HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-03, Page 7lrigihe Mouth: 54:et:n e . .Sitio'factiOnorMoney Gossip;A Refunded -.. , Anew boarder had,. jlat been '.1e., , HACKETT James , Whitcomb Riley' elways en- .tenclUeed„ its tk group at bottrdere. on the , - : . ;eyed a joke, even if it .were on him - trent porch after diener and iminedi'• Yerlation•-Acker, i. •, , 'OrISIona.-!!,. 011°:74:31.13'llinjaili. Berg pelf. An amusing anecdote of the Poet ,.. . . . , mann. . . • , : which Mr, Marcus Diekey tells le the •ittelt began to chat "1 "I am "a WidoWi'', eincialOrIgIn-Anglo-Saxon. Racial: OrIgln,Germare. . ' . "'Maturity tif •Jamee Wilitconito Riley, ehe'clitalged- in the course et 'the eon, ., Sauree•-i...A [liven name - Seurce7-GeoarephIcally descriPtlYel 1 --- Hoecurred- when .Riley-- once teetered. in , :tatflatten•S'''MY. husband has beetejlead - - - ' ., '' ' • '0•,yettrannd I da not intend to mee-1 Hackett ia. one ef . theee.,ancielte, An - ' . PrebahlY* greater numlier:•of.lantilY ' the town or Pelphir Indiana :,4i., , --eg•p'eesiteee-,;•,,,4,0147.1:ks„,,,,, l'-R.,;r,'•7!',1T-n- t,'"..'7*.V..r'T- '' -',,---',--- newts_ orifelaetA .*eogtapialeeliy in '7,4%.4,10t•Of:. 'hle aPPea.rata _Ca •,we, iftrilre with Mo•atidthe-bey"is steying,;fh- • ..; t ,Ii•l--, ,:.-7"•7•"''..;.*"" , •-d•'•-:-:--4e-;"• . -1„!, - *i.j..i•-=„.-1$.-'7.-..f0•4:2•Z, 1•;.,-T;:,',;r..-t;„•'-ff',*"- g w a . , ,tieenne, having geee, • ..... ,.4(411'11$..grandm•other: thiepuramer be- „ ii . . . , . . - -i- • • - ". . : ,Berger and itEi variations falli:Viltain friend', bric•Ornitle: ih n littla'roenireeli, 1110 iun- 134,, ai,o..scoi , 44 ,-.--, .: . , • , •• t rong,h • .,a,-,---.:Irelnendons.,,,,.„.,d,,egree, , ef, teisaciaseineanee. • . , ' ,arates frets The -,mein office 'n,Y'11-.'1414s , e doc torsakihe, ought to: liVe on *farm., all •stisnge 'since tbs early ; daysst the Students : et the histories c'f, "I' PgrtitIQAthat ran - ttaltwaY to ttIS OS11; iitni-cr„, , .• '," , „ , ..Christitin•era. ' - ,, , . :. " ".' ', belies have ascribed may rep:Sorts tO, in,g., ,. The.. next Morning a Woman call „..„, . .14‘',Orcilte, UP: housekeeping last year • rrOP 01,e very 'clean' ce4.09tien• Which tilla Peculiarity in Germany's? neaten-. :e0, at the office While Riley was still, ' - 'extent betWeen ,so many nenies and the, eleturejbut the, most logical ,explaae-,,sleepien. She 11.44 A biting tongue And 9. 4, make an nay, Own 'clothes and ,Wurda. %tor'? 'weliob'theY tO-94 their, or 'tion of it appears t9 '.13,e in. the' feet that was 'prejudiced againat •All forme, ot en- , 4:,$91ne. to boa for a year or , I I t '7 ' '-. ' ' ' '... igineyotr wenid. fee.1.1„jestified-:ire_aseum-,..,.throegnotit thernost of that Iola,: with, ',tertainntent„ arta the deetot knew, it.. vitidepend.eut."-Ibut.,withawo kiald,Tei:j4---:--fl - -,-- -fig ----144.44-t'L-V-§-sole ille_excention of thase sections-of-the-Here-waff-hig,eltanee,lo,get„evan-witie an-rhY-.-eWn:Ilatar- -=----htse-husband_-_-.1efe-z•-„,-: ., ,witd. :to ,,. be:'01triqui 0 expexiges.1'.)The, W e .hacked something for setae per, Perth. .:Where. • the ..$9a0irw.riart 11,17, 411071.w!,,- oI9PaMelo1WWWRilWhall., re pose et 'othet, ,that possilaiy'he: Wee a 'fluenee predeminated, . there. eicieted PlaYed on him! : . • .• ' '• '''' 1 .' reetin I Caine here was , because • a 1 • ^ . •• • , , • . , • . .., • , . , • • ,.• • . • , • . • • YiDii4:„."0,rhci lived here last summer re great „warrior, with a reputation ler latabintia medieval. and anelent times' ' • After ,prescribing for his patient he . , . .. . . „. einnientled the place to me.. 'We 'have 'disPeasing • rough ';.• treatment to his In the Way :of tribal-, nomenclature or...0441,14e she rase to go : "By the . Weis WO reeme.and.a Ithe .0 -lei •Iteld „of l'eneiniee.,•' Bet`•eothille *coeld,. be . fur-, oreaniaation. There, 1.8 ; DO., ddlilit, tliaa r" did •Yeti•,hear Riley lest•°•'night.?":, who Will,: do your tbet lig :*the Ocnt'weahwoinall* tbtruth :• ': ..... • ,, ,: .• , tribal",eigaiaisatien And the ,Cestorn of '• '.'Yea.'''. she -relied .'. • • ':, .. '' ::.':: . .g' '':'s Waista reeentlY, And not hold you upl-- The: .eottrOo of the name, on on '.fthe con tribe :men:there ' bearing the tribe.'ealeo. .. "Did. you ever Waste,MoneY•e9 re.Olt. for it. , •-• - • . , ''' trarY,, ' appears to , have been 4,' Very in some 'tonna as a, distinguishing :least)* before?" asked the •docter. • ••^' , • What on earth - '• i si " a . 1 'X' never did!" was the reply ' ',Tile inerk gave r.se-,, rec ,Y to %he more. ' ne e . did Peaceful one though Just .which of two . pOseibilities iCle, likely t� remain for modern: sYstem afaUrnarnes. . . I Hoosier Poet comes • uP here to Mir her .fam-ile affairs for for like•that?" . • ,, , . . . • , lipid One, of the boarders, :''when the an time e .queStion for, conjecture.. It . • .. . , ' Sarin:gees did not: become cOmmoritown, sponsored by Billings, . Mark '.110Wecimet hae.deft. the groep. . - 'came- originally either from the Anglo-, in Germany. Pail eeVeral centuries at., i Twain and, Longfellow.' • Perdette seYs ; '•,:"Ilecatise,:sne'e wise," said her hue,. SaXon word for temPle, or that for ter they were established In the eortls.11ne is pure goldL say he is puregab band. "She has evideutly boarded be. fairy .• The more probable explanation ern and Western sections of . Europe' • hie! If 1[hahda'd...n.i:syhr:9;itieeYieb4actitil---a'w' words .fOrnaad she. knows that'llsr best Plan Is that it doge; from . one in Otte Cage '444 When theac4lal necessity for sur -1. , Scarce l y "IS.,lo,:exPlain 'hersilit: to everybody the and from the other in Another. In any. 'Airines did make itself felt there was"- When file! over ' the Partitteri cerne, a • esse say; .Anyweleas.whe. sem:la-IA.4 event, the mini°. Wns' a.lhere. The • no. prior system .of, tribal surnames, I sliver half dollar and landed ' on the •,a boarding hosse..,asd• doesn't seem tWce Poesible Seurces. are ,!'.ealth," 4,a and terY little 'In the. waY,Of 'unbroken i.floor at her' feet.' ' IA ' their Piet as- . . . teMple; andaaelf,": a fairy. inenediately• beemnee- ' an object ..,.et , -When the l'4ornians came to, England their Latinlzed tongues. Were • unable . 'he:don't tiave anething tp de bus., LU. 'to fwiet around the prenuneiettint, Of the 14a,ces in• Which .they hived, 'and to ,ceine ,from - 1 . • ' • ,. '''' ' ••, .• ' •Aellaere, or Nalhere, and, ttltey corrupt geogrephical .features of• thoie, pieces. - 'ea' tt to AuCher, front ,whiCh 'it finally. • Berger simply meanti'a-tneuetaineeti - ,liti., is alio . how toucti.nioiteii. she haa develoved.intO Acker • and Aeltett and or more litereiiY '1).ert Welle" .moun.. "I .did net knot*. you we,re vt,e'alittienhe has no husband .Yall wonder l'askett* .. '• • 1 , . • lain Men. as. does Bergatann,,' .' ' "I Was :not awake" drawled . Riley wearily, but there • are time -there hat she doee, for a living.' Now .you aretenes--Whea Seffering from. yadght: '. i.-. .. .. . . _.. ., know all 'about that: woman, ',She's SIR HENRY. THORNTON'S , 'A Mlin's a -Man, For a' , . . mate --that I7 --that I reach,rny; trouts- :40mAIESSAGE::TCLEMPLOiXE1 . . .1.4ord...Kitcheher, 'who was eseentially -131e6P29 ' 1' ••• ' • ' ''!' . '' - , .• . .: • . . • : - • . . ., . . .. it militate' 'Men, 11 was' itel• readilY inv. riressed, With ••the importance Oti any .Citriliert.'•' :lie: 'had .'hecoine rather for-: getful of •almes;.' :elid' it hes recently been tolt1761, hint thet•dtiri,ng the Great War the accounts he. Would. give. of montentoes conferences .With'.,calitnet officers, • ,parlia.inentare leaders -and oilier :great:folk often 'filled his hear. er,s1 with •mirigled horror and Aninse. raent..They :were likely to ' tontein. 1.such• casual , phresed, ee: "There -was ' a chap . Who said -•-1 don't remember' his name ,but he hid curly "hati.": In An Indiea,tion that theig is Thin and Watery. . The first sign of theumatifini is frer quently ,pain and swelling of one of the joints. 1`. y this' is,- not --treeted through. thebleed., which Inthe'seet of be wflUng te. talk sbout her affttira " ' inheritance of estates 'anlorig, the*ne,••1 tenishment the ,doctor ,'picked up• , , . bility on whiche 'tor base them Hence .itence I and eliateir handed it to her," She left. eery••ead• of You wOinen Men tinned naturally. to the naines. of the ,,Ofilee,'. -wondering . where it had. In • e .few moments Riley',-apifeared: knreend the house day andpone' "Well well *ell," 'said: the, doetor smtling, :Pet, on the newcomers' wonder who tithes Ptta.tha thi.e. heartand is IatLL ,:' arr,* avoci mani, cases:ef rneumatism, le Dr., 'Williams', PhilsOille. These phls,,,earieli., and purify the blood eis that tne poisonous( theunuitic Matter 18 'driven out of the .iysteM. *titre. intended._ lY,1,1,84 Ger- atte-Detine; -WaSliago; was-attack- ed with"Ltiteninatiene, end -4 Ou rell:ef • through Dr„Willianrs'„, Pink, . She saya:-,;-."Abont...a. year •ago I. was -et, tacked ...by rheinisatiern ,a.nd for two weeks *aS cenfined to My bed; The trouble :Wee • 80 peinfee. affecting The Ohne cif' myi'llrnbs so that Could' not •stand alone. „Mintier bed. a box •of Dr• , Wililams' ,Pink, Pills In the house and, thought they might help: me. began taking takieg them, Lind, When I had •taken these pills got a further supply.,1'with. the result that the "rneurnatism yen-, 'ished anti I was a well girl, I may add 'that m mother and two of My sisters have also used the'pills foryerieus ail- nients With equal suCcess,,And. new we are :never v"4thput. them in the hoepe.". ' If you .are 'suffering: :front any can .ditien due: te watery 'blood, or Weak nerves,. begin taking • Dr. We- : lianas' Pink PlAs now,. and -note ..how Yeurstreneth tine health improve. 1 you. can get these pilla through any. dealer' medicine, or by Mail; -at 50 • cents a box from The Di. ,Willianas , Medicine do.,'13rockville, Ont: Sunset and Wild Turkeys. fr ers end. , my? Pockeibeek ',My ' hado't;"--ifighed-lris-Wife.7 • ,NOw we .haven't got a thing to talk Octet until the next new,. boarder Appreciative of 'Year's' Work' and Has., Confidence in Future. • The following signed messake from e Wisdom of the Elephant., .. • CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipated children can find prompt 'The. real test of animal intelligence, relief through thellse of Baby s Own *aCeordieg to kr; Sainuel-Derieux, is, Tablets. ;' The Tablets are mild but • ability to meet.an Unforeseen die, Sir Henry W. Thornton, fe.B.E., Prest- deflt and Chairman. of the Boards ri,f Directors of the • Canaelan Naticnial Ilailways; to officers and empleirdee •of 'the System, Puhlished In tit.% Decera; ber issue of. °the Canadian Nationil, Railwars Magazine. ,.. • ' • To Officers and Employees: , • ' • I wiee•You all a Merry Christmas and. A Happy Year, For thorough laxetive which never fall to. , to grapple With -a silnation .for . . regulate the bOWeis and stointich, thus e _.traliiing nor , 'instinct: 'driving out Constipation and indlgete pared.; 'Here is a, good, ex tion; colds end simple. fevers. .. Con cereine them Mite Gaseard Daigle, •I)e-, 'traveler by the name Of. Tenant Main; guel,•;Writes; Baby s Own Tab - once riding homehaek along e letir haye, been ef. great benefit torny • .6 ---••"*"-n twelve in India, en both sides, of , which little, bay, who was suffering frorn Con- rew a .dense jingle. Suddenly his • ,• , , stipation and indigestion, •. They gnick-. ly relieted hire ,and now ,he is In the beet of health." ,,The.Tablets are ,sold by medicine dealera 'or by mail at 25 cts. a box from . The ,Dr.,,Williams' Medicine) C; Brockville, ,Ont. ' - . , , .:,,...,_ , menthe we have been engaged' in a ,oesie shied violently, and Mr. Tenant' joint 'eriterprise and any • success .We, rieW;noming toward :him- a, huge 03' intee 'Met with hie been largele, nue to, Vhant Unattended and balancing on his the fine Spirit and efficient service ten, timber that he .waAtivi. der.ed by oflicers and employees 44101Y-eattybig• from sawmill to the, I tnank•you.ene and all forethe.Wer illittiYitrde.. ...The 'timber filled the road yOu have • responded • to the demands, it10.010 side,' -.01.41.. ,Tenent, Alpert yeti and the excellent serVice . . . ..• InnseillY pass. ? 'yen •have. given the'. Company. . Es7, nilde ly.the',elephs.ntrseeieg horse' peeially, I wish' .to thank those,' eitir and rider, stoPPeft,,,,,eed, tamed 'side- nieyeee.Who•come in contact with the w1se:Then he .backen a •shorC:dhe travelling public for the courtesy they luto the jungle and, leaving have have, displaied: They hittrce..indeetiii!, fileirorse and .rider to pasa. teeeted eyery paaserger on otir with • sorted out Ws' directions that they way as a guest of the..C°±11pSnyi 4,11,O01A so on. .3Enit a. Orae 8 e terribly te result not 'only have our men afraid of an elephant, and lin Ten- found satisfaction .in their work .nat 1'•''ini'a -IMMO. continued, t� ,rear• and they httee materially, added to th:. • th man himself, interested 'good opinion'of our undertaking exis notxorce,nim..t°.°u•111-111sa••PP'!1"6 -;Ing74We Will face' 'the oncoming. year P1.41113e;' e • - 'n-the-aniens7-ef7tinktublie.: - ',Menet'', and deeper into the 'jungle' 'with'. enthinilasm, 'Courage; and,' a de-., . , . . , e,•elepbant• baeked; ,.-atilt.the hoes° ,terminatiOn IO establish' still 'higher , , . . . . , -pared.And pluegett.Attast, thie.elie. our •stendard.of ,service.__ • _• - '....- • , FOR .'seki,e,,,lefil the; piece, of timber dOWn, With yOur continued co operation iiiani.e'",:inird,',,,,Pllalling.'hard 'against the under -• -end support, .I era confident. the day is t.tiliWl.hii, ditrapPeared.' Then 1,14r. Ten- not ,fer'distant when ,We shall -eistifY. stritrede.f. Peet • : ' ' 1' • .. • . ' • the wiedoin . • . of these .who • Were re- . . „ *,.shore!diStance down , the road- he sponsible : f i . our -National Railway' pea ,:thater.ritep• poetry' . _Ed .ati .s.o.ott .-keiried,16,:tind=leoked-lhatks--the-,=016•;',1-Syeteill7MICinalte-fthet."•••81.3'firein , a.: have 'expected you to tell •me he •was ,-..ndiant. came, out of, the 'jungle, •picked source cit prefit and pride to the people -','...titelne timber withal*. _blahs,. balanced of mit 'Dominion.- .• ', an 'artist that does hand -painted flow; • . Orsi Thataaan"t a Mani" levithitis,,,truialt and, turning It round . (Signed) N.' W. THORNTON; ' • . '' - ___ . ., , . • • IA the,readi Watt:On:his Wa -_,3eith_lciud res • , • Finger Nails . . ' •'A corresponding forg,etfulness of a name famous in ' an •alien line of. achievement was once shorn by a ris- ing county politician, 'still a little new at the game, who accompanied' an old; , er hand .to Amesbury; Massachusetta a good malty. year ago. for a quiet ses- sion with the local leadeis., As they left, the hall together ,after the meet- ing •he observed complacently to his companion, "Well, We've started the ball all right, and I guess ,we'Pan' trust' 'em to keep it going.: They, don't seem much of a crowd but there's One fel- low among • 'em, --I don't recall his name, but he had a long face and eyes like the, late lamented D. Webster, - he's :got good„ -practical ideas; he know a what's whatAnd what'll get us where!" • pir-7bItial"--person-whostemame the ,politielan bed forgotten Was.'the poet lam Greenleaf -idealistie when it cam -dors. He pos. the crimson sen went, down practi and was, ' read wa.s indeed as t- "To make' atnegic city of, a little' see- the identity of the p again tItiat' ful ,politician was preilliotly inewmed, port town. - to 'his:vast astonishment. And still will I, rentember whee all the "Him he elaculated • " 'A 1 . :Unlike the sportsman 'with a• gun,' the man Who "hurts" • with his •eyetr •alone • is never .disappointed: • Mr • „. Archib'ald , • Rutledge,. writing In Field and ' Stream, ;gives this 'pleasing- des-!. . , criptien of a pretty and unuSual sight that he' �nce sw • , •n• a'• .40ut „atream• one October,,,afteritoon when the sun was low., On eitheePside, the laurel and: rhododendron bualiee ae overhung -the 'water 'that ferther,•Pfogress- was diffe cut, and I had almost given up trying and was, stepping from a stone to, thp shore,, when r unnatural.sheen corning •form' Some.object thirty yards downstream:, Cr.ouching on ,the racks I peered through. the latirele. There, lining :either eide': of the -strewn and taking ••••their • sundown drink, Were . Gray Roofs 0' Gibucester. There may 'he lanes' in Devon half hid among the, downs' • And hedges 'rank with• roSes :in little ' Breton- towns; •'. • But never was so brave:a 'sight since all the world begun As the gray roofs o' Gloucester e -glim- mer in the sun!. • • ' • • , The gray • roofs .0' Gloncester ,and all , . the world a -dream, Ancr every sail a of, ?-koidelt-", a-- • . And wharves and. streete a glory' as • en ndignation and disgust. _ Diseases Registered by Your . 'While jam is an excellent ibreakfa, t dish, marmalade' nuich better he, cense of its' lakative properties. • Spanish bull fights last year were responsible fel- injuries to 22;000 springs are old And 'all the :sailsareztattered_and_alt • • . the winds are cold, 041G1.:. 4114 fAL GETTING A TRIFLE STALE • • -From the 1.:Iew York Worlds Possession. I 'say I own a nrOuntain.; Having' bought ft fair and Square,•", Oh ewn, its "Cool. green *raters Tenablieg down through maiden hair And its secret, perilous' pathways • strewn, with leaves • That autumn. and dunlight pattern. • there. •-.' • • • • own the earth with its warm brown Giving birth to a million hying • thingsH' .• • ' And the frieirdly trees where.. the • twilight -brings ' • ' , The little, sleepy, 'wingecl things honie. „ But I do not own' the. arching sky Or the great, ,soft winds that whisPet When shadows purple- my hill at eight:. These and their ,brother things', the' stars,- • God oWns; not I.' MY Love I own. in his whiter, white, 'For he gaVe unto me his heart of. And fiercely twe trail hands, snail • - keen thirty-two wild turkeys! I could -count . His suddetiesf'„desire. - them readily., They drank in r•PaCe 'The swift, unsullied' lips he bends' to, end departed in, peace; for I never showed myself. '•• . ' • • One such,glimpse of wild life tuethat is worth many ..a day of effort. You -can remember ouch. a picture with pleasure long after you have forgotten things, that are far more ,"important." --Tremp--"Hey, mister,- I hev „ • • me are mine, , And Mine the:hands. that never tire. But 'oh,. hid SIngieg Self 'goes free!, ,• I do not oWn my•loverIs tionri, InViolitte within a Cryatal 17 wa : i„3.1../ And .• rill, his. tinctured drettma i can,: , .. , ,. .., ,negtie,., •Iiias . .. -.. but (limb* See, ' • .. •'he. , • The beauty 'I ani malts, B k •• , —.: * dr „Indian had •• • sess .?, . • .••• . ired to be a • All _hidden: Etna :1,-•• , , • ? iioss,,::„ 'neciee at; Brown's Th -rough ,n' •.... : - • Me Wili:d, ray ,afore going'to the , .,.)s..t no,: thite in ,gett. IF, ...-,,.. • !•*,,he Lon'den. Police . . rtoti17.771,s. manner ..ii7aa tons . . id they, thought, they ...kneWth God . pens,. . 7--- '.-- ' • 'rifrhe:Se,..'lltete likelY i orth., "Wtoorth of trouble al' incluired•Vri.- Turner •thi -hinie_thelni,,,''.'-:--;}.., --,!...-PfE-„-g .. .._ er a „,. ,,. :. on' of the ex- garoo and • thefn'" -." should, change . , The Dignity of: the .Beadie. • All the old-faihiened. beadles: in, ehttreheS 'have' not, been. merged 'the.' Modern "chureli• • offider." It Wan oiily. scene • two.. years ago. , Writee Mr.• David Cuthbertson in Revelations of a, • Library Life, that I viAlted one'of the; ' elty churches in Scotland, and when . -.Itaked the -needle at, the istitrAnCe. • , 'whether I Could be :shown to seat he, replied: "Just gang your. Way Inside, aa", tak,•ajobli roun', an' When. you seaseat.., .ou think on Weald • he eomfortable just Step inside!" . • Welhate enother 'tie* of the beadle .iii the, tate of a.minister, who, „wielring„„,,_. to 'phew his epprcibation, toldthitt eclat' that his office,. had a- dignity: its min, as Well as that of the elder*. •."That'se What • I •aye 'think 0'," th� beeille, replied, "when I seethe elders' on the, Sabbath months,' fothy, than". several O' them, but Who. ever heard, :tell o'..,mair than 'arse . beadle? And:. What's. ntair,' I had tether be e. door; :keeper' the! Lord's house than 'dwell In tentele' Bin: Thera's. Dauvit's • And they. aye Comehack to me' COmpare myself wr the elders! "k, , . Kean Mlnard's Liniment I • ritrteAesslY''.bb7YFtl"•erAC",:auttlE7111Mg-e!: " antead5-1;thoe smaiase,sp Ay," ea.)1 out, "Mr. ;, , MM. Kilkellse Miss, Norah' 'and *firs Xilkelly," • rneo- ng Pitch' memher of the family bY A 9 the Zoo.. animals?'' ' the yarn is 'spun, sonae o'., fl them persinunona' on• that • tans," '? • MOtileit!--Cahre.15.ide-Child '"California Fig' ,S3i.kie. •Harmlees, Laxative for • Gesettpated Babyc000r • • , dick,. colic Babies; lofts, feverish, or -and Children lova to,,:take ;',genuins "Califerriia • F g " 1BaxaYrtittiVP' rltuolthateers .Yotirdruggist and aVold dounteefeits! 6--teder4,1ithittluet bowels 'so nicely: IC 'Wedeln the Elton:tech and'starta- the 'liver .and • bowelsacting 'griping.' Contains no. narcotics' or Soothing dregs:, Say 4Celifornta" to. •Insist upon •genelne "California; ,Fig. .• Syrup" which coneeiha. directione, 'Don't expect the teacher to control. infinenee ,over him., . • . , . •yenr•child if yoti have failed at heme, • If you have a coMPlaint to make, go Habits of obedience and respect' for, first to the principal of, the schoel,not 'authority.: must he learned 'first at to the superintendene, a, board mem- home. ,-• - • ' • .' • ber, or the .editor of the •newspaper;, • When. all the tales are ended and all The -y' -roofs ---o' Gloucestei- a_goin. there tre'e? Guess they're only fit t'. , , ' eelf!" „ Generations. . . -. -All serious • diseases arid, accidents' . . . . '--".‘tie•-•*„.arrier died that war might,pass.; MONEY, OFIOERs. Present 4 --.i. - • • are recorded on - Your 'fingerti 44. child -In the, unthinking mass'. ' If you .. havelte dangereue, Meese. a ,„-Itis'arNt-O's '134f6 to •°11(1..a.1:)c)illiiiicia. • ' "'' •, t big ' ' ° • " -.Plain- -straight ridge '-will -6ihow,itseit z.XPreae..!:INIPPOLArdet!!..._-F)Ye• Dollars . be addr , ' • . ... .„,. net. •clteetir' the . , haggard troops' re- acrose-_11-your nails. . Some -Weeks' - ' ii- ' costs, threAcenta. _ _.• • ' ' ' , ,,,, . ''' , . ,.,..;._,A.:196., At:00i With epirit thrilled 41,nd burn- , . ..elepaibefore.1t Is. visible. hecatIS th '' ----''''' lif-*Breee eading within the bayonet's dance. -"gr-or4OtIX:t:hwili,13ictli-tlitt,--illnatilii:le"ti'.:tf'„,611B.ditirit':1-ttellihiet- '''''-ggK'4Thtliiel'1'7'41.11'6alii';‘1:Atei"°14":' *Con ...,..',„;FAagi.-- --r" • - ' : .: '''•••• • :''' ""- - ''' '-:-•::: .--,-. ':..," .: .,41anu lite-AvOrhPelCfaleehood of raman,ceu I I , A -oee snOW.,it taltee Many Months? fue-,. g°601°4°T;YaPail7A17;iewaefirIeftelitiritidfici%)4144.1;, ,-''State. htneWar. perpetuates its Pewer.•• i'',. fere it freirs•fo,the top. These Dierks' 'Who• are 'taking' them .to 'Peking. . ferene' ntl -dreier ',quick seed from ',its opefit- ..._.. . , May", reniain . foe years,. awl:the tnere.. ' . , . Sak. a 'ertAtia Iiissti acute, the illness', the Mote;proinitient , ---Daniel Henderson. ,/ .. • are -the ridges. .1-•.-:.• ,-,--'1.,- "- :•• 1 .' , , ' • - - •,s 13teak-yinir Wrist, to-day:and 'it will' , L ger :.,.,; -. Playing Safe. • , , . , peObably be 1925 hefeee the remittent k' s . teek sttlesnian, After' Paintleg ridges' haed vanished frotn.. your. tutliti. „,,,....E.:et cliWvreettvictute, said: •"Noty, In thed edife, honieVer," Oily , the nails iiitan't getA doller'S Worth of teetered . 0/111YR.R of the, broken area, ere:affected. • The' 4- ie.7.4enett,1, yon lino* thiS centpeny, : other hand remains 'normal. ,, ", * feelein it 'How much are „You going ' Sudden diseasee stop allnail groWth o'hiiY1"..--'' ' ' -,,,, • : . , ' in the same way as they ,ofteneffect '"Yetlitg Man," , he talc1,. "the next • R the: hair, a,nd the fingers then look sae Sleek lhay is goinglo haVe leer legs, ' If the nails 'had ,heen, ,cuf , straight and-I:Will Water it Myself."'. -- n:creste*ith ?elSzere,"''''• '''' ' ' "' .. e ',Nervous 'afflictions •: catise.;--.--deep • 1-- ••• mer a pig with, anyho'w."*. . . . , armer, That s. al --- help . tour- -Gorton Malherbe de Ise Men. •groovee across, „the , nail's. 'They 'Also , 1 assume a patchy' appearance' and Will ' Unless /see til;name,"Beyer" On, he very 'brittle for some, tittle. . . .. , package or on tableta. you are not get- • After the attack the new growth will , , ting the genttlite Bayer peciduct proVed be Very Ohl eed finger-tips• will be ex.' . . safe by tnilhoes and pteSeribed by deedInglY Painful.: . The , thin' , new : ellysiolans :atee• twenty-three yest6 for ,gtomith gives the ilepressien of. a deep '/,:i - Colds. ' ,,l. , Headache ' ' •,.„ . Toothache , . Lumbago • , , -:"--k'' -betting Her •Right, dent OVet the,"mooti"„of the tittle •,ei"e4,•',. ' i , Earache . •'•'Itheiiitititiatit ' :',Tha Magic ,Tinich, - Neuralgia Pain., ro,iii Mother ..--- "Ceine in • thIS minute, ;,1.i , th01.,Jtild! days whatevet Mug , Accept I3-ayer Tablets' of Aspirin"---Arclifel-HoW.!-Oftere-htlee---L4Old--yote: rtaTmAnitalreil terned'into galite , Tonle. ' ' Heel% unbroken paelittee 'con; nbt to play With. . floes 'cough little, '')C,Ot.';'-''but....iii,•-thefii3. days whatever tains proper directiens.„, Handy, 11303;68 hoys?".: , ,,,,.., ., , . . pikdOrd tetteh'es tette,. MtO shything 1 ot lwelee tahlets cost .few contd.' Dttig- • .Atchie.:-"Lwaan't playing with thera: - • t ' , , , 1 gists slse• sell bottles of 24 and 100. i was' getting ,ready t She* 'kin, they - ..•:, '-' -'• • ',..,..- ' - ' . : Aspirin la. the trade nia,rk- tregititeted aren't ,half• as tough as Yon think they- .Old.",•'xitillier, Me on a pfiteplito i in caodzil-lbt. -134yet .Masstsetdte, ti. ttisfr Vie -10" all .te,ntytielf them to, be i. MoheadetiOacidester 'of 'EltiliCylierteld, • i " * ' ,trelvet dusWom-,' Whibi. it itfweii: lisokoi that Aspirin The Werld'el record for a grain train .. itik -1 1, Means Hay 'Manufactiike,. to ail -elk IS, held 'by"' the Cenadianj3ttet c Bali - the eublie e • !net ItnitatiOne, the Tab. way, On 'Which a train e 'Mile, lotldf 1,*0*‘' IhaPPen*'' Al, is- lets of Beek coMpany wt be stamp- conapriaing1 125, cars, 'with • e ' total '44,tdptSd, - ekitsted: .4jy. ;ed wiretheit iti Orel:trade Merk, the Weight of 7,046 'toes, *ss.hsuled'by a . , siaglo,,,engine.„4.:: • -retiesa.4.-Atkiliiisisii - "Bireer...eireals " . , i • ,s- , 1 , . "a London's largeaCpuniping station is ,to be erected "at. the, Metropolitan Water Board's Mtge reservoir at Lit- 'tleton., The building . will ;cover an area of Over 20,00e square feet, and 420 -..2tenet;eit...±_zetial ilwiLL.; be t,conSurnedi a6ry day: ".• ' , Ask for MInard's and take•,fio Other. e ome .•• e School Earnest parents, who would' appr,eci- beth sides, •In nine cases „on,t, of ,ten .ate the problems of the ,School depart. you; will end fa , your embarressnient nient, and Who really, want ,to assist that your ceildeets wrong; and'in, the the Work of education, mey find some tenth caseit hetter. to stiffer a slight of the following sugge$tions helpful: injustice than td deStroy the teacher's 1. Fathers, 'kilo*. yourfmethers., 'The Principal knows -the 'facta 'hest mid knotte.....your daughters, Children who can give the readiest relief- •By ,giv- have been taught always to confide in ing the princlpal the first opportunity. their Parents' Canhe trusted anywhere. to answer •yetir complaint you help to Find some daily home dutlee or, preserve cordial' relations.between the chops for your boy and girl to, do, and honte ane , school. That helps your they will tome. to appreciate in Some 'child, Mid that is the Main thing • • degree the sarcifices , you are, making . DMA expect linthelee. Not ell -child. for them, .1." ran are equally apt; The school: trellis .Doret ,glye children muCh, speedieg rt s, id but doesn't „furnish them po.*"...ancp. 76, More Phosphate' if you want your eoinelexion to clear,,,eyes to brighten, and 'skin to, bedew°. seft• amd,:striooth'.. Thin, edtVe•-exhatieted, peeple- .groW sti•ong, oh Bitro-Phosphate, and : cling:•••. gists guarantee., it. price $1 per plcgo.- • Arra* Chemical, CO., Front St. Beet, Toronto, One' His. inistrelis told him on her next "At Home" day to make the ainOunee: ment shorter. , • ' ,• As it happened,„A.Dic,4,and'. Mrs. Pen- ny, with their grown-up son and a lit- "Vielereupon the 'butler.; electrifie ' tle daughter, w.ereLtlise:. laisterat mist'ress'- by throWing "onen-Aeleinoir ingMlyansylierc:Peeetibioef.t914ainritoklx11116;dance. them being Red ,Indians.*al meet7 end shouting., "Threepence -II -be 'is .• IN - rian 111,0A ETICT.E. A, SUN NADUSTAZIND0 O.,MHENDID Cs SOLD BY DRUGGISTS %mina /OA nuts via GAM GODS., '•••• Tape's eniekei surest. relief for ledigestion;...-fitie°," flatulence, heartbura,, sourne,fte- stomach distress .eaused•hyitCidie few Mblets•,.,give ' a1nios -4P -stomach retiiii,.7134,140_44. ..digept,itne noW Dreggista sell Millions ot •PePe's Dianepsin: • • Money. Lot them earn it; otherwise Don't apply the adult 'standard • to at? elccellent opportunitY to acquire, the the \York of your children, Don't. up. C).,At R.SP • halill-Of -thrift 11 leSt: -,becatiso he - can't do , weese ehesres are -tar enough: ad. -sums as wen as you or our yeur book_ Gargle several times tt day with( Min. Vented to have horneLstedy,, be Sure keeper Can. Try, to tetherriber .hci* ard'sIn water ' it Cuts the fungus and 'that they regularly set add° the Same Many tintei the teacher 'Made Yoh gives' relief,' tinie for it every day. Regularity is a stand In the Other fOr blundering da"a""ull."111.""'"'' good habit to acquire. , over the,same sums when you ,were believe every r reprort Yotit )oy. , child, brings hoine. .Children do not' , Don't criticize every new thing that 'all lie, bitt moat children haVe a strong , the i4hoo1s are attempting. Constder iniegination which tends', te operate In • where yeur bieeineds would be if :yeti their own favor when they ereguilty. , &tilt used the sante niethedit and, the' • 'Den't take the' part of your ' child same ecolipinentthat.wer.e 'Used "when .,againat,„; "the., teacher' before hartng I Yell were,a ',hoYe4 ' . • 0 SUFFERED FR SEVERE Mt On Facet Caused Intense, Itching. Cuticura 'Heels.. •ad1 eudered,gteat annoyance froin trevere pimples ort nay face, which I' attributed to the utse of imor soap...The pitnplee -c.f.. Were hard, rectal:id father large, and festered. They I were scattered all .over, • 1my face and sauaed In. , tense itching _and slightly. Thtlg.Myconditifeaneeal°sted tvfo.montils. "'I read an advertisentent f 'alit Soap and Ointnient chased some. I coula'bee r ' merit,: and •in two • rn sjoSiasIgni:u_e,Cd411.)4e..•LT:':. t-tendane4 rbmthureBea:413":411;t4:71redr:r.:1:11-----iir 4:5e: Ttehaech.sarms 0 ds don't. Coddlins. 4.1:Ct kept tipstlefs a, are are falf '01 hotteli, ••••••• ,