The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-12-13, Page 3:7
qn. ".7
e� 4 :,rAqii
1� 41
day-` $4`400
Last FAM' 'Po' MGROA?
sumnieri on, ba'AU911'st I out in thet-bir-ii or, chickiarr houssi On4_.".,; 0...
11 All -
Q -14
7 bt �,�L 1. -7
P, Or, had just hauled in theAAat,Jo.a W��;fts N 16W
TRO tan ifk,� 1_0 Ihild tW Is6 A t
� �N;�Z
7avcT T
:PQ -the 3400'4gor
-Oe to 4 4 ie�'th
-C ft
T __'petvf . hristj or,
tu fe; " b
it Jnatiffl iv,- %yftants, A is,
ry0ift Pro' is no,',ekeui66 for' it either,
I! 4415parit. tho. rod and sioi
._18 #IiB family hadi rotlred.II th�rn. I. the jxi1d';
d of
TREES. AND_-'MICF" liffter o pigs V n Until h
ThA YoqPg ttee: pIgr44itfQn';n4 s6f an supPI* hose'for each arm 16
allowed to-. Olne f -ket within
orchaid. have t�;6:
LE ythe copyb4jok;,
nd. it- is' in
v established great The Ac
a ould be kept 'in good",thriving.-dreds, of� mo, r, cars were- fevi
ostles� ends with ri
1; ght A ut'. t! too!
ned� UP -fightin -Units.- WI as., -it*
-E -rabb#4 :but 'h ura fire 4ere, the Asevents- �df' the Ap NOW
i�inong, wr r9de4tp, These'. , Many localities, III e, .98ON SE_TTIPTG
r must e"d I yes: noted,' ndniece, Barb 6f Coyabatting. A �ienc;4' 4 A
soparatenleans condition. all the tifine. If comf6kable along the 04fitry.,,road. 9 -be With Jerusalerno
gell require gall'
of. �i paring for, the,,Ief�soil'6f to -,day.' Saul and. it ieliji, Of "t", ar.a. she,,,Wa�x
lea werfe
r to -
Are -Provided and the' sow within alradius 0 'at''all I gadual And
tvfro�oinq� juarters Qpeftt ve,pro C lower'grew ve b
this 0- the to Pill hal -that good
wf�rlty mi. I me"uTo', wi PersecP r 9 become- the fol pAking, own of all' e f. as
AV-1le—builin- qayp_ _Christi,�iand-,has--beerill 14blon
r f
grIp ICA 4r --
but she
year wi n occAsjoii tea 00, on re, an wi, in an- e Ox the,Gien- his. own h' th., move er our i truck, is usiTally kept in� ji, c6ntrAjizqd 01"i n
trunks,, but the �smaller'rodenis, to be without ix eal coe- pro
:Second,..a,great Gent, eyes.,ae.
mgood relia' engine house, -,And 7rhe a 11 k'o: .,Aired th�
f6l]Od, of, fodder,, must ble f4aiad'for'brood'sows' were nothing. 6' breaks intent towArds, Christianity. hous ri his first . irnprison;w OW is, feeItor
nt iii Roi6 Paill.hits
-,I smoplderin 0;14 -en, me
a been APPrOved He is urYdei- military ..yellow, �Puris Zrink lie
further 4 slopt.,mad 1 f out t e 'neighbors speed to, V orn�
PIIO h nti6f�l and h this"Measlire blue a.5 the morn and
lie scene, A
-6. trucks e
m4hods: hv In motor cars. . -, out of.,, this � g" to, haye friendia
, e of'of ch'Ar th churZh'at by'df freedom�'
Many. ,v 4p o equal' p Oa.. One of the's rd,
bedh ad �ated �rahed .6ats, barl6y. hrid' bran P0Iic.,'opinio't lie fire 6 a movolhen't,
but,is, free
in Ari_pq, �,gq%
11 'h 't' lee,
_the�� rs I -see ;w-aftor-truith" rn&-t6him-��
-fedl,aTA -61. j -CO] trie h ar'Ron' k POWs
Arid d h
ong, t.pisfa ;ire wAY, Oid.p4vo the b'dilonks ission4r.y ournpy Of Paul Bar-� lr,��wiu lioi ddro'� 10 aoy�I;
inday, u.ring the win er'Pre'alise's' d napas in the provinees� of- A I M" rpiping" of' e t uring 6 Ay,. oAnd. thus
n e i wrouht'byr me. In these, it !Sri gDod', f
'Verses he Or' em to be,everlasting,
-olind .At, Gentile. self 'as brea-4r y
4 to, Q..p6lindg, roots,,per. -Smoyth ks on high places, are a. help, to the'14e, chu�h tat Jprusalem, th 'Mselyes� between meal'
f thosit, thing It
Mound of earth 'from eight r a 4 inQr.,l epea, , oj,
i. p
to =h t ey should h e nother h n6f caught fire,, Centralized, w ter k t Ing about the dire"64 children, t
itv , An addition! 'I ome had, bee ruin d �on;ac- tan a Third, t bjis "been finally decided by
t bape� -of 'the to
.Welve inclip the
the. xnpa eo nt.of carelessness, declares him atuffing. th�
in no fQr0o converts am to'be freia,from the ob ground -And a blIzer. of new trails, a B it for Some, reajSqn orOther Bar'ba'r'
g Ai lunteer gi
-*,trunk the tramping, f snow fir ly day an Alfalfa bay to. tak� farm buildings is Just, one of man'' vo t
4 Clover -or
the. use of tar paper; the placo, of the green fbed fe . d d' as which annu TEN FIRE ServAnce of gti�h'Jewi' i layer of new t
a out the. trees,
uring PauS4 ally: help to, Aestirdy D phi i tes;,as. cif. oundaion. He has, b�._m likes Crack
pro, and is pre
-t e use of Sul the summer4` fie "brood, so%#.must over $000,406..-�or�h to these sa, ounicialon,, which belonged to the Old 'called to Wes Oskin f tt gene��,
phite white building In Addition IS apostle of tbe.,Ge;l
of 101ty.. MoAfl Dip 9 or em...
oAnd he thinks it Mi
e, mission
paper; the' use of wire protectors,- hair0'.11CCeSS -to., miner Ures, the following Dont's,,sho Id be tru' to "C'acky, p oas y-hone'y'IF0
al: or parthy
OR FIRES. very
from As,
the use.of. wooden. von V. 9-- A-' viawn" qppear. inor, is. Minof io.
Mosugo or. galvanized. wi�e feeds,. f PA j�AC 9"16:9-1� lead the way, from'Aniioch to Asia she. Momrl
nettin ods, which May be storedin T�B� A BAD MONTh -F observed, on e arm.: VL COMES TO EUROVk
cloth;, to ' ger ptd� root hoysb, are. Oceilent., Don't Use arid Octhbor are gasoline chi-616ssly, or in rs;. po on dehi beiongj3 Europe;- Pal
-or"Cont'dining, charr&d Q,mon., a 'of farm.fliiai. '.In AUOSt, Handle it in to PAW's-'second missionvi from a her
*ith, one -part 'of s6f - coal Char�oal, Au Septenif the fringe of Europe to, its heart No,' Honey; not now 11
t th side- the main buildings mother. 0 ary*jou-rney.'. Paul--fiad-s6lix A: to ]16me� The true greatness f course. that ought
arsen (.,,�god three parts,'by 7 othe,,newly ha th6�o en aIr.,,MaI6hi Ih �Iove to set,
A but it doearl
wood, shouldbe' acces'sible at,a times U
ay r gr ten p o sbods and gaT- thiub,his Work -first I thj iiovinceo� f Paul l,'.thatbe'by� I
corn meal. -it;
eigk if led h ' o .''ain.of n g t to con
0 on and tie 't--n6t by
t 0 causes firo'by apontaheous�combis nerete ft ife Icti
during the. win er 'r hen'the SAges should have co oors. A!3ia:.and �then In Bith In, . e,the gospel irrevocably ynlatut,hiwas techingi ad lot of jugfula'i" it
inaours. As i! 'direct, addition tlofi.� Destructionby� oDon't allow P in
P bly the cheapest Sate protec- child dhallonge. tothe world.
n to play'wit
jig trEi h Prevented b
ng X61 Y the Spirit from '66 doing;, 11. Mom 7- oney,
.tion i�s� yrappirig, sows meal raU6 the follow h matches'or- fire. God, closed, these doorv6o �pen a ivide�r; she Pleads..
ea er 7in Au&
.'with '.*td:, Tankage. 8 to 5 per camp�rat usiiiilly dck'labe 'Augusir Don't.1dave borifires open fire-- oor. Macedoniik,
dividuil ti6L
trunk white builid- SIgges d' A man, of Macfdo#ia. I. From Asiw to"Etirope,' Acts, 16,:9-
C say
P aridi 1: or , her. mother
as r
Ing paper.:in lat"e October or.Novern- of the weight of, thw mixture, or. fdr, th a lay across the: Ah;gean
�pr kn(t tho - iPa' C"I n g� 'a. 6 1 i seaport. of My, sea, from he 5, Paul - in hilt, sbcondaz r hitisjoriary I before.
September eir tripaj and ork. P1 Ceh uriwAtch�A
'frequently. areto.L bJ�enInj,arJOI1rnsIY wfis
mound, ;Rge,,3 per eht., bone meal .8.,per cent Don't use, 'a ato.%'t RS pro -
e blamed for fc unless it. prevented from going to So the Jhtle, villain turns. to me,
99-.6441i'arouild, tho'bottom- of the The- further -addition of fites. 'In Oc per b' cOntiliental -a- world�dqt3�!., Com. over the right hand or the left, Saildwas,led smiles with',
t6b' 1.
percent.' ei people-be'gill. set rl proteetion�, undfar-7 ''and "lp, us. iThis is the, blea -from - DY divine providence "to Troa Mouth.
aher iO66ud
WIIAPP.� 1�. treatment' has not ground limestorte.;wIll freqIiently up,stoves";, diafebtive chimneys whi, danhoiturn Away. he siw a *here thinki'she cidn' w
failed in even e.of and, dry noath. ch fhrlitianit a of Mick brk ifie dog-ogone
Yeara'.trial.' Tb6 Sul-- great value. I Tankage' is',ial'uable. roofs, cause trouble., 'Don't neglect an unsafe,,ghimhoey.
Vs. 10-12. � 1medizt61�f we "a;vI. and efititing lifin, oayin� I'doirle over. POSU on her: little
phite used in, the makinj 'Of it 1* - I pr6tel at," The fir , pile
hPaaside fronijtj nth at atep'in the Proven' coal, or wood Aga!ns t a ori0d to #o in6 Macedonia. Paul knwsAnto Macedoniw and help, -u ri,�Y, cIieky'
tion of
-furhace wall or near This she'says,"an
oral A uard against,69ol
acts'a& a rWIIailt:'to the mice. Var-W-Contains destrable:,iiiin flies -is to safeg t it to -be -the'call of,Godo "A -loses no 448 the -cry. 0
'S Y 1onIA sianding
per MAY 'be us' f Greece, to JudaeaI' I'me If sh pected
eff but, th ' actually di Pa. ere are in- derived 'froin, I �chuses.. Dpn?t, ank ho' time iri'rria4 t.
anima* :pii)jUCtSj char-� if I YOU, eop tramps hnd'l uses. -with leav, . ing the nfac4gsary prepata� -Gioecowas rich in'art.ind phil6s,oph got I
89 or She has h i d the
starkegs. .,ere. -t is r&al-�ia-bigh. in'ph,6s &smokilig- -at. y en' word, -c
rs InJiir phates ffi-d-b- -eigwrett' vi ese--arie-6ritirialy cov. ls__�POHY bd�progrrwas Mu -ch lioiri her niotheir.
p ace,'
di proi was lack 14 most,of th and'
oper von th f
or and:.unsep, h-'
cial, a - etion 1ith earth.- the writer. of the'Acts, bec6ines father and a
Y, to e'tr highly bbriefl gestioTi speak Luke, Judaea
A"dur' I 1 7 Jg t atl6n, Ili er.. of the rest of us
h h' the Uyloft, lit 'up 11 tning; r'ods! Don'!t allow careless wf fing,, if.' -the thirrgs, -bid -had, I'll, -
galvanize Ap ates eloc:- compailion . of Paul. " L'uk ' ' , " bl riches:_ 15L it: 10oks-HIC67 everyb
I. -:wire ..cloth.' This I
8 1 pur- e an 8
r a named Ho
a (Ire paiticularl 1ook out- or 'of
chiiiled;by tli6� roll and 0 e nece he7wor
should he r [on, of tso cb*" 'e.s, an 'don't Oh Use In'I'ammable. c1banera-, d by.soinfa the Ambassador of Chrioti. and through 'tihe, 'stand
touri was �a GOntilo
as wide, as the prof4petf t a U"
g:, In Yo ce womap h A native of Philippi. He,� Luke he' leitned. of e rhoral anId
on IS 4o be I I littek'of pIgAI d S Waf a�'an "bi t the greatst, care to hatVe been th
�in two: yf Ing:, In
height Thi�, roll! is:cut And I was aman of deep�humalj sympathies. sPfrituid needs.10f,4 lulenT,
from' Proz w yq 'I fAirly safe, on't
t whatever . she,
twe Va en 'Ot good bac"6n' r Placesiaul s I,�Iate.�as lth4 b land wgwlika thichuibli, 1"'
1hen, I 'sti to �fght -t -she knows tha
t �e, * �, ur brood sows 061�ts of'othe Macedonia. Tt
fert elaSi, any.' additional 'firs, at ill b lited Matc 6r. to
type and e aks,,,of 'hin
on ac a t If loved -T llfini,*
or care an Atten Joni'they Pro r I . . . . . g,4 fr6m 611 of this, rather than hairs ],or
a sho, were
tild be" sed. ca e p
unk U rich,!" �and.'did'nbt -a
around'e h "tre t6dtidtf poissibl,
rs 'are.- rolled q'a -of
ti Th4e pi6fta6t,6 When �the cables tlie! hi
PtOlitabie re urn; Every farm. can I '+ know� thmat it vras� pitiable, poor,. blind, ftarve, 60 den
not be equip�qd, with I Despite care arid. ssfa� in
'd eA-! loosed''It Tro.", eh�isji th,right there b
aroun an. 'iron r glvo,� them a ongfne,.�uttbiIaro is some flies o Apart f rdrix say:
t0i t6tal destruction; ever '.,all 0 Anity reft for-z..niked. ..The *hole world ofor6, ry.
ccur And eographical, tho spirit of 0hrist" I belplb�'s as
spring i then i�l�ced the' �*. tree What ia,mer can 6ftek, takei -- I
or 't de
Breed of Poultry If d ve y 'of us'-kii6w, of Philippi. Philippi ,wlaa, an tirportarit ever. Euro forgetful -of - d -W
6 the I �b" I e , t .. A*,�
iriu'A a'n'il ivirard a couple Best - foK 'Small priiiint, �wbi p am' All 0 it Ali, Uireil
pressed down
ba I don't'
inIches into. th me c6lattei There, was a man settli3o. 'a JlI.qi7 ne me ov sopose one craqker, "more 4,or less *iU�., h proted Td" L casesr iik6 the faimer liiti'6n a Ro'' T -and
e oll., Sue -hurt, her.: Mebbe.
First' -merit here. t e
ali;ithe�e tire. chem, c fire, yet there Is, a,"greater eremy ovi any Of tbo., Was, not A colony iti ou ndn-&Xstlttin,� she r6allyis ungry. III.
w drs.- -Mosqu to BY S.' W.KnIN. - extinguishers. -Although these are not' arms than t 43 tr'am'p ior hired an y afid Y tell Me to�get a,cracker
tots Will last aev'' a sia-
*iro*.nettint:is,fgLir.1y.;sa�i�f*CtDrj as ThIjL- I h t)rd, but a ninitar t radio f Christi s*ell- SO MY nfece
4 Point long' dlsusi�d and cheap enough t.b� classed -6s pIA y- w, ho'' sloi ke' civil community;' plitnted by tho..P i to 'the
o- Ing tho, chorus,, 0 ove for her, . if nothing
s� a -pipe.. in. the F;tra%Vs tack. ibeint4res orien I t and.h-gp UiII, fe so will- 'do me,
a . temporary protection w getting anywfi Personal� Abingoi thay.a're' mic 'than a at'ohdmy. is �h' Ile and p'oas'ibJy7 Severej;
ere. li cheoer, Tbii t of' the and I ot 6
r believes the new.' arn, si 9 he
oymor..' He 19
At the' 346rde E:Kperi -overy fane'le' 'I 'and,ifatrn machinery. rtst; of,Euro to Theri;� haiing, Sta- jY; I believe, type of Man who will! Iean-'-on-i.h'lb 11. From t O� ki brought. pe
i"''Cen'tre A�ti 28:. res -me- and read for" a
tion 't'he protecto, V 13 15 1 a e w er a6e at'litst I-,
ty a oman -And p�otty aoOrj li�ft cornea
ade. There was evi y
?604t 'Metia to t Ing f-er s,�
ra 'mo t -Ili- favor are likeed:,he keeps.-ts, tfiei 13dat. man Thv're''.' Saullset do*ii, to A are a so,,. one -of shoulder,'th 41' the 0 'w ;0
made:. ftom ]I (rn t wai. '.R Citizerl; slid -ever �C6
PdUl rY oo ed around 'to * prese t fire, 'and, I t 7 - as d1most.eVery farm, with, eAts 'in I hia eyes 'tell no,' s, nagogue. in- Philippi,,, so Paul Ish6d the ho f preaChing the gospel
They. ariat'sinfilar to those made 'a t- of birds he sho III -�eep, eW
3everal smaller,: ones' distrib. ted his,nefghbors vthat.,the Place wa w eams it�rtsoe wl* a-,c!ackyl
from Wire 0 H Pt en� 'to this place of. firaiii-r- In the Of a n, eI
loth exeepi for diffeienc Ot-t6oli a fan� ."of the Empire'- hand,
e 'Vileft its far off ai Coriiith, he vrrot� a
Y Wiliv Wyaiidottes;- 'over the- b bu pro- insured. 0 P'tal
arnydrd,�Ahd ildiligs se'of Jewish cerempilial .�a�hd�WaPts.nieto-st6�everythtn,
0. protectors b4t his' ntatighbori'spok �od satoty measure.' -If yo4.'4o I eso'-p aces were gerierally letter. to ho�, Roman . Cliristl - 'in else abd plAy, jameg
e so. -highly of vide if gi The -one six w4shings, th " A
fe'guard'a"' . ans,
allowed tot I- Leghofrns -b6id'e6cided" 'Uld t6sa by a'river.or, SeOlde. Lydia., She.was, -Which,hdi maid, owith her.,
ema n on trx
A. not
rom year -he wo. have, me'"thl 6nks, 'three :Or four!'virlii6h. every fariner can
aWen I Say
at; or gatbotedjri ipri 9. hati.Ve. of Th�Afira,"in'*.Ajgl� - Mirior, Is,'. 1 'kin-:rIaady tW proAch, t a. III
n a' a �e, n me, mays 'L..
g nd ke, �P� see whit br'sod' would be viriegr,bArirels:gan behad Alm, t ng'in that -tone I
in aut"iiiiii 'He tossed ft'nl. oit:forl insurance. E ad My'-farmor egospel ear, - it.
-friend ebt Arid" sold Ili. Philippi, the Purple dy o o at,]16me Also., Wholir,
e times, befo4 ii turi,
As a.,ru so mide, �een-1 Unkk�.honen s e says., generall
"*ill be' not know, that h 6 wif inIo too
for WyanAoiid' 9. n -making use Of ank§ Insured, his 1*�rmnprobIbly w6uld Qoth'of 'that �,Ia WA�6h i�orshipped he Wd, this he did
esome ould:always. -been niOifga OrG d She was.- a proslyte I or conver; Me Irl
troubl and barrels, buck�ts sh b6., -have ged.' the, res would -go t46m
n thbMd to them an a- -stri to, rbad, blame it
a: fao-�eifi CY0131 ers6n, vra ts ',to eep: a, -a� d et 'rule his , I I ife. -?he '6ath the aie oi says r
'Only *hers still A: P k, gra9s;`6r;1*eeds aregiowi kpr,' birds toi- sub�iyj.m hear aind`one-day 0 a. Sol]
t p where Few � ple,� Uble 'h th6b buckas a�� ndt is -'Pioi;cted agal' t t aa. 6termin
'g, a in a 6uld be that
!_1 hot' thiolijholIt iflo. Your property. nst T�ord' ope#e'd. She was'�wjitifik for' all our work. for. theI� kihg�-' Jus re.
-Noiix So, in ed as bel!6
t4rbois.f * I
or nests arefiauAd. If eggs'.. yeiir to be�'used except. n case df,'f
and, h
I' ' iro Ifire? f'notj more'light,- and. found it, iti"illI6, teach.; 0711i, proposes; but God- disposes. Un
clean.-butti t, an oces ristirtartee, -AAF`111 7 Orley, PIRY
va ion Is.-PrActiced;. it -will sl6nal chicken dinner, th wif'� me i
ver spilled f
keep you 'from ciryi of' Paii'l. Abide -there. Her gia. IIL St. P I's SU14,014ry 0 says
no I o ti Mu hie Mis- n.
el en.
re rea
oma4s 15: 19-21.� We say I Wont and I inean, it
Plan, Barred' Rocks. They'are a v Or home Abou�.'bojrdsrs of thi III tude. It If igaJ[h.
ereAs the ing, h gai
asn y to' it , , y to 'down i 9
nece' a lm�cl;I be, pr Preed
prbbably;1e ary 6- 1 ' se.they are likel
protect Alian the, veketabl gard wh the fl 'b- ks milk shows -1 se - in. pra
MES, To ROME;- ACTS 281.
bird CIS bee 0 0 U f ornes. a, centbfa, of apheist,--trom Jerusalem tO 13 t'
tat U Pretty Soo in- cutt-
ion. t I 'dk UL CO _n ipg clown
POn,.O good nner, and, Ill. the egg layihi an t 'tD,protdct
Or. a IllYrfcun� 'WO'have die: method,
"Other man -had or 1,1m do'
I contests oftdrif, -not captro JU
d a all times ie�� Ust to;hear.heilaugh to prefach �vrhei,6
-30-791, ROM, 15: :184
as yers.
'THE BROOD. Sow ligy have shOwil'th0ft worth' is%' theft 1.1ocks, .21. preached wn On' -the fioor�oh,aIl_f,6urj
i- - be breaking *it-, MIS, ng -a: wild,
'r.-Females'41i say
w4s an of are easy to keep i1i -ebilditioft and have the,:qb�
well kqpt,�'brood so' at idler�arec 21i We nd ki: r;cIdn't-horsti Pr,,
ee'Rome." This was
IS Ardy.
You. can let the t -..KW _,ad.-inales. t at.� are. -to _OK4UO
i4lift I . ra-haiol_ on he Illy' Fillust- alsd, s 9,* gm I
on M. ..—not methpd:, mothing o ._She_W y_._ but t1lij-ffi&j the.,16beiliend ' f
f jM
-free Points of fakeellence In ardly�. and hold, Afamselves Gerltiles and she is on My back ift.,
products of the farM* Oise of back yard and n a breeding cow Away ogic e,o -the.
shbul& 1;6; iscrd MY neck and
0--q'- f--kI and' -about-11i6ir s6ni.6", filci juicy goo g co or 641. ',.of Europe he inu. go t6 th :6olild will be couched in, the language havingL the,time
1,�', "Pto'd -in the fringe Hio tAIM do
uc c y profitabl dbri- ,.to f _tr9mf--tb6---migh I cr
.t- be-secured-fOr. Christ'" ei:iaruh"-
Of 'her. of,
rl�_o ar, ab6ut. contr6-6f-th10_E i did "the heart of it]I6 fiy= t ep UP this. -Mon eydoodle'-�
'At the Ex4riniefital - Farrh Nap L Jumping -qd Y. , A b go lays�-Ji he
pan,, ".S.i the eleven Yorkshi ma a 46� and watth hj ve times bee, weight, in. w ten, Jesus shall i-eigis
N king themselves at h 'a Som !xnd bright ey*� the ead'coln-, egp..'On in I of tbe'wbrld. I Ids,Epistle, yit'
to. so- Wff unti 'kept for' b parativeIy t sui�: 8 gets Utake.-liet or,
e,I Oiter bteed�s- Ito ver 'short av6tHgo�glib lays At I -thitd
and broad; the bea c lf�aasti every to the, Roinans. frorh -the cit�... o Coj;.:
Ing PurPosei f6r 1922 'do 1,'4 D-- a
rbed' Y'�f�nd.of
ropp, 6rt und'well Curived: y during the�year -or, I' intlij,'whild on succeseive jour"
d .1 ont�aen itter's w,ft'hin the Ing. There Aould id4 ThAt-,ii.-thd.supromIo,n d,40f P, and whisper �st6fies,, toi her
ed sev ird :,missionary
average of .1 The hu an. ace kno' larid.squirtels-'and krfait', rea a But,� If egg production- for, Aliiarir�s in the fowl- I-': strong, stances;, every'other day;-- �Journey, he.,%aIso expresses, I n profit. -Is AlLuEr, Will W'Aidsit.0'at this fi6U
i -his ws
vis. _bte until 'she gh
ra 4 Object' In -kee the legs set 'w6li als-that.-I-d �,_b4 o hang togethor and -to udders "Oo-o,
s�ad. an o Itr
tr With p1gsPer the -and.'-n6if how t
ter arid ,mal vigorous `�airiage; 'be 'indivI b9t ` 1- to oth wbik
4ch'th Fvl.thvre,
aportn�-awd Tpo�o f r the dommon wiaal,�`bnly squirmI§, as, i at -as
-v hoiself
�F�ng y 7suppor Ing o f
Ocorisd Acts 31 -PaIV 4weit",tw 1�e Ch I t c" unify the race
t ....k
I. . 1,
h "Make a men a, good eiph body.. for. s:Afdty .� ; :�,
O;sgible' In 'beweeii my Alin, -An 'in
'a -as -bbserved---:Ih-` thp Paul' -come Land
26j075 me�la, I cost of to' the,'handsome the bone," d Y
Whit ;�hole vlear'lh. as -at las
e eg orn. ust'look, a ank, gll.6)ib be a Arid 'not too " ''To make a- neat coVer,for a Sleeve to 'he comciras'!'a PT"Isoner., rule.
$32.86'p'er 'Ski over some w -a discarded whito,dotto me,. bitt r I p6m Y.� a a snuggles tOriv 3AM Pounds:!�of the ejg-liyIng..coIXteSt - ep6kts -and fine for file d; ha'toeg'.'strDlig, boardo- ara' n R.0 P
milk at'$i-.P 6 1' ' ' r r. h
er n, 8,679-pounds,roofis
You will
sto&ing 6ve�'66 pAddingi c osei to my
that; though., there: may 'Straight, but 1; too Ion It, 411. fit I he'art'and, gi
I -at $3.21. per ton,. aiid,. were bn;pa g.; the, �Ium
w -a' little
'thre6i month durin" be. .1ndividuals, -i�ritli a: higher record' Age, -smooth - a clean. snugly' without.faeking, arid 'is Forcing' RbubiilIb. in, �,Wfiiter. sigh of content ':and her eyes lom s each the a mson su6h easily
Ondby I sorter 6zo too
a chiarge of 50 �centh Por n' There is actioti,whe).i't IS bir& are d , r After'
as the. Australia ]Bla�k OrPinj' orcing ;rhu��rb nb'
commefIcial y a is com- a while ii�,Pbby he'r mother an�
Y he]
month, MI 4king a total, cost -for feed iher breeds- for lay.j4g.' Whll� their ea e 'the Lfoufld.-that flitereitin-the pr6due- Pai�tiyfaly easy-�_and`- r father -look ir
Yet as 'a 'class they out -distance industrious,, when fthey h
hould,'be cairifad U Of each � �ow. no -only made, it oil. much' ry than' it .'is -,ht. And .,pe says sof
iOro geh-2rally rhaps, Le to
year. Theso, s( late at night,, in the1oAS'i4'-e;66"Dart 'th t]
ging-, who wi y
' I, h(6_p_'9.or_onea.;,,b.ut, - 'A
-of $367.07 or an average'co, )%Va raf sed nroosts ea rly in' the tting,
per sow. per' 9t,of $93.8�7 ho ses.must be-kept,moro' edinf.9,table 1,tu�n, tq. them morning and re-, 'ton jkte.r-.and-.rn6 tt Of ep , in a rea �K-6-4ff-f6 rv-1, AD-D6tiZi !10_n9Y_ miLk,
ha n
bd 10 more ve
'still ther fjy7t ose. __Tf0_ had fro U_ 11
nd i.vr in January un 1 0
hyarket Value per pig-,at-ilix-, IS arepotnts to nU orth', w 6 plea
lu-'Aa,eir -EaVor- Who f t
noor Space aiId - --- - ------ Q
per bild, eat a i spruntirig rfilit,,
6t'ag':puebrdg.. tr'6 dukAn'thelate autumn 6' ore� the don -f ound'At-
d- e, only WIn
hird less of food and'
grou. are e
r, yaec6nd, ehildfio6d,
purposes, 'IsIS', Y a lay- 25% b n 6 ken to 0 t yout, to; un d 6 nd-
ma b rid freezeg, c Is �Cau in in
otherw So he gr -e -at aiarm'. t
re odilo d.all - the buds oft the 1 crowriai 1. inpresery 4 e it as
Id have been $10 at gi)t -try e eprins u from her'�com that
wbu ihOre eggs, than do their' mb di Or "ome and-Coun. �O
Et not profit , 'over' and hardier -aliters.' yet with either And t6. keep as mtich;;�f �ho, ry r filuch� feed Cost of of ai he' b b had Atopped, So Ptib.', 13 oil, min s yipg
h I.- 'd 'It � ,
hove two, br r Is a t a, UtI d
Iri�g io'the idots as P
Pity hen
make - quite a aqjravert. t ts -thal
ver, age pro -at, roo 1511 0 mArri
ly ows III
56.00, or' for the' e -100 ms and you 'mi Fr
86w-dver-f d Ppod.
$9.64 nOther Pods Inte'e It 'ed -Mb 11:3and --Membe'rs And. .'says, A
__��ords;_the -Poultry k6op6i --should Hundr' v J Ili -dear ee
�Ost -nfao-Alttle:-profit-- *A;f6h-`hAA sto
$ iev ;Ows W as your no gbhors he E nglish Press has, much 'to say'', gulm -have been `�coffiplete zeii force ."He Will'ipfaind'his lifo
tv -CA41
'4nd at, a higher pxl'e� i 'Ai' aboutWomelIg Institutes, much b6tte-i, arid qdidker. in 614P C
in 'T Ill buy all Ilthd fr6sh, eggs I to add my -w
$625,94' If one wIShes'to ga, 1 11 1 . I I YO of late. -name to your,,Ii Y is �got a in yin,g hfad� in
Oft- OPP Y at of Pat n6s§es.iii The . �b th,6 �11
c ban, ore -�Lteg no
_-L'kAT117�6 or-ts,?-pt)ints-o.ut-the�-Lon---offlefeilt-Youbg worna -solici
GT- -0oilsideiation- -eg _d
for, the
ection �bf the brood en in e plied that they would 91 bod, con o -open an adly.: take, her 9�" , must-, be the, 1' 1 don Daily ovv�a, 4,hAvO be ad ' in fredzirik't6 Put the toots'llit H lots us blow delight,of hearing,, her call hira
tbce*nt year� to kecp'glive the, I "'It caui lots of, fu, Roriey;arid probably feel fulli tepat
Now, she ShOilid be Of co�reci -url'guihOdg, 411t . t the
bagon ere no pa- dL
en'l les to t14 But when we geltd excited'.
W , line coil
aving size a 4 spin in do th giVe.conte spect, er, on h. I tic ti
�yPe, lkig� with doe, t I En'gl'an' ntmerlt tfonesses;'so that,
p tiAly
ight sides, a' 1,11 tile v,illages by bringing into' thoirl tribution must b' -,.plants, a dark.cellar should b6, avail'. I He. 'Baysi I Y,
nor, d. sWeotheafts,. pray,: 3, Out WeR Sdi,
arried d (4*J
good full quarters,well daily ekistence'new The Duchess', t ble wh&e a temperatilre of 6�.O th. 6o! Be
�n social And in rst #piazqd_ careful.,01- �deg.
olig-heaA, y -e quite Away.'
s-unexpee s, N�as iFof a close Inspoffac 1()
crowns are c a drink -
71 bin6'6t these ssibilify Pi ar,
w 'e4ehtcd t'
0 as�"Clb§ely to ther, as po.q�iblo�
not 1 a atch as supPly Of !thP' 1424h. : R,-�
^D&ss' about the jowl and tr fl�liii to See that the - a fifierAbcal, patriotisi'*:- 8. 810, toISed t o o h n pl.�6d on cell t' Ir' Mad of th
Olrf A sow !*am 'Is vigorousi And
that has efforts have'failed, itot,througli'wantil become, for a lit, Ing
at mating.tim__If the.Taiii' ehty-�nin
iiulf:& a'careTul-66feeti6n, bpe(id U too fat of good' thr'dIigh wAnt 'of 8o sh do 10 ibums oently..en
he wfIl'be.61urnsy, sto �ig
W,. And i i d o r biffq it ising]etownship.
with cricket biill
Produ�ed larkelittbrs, AI r, over-fAt knowldge or' seorgan i1z'Ation,, and !'ti0n, dri&:-�aild he as It, it; a 06d plan
to a good boarftho bacon ty c
Pe�pro� likel
y -to prove impotent glad to bel
evera lncflt�s -of soi� oVer-the. And' then, it.lies q was' given to -the type!'of �urbfi
vide c6infortabIg. qua�*S'i," w ft- �Occasiolllally'thr6ugh a'wdnt of t,,,ct without befrig1listed,as.,a to II ap s I4ite still:
e a es 'to tile �4 Sources of 'Polution arid
�� -e� I, � f roz
I is. strenuoug'ftfr wlii�li liaq'lod to su�pj�fdns off patroli- -Wom run .'thL nioviament. r g
-s-ind dri 6, should -41 i�findiii 9 !)art, on 01* 1 a, cour ng?s Of thi- number �iily - wasto water.'
ihones � ram, And ighted and ventilated, also,free from fh en' -buds, And: tttis cove in'
n thb� best, age, and. cohdesc�fision. es Arld'Working wornell. i4lkin' f lie aAasiq olify to gradu- 'the rn�ins�ri 'broke drai,nago loir Surfa-ce nd,
Tfi�, mating fs�asbz oH`0" t
4ught.- Yar' il -lie', W . I . phisie, -es that, f. The I_) shou ttrcnfy�eih�t of
be provided f6 ' I on. This, requn v , itpF ally draw but'the,t ts, "FN6 bob again;
r and it is afffliated'Wi.6' 161 Natio'llal: "Wter'should
a I growing 9tbek, as he have plenty of exercitge. te U. e wellp w4are'classe� 'fkatidlol,
a a regu arl'by' the WtonierlO' �Inpiftufes W6mehis ppliM )ibeta his. s a
ry S� Ibe a 11�j' bedaus6 upon the! yond 6ke." t*enty.�
yery neCeSs them ��Upplk 4alb arid lrfa�h' to the �. k arid thirt two were,
as al 4� which has no"t ynotei suPply,vili'dep6ri,d,to quifo'�But
wa r a nin-e *ore "fail -
sow, 4,verybodk,Aq stlpp6�-ed-� -Artch is the UA of �all, e6n8ldar6d,,I'p*x,'t: Of the t4tal
s o A r
an exte'n't, thb s foedi.. such as 'equal help, somebod' 8nobbislinas
ticeess,of, the 'etop. itr once it, was sows are parts �.Ibf corn, oats and heat Y. o, fbel Per colit
Ill'Ah. recently in, on on al,Alre it, this, Id Sol hjne�d typhoid, bacWia:
kept r'W of n find th'a't,siam which se MI - o land is is� not rib'cessary, to 'use. kicb,_ An' land 'other �erjus', cous,
VM19 m6it but which when it oL d Its Venth I barie of till , now it's shimin intestinal,
ng, r �w iic 1 qu ar t rf tile -Aid 'nffaL'meQtlngi,r fail' f � 0 q d yards ex�fallefii servicebine year -will fiot,al-, epli�#L-JKW 4iea:ily'200 to L no r dy con- F, getting o1q,
tain1II6 nee per ciaht, had'sonla
run in,at, all t 060,membors Allry plantif-66a tor ti4l 1.b�ow it all, blow it.
gre' SLwid only thirty-three.
ays tender the it Y. of, gorm The I ml;erb. meet devIalopirient of th� IeAf�stalks A
a M6 qualit
on. . I I I wON IiY, FRAN KNE.98, ay a little, rh�nie,
ddocks,' with' 6 fog - he ss il�s vice owing year.: or can -on t161TI3SS.bOU'BT_ES regularly. at
i Per.deh Contained. pure N st`PlftiA1fie�y produce
early springif ot#, peas depbho upon I WT. InstitUtes on terms' of aboilItki. r hout' I'Nhht th nio�.i The, -Above gh6Ula
lover tot thb, a :y6ungi, strong -app their f.6 0.h
and an'd iva equality' anq good' fllowship. OUi six weeks, yet to niailitaiti
on Ing tam lamb. The good sheep brof T he' y' T-AW:iff"6e time. giving tile
the fit
id- Dallas (Tcxas� NOI
land auturnn iNding. The so 's' .,axe' must have first hand knOwledg of' th6� toxY through a LbInd it, c6rrd8p6h_, ahs, kiliply in any 6riiiirig� dLjVict 'th� %vs tells thiS tca�h,ond Another useful handler an ahuhd4nt ft Is, oil to have
w 0 a -4colid lot; of voots oui of do'org
turned into Osiledidlly iO tbo,dOmesiild ah' d''8cuss.
th -so f 'hadi' of ilid most 'Clareful cop8idcrutio Y.
e lolds 'for throo,0'r condition of th'
thfa.probleinst of' the Aiiy arid y when 'the flrst go ay§,"'Tinib f6r,bed 4 1
read tot,' plant1iig When Nut.
-hours eAch da'y; in hia� way,, we through fre0en ekaminAtions., liter' Brlt�afn' I'S just ready, foe use. These h f blow my little fairy,
0. late the with -ozen
d tile b6S.t 0_4
too s
ill,, Plante top
lic aims to Populrizo rura'I lif-d-, folk Sonja an t should be b) I The hours 'fly tound 'her head Hank says, that the
Maintaining the brood sow from 6 to After '�Mbtber wli h , -hVe, -ho- f �on Y___iid'5eed' ur' c L at '01 m0ked, ed, the is attractffig'106tegibd attention here, -The anditreaied i - do dribed The, litdo'ghost of farrilo'r produces -can o'grown rig t
Y are bii� to 'banish frow n 'tile inannei
to a n I o reason I win r line. o p
h3en feed whi deadly dullness which mo8f
Cents ppr� day, but have Provided chick -on for C114 n 01 to ows
onsi cooked b, � a kf ast, dressed the d- iff that it'has biirnea lagcs fst lof. Whlsp�fs §bflIt t in his 1%4d ii
C4 is mo�f esseltial 10 1 �hildrb or the away f roill 'the thne-liqn6r6d. English People who IIAV6'liv�ed in it's t11'soll with boo"If
tinid btlt rows It: kvith,
tho,"lealth of �hb 6reedifig stock it, them pay reely"rieely befi bar
praci W lit- tell 1161., tiliid P neteds r folilncho�o gotten, their books liogether, its, list 61 'and
oldest 60j, 61. all IthIe children's tice"of havi'nIK women of�, tl'tl6 6ri makes existence Intolerable, To, r'errI6 is larnt P4pero'plalita ;'Iimc which is I . ve rust from vetal, i*ub 161 it ivith 'bullo�
with lard .116n, hen thjafl 4 IS
slid'! a #]Ad, started'. In abd lot stand over iiigh� MI rea Y OT �T kftn't 11 �r
ben-sdour, Al
bone And tiss s4w> that re t And 1!6dnd.their ha oAnaa : 00 .h 1 -1 With, W d 4 pol e provemon in rural ]its
on, em �=o o she call a subicriPtf6n. Languidly'Sh� Ans� the �Spirit of I d d6 �and self. withater +o'whieb A, little AmM6nIa th64 ;Jo '0, n epqn -.7,60throUh wit. a greater de�ro of gatisiaction,
0 thmi ost other things hi, is abld"to
A* produto gluall, 1�ofn Y'A W rk. �'Ybu MAY Put me down for fittilp which:has alw_a�!t animated it. 1143 ba add f6 inuill . ty