The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-12-20, Page 5or -7 7. 7 7 7 -2. J� 'i WOR)TIDw SO )04 D A V JD.b CP,, Atj§1 E it 0041� I -- - - - - - - - - - - - ...... ..... . . C 11 Ight a PRIMA$ to-ri 'g, m houri. the thing j f ",Of t� h e s4mg 'w9unitios that h V& I . , 1 1. � 14 1�1a� ' ' At A i s t; th Arid —MES oming soon, 0� pool?!a of, l,;71Qri 14 ho" Pon b 0V r', Fitt all, the - igir - Is and' boys' op.-ra V 4" IV. I w. 90rgjA Were 04d 0, sv� than a, help to,',tli -,- u I h, iiip I 119aw. 9 t.,:eir stockings up, 4IRd, k' 114 pQi es 'Wh I I 1., 1 9 � I .. e 4 4 � w ber many ki At *01 $�' ,Q 1 9 . 91 , pdq. of� toy n@;Mes.g. b4� ja 1r -hpii'lum pred! me C . - I 1 11 1 . . ., : 1. .V#s of :sm 11 at iliorlit peat In, iand' rplirpse ati hour. Ben D4 Old Santa will. go� out porforplapeg, ai vis 'an, 'JO igeuit given nQ9TQ ellterl? ed i . - 'And, drive across, t e - sup rm, so6nds.. ­ :1 1 1 rioerp. PQlpmellipi to, 11 complain bus iiiazi, fr At h The PIA, pqqh� day or. each, ine.1s: an a, say&., a . Q itelli i" L rmer, a;, AL ileq fa Fe bard bit. LAS ti0y�-. or #4 'proclivIt t W; All' his, relodoe'r will -be, swift., inborn i Of f! 91144iie, of Jab 0: tine or, gteps'were �11T . pflncipaj� qa�u 00a, W re ,On- Qhristmaq� ev� y lu',-kn9W0l,_ ed' with r taken -to sim for the jni� pypv6t, Putsidp,_,agefits ra "aii. !"ae, of tine faws,q _i�wnjhel 4C�Ir_4 ild i� 4 � e, p M wi t .04;r 'Ci on Ut X0416111-011 Ina ces, h *)Art pi tb& ngrp wbj�e pssordi, rqA We er t.hisrAll, en. . . " .. . 0: ph� WOW. pit wholesale pr9qurin n ta I ; friends bad jfdusjnj�.�' ctinAitions-­', Ue have the Back.. up� the chimne2t, Santa I go. ellip,19 at, was: the beginning of the first contpgot labor 'law is un,air o,. not stil aw any mo Tb venin6l And, t Or "nights: fe �lAn�-f�.eis -that he --ha 14"...ronep. ceased, p o,�&.D to, - Ill deb bor, di pse. no r 6111. Pay, 4711eiri!g�-not tw 4,11abor exWus',' find, it confibued it bo, littl 9 1". 9 9 9. 9 1 spul awake or�. � f - , _ e an enables t -he em. this; nice� Iltj14 h untiVilo F �HANFDKE "JE F stilities C Is work, p sc C91s", the 0,' insists. P.11ring. tel. 4!de.flation" -period.,,Af, h orecj,�n--nj ny­-neLr -,vrzag-e­s�� eryone s And )81 us, --;611 -j h 0ay, and express essa" ge;,'a thn gaill the'' -8ho . ut alig then, planning, and'- worki'q'g' a't; h' P!,y and' w'ere- �"gto,,.,hoof houses a . n d n6gro lodk 'tor thek be�t' fr_ Pht, long, givs w �ei� o� Went -north "A 7nd sw1p" to', plugging a n est t F . , ,79 away a bD.,,e, torn �4ojvg t s A N ij An Ove Jobs mg t. lot OP, of their, and, reduced" tendn P ild' ch( gqf song" .9 a .4stinguished e..are- o e� - made There .*as" a. '' ' s,to_pe9rAke. This' ensive'gifts-, Th,'6r olf-isca e h0uis,. P 6 the. w eelg of, in- e t b f d. s0ec"Iii' on. iini I slowing'. d f- h I ., � 11, 1, 1 4, majorl Y o our o ns buf it i '^If T dust 'A4d;, 1. .. I I .., -, , tqch ose: frox e.' if ontsi a�e -Y ones' je, iL. d fit, sma fi I - d�ripk ro.M.,the U102, r0t k Buffet were' k A' vry, tbh tieAin as s th �negroes-­ ris W . o sild e-9,-, '44-n-Fif- ocall bac _ k -to imi� "the'n ' ioun sQu ern, -`-enlist foe Who z Cnildire -s H if we fallow the cour the- emorgericy. Many 'ietu -"The, d en eh's thi rned ta .�qll weevil ba' dri 'I d n 9 and so of, s stream 4 Ipplo' d' south t leading. fprniers, and tit th In RUNNIN& IOEBT.' aenough, Jhe kerchief's 0, work, there 101 _5C.r, to $1..0 we an drvwn oursolv but, �about many, n, Linen' .'-,f n.d Si�lk� 0 each. t -7771 th,Q sam, stream.. "If' 250,OQQ remained Iii'' their opted in- -a bad'positi When.in doubt send: a, Ha' dkerchi gbits, begin, on; 1i d they,,, are Wh,l n Do on -with a bubble and,end.with the roa-" And in! some, places brought Able to. stand by their, negrp, tenants e ith last SUMMer. %Ne.,were conversing wit a- Abits haveL. us difficult sit �h billows. H. fr6m'the u- iong., At: Cleve- and employees f0end, of .bo,,,-ihood .',now' a, merchant first'81 . And thi land 'Ohio,, the chambrer of 'C r9m: i�e,c`oito _p is As. perfectly natur- om� n �Reld in � the town 'Of AE C .L. K.W rMal. mos-f,'�,Ppoplb ay the inegra-farmer is, go - Hanover. Being nat- al, perfectly no conWdered molls �,of getting cents, a to learn how he'- was, .,pre. Wall, .Y anxious ;, rid.. of th iained' there A ng the.,'north 6asq an, fe.r pleasuiro 9set, who re getting. " h1ding., we enquire thow he tb:. hard w9r,ki'but they to t d west, d N plan to'�s I I SS. .*"Business., isn't itoo thtit With6ut work,' p� in back, to tile south. where.h ',,found, Vusine forget 1abits'hold hi' the e.,gets 4,1 most' that:: n uc I h. per I f I could only a. a -bad h4e replied. get' -bittdrodp. fhe tlem orary� hour.� jees, 076f m9n, ov6-nient devot# at: 911-ONNs. -in that is.',owed me The' t does, -n' demand for their, �iei;A p 'Thi I ine monev man. tha ot LADIESO.. 81i, -i n Bibaufi e. m. were ,ma Ing —ES,.., t -ful, P I.a i n, source,. o Ore, widesprea trouble B�t ln�d! m 'Shad s--, Full L 0 Right hdre. 'in a hut'shelljs' th of -the stronger K SCARV east two, or three. evenings to im. f' trouble' of half the peopW e ength,, t, ,in - b "" % to y prove Whe "whed a us I nos 91f.. is �on the side -that- new prosp and "�.070-0- d ciedit Peo 16 p RO '�.AR 'CA LGARY perfe tly%. rdod financially 'to the 'arrnc�hair 'rest prapt,,and ee V, UGH HOUSV 5,and ROYS'NECKWE ho, are leads b cOIn1ne c to, i pro in AT the' merchant can run his� bus�, the.,park bench bed. were -put to work 'and' 7' M -T. negroes as ine.mv on 'and. K IES from.2.5c, nowing tfic�p tre n4 and Volie to 1-5,0'. in beautiful SiJks, Soinethih� the metinever,9 i - . : , . the demand wji greater Wan. th e MY Perfectly good- e Nt�their accounts run suppl�,, another call Was,m ond Thro '. The -1 too a ade, n the W ni C u et r 0 e M thoi. U for Vaiety,' Aafs.,coverint 74s many montha. and at resulted in th 'present: M ny ;t b U )' two 'three, 'o. four hundred dol- AMERICAN* NEGROES uth. Th G 't the boxed 6r. so w old spirit tfiink__�oi _S�ttlinz, the the omie Here MOVIXjG NORTH "exodus That sonidthini� of. and, V lue, C Wr indebt Th, e ceiitre of ne 'ant, thr fear Seven h4nd gro pop.jilation in. ­survive,s at,-Calaary,� Alta', 4ed ess. e erch Ou� 7h "no- no 'roes of: losin�, their, trad red' thou is . in(i- e, will 'not - ask 9 Ong 'in, he Sou-th-, h - av . e .9 Q a ')Ffi� I . 717 eFd -the�-U�nited��Statei�-h�s-be6I -'fti'ted b-01q.-foll�winig for a Icheou -th e lifiieelf 'bOkn - f . , Chan -vres�ed­ foir-fu'lids-F Th-- ---th-6 irited -to miles, �ieeting' -field, there in the en. re are a n rt a - sk for, last ;th6 smaller 'her is onr 9.4 miles her easti. And i recently. prth, E ist and West m�ithin the art 9 interests .of 'roillibiti stower- who on ccorunt 'Ot th F. bfidred -a dress.6d'alid p4i:tialij. six, years. Tw. 6 ive roughly LINENS Vredii and Are alilys in de b rid fifty movement,. This is the first -ti., - bt. Pet- thoAs , t ne this infoiicated iiie I AdVertiser-Tboic P. lade. a*vi�oi;tius. 7, . at and of. these -wen to their new centime ha's Assumed north-easterl' Y L�mpt to break- up -a ni ild in the,histi�y of the;'eoUntry,.11 Th6 House, :'fe F homes M -th ass, Ouri g�, le woild­v�ar, in re- OPl�ohibitionists �at .'whith' -1-lo RAIRTS' spo(�se' c'for'A' in, This'. s 'ke at - W1 '.enjoys-. ine 0 r po aboj� thc testh rank 01Ne Vietbria Pav­ many, given Af- .1. A Cl' th 'or e t- mfkml ctur of( munitions of wa . r, vestigation. and �'Th .. inee in,,r opene Ca. In y d ns woi ter in 6ozen NajOkj not' have re ec ion a1d be A eably v� dated.. h. 19 1. These M' ith 2,000'.' peo'Me' y e We sell'th6ni abits--hibit8, A% nd 456,060 sin: ce 2 ppre. ave -,You h gures, T a,s t is begin' t ou nlng 0 re�al� e. The. rougll's� N�eI.' separately Last,niht you -went to� ejected - or n s6tts,. Yo e . Ill. after�, fight.' -in w -nig You. are, suppo' s state:authoifties who ton 1�oucers.'l Itch niini�teri, S'it 6 o- sih6. To gre e ur*exam a0o' a tire a ed,,4pofi by the United Stat- that' it- is in, danko� of: losihi" its co tb h ofthe sed to' e edera - and:, ;t a, free-fo�all. sure. an early. selecti o n." IP w uld Monopoly, oil thatf� l7ation: ric ays', reasont AL' 'ban slilen e sett e. -down ph bl'. a 16 'can d 'do' some work.,, But, hive made Astudy: of the�Aubject'. d Polienie�n, -and,, 6i. ack -tho , 911�,ht 'of the�,6njoy-F- Th � S t cntinue, indefinitely, if� �ji t. th e , ta o earglij the narvA izen engage Gi a, Fi6ridaand negra lab6r6 desertj planta- Afik. -repeated - t 7 d' the 1 4reati In erruptions Mi- :�rnt. you li�td, last night; and'to�rright Mi�iissippi sustained st tion8 C 4, and.� Ohjo� e , nnsylv , anla 4n 7' was snea Ing, it?s,h:Ard to 99 t6w6rk: It is the. dis- 1'�sises P oliv.er" WbO at. -a certa, movement 6%ld like � to, -CH Ill. the: present iood ko -aW.t.he gentlemen how SC H'OOL 10 time. .. atch :�our'- e -the, grea est g kinuch ih6y, Ar b HIGH�;,-wi go(] c Igan mad' '6mployors e, LIC W Mj THE LDR U13 t, tins. StAtes' ish, .1 roximatel' 14 "suffered -as heavi y, as States and h6re ore the, Ike, to, r' -true, Georgia. lost app -Moderationists. fo 'thel,r ier#ices st B self and'yo� will'see-that'this is �d, P'. eing paid,._ by; th Take 'a ]!W y 225,0.00 r nd this e. nap, on S in the -employers w ose afiday A ter- of its negro p9pulati, , with tonight Then -the -storm br'6ke- P e f moon 'at, the 6 in hour, you wil t a on h plen treatr nen inieheed - Aus. a n KrO,waS.,rIOt so,( battle, -bejan *ith -go, to. aleep 'It -is the'natur"Al'bent -Mississippi '�5;00 9 0 18, months Florlda,,_ 100000" lick. Li -onsiderat6 -of the -hall' The e �af the A free fight c6p 0 fwant last� at: the real* eir wardrobe r h6lid t th'i U I 9. '.It is 'estimated, lii� 'Georgia and Mi d d on n e s's,' and .All nature";-'to� rep, ISSIGSIPPI-i , ere ay Ing. su ants, went ynehings have been t "k Of eat every Aweii�y- that, 175,060.. of.' these., migr h�n three a'dklitional �olice s on o the hu-' mas requent r4ache&-th-o, building When and Ku x the, man an ni'al to officers nd Klu Klaii� to Ohio,� 106,000 io Pefinsylv�ania mosta I the langliap�e 'of, the blv�egt �is6rb_ X febt.tall 'becaln' e 01 -S . . . . . . Pounds. and'si sly-Ansu .................. a va ion--Xrj-ny bhaanl,,' es n a n r Pp e (1 6 ff 'h- -ebat and is 'The challenge SSARD, xicated �'disturb ged the into U0 a, stiq encounter 1�as nok'accepted, btit the nlian, R RAIL, sisted in -insulting, harangue 'The eUM was' lifted bodily. out, ��6f JPL . lice-. Qficer,�asked hill,' -to, -cease'. �e . I . , '. ind��ST NN? MU h a 'Co'm rta'd hit chair ets, disfdr6aneb,.and w hen- . refusidd re V SHT Tick He broke aay' 'and. the Saivati Oil :Avni.,v officer. -fearing the ..would' esca ow- -------- e. nian sta�-ger6d back" Tb the stdile kailln� and- hi' Veeilv- )load vas: b'dl '' C a cu effects- of c� to th e7 h RIPLEY ANP VICIN.;TY. (111011 and to cfear his head T� �MONEY SPOILS SOME MEN s,01i,des'.; as though he live bo( y'- -off '�i men, mS Ue swol feet� and't Carrie him, � to the exit, I -'Janet' Welsh s'pe �'(By' Widt. ilso'n'),,', d. iss nt the, Nve6k- flingring 'fiim out -The 6r6vV 01i.d %vfth her'friefid,'Misi 11411.1' toigsonle pride Whidfi I stirs 6 d: br k 'Y nelghbor.1 thinks men o 7 . into -brolonji-ed t pfirth He n. Oxl n4 lon lin's -o'Purple Gr People seldpin g ca'rec' V115er 11'r :Jqhn. Col illiz 'he -air As. he ?i4sscd`thr 0Ye, finei -row than Rich! - 'it his. loild actions on y -tire, the j)s Nvh6, N�61-6' .,,his t6uchin Tr, N,eil: MacKay of Ri-pley.!; U 1, ell, friends the exit ithout essrs,, the -Jo�m atsiin- A�Zl Geddes. of R t ard - o_ be, He �'wils it niodest,, 9 eid18 , '. IL ill, It ot.116t - ike6j., ms in - those dea.r, ,vhdri'hel loo gr9qw Then another delegate's toilic U'F,O.-, :days;. a a is," a also�ran - "Gee .0 t boLit, hds�fUl' Chores 'he w9alth -can a -t fight' at tli,t 'oI xit "Nvhen% egall. vend -i 'last n' o' c on "7 iat d e nian.foi o g -0 .0 drew s�es., e a, strong, Iliad htirch,'stepped �irs k6y P-st. -of Shelbo nto urne, ar lie s0ke of 666k8. An& wedding ljked­t6 �vs ha piness_ and E 4k oil ew d i., , , . , I . .1 , . 1. . 11�1 - An. ai, -the addi,e�Q nlslo� of. St Ian We'lsh he City 'when he talked. it Nvag, of 6 no, graz , a �Jec.tet!L Here Re'v. A paid a visit to"t ndt t y fight. The, man; hiff MondAy, spen( an(I 'Art inseed .'in C Ivi �qf the thy`�. eal. k �voek.af lierfo',rhiet, hoine. �'h s the: aninister, 3 e was -with hilli then'. and wh�6n,�ho­ 1 -.Ow f,,� an of the tile ell r ha Y-Cathe weve' Me put SOI)l AWT 1 el lied- caine:--to' oiAa -f_a�da Obtai,ned. a hold on, tile, Annie-,AICLa'�, wife. -of K enheth fr C -L- hy, i p5LIt i 01 r- e s; t L e y 0. ti un e announc, a.new nian'� �c,loihes '- lift 1h ;� §-d-j bet and' thre - 11 ini back ag, I!Edav 4-ler father was ne crodu a" fat w Cos bill The i r is ,a w10 says'he didn't. A thta t I W I 0 -door type kriowii'as the� 1':udor -man MeLean -,N,. ose.,., name ap- y Once;, of 0 c16se vir �irhich wt Sealin. Came. back, �cooljy It a:' --he brag t froill his, ovor,con't" in the one­hunir�d ithd 'I 'b brushing �the, (16 it differi inate'ria'lly - in 96ting arrangetfient - fjoin the j d r ype; and,'te�cntered t1j sNvay who ed overyt inv h' y� 116 hited t6 ur-, oo t i n d 'ninkos till! that way. emigrat rom a Pi1en d 'treat 11011 ri it' is, 186 Inass 0' of thIa, j1e ival4s,-the. 8trnets� n price. , a lowc f front I . , , c. nee. :T A-zno Png, othti no ewor y eatures 6 t Is, nio, e is wesl lable i 'a l8w ey.� Methodist wi'as, also u' �the coacliw if� ' lbody never lbefoie - avail in settled, PC n his �allliiv oil the, priced cikr. a sniall, riot when it i10 Coneds8ion ore Annie Mc1can ileLho, ilistoLber -Th' Ford Motor CSIM' 6 pany of Con.' left his seat' an When- th adtuiing scheduleon. this tYOe of body., Fe, quidt-. tib And niarriag6 fo ja. its nian when ihis model will the 16c4itiorl" d hi6yod-over to, K`fincith UcLav c er, pette'r V1 01. o Nquently W6. defiiiitAi' ey moved 0 of the'rnen� Attinq calin- the'' illag"e Thei�' b)i1jyf',eh1l!d',j be on di lay in our 4 Wat6loi its a pepran�e.:� 1,, .1 . I I SIP ly do'Wh 'besl0e�: thern - Whdij, the Olan X Me -1 our- use -ul v .Lay was a turbers.' and. those 'near cante, to, ery quiet St blows'. the : Viethodist. biffilster' was na un No* Aird -ftl esteenied 41ghl'by, right in the,�lijdst 6f�lt penedta 'dL C vation, ArniV 'bitids,ilieft, An d citi- 0� -lie r home on 'Account of Ao TorOhto Lit�er Caf-i S. -infuriated JA*jii��, hcAlth - Two brotheks J oanat the Touring Ciik`w 911d kuaFd_and '6 'ous Of the. ricf�, one' man Can' 'RuiiAot, s4o5. truk, $40 and,:*Ll6iial in the West, aid disturbersi wont �badj;. I Of,. theil)l, fol, h oner, a Mnd, two sistL 'Clean �66r stable as, vpmlnefit irmo axtra, McLA�li Of he 80v d "'An Pi4css'l. 6. b. 0�td� After the the. n coil -all fast As t re h and finally oPut, theiii, OU And dadl Ug tije they ent back an,othor fi MeDdiiald �oldl D A 11,Ford models 61'ay h okulnei whil, Ut. the' unpleis sister le( 0 the; Foid, Wetkho� Pilih d` f Iiii(I Mr;',, asq� k Yt t'h dkulikilst of th6 dlstdkj')� edil, Satuiday th�e 'v;FheelbarrbW blan ofi� of a blwit� his son, antm Is and'rrlus� ot U UE as ilidn'laid hwids 61i hilli, llf to Rip1by the e gtav here' if, I'like The mAji., 4drkness o m0h6d,' Ninp� th With D' to it the, 6rC6 M14 vow�r of -20a po -sbrvic pi e, d , , , . : 11 -01.1, . ir,, irect he mahUte-sprca e yo wan , o der e his 'h9t directed a blow At et' U intoj; a1A , Wh n 8631red.'� The" blow, fell short thd''inan lost 'his bal&itd, Was Cu 1�TRAL, to d '�arrisji hag s6ttal sp6cia ures, kno will - 5t ootiollent"I The, To nt " Litter w ftiVVI3 AR4111st, he' si6ne', Wall and BUSINESS COLLEGE &pptal to you. Le0nd th�d gdantag6s of its chailf pullj wh ThWK9 Th -'.i atinddi and theFhekt iiiihil, Stratiord�. Ontj it; turho onth _81ndest, radius! y ACTORS- ht t brea tl Ifit'.the.' �ooj nip Air, lVialiy Worw shattered is I . 11' iirepara Y 0 U., h K, ril'on aila ybun I hiv�, other Taronto Stabid F�tjj i,b will fbakelfor deinoi and hial6l6r, enj, uft! f*hAt I�Ali t4k) 1) Ace, Woiliezi o S fed fit lai ATi-iiii. Ar BUirieba which �is� f Att011il'Oh-W the Wk no* Cabhda's 0'eAtOt 'prodesi. 1, .. t , , , a 0 '6&flng' the 'Offendois -We assis gra at to it YL "hi -ow �Oin outlp- �Iwh NA posilti6ni - ind hey have a%prAc- 0 pmi. Ont. Luck: el�e tire the t CA I training, I #)to. Amotg% t thorn o meet"With, littcceo Stu. 0 exc UCKNOW0 h dents Am registdritig,dAdh '*bok. 1TVF A �Ovel` the dd*.n, In t 0 GetbUrl free cAtAlbillo and. learn etoo# 114' 0 Ito 11, 00 M 0 A N; ro 14 6bOUt O�r diff0ttot 1), A., XeUehllu� nelo W,: y r or - 9S 13 -ty 'Af orQhib t f *o k