The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-29, Page 67�j
r k1'
Possibilitie"E"FAts Jiin e -7 7'r
Coking indiistry..
_14h; URAsobi
t Me? I 4�k ii The pential-,p4rt of Canada is feel- AuDe inii
Ing the need the resent t
in of, an
'p, intural ReS�U 0�, 11itmi
Of; domestic. fuel of a, ' ' , 11 ,
varipl� supply ligende P6 igo 6, Dopqrt_
high quality at a 'the Interior
r@#p9n4ple price., Thq� I
-pent ot 0
Ys. %
aii c #11 as
t tkike of last Year in th.
this It" fkeid W'9 t cause Of acute
Few, of, tion-
pIrltariplo Popu!'
the c4t Orb, wol
olx *e, ti�o *�t -
Lia. u-
orming� vin
e combustion 6arnber would get'so 0 Ps t in the obtaining -And� s- ed
tr� of 4.N pro c;: Whi
T* is
di total 'or;
of the Forleft.statiori
ot that the In6omin" tfr but
g- icharge., of. fuel, Ii011;Of fuel Of some klnd;,to tide! 'is I.,600"acres, t e,#
h' otual nurs-,
iOing would be igrlll_�?d When contating wi 9.ver thi , -strike period, 'fuel!, comig covers' 100�%�ieii.`From this
s ery
10 It."Is usua, 1Y stearri� thern., tees,, federal,
We, - At
'therefore "it �i si. necessary carry, fthis ear 1,000,Q0Q.trees to pil-
Ilk nursery ther%.,were sfippltcq._-
P e, crfated
al er ise; committ'
vate individuals,,-,- 9,000
n.4nough heat. tor keep -the, woi king functioned through thp. tOt bf� 1922
4 �`Iher o
�fev 7 4
Will LL 1 er., Part*, 4t.A. tempo�,iiture, that' I 'and
2 3' Op
I e C on problem, u e s, -an p ing,
ZAAM shade ofthL e, trft,thatftou,_hed an that ot-�Obtaihthg, it uitable do;ifi6stic Aefe
_Mg,,arl 4 grew, �Jsl for 400 s Of 19
trol'.of thbA Itle Or U lieneath the zlk�s f
II! 0;1 aL PiC-niC I � � :, do
arger imit -.�rcper=l1b 16 0, spp0d the day �nienf:'.n rs d d this'acco jit mate
0 114 azwe:plue- rac te
ow why,* tt�lo 0�S_ every,'autdino , t . fuel',to tgkalthO'placo��of- A t
inry !�lc, Is�h, it. 'Mthin theL'. te and 'mbnicipal ief6resta�
Jing -Is' to: be cling system.. forest' t9at, Uod MAde..
or roo, sta
It Was' td deal with this pr
pblem, that
Con projects throughout the
�C#oniitg properly in ev Ing this is the corhj)-fiiv neatly laid tlA_e r OMIE L
V fAlethods 'of cool. 1, L don Fuel Bcard'* as, estab-
. ... -, . L .. I : province.,
'auto englqq, loLl)oll tea Val 4�*.J At present the'n
hed,,'by', tioni, Y_
A chat 'g4 r -con ins 7,000,000 �tras_
Lift by'the.-camper that came thatway; The, funct&� of this
6'ehgtfi�--nitn�elr;�,b.y-.air.-�nd b
gra , water.. In th'lair-co6led, sjit Ju3t on R Pic-nl� to spriid the da plants'and'11 066 006 s dliii�s.'
eni th' board I& not 'to find fuel f I o . r a few cc
ed v 'ih - It- ' I - e y , -
4 'itaAw t Ii 'a f the shadeof the trcethat,'&urisb04 aild gre 100'r
rien s carried, way rdM,the cylin, w
rs ostly. grown, are
'St f e
'0 cylin der of th I I -by; a steady e s lei of �an azure blue The. colift' ; in
e: epg ne_ n ctleath th' ki
4,',cOM ders rein o air wh months"durin4 n. em6rjen�y ut to
'Ch apovel T.�L+U , , Mithin the fbr�ist that God made. white, , red� - Sqqtch -,and jack-.
y �CAU Aqw_over�the carry bnAnves
tigations, Which may,, In -
an :,ignited,, AFJ it. sed"to,� Pines, whito spru�e, ' E u e6
The, efficiency of 'this operation 'is in- nd Japanese "larch,' and Idate' tb citizens 'a- permanent s6urce
-Th I r
:T am the embers carelessly left,' dir tAsk the �kore,� Is, a
As: the Peratuf* 'is greatly IA-�'creased by p�rovidfpg mi 13ey%6,thoughtless wight of wits,berek e wbile'thil hardwob, s are,
'.Of: SUPPIY.�'
pro ections! � A
From ft. argeonp -which. w�ll- tak6'Trme, for
Pressure the Cyl-, or -fin
s. on, the cylip ders;: -which in turn the 'fir rietitly laid. Main bard and - so V, n
.. I ,
To bqi
fider'. Increases n'- proportion to. the Provide's large a" r'Ahe air io'-act, Ze water. when tea was made. co-nipletfoii.,
rM A Inut,
hickory, ash, efieiry
he teniperaturq, upon.' The 'r�s I Lit by the camper that cqriie�that way- Virious lihii&
Ut is a ready, exit f6r. of investigation are bassivciod
Just on a pic-nic to, spend the� day and black locust.
being.'fbi among
P6*4i for
driving the the heat. in the. shade of the jje6*tha dth
t flourished anoll grew lowed,, pra -that of
...... . -6d 'The* exce.4sive , III th&-`wilt�r�cdoledjyfit�. Jill. - the'ddeii'L�f
m:tbe sit ikkazure blue.
:the commercial feasibility, ot prooltic'
rries off the heat as'in,thd alr�coolol recovery, ovens'about'ca -Withirt fcw st tt at God mad Ing, coke"in by-pio4tict
0 er- lies )ut larger elites. " 'The fleld yvQrk in The DangeFous Addict-
Thi's is the fire ihat the systoirdi.but lvdiriectly. 'Herb thelhoat ; . .
fig Pit S,vf ill ne, n rnp y, this' iAegilglitl
ly;" AbSOrbed the -cylbiders .,by And devastated' on finish -
Y in -,der'
s, to such a degree watei 00untiyade.
Caused by the erp rmatl6n collected Is
carried in jackets .,surrounding _bers so carelessly ell and the� Ihfoi N id' five* bu�dred'-Caii-'
t ine thousax
e ing vrepai a, mill eSS. 'SOMeL 0 the --thezrt
heat �',the,
...... as eAS WightdrWifs bdiift- b I d. f b latib n
,M,WOUId'be ifip6ssible to'mai *to the'radlaicir r6m the same-campt-fire; so nleatly
-While ihe d�etaiip,-hre not: jet Available one
where'thii air, To. boil the wa lidd five, ears -'6f a eans.'on the
between ese: dracts ter, when tell was made t y"be , ge--7ni
th4.heat fivrfi it. Lit b� the camper tha Mik 'stated. thdt�'C*pnditlons, are hand that: the -illicit 'traffic,in opiuni,�,
mrr,6. that, way,
A&I just on, a'pic ound to, I idfdate� that the erection 6
-ni�,to spend the day, morphine,- her tc
Ili the,shade of tWtree that flourished and g points "Would, lie 'a te 'si ants. at'seVera
n ve, iind on' 'the'-othor', thar'it
ror in-
0 an azure blue;
The Ruml DealerSpeaks. Withinhe f0ri*0plt, God made.
warranted. venture, y A�Pieil to-heart.'and
tolua cbrPorations',. Irives. is,made tb' all Canadiani: to come 'tx6�
:Qf All the salesmen wh drop in dfir 'om
.1 likd4fin's c
e. h I c a r. rt. I e-hilp-L,4-th s
10 d
Thele b�aikaied spares. so the board wi e �poo
ne: all that's left of a sight'so'fair pitiabld-i.jr-the�t-xtr.ern"e.
t ironi.,�the t Minoi-Xr" .
He's. differen' Z7
0 to.dete�mfne-t16
the tradcot-the,fire that travelled "use :of these4 drugs, d4lli,�iies, the.will
Ads. sc'okia ":and' New 'the' onseien�6,and -s . aL e��:
Alitles of Nei
AndLdivastated a countryside. deadens c
6 if
He hangs i3round an ho r. Caused by the jiube6 so carelessly 1eftL 'Brunsvick
coals -' and .-It4s'll-ap ed the
se the wh6le ner
u or
vous system,as to r6b'de
By the, thoughtliss'ivightbf,witt bereft. �Xe
..An gosh!:but may available for' this. pli -d ;�.icti' s' 0 1 1�8
d ain't he witty'? Pro- th 14-firc. to neatly,laid in ril re s far than theL
10 sits an,. smokes. itlig 'feduc4� th6 su p '
�Ings, new. p lies drawn
from vl6t tuberculosis 6r. tjpfi6i&
To boiPthe water, when tea Was d of
joke's Lit by the camper that cami ifiat � mo kej'arc disea�bd as well as
Arayi fever T1
just oil aic-nic io:40nd the day, 'OL I—
wise -cracks ' , " , I. :J,'triprisonmclit is A ' 'P �y
from :the. city.
dook, we opeh'-to,thetii �now.-' It..closes
In shade of th C.Md
e �tree that flourished'and'grew 'S i
Deni4th-the sk ei of an azure blue.. p es �news. f
wonder.' large 't' cour8b -,they� -c'omb.. out,, and'-
He;i uD'6 swdif bn� all 'tha -par of -the
urn.'to eir ope ess,
ae Ing 0
f religion -has been'that if unh6lped 'to ie't th Land s',Aakes! -'What t ows' we WO'uld' Oxidge. Th Pris6n is 66 pjlaicet'
be.,saved in Ihi
hatm n kn"
wo or 0
put ill The hospital is;
v- other -we �rniast 9 et 'wAy -frorn'
wit�n the forist that God made. But- ih a
Jim tells, nib -all the lat t"
'Bout stocks uO
ship�. �an' -shows
other men,are n c( t then
maturity that what.Ahe "ad(
knows t hosPital
htts need�a Pita
Tlieytrt� not, it-ke, iim LaII;, ofh.. that, is, I I
h heal the,
�cyrjical'-' and, so' hi is F": lilt: ICV
what theylire* to' P.Isticat�.ed,
They.up "d 611. :t relldy-to.irnpute�niotfves a d' and spiritualAnfly.6
t the worst, -r� igous'-fait
`4: lest busin4ss
and jo back, to'the h'
rip y FVWUF.
eyed faith- of,,hildhobol's ifintioie� ' . ' a�d ope'arid'
But �stiange n it
ow N 'think, nd no-:,gov v.16� I �doje to will 'not . do for the wokld-wigo� ' a nd 'the
M ernme
d sen -.",to, -up., y;. the
Jim;' worl -weary. to-sco at -that' belief
ainit'Lsmait 4ike
Irtyf Mr The,rest
ada lifis
I i .. t
The�'6nik.4oi iride k s
;,'clibi Inspector Kn"yet lif.geol' thein'b' sellihe which -a chiid, b�in' 1- ' -
ys, dl
gs,- to beat all
beeu eiect' 'A -Js o
P(X presl- than-lililif that A. 'Pitiful�.
r ' ill ' id s u young nurse
no Lrue service t
the- !]Mtonjo.. X Cashin. br 6, iti f rorri!'rdral
t xi'th6se who a
T7 a�pcdled 'ihg;if thb-sie who a'r' us r.,:dir k egrgvm eep. from ection' Wh e k
9�"go or
t em, �plain 'tiutbs,� :hdish
h �treatm�n`&.-.�,,.-_No dqo�r
O�WS wft�
layill 9 Caibltis' by Open. We-"
hod, -kn were belpI6,.�S,'L - NVas le t facts they
-ta But
Shot ge, of, maniftal labor particu Ow, to qhe f
shoulUbe `U I
'So , me'N�t-ujif]ki tork sd, the education wi h
s ould n6t:L be hiirW upo� th"'
'Adapta o lic. senee emotion' But:`the c I e, ill) -
P e
lktrbr trerich 'diggers, III' aused'' th' -radual';: it 'ouglit; not'
0 t,
If n,- 6f-�,niiiny inechani" Listening to,] US* 0
e yputig b,
'U cal- M
;''Yet it. is,.n
woric. re.*.the In�tiuxAenb I 1��%rnor. all'., t once like an kralanche Ot-lilcelT to be cbauged
plfanci�s to , ' b ,IS il� its appeal. to j
nolinarily 'don is i, Where, � it dogs die'. usually -enernies. assumed that one:who atteill'' I 7L ' ' �(, d le mop4tainsi' unti Id citizen's- biing'�.
hand., One of, t1id sue heart as as to the Wind, In por- 6f 0 de". to 'over-' arge numb�rs Of,, -
'fur aw whatever is, belo�v"' preqsure bear' on the' Provincial.
q, tinfesi kitten. puffs� ii cessfuLl of to'.,partake. of tho.,mental Y U Ill
P Its -food, prow ur 0 t., wl�.elnl L Prernments_t6 - sl�ipply'
traffig , bill ne-o ' the daily pbprs.'racentfy 1�` --All Our *46 g vision. in,
the in ' Otfdn,�� cl�thed 1u.,_,.mU
and sDitg, thk firsV time, It'sees y 9 vided; by a ifiugidal.'recitai�� or Mcture,� '0 , f" �GoN`
.0 be In, a-- receptive; Therefore, rilliSIC w� far'd 'lose , ly'
Y means o
s ould 6x ress both t Oh'.of ihe m6litli-6rgan, md1lY bt t le behind eri:tirely suplarme L !-.,..,cal,e and,.," &e�atment`. to'
t od, or a state: of mind lib�Aii ..p
MUit. -f mbriteUtlip fact' that With th o'
s conceived
of tele�hofie light ca' thought*
Is iqulte:,0611te'to b1cs em'�fiijrii.
specia r-gef
b ig'a,- mournful ill'" e, have- left
;.goesL quite �dn-Its.�own 0. tOpg- ein000p, aq houkht -the, child fp0tof lea&.6veired cable .1 1
has een lr-- the: ugg re c instruments: of 'our or a esed: idea'�. The It be. which hospital-,, ards T'
0 un e -S s It'llia terrier* b absorption -of s Which two. musl at' Wb can �nd-
Who. snea� sia'llied by. this mean�'L -,expression.. ,growing Ver e te -a
dh6t I it SE e' addicts -brought'
lneans,, un. on, en bcf bee
"' f -ga:rneL' imj�turous 'ab 'd th -'tChan '00M
r ith'
1 ou� in
-bad:,Te day -ftys . in o in Ore.
dream�S 'Oj:LLt
PO4chiiI9,`"idor6 mi6r 'niust krive, for "Indivldu�Llity'll in no �n
It is very, easy- to - �-'Iieu'�- tL �Of We aVe"L to�
cons titutinal exceptAn y n__ _ B tl�ulf Ly-- e ',-:and -which
mas Pr. accor on, survives on y. n 'v l u' our ent mti� S"Will out,
-th without'i �.,Intell 0 maglinsition. I I'' d6viII6. Of Ell
grown, 6 d "If
com and
with JtS, werf6r' e
ei motive PO e plow,was t d
ith stup.efied, commitment may come, th6ir Own
in Ou'r 'reactions to
a gasoline, engine, and, he - cable *as -comoelling syhy Iniagtuation� ls�.a powrf The" iL nored tileimer, -With.
why Is, a ca w i a.
pathy,,,we do se.e,..:the, t*ili factor 'In, 'our surroundings�,,§Iu .choice and,be brought by Iriends 'oe"
t h ch hate Pulled' along beneath the, surface'- by absent Aevelolifug tWLO bridge' -multiiii.'ilous striligs.'. and, lost. SL L kgisk, we.''have
It' s A taste ar is ICL
om er� of this,. -
so nd of' hall? the plow vtdual ho does ethpdra-, ethin'g out of 6UiL, :Physiclaris: L
Of: -',60u jis su' If, every re c
-minded InAl -a ruei a
mpiossible" 'to ra C -L no:tJisten at: ill,* but sits. ai
tiry 'eibept, bY di a. hanim''e'r, no long6k' liv6 ifiat
rl�nil, alld'r6a ng is a �usef4l in padde uld
cessful utilization 8tru- nothing replace once to.
-the s WO
ment Iseisibilittes of 't e ' 'rmhouse�: ly Wn'
I of rough. a concert Intel fiL
arac n, awa eping IMajim 'no 16riger mysterie we cannot government.urging a6
'the ch 4:1epended' largely th 1 k his or her
man. lectually: dead h fami' t�er; aroi 'little* article
on. 'ter 6f'the so'JI , ecu waLitinj 'for som-kh'11j r . . I ." I ' '.'-.To, ',reid-blograiii-y -iis It -did days,,., when I exPlain
Why'aref dogs ani 'eats. never d6-, to happen. it Was, i'f the fairies ti,bn s6methtrigjLw6tild Wh
ifil§'Plowshareg not -whisper any'l-norb
n? Y,
Would b dj�6r as'well A6 mu8IcaI'�rItIcf9m i bro-iii1it d6wri from Ahe atil do
A Will' we "Hearing, --neither do no o it now.
jved.,�� illuM6 not and c, tun6d up D
Writ-. if Pah. has left the, �reeds
Pgs. Ol -table' lorig-.th6
e parliniints have J)eex . I: Thus f I t 1g., oil_ the,,'kitcheti ,,The Fedetal,Depf run at' r cks� encountered;
full spee& through on arAh6 'ex- they. people I h' of art, a ri d' s 6 f'�. gb_1 i fou -limited 0 �T.
tic -m -of- .f-'ui)'d'
ported y D
n" provi
zes -made p f I iwr6tr, -if Doiause i process o reflec� and. wliat �hav6,
'h to f Ei Imagination iVe
anges. A man , as to- fu across 'IargeL lawns or through they. do not give ft either e ;fOh, will- useum, cc We re milni�pal Police a'nd". the_
ferent Or and "the -guftar, has become,; a
butL thii idea ha y" 'Th6 niandolin-See i o ha ace -o the glain'6r and' 'Its fnt6lle�tual- hit To'linow- -the.-ek aii t ma' -t
iis�way , ;,*,ill_ rpretatl6n.- -. - 1 ��, ;� ! - . I 0 le. vice men ave, acco pjisb
e� eridlices, or I r
in,L)l . � Of eo le who.h 'How ow -W musicians",, �lea gone into a-.declino* banjos never' aye
Is 'It that's gl or, 111 listening to- a-- piatra-1- g what to_a:v6ld'_ u's k isti ly in�, the' ;ill ticin '. the
I! y, caii,'p' 6dUce, without' a hat tO A ny more, a of ir
jr great deal depends upon,how much a plitopriate, I
a I - I I I of the�traffic.
�h .'. t S'L r all 't da� 'a C, inWell a' ."ink" - 'a n h "
heat?. an,edlt- lesale'a man set oUtL to in neard it e e ea
thoroughli, se ho: left the n, i rt h
'When Ake light pqrsOn is interested. Iii tli�e,ililusie and o 'know"' ves I a s;, All 'Th re iue I
gh s, th
Ication 'in Itielf, T' s.d 'athknell.
cap, 04 Y OrMer, A grea any. peo cultivatd' us- i, e I hIto j-'
use,' In the'oerf' and"milsiclans I ow in t
three 'Per' cgnf.,: of. the to sh n 't
e emplo 'a, -The other nindty- the.ciompositforl, p I th''Ings"that irit On a o and' dre
listen only to.' tibflfty 66, al Britidn"i Fli -Chtirch, no
'energyih y 11 ap o-7 Ple and are beau
is �6 r e selfi Ojiiym
!,there are oth fill, to deveici orose, and i9lo ,.-.,2CocaInc Morphine
@even, per �cent., goes In 6at. ers who* p' the understand. Ac4�6'rdfng io''trallition', Jose
trate their. Ing, and A 'Of w0l. be no g t lo�s Z
hbn'thby. 333 6 '30,087 oz. 4,263 11)
thought judgment Ari go. 3
uon th o. per ormerr.-liow 'he p h 7and mathea �reached the shores'of BrI4,
Zu ... M30 oz.
jr.949,y_ -ta_�react_-to jafn_fn..the� 8 oz.,
4,_,'gdrihen_man _can ft ot-'A .�-his-tedhniqui kee e mind'alett
-How. do animals sense doming (ran f
of _Ib
ins r he number of
great,. -l;eii'01waie f i921, hundreds are o"nly,se conduiy music fs*to culd vlit6 'the true -musica 1 1. 61f i§'ettled'at*GiAstob ury I With eleven olivictiolls b� the
Were.seeh considerat16%. V :fit l-, a nt' ,Alid'&h�n_t' n a C, V'D. t i;er -P
tem er r�e CUM 'b VIL
t) desert thelt-bur- anto 9.1, nd ailt,the hirsf,cl Ve.d.era.l P c and :4e
rabbit catie.1he Mb ne p rah
�11 U,
Vs n-A-7,Y-Orksh re--mbor 'a -elluditt ailgociatlon�Wlth- -Was`,',6Qf tv:and "Its 'b
1?. 0 r I ed -listenerL, on�e)W �fet reiidtlf- riiber,
was '692
deayi!i�:tb lifider�tdnd'thd meanfnk.,of v ew itionths,"of.,
'k lows tiYf14Ao - catch' their-.. I' point' .26ft., '-The.'walls were, made_of'twfgs the first 8ix
late a- heath Ore bro a Out burn -
and brane
e co -m ).understand their txid e, h ri d the,''y6ar that will
Gm Ha -will- also -end6av- andL
tb 6, whol 6 ill lies' twlsted ogether -after
all. position and attl Mare
in 24- it, i*� 114. steady'de�
shirg,'-Dine woods'the squirrels' deseir�t:ti or,'to'ap'i)i6dia4te,itht)'Maziner� oV Inter- 'theirAiniltations is to conser�e, tlie,! the ancient- custolfi. -t,herc
keepf 'Professor Willis;' in; his "Arc'hitee-
cline. Vfthe 174
r omsjn-ex� a. t, jig It 4ree I
ed thei h' fa pretatlon.' The, cultured' musiCill temp�rarne 91 'a re ill BfitiL
68S Coluln of
W'e'nty-fdur houis' 'h6w 82, w6fe
Won t sofi �vfll,be. saiis�led nohin" from attistic foolishn and coutinu. tuial History of Glastonbury Abbey,' biq, lind7 t
before fire ':, L
W' t, the place. than t4e fllllest�.4njoyradn g' loss 9 sahe and companionable., records,that nese., -Y three 8ke
t" coming � of ,"on 'tfie_,spoJ_;where the �_2 t
._4gQn,.how'J5At that som" an appreciative' undentailding of, illb Pbesent church stands thL6r'
e creatures e.exl�ted a f Takkrig 1t,V1z`Hirn. uro of� twisted "rodilo or b Th�'� 'tei-nAtl6na
can do �vjthout -water? oomilosttion and, the,' struct A li�rroquet per ormahee.
'which -w-, easi bo:� thoughti- __A_Fr9 ch i Ith--a bj�_ 'e w-beli-6-Ir.ed.. io.-have-lie
r L oV6 efs. Sw zerlan
-ZOLW r W Ir 1 8 the.
without tastfn at 0 ly HLired? �wlth6.ut- .6iridtl6n 0 a 'Christlan 6rittoryj and re Mary -lir 1. . 'a has t r'
t, 11 1 .1 1. There 'is, sll� a knowledge of,illb Englisfi language dw Maybelle 1'8. wearL,� Treaty r i
9 W a e t, and 9 eep, L c ported think, 'And, my dear; that Brown �frl must thing, music tered a.-cljemUits'�',Oljop in Londo OArliest -church! In Britain. Itig'tbe 6ligAgem-ent ring
�'se,pin abld Xo g�t oil. widi'very little or 'AIUCII Qf'
have worn'd torn dress to the for� instance, 'ft bore'tfie.-name m6hth; I returned' to. the Alm
Ome, r,
10D some -powder.,
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