The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-22, Page 8� II :Ii.1.." I 1 ' ... ,....�.... �R; m..�A n,.w.;+n rxe.rt-.n•Ir•�*.,�„" �IIIIN�, I I L I I8IHH-_,', II III L (I Ui I I I III II I _ , • INS, . , _ ... i�, iL II�IIIIIiIU�C�lillll.� IIgUIpIU IIS'IIINillllllllllll}IpUUllllllf111Ullllllllllll IIID � II l�ll� � ► � i 11 I�-� .. , • • • , I .. iIIL: L IIII,riIIIIIIIII�II�uiIUVIIiIGIIIIIiiIIIiI►Iill�,�.:.�llllllllllllllll�lllllllllllllllldlll,ll HIIIItIIiIIJIiIIIiIIiIIIIIIIH1161,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHiHIIII(►IIS,�IIIII��;IIIIIIIIIIiIIllllllll�llllullllllllllllllll(IIIIIIIiII One' vi 0 ..1110110 Phone ..' To: i 2 for• Ser. vic • na .x on re eoats,• 4, acre striving to, make this seasonthe best we have ever had:in Men's Ye Co • � �, ats � ..�?f�'-nare-shcZWn some=sna. .: Ymod '. � .--:. :.• ,�..- ., . , Pl?Y e,_s, r.yo>z�1g-m�n�.as well as�the :, more staple Styles for order' men. ' We want you ,to oseethes • TheY are priced 'Very reasonable,'$1650::t6, $35.00: And: when• the Coats o �. e "' .... ., looking v r, dont . fail to enquire • about the Men''s' Specl,al Fu>, Coat ': The price iS ,right, and it's' ' • tBusy, d 4Coat ...,•wilh e7joy wear -Ing th>s In t• r • y If, you :have put off purchasing that Winter Coat until. now, don't; • ornitUre . As t4' 'select a fe:w stated be•fore ��ales• hesitate to Come. in and. look :over Our, assortment•: ; We' can serve Y ou.just as well now' as any time., See the Coats with• the * FurC 11ar '' nicely. ,. trimmed and broperly tailored; or the more conservative stylein a heavy All priced at. $i5.Q0. ubers.ad Ruber'Bbets air of '' ood'. Rubbers add : reatl to the life of an shoe ay t o let your feet get wet this weather. We sell Dominion Rubbers for Asn,' Women and Children, Dominion Long'Rubber Boots sell at $5,50 per pair. ift Season is '• drawing nearer and' again ;we _have anticipated your requirements. Our counters are ' laden with ;"beautiful :... •gifts A walk through :o, u. r several d,e . ar. tnients<'m' a. Y suggest tjustthe thing you would like foryour bestfriend:Be3e with' the ;ones toselzcfromthe-rs,shipment of Gift Goods, , 1y one No 1.0 ' is at Your Service e; Sell for Sell: Cheaper; Than' The 'Credit Store s. N,o. doubt you were thinking out something in :the- Stove 'Line= STEWART'S GOOD CHEER OVEN HEATER is' the latest.:; It is ,a ,Square Quebec, with :an ,oven 16x21 'inches .deed four'N.o, 9 covers, It has a shallow,wood crate that'will`, burn 19 -inch wood on the flat, The price is within your, reach, and it will give you entire satisfaction, STEWART'S HIGU-OVEN CABINET .is ii a diesel)), itself, no,other like it., We have placed' them in. ovir ;thiriy"-_•_ _.homes.=slid--have--not. h;ad a-=single=complaint; CLIME BROS. MAGNET is a medium-sized range, per fectly constructed, a good worke r, and the best value on •• the' Canadian market, Complete with• reservoir and'high closet,, $64 Oil We have a'full•line of Que'ieeHeaters, and we also havethe:`• ;:.old-fashioned Box: Stove which, with• a. goad. Block' of w in ood brings cheer tohehome. t •°.: g . ; ,=pl s dea e - - • . W w bo `•to have- oucaal1--aYdW examine o'ur:.Stoves and 'Heaters We have been many years at the business and we :believe :we know wl'ata.you'require.: blur l d e 811 ,�'®�►.• Successors to L' ucknow •Hardware :& Coal COT': • .._ O KIN:L S C N RS __WHIZE • RTH LII FOU ., L KC Miss Forrester of , Ta cl itn;v e i.•, A l , S1 t rt Tuesday; :November 20. Mrs; P: Macheod ;, and daughter,!' MarY, P s ent last. Monday with Mrs, John• Christie, at, Kinlough. ' Mr' John 'Hodgkinson .. returned home last' week'from 'a London Hos- pita•, niiuch improved in health; Mr Richard ,Martin- rrriyed 'home from Rainy River, last 4veek,, after' a, very ' suecessful ' trip, finalneiaily,. ' ' -sir•:�-Geo-»=Bel1•�at►dy,wife,�.�;of ,.. I cul rose, tali Mrs. ' Mo"Triton and 'Son,: Murdoch, Murdoch, visited'', ati. h,•' Russe,li Mid dieton'sthis week, :I The farmers; ard. • very busy turn,.. 1 ing ovet'the ground preparatory, for • I Jl',prices are another year's ,Crop; IOW for Tarin products, Providence t� flu e' certainlyr " fritvdrint.. air.-- wi h wather. 'for! plowing, .011: 400 00 `M pstilno.'wquld Via, Orr I+l04 App . impar .• SundayCribra, 'Miss Tillie', -Aiekzhd•er, of •' Wawnosh, is visiting At`:'the horiie Mr, and;'M'rs, : A., l• ox Y Miss° Diorothy ay,,r, ,,. 'side, visited ,f.fora ,fewc,,'of VexVexWeek at her I,gra-ndnibtiier's Egg'lestone's•, s A meeting of th;r. copgreg"atiot7 of the 'Presbyterratt,J,:,huh' , * ts' :lir id Monday • night to. j^�d seUs - a f.irt'i •i.- mas entertainment; it' .wits.' cltc;iii .l to have Ia.Chnir tnra5 tree- ori I5 , 21st,: We are :sorry ;•to i:enort the death of Mr, John Kennedy; whir. hasS' hoe', in Ilii ByrnSani'tarium the pir.,t two years •Mr, JKhrrnedy wit gass%.dd While serving in France, .end hos • net'been *ell' 'since;, A'military lOn� Citi was ' eld 'fkoni the Presbyter - tan church; Lucknow„ on ;Triesdtiy^ ,ftt+rnboll og. t1iko V►�RIo1c, 'HOLXRAOD._ ,. , Monday, November 19' 'Wedding. brills`• are ringing. ..once" more : • . Johnnie Barr •speiit• Sunday 'night with friends 'on Con,. 12, East,: Charlie Conerain,; we are glad to ,report,.. is mile • to be up and around Mrs„' Garet Switzer; an Ava .re tu,neii' Ihonie, f orh'.:the West last; • ' Mrs. A , Palmer, of Kincardine, visited- the -,past week at ,the home of Thos. Harris. • 111rs:' Janies Iiarrrs -Greta .anal Goldie;' of :Huron, called on friends' oo• the•; lme :S'unday; • I-Iunting is *the order of the day .°t> oiind' note, Some of them are hay- ing pre-,ty good luck r Miss-=Peat'1” Raynard• —of� Para i ibunt, spent the last week .with her aunt, • Mrs•, .Ernest: Ackert, 'Mr.-,andMrs• -Will Eadiepeat Sunday with the 'latter's •mother, Rachet .Culbert, "eon; 10,• Ackert Bros, loaded, a• car- of lu to ,ber this week • •This ; pretty well cleans lip their stock for the year• alirir' bs'J saY s - . th e o 1 d' Chevrolet ro "t he„.bi -hill.faster. and ' better than-. ever •rIt's „getting,''used .'to -.it -i • argalns. ,,ordertored'e: �C. to`:.30 t • r stock we h ve.`°�cut our regular prices ler cent on every article. .. ICis' a• chance 'you • will. of have again for. ° a long time. well assorted stock: u sti'il have . a: . ;o cloos'e from.; This . November 3;�Jtl •in• and look things. over. LI II U I 1= - - L - �III II cul i iilii6_IIIII6111111111UIIIIII IIIIIli IIuHI uUU� III I II III tee I — 4 IIIIIIIIIIIII611111111111 _ __ IUIIIIIIU VIIIii11 16111111111111_ U —I _ Ill l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 1111611Uilll _� 1111(11 _ � IIIIIIIIIIII _ i � -I•�1- IIIIIIU II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH�6111 1 ► � li ....� . . . IIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllUllll,IIIIIIiIIIIIIINl1111(11 _= I � .(11111111111111�II61111VIII611111111111ulllll�. ► , _� ” I 1 I 61111111,JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIUILIIIII III �, –� KINLOUGH•. BELFAST i, Tuesday, November, 20: Mr Sydney -'Ferguson has return..-' ea home 'from. the West, 1VI'iss. Ida Felce : 'visited ' at Mrs. Roy Alton's a•: few days..recently, Miss ' Tillie . Hackett ''is' assisting Mrs, . Will . Hunter, of Zion, ,for , a few 'weeks. Our teacher ," Miss Johnston, . spent. Thanksgiving:,. at her home : near, Owon Sound Miss Lizzie Alton, of Lucknow, 'is. visiting' •a few ,days• with her. •broth- er,.:'Mr, Walter Alton; Miss Tillie Sherwood• has return -- ed home after visiting ' withher aunt, Mrs; James Drennan Mr, and Mrs. Wlson•' Irwin visit- ed a few', days; with their ;son, Mr;, ',Gordon Irwin, ' of Wawanosh ' 141r,, and Mrs; -Elmer' Alton , and Mrand Mt.Will Reid td r ' lvisi e with friends in London • last week : Mr' - and Mrs; John 'Emmerson;. of Kinlough, • spentSunday with her parents, 141;r.''and ';Mrs _.Ralph :Nixon.'; Mr. John ' Cooke,' of Beaverton, spent "few days recently with his Parents, Mr, ;and Mrs James- Cooke Mrs' James Hackett and- family spent Sunday with ,her'parents,' Mr, and Mrs, William' Hunters, of. Luck. WINGHAM P,tncst Fitt, who, aweek' ago,- was a it ,liver _.by a buggy and seiaousb' • injured, had °so far recovered, tha il4t was; able to go down- .town pori 741iicliiS; 1Jurinl,> the day he went, to , .the homey, of' Mrs. W.-Finle wh, Y irl ; died• <'sucldenly en 'Saturdd- ni'ht.aincl while there Mr; Fitt'suf. t Cil a • n c.r o vus” 1' cola' s � e . , ..•_ _ . __ �.... l? which.. rito�,:�h.=_;on corrvtYls'ro,ris� irnd his con= o iii in .has become quit ,� .: quite serious He sw•ttiken to the Hoatreat,- ital for 17 eRt,- ilii• nt: 1I1Y rrrl;}raur .. 'residents.. received .. a� here, iivh' cn •it was ,announcer.' .iiiitt Mary` Oalb"raith; 'Wife -,of Wil= is u: .Pfiree, ni'ol"' Y, dc+r-.suddenly '(,(I , •.�, expir= on S�4turd:ay n't rht She a Vas do- i>i'; her,'work„as usual When,SuddQn, 15 ''5;4'• Was' stricken with a ,stroke' i+'lrit'h ti ti °r'To flowech• almost'instantly almost in iirnrlatttely. •'The ddceased was born' . i n' rurn'her ry nearly • 68 years ago, tt{�r. she liven, a number of year: • i,t: r IRIr iv e Gnni n T t o Wih, ;, ha` � m, when ' ;s14 /ow William Tinley, whl$ni shy' nrirrrierl 82- ye is ' anti Mrs h"i'rl1ey a'•ere hi -res este P d in.thi, i;ciilrty,`''The deceased'' was a devo>< ed rriember of the Methodist 'Uhureh She rs survived by !her' 110840, :and` two ehildrerl'y Mra, l3.dyl W1l. ' liarii, of i4tt'lr' • Mr arid! Mr Wils - s on Irwiir• vi i st of 'Crewe, visited at- :the home oef Mr, and Mrs;:• Joeph' Hackett re- cently, . • i ' as - 'xetarned home•after spending,a. =few weeks' with her aunt, Mrs, Thos. Agar, of. • Brampton, j • . - • :Mrs';', Thorlipson, 'of Winnipeg, has returned -home afterSpending �. a few days; nvith. her,._:gister, ,Mrs'...James Hackett r ' Mr. and • Mrs . Herman Phillips' :anrd�'"faniily of-` wawanos}i; spent a" dayrt.'recently with „Mr; and":' Mrs.; 'John Campbell. , Mr. and :Mrs, . Herb; 'Stothers and daughter, "',Lenore, • of Dungannon,, visited ac he home- i f:` M•r » Alex, Hackett,• on Sunday,' DEATH OF MRS, ROBT. - TURDY Mr,.:Walter Sturdy :Waft at Wing - ham" on ingham°.on Thursday ,•of last'' -week at bending the funeral of his sister -in law", Mrs, Robert Sturdy, who died, at Guelpen • the Tuesday, ,previous. Just one. wear previous (,Nov,. `'1-6, 1922,S .the husband ,had beenlaidto rest', and' Mrx. Sturdy ' had attended' the funeral at Winghan>;, Mrs, ;Stuff: dy had gone to Guelph, to visit, and while there was taken ill; She was taken to •:an hospital blit lived.'' only a few hyo.'.: Si e -leaves a' family of Ave boys and one girl, not yet` frown . up,i:-who -care• now 'without ather or , mother, pireb bw' 'there's t arrest niq;on' NhInt stoor the wild "bat, Crop. ......�•_..,.,r ...'_.:.,� _�.: ._: mow. • Mr; and .Mrs W;: tT McLean slient the :week -end • With. ,friends in- Kin, cardine, M • r',\ 'Thos ' :Percy • has - returned Eineison, South Line home ''s`fter... a visit with• :C .�;nis friends;, The Analrcan Sunday S c h o o 1 Mrs,. td'Percy'spent a day''last Chritmas.. Tree ...and Entertainir.•ent; week' with Mr, and Mrs ::.Joseph' will be held • on . Wednesday, Pee:. 1J 1v4,1,4, Sh 0 Ha. .1�.p lees. Se .1e C tl O ' n ••' S _ 1�ar1 wq +GL 0 y a fewSt est 0' . n� I a dl es •Faney Knitte` d Sc. arve s 'Pricesfrom $2.50 to $450. n: allthe w�� a n ted,,, Col. .. , Kayser yer s" Glove 1 G ' e Silk k Hose fo••. rLadi, , es • in Black sues 81 -Y - 'to -1.0, at . $3e25 a pair: Vie': have a. full storck'-of this line which . • A Pair of _ ;- �• ••_ �, .. •. 0 o lr„nice Wool Blankets, or , ,• . ; . • . ,. � + a nice Pla• id Blain- a f` would b e nice Those pretty ' Plaid B1ari . •: � leets are ich is always acce tab e .... P � at: Christ ;,. � mss. $5 and 'Wool Blankets are..riced p ,,,,6 Lb. at $7.95, 7 Lb.' at $9.25 and B -Lb. at10.4 • 5 Ladies' ies', Gloves are always scarce, , :•, • - ' , .• y • arch; just, before 'Christmas. -several-' O ''selections f�--o>lir.. -+custorn,ers.have made'. and havehad , , them laid 1side , d , , .. ..• and .a, ,v ,,. . . •,. very good 1 t , ,. .. g p an it is too. Prices run from 85c. to $3..50 • In_. ' •. e ait �,Q�:Gv; s for Ladies-w e,m h t h complete inall . lines. es,` Our stockUnderwear.'' of St anfield f , .is aain: complete. ...Wer .. received Gloves , • o '. � 3r . t es are an acce tablegift P far lien an , d our stock is d another shipment pment last wk. Ladies' Coats, only five• left f tanid' the I Styles are good , the prices are good, and right. Pure Wol Wheeling• Yarn an 9c:Lb. • Our . r SC e Cl .. � i Se, • e, at. 75c. Repeater . r r_immiatommodtkanowisiN4 4401,4/0100 1. i r 1. :