The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-12-06, Page 8•S >Vl''1 T> L, thultsDAy. EtEMtiEB 1923;; a d'. co - /grate ndin S tura D�e e be h• ', - ; ., r,v . . gym, r d f•o,r' V ate o Seven � . ,... '• a s w t th • L�:.,.h eel . � �n r Fin >< t....av re Saving oftheir ..'o r: .0 _ I<n .,:Fall .a d ,w, 13 y � �.. oo cf u e ar . .. . e . t....needed. . ;R 1. Y � le Bails tor the 'a uctio� i .. . o� �. u n Pra<c s and Big .._ e the �$r e t 0 l � � ' lie.. a Bi` a ,n ._ .. Ge 111 1 S : w ` . .., .., � • e are ... .� r off ......,.., Brie . e is array of bargains advertise.. W , d e. will forme t , rative Sale .r=Sev n,. Da, . ,_ . .: ._ . ; ea e s on a... r e u b a Y Sex- _ v r'on Other goods not' advertised' 1.� _ ...... _, '(Bice t_ a , _,,. ►Is) ((mo��i e' -RTC TRADE DISC : . _ ., OUN"I" DUE -BILL ee a "` a -a . an• � art m bl n. De lee 't 'of '' our -.. ' ; Y P n� _......Store in the Pur-., ase of other' . ods.. s e o g 'r'da . and Saturda • S Bo 4a`: Tweed Suits, 2 -piece, Sale Price $5.65 Ba s ' Tweed . Suits, sizes , 30 to'' y. 34 :, $ 6' 95 o s' ' Fancy" Tweed Suits, long,, . $13.95 root Vweed' Suits, ....$17.95 ,• `a: ent, .Special, at --$2.49 assorted sizes, reg;- .. eg '. ...$265 %xfords and, Stap rShpp Blearing at `' $3,25 own Oxford and Strap- Slipp-' -- ens, clearing; at . $3.35 i A few only Stanfield's Blue Lab ° el Underwear, reg $3.00, ,for $235 Silk rl'ongee, ;Natural, shade, :.. Special 85c. per yard All -Wool Serge, -Blue or Brown, at '59e, • 56 -Inch , Serge, Navy Blue, ' reg. • 4$1.65,• f o' r $1 8a Heavy HoseAssortm ent,Special 45c, •,t., Heavy .,Shirting •arid Cottoasde, .Sale ' Price 7. yards. for -$2.10 ®Ladies .. , n erwear, ''regular *2.75 to $4.25, Sale Price $1,95. Ladies' Coats; Heavy 'All -Wool Clpth, Special $11;95 36 Inch' Comforter Chintz, good assortment, ....... . .... , , 24c. Pure Linen, Creek Toweling, • ' : Special 14c, r . Men's Mocilikrie2tiitts, Special $1.85 All -Wool 131ankets, to;, • 10% Co -Operative Discount Due Bill, ust, two- more days for shop ` in in .: the ' Grea � ve Sale.Help. � ..., � . us to make it 'snappy.• '; � - ry. n{ _ 0 is " at Your Service Or Cash -We SBL' Cheaper Than The Credit Stores �, No doubt you,'.we`re thinking i 'thev Zin ethln Sto e. e out s�om •• "STEWART'S GOOD CHEER OVEN HEATER is' the latest. It is a Square Quebec, with an oven •16x21 inches deep,' four No, 9 covers..It has .a shallow wood. erate'that will. burn 19 -inch wood on the 'fiat., The price . is within your . ' i you 'e tir , satisfaction. re ch and it `will ven i e s to a., g., STEWART'S HIGH -OVEN CABINET is in• a class^ by'itself,' no other like it. We have .' placed them in over thirty homes and have not hada single complaint, • `'CLTTRE'BROS;-MAGNET isa;medium=sized:`range; feetly' constructed, a,good worker, and the best.value•on- - 'thCnaflant3niirket- Comn1Bte-wthLLeservoir= nd i h: ,. Closet, $64.00, We have a full line .of Quebec Heaters, and we also have the • ,' old-fashioned Box Stove 'which, with a' good iblock, of "chi .home. wood, brings r to the e We would: be pleased to have you call and examine aur.Stoves.and'Heatexs We have been, and i many `-years at the businesswe bel d're we know what you require: • ar 'Successors to Lucknow Hardware & Coal Co. • ST, HELENS: 4th,. Tuesday, ',December ' Mr.' John .Phillips is' home- from irell'owgra'ss, Sask. . Rev. t. 'Cumming returned from ,Toronto this week. ' Mr B. ..Naylor is attending County Council in goderieh this • week <4 M•r; Lorne 'Webb is in Stratford, ;where he has secured a. •po ition. Mrs. Geo. Stuart was visitr with" Lueknow friends, ,tulri' :• est 'week,. M ,. timid Mrs, McKenzie' Webb and 1 esselh are "'. ;spending the Week in Mist gats.. McgenziC1 of .tear New 1 York,; is a',vi:sitor with ',Htsi , sister,' Mrs,. John Miller. Bord•.-At St, Helens on. Thurso• day, Nov, 29th., to •Mr, :and Mrs,` florae Woodley,'"a son, .` Messrs; Roy and Jas Aitchido'n, jr., ..Who were at Blucher, , Sask;, re- turned eturned home last week 7 .: ' Y • • Mr, H. Lennox, a Theological stu- dent of Knox College, occupied the pulpit. _n ,the. P»esbyteriai:':ChGrch• on S day. 1 1 cssis, Prank 'yodel; Hugh Ruth- erford, dohn.Webster and W. I, 1114i1,; were, in Guelph for a few day:' 'th1rt'•week attending the Winter Fair, Mrs, Alex; Leach hnd Mr,..Henry •Irilger' motored' from f'Dotroit on. • GOMPLIC.,TE0 : $ FJ TLIECASIN•, COV RT' (Hera:.' and•Times, Walkerton) ; The ldunceainty of riches: nias,' shown m .;a •ratherrtcomplicated epi POO.. that `'featured the close pf 'Fait ,Assizes , here east . week,. and; which had to do with; the,• action ::brought by Fred IIod lads 'ice 7[fiiu loss; 'Ui toreeovor ,,$1450y-oni : -fi;-, )ratnis -. :.;. I.,31r1! • i.Lu l.: '�i''r'Jilx, ; iJg • Y{ l[i 4 .. m. iviie,,`ikiarY Anne `Bride 1, :I car;.` dine' •Townsltip, and., which suit�n• was: responsible: for, another action; Bridge vs; Hodgins, in 'which- the above Wip, Bridge sued for'pn accounting'of the 'dealings he had had with The& E. I•Iodgins.. floilr :: and :feed "merchant .Kincardine.:. It ` seems- Bridge had in- .herited a.• -few years: -ago something 'over` thr oe ; thousand dollars from 'a •deceased brethej.in the. Vest Ind all ,a of this, together with other moneys. • and 'securities that made up''m` thesu: of nearly $6000 had. passed ou t ;,of his :grasp•:into•• the, h nds of Pies E: Hodgins, in'dealings 'between them, _Bridge- -Seed ;-Hodgins -for account in of the dealings be' had 'had' with him in .purchases from 'his flour and feed store''. and in the 'pro»'issory notes he had passed out to him. on his store bill, 'etc: •-Bridge 'making - the king`the ,allegation that he. hadn't 'receiv- ed- anything near like full value for so huge an expenditure; . Hodgins, while unable to hive Al detailed'` ac- count' in court of their entire ;tran`s- actions, nevertheless . maintained • that •he had advised Bridge froim,3tilne to. tune' what the various notes Bridge was ;giving .hini covered, and that Bridge appeared satisfied each' time with the explanation. As; a •final set- tlement ,of his '..account • .Bride had. given him ;two notes, whose agere gate ' arounted • to $1375, and which. he had got his brother, Fred to cash Bridge then. made out a ,:new note in favor of Fred A; Hodgins for $1450 retiring• the ahoy-• two notes with in - terest, As: -13445e retysed,,to pay, this. note, when dde, Fred' A; Hodgins;'.en atorefi, action :to recover the amount, After :a spiritual legal battle. in which, •C rown.,Attoriiey '.Dixon appeared., for tl.`'iiodglns...and-.J.awyer Klein, for ,,Thos,;' 4. Bodies • on the one ';hand while David Robertson, represented " Wm Bridge and, Mr, , Nxeholas Jef'f'rey, KC„ of Guelph, "f�,r�')l.[•l•}if"{1 �1,,,:.,x.i,.il. '.(*aF. c•1•+++ >�.ny _ ro,- . s.: a:t sli?•Qt)(�kt,., ila4 •parti'es to, .ehe action and.- their • counsel got' 'together and . amicably+ • •settled'the affair by Bridge: laying the nlaintilfi,,' Fred .Hod y. gins $1000 •as 'settlement' in full of his claim; and eachpart p Y to, pay his own_ costs • HOLYROQD' Monaa ; ' Decenilier $rd Ross N1cKenzle..s int Su'Yda p ti y Ext; his home in .Glamis; . - Rov.M acDonald,-of-Detrait; •visi•ted friend's on the line last week; • Mrs'. Robert: Elliott is spending p >;'. a few•. days" with. Mrs. 'Alex . McKenzie -at Langste > We -.notice 'one, of• our young men is not calling as, often' as usual on. Hillcrest Ave. , . • Mr. • and 'Mrs Richard Creech, of. Pine River, spent -a day week at Mr's; McPherson's; ' Mrs. James Baker, who had the nisfortune to tweak her hip the .aec- ond time, we are glad to: report; .:s' improving, KINLOUGH, , Monday; Dece e er • 3rd, Muddy 'hills' for • the. Chevrolet to run up,,Eh, Biiil Wedding; Bells' will'' soon'he zing; or is it only'Xmas $e11s; The Presbyterian Church will hold , ...� ,...Ti , i]i�ail.:'aIi 'lr L.. rraA,i,.. �;. ,, A.!- � � `1.Aee �n. �, �iday<,, ne 2rst ,;.. n.ikI--ai'aughter,•; era,,spent; nft,�rrorm Litt Mr';' Jaynes lludekinat,ix's _ . The Anglican O•hurcit - entertain. ment , and .Xmas' .Tree is to i be held .`on: Wednesday,. ; %Dee •19 h f. , 1. ._ Mr.... i , ,and Mrs, VV,Ison.`Wal ��t l„ . toss,.•. spent:.M, of day. last; ivit i Mr; ai n nd_ Ml s �f�orb a Hal�'enbY, . •� t _..as ,seen going' north, hrida Y evening- Never taken li• ht:Bert• on' n , such It trip. •You'll' always be seen,; • The Women's Institut' > > e Tnc�.txng will be }meld at the hour e of Mrs Chas Congram . on, Dec::' 6th, V ,Mrs. weleoine,' Mr, ,and,' Mrs, J. B Hodgkinson. _and family took -in .the-reee ion -held- at the home of Mr. and Mrs,' Carr on Wednesday last. , We wish • that some more of ,,, our young men would ljave courage to' loin the Orange Society, .'We: judge. by;the looks of the lantern that the goat must have been`. feeling Pretty .good lately; ' A Box :Social i al :wi 1 l e held under the'aux ices of the L 1? 0 'L,; 1139, • in .the Orange 'Hall ` Jinlough,• Friday evening, December 14th A good programme is being g provided, Admission 25c, Ladies with boxes, free; orrow'trouble;fory ,ourself if that's your nature, but don't lend it to our, neighbors, , Y r CREWE .Mr.. and Mrs,. J,. ;Menary' 'inado l,usiness trip. to Wingbant on -°Tun's-,• ' day. Mr. 'Sam Kilpntrtck of Broi;kvil•le, v,•site j his brother, Jahn, on Mon- ',,:„ . w.Rtfymond:.,;F#nnlgneM'v,,tsit,d; w�tl� .144i1g :;in .. =ilkb in x#i•l�xr a --•� .,fit id' ..vs els:: A 'number, from 'her -attended the• 'Anniversary serviees% in.,:L•ueknow 'ori. : Sunday. • • Mr. Sam Sherwoo d attended ah '• funeral of his aunt in .Durham on Thursday; ' Miss:: Etta- -..McQuoid visited hem • Oa' -t r, t-•' - - ---m-� - e_, he. week•. . r .:' •J' Ktilpatris tG"s int a day recently with. . Mrs, Sam Kilpatrick?' •';Vu1,king, of Mss'.. J'Dungannoan ::..B.n kle aed ^nd': .... - visyitfriends here for a few 'days, • Mrs:, Wilfred Drennan : spent the ,.. week -end with her sister, 1VIs : Ew- art Taylor, o r. f Lucknow . Born, --At Seaforth on' Dec, 1st;, to Mr. and Mrs, RobertBh;' ie a daughter. Congratulatons! Mrs ,F (Mrs. gie . was formerly Violet' Finnigan.)- • , A Christmas ,,Tree and Entertain- ment ntertain ment will be given in Crewe Church on Thursday, Dec. 20th. A :good pro- gramme of dialogues, drills'' and .re-` citations will be given, " Mrs, Robt. Treleaven, ! of Dungan- non, and daughter, Mrs, (Rev.). -W N.• Courtice and son, Stuart, of Los Angeles, ' spent the week -end v. th Mr. 'and Mrs, Ilert Treleaven and': other fr:ends at• Crewe• ' ,' ' Thursday, and ;spent; a few•`.days With Mrs. • Leac'h's. brother, '.Mr.. Ned. `Timms; 'and '-tither f- `• riends, : . At the annual meeting'of .$ie Har- ris Mission .Band held on' Siiturday; the following Officers 'were ;elected: President, Mrs' • Wm, '..Rutherford, Vice-Prck;, Lila; Gaunt, :.S,cretary,' :Irene tynch,' .Treas., Irene -Woods; Pianists, Caroline Webb. and Muriel, 'Miller, , •._ •'A • uiet 9 wedding -took `place at' Empress{. Alta,, at 6 o'clock on Wedgy •nesday, :Nov,' ' 21st,; when Mr, John Gaunt, second 'scuff •of Mr; 'and Mrs. Jas . Gaunt, of St. Helend;;was mar-...` :.tied to •Mims"'Either • Pritehard, of Em'r p. ess; The.best ''wiishes of Many, St;:- Helens frie nds follow Mr. ' and. Mrs. Gaunt to their home 'near. Bind l,.., oss Alta.' eta ;, ,.:At., the. Reett ' r f Eli very, en-,: •Joyable. : time was 'spent on • Wednes day, •Nov,280, "when' a 'team of 10' ,from Teeswate� visited the local ranges,: In -,the 'match- St:.Helens -was -vlctOrieus-'heli• score -being , 630 t` •� . , g` ; the T e 'wrater 654 out o� � possible '700'1.'7' . Mr • -' .Keit ...�_'^ h of Tee ' w� s a1�er-- won a goose,: the: prize for,; tie high est individual score, 6$' out of 70, while Elwell Webster, of St. Helens, was ;successful in winning a duck; for the second `highest, .67 "Ott of 70, The • following are the '. -scores: made. out of a. possible 70: --r-Teeswater- D. Keith AStrome R. Armstrong; 58 D McTavish '58'. C. Beninger ... . , •:. '5'7 Dr., :Smiths' r J McKugue , . . W. `Keith ...•••••,40•4••••• 56' C Dennis ... .. .. 51 St. Helens E. Webster 67 Wm•, Mc4u1lhn. . •... , . ; , 66' W. 1, Mill'er J. Webster .,.". , .. 1 .. • . , 63 J C `Purdon :'. 63. W..11¢cPherson-:' . , ; . 63' W. A. • Miller .. , . 63' H. Purdon' ... .. .. 62. R: Murray` . . 61 T, Foran .. , .. 56.1 ., -7,77:9•70-..... H, .D; Me1ntyre,. of uxham,.. Bruce. •County Wort • the first ,gime for' honey at the r Colonial fair held. in London, Eng,, recently; The prize was won in competition with the' 'wkole British. Empire, and Mr. , McIntyre _it , justly proud of hip euec I 1 rQun ore Sboppin� See the pretty Eidefdowii Comforters we are showing. One of these. would' ' m; ke ;. a Mee � d a family •' gift•'to:.give Mother for that Spare'`Room •,•Size • 66 x 72. Covered with Down:Proof 'Sateen ~•and'' • filled with pure fresh Down, Special` Price X15.00 A Heavy White Satin 1VIarseilles Quilt is a nice gift. Splendid size, 79'x 90 inches. -;.Special $8.00. • 0 -V --Many customers have asked us what it stands ;for. The orimeal meaning of • - � O V• was g. r ` Ottawa, Valley, but it has come to : mean Out- ,standing 'Values; :::Anytime you see the :trade mark, ON, --you are certain of :getting Values above, -the ordinary: ' 0.-1/Sweater eater- .Coats •for` Men-- . • These'are those : nice Coatswithout a Collar, iµ r, n Pure Wool • a n d Colors, Fawn, Heather, Lovat and Oxford. Grey. Sizes 36 -to 44, and 'priced at only 1$3.00. • NOT -- E "This Coat has been the best- sellir. coat, ii OntariiS this:Fall: " TT e -reason, is its: OUT STANDINGVALUE.. O -V Bed Conforbl t a es in Fancy,. Plaids, Pure WoOl . Most Blankets of'this qualitysell- from $6.5OEoNotSOwithIt, retails at -% r.. � '•' How s it that we can sell Ian:.8-11.-0-V Bla ket' for .$10.45: a,': pair. and many , _ _._: any other makes no. r -better -and -some -riot so good; retail --a -12:to=-$1-4 e - h reason is O V D a. e •ler ' lets u direet�. .fx�cam-_th __.^_gilt . � ;. mill,—,Co-ojseratiofl—between Ret'ai`ler, and Manu- facturer to , o.. .in r • handle the: ,foods at a, small, naargln, of' profit. A Few es Gift Suggestions ,._ ...._ tons . _ Far Men Ties - Ties Men's Ties- are always acceptable. t able. We -have . any amount of brand new Ties, at 50c;,75c., $1.00,; and $1.50., NOTE --A' good many" older men like the tie. th t.hoo s r __a._..u..__..1� •tion in this,sty,le, ;all good patterns' and made, of the better quality Silks, priced tt'•50c. A recent visitor tothe . ., • Winter Fair paid' $1:25 in .Toronto, for a,Knitted` Tie,. the are' selling for 75c, Men; s races, in Fancy Boxes. Gcoq dxualir "ty and at,50 and 75c. ` I5 DAYS it • 1o/finer a Men's Socks, in Silk, Cashmere .and Worsted.` Se the range of :Pure Silk Sox, In the Heather nZ xtures at 75C:: a pair. ,Beautiful Heather Cashmere. Sox,, at 75c,1 ;CO, and :$1.25 the' pair. A large range.of Black :Cashmere at 50, 75c, $1.00 and the."Craftana" at $1.25. .,•Fi\ t U. Caps for Men and Bo s y These Splendid Caps are he With . re in a, teat `yeti= •, ' ety of patterns, all with the patented: inside band. Boys':_ and Small' Men's.sizes 8i.25, -Men's' $1:75. s es, a Iouse Coat or,essl :Dr .g n '. Go wn would d be,api . l 1:.E. .Ali �;Q'' c1 House Cooats ,. , tto be,:had,in. Grey and d .' Mar'wii at .'0.00'., Dressing es.1c. n o. G w ns ' g n Grey • or 'Brown' Fine St; _ W,BeaCon Qual t -Y Blanke and $10.00. .Men's •' y�a111Zs come.made.of a good quality; Scotch.Flannelette., neat stripes ane( plain;white. Maybe Dad or , Brother' have never worn .: PYJam as: If not, this would be a.good time to him % get him • ,. , a set anlet, him know show comfortable t hey;are- - :. Either_'in-Plain 'or •Stri• e , i d 1'n'' ,.._ __A .s1z P es and reason � • _ __ abJ1'�'xic'ed at475.„—',.• • _:Mens. All . ..o ol ffler. E-a Br-u d -• cot;. Grey, Heather and Fawn;.we have adan dy • at 98c,. Mutts. and Gloves ._ _mews1leather _Scotch _Wool: Gloves. We have• them in two ,'qualities and All sizes.' 'or' Boys at :75e., and and Men at 1:0o $1.25. •.', . , ' • Here -i.. ool s au�n�" tet MICA: Back Astro - chart Curl, lined throuhout, at $1.40-a' pair. Also a Buffalo Cloth with a heavy Solid Horse-h!de ade at $1,50 .a pair. • '• A Genuine Horse -hide allover Mitt at $1,00,:.and a Fine Black All ' Wool Mitt to wear inside can be bad•at.50c, At $1.75 "yIou can my a;gso fit in d .Moc}i ..r. t a .L• e 14roo1 1', ixoii r ,lir IS'1'+liwiy`"�lE:y, .Sizes 8 t0 l4:. •Men's •Brown Wool-liued:Capeskin.Cildves-•u h 1l sizes, ht $2.00 • `a pair. Mens Grey Wasliable Ca ° ;.. Y, peskin ,'Glovos, sizo 7`• 1-2 to '10 at' $3,40 a pear. SOMETHING 0,091? -Men s' Genuine ,''B uckskin �i]ovc at 44.2(ia hair•: A nice Dark Tan, Silk-lined is d Cape,Glovo rs available at 2 pair: $.50 a • Shop Yet' � is1 Is The Christmas. r , Y Shop • }