The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-12-20, Page 1A;
440 PER TEAR ADV -444164 Owl anutawlim.
Dr.e'lVIiicLeed- will visit LueluiPW-
eVery 'Tuesday in Dr 'Connell's Office
tinues:to the, ead'of the mon*
Cain 'Boum.; ,Laeknew; every Wed, •
Toronto pricts paid for all.kincla of
poultry. '
'Registered Oatometrial
Graduate DePartment of Ouhthalmol-
ogy. McCormick Medical College. Chi -
Headaches, DrY-Itehy Eyes. Granu-
lated EYelids, Watery, Eyes. Pain in
Eye Balls.„Inflamed Eyes. Pus or
Watery Discharge ,from Eyes And
lieved through properly fitted Glass -
properly fitted LenSes
Satisfaction Assiired"
• At the Cain Haase. Lucknow. Every
Wednesday .Afternoon and. Evening.
FOR SALE.--Nordlienher Piaao in
good condition Apply to G.'•A;
Stored' for' Winter.. cared fpr and ,Ye-.
paired at The Central Garage.. Luck -
els ot... oats.: .,Higheit market price
Information ,tt- the Sentinel Offiee,„„„,
Spedial Christmas Priees for ,Radio
„ Sets,., A: -complete "Start,P honeycomb
t' eon •,leng „distal -tee receiver, . every -
I „' thing ready to "listen in"., '345;
Sets. call at the ' Central Garage,
and the' Harts Mountains. Come and'.
• still, ehbose one "as a Christmas' Gift.
. ler-yourself or •sernebodY else. ''
' market to buir the following .kinds, pf
logs. delivered at our Saw Mill ' at
, Maple, Beedh „arid ' Birch', Will pay .
• tbe highest market price, 'for , the
Stack of: Eine lumber on hand. and
furniture, we are. not in need of Elm
logs. However, from, persOhs' putting
in,a geed quiintitY of other logs.
• tity of .elm along with the .ethers,
providing thelogs are large and good'
his* brother at. Algorna.•
empton spent , a few'', days'. 'recently
• 'with friends' at Crewe.
honie, ;after: spending the past" inenth
; With friends' it Kitchener and Galt.
Mr, end Mrs, percY Finnigan and
familY spent A day recently. with Mr.
,tr Mr.. and Mrs. ( Toni Haelsett and
daughter' pf 'Zion Spent Tnesday with
4. Mrs. Win Irwin and daughter lila
"" Mrs, KennY Carhpbell. Of, Detroit,
ia Visiting her parents' Mr,•aild. Mrs,
J, Menary the past` w'eek.1
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Win, 'Mc- :
Don't fOrget the Crewe Christi -nes
program of 'drills, dialogue, songs
.!" Mad recitations 'will beigiven4
''Portiee Fogad Not of :Cattle
,"off71`ill June,'
Fur Coats—eall and.' see:Our Fine
For bargains in chiea'w,are go to
Hill!s The law prices' are ta
":'or a few days after speraing the
past .month ;at NeW ,York, TorenitO,
2the 'last day of the year;,:election if
Mr. • and' Mrs. Lyman; Malcolm' are
Mr, IVIakohn's parents;
Mr and Mrs. •MalcOlin.
Mr. W. D. Scobie• whe recently
-course ih egg -testing is;
in Charge. of that brapeh Of. Work:at!
:Keep Friday, December ...gist Open
Cliriitinas Tree to be given: in. the
Corninunity Hall, commenting , 7.30.
' s' n Adults. 25c C.hrildren 15c,
.:; thp authority of the ReeYe. all
StereS1,are ,Priyileged. tinder the ,;.,BY
Tlitirsday Dec.' 20,..,Until 'Monday'
'We aptiee :be :the,. Wingham
organist for,,St Paul's •Chtirdh
,putting.on a dance Christmas night-,
program' that %id, can ehjey,
-Girl " 'roomers Wanted after the
Sentinel Office. '
.butter:•maker at SilverwoOd's Luck-.
Mackay:. Mr: Cahaingliain is' Well , up,
his • line •ol„, work. !htii.,'ing 'had ex-
•erience lin seine Of the "largest butter
factories .in the Conntry. ;
Another l'hiPment of 07V-preductS
those --•nice -Soft to -y All Wool
NO or ,Blue:Berders' whiPPed singly
:1'hoie '13-V Sweater :Coats tor Men
wopld,:be pleased to find one ih his
Sock oh' ,Christinas, rnerning.;-: They
14. Moderately priced at $3.Q9. *Ad
exclusively by BroWn's., •
The "trisyiBee" 'Mission ',, Band. of
-Sonth Kinhass4ill. give an- entertain..
merit CerieeSsiort-2-School
music will be followedhy the sfary of
gen Ilar illustrated •-.Wth, lantern.
slides. Admissidn—AdultS 25c, Child-
ren 10e.
Walker- and: relatives' ..wish•.:to!-thank•
the friends: and iteighbora who" ry,v, ere
So kind and .rendered assistance , at
'Cards of Thanks—Mr. •and Mrs',
Clyde M. wish through Tbe
Sentinel 'to eXPress their 'thankful
kindnets Shown by. friends `during the
illness,. and -to- the death' of their ih-•
fant 'son; .rThey wish to. gratefully
Ptithy from the W M.' S. Of ryes -
Ladies , Clias '1 the 'Methodist
,The latt meeting OE theyeanof the
Mrs, MeOalluin 'presided, 'The' -Scrip:
•ture lessen was, read by, Mra.,
A;itchiSon,, A duet Was 'giVen .1 by
talk' based Off, tba -,Seeond.- chapter `of
Ruth' ,was giVert, by Mrs, McCallum.
Vie, George gobertion snd Mrs,.
MernbePs, The' reports bf different
with the theft, of f.0. head: Of cattle
was note guilty Pf the theft; ' The
-trial last. weelc . occupied' :the, Conrt
C..ictory . that -the jury Must have
had ;considerable ..diffieuitY, in `Sifting.
the Nei 'iron 'truth.
• As: an.iridl;ation of: the ',hard tglit
a'•jury, so inanyi 'being
nearlY 'said 'that 'th,
'never .hefore happened. in- the ceen-.
:story of. hoW they had • missed
head of, cattlefrorn,their grasS farm,"
how theyi ;had) learned that cattle
they :followed the .eattle' to Buffalo;',
identified 'them there...took,. peSses-..
:sign' et them and,seld them at -ton.
*tumble" loss7ratireltirir'-talt-e-ilren
trent Portice's. field _Ripley. He
-sold any.' Cattle' to 'John HareiS ,(the
Witness; Ile 'told the, Same. story ;a3'.
severe eross-examinatiop. Stanley.
said -to' have1Made .a: rather
ihe cattle •Pertice at his. "farm
Portiee, „denied- . having 'had any-
thing to do. -with • the- theft .!of.,' plc
Cattle; .defenee' had .WitneSseS
to swear that' he (Porticer,was in
„Kincardine 'at, the tiMO 'Stanley .s -aid.
he had,helped to drive the cattle. tp
'father and kother
.iee at stere.on the day the' e'attle
ere said , have •heen stoleil-••—ar at,
anlikely 'that „ he would drive ' the
,eattle to Ripley at the. time Stanley
said. assisted hini.
We .have pot heard of,t,later
velopmepts , but it, lonks as though
somebody' - will have to •stand for the.
thett; Peeple will ask: If Harris, did -
!Te lre7:t,i'lffe7111eHir'iiil of Portice
Chrtstmas Masai, the, MetliOdis
itnhtiser.Were;:ce,s.p • that their, wi.11. be no
Hill and Holland in' the. Presbytery
of OWep Mr, KennedY. is well
by' the sacial and literary .committee
at the •Leagee. oh Monday 'eight; Mrs:
Keniie; Instrumental by .Margeret
Rivers: ReCitatiOn' by' E,uriiee Newton
violin. 'sole 'by jack ,OSterhent; -The
I T.01).4•-• divided' into three . parts'
'Part John WesleY by Mrs. Buss -
Andrew The nieeting was closed by'
.attendance ,
d „ Silverwoods butter, made in Luck:
t now, is, rapidly, zaining a favorable
g plade 'on She ,market, and the;dimand
e is steadily grOwing. The facteri, is
"from a •firrn• in the 'Eastern' States,
Chris Oli.AS BellS.and Decorations
410::ien:;:tinizi..eeatinndg.;:,79 4f. ,:ch oe iYieuairr
1he:exceation Of 'the Quartette
,A nclY and' f red Murdoch ahd
Fisher ,and -Stewart Cameron- and 'a
clibriis by ,a riiimber of girls -*pre
aPpreiated' A:: Contest 'and a•
*chi! half hotir Over • the '-coffee "ciips
The following . Officers' Were 'eleeted
fel' the .ephiing
.President. C. 1V,I" ardie; Vice Pres':
Gorden; Press 'kepoiter—Mrs, 111,.
„' 42 .Cpliveners'' of corn -
'there- was thee , before' Sundt? to
get thrptigh with the Arial Of JeS'epli
Gamble, charged with fergery. There -
are three , charges,. Against ,altinble,
and each will be tried separately,.. -
;:engaged With r'"other inatterS on Mon:
7-d41 aritt-',therg—Waiild
CoUrt .0,1 Tuesday, •so it was decided
to lei the trial;'ef 'Gamble ''stand,oyer,
'until the ,june .the CPurt;
In the Meantime he. iS allowed out
witnesses . about 66 including hand.;
'Dr, .Arthur Brown, who. folloWing
the death et Pr, Pergnson at Tees-,
Water thought ' ot Opening a, practice
:there haS deCided .ta locate. at tions.
County., Following Ferguson's .derithIc
there it looked! fer it tithe is though
tbe Village Whs 'to have ,three
ThiEr'Wotildr:.ifeeessarity Mean:
rather poor .bnalnese for one or tWO
foriner. place the'
,The School sendentS . were'
greeted' tv-..,4 packed,' haute wheh they'
spirits—prevail&1: .and.
_Murdoch ...president .Literary.
There .•ivas. an; Orchestra. eemposed.' of
student's,' and there Were ehernses'
Part II consistetl of a play, "My •Lord
In 'LiverY?'„Iii.S0 den takink
Stuart Mackenzie,' Detiglas, Osterhotit;
1Mary AnderSon, Vera Todd, 'Margaret-
charge of the •Childrens Reactie„ work
for ,Bruce•County, •With headquarters
'at Walkerton is asking for' Christmas
donations' fdr ,the purchase of speh
little things '.as well add to the hap-
pihess of !the. little Ones under his"
care°, 001.1,ttihtitiort will be thankfully
the TOwnship Of :Green -
neck, near Kinloss, Village on Dec,
The funeral Was On Dec.:18,, to kin?
,,Dedember, 14th, 16230. John,
ly.`alkpr, 64' years, The! funeral
WA .51 6ii 17,th, to Greenhill Cern—
ST;' 'HELENS visiting her mother,Mrs. Wm.
chopping oat fit and is noW readY to
Rev; Jas; Wilson • 9f DovercoUrt
•Road, Toronto assisted With. the ser:
eide at the:Presbyterian church -eh
School Concert to be heldin the Com-,,
munity• Hail oa, Friday evening' at
-2 The regulai meeting of the. -Wo-
men's Institute will' be held in •the
COMpauaity _Hall on Thursday after-
noon, Dec. 27th, 'Rell call, recipes and
fillings:. subject, -4Methods of Enter-
taining in °the •Horne,'L taken ,by Mrs'
At the annual meeting of the W.
M S. of.Calvin Church held on Wed-
nesday last' the ' following • officers
Mrs.' Cumming; lst. Vice Pres,, -Mrs,
'-Clarlt;' • 2nd, Vice Pres., Mrs.: Gece
Webb;- SeeretarY,:Miss Jessie Ruther-
ford; Treasurer; 'Mrs., Gordon; Liter-
ature. See'y., Miss 'Mary Ruth rferd;
,Messenger ,Seey.; Mrs. W, Miller;
Heine Helpers See!y., Mrs. Robinson
Wood; Stranger's •Sec'y , Mrs.
Miller;' Pianist, Mrs. Ball. 1 • '
ish You All
Merry Xmas
And ask you "to call and get One
. tweet my assortment of Xmas.
Candies. Oranges. Nuts. Raisins.
I Peels. Chocolate_ Boxes. Etc. . •
of m'y 1924 Calesiders, else to in -
will -pay you to call before
SPECIAL—'While they last. 25
Bars. of 'Laundry Soap for $1.00. "
Get The Best
-L-Positively no Calenders given to
Christmas Meats
,--Come-and- see our -Alberta Baby
znd Guelph: -4n
class. lane stood second te. the
Grand Champion at,•Guelpli--'
We have alto two others which
were fed, by Jim Lyons. -.1r. -One
• took '9 first 'prizei at the Fell
Fairs, and won the ,silver cup at -
Ieeswater for -the beskBaby Beef
on the grounds.
I We have besides a lot of other ,•
good atoll%
'Battery Service
1V 4. store and, "take
care, off Batteries din.-
ing the Winter months
also:overha,u1' and ;•
Wm. Naylor
turday Specials
Christmas Specia
'Rieh'.Fraft' and 'Cherry calms 'Cluster: Valenciaa. Seeded..
- 'With .*Ainiond Paste • '• - end Seedless Ridging'
' „Fancy Cakeh:, and Fastriee ' ` 'A -blonds. Walnuts. 'Mixed'
"Phone 36"
• Pearl NeekletS0 $1,p0
String' et $1.00 tO
Bracelets, Pearl;
Book EndS,
candle. Sticks
Cream. and §ugar,‘SilVer:,plated.:
Watch "Froni the Family $18.,00,
Knife, •For "end of 'Chain, $1.75
Scarf pin, "Frp'm Merit, 50c. to
Raior tnd Brush Set geld plat-
Eniblern Pen.
*Shaving Mirror,.
Watchei Far Boys, 52.00 .'ep.
Silver Cap...
Plate, (There Was•an._Old Vir:ontian,
Knife,' Fork and Spoon; Set; •
Ring, Gold Signet;
he Store With The Christmas Spiri
It-is-our-business-to-see—that-you get
Quality crowded -into -your Footwear
for as little money as possible.
Men's Slippers in Felt Leatlier..,with,Leather and Padd:
ed SOleti and Heels., $2,00 and
,(Skatia put on tree 'of •charge)
Ladie,s:0, Black' Rd and Bri`ni•:n
—Fie': Prices
Rubbeis and ...Rubber B pots roi'. Men. Women and Child., .
We sell 'Dominion Rubbers, They Pit and Wear, ;,-
We carry' a full line Of 1-luribUt 'Shoes for 'Children,
•• and Classic Shoes" for Little eGiite 'and Miseee.
just* received .a iine of "flicker" Shoes tor BeYs. TheY
wear like iron;
Are the. geSt
Of St, MarYt the 'Virgin, Toronto,. on.
43ee, 12, 1923, JeaSie: Logan Carport-
Eraest"' Hayes of Pungantion, The
t9 PATO*
Cie • same' mistake twice,
`Riches'. are 'net
party a.'humble „jitney .
Ways ilea', ratiffilo goodl
.ahd ictited One le at the till* tet,