"fOrttniate-ttr" -Itieh'liallegoiro-
abilKT as 'Miss Thompson is eltdowed'
A publicmeeting will be held in the
PresPYteriari Chtirch On Tuesday next;
Jari'y, 15th at add.:
favoriz]g Church lJriion will be.
jiven by Rev. • D.:0; l*Q.rgOr �f
T:geriden and Rey G g. k. • Woodside • f
itrantfOrd.. ',Iil•Yerk: one. invited
. 9 • •
The :services. On Suri1ey;•ftri..1.3th,
will • be ..as follows: ,Zion 10.36 a.m..,
,Ilackett's pm, • and Blake's .7
p Thi; be 'Winghain "District
• .
Educational 'AriniverSary, .The Pastor
,Will preach. at Zion, andRev:
Louis l3arber, BurSar-,of.Vic4oria col-
Ilegp, will preaelt! at :Hackett's . and
.Blake's. Subs.riptions for the E,d,cica-tional.
' Of our 'Church will be re-'.
• ceived •'
• „ .
• ..TRE W. II, S. MEE'l'ING-:.
The regular :monthly !meeting- of
the W.' M. S. vvas held in' th ettnich
:111q(71..' Jan: 2nd .MrsiMe-Callum. took
excerciaesp Mrs Watson.
read splendid paper on, the ,
si,on of ' Healing?, " . 1Vliss 'Mahe Mc -
u meetingwith'
:SolO, Mrs;;StrUthers-read a paper. on
liciW to secure new nienibers and Mrs
Horace ,AitchesOn a paper on Prayer.
Mrs. Miirdoeb. and Mri..Murdie 'sang
duet.,!Mra.. Decker, -offered: praYe;„,.
'After the roll Call and. offering': the
meeting'. ;closed. by . repeating , the
"Lords:prayer?! $443 was sent .to'the
Pres,-.Treasu'rer last year. Tlifs• being
the first Meeting. Of this'yeara,sodial
hour was spent;
The- ,ifirSt regular W, M. ''S; met-
ing of.the year Was held in the church
on. Wecinestia:": Jan; :'2ridThe nieeting
!opened With .Singing Prayer, and 'the
Scripture • reading.. , The, 'president
Miss N • .
.•Nichoslon -gave, the Serif)...
tire study on "Thouht for the New
,Year." It was dedided to hold the ;an -
!mai M." S. •.Prayer..,meeting: and.
- the. ;February ' meeting. together. vIt
was also 'decided to sendpapers • read
at, these ,meetings to Ilonie Helpers;
Miss 1McKay %took the first` part
of the'.•programand read:a very full
and instructive paper On ,"ShOW: the
#Importance of ..Education on Mission-
ary Progress," indiating seYen
'portant lineOf Service" The last
part was given.by Mrs, M. Irwin
read, a ; Very interesting ,paper . and
pointed out • and discussed' "Three
Tender/cies in the' Field of,...1VlisSionary
Higher Education," The:. meeting
closed with ,Prayei:
(NoteA ciiribas error 'occurred in
Abe irei)°,1" 0.01.
The`.:receipts tip to December War0
given as -$19.16. This "sinn•should -have
been 07188.) :
• .0 f,v , .
Miss Sadie Pollock ,waS over 4rom
• Mpiadatr- 'Jan!
'Sarnia tolspeild her 'holidayi with
Purple Grove friends: • •• "'
. 'Mrs - Collins his not. lieenrehiOYing
good health the past ',few weeks., but
, . • .
' and 'Sceti-,And' 7S 'Mr:
from 'Pleasant Valley,. are •Visiting. at
''.111r, Ben; Scott's..
Mks Irene Brunt,. Of •Winnibeg, is
viSiting at Mr Enimerson'S,.'
°Angus Graham, .of,Ltxclnow
,S))6? -0 feW days Of, last week 'visiting
fEetids- South Line
M.r.,%and Mrs. McLane. entertained.
a number of their friends from the
12th Con, lat Monday evening,
,Scott -Thom paon-A quiet- pretty
wedding was solemnized at the hone
of Mr and Mrs. E. W. Jrvine„Pleas-
ant' Valley, Sriali., at 4.30 P,in. on
Wednesday, Dec 5th,. when their dear'.
friend, "Betilah Mae' 'ThoninsOri,'*as
united the holy bonds of matri-
mony to Albert Scott, son'
be the late Mr a/1,J Mrs. ; William
•Scott,„ Of Ripley, , Ont Mite nuptial
knot was tied by the Rev. T. Geach,
of Pleasant' Valley, in the', presence
of a few relatives and inthriate'friends;
• The 'fride who was handsomely at-
tired in ivory ducliesSe. satin trimmed
with, silk Tedium lace with long flow-
ing bridal .veil to match arid tarried
a bouquet of white ''caritationSi was
groomait...(11Nic1.b831 t.• Nellie)4iI gt.'• 61;1111 66
Thempsdn The ,Oritte .entered • the
.drawing -room ' on the ,arm of her
friend, Mr. IrVirip.,The groomts'
gift to the bride Was a white ivory
dressing set .and to the bridesmaid a
fancy hand -painted handkerchief Sa-
chet with three beautiful handker-
chiefs. following ',the cererndny the
brideandgroom were' .slinwered with
congratulations, after whieh, all sat
doWn to a sumptunua wedding. dinner,
a feature of which was the Cutting of
,jra iaro wedding by the bride,,
Much Praise iS,,idee: Mrs,'
for' the splendid WaY. in which
1,0gethent6 were inade and, carried'
With Mr, and 1VitA Irvine. 4r,
1vits,„ Seott,-*it1 tesic1ik on the grtiOnt`t
ptepa ugor pools. Oto,v,o otit,
MhlaE. Sheltonhas 'rCtUrnett to
ourburg to ..renew her Piktie's as
school.tha'ain,. , ••,•• ' •
-Mr,. Wilbert Ifaldenhy, has gone. ,tO
Wing'114111.:whre he will tl•tke :11P
Fourth Fortir wOrk in High: 'school,
Maheig ',1,14;4ginS, returned' • tO,,-
N91111.4..•14 .$tratf9r4-...on \1no(I1jv
. 'Mrs, M• -Dudley visiti in otn: burg
Owing to , the' severe , stormlast
week': there :was no, service- in •the
Anglican :;Cluirch on 'Sunday eVening.
*!, Miss ••••• Agnesl.Viurray :returned to
Toronto after, spending Ifie holidays
under the. parental reef., /
A nuniber••from were present
afterneorr. •
Joe Gallible's Sale laat, Wednesday
, •
Miss HtimphreyS renewed old
*ciu'aintances. inmas w•ek. Westford in Christ-,
Miss Edna O'I-Iagan Whb; has been
visiting her aunt Mi. John:McGlynn
has returnee.te, her hothe • in ,Rivers-
• • • •,. .• • ,
: •
• ....ASHP.MLP 110TES
• Mr. !Cecil Wehster.•,of Parainoriat is
visiting with. 'friends at Varna., •
Mr %Vni. John Ensign of Lti
7 spent the week end With.; friends •' ••
. • „
' '•••Deneld. J.. McLennan.. of -Lo,ahalsh,
has ' returned . to :Detroit for.. the, vin•
ter monthS,; • '''••••• •
' i•Mt; Murdock .j....,Mac,K•ey ,Who ;70.4
en11:;rv!,e'zc.,rs ..eXturSiha
Miss .Tani :Iceter.abew:o-f Winghair
•Airs• Abe 'KetchabbW of Paramount,
Miss Christena MeNainof TOront
,sPent a. few 'days 'with her parents'
Mr and Mrs; Jas DiteNain'df Laurier
of Toronto. spent:
the 'Nevi •Year holiditie Wth' his " ar
„opts, :Mri:and .1Vi.c1-,ae. of
• ,
;. ;Mrs, •.'Robert Johnstonv who SPern;
four Or f/A.,,e months at her Koine in
Lochalsh : has !returned to her- hinn in
hOniMer.Hugh Mc.7Tain Wt!fe:eksEl'e.wtirt6hi.'"hiiss.
Parents. mr...and..Urs.,'Sam,MeNain of
ZkiTssrs. Roy Mac ay ancril;ni Grant.
have joined tlie aPiny of CanadimAir
Detroit, where they will...seek onipick-,'
'ment- and big • Pay.' '
The roads have beent'decidely.lbad-
;ince the great Snow Storrir of Satur-
day and Sunday; The .istrong wind
oiled the snow UP in great banks and
at the same tiing swept much of the,
road clear,so in Places there is barec.;r0enci.and in !other places the snow
is ten, feet deep. But this ' is, a great
ceuntrY7list the same.
Some people are always in ti ouble
O-ro-tne. to -Reltast Januar Y 2th,.. and..
see iloOt100e.d*: Coon, who: is "Al:
• - •
ways in Trouble." This ,is 'musical
Comedy, . accompanied by both vocal,
an 1 ins rumen a music.,'
Laehaish; . • ,
PASSED.,;.•-: ••i ,
AWAY ..J11.:13.1tIPP.414...
,ast •weeic:fiinn :RUffalo..where-tie--batt
.-4ceir:fOr.'i`mon-th."'Wifh• his brother.
- who 'passed' away •bee
%Mani had'heen in jailing
.health. for a 'number of Years, and a
'.fe;tv. i,ric,mtns• eVislent'
that he ebuici not. long suryiVe. .•
;The deceased hayine.been Para.
mount boy, was Well known about
Ltiek„now, •was 61. years :of 'age,
And for Over gb years has been.. a ie-
:h-ence a 'Buffalo .1 -le leaves a wi-
low, • two sons and ,two, daughter:
. .
•ciarry, 'Maurice,, Wilma and Lena, the
:oungeSt of,•.the four. being 21 years
if age,' Mrs; Murchisbn was.. formerly
Isabella. •IVIathiesbri' of Iciricar,dine.:,
. The .• late..Mr, •MurchiSon was
druggist by Occupation and for 15.
ears •was examiner- at • the ()Mario
, ,
:ollege of,.pharmacy; Twenty-two••
•eara ago he moved to Buffalo Where '
o organized the Buffalo Pharma-
entlear Drug Company.' Becanse of
ami it that. :time' retired 'from
active buiness'
The rerriainS ,Were intervad in 'For;
est, Ung Cemetery,•Thiffalor•-• the• Rev.
decirge 'McCulleugh .Of 'Jamestown.
Preabyterian:, Church 'oendueVrig the
funeral ,'serYice. •' • " -
I. •.: • •
An Indian who had been'', euttirig-
:.00d;riear LUcknoW •'-pulled • 'off a bit
• .
• ,f. sharp practice before- leaYini for.
his ,bonie. on -a reserve- pear St,;, Thom-
as: • Otifing• into Rathvvell & Turner's
and shoe store . he Produced.'
.2.heque and asked .ftr. Ttirrier if ,be
-could cash..it for, himas the banks
Were Closed. He" said; the amount was
$24;00 and that the cheque had been
made ,,by Mr Jake„Miller The Indian
explained that, he „tad, been cutting.'•
wood for M.11.14:and. that he had giv-
en the -cheque in payment Mr. -Turner
knew -that a couple ofIndian lads had,
..been.,Working fer, .iol• asking -
:the fellaw. to jendorse the Cheque' he
.gave--.,hini the nioneY, This • was ,
Saturday' *and when the 'cheque' Was
presentecl'at The: MolsOns :Bank. on
Monday discovered he • a •
forgery. •
• ,W1101e 'Wheat Bread
liofne 'Made Bread'
Hoilyman's •
, •
. - • ,
Phone ••36, • LUCkelOw.
buys this
A very special bargain on throe ,
, Palmolive Shaving' Creiai;
Palmolive Soap and tic._ new
" Palmolive After Shaving:Vail
curn•,-:- Which .gives that 'elead,r4.N
',Well-groomed,;look; but. doerinl
leave your face looking "paw-
dered.'' All 'three. ithicles--regu.
lar price 70c 77. 'Oil 14: at special
- of, 49c...
"Liicknow '
Tuesday, Jan. fith,,
Miss Mary Durnin has aceepted the
• • position of.then thirriejunoroom
• - •
It „appears that Mr. Indian had in D
unganan Public Sch
ried.:to pass his cheque,.•at Brown's
and Blitzstein's before' going to the
shoestut, but his manner had rous:.
• • •
, .•
• - •
• The heY '.• :Charles •Cairirimine is home
on-ent0 erwen
'ed suspicion. 7:
Turnerlost-'nO time in getting
in touch with the London Police who
said they thought they knew the fel-
low alright. '4:5 there 'likely is 'more,
than $24 worth of trouble- ahead foi-
thinigh'ivir. Turner think ther
is little prospectof ever getting, his
Miller had paid the Indians in. Cash
for, their work. Getting. money 'on. a
_itirahbad cphegoidiihe 'Avefare_as jutpLnSt
,S(.,,1 IOUS operation on his throat.,
YC'e a•re:pidaScd• to rePort that h
e is
mg nicely." •
.. • as a fairly large attendance- . - •
at '1,1-1c. Annual ,Congregational ./neet-
ing '0? the Helens :"Prebkterian
Church'. on Tu eAday afternoon.' The re-
': perts of the 'Various: branches of 'the., '
Were -vOry_encouraging-r-that�f
fir 'Missionary .Association being , par- teula,
rly .so. The Congregation neaillt
reached its allotted amount Of $600-.00 •
for.. B (.._g_t=„onlaceountofrAtie
recent operation 'the iiiVitine
_•...._.:11_.starts With 'l
,a aug
And ends with'. a' roar,
And when it's all .bver.
. You'll want some .more,
Mrs D .i"----tMcIritosh; I f�r.
years a resident Of the Second • Con-
cession; Kb/loss, "died. On .Wedriesday
morning of this week, '•following An
illriass.' of nearly a year; Mrs. MC-
Intoali had Undergone two -'7vfation:S'
at 1.,ondon, Within the pat -six mon-,
ths init_,Without benefil4..The funeral'
will . be on ,Friday afternoon
o the 'Electors of , ,
• Ladiesand dent1eineil.:-7-1 degre
to thank yqu . for the Splendid .vote
'riven me on hfoxId, last: i asstire,
you, ; it is appreciated greatly by. ine,
.. • .
Sincerely :Yours "
' Geo; 11,.'Smith
x -
To ThiElectersexatixckneWi-4
Ladies and'GentIemeni.--.4, wiSh
to express my appreciation df the
splendid support • which you gave me
on election day; and I, assure you that
; it always Will be my nim to-
:contlatiation of Your confidence
Yours Sincerely
TO The Electors of L'ucknew
tadie.s. and •Gentleinen:-I. take
this lifeeii.s01' tlisnkii)g yott for the
spleridfd Vote Yeti gave Me, on electian
da.LYV‘ o‘4ril.citoi'dlieTirv6d7.,,t61.11eLteliotintfildesnheaell yeot
have 'pleee'd in line:, •- -- Yburs Very Truly
• . ,•
To the Electors of Luektie*:-
Ladies -,/t1W'rGentleincti:=--1 wish,
to express niy appreciation of the
Sulendid:vot,whidh, gave fee 64,
Monday, and throughout the Year
Slialcee,t4h4„.„to inerit the
-04initaence YOU &o11,shown 'in
Agais thoklo,yoii, 1 reinscn
••roUrli Faithfully
.Z.,N, tledgint.'
•, •. . • ,
One of7the is in-
,augurating a "get -acquainted" „plan
The best ,rilari We know about
matilMony. •
'Mr:- Cu inning a ,month's rest; At the
cl`c",Se•,-, Of 'the 'meeting • refreshments •
were•SerVeci and ' •
, . a social hour en"
'The flOme' of epod Shoes"
otidortal)1e,...-.Feet helpus to enjoy
theCold Snappy,:p4y4
Ladies' Goloshes are Very coinfortal3k,
riced at 3.50, 4 50 and $5.01.,
Ladies' Spats are still popular, Priced
at 1.75, 2.06,and $2,g5,,
We have a weil-asorted Stock ofMen's
Heavy Rubbers and Leal her Tp Rubbers,,
,popula.rprites. i
. . , . ,.
Men's Overshoes, in, 1, 2 aild-413uckle, at
,'Special Pricei,Ladie-s' Trouse,Sliiipers
„ ,
. --In 'order to clean out the balaneg of our
Ladie'S [House Slipper,q,' we ,have reduCed
.. , , . 1 •It :try
the Price of ,severalltn08 that sOid at 1.25 .
.... ......,..,..._
, to $2.00 to 8e11. at gimp a Pair ' ' attendance
.:. .. ,
. •
• Take Nature's,. ik
e Heal.00 ,,06 4(1A _011N,
ItePt 10014014.411
.)1#4;'.ni.t .hopos