The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-22, Page 6FT ­rr. 7 77 1 71 'hop" UILI C.4k R.119hr" f I - , 1P I— No ..... ..... 4..� ]Ratti Resp p, -1, hoiuit. a U h, e4; oq,� q;yI, rat rf e T. _74 f glans All: gim av ti*�001)*Phv' Ac. W Por4litig. t6 ;Ora _e;oei" Ve4dIe3,r - 1144gift4d's'. !0 . . . . . . . . . . on 4e4q PQW,cryf . ------- ---------- -ft-inect Fbiresti., Aft66,, I f T*NAtut 71 .0 'Of itt De 6.t� e SaM Ilia Aook� -whi PeAtEAAce Of, his vehiel'6 MI: Pp- Wsm0,* whic iue. Q, great Pride in. 'the PAPI794 Pity-tlle: late�3t ptliti rnOnt Of tbP.I4,tpr1prgt,Qt -4 tak outwa d IMPORTANT' :of the ThAt local 410 M-1 10" .9 a 712"C- IV- -T_ ereO. qroa�v r viAmW& rep 1 to inquire, about iIativ— T �I 'jar tite "a tp KLImmei-gy r (myces, o, an�', fi0op-1he -value SNOW_ k9r, - Ve , Aerice "!QTL.�:,the U to Ung "Prin-, t1lat nelgh�p upon tho4orests, f �Prit Jedda-hi,1 tit ritish. fAle: 14 9 k.iiIiio does*tIlg A_;Jf Mah greater vill-ra 1 4 Of the - p. I'to t! 8 14e$ of qpple aUtOI, running, be, S�Qu.' su�spefidetj. �.'hetween� arp 4 co, inn 1 kye. 4 ;ft I , ro in, this, qond !�s, la its PuPOm,frequentl' A recent Do� Y,.*.4t a hikhl report by the, rers-] Th itiQ4 of I r106 Of op,�ed-r* th-6: ey ai6, ti 4nanufSctu Oil usPA'.Qn ro4da, !-$I Part I' its plI plinion Bur6au Of Statistic vftrQ Put 46n;'the anes,',of)tl1*e,'Kjllg.. of- tbe!� %Iedj: 0--flir Q, -more, up,.to.0 Fi-te'-pilirinij `1� concerns' se. autoilloblIT, tO� Opp 4prVIC0,alone,I . .1 _ , '' 47' 0 Is 4±1244m, the a,caf'�" `Qn: P411t, and v lihijnj t1jer and,lijot us a rpl a evere tri th .!'to- ma- and th .e- liptrber. of. polq� -1 whi 4-ov1prin Of-�thb telepifi �pl esi. ­ . " -, . ` hi' �X44 e these -eaverini: d 'account oX 9 to 011' ArQ- ur -q-and'11.1, of-AlfeR car- tli� _1- Canada- as. 184: 1 Char E -T li*W M lea orn. t+ er ca�- e. fifli I Y e a, fro t til e i P Wd kA��erho- �es -t _qA t -s tude lt�, e air., e L'' Z joer 4-94. rMsh a 7,1 1,466i -and Man Ws also,, r IsiAnt r� 11i " ILA, fro. 0'. k Ile :10870; gars, asill ru,16, Vqliy6r, ps tall' ver th 1 itil I Dr, es or a-A.AtOrnAllep, that"arp 1 6,: Of illsIRIJu, with �.wfipm e to ol, varJul, -0- , 11 ' ' r VFell �Ahliad and' ti rill 9ne �,award'uhder,' e AfAke -o b t paint and. bize, ,an d, ;77� PI ti -b :L4,11,111: — . . .. �Tlb A delive e dis- ac province, 6uch lible . -.�. I ; f gul,,e, into wli in the , �L high yvu ever have, A grabbitt., it I, is ATecc 'Is tb 01`088 For town t4at:shrun 2,900. to quality i utch'ireate dlsCo�ery, Ot'the eadleSr e,4 rep�res eat -car maat, a r for- di first t6 g k 60111 ng One Oedar.. tree. -A ge and 4bete Q o �egi�,, as''a, plig s, Ot Ill' iti-Allt 'vabort. rim, Put Out? -the sawn U. f approximately., 40: libleg 'all! Sic time, have the tr A�, a4- in c orests luav-11 H 11. were att6i- f, fa. t, w h �Ass 1 9 ilse, Butl e�8s�e valu Q. wne t 9 Th" ed. v ju of,. Its. e f -11 1 clulred. p in is waA lalidotitbtedly ecau us n hea�d 4 rom - $85 6^o- t, e was' lien' King urn. ile; tile 49. not, er �olc ore �Dming, he sopi, 147 n art: Indifterent, or Ignbr 0�rergrown Londo ',special all olleiatl6list 4tart miles. Would, requi r egre,of th it mechanic a r al eir r6 880 cedlar trees to pro dd� tel Put engine dil'on b ord. that, in -til a W temorkis' and' light. . ..... eyf e e 0 the leath' It, Is oli,req Voinoliffe it e or. 81 the rvic6.- er, and that" e A tO'Jbdda`h,' the pilgri d tw Ir awil only remedy th ` b days' of� M, Port *on ,,perhaps. Ilv X filmil vi Queen Elizabeth,, mre tf-in. th te8 were� a s�te hone Se "iig on inae. arshness -for a R,bd Sea, B "III re4dily ree,ceu,; .,3r it the'"British II.Vi as a finely fl accompilsh'in' ut--tho--1il`OsPbrJtk,of: th e seen,. therefor6, tht �vberi a of S -S' ved as town was -forest, Ilre attli short I t I . ks,' A' Ibritish a es he timber au ed&,` f nlatter.s'.v�orqe., In Icaring, f 'h' r.% -*a J6urneY�,Whlch 'When Made The big saWi A, or leather. th tI,le �i;Pen', on fts, to ­ ­ th-reb �a' er stood the ..uy 0, --furniture b er thken, on rt tinie. Iij . , T' h(i h sho turlbs her �U§Pwffe w -the end It only: nlak�s., $tAtW zien, coilaufteV Was enabled t b liere:-twoI 13 o kin' 6 in Its by thp r some d' is faced clutche�, rernembIiir qgator.1 to preventLondgh increAsing fro tonal ilia down for'g96, CO1,uMbIA fOrbSt Otitari VAIA& to;-keeo �Fq' 114tii", SainelbOck illeiligil, �or year, a pro, igiousp size.. ;.Yet,. two Occupies a da Yeats .0 roluthen on"the rectly interested in th th da a �Ilppin,­ clutch, while' "let and !t half, rioss: Fork: Po b1flitin dwi e timbe.. ndred Y#'ars led. ev ilsh 'e P Ater tha'n that,. S a, :ra' ; b4t, is befri burned. e�, Owner, 61 r 'a !'Th.er pidly. Fires beta le -so fre a,, u harsh,' ;,p6rf nee* oil is.. best: fo- outil't - fieit's-to'lli ill a, i a se Lambeth was ill'' ectly- l6v 'while, the� Iforest'..we" quellit . . . . . st alth was that th-e Inin el, a health- resort, strid'I th0119b sandy, road' between tfie, tw ed ilran96 oomPani4aS,candeJ- CheIsek P from the 0 trij rr lbdl thelt o lei WjitCh., a Country vil.agei, whil SU Guild ng, hills. Is. the- - d after"his T11' es Fiv6-rOOm franiA st t farm in Xiddle�ei ag and', '!a houses wl'th t4tth'�ere offered fors�a:Ie it& yo, bigge, cities,," Lord Headley state Of' tile ieturii�toI� E.n town tite . The'R was,, Of bourse, f be, north s'Ne of Wh at: is Ind leated -by cap -i underptafill why this 9� .,big sawmill; or� from' $00 to of SeIC.'. he which' had iilndjlllg� dead bleached botes,., of I capacity Of 230,6ol) board f a. daily 7 dqefln t keep PTOI)61`� illnei paid 'a �Ay the, a buyer. �-The stave mill- alo. cea "Cont�ntiu�nt: doe Mary ebb IL ca I ch ave'been en eet and wa;q s eld To -day, L nd in th gaged I 41)i to,d��t In ever openitfong, t on P s .90 vast' that'uo e Pilgr age Y, re§ ect d th S no come ti 'a Ille.and In, an' call tel T1 i ' , 1� - - I I I 1;i. This "Pilgrimage A stave P Xt ..full railroid man, has' !biought bein hears 1w 111111 was.,Pstablish6d at rviwhicli one ords to vihel�e she . b6gi �s, of course, a trerrie I for�sotne Hill 9 9 as or fidous, affil 'Its so; and var,I,O"S e had,. been 6ifeet. r ends:, air. other subject' n 't from. unf6 tuna e eople S -called Greater London n e,fallen'.off �ine t umbers'llav ,Ini�or wood-iiiing Indlutri to thr6e"ttal a* certain Iji�vs. which con- IIts a� "ek, at ta lit nearl fated a(�dlffer0nt (mE the ages -,'have been slbwl�-�.� a, w-tch, to Anhabit. 'j. tber. TOAY whipiR, I went n its prIm a otal popu- I formulated VVRIO ajin�l cannot. get 'is of es ex throuX y� eight'nitiflo but I'D there 'i Ped altoge, h' t r Ists Of but.'" ple vindicated by. the'gien- ecord corre ants and 'is sp�eadin 'than!, 70,000 i)ffgrl Ork had Population, of ,000 fewe Cross F 1), latibil, cons e, ur h 9 steadily In in's 'e rson. if er experience of inanit Omor mth line.. 1-7 e erY.41 0 &'aiid 'was no an or_,tbe_gtsi aSe. erfectly U gen,eraIly--1no' aone of th6 -etkt-O my Aew S 1 -0 0 It �Iv -bl oded" lVell '-dr ivelies any- ­ � - .a er-been- rou e wn -as� t "Theie h iceaging, Inar, �o Od,F 1 1. 1 1 , . I a P repti b,. we s__ae_v eri t '16 E�7admiulstrat more f JIV st-h-u red o a per a thalr. t J§ �anAs a" hasl Wayis the rnest the WOOC91! rd-'JAhought.'of any *sort Of c6nte'ntm'e' ,at all, �buit' 8S, e. County 'of �London *flill�-undert way 'of -red. radicalism tile not.`th ' 6'fauff lve county V 116d rpe. fro, in illes.s ')i the. wearer' s a e �Ab ran Ch aken'lp� ea �T�were-. practledti ch line Of.! donstruction 're-,I)TII-R, —and about 650000 hVitiges Oilgh th y.1-theAluffalo and,Susquie the town w6uidi!-be as'findividtial, 06faitieut, for 0h,-e)ds ten call hana Railroad 'to ay?, plieltering. -five -milli a I was, rain el built Oils Of. people. 'it w. cases' of Own. 'Stores, of all 4� surrounding hills.. W P Stay, In. W L - As and:, -aiiy,,c6bcept: o?' law, a ust the 40,'the -t' esOlate "as' th:- :that s.tinstrok' are`affPe6d':, by. this' Illet Of c h librieh as L'200 _116�,!Of,streets' uingflou'rished. There- Is, Cross'Fork as 329 rhll',*�y ere seven i harniet a.Quiej little. e Ung is,: detestable.' They he ' Interest sh It d fitic ,-upled a Y'M.C-.A' 'with" f �pre.tend thatAI'decencies and'- 1, woman,, who! Or as"got, I e ally an f as -a guest.0tKil, b adow of,jl 'r gula a r ecbrded :o f �i " " '7 Fleadley hotels, 'foiur'C]iiUrche§ r A ourse not! That �Oues- �'jall �1 Woman :ueit, do 144� toyal, go-verh'ing b9dIes, ,occ i -the. anie 6, 4th$., and otnier, �elf And a large, llp..to_ H`1180elii a,resfdence,',overIooklng, th ' dat� "lilgh school atakingl: her 'watch, t6 19 kindl L : 96B ts, s 130, 0 0 0".00 0: to adnitni ts 't 'to 'e ThAker* Without hope' for.:a While th stop. gnitiea are. nilirply- ridic'ulotis 6 size of administrative' -aaba;.'. w.lile e IndUStrall and iijef" Lou- a nietiM s .,,system of tin1b.6 ul f ture u tfl' the t, w1th"COMPlaintS that'it 7 h S n er oo fast 6i. too Underground Rive' ddu Is definit, 1".the:, veiy,-pi r grows� cOnven ions narrow rind mean'. So rs., ely'flx�d-,:. Gieiitbr Gildon: vot of, again euville 0 constantly., It has M,6! Wh 14, he'li lie'r,cons ondon. h sinlulatIiid phY on the con- -taut, ehas,' sovei , -a,l �'.un -Dust -'00' wit drgroun'd doubled. In sl'ie fit en, Y06 '01 .1 77— sertaillve them'' -7 ore,thb, watt f the past' A'p'i Depend on This n ..!ha,.PublI0'. 'beyo'nd 611 bounds into 'the wild ;li.f6 t h for a week them� being known as. andL eV f1rity years, --------- litter augilt me a Ld *-found 'thit'. ery d6 Inquiries WIL16hed by tion to '§ue senterpiol hows. no.guida ebi bu n_ s use a b1g;,broad ' Ptlbi.ic, elatl n paint brush it I 1ed desire.' 111111 Kound., teed, -a pe e Inost'Alliporeitht sell. a, dltdil or uburban- yail*aYs makes,. it deterinina' x e slGR -Of etropolit 'dus IP.9 'OVOOIliwork all. It kept' per-Ithe T -is supposed to''Ita, t - '' " , trick ­:about -Of e. ect"Atime H N ve i j, I - ..an t which A then ma oth CO-OPerative, ei,' s' '!A fixed brer from. ted, and c6nti h �slstell('studY,.,collcen "top$ a deal�for the, and gives the gre Tlie" rui e e eck in build- I tra of doors getting n Was lj`s�r. I an� eiiablcv the, -Danish Canute, to :Jump afresh Aft r roun 'a to saft 'Ing caused by, the w e 'of, self Iervous complaint-, atj 'the, f d ortifications' of th d' corners, atest retiu�rn�'. meanin conti-ol e Tllames.�' t Is now g�low. LIO s, thought,' lasts a long t- 'obtain, 0 ", we . . 9 'me. '11, I'p'efd de The rule ate -of abo d: 'With fo'r'tu' a e circum. ery " oil' -.th ut.four th It t Best rm e r necessary ref I t flig at tb couple over s6lf, costs struggle� of the pull -'ter -befoe.. drfn�'- Wsy. 0 handl g,AoIng via one plvase�, eusand ea Yea' I' ur�%, -;.I I I c to wa , : 4 ?rs �Sbe- t houses.' stances 'and', 966d health. was 'a or and' Ytvaclous, is V at he yictlin... ol� Ybu'should',il r y, r pain,.to: ot 'era, �ep,re you nab' astion.., When� a e wa ng If I are not cert4ir, e le Q!, succeed. This h that it Is: Any on6 i H 0 ch pu�% eft �',,ate . Ruling II litt ;wIlein abe, was, b 'i ' " ' , 4* -]low, - eing ed. lbert th the wat' Water may have typhold',ge ealtil ieciur have It a In t: denionstrat trying: to .Won b live bosef who re. ly. a and '.live ondon yrisons b� H. Gary,, Wh asy ivAy:to t,'Ske; but,Na� y1ght nd-ge ins gir6n' in L Is the -e inis of 6t'he sea In, It'. known ,doctfis wel Ilachine exists -with .,Which en Childr rdw.,. turo I neme n: h'Xibly" it Is S J: P aYs no favorites, �he in e laffixes and'ec POSSIble''to jule' '30,000 lines Ourid' elf mP# 04 the a hin grow little li&r'pen 1 wit that children a ties, and pace of an the fool pays. e. and f NO b -h "The sin -ye do' 'Lvrq. some th 9. er Peculiarity., In their-* ch b alkp ave 9r, to the end 0 vem- and two ye. In een,:unabi -of March,, Nat Pay for. one b t The moralist ety.o.ne, time., jajd Come W On 1th#,: Pocket,- ng -preacheh co't"Ol to the * up lie control - 111 which It If' goner -ly IQ's qd,:hati; $73, dell, "known led. -held. th'at. the tir ro6' wel V It is' to e�g.e w hich'we,pa g 'time Of ece. s Is *uliki,ly:,depra �best, 9 ved' 'to:'st"dilge god8. So. ien. -T ne 0 Vear,a -,watch Which b By, We I iveh o�v�id .0p and aye o who Ahought at'411 It' th tigbi-in' 8 eY� 0. M on he jury. repbjq I Oulld. thatj and III Ou t, Jus.tlde, Sta �EllglfiO-drlvers, h T r n6teen hu� period earth-,,haa te of beirwatches''kePt Perfect I SO' that lla� constitute very Oui occas, on d n bein e e�,, e- stirviv AS, soon as an e popu- ated some Of the people Wei, na delith,' is ee troo into -e urid. fa�hl e--prisbil and tl�bl habilcuffs, Ao ether with t. 'a earth began to,b e. Working t I', Id 'the schOol r e grieve ers,and blilles, jed t 0 res litch thi, we] no cure?' Must an ur e.p. It t y ped Nat hild the bcljilvior� f ;L one routis;. but directly int fle*- soIc ! v as; hey wer pon7th a 'cr in d line, diong u Or o4ed-bvery--pi P� shiirlffs, armed 'I ii� I . I " hiiu id shocked At UtY.'and .a es, tl: gglfig' they Wentf P IB06 on to relief D d the,'st had: to driv With ute, s a Ior' Ilne§ - t - I. as he is, and -.Would, it n' t be Isa 0 over re Ime, but. 16 is not � a, crii t staried -to reform, t 0 wi lit Ile, ci Y .11 great -majorit ' of betterfor go, �o IIu`Ih _eteirnlf h M. t�qt!ainted, h not 'at as . society to Start -in the n., e n -contemn the , eir 9 in,bbelety lcI school crim agon ie tb( Cu prits, to the In,,,he same, nledliievul� W tA � I . _ . . . . - . . . t it. _Ev yb6 ay.. easy to -10A . - ­_ 'e, gh I ]d ? Y upon" each Is' nd watches 1jecaine, hope house tq,dea.1' w 19 crime ahi er Or Is crime fitlefit I.ilature?" of prisoners' You"' -be ef6' b a BY' talent h' de�1�11�'Of'l cause eL r failed, ng,:' ts t 'foe hrnlr� aVe -W1 W, at use is Eu�clid to, t und, fallen, 'to S�t.. them all d- wn as r take 6� u gA_ -it the com- -to-- �wii 1 11 peculiar b n On cit.zdn the court a itt'&hOtild, if certain exw.'.' ', 1%1,) redtiOn A t good,are:.Iogar .�.MhLerable by "a 6h t) be i dl legislator' room?, preSsf a tlie' exeb. W the tale&, -particular 'the Pocrjt6s tIve,. the t ithms on 0 cOullft-liance, as If thrown taste: or in. 0 any thipk the w Possible, �tsll wyer, th,& clergynitzi he 111a � which clination. in. the out, of c6nibs n, :the ead Ill c own? IIOW does histo ..thRn 111.�whlch' 'the Instru t. Int .as..ea,I get, a, to crime could be i. erally in p o- atch-repAiret .'the dr" Judge I -abou't f .,,in in -9bild leaqS him g 'A. i' th .'er re, byJills ab , �l inry lie] the, fall of Cumstances' ab t is a ter lfe e-acrobat?''',ij min or 6 Ills. to ow Will geometry. de- it 1S those wbo. rejoice, 'The boy Over, it.. ment Went wrong. unfamilf plut Of. whisky 'as a, pound 6i_s G ist im se- n e'rnethod one a e.: Ants: Whisky s.ufter; nes-': Perhaps som W u0" a' 'peculiar effet -t 6m 'Wero the.�_schoolho ' It 'of gravitittiOn amist-1-he"4I a Nobody.*Ilo W 1ul -makes. Pictures oxi,;,' e, side' of I the laws atches aI rected, 80. is. to-4ead'It" to u of life; vel6l): the minile How will W so bae Phero. Two of os - h e t But. th�re. nitis't e' 601it that te litrlot,' o thiefi morso-�,of use as .,the -How. 11IIe a-d'voca b 'of untliftninicled nother. Stippo ne a The thf conscience When h6.*gets it' could be.in 6 the artJ t 111n.611iia the. illeIchanid S h watches are 'ef vent6d t�' of -tion can upon.,*a' h6lf� th I Lat �RmP.OY 'C; ree k al libert at, he pm.. i,n,o- ina.flol][4 of' YO' re n ung ]eans toward Ih6� ey We I re ar , ra g.ned. before 'in 'm!tted n -perfect ti 'Tli e a not consc Oils th tast�s and es, ey a f Placed was a:. black woman, the harlot wh Ite�sL t It Y Cate fol- it ontlot .,got and"k all, I : ha .n?' I unb What a' W any crime, C them� put,tb 6tlier� �v ith Pu,P ls�.,as­thd Th6. nin d N ' It ll . � f Ile n M��nfal die. 4 rt T -thousa q 4 � irreg-,— -ed -6 to ot in ej-poge s-90 �th - AY_. An a- ?Y -7m.h-de I Jar," b u t Y.1e face It re,sai another ey. Were en h, 1. 1 --:i I I the'thug, "is k ular, ­t1riti't"1 G a-, h rime Il th � i, ty." Th b!'e children. so a thit.keops� quiet,and'mode it cou d.' be c, assifled. uI164angdib16_t' C n ho heav� . f... � I . . minals9 I n om and the., last, m ime but has, jt6p_ r sP9CtfuI,:an_Jd they, all s6emed t 6zens of. the hig lna-y�ej!,g�r6ups ro,,n ,,b novelist rutal the. s be t corredt t, not With .all 'crl aq,. the. tal III: of. the I gd ' er. list -so er ru e 0 . � , , ­ - - Whereunde er Mimi urly, lowering br b Ill. the majority, of -�as scared and - he9f - resp&ctg�b-illt.. of t h e . and . es,jt will .,,e Y1 mechanics in ftneer a ld the, dull W r rian­sebt ihai -the ut-on4j.& he 794111ble,' at the, ra-ce track. -The athPulatIdLng; act 0', 61 'are' C, n Cruel: PY01 the dehnft,: - be'. found ten. tYOu$ all b Watch and on Watc to%I the'- gulu— dil t.,tlle Aaw V',do Onest.glanc'e; the W Which 01the It 6. 11 dis. ere dlr'eady on -the illoij ctm ent Wa, 4 artists, accountants,.' r�isi- , S, Own S, .. . . .. ".. ;, I .., � as One �who says oil? c an&, -mouth-, ills Vu gar, glutton6us or' th es will read tO­theMIIng:' each, ln� III%.. on of,crime, �not. abet tbe� The qa4e $An iify mere ants, linglinists, his sak SO''great an us 'have turw. as they . vi6,w it b r6f afi S PINK -Vitted, slifil the mons.- .�hlck b stop, the Irregular bqqn culptors, 411-fike ue'e1z; t.he,:,gllt t, t t it ra 1, era t 'at the 'a recreation to'them, freg 6111 Pftisli-n y ho�'had" H tl�ntl' as not� natutis shaped, piannerly slice Imqkeeper, and, set ndled.. &'bu8iniess', :;'farmers, And go, On u all' as -we 1-10 W ind600k of, Sa' the 0 01p, trample upon, the A Lien each, are The little,,. litheg slen t b ch'. conio S a other going.,. I knew t tatke. did 'he , h4eY probii�j (10, peak- '0 de 9 e was? ha faced h Ilse lonal'. the.,line of t Ur grPilp could',h`6 instl'uCte ' d ',along e qfIeS4 MI er, the, gain I . I heir n t�' P I , SO fit 1-5 With tfie profess'' 'Plc'EPO ket,, with­glim to S �1' an -Wouldl all, v' 'LO snfuggl er, A ural -bent rs, A] V A e Ill , - , . I, subtle hb 1 --:- - � -; no Air. ilYr re and the boot�.[ Oose"4 Stale lug III tellect revised edi ion ?00 0 sQn,IwhefherI, tipey. 1)) At 'the C Y, s ep, , and.L nd--each indivi ert, ciuun wit tl 'a 'be what hatu keen, q. ad6d gge V�-, - an d -so: a] tained t stealth " 't -Jaw 8askatchewan'ling been, is the.�InVefitor guilty- tood, denb6 man; th soft; lb'ruthl -of' the tl�_Engllsh and let do apd,.be c4 swindler, the flimiffam th Nat,; --can, be and 4hat ed, or'raying, opening, In b' 133.68 nick, �nar. 'Vh c's 6' Was'th 0 liquid f0i`,sp trial' re in.t.ended hill,- to ro hifty bup Y. ocietk f0f, y me'r 'th, be. is it natbet,jer,,t6,g.0 h lit 41). gdells P capo et, Ahe',ijig -t-4n til. P psion t r hild W his 0 W the opies� nlay �N n est, Ithin his brat to the, su" e_,ls� proll n. 011, app1jeittio to 'the en Ou Prits before was en n themselves The - nlyioe t 9 a ex 8 14' rekal*d'th61'r,'6cIcuPuti9n as er nal. 11s:'filije 0 u �44 blei� Out the In_ k..b f !Th n r beco e c n d;d, ' I e --D u,,g nu- 07tifib or pr A f trig -it' O'.hot eary, wasted life c 60 useless ie t P Indulgent, rile .'tors, who swintile,!. 0 e view'of,lIffe; Society to �ep 'Cl, 't a ba& lifood Inmunity. Afio 'wh took On 991811, his: 8 Y'? 4 1. e �Product tend t cl lidered , eti)Or MXd8bs daily, no! as h ms Is 1h e, ullixture Th 1 nev*�r V1119a, Ion had rightly` othe, o an- Out of miqll el 19—irrevocabi an.,qlfs type be `e e More in de worked . r. ons of dollgks.� Y. Has 'not Th�e PtODagA'tIoh of I!Mlnated9 te'nsivo :-i ny� you out -Two of -the Oulprlts,_as� -1 re- �w The nature, illagrc doll'o or -the vol , ti, 'th crea 1119'.a denliAnd `014 le Thd but'.Was ert;; rg* W1 'of' hl ce on Of �What is' O'wh Nte is Movement that is nowo a' ayffien, wef 6 fashioned, roblem Of drr1me, pett* r6bb gbey4nd. obtleggorj_ 'Society rb -010YAbitik reach he: is* regulated by Science !fey ls� 6rift 9 OVI'th them" , y, olence�'ojjly a,.f,* 0 pro a It I oc vf he�ei Of P ga-, rmatioh on penal law says riticali the, e VllIz6d man cou an. 'act, bj,� OM 131on enough bd na ..I. let you die. them. Eu, rope Y chance r96 oa in flons, , Of, t I bok 11 ,Bob pitzalmlytons Eugenics is- strugig),Ing with thl� r Par leu ar wigh, by orblddeu, lotys The haif� Dooli P qvi�cegp and. Ill th6,ab6v Prosec A d t, I'l, .:,vl6w 0 cc . I 'greutet lem c haii'd p6laces, and-provIn''s, Prize, lighter fr&rl f —I- t C di).it anything.,, all acts and' f thffigs-.was hot 'a urptig. As 860etlp bt).ok, -t-everfu irm. Ws! lavt� been found in Celebes I a ffe 11, ny land or a ante n 8 age, e fldriIbu6yant t4 toon help _dege'll' tbeeh'.forbida rattand,wInks at'llel, erl th 01 r e' lolled erat6, 'th or- oo ehthL, en yMo. -Houses fIt in a SOciet dig. 'hi ge--nature tash.' lunatic the fmbeclle� -tui'd 'be, .1 twas en, all( Cluded." Tbb,, Ition ? for ther� III - ' tobac ekIII10 to-dayj -111% it, Y insmilce's, of the filor6 carc aport, does Ither. w1h not 66 1 to -prove' that I"t efil and Will MCI, OPPor litilty Smoking, in tba:C, i8land.:So&a� Ia' I huhsrinitted. to,breil(l. . pa' r pe ito ihI6 e 0 �- ( , OV !Ice,aft pre8c veterdp�:J Snto PH bent, f tell 1, of' h 9 d90 as the dawn of the: C a�,,. und qon, e8"M te,only (I fititr4i, ?-fillge(I mixtures. will, onact,, ye8tord. I I) e le ft 1 or 1. "Ie all, h, I I %,drb ; Uri n� th-Li ed, .14hp tb, 16 tie'' tWves, I rlj(,Il, �Ie, ea t L y."., �tllitt th 0' to !I�htj, foster . e geea he' Lh of _6rh Ile W 0, t re a t in 6ij t it YH'E,' eAV L L I'mion Of hLop Mi I T�_ V (T P "b V fi'c I() C 111� 1 JT46 L T U 91%,en 01 tell tioll me �Vll 7 to the (011 1� ��Jl of' th(, t t 0 'ho xatiiou'� nWer Isot has . T T