The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-12-13, Page 7-"1
. '' e
Pte. for Sick Children
Ane. er..the many wonders projected
;pr. the great Wembley Exhibition next
year is a map of the, British West le-
dime falai}ds done, IL, relief els real"
oa,eth AtA &tone, ands n ,"s ( e
There fig`"npti}ing ~a'hi'r1 ineereats
the public. more than such `"maps; and,
many strange ones have `been shown
et various, exhibi.tiona in the past.,
At 'the .last big exhibition In Paris
was a map of Franco made entirely of
preciaus atones.-, and metals. It' is
nearly. a .yard square, and '"frayled in`
elete ieolored jasper. Thee sea is gi ee
, andethe Depart gitt le liew up. ;
' •iii' jasper 'of • different : colors. The
rleers ere ;lined inplatiihum, "and,each;
separate one of „the • 106 pr"in'eipa1
towns is ern:Heated. by "a' gem .set in
a Qiobe of
Paris,: for instance, " is: a diamond.�
Havre an emerald., Nantes' a beryl,
Rouen a sapphire, and so on. The
names ee the cities are inlaid in gold. i
The' cost, `el this .'jmape was between.
twenty five • and 'thirty thousand.,' doe
It is nnt`the first time "that. ` a map
Vie. has b"een niat a of •such.; precious ma;
terials;At, the *slack of the Summer.
•Palace'at.Peking a hollow globe was-
tound made. , of , pure gold, and ap•,
•parently :inten'ded, to represent •the,
earth.. China was the, only •pofrtion
that. was at all recoenisabi'e,•h'owever.
Some: years :age there was : ''an
aquatic exhibition at. the Imperial Ire
titute, London, 'Perhaps, the most in=
teres ting exhibitg� were" two great maps
in •relief, one of 'the. Thames, 'freed. ;its
Source•t its:.' e a n4 th
beer Mr. Editor:
Recent discoverlee .in... _ medical
science heve called attention to the
great service rendered by an up;to.
:date hospital through facilities pro.
videte for r, esearch: Probably few
y e7 apx+r�eriatgi : he r i'3t"'b c ^r:
���a= �vo� lc 0 duct r
,�� -the
sua V See of -tlie .pllDltel -tee- 'Sick
Children Yet It i6 only 6y'intensieee
study of the causes; of children's
diseases that the hospital stwtf • has,
been able to establish; a'' worlds
famous record tor" curse. Statistic
show that the"rate of infant mortar
ity in this" Province: has been steadily ,
decreasing, until it is now among
the • lowest 1n the ,world. . What that
219ateee is ,thet entndr-eds-=.of ,Ontario' -
parents *owe 'their children's lives to
the research work in the laboratories
of the Hospital for Sick Children..
Although the: doctors give their
eervicese freely, " "the bels tor. ' equip
tent `"add tie eannually to a good
many thousands of dollars: 'But in
view of the reeelts attained, a feel
that not one of .your readers will,
cavil at ;the• money' so spent, andel'
confidently venture the. hope that
many of them at this Christmas sea
son will wish to enrol themselves in
the Hospital's campaign on behalf of
Ontario's 'Hildhood.
To carry on this research, work
there 18 not one cent except what
comes 1n from .-voluntary subscrip-
tions. " For the, care of the children•
occupying hospital cots there 'are.
pertain 'statutory ,grants, •but these
"represent scarcely more than" half,
what .the. Hospital needs: Last year,
for instance, the Hospital doctors
looked after an average •of 253 in-
atients and 192"out-.patients daily;
tete •a colony of ailing youngsters!
ed the expenditure —' although,
hittied'' down to-. the minimum com-
ensurate with "efficiency was
18,917. 'The income to the
eas 00,000 depends upon
e regard which theepeepie. _ot_i�n-
4 mouth to $3
ou ..Coast,of England, showing":the'
lighthouses. fff • th
• •.,.. ,iliestalee to the' North Pole. . an
fifty feet.ite lengtheand the othei near- ..
.There ' was reel watee in eu
the lever aed sea, Arid" the hills were eee
the Sputia Coase weee constructed to ho
.enhorte Prete the top. of h
-globe was set up in ,Leiceater Square. CI;
.This wee nearly thirty feet -iri'dianie-
ter. The -continents 'and oCeans.were 67
-depleted; not on the 'outside •of the
glebe, hist on its., Inger' surface, and
1-16—Iiiieve for the Hoepital's work
d the generosity with which they`
press that -regard. "
May I ask 'you; Mr. Editor, 'to point
t to erour- readers 'that Mace. the..
eablisineent .of thee Hospital for
clt Children,' at least four More
Mayes youngsters, in every hundred
ve survived 'the' trials Qf child -
ode "For with. that simple state-
nt of fact brought to their atten-
n I feel sure, that many of. theen
11 bestow, their benediction 'upon '
work of the ithipital for Sick
ildree by sending some Christmae
t, according to 'their means, in
Watches .Are Baked.
. After the Many. small :parte., of a
into ehe case, a numher of tests have
be 'Made, before. the ,Watch redify
.• iine of the most. tre.eessitrY thinge
ehanges•.of temperature have undi:the
'Eettenees 'of heat. and cold at
• feet the running of a watch' consider-
ticed with yens own evatile that it Oah-
e.: not 'be.. rel;lesesepomeo keeeeiteetirete
-time if the 'ii4pp.r makes_ a., sudden
:jump frem' cold, or Vice vetsa:
e_ It will _either -gain or, ioge ireful
traordinary -Manner', arid eon Will' won-
• der: 'what, is: hep:pertinge When ,the,
eveatheeebeeoinee normal 'again'. the
'end .9'5 degrees:
Each watch -1s 'put .in, a tightlyeltting
ease; end. Placed' in.a., charnber the tem,
• freezing point Its nioveinebt. is' ob-
eerved• Very earefulle, :end, „,adjusted
(rein time ,to iime, mite .ehe watch, is
_____„seed_thea_speciallesemitatructedeoeen -the-
;temperature of which le between Da
-the watCh is gping tOrractir in :this:
necessary' It spends abOut a week in
„temperature testseeteewillegoecorrectle
ed epecially by exPlOterif and travel -
'ere who, are , going to' plicee where
Faithfully 'yours,
Chairmen of .APpeal,Conimittee.'
Ince -the ,eloospital Opened ' Its
Deere , In 15i5, '65,231 irePatlents
Treated 603,055 ,Attendancee of
Out -Patients. -•
First Postage -Stamps.
The first pritish postage-staines
were made at 69 Fleet Street, Loncloae
over eighty years ago. *.
, About 1819 two men came over from.
the 'United States' and' started. a print:
efe Ltd. They *eye sracial)._,Pere,
'kine, an _invetttor, and, 'Gideon Fair,-
„ The fel:aims Perkins process of en-.
%graving on steel wae applied, . and
when millions of postagestainps. were
hrst required, the ,Perkins Method was.
adopted and provedeto tie just :what
hesive ..postageectansp has 'been .claim-
ed berth. for. Sir Rowland Hill and, for
Mr. James Chahners, a'-bodkseligr Of
black and w.aa introduced in 1841'. It
Corbouid 'and engraved, bee, kredeeick'
9,14 4
Unquiet .Earth.
When theY call earth qaiet
I' think they have:net seen.
'Old roade covered.- and •
_Old. paths lost
There itt nothing shore restless
Than emell, fine green .
The weld, bas
ee every. iletd .end thicket.
eincovere end. recOvers, -•
Eggs,ered gprouth -end -Weenie:,
Mouite and- worms and cricket •
And wild red lieeteyett „
;Her warns brown breast::
And nce marl umlerstancling,
Sour, geeee, fent that roves' the Ped
-Fieweis . end-, fruit and sped to -Makes •
.The year complete. •
The earth 'is never beaten; .„
She.lias harvests le wild places.
The hear krioWs the berry, •
The fox knows the grape,
And 'all the Old -deed in' her
She teenibles with the forces- •
That quiver arie eedape.
'When men call earth,
I think 'they do net. know
,How• reset 'calls' to toot
7 -And beleekrtiefeelarowei
'They've never. .watched the woods
Where men no longer go
And eat the long read 'where
Our feet once teed., ,
'Loeise Driscoll.
Cele.R."'W. Leonard, of St Catharines, -has recently presented to the
British Empire* famous 'old Mansion in 'Si. James Square, Londoneas' the
foured,ed in 1919 byethsedelegatee of the' British' Empire .to the Peace Con-
"ference. Its 800 members -ere kept in „tench with affairs of; foreign'interest. _
The picture shews the house ie ehe background, and Inset ie the tablet be- "
side' its' door telling of Ite,occupOney by three Prinie Ministers, and:also the
picture of Col. Leonard, the Canadian multemilliena.ire donor: , , . .
His Hearing Restored.
A. 0. Leonard, which Is a miniature
megaphone, fitting, inside the ea'r en-
tirely out .ef sight,' is yestoring the
hearing of hundreds'„oe people in New
York city. Mr. Leonard invented 'this
drum to, relleee himself of deafriess
and head noises, and' It does this so
successenly that no one could'tell
fa a deaf man. , It is effective when
deafrieste is cinesed by eatarrhs Pr by;
CAUSE OF BACKACHES not seem to- be clearly understOod.
perforated or wholly destroeed natural
No Ancient Utensils 'Evei
Found Tin
While tin hes been in use for a grea
Many Centurie,e,•Yee.ancieet vessel's.' o
for the •metal. dees net. Corn:bine Chem!
cane with:the oxygen of the .air
,that'Of, water but to the cirettmatance
that :a 'sort Of -decay does,:' attaelt
peens was out el step, I'd put' hint -
The sieielleet means ever'ernployed avenue.: New York 'city,,will be given
.This ends in eeducing the' tinto 'a fine
was -to weite the loye message with .a 'peOMPe reDIY.'
.Every.inesele in tbe,hOdi need's a' fresh, wee- i4te,;te eee, . ehsere,... 1'141.1' .muCii. Mari rapidly, et. 'Certain -.tithes
supply of rich, 'Ted blood in proper .
to 'the Work it does. . The muecles Of
ceipt of a 'blank .sheet of paper, all,
The Hair -Net
-than ft • does at-' ethers an& ieemes to
the'beek ate under a .heaey strain' and' th,e” repipient ne.eded .dO 'eerait to . • . ' be transisitted from *One PleCe
have tutlittle rest. When the. blood' sprinkle it with s,00t' or charcoal.. The' Owing to the fine texture of human to macular,. ainidst: like 011' infeetioui
bele' The result is a sensation cif Tale pgern. etedi to ,the
traced by the. hair no michine has yet, been invent. diskette. '
le' thin they. lack nourishment ahd
lieviiig„thatebiekriches are due ,t6 kid-
,Maete ..peopie 'are'.frightened into, he''''. writing,. -witic.aaetic 4cid... ..00 -thee
gas ; tO the letter and- the sedret Was
Another' "synipathetic"• iek 11e that
eget -pot' Mere 'than- b*,. pacliacbe., in a '
litindied has •anyihing tor_do• with the •prodUced ;from cobalt the writing of
kidneys. The 'whole Ireuble is due -to, Whfch disappears- in the cold,- lint aif-:
thin or imptie blotxl, ,and thoise Who. 'Pears often.. as lone chooses
are tronblee With ,peies in „the hack '
nr. after .66.14 eeppee.d to.a Moderate de;
ehould elOok tie' •the conditien..of the 'erecters written 'in deet„ed „eel- net.... Each.. nee ese tied A in mech.*: the
brood. It :will be found in. meet ceees Piniele'. acid:arid •lemomjeiee '
'that Dr: Williams'•Pink•F.'llli-by ,lzalUtl7._. black Or brown.; those written.:in-sollf.'
ljeoome 1 satire way es. in the 'neaeufatteireof-
:lag I en': 'the 7.blbod and 'feeding ' the,. thiith--:or-iii.tii46 aed chloride Ofseobalt, I cage the' tying.. et a aiegle strand is a
ed which can manufacture hairerets.
Ninety-five per: ceet. of 'these nets
are made by hand in Chinese homet. requiredilar the knitting
of the nets Is long and tiresome.' The
natives start when ;they are quite
seeing; when their fingera 'are supple,
and their, eyes keen. e ,
— The hair is tied enkto encle 'strand
by, stiand, to form it long •ateing, and
seick of -polished. bamboo.. This aid(
regulates the size, of the mesh of' the
the pains and risake'Yoe feel better in
every 'other way. , 'HoW much better.
it is to try Dr.' Williains'. Pink Piles
tor your blood Greet°, give way to,u12-
reasonable alarm about yourekidneys.
If you really suepect.your kidn.eys -any
ehae.Willisee your fears at rest, or tell
Yoe 'the worst.
All dealers irCtiredichie. sell De..Wil-
hams' Pink Pine, -oe you can get them
by Mail at 51) ,cents a box from The
Dr. 'Williams' Medicine . Coe, -Brook-
4ove-Letters Private.
There have always been parents. and
guardiene to hinder and: thwart the
Iftfplees many girls have
Racial Origiti=VVelsh.
given name:
Cadwallader is .a faintly name to .he
found ,frequentlY in Virtually. every sec-
tion of Ainerica ire which Welshmen
liavo settled. Lett le, of pourse, like the
great extremes of sereeeeeseee ere. eiel overwhelming .' .majority ef :come
couhtered uhdergo 'eery -searching family names, -derived •from a gliten.
name. and .in this case -the "faniilY
teats -tb Make •them 'thoroughly, 'real '
. given name, the prefirce"apei Meaning:
. "soli of," having. been droPped -under
Weald Like Variety.
Abbie, ,the little „girl Of 'tile famAy, theeeinneenselleani:e6;efetns%ilegkiVeellneenealline was
oeas eented at the breakfast table' One
one Which 'had, 'beeeine istirroiinded:
erteening... 'Ag rental eggs:, were, served. i with $1. halo of. ',glory lobe,- hafere the.
Either she wasenet heitgry or she
had gro*es tired -Of fere, 'Nornaana'swept into Englond and final..
for very earnestly and anhally kith rA
,•'"I do.wigh hens Would speaking, "general or- "etrategliit '
ineue. not 'dilly for hie sitectitee(en At:
Venerable Aune (whO fs about to de. tribute Whieli hietory proves to have
'cense papa net the clock half ith SakOn Erigifehnien. Indeed, he tip -
Pear& to, have been se uniformly kid-,
Petite of e seiet, end. the 'hearer “Ctied.
tis they aliened it, hecrithe it.b3r."
The ancient Pret,drk.switril belong' to
the Cyanid branch br the Celtle race
Try This.
young Attiliot-e-eWleen I write, far,
getting .to nleep." '
Priettd—' "Why don't yon .read. -over
ed green, thp ,color .disappearing when yery short and fine; The, makeng of
the 'Japer ellowed,to cool in a incest - one net an ,h'our quick
• Kicked Out
,' "When you, refused' 'hirn 'my hand,
eapa did he go down. on his kneese"
!Well, I didn't notice just where' he
cal baths in order to cleanse it, and )
To guard, the beby against colds
. C...0. E.4. ..'D
-Get quick -relief. Rubs-
, note Inside. -and, out,weth
At all Drug Stores: Write for irreir Sample. .
.nothing can equal, Babe's OWn Tablets.
he Tablets are a .mild laxative that
Will keep the little one'.s stornech and '
•• IKeep Minard's 'Liniment UV e house.
rbo'Wels *irking regularly. It is' a re -
A Retort.'
.finished hair gees back to, China to. be;
cpgnized fect that wheee the stomach "The difference, between p.,,•woman
and:s.b.O_Weie, gra • good 60.4 -that- and:a-glas6,1t,iiiit the funny felloW,,ols
thati the health'. that 'thee glassereftecteeekliliont spea
he will thrive and be happy. -„The Tab- *fleeting:"
lets•are sold by ineditine dealers,'or, by -"And the difference between you
'Mall at '25 cents a' hex, from• The Dr; and'," sped the sharp girl, "is
Williatna' kedicine Cog. Bropkeille, that the- glass is poleshed." , •
Variations -- O'MahenY, O'Mahoney,
Racial Orieln--Irish.
Source --A Wen' name.,
Worth W
gome little word, of
-,To light the path.
ltindnese, softly
when skies are
he heart that's
The Irish, spelling o is nan e is • , And bring new life °and hope with
eneree'innitilificeleiliffiediedd form belagi .' To place' a' fallen brattier on ble.theit;
• The clan ninth denies froM the given
means' "a beee," ere ag. the Irish lehg-
Mother! Give Sick Baby
"California Fig Syrup"
Hat -Micas Laxative to Clean Liver and
Eleneele of Deily or ,Chlid.
Eisen cetistiea.
I'regulafee the, ten -
liver and bowels acting ielthOtit
druggist 'rind' aveld •eteinterfeltet!
h The. mid bi;ight spot that thrbugh long' No othee eixittlee
:Makes' life',Worth while and meni're der, little' bbwele
The clan name developed,. apparent,
ly shorlly after the year 41000.A.1). up-
on the rise tp a leadership of his own
on the pert el a elesebridant of "Aedle
an-Oharbire (Hugh the Terrible), orre
or the famous chieftains Of the' O'Dore"
-The 0"Mahoneys, according to an an-
cient historical reeoed, "were undis-
puted kingalef Ralihlean; and had the
right' toe be*'kings of Cashel...whenever
the ,threhe .of that kingdom' was'
vitetint, and from when -1'6e kinge of
Citehel -had n6 right to elemand any
teibute but 'the `hewing °tithe head,"
. The' clan appears te have been se -
prone in, the (lit/facts of C neat. &le,
Cideal-m-Beice, ae well as
a large part of "MuSery',. and in tater
,centuries of Scull and' Iyeagh in bonn•
A" cheery Allele to, make 'eonie eifeart
feel lighter,
Can make thisedull old vvorld seetn all
And 1 ri the
) ng Heaven we dream of
Order, They are payable everywhere,
There' are twb eleinents that go to
the compositiOn of friendship, ()fie is
Truth; the other is Tenderness.
raised the" standard of health aMong
or any other strong niMeral, te
cure pimples caused • ini poor
bleed, Take Extract of leootiel-'
druggist'. all ;it ,"Mieher Seigel's
Curative Syrup—and your skin will
Clear up 'Ali fresh as a baby's. ,. It
will speeeten your stomach 'and '
/regulate your bowels/JP.. Get the
genuine. 50c.and$1,00Bottles.
, 'If 'all' things for the sense perposd '
are kept thgethere "time' 'and- eiemble
will bei-javed the hensekeepere
afalitt Fres:to any *dares
11. CLAY GLOVER DO.. tea
121 Welt atue strut .
Minard's is the ideal liniment eor '
' the rub-dpwn. Takes the sore;
ness out cif brulsedemuscles.
Unless you see the name ."Bayee on
package or on tablets yell aee thit,get',
safe by and prescribed by
Ph' "Colellednss. over, -t-..171iteYathciareelree)'"ars for
-Toothache Lumbago.
'tains Proper ,directions. Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug.
gists also sell betties ot 24 el:Aerie),
la the Ueda mark '(registered
in Canada) Of Sayer Mannfactute et
is the sedickese And best relief for
e.,.„.., the back and .the manv other
'66 years. 'Satisfrietion in every 'bottle.
!At yeti. drugeiet, or direct from . '
ndications„, of kidney ttouble. Sold for I
'While 'it, its Well- known that A.spirfli
tneans Bayer Mantifecture, t, to assist
the public against filo Tab.
Soap and hot water., F:recccto by
touches of Cutieura Ointment. to
spots of dandrtiff and itchinm, keep
the scalp Clean And healthyt Proper
tools 2Ss. (nutmeat 25'and SOc. laical 2,Se. Sold
Ltrnim. Limited, 344 St, Pimi St., 7/.1 tifearteal:'