HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-01-03, Page 4• INCORPORATED j$55 Capital and • ieserve 9;900,a0otr •�x��4yee�12�_Brane6-:: • ALSO • 44.'--in.,g1t4-tion offers -defiesitOra. safety for their , ing,s?,.easonable interest !compounded ,every' six months,.:. and 'freedom from red tape ie .case 0. withdrawals, -Depesits,Of $1.00 and uplards invited ,- . $aying Departments at every Branch' 14, eamer BUYING STA!tION 0111i PUBLIC §Cncioi. At: the Nomination meeting on Monday evening tor, G. A'. Newton 1, cliainiran of the School Board made la very clear statement regarding our cash prices paid for Sheol , affairs, sen ng forthq- i ts d satisfaction to all Our - School Was .a. goOd 'business asset' for a town, The ;Continuation Selteo brought to Lueknovic.every Week While it is' onen: 60 or 70 young folk, their parents frequentlY coniing.with them and 'we "should , :therefOre give - the seheol a 'good deal of Itt-tentioii. The Maintenance, Of 'a good school Cost's good deal 'from outaide Sources; fer instance, :twee ' $2,000 front BnIce CinintYi-oyer $1100 feom Hilton; and Seine from the Proitince; in all we kot e us a ttlal and -let us prove outhat we are a arke worth, while Cecil Mullin; Phone 63. onument e and Gran - and com- e utiful 6,- Cheese frent . SPecialty of Family s and invite your in- *i• ons neatly and prompt. ,•Lucknow, Ontario.. PennimeitlY 'Settled. J. Douglas last 7,ear.. $4191.74 froM outside. emir-. 50 years ago; it is pretty well out of -- date 'and a ,ggod many „improvements' are "necessary. it is the intention of the 'Boar& to go• on- with these next summer. The baesemeni Will have te; be eemented and fitted with layatcir- ie.sv the lighting 'systent.Vvill have, 2.0 e'delectric lights put in, and lent'. installed. All and ..eounting e So ser - first ap"- this Wet. spread ": would to be engaged g 39 stadents fee* fu'z' for :the tuition of this • _pays, oVer eleven' -With the imPrOyements suggest sQ, s reput- lessen, meccaer. s12elre. my GUELPH lnsurgnce CANADA ,4-ersd IMO, With- their dasighter Heib )Is visiting with t Hackett 'and wife, of De•• p. No, 10 Ashfield Sr. IV--Gleilys Johnston -75; Roth Jr, IV-Myrtle„.Johnston,,,161;--Joho: Jr. III -Willi -de "Lane 80; Gorden Johnston 70; Louis Hogan 40, Ir. Ih-Thelnia Johnston 75; Rob,. 'Haward• d5; Ist-Ella Hogan -'75; 'Billie 'John- ston 72; Dick °Reed 55.' ,Drennan 60; Frank Drennan 55. Average* Attendance, 22: Best in ,Spelling Rath M. aoAdant: and- Winnie Is visiting' liarry Chemist,: Lavina Milner on; :Ma'rgaret Tiffin, re lass 1V1yrile of ‘Toronto; 4,a,co Mr* nev.14:Xaah with ',his parents Mr, Of Mr, and Mrs. me from nme ARM ishfield y. Class -Olive Kilpatriek 7:8 per Richard Kilpatrick 73; Elmer John-. ston 72;' Margaret 'Finlay .61, Sr. III -Clifford 'Kilpatrick 79,» III -r -Walter Clare,: 83; Harold Blake' 47; Jim 'Curran 46, Jr,• It -'Etta Lane 99; Mary Clare 97; WInnifreil'i3take 96;.Beatriee Cul- bert 92; Tiototh Curran 99; Olive Sr. I-Vetta Kilpatrick, uoh of✓it, was in ;la. NTINEL, tpud as foliowa,; "Little Jack ,Hornier . r �,..zid Ing ing Sat in � A, Lucknow.Oatatdo, a6° Mae1k je, .Proprietor gatinghas Clii}stmas pie, �, Hen stucl�, `' leis '4%,y an ,'� Ito • t��'' µ pooh Ancl pplleil out a; 1' T# uRS1 4,X,� `JANUARY 3rd, 1924;;. And saki, "What a brave; boy art 'J1" - •We're not quite so,proud of our f, church as Jack was,, proud' of. hinjself INSURANCE -but wo Q MEN de know that our system. r� oaks the folks crowd us out . of ,z ►'y'C. �T •:i..�h /11Y f7h.' 1.-s➢"E y[ �"--��`a '.".> •r-,6':'^e'_�:�; ^a�,.w J.:.ate �y. li .tif, „pri11ir%ct •o %friar ap. eve, Id a it, �` iere's :usually";a ;real rea- Pears 'to meet with .favo i ' . son when such 1a 'thing`ke.*ps •up for• i f n 'oronto ' four. and no doubt' in' :other large., indust.: years• straight! Here o,re." sohle' anal centces bf fhe reasons why we will have an. TJs, apveyunenti. insurance_.. has.'.al,. overflow crowd tomorrow night; Ways appeared to us: as &mas :#ool� Reason No I -A Dramatic..Book, '00o,:r?d l The idea o ish and un]uslafiable roposal;`'It•.is . Sermon With Love;, Laughter' .and : II, 3 III, L F, J Lane -lust,another°�c�eme to get something Life• .Jean.. Stratton.,,P.or-ter'e roo nothing--„robbeiy r -of the- mdustri :'l h t kug;"' Tonse,, �m _o is14t- to-get i•it- ous: and thrift fo'r ual1; '�. 1F; 112 n � ,': ti *�: Macl)onald1 11, 1 ITI; .1• Y� the. be efit of 'th e idle, and+;...al ... .�. Tho" Tore ink. the ,'sch favers'says' .,ployment.,,.in men so enip insuramf Q 'f in whiel 't do: the sante; icier :the fu third of . it. ; 7 ing on em paying'for i he is. employ the ;cost. Th as Well ', as th to' it that on froth, the in loafer 'would ' it ---if he goit be, found. out That 'leeks should the em after :.}a wor. .him ? 'and• •w LLTQI OW 7IIGIEI. SC,IIOOL RE•• .PQJP' PQI; NOVBM. I .. AND .DBCEMBER: Stanthng I;, ?5 %a ; II, 60. to 74 % III, 60 to, 65�jo.; C,,. 60,,.to 59%; h' allure, • Form: III -Examined in, the 1` 711ow. i;d subjects: Fi*; Gram. Let A Are, FHist., 13r• His•t,,. Physics,' i�iterature, Geon . • E Anderson, 111, 4 C, 2 F Rlt n,1•{Q....b_3 T�c � TAT ! }!;3..,_,�e "• -y,_, &ei1, 1 I, 1 TT; 1111; 1 Chestnut, 1'r, 111, 1IH F,; J, Dpinan: .3'1 7II; til; Douglas. 1 III, 2 C., F J, Gol- an 1 1; 1 If; 1 III; C,�'1•Iamilton 2 C,, F; W..IIogan: 1 II, 1 IIIc 1,C, 2 F; J. Johnston : 2I, 1 II,.1III; patrr_k: 1 11, 1 III, 2 C,,2 F, The. idea An•-ueem, the Beek' Sermon' tortiorrOW. •' :Sift411-"e"-Inlen who einnes ‘fl.°411. the *ek M!:'Culi'do3chF: c:eC1,1z3ie1:; 41;k7.,' 1\.13»al:: trld, thai, the industiies an old man, bet I'd come if I had to Reason No. II -our. Great Choir of I l'' i 1, In, I. In, 1 Pti.ormineenItnd(uisiitrysuraineee;h‘ainchd jun71,4, btheaautailifutis tehaeoBraoollfa-d_Baiwrrli:t.D, r,sodrde! H4-ei.T,T.I.111:41 ,IVIL, O rtitiol'one:: 4 I, 1 Ii; Mary "Anderson: 4 I, 1 II, i surance, The . congenital, Sympheni SerMon me orbe.'s ni Elizabeth Alton: I. -III; 'Olive -Alton: ,aiun,dlleet,wottic.17,. pre,:,,senuy . ReaSo4 Ne. IV2--The Silent; &Ilium III, I C; Elliott Berns: 1 I, 2 IT, 3 lit, • ed this beautiful new feature. at' 'St. mond Gardner: 1 II, 1 III ; Margaret hY should the preyince. ,seme great painting ..this Sundaye , Great; -1. II; 2 III, 3 t; Lena Hackett, which means_s„,the-,4axPayers• the: province, be eaked to adininister' the fund, at Mr sniall coat !you may be snre, and to provide One-thirci of the mid from :which the city unemPloy:: ed labor-unien, idea,' that the 'eniploYer alWaYS has Menei7 .ie' spane, if- he -is not too Inein.to hand it out, an& that really ceines from newhete. It *Mild he' intereating to Itaire The' Slat' or some other advocate of the inienaploY- .Inent Insurance scheme explain wh'3' the fariner, who needs hired and '.'"and women in idleness the' city. It surely wonldn't be uniensoimfile the farmer sheUld -think it a .sinafar ,deal if the idle. mica in the. eity. game and'helped hint. (the 'fitrnir) at -That. is only part of the -cobjeetiOn to ;unemployanMit' insurance. The idle. Wage-earners- are. net' the Onli ploy eq. What 'about: the; Owner ef small shee-Shop 'who stamis• ills be- cause there are -no cuatomere • and ne- What about the 'Merchant who is :idie many lqurs' because there. are, no; cus- oWner *rho though hia-Machines•may than merely, uneinPlOyed; He . works Ar loaing Money in -fad.? He ii Viorie lbee Wt eotsrki:ogt:isntelifokrinilgon,ionvnerttitofit70 apt:: irid 'gets-Inothing for his Work, and _failure and low prices ? Would the city man contribute to that?: Already the cities. can so outbid the farmer in • the' labor market that, it may be said,•the fanner cannot hire either male or letriale help at • all. The een,Oition is not absolute, but lf -Ply mike Matters worse„ It would -intaii-nthat'ivage-eat•ners in the cities or not; aro the farmers (the pro- vince) is asked- to help .on the scheme If 1/kage-eernere want insurance against tmemPloyment let; then tahlish, a Scheele of their, own, and which they may be paid when , out bf work, Employer§ and fanners should, have, nothieg to de "with it. ',IS THIS' A CflIURCH abOut,,,,,,,seitentienalism: in 'the troit :„,thurches which keep ;their; ser- ' vices, oti a high, plane, hut there is at ,letist one Which aPpeare te have gone. the limit" in the way, of aubstitntinY entertainment ler religious 'inatrtic- tion and exercise, It. is net chnrch of a freak religion, either, but One of the' Well 'established , denominations, , The p1iiess agent 'al this church e,v. :ideritlY • gas, :instruction ter get the croWd anyway; and ,he gaols abouti.:- getting it in' a way that :Would do urday »edition' of one, of 'the Detroit' ne*spapars. *re find' the stakertitte, 0Couploo taro, 742. or ihe.favors,of the year patronsmost hearty' than s; and for the year that is com- ing Nve.wiEh all Happiness and Prosperity. ..E..• po.g_ruous. The -,§tore Where 'Your Money oe the Farthest; The '-lights in the ' great ehurch are Willte Hogan: 5 F• Annie Ketchebaw • painting-7the story :of -its conception'. 2C;- Isabelle MacDonald: '3 gIti, toldT7then hid -den music -the prayer the lighted crosa--and you -never for, :get the, picture ' The whole city 'of. Detroit will be talking, about our "Si- lent Oftener's"' in a Week ,or scr: Reason No, ,V -*--The'. Old -Fashioned Mace:limn In Music Of YesterdaY, Hidden in the wingt=far beatitiful, like -some forgotten mem- orly-Will be the playing cid the' old •Melodium Sunday night, Iteaaen VI -411e• Crowd Itself ,Is Worth Seeing And -Being A *Part Last Sunday ,eveeing at, six o'cleCk there Were, g50 automobiles, lined'im on fiye squares. ',That wits an hotir and half :be:fere' time'. for chtirch to begin. By ,seven b'cl'oek; We were full. Hereafter the, service will ;begin -las soon as the dhurch is filted•t-even":if that is an hoUr before the e§uattime. People are having "Church ,IPartiee7 at St. Mirk's, They Come in groups and we are :glad to' reserve, seat§ fer 'groups of over tee.7 ' The church which advertises in that from, the- churches first; established' • when men took ' their "re] igimi the Quakers Who sat 'quietly entil e have in- thia Detroit Chureh (if church it inay be called) the other city ',as,- Detroit. Communities gave a tendency to produce the sort of gel, - suited to itself, ,ehurch as this one in Detroit many' would be disgusted arrd,', degraded. Bet' net So with,".67'irOedi. Those Who respond' tO' such an adVertise-' inent aa that above, in , all likelihood would net geLto.a. better :ehur.',.2b, The, better than what they would »get on the, street Or ie 'gambling den. If there wea no demand far, ,and shall we say no need of, such' ri church WOuld.'_ not exist; IMPROVED SERViCE • I3ETWEEN 'TORONTO AND; WININIPEG AndreW.Tbonipson: 2,1; 2 II, 1.11I; Hist., French, Latin; Algegra, Botany, hone 6 Johnston; 6 I, .2,11; Marion IVIcDoug- • 211, lin.; Drennan McIn- 'Kenneth 'f honipson:'A all, fif, • 111. J. Armstrong hener-and-ebev comyrOtion may be •• all right. but it reynt be well to re -•4 tain little of „the honor s in ntario The, Canadian National ,RailWays an:I-mu/teed flint' effective : Saturday, nipeg 'and, Westerri Canada train !will hereafter run, by, this, roUte Allendale, :Barrie, ()riffle and ago,- instead of Yla Beavertoft, leaving Toronto, 10.45 p. m. arriving Sudbury "at' 8,55 a, Ire, and Winnipeg 41.10.0, m. following Sleeping Car Torento and Winnipeg, Standard Sleeping „Car' taronto 'and' Library Car',Toronto and Winnipeg, Standard »Sleeping :Car Toronta, and Sudbury, Dining» Car ., Berving all meals, r For tickets, reiervation,S and pill `Information' apply. any dzinagirin, • • • NyTITIrthe coming of the frost Mid, vV the ""Meon of the 'Falling 'Leaf" comes also, the' hunting 'Sea- . ton for caribou, Moose' and deer., For the past ton months,'-thouSands of •spertstnen have been longing -ler tile return of the seasee: And to, '• 'are echoing whir -the credit of the !tenter's rifle end, ted; blood a Canada and the p.niteci Statea' la pit- Iting Itself against the, monarchs -of the Laurentiantl,„_the_:Gatineau leY, Meng the Waltham branch line of thelitittediati );...42_ good irag -from -Northern britati 2, The' head of ihe bull *bleb; .oneiwertd the guide's; colt 3. Paget (for the.TrOut Lake Country) Lake 'Penage, Massey,- Blind River 'North )3ay,,8turgeon Fails, and Ca$ tier are Well fevered.. Meese arc plentiful in Ontarie the_ceaptry, talent:1 liVinalfilrifeariffr bin ad* Pacific froin Sudbury to .the Manl, pan -able, Frent, Jack Fish, Schreiber and; in 'Qbeliec, in the St. Maurice, Caribou, in 'Onehec,;,, mayLnow.-be found-only-lirthe,remote northern sections, arid, in 'Ontario, en the islanda' of -Lake 'aiiperior and: round 'From all these, diStriot§ conie §tories of wonderful luek. Which will thtill the! Pulses of eVerY, hunter, Take the good fortune tif Dr. C. Re. McCreary,' of Montteal, arid Mt, the Ste,- Jovite district ef the Moinetld.010:floot ftrooliGfire 4yRiovaskt'illftiine, sometimes referred td as Lad la Croix, they ,met seyeral COW mdose and an immensebtill. Bu iniaX came when another splendid ball obligingly' took up a position Within' 50 Yard§ of their tent. The first , shot • from the,' doctor'S trusty rifle -brought-him down and 0'1<eeff finished him ,„eff. • Kip Camp, 30 trifles up Lake Thyde»41, at the mouth of, Kipawaltiver, of New York, got his Moose within an hour arid a half of leaVing camp atid.viii"' back within two hpurtati big,•in base , calmly watched tile 0134rgt,, don for five ininutem ft 091 doge by; After that, you,9411 gal 144 band Off 1 I