HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-29, Page 5*
NOrelair ,Matheson left for Pitts
burg: on Tuesday-.
�Sold i�/\�qC���W�
'Mrs' John It; McDonald
Mrs, W,ells, of Petoskey,
iting- her "sisters,- Mrs.- Malcohll Me,'
:Lay 'and ',Mrs,. Anne' MarraY, ,left, on
door regentlY -While on .a Visit, is
quite' a bad fall: down: h • cellar 'trap-
MrS, , Harry, , McMullen, who had
'600 ering, and , is able' te be Mit
' teresting talk ' en • her work`in the
P.Iiniaub India, at dlarke's..Chnrch
in the' Morning, and at Olivet in tin
afternoon Tor the', 8unday Sehae4,
for which 'nearly *,all the ',congrega.
., • Line, • died at the . home of • her gen,.
in -Gadericti,, Where. „she haS'
' PREIGIIT •COS'I`f ' at it -,rate. that will not' be prohibil
eSided of. 'late. "Mr: VVorthr .,die
bout a 3 -ear ago, Mrs. Worthy wa
...president:. .9,f the Canadian
hal) se lipid nog otliors. ,t0„W,
'lind We here ,"reProchice.3the.
:I beg. to .aelcziowledg .receipt,'.-ekr
quieting •resointian „.paSsed„,',Iiy-'' the
Mine:hap-1i ..reqUestiiig: that 'certain
. used' in 0ntarie, is 'giving, splendid a
,p'res .with. desirabilit,y' of
vont ',Of Alberta .coal,',fa. the- pre- '
' the' 'Canadian Natio'nal
the.. freight
„livery,: stable' in, Wiarton last.',Febru
on electing AO he tried'hy •a,jury;the
hearing.' Which .lasted• for Seyeial
13urne Fire, ;Marshal
to iivestigatethe'sofirce of 'the blaze,
'clinic declared that .he". had „gone ',tar
garage in..Wiarten . with 'a
-Wrigh t . and Cot hi ate what
institute ..ShoCked at SuCh
.asked the: lady:
`P.d,WardFi-, requested • 'to visit
seWing. machine
„interested people,. Who ,inveriablYL.
Pertinent .of Work,r•cai•ried on, by the
Cochrane. whose ,
thereby' ,ke5.1.ping' within the,'Do'in ' o newhat ' to, that alleged to
also Making, .the fo
speaking;i:represents Cost- an(..
• not :''ques'tion; Challengedr.these!'fig
• iii•es' end. have chinned • that coal
hopciai of, the, Canadian
a loss which -,Nbuld, day fart ier
ft 411'. ar the to Xney rs
‘Theyefore; ;while: have;
'it from the ear; etc ivath'en AliCotta
Varna ,
lienry *, given the Job
plakirrg the railwayS riay; and we all.
'toads aril' not 'so bu§y
they„ Can profitably 4ithdfd jioto deal
lave been made
,'Aittediniaking the Statements to t,he
)oputY Fire Mershal,,, but in
'hY the, Crown, Wripteir.thy",
he • viSit the • Marshal, The ,,firs
. etters Urged here sister ,net to Men
Ten. anyone ',what. had pre
father 'When; she: Wratc.. it," and.
tatolitenisii,o,f"J• oynt, her mether, and
...'The Magistrate • '.iri '•displiSsing the
ireyy 'eontradietory nature, Ile
Impeared „fay tlie. Crown at the. •'
latg,e riuniber of surprised and
opine to g Specia!, class' tO learn
hoW to tear 'and Tlil/handages; end
,rnenia, nine
as-weil. held "un and secure a's If in.
the /nest. 14P-to4late hospital • bed,'
-and in restoring -the .drOwned Will he'
'the- order, On. Priday,. the last ,day,
A -quiet wedding Was, Solemnied at
the Dungannon. Parson„age, 'at ',11;.30
kin; . on Tuelday;iNoveirther• '20th,,
When the ReV. Peters, B.A.,
united in. •marriege, Miss
Jones, slaughter Of Mr,..• and Mrs:.
ones, Jones,,„ Shepparditon, and
Ther were attended •by • the, bride's
„Aster; Miss Janes, and'Mr; Sil-
1:ately after., the ceremony. they re-
to-, the.' home of the' bride's
parents,- Where a :; dainty Wedding
dinner was--S-04-ci,
'leaving on .the, 2.20.. train -.for , their
future- home in Detroit,. The" 'best
wishes of, their many.. friends follow
, 'It 'does "not often happen that ,
minister .in; a. 'rural !di -strict' is• called
minister -the • rites • 'of.. Baptism'. tco,
g§. 'Wilmer. .Erringion and Mar-
..;,i,•aret.' Olivia Luella Black ,the
being the son .;of My. and MrS:
both..of West Wawanash: The double'
• baptism .took. place. at the home Of.
andparent of the 'children
meeting. were read,, adepted and
cycning„ Meetings the gathering,
„toned to .' beautiful piana music. b
Canada „Ingot Jiro,n ,CO.,. Guelph, 1
Anica Iran „ culvert; -42 inches by 24
(Irvine—Tim/1, 117-, yerds
sLi. 59e., less' half, inspection,. ssa.41,
young ladY just' twenty. hut.. blin
'and ee'ndUtts`..a elkiss 'Of! students
.go on With her musicarSitidies, -S11
A :Change.. of be lift
Surroundings' With a. riew...pelsonality
bearing, the. responsitiltz'a-rulTli.iini
ing. upon the"Serisess!acts as 11
toui:e an 'eliXer' of life •••Siieh op-
pert/unity offeTdcr ibr.. 'the ten,
Chnrch. -.About sixty wo-
Varied interesis)'. they'''; comet. Merni,
beys 9f, ',Women's Institutes and U.'
head. and th'ory happen ie 'hic,,et, Miss
ornelandS,- I3orn, in' Ireland,
Donald,: lumber as Per acct.; .$11,31.
brawn; ,drawing, plank ' and . gravel:
and lepan.ing bridge: , Base Line,
And Spikes,. pari, .Nioholson,.
.Hurozi and. Kinloss 13otindary, $5.49.,„
cement 'tile, $56,00,
for , Kinloss and Huron •Bounclary,
' ,A startling ilevelorollertt viss.in:F, Ou..t ' O.arcio alsna then ushe 2:...' a real' arla.. -:.
..!i\t)e.btibt IfIlre 1,'-'11 the% NArkiii(i'tOil . jOW pinfiatiti,; Indin, hA4' given• ]. ..n91Lit-h;:-
n:d8ozblrLle'lll.alt'°rivd:;d'a'e'rTl-(1)K1161ne;tt'N'vleadchtitY6i:lle:nit:Clilih'll-dibnee':: -kn4riede''°1-11111111111'-liailitr''Ittrinari
tried b.,tt' a irur$0: atil“ wait his. ttiAl '(!a4.111116:41.1;1;0' ttalnid oblititl4ntlichritille$:Yd; li;fih;:g11:11‘;48 ..
John ;Curtin:, ,clitch.:_and ptittintr.,' in ▪ -
;24. 'yards gravel:42 40 OrVille
Coil, 6; IeSS,half' hiSpeetiOnt:
Seat, Sehaol Attendance 'Of,
$1,60, Joshila DaWson; 42 rods
40c.,. 414,40, :Geo. Maleolin.i43114. yds,
he intintiltict;.'ini..k41014:7.4;
old s an oyg-
HRE is Your,Opportunity to secure a New,
t an
11 Sizes u
11 own
ark Colors
s from $2.50
ring All The Family and Get Goo
Clothing Cheap.
are Conifortalbe
Moved br'Ros.,.'"Seconded 'by Car -
.Division NO. 1-t-Perrestera'' Hall,
"ltirham; Read, Jahn S. Pollock; DeA.
rfit.;' No. nr7-Piirreaters' Hall; White -
'church, HetifY.: And 'that the
ers : of Polling Places to 'receive
Council adjourned 'to ittee
Prepares, •Young Mop, and. Yokl#g 1.
Vftimen for rBusinesS which is,
now Canada's, greatecit .13rofes'
. tical .training -which enahle§
dents are legisterillft-eaeh Week,:
.11erb ac Lot. Walkerton *vems,
the Junior 'Palmer's' 'Plowing Coin.:
petitio:n Bruee. county; The plow-.
ing 'for .this competition, which .Wes
cOnducted through the DePt. of ..Ag-
riculture,,' Walkerton; -Was+ carried.
Dohertri. 'of :Toronto. The..Work of
tion keen in all .',classes,
'Most hero worshippers practiCe in
front of a mirror. ,
men ke pec
„"Toronto's Stable Equip,
ially proud to sell it.1 It's
the fact that the galvaniz-
ing thoroughly covers and
'inside and 'the outside of the
welter. ',This !'hot' proCess
slakes.: it AbsOlutply,
defjring and proof against .,
strong stable acida for the
Let me aplain tome of the !Oany
Other'. Oryt some of the inter,'
eating' Toronto Literature.
When ,a anali•lassures :yon that the:.
Winter is - his fav9rite season; he
her moil*
Xmas Gift for your,Wife
�r mother than an ei-
'The. and ,strenith".
Used :An -running . and
eau be 'better. emploYetk:
The. dharie for inStall-
ing iS only $1.06! They
can „.iiisfall an Extension
tqleplione for 'Christmas,