The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-12-20, Page 7BY ESTELLEM HART' ' "Come right this a "My land!". she exclaimed; es' She •• .glorious „begins ..t6amell I laekedat 'Eleanor'slittlekitchantahlo, 'a -''''''.','LlW'ira,','`.7.0-1404;--''AVi';*;al.-aaaa.a Day ' bait -led 'cheerily about,, Settling' an4 'With Several empty beicea;-PiefitY • her gyegt 14 the •nioet Colafettable of neatly ironed. wrapping paper and: chair' and assisting lier to lay aaids.• a roll of aerie* red ribbon at one • her, wraps,* • •• ' • : • • Pide,Thera with some disappieVal,, - Lois Robinson looked at her, half ',ilk Mast have coSt ; you a lot of „ weridermeat and 1it1f in bitterness. money!" • "Don't sewhafj difference it makes. "Now; tell 'Pia abe..i.O. that," to You and' rho whetikr it -smells like -Eleanor, reeponded,tlieerfully_,-"I=,euPaa - Christmas or not -smells like a snow- paseal couldn't do it if 1 didn't do's storrn corn -1•113,`; r -ghe-cird-SaY-,"Talin,tonsiderable:pranning-271;"figare Itthithat--aataa" • replied tersely.. ;• way: If I .pew, or ,knit- or crochet, or .."Well,'Maybe, •the snowy smell whatever It is, six hours a day, I -earl' I mean," Eleaner:, replied :good-nib:1r- 'Manage to getaenqugh to'.1ive dna-it edly.' 9'm " glad ' you, can tell that don't take mach, -you know. Well, 'that snowy too; some folks .: don't gates me plenty of time.for housework • seem to. • They .say it feels like snoW, nn making my own Clothes and doingL, 7., And it looks like Snow, but I can smell 'errands and making calls, and going' at and hear it, .too -that kind of mufti- to prayer meetingand monthly so - ed stillness,you know--aand it makes ciables, and working in the garden in me realize that it's most time to get simmer. and then I begin the first of ready for Christines."--- ' "Eleanor •• pay," said • Lois, with norriethilig very, like scorn in. her Voice, "you're as lone and lorn .asj am; and , you don't Mean to 'tell me that you pretend to keep Chrietniae, all by yourself!" These two elderlyweinea had been separated far:nearly twenty • years until withiriathe past, .few .menthe. :,Brought up as neighbors and 'school- girl friends, Ahey.had lived on adjoin - Ing farms until, after , the death of her father and Mother, Lois had left the old home, town and gone West to keep house for a widowed brother. Within the last year the brother also had died, and now she had come back • to the old house, a solitary and lonely woman, to Pass the rest of her ' days. • :Eleanor, too, led it• lonely 'life. Father. mother, Sister and brother l had ongaago-been-takerafrorne and she had been left quite alone to make the best of life that she 'could, with 'what was kft her -the old house to live in, her bands to Work with and a cheerful heart; these Were her sole . • , • Lois. Robinson ',had as 'much, and more, in the Way of earthly possessions, • but the cheerful heart, the best pos- sesion of all, had long ago deserted' , , her. So she had spoken with 'wOnder- anaont and setnething not unlike envy In reply to Eleanor's cheery reminder ef Chriltrhas. .' • "I ,don't' Pretend," Eleanor Day re- ' plied, echoing , her •weitl. "j, keep • it It'sChaistmaa. Just the 'same, and Pit • tell you, LOIS, thougha I never ',said so to another soul, I keepit for all the 'rest; and , that makes it the happiest kind of a time. I never.feel so close • to them as when 1 Einia planning, Christmas presents :for. Father and :Mother- and Hetty and John." a.; "Eleanor bay, what do' you mean?" 1! Lola 1:1eoked at, her almost in fright. Was 'Eleanor losing her 'senses?, She ".certainly was "a very composed and comfortable kelcirig . lunatic, if she was as she , sat rearing gently in her ' chair and-elicking her .bright knitting: A - She stepped and looked at Lois ler a -moment with -a. little 'kindling in her eyes. •, " "Why, I Mean this," .she, said; "the' things I would 'give to Mother I give to somebody else ,that • is • old and that hasn't any daughter to • do for her. There's old Miss Partridge Still living You know, and Aunt 1Vlary. Woodruff-- , .she ain't -any annt, blialVfother.taught_ - to`. call her so. '.Tlien there Iiil ways some. old gehtkinan, make inc think `. of Fathei,.. there are invalids for Iletty and kind of queer, nice Odd '.:folks for -John./.1..nd. then there are -always .children.” who 'are the Children for, I'd like to know?" LOia inquired. ' Eleanor flushed' a little arid sat'baek * her chair and resumed, 'her' knitting her rocking.. • : " - "'"" "„ - "ph, suppose aaa.Loie,"', she said. "1 didn't -ineanato. mention ab -out them particularly; but , •I always get serf, of loneSome, 'about • Christmas thne for the children •I might have had, maybe, if some things • had been different; 'arid. it kind :` of .warms. me alp inside to plan things' for I -some children sorneWhere,If they ain't the ones I',Wish:theY were." • ' Lois's own 'face softened a little, but -"'allre-`6-7111, -laid, "Well, yoTtOTheat the • DUtch!"a • "I'll ,tell you; said Eleanor, "you just step in next week, A day or . • two before ,Christmas, and VII show you the things :I'a6 got, We little I • ;.•• them to youahut_Lkindaof4-think 'yea - might kike the feling,pf.,ii, top, if you , tried it'orice. 'Why; it: Seerns to me 'twould' Make ,nie 'ick abed, I'd he so tc, 'keep ..ChriStraaa at • "Eve.ryhiidy ain't ,like you, Eleanor ''..'Day,"'..tois replied, '"You was always . , a rtmater nand- at ,playing, when we was Children it ieeincd it 'twaq. really se •and not PlaYine ,at all, and. believe ,aeti"te et: it 80111" "Well, you know it SAYS in the Bible there'll be 'boys and:girls playing in the streeta thereof', and 'ionttimea I . wonder if it, just .Meith kis that. ,havegot through, being children here,' learning, how over again. ; I don't be-. lleve but that ,God likes Us to play as th,rotalk drifted to other, thingii, as "agodier neighbor came and yvhdh 'Lola %refit away, Eleanor said to her: "bo be Sure and aterin nod Tues- day or Wednesday' I'll be glad to ii4tve You help me AO *heat:hi nap lila" i• kaal 'tala came; ioa MUST BE A LITT4E, AHEAD OF -TIME.". • achelor Bear'Christmas BY ENOB: B. C.O*STOcK. . ,,. , Be. netaef •- :*. Ctratabahh,4" a_----45± ,. IF 'ti'.:'''' 'r. raa.aatt,•`Va;-iiiie " ifailhrlaraW16)*.WiltOt.'' •.:7-77' '7-7e"r: '-'7','tlf4''t'"When ' ' ' h top ';3'hall be to 411 the neople - :for littite-'' mid, Bachelor pear lived. 4tI.1 by 1111 -4 --rt -44a3its:. iout on „. atl.,8°' , born ' ' 1 , ' " hf. ' (lav - in.tb ' it pat .jwc11,....iorM11..part,..04...the.,:forest,-..,I heard.,Subhata.,,clatter;',"--wbeit“-th,ere.7.F08iiavidunfl:,.,raPviotugi,:,.0,13. ceh.e04 The ..of,her.,.anirrialer saw 'littler ,of ;h11'.11' WAS'a great troaken4WePlash Tom a, the Lead..,, 1 Tuke 2: •10; IL. , . .....• . . *hen, they did see him, many. of thein 'SneW antl'oont and ashes and out wen. of One Christmas eTecePntnith7ceenvtiTrYin,..atilitirrlastee7val: and because' lie had so little t�. say „sizslinic,.. 'the spattering of Melted, . el aa...a. 'thought that he =lat. be a queer and the fire: t •• • being :held I in the -little church ear 7unpleasant old codger. Bnethe'truth "' So/ne Of the littler-eues-'4!ere s° the 'castle Of 'Fontainee in old Bur- larl,Phe had .a very. kiail. 'heartaonly he frighte,....nede)ti. mthee,Itt,atelte9,eyotii,swerbega.h7lia4t:tkahea_duyc France.colr.s_litaaTien....st.ner:: 'heiztiteceampe: '. '-'-- liaakilin6gt;f:kr-rli;iifd-C7,-,jil--'•,-illt -62'.1.611*-ail ra,°:;---,.'sope-akiiiliti°ugt:Jte.41;:bde'n",:eillftifit:v.e-FY.-erese-4-04b-e--1:-Oieaw.ritk`theirr' little, ion; it:70-414 with go/den: ' ,.. ,• - 'OeqUaintence with 'gr. and ; MTS..' Ba- her baby on ,her lap, ' t coon' d'krieW.Somethlag about their. back se suddenly that thehcrile*airliteiPrsPeellf::. bkj'e'eekt•Leailtd1:ebiriiltiroes'teri4.enllitilwanisa: nliteofi*ih.r8:. the :sweretf,61)faaximImykeii,Q1ttil,3r:PenOoha.fgt'efffecat.okhninitles,ihavw'r.;ejapt:hre.;aidat.hntnt:e.tatttin.li:41,11:::::h011be';indhlar.iaiat..:'attrt?:‘;, , , i , vtf la so' hY:" I, V 1°0esus: org. playing h''.: i. intRsd, ,aes ,68hehOieleee :e rolledRaccoon had i vapi eda: ..i' • 0 i :.nr, i.1:ci Pet r'Si ti.aae.t, cal. mgP . r:11.!i.;;R: • faci:_ ' a i I 1 1 t Co. gazed idiael fiz. itehedeliee:, ."' 6e: . _04 , s. A. . ,neaaAi awacrt hhe°hdeuethei'''wtegdgh.:. pitd:fheee , infant .the. afueel: elt!he Jesus:iri upon ' aftnha. , i:1h6::'.-41 : dream.i hui As eni 1 it aarag 10411 , :. it yaw ahriatmas eve. • ,±,a,;:areand coon does 'not like -Practical jokes, i ' . • • , D TIDINGS CHRISTMAS , was eeaered deep. with inow and old Ile ainshed, ouht • of ethee _se_oclrdi '.33caemtnea'ridntoof cisi "'II:art a 'indeegP"IYO'v. eth, feel Mi Bear had thought of • a mo t dea, -ingand threatenin al sorts o hings • lord, so small yet 130 rCell'ileetd; etdh,atE,unroepveer w absu,rdneebdio sarvaux• it is the ra*est WjaonrIlic,arYdaaynedXtPrtiat, forthethhaelIne'axnt Christ's-' and can't get Susie any play- Suddenly Lois Robinsea's eyes' sack and tf.uttindPIAfiniiedHeithwaditshecauiries!'soartIlargeof tarnodublteherfeormwighetrijhlav,es rnfasealrgioulls .114:heef° mils. It averages about five cents 'a things worth speaking of; , and one to gleamed, . and she' sat straight up in half 'hour, 'you, know; on knitting or Mollie Steven's , -who is larne you know her chair' her cheeks turning an old 137; fiereelY, "let ma d° scune it• felt pretty sure they would be wishing "Eleanor; s ,pa , half tremulous- ., • p 1 ayi thingsS Santa Chel a uksn es4' Se, at about eight o'clock,' would, ,make, th when he . ney. ust as fast he could shovel e. he'," Beahz' on r°.th°f c'fhilds , is no "wonder that the gospels efroertaunngeryteiythan ever. .in another Moment" dvaernict:ofri4,d`gr:eirahtexiogeYa.': are the sriepher-d.a; he' happy, event that lighted up a reaater hands at feeding- Pd t° dressed up presents at". ourahouse;. but we was we- were: ne"r great hands .t° give that soniething might happen to'inalco' their Christmap a cheerful one; he caught 'sight f th f 'sudden, the h 1 " he noticed the Santa Claus clothes and •watehing o e sack and then, all they hear the angel chorus. There 'are '- their 'flocks by night and , some •Santa Claus 0 a ew oe truth dawned . • . • itt e Racoons happy and he meant•to• I °use s ove ing snow own. e c m- al • . cture t e' conan of Christ as an rose pink'. • ..,••• ' h plain sewing, and that's thirty a week, and .has to stay indoors. a. lot; and. one .and that's about fifteen dollars a year.' to, little. Louisa Clark -I don't know You wouldn't -think %would be „ so' as there Seems to be any particular much, would yea? ' ' ", reason for giving it, to Pulse., only "Well, that buys all the materials, she's Bach:a motherly little thing!' and I make 'ern up evenings, if they're! ' Lois Robinson half shut her eyes in of the making-uP, kind, and • Some !of „reverie. What did she dimly remember them I buy right out. .I, always 'buy about Jack Clark's Attentions to Elea - a rubber water bottle for some old .nor winter forty years ago. or lo? lady-Mether did enjoY hers so inuchd And this was •Jack's little daughter - This one is for Aunt agary Woodraff.I no, 'granddiughter-L-well, Well, to be Her son's wife is kind of close, to tell ::sure! • . the • truth, and doff% waste any coal, and ,Aunt Mary is having rheumatism quite a bit this fall, ,"The bedaocks are for Miss Part - do something f,or my inether," and her Voice broke suddenly, :"Pleaae,'":and she grew 'eager,•as she caught the look Of Surprise and hesitatiefaon Eleanor's face. "I'd- like te have a part in Christ- mas myself. You; and Henry stop at Bat Eleanor had put the dolls snug- My house, on your way. 'down,, and I'll ly •back in their respective boxes, and • have thein ctip .cakes all ready. And was laying out ha1f. a dozen pairs a I got apre thiaatalLinatinieatoaPuta-uP nnttens' of assorted' sizes, , for . soine pickles and grape jelly -the inethers ildgepink is a foolish color, maybea children who lived 'dawn at the cola of the poor Children Wouldlike that. Arab don't ShoW the soil half So quick, 'hers where the Mill: had been built:* Then when you and Henry coine beela but land!: can't. you •reinemlier when 0,3,14 there were toPa. and ..jurriPing: you just stop at :rny-hOuse for Chriat- little-;-girls,rlipextess jf_tcks.,-imd two 91.• three gayly' Colored ries, cliliner. you Wouldn't have F'artridge used to leek Walking. hp' PieWe-rb- e7-.--,---. . aaaa.,u.t.3,Woodruff and the church aisle With a :sprigged pink , They need, the Mittens,'" eaid Elea. bring her nlong; Woula l'-' zinialin and Pink roses In her bonnet? nor, "bat bless you! Christmas would , "WhYr". Lis Robinson, I. guess We It seeitie to me she'd like to feel that not he, Christmas 'Unless there Were ' would!" and '2Eleaner's. face. Was. '417. •the'. pinkness: hYdri't all .gone out of Sofa!: prca.entS ' that you could 'get ready aglow With the.,:pleasinte Of' see- • • : .'• ; . along r „ : t" : and she Sat back ' and ' ing Lois se: anifaated. • and . happy, ' "Old ..Deacon Andre -s 'Usedtea he, viewed the treasureS.haPpily. ; ,' • 'though.she Was stifling a,:;regret in her such a scholar; you know, 'and he wae'; a ".'TWas kind of elope skimping after heart that She couldn't make; those cup 'One of Father's best friends.' Ile don't laiyirig ' them books," She said, ."hut cakes :herself.; ' a , • . ' - • . • .: ' : havenothing to read but theaqlep there Was. just enough left for:a roll ' 9 a t 'will, save me a let of trouble'," RiVer ,Herald,' and that don't tell no- of red 'ribbon: :to fie thein all up with. she .said, "and, I was worrying beCanse thing except when Witmer has ,pitint, The wrapping paper that comes on .I .didn't see; how I could ever finish a ed his • chicken coop, •and ,1 don't sup- bundlesI always save and iron • out, pair of graY.reitterie that I had, begun pose that, gives' the: deacon, much food and it 'answers beautifully; , if itc isn't •for old Thiele 'George '.Itipley, , who - for 4hoaght,. . ' ., .' ., a' - soiled to start with." ' ' brings; Me my'wood. I Was jtiat'ihini:. .•. , ,.. , • • ., "These cost fOur.dollars and a half,. 1 , "Well;, i, never!" Said toia.. ing I'd have to wait tillNew tear's!" the , two �f 'em," and she ,reverently , , "Did" Yeu!" responded Eleanor. . . • * .: * •-,.. ‘ . - * - •• .! • " :lifted .figin their boxtWo., fine new "And ain't it beautiful?. NoW, there's .. Yes, it was a • happy '' Christrnes; , . yelnines Of a 'recent history of Egypt. nothipg left but the baking.' .1 always ‘‘.‘1iiet the sainee", as Eleanor had said,. "It seethed a lot . to, pay, but 1 talked make a lot of cupcakes for Christmas' even' if . they were ' solitary -: elderly itover with the -Munster and ho said and Put frosting on' top and little red I People. As she sat ;•alone brf'-')r. he: ‘ they Was Tear choke, aeaics, and .,oiat and yellow. candy:, mitea-Mother. al', ' cheerY, fire in her corrifertableahala on the deacon. would read them ...hack. Ways did. that and then:I make a. big '. Christmas 'niglit, She said to herself: :Wank and ferWards for a Year, and T, one for Henry and rne: i Make- hirn,"It Seeins as ff -each, ehe Was .a. little decided %Wee worth While:. ,Maybe it's come:in, to , dinner When he hriageane better • than, the last. ', How ,;p:retty Lois the 'hist year he'll, have, • and if ever home froan .Calariferaiag rounds, Or. looked. when she got het. up, 'getting there was A saint that Walkedthis, else.,/ tell'him 1' won't' go, and think the dinner, and how kind of limbered • earth; Deacon. Andrews was him, caboedle V' and she laaghed the cheer •ing pictures, ain't they'? ..'BUt the raja_ .iest ,kirici• of a "laugh., " ' • .' i ,Christmas, 'yet!" ' ' ' ' ' • . • ,*.. 4loo!. • Yes,this certainly was best the and how that would disappoint the whole up in his sp. irita.,Henry seemed tx.: get", we knew it. Dreadful heathen le . . istec said they was just'right'''. ', ' , , and Anna, who . are -in - clothes and, taking his 'sack of geed' ,..w°nithhimrari .13$,:a.;I:lean"dtliiinh heyedwuj.Pspeein..s.'cr't,it:oie*:"orfa,P,mtuarr'esy: .,aa.s'sishthee, tYhi'''bneilimol:f „I.:: \cionnfl;:.'' - the 'woods: to. the little hut Where the . 'things and toys, he traniPed through And thereis theakagnificat-.. roof and very.WarinlY" shoOk PaWs MeSSiab. ' }. aOcelc7QBnei'elhieYleodi: 'E..- ear had his heart set r* • : ... . leach other for a minate or .two. Then xia•g,.. not:be safe to atternpt- to go down fbat ntrieY !et of 'the 'Chimney that he , knew' it would , .. : seppeartrkfisine,,palase,oe.,antidIithseinieowecroethsioorng.agnuyt. Santado n°Wricl I' I I it hol:ria.°4augs .,; hdt9e:etthh: "Hc.t°11ei'c':111Wrie. 4esYri'qdu'jle•ies7t. di rias!! :Ca7:i;i1 lie. al ri ag' alliiiit:etd1;tea a -E 'Se ,eaT ; e. candlesaa:a.'°I'llaiaa' littlehe, -t 1: Come,":al)14tliangels4sailiti;Si :* Wny sing," ':' te's' i'r.s' a dW'I':HaigS;it*WlAiatl:ih9:';'gIAI aei appointed• .wheic' he discovered that..•hte, weit.ie femay.,, they had :a..great 'fire blazing in with • t!ii,eti, wile tiiiivreyt.te. haelcnitild„.dthe.p::15.,irfieliale'y'Poili.t9habue:tn:roir.LQIiiiYtt• deep prayer, In the' aiiky,l, , There. 's, a m 0 t. ii, e r to arashiali Holland, begins his song, T 4ti ieepr :I. 1 n. 0,p, oa,44rb ismi I )y,Q, eb at irtgnri:eea. in. 0. . a: Hilr9ey r no in: 2: , thatchri.s. There's ttei na 'the World! the Lord la' 11,,bCavil:saPleerww:erriytell: Hymn Wiateri-have echcied the 0, 1,e ,, getrtds otm.hiAr.::: e: un:r: ewci,ie ,hat in0t 1,dnb.:.a ys!alc hadtri :an will irirt broughth .i he og ,h .. 0.1u r,int ., .,,n 4- ey s.... , 7 0.37, to v.e.s, • ' ' : : , " ' 1 ' ! 115nun;-is , theorier=11;-PhiltipS-Brobk U.Thit'' Mr, 'Bear was ..not .o4.6,1 fn ' glr s '4When ' Mit. on ..the • houaetop there: It 'rime: ' 14 , p ,a...plan,':afte• it was ,ence made,- s°. '' ' ' 'arese such a hittcer, , 1,,,ihee'esiedt,eabeauketittl,i peinskinble.ii, .sprang 'to the windoW ,to. see what ' was the matto;,. 74 . , ,:. -,...., "0 little own Of Bethlehem, : How • still 'We see thee 'lie!' ''' . ptike.wreay.w..etelia,t;'1,1, I Sno10Ve1 ill§t 01:1t,SiciP',01'e door and i 2... just at this; moment athere..was .•a- •11,13°hvesilente...thY‘'*sta.rs Pa'n.god• d,bryei"1177.8.1"1):* :the: p:,i,,.f.. was heaped high With sp0W- rustling,. scraping. Tibi,T c l0 in the hinia. "lakney6t in al' ' di ' k streets .ehinetla w what I i ''wll. do," said be,' -to ' . en a-. ad 'and a barnp, . aS hirnseIt .; "T will, get 'up 'onto the _roof '014.. Bachelor Bear,: a bit .sooty to be .. The holies. eaa fears a all the year's . chimney 'teaput out the flreatehen I Can: self up arid stepped out of, theflre- , and .:shovel enough... snow down the s'uie. 1.1't laughing. Widely; :piekedhini- , Aro r,m6.tm.i.11.0.1t,•...tonoht.,.,, . ., .. ,.., efsPacite of treasures. ' ' . '.The eVerlaSting light, ''' 144 4gisiO9y,Fleoiriarv4ereyiiirnbieeedlYt9;"',..,.01:Seo.:rhoo.r. o,k. 02, Into the room 1.f6,41:.ig, his'1,i 1 brings 'lig theOe d good riewsnew..thzitat cahiiisvtrnio; ‘ Mr. and Mre;•Raceoo,ri And the: eight ' if Mr. Raccoon had. not prePared hii.•has coinedOwn to earth; M. live among little RaCcoonsWero7sittingrbeforethe family for. the surprise, Some of: the. men. ' .. great open ','fire Watching the 1:flaraes little ones inight have heeta'baaly Ws,: One looks Op at the starr3r . heavens on:a. Clear night, he feels bow and sparke'crackle and aeat and rush -frightened. As .it was; they Were all- Small he is. "What are thole woildia . a ap': the •chimney way. Perhaps they. exPeetant and very -Much 'delighted rnanY 6*f wir!-i6hi . y 4are mach- greater than our earth? aetieranny ;tells us, , were just' a little .bit: sad, for • every and you may guess h ' ' ' one likes, to have. eeptnethiag different tizne'they had, the kind people can . happy',- IlOw J,ong have they been there?. *hal."' . . . day. To be. sure, they were.: cozy and,'... 91d. Mr. • Bear was ifivitea. to •Spendt °n' ' n' - and excithig happen .., On Christmis-have when they; are. good friends. '' - o and yet on, in: their orbits? stupendous , force keep 'them •traVelinie, • warrn, and there ivas a. haaket partly .the night. with them so; as , to ibe On ' - And then te , turn, and. think that the - filled vvith:daY corn; beside the fire-, hand bright and 'early . on Christmas ! Being; who controls the .universe,, place. ,•:: It would ,d6 for theft: Christ -!.day. The fire was rekindled and they i'wh'Se '- Dower 'guides those efAis;. who ' rea.S. dinner, ,But_:•there was nothing' all sat around ,ahd, 'told stories and ' upholda.all.thiags by the word of his- : exciting or jolly about corn l•HOweVer,'..nibbled at, the good' things fiem -Mr.1 eame men, andborn in a barn ' was , j• pewer7to think that this Being, he.a Mr. RacePon' had ben trying his best. Bear's 'seek and it WAS very lit•.„ when, ' • tO Make things..cheerfill 'arid waS- Tea" they all wished each aither.a. MearY: toil, is', to glimpse a and. became_ subjeet,:to.apciVerty: and- . .,, • . citing • The ,.'Night ,B4ore Christnias.Chrisfmas •and•-euddkd ' tie and 'went the meaning of T-•,' ' ' - '-a-'''''--- .- — -.--,n•. s'LOiS Rebirison listened• in petrifiedp He 'had 'jut -reachedatheap-artaWhefea"t6-'slaepa- . . • ' . , ChristraasisStjohn putsit, •And, , . . , . . , . . -aitnnishinezit. ."Why, Eleanor Day," . the Word _400mm:flesh, and -dwelt-'ama- She finally gasped, "four dollars and • on ifs." ' And ..it is ':the seine Word a, a half!" '. -, ' ,• x ' ' "'" -,;who--,create-d all thingsaaajand-Wherever "I know it Eleanor. replied gailtily, "bat theed nehaa goneit has someway 'when I got 'thinking .. brought peaCe,.'9.21d' %goodwill,'" ' .iS • gwa ; ' ,,: how '• coinfortable De -icon• Andrews '. c hriStnias nieens everything to us,. • Would 'look. a-eitting 'by them eolith . . because it is the birthday Of a Savioataaaa. windoWa ,a -reading • the -.e bOoks; and .ai. „great :.,:Nr§i':;11, , has' coni.e.L.into.=._the. •howaheilapaslalils-speetiteleS up' on.hip • .-.Warld.. Be was human,: like as we -. „ •at Tereliead and girdle, kinder like Fath- .are.i.! Ile' ate Ile.'drank He lay down ' .er, I 'just wanted to and so I. did!. ' . .and sptH ,. - , benle tired Withlong ., . • . le, o ga, . • - . .. "It's about the, haidesfto get.thipgs . jotiraeas, 7 He :found it., 'necessary to for liehry Harriand he's se proad pray, :Tie- ha.cl friends,, bOt the one, dif- '. le • Schoo esson ^ T•-. -A.- 'Isaiah sees the possibility of ab-oPera- -tionaof-theawholeauf li-fe, Peace a h- a DECEMBER '23 harmony` is'', the. deepest, truth :Of life. The ehild shall' iila..g aap. • , • • • . • . Tho spirit .of peace extend; even to Tne Universal. Reign of Christ—Christmas Lessonlsalah the creepmg things that sting and poisen, We may interpret the dwell- " 9: 6, .71 .1-.10 Psalm 2 :1_1!-12.: Golden. Teit—Ask the-welf With "th6.71arrih'in t.r ii ing :oI -of me, and 1 shalLgive thee theheathenfor thine inherit,' figurative sense ,as 4PPISq't to •hum,, ance, and the uttermost part's a: tne_earth-for-thy-pos= all-the.fierce and 'selfish instincts be- . • ity.:. Then it means -the, subduing of [ P I '•• ' • • 7'1 earth h -sa : . ‘, • . .• • • : ween a.n.. man, • • te ear e a : ' . .• , '‘ b.e. full ol, the• kitoliqed,ge of the 1,ord. inc that. he wouldn't. t take 'nothing from lesson." s e .11e r but ousee et hrn o tak ' Lagsoa sarriaa-In ,the fast few I His vviidom 'and action' spring from a 'Isaiah 'believes in the reformation or' ve been ,following 'the I knowledge of,. and revereace fara• the ' transformation of. the , worl,d, not hy around in his old sleigh Christmas growth of t e 'missionary spirit , and will of ,God.. It was a divine arogram organizatiori, hut bY inspiration.; A' moraing regular, and I tell him I'm the extensien of miseionary operations 1,fer human need' that he carried out. f' peace -filled ' earth comps in the early Christian church. In Vs.' .3-5. Shall •Inake Aim of ,quick tined earth. It is the.advent of Christ toe proud to hire. it fer. nothing, and Ciple , it became universal; and' irc--op-:.T uhder,Standingrtranalate rather,. `And -,t0 the'hUrnan heart that alone' Will' do . . thing, up by vrnr, oration -A.7, became• eyerywhere ag-, getting him somelittle thing or ether ' greasive --.1n our lesson to -day we tarn Ile .and John Was great friends, you , beak to the pages of. the Old Testa- -know. a yve-Subscribect,f6r;a..rilagazine4nlent,l'AvheIv-the'Pr°Phet4'itive4.-'114-'n- .for Henry; he'll that These men: vivid pietare .of. the Messiah"and ,the folks cost the most. , ..' ' ' .1 manifest results of his reign' ' . . , spihal ,ComPlaint, poor,.child 1 .I 'got' ' Asa. 11: . 1-5. ."Then there's Julia Morris, with' a , THE' cilAnAcrEk,o1P THE MESSIAH, this lot of ribbons at a sale la,st spring I _vs aa_Taare, shalt40,4', JVI„„ gpsiah _to seethe_unseen fact and -present, -the -scarf-orl-gloVes- you -do -liet shalledraw, breath in the fearoPthe :-'To it-Si:Wrath Oenti.:/J'S-sek. Lord.-"--Loveot-Ood-is ao-,beathe'veryaTha:aprophet sees the geatale World atnlosphere of his soul. , Jesus ex,-I,flokkiog• to: Christ -, • Tressed:thesame-truthr...e141y-meat-is -----------------te do the will of hint that sent"me, and You `have. , nion'ey dhisty710 tO finieh' his • work." There' ate no!no for Miaed-motives in his, heart. He has: Presents? ''Then pass ''Lh'. 'things onee, supreme Motive. He shall not: you have, -the b0°I's y61':have read, judge after .the eight, Of his eyes: The the'' unhung . . picture; • the dupliCate' They are or :fancy Work. Julialikesla cedar of ,Lebanon which. sends, real .'ehe'aPi-E=.7just,"14-ok .;et roses _red, when Assyria__faiis at aeuel!inaoeji imeaprae,rttheeti_tualaetteirretde,.rejausdognmtehnatt.. .in:oardeidthea`iuvi:ys;igatlh'jenstei..huraitaillta-Yioug,,barrdes to make pretty things;' and this giveSI fresh , sprout from its broken: stump, rightegusnes1 th4 p°°1* • • anc./' j packed in desk , or boos -anything her a chance to giye_somethings_awa;y_b_ut Itidea. is like....an-eak-whichr-thoughle' earth 'e herself,, so the good times 1,haye kind hewn to, the stump, ,seads forth•new,, , Q , e s iite the jee'l d tti" or please othera; with ut impove spreads, •. growth. A shoot shall f th ' "Pt r the poor h shall alc.' us ic or ius ° earth With woinals as with'' •ourseff: things,' have spring from ? • r You e• •• • gtock hshall and a fruit bea g ran And now, see here!, Her motherly' in the ed , by the abundance,", "Arid .he did., , b p er eYes grew born we see how low •the ,fortunes of • . REIGN, 040; Ps.. 2 : 8. .. groW freart the ,rOot. When ChriSt \ins TILE CHARACTER THE mEssrAIL'8'1, carry to ..,oth:ers rfriendshiP's. ,rich j b,a,Ptism. Chris,t;' 60, That same night the other b`z•other, ed You their best flavor; let 'them ' t Pa -LA -Mei 14 en m st' n'12 • ference betweea Him Mid 'others was; He was the -.ono „perfect Man: The great ,Objaet for Which. He:entered the world was, to give(.inen victory over • •tbeniSelveia earn6 to,fonact.a"Whole • healthy,4erfectla loved normal,,humapile willing to4oaiiLhing,-pay.ny-p1.j0 'suffer any' tortukre,-that would make* normal humanity:possible,:: A ,, Hebrew legend 'atinS like ,thisi Ifarformitytheihextep•tdceal.ite0fof .iPti.17.074flatij.:trieei'llewteedb' ir tar Judean hill ina:sa-with • • he Ar:. aatheirafields-togethea-One'-had- a -wife • • il January rWi a at in al *caPtnt-:fil o-8.:rtiarit es' 't vlaverlassat: attll mnilre°e'ilat'srher: ,:ouegt1-.:1ef:°'91 on: iiettleir ii:ndtnilry;ewl ir tht e:hhtis lonely r sheave :het but one e%ent, the7birtlidaY 'Cli'rlit;itwife;'"'MY-4vsr°.,tehelfaiirst`go but T originally four events were corn -1! a.c'Utaaaad;arrile rnernorated-the birthday, the appear-' 1." Sulu' mice of the star' which guided"the Wise' In th° mrnin 44 Concerning..Christmas. - The date . oa which Christmas Was Originally ,oblerved was' January. 6th. brighter ' arid more tender, ' as she, God's people had falleri,„ and. frorn, ' Vt. ,7-Tho7ivoltrt. 4-1,o', opened a tong.boxanct.diplaye&threo.,,...,:ty.hg.,,we,.,kitoo,f,...the....,e-th-;-my . maaaaiahatheaiamb. , Tye-, --hi, 07ffhe, falai ,•,, , .. a., y , .. • ,,,IS derived arom an ancient. pagan' fe -trollsa-Islik-O-f-the-aholdibleTainitable7ttilces• cf ..,/,0SePli. .'-'',./.r.c!el.:,..TT2..,'-',.74..,„:„.,;„;,,,„,„_.,,,,,,,,.:,....:,:„.,..„,„.7,,,,,,,..,;,„,,,,„,..„1,,,,ctio,,,,iii,,,„it„,-,,,,,---..Ati- ,riif.iTit,iiiii;:ir nia,liysaici chilch..gn,,tbcji ie,ed,. r.dp not .need , and IVIary, *e see, does not end :with a, i egetncrat.d, so ,,, ).1 v 3• , p sizt,'Pt, Meaner said,. delightfully:, , as hPw. Ilinit'k. had.' be9grcIP th.e cl.r!':"..'.1:. c'•FtSr•_,...11°-..sFes new!.sPn-i in the'..an,"-:.1 :you who have them,. but .don.'. :. - f .. 4 p • doN trAleep 11110 out . utses, , . , ,_ . ,, , ...,s,-; tbkilS' w;yealilthac6I8,w01,11,1,0:•o•o'ii;in,hd:11.'snev:idsonisoe.,.. • tival-J uul-m inch .in as held to 1 ejoiee she. iifid 'them- up,, and displayedatiaa' ,?...tanco of the family jof ''Jelse and • mat. kingdom; Just ••as . cater :prophets la,,, y li 'd ! 'I'ii s frit of the 'ford, shall' See nature itself at its beat When Man :''' - ''', - th t h shall• rjjoi . ' the ;no' • ia-. in the passing .of „the• shortest day.- .. 'Jii-etty; ,hoine-made Clothing ,that would .re'tterii.pon• him!). The spiritual endoat:- ' is at his; best. There is first . to be ne'n.lcmer ,en•n' giv°,..tile` 1)..,es out of year gift 'You who have. - : • • • .. _- . . a , e -co in, rrun ,,„, December 21st.,, . . • ,,, , "take off and.pat gra" and all complote'laneat ; gl.febuct' of the Messiah is tot be ,i Mark-l'peace eanoag', the' bests a his "us'." that .'night and the nekt, in the dark. The beginairigef the medern thrist ,'' veet,,,, And he dm ii7„: they ,.ctid It • , . mittene.• ' • • ', ' - a latances. The .s rit Of, i.oisdent :ma.; thea weaker, i8 a ,eprnPan.lon. with the love, bealth, .p,ower, hope, strengtn_to . to, the little hoods and''sWeaters .and l ed contrast a'a his material ..eireirma The saVage. beast. Of prey ,that lives on ' )%,i,l'elvel ', e, IN, en?„ e DI',?/1-. ,, . ,. ridge.",esteeined it.,great treat 2. , thernseaves,!, Christ gift ie in.b.,er ir . i.,,ion.,,,, . 14.t. Gri I:lib:third tight the Moon Cania,,„ • plitm-pudding Wes; "pluin'-por7' ' ., "Oh, it Wars stich ttin te.make thoHlen.dottethidinv- Christmas, should reall,y he "holt,"; t A lle friiit:O.t.th ,,S ' "t, : ., . a C grass -ea ing animal!. 4 little 1„, oVervente, 'all , dif•ficulteS; ..- 13Y glviag '"Holly," the favorite 'deceration. f,orotit front behlifd a •cioilia i... they mot ,, ,... tin5i tko'ngs if), she said , ,,bne )igoe's7: to. 'fwhich rested upon the Messiah is .now chr/c/' sha1/4ea.cl them. George Adam; Himself.. Tie •lifted men above them- ' ' - ' , I ' race,to, face; tath Mara had IiiS i'ing', described threefold Way. First, Smith calls attention to the dread of . ' Susie , Sulliyariher .1/nether takes in • , irt a, • ' ' , • I , ', be has wisdom. and understanding, or the ancient people in,regard to the 1 - . a ' , What we Might call insight, and fore- : wild 'beast, . They Were a real menace: sight, , He sees through and sees be-: Nevertheless, the ' prophet looks for• neath, and sees beyond, , The sfitrit Of ,recerieiliation and not LULe3cterlidita- . • spirit of. Action.' He acts' with wisdom' Vs, 81..10. 'rho lion' Slialk'eat Straw , , , was accOunted Sacred. 0 sheaves.soot., e selves.: , thatrth eounsel and niight. Secofidahe as the tion. • • '• and, po*dr: He. his "rnoral decision with 'glte o r i\ it is to be no longer end heroic energY." . 's of red in tooth, and dela: The fierce apitit • 4- legend :says, the teinple, :of .1C?rnstilein ? tY'a5 fol.' it, was esteemed that . that' Was the Placa *here rth canto' , ‘4,-`444,011 ivAIKO nearest to. he0.4'en, , It is btit • • 111.4aen oC',11.)getn's3d-c'enf'uthtethaeoe -bro- thers, very Is the spirit multiPlied a million that 'Christ!' tad. And' this -loioioledgand of the fear of tite Lord. of man and beast is to pas a away. ;a . ' ,t, leach da. --thisaiS•fatt--,-Th t ihitiStiniis Is a liqPPY birthday of k thristinas,,,was first delebvited'ao 'religious testival about A.b•190, People born oti.'Clittetinas 'Pay are, "lucky' all tbid), lives. , , • .0 ;;;.• ?4, vi°