The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-22, Page 544, ENiORCgD buyingelor -resale; .egge which were .unfit, 'for human food,: Mai Singer, WILL 'PETTEPLACE' F.4711,1, LLY :Was, Out jlenting,-,:-Gun Accident - (Walkerton ;1'eleacPpe),... Mr 3111111-''RettePlaCe.,.'a lioariitalb- 'Ore , 'stun 1A0M- a 'severe .wound. the - 'The .Presectition was' Made by .th*, Ont'-htniting',On',Thanktigivinir 'Day. _Dominion, Live. Stock " D.raneh, De, ge was' ent ' after rahhita in '•the Greenock Swairtn 2% miles,w Provisi044, a the 'Live Steck and• 8 in. Charlie Petter4ece., 'Rive - 'Live Stock Prodoct,s Act,: 1928; The' dale, and, his ':brothOt-ill-laWf Rene *h° haa' Made" g practice of' htizing' '04,4: tree 'allont ,g waa. slinoerY and he.: fell the, 'Shot fr°,°1'• his:. rig. ..DOminion, -Egg In- The.. charge Mowed elong the Outside ,sneetor found. three,.,dozen bad. eggs... of the abdornen; itist berm the. mid - The 'Regmlatipns under :the Act re- Ole,. shattering'. the- wall and leaving,' speqing, -,`,,The -Grading • and. Marking _torrk:,.,:away. as t,ig. as:_ittrnivvb -of-r-;g0" nrOlitly-700--Tent. •-perion He was siXty Yards from Rene and shell buy for sale or reale; ex.' twice that distance from Charlie, po.se. oTe•••, for sale, or', sell eggs • He Called twice i`Charlie." and ,the whieh itrz... unfit foi ;human food Latter came running to him Thei These. regulations became. effect- ' ive last Jtily and they are new be- ing rigidly enfereed. 'In s'es where . infractions are found ',dtte to !leek Of 'knowledge , of the proVisions of. the regulations every chance will• be given to' make goed, but: in cases •.'pedlers .and others persist in disregardizig*,the law, after. re - en' by the Department. The aboVe ..is .the .first prosecution', under the. Act, of 1023: The Act prbvides for a penalty of five hundred; dollars or .three months. in jail Or both, • There' are many Storekeepers in the eities7.41iToi-reh• out tlie7Dorninion egg& -.This is .pow necessary on• A count Of the .regulationS `,`Itespec "' Inv, .the „ GredIng and Marking Eggs" bilt in, a. great maitY instan dealers are indifferent but • thia . • largely tip ;Indifferende born Of , eggs :deteriorate renidly'. 'Inuit, of , neeessity be checked frOn p,r.-t1.1e,se indifferent storekeepers eountry 'shippers and to them . an ." egg' froni the country cannot, anYthing but fresh • That there are degreea„ of freshneaso never 'Incur.. to them, : but Inspec.tors of the _Dom- . Anion „Live Stock Drench, Depart- ment of Agriculture find' ...actual • candling anil 'grading -dem- ' onstration will as "a • general, rule -basket. .On .the,". Counter Of a retail store in -One of_Our large citiea 'went in , and candled Some. of' the 'eggs, . -dozen. and a: half were seconds. and .% 'dozen bad . In 'another store the " ed .and these showed 5 dozen 'and '..each. instance ivd:i•e- very ,Variable_in- factien to ,consumerS', One of,. the' first:Objects of- the regtiletions 0" Eggs" as 'effecting -eggs, 7moving eggs' be, sold for 'What' they, are, jo7 ' ed; that they, be sold senarately' so grades in; ',the , dozen. When Ibuying. eggs,' consumers-, shnuld, , therefore, ,' 'tisk :'ior ihern :by' their. 'grade' naine,,, st, ir of is SMALL TOWN THIEVES plaints *are quite '.coinnion the stealing' of, robes; riags, whips, over - Cars 'in the church -sheds,: public 'is ...a „.pity „that this ,kind,rqf ttievery cannot be'Stepiied and the gnilty,-ones fined or jailed! 130ssels is no,, Worse,. poseibly, than', some of the neighboring towns, Inclging bY report,,, but, that is no recorninenda, TIlIg.WAS SLOW WHISKEY 'The Mildinay "Otaette lig the fol.' MicicY ',McLean, of ad - Orderly( here „early ,ron Wednesday )norning ,0 last' Week,. appeared be- fore Magiatttite Mcl\tab at Welker- ... ton on 'I'hittstlaY of last Week and that all 'the 'Nita' he drank was ifi the baiernent et his father's .house beibre he left .hOtne le collie • to the danCe Mibinuiy, and that it Aoh—attention.,„tO that Onaeo 4114 Imposed a stiff .MI0 On ray. 1, RSD tkY NOYE munities and perhaps 4000 women. "Miss "Bella of Detroit, As report after report of work done, and 111.1s.' SqUare,"- .4: thy' .evpojng,liervite' in preciated by the congregations; r ten Met 'With a. painful accident in playing,' at.sehool, on Wedpesday'af-, ...terhoon. Running, she fell and broke , the lalge bone. in her . ankle; net,,A. lIcleen break either. "Dr. Finlayson ' fixed the ' little -lady .',up 'and she - is daughter ' oi Mr. ,and Mrs,,, Dave half, a mile .fro'm the road., Charlie , amp ell, Con. p.. 'stayed th- the' wounded Man,. Drs was , about dusk when .they, reached 1‘44, Robt. LoWry fte, was putting: (ir oie swamp and it was. with s°me up the' brawek' W.nes- of' the euttikg. diffidUlty. that .t.hey • 'got to ,the wounded man, fixed up an iniprovi-. hex l'i'rbeg hq .f01;. strikigg the ho.x.. ed 'stretcher • and: carried, him over A ; broken. rib,, an, injUred. shoulder half a mile through the 'rough and' as 'very 'painful side . are still sWanin. with the Aid of. lanterns, to keeping im in t e ouse and mak,. Hall. VValkerton, and Gillies. ot Mr. Wm, J. McK4y, of Con. 19,, met TeesWa er. hurried to the scene. It with. a had' aceident while assisting Pital. The accident occurred shortl 'able , • ' before four cesiock and it .was four Class in4Home-N r M hours later that he reached the. hos-, ' ' ' e,cp.ee.,;Lis u;h4 ng,a a on pital. He was immediately 'taken to. rill- .' day the Course began, with, thirty= the '','operating room Where c•-. the •eely at_ Very, ex un. lit-armeared that. the -injury was 'Celle,Qtr instructor has. • been -sent in and hopes: 'were- held out for. his .'reF- ' ; p o s ora exan er. Ske, hee lied; experience in nursing ness. throughout." 'Late the follewing• women end. children:in the Punjaub; afternoon when his . condition 'be, indie, Her . ieeturea are absOrbinglY ized that 'the •end was most practical and usefull• inforina-' -tras-atile to call for his two little • - • 'Thildren and bid them good-bye. He ers •will join the class. A gratifyilig Passed aWav .shortly after 6 pal.' • bon It is expected that many oth; The doctora stated that,' 'the shock feature of the creiss is the 'Wilber 'Lo his nervous , system rather than of girls and yourig women in it'. ' the wound itself, was - the. deciding A ceee'diert yiolunteer__Rev. - Will ,wes the elder son oi the late MacMillan, earning directly from, the -Charles Pettenlace, .1•Vhiy., was: for. .West, Where 'he', hda: been ea iar many 'years- up to the.,. time . of :•his. the Paeific in :his work as Se,':retery .atg.h1Y-esteenied 'citizen and buSiness Man. . Will Was bern in WalkertOri tIon 'of, Canada; arrived. in. Ripley. on .2,8: -..ears ago .and ,icient. 1.06st of his .the late. train .Saturday night to QC - life here In DeceMber 1915, he was cupy the' Pulpit St Andrew'a `‘'or Overseas. SerVice fhe ,160th.' ''B.attalien. In -England he was trans.: ' 4erved in .Frence until. the end , of the war, returning home .' 1919.. :Later he 'left for' the West; Where.• he Was, ernoloyed by Mr R 'ago he -was 'Married at Saskatoon to, Mias," Jean 'Henderson,' who little daughter add babY Son aur - r generous otialities Were WicielY recognized.; :He waS one of, those chaps "whO' woUld- give .his ihirer. to' help out a Pal and there The-nragrritude ,of ;what piissing fatherless, babes', words cannot 'efts - H is mother M s rorobto„"and his is- IV 'brother, Cher- ie, At Coboconk.' To „them in:their their 'old .friends„ here. goes DECEMBER ,A ND, G :, Dealing with Aultiting the 'mountain goet 'in the Itockiea, Ray - 76;14 Thomson in atory Intro- ducing' Mr.. William, •Goat"`pgiver..:6 fine account Of this, s'nert ADA. `Art ' aeCount of wild dUck:' 'hunting at .Periaimetang. by' Levvis', Denisort,• "OUr Moose' 'for 1,922P. ,"The • Silver Salmon Fresh. from: the ing, .13onnycAstle, bele, ere only . a, feW, of the good artieles and steries, -•;itained in this issue,' "Ranching. gives' interesting 'side -lights into ,the in an agetffen't'-' gporl 'Story Abe 'north. -in Wiriter. ittsTotito 13Y ,MENTAL The influence of -the Weat gave: an' added interest' :to; .his w,ords, Mt, MacMillan is -a srourig nian. 'of greet preiniSe, worthy of .the esteein ',end - pride the peeple of. South XinloSs : • Reception.. -On. Friday- evening, in the sToWn ' ,15.0 of .their friends held a•Teceptiorr for Mr. and was -spent :in ,dancing •the danceS:—Roy-MecRenzi-e-: -WAS ?there' with his pipei, - and Seotch reels, ' laucers, and 'waltzes - Bill, 'Bradley excelled a'rIVIaster CeremOnies; No one:was neglected' 'and ail declare they spent. a. most. and lace,:looked very 'charruing. The With -a Purse containing, One hundred the, 'residence pi ,her Wrd,", Ilercierti of ConceSaion 2., there' Pass, Mrs, • Sarah 'Borden- -born at- Belle- ITohn7Paliner, and- her =Cher to What ',had*, 'been, called the 'Village of , she., became the. wife at, Janie:a', Bar:. den, who; .`abouf twenty-one years ' ago,. was killed' by.,„ a., fail „from a. barn he Was shingling; leaVing het the „eldest; -;second. Hein the • yotinge'st, portion of ,serrow,-'was ' unusually. A ,Curiouii incident IS reported from' Aire yillage Of Clifford. A feW Mrs, Wendt, Itvss there, Wits entered. by robbers And' a large 'ainount, of het Stoe'ic of jewel,: ry stolen, Mrs,. Wendt; for ,sonie and it is observed that since th,e` inatter to her, has been' able te. hear as- aa lank noiniat Person„ ple robbers Were, Caught lin Torooto; ed groat: part of tho Stolen goods, So,' „with the restoration' of har, 411' aft4t 1/111 greet: Shp Was -e hard-workng, care= fnl. woman, r: Overcoining neighbors.; Iter sister 'Harriet; Mrs. tend..the'.itineral, Her youngest. ' ter; 8usan,, lives, at th.d SO0, Two The funeral teok Plied ;on, Sunday, that a 'ineVeiiient which hes lasted a quiet,: retiring. hien who Ocilla to', „Potlitito.', Only" 'when -you 'attori,o Vie -*Orkeitc.-Dri the ';e'Vening ,tire, son -gave' the. officiel ,welcOme Of the, 'City 'in • Witty fashion,. Putnnin 'replied for- .fthe,:.gtiestS7 meat. of , Agriculture, on' right„ said, .'"Mr.. Putnarn not espeCially fond of public speaking "but he!s-a wonder. on the ,executiver.lnll. of in - does greet -thine Then Mi7s"---Yr- W. Hughes President of the Wo-• men's' Canadian Club; who •was Siding at' 'the • banquet, announced' Rgliardiani. would 'tell . the Story her ,people. , A ripple: of , wonderment and surprise. 'ran ,round ,:the tebles as it, beau,tifid . dark -eyed slender; girl. of nineteen rose in, her rplace ' end. began to, sueek in: clear. siinple, clutched. the- 'throat Until it ached end forded teers'' to .'eYery eye, It Wag true story hard • tell hut the girl' was brave. ' "AWay back 'in wh'en was Only a very little -ehild; the Turkish Sultan 'sent :out ,aecret orders to, -dear the land .of Armellens; • ThO0.- sands-Of :niy-t-penple,". men, Wein en and Children, 'were driVen'intO •exile, to take even' the necesieriei of lily, father was 'not' driv,- .than, and was femilY,doeter. to, many saw :our: neleiihor.s Turks 'Were trYing , have. been-sold:ea 'Sieves Or. "exelning-'• been The:. who Were'. heatitifuf hee'''.1;pen ..Carried' (4 think that . is not i•olo t1 The A.rnieeien 74./ riled 'the Turks' Were: p101ting driv. them out, but ..theY`:Paid any communication till With, th iiientd Of 'otir deed ;build Governnient -Gh.tistianSWere, lath:; ,we. were,' in hiding in tlitv.'creller., 'neiglibOA seeking.' Shelter itiSt and ,terrible, end thea -.,in "nttr, n 'bullets a„rotnuli haVe, siond 111'16_14,01z, an it is onlY' *hen lnws lose • =MN, rie4timr..rommoirooltn,,......momariommwrinnoram.. 41.30.141400/11114__ 1.011114 • /41 e ch re„4:ppieciated more -than factory. . stamped goods.that are e4sily'worked,,pretty when. finished nip Night Gowns, Centrepieces . Riinners 111 Cushio Tray Cloths •• j,aundry Bags, Knife; Po'rk-and Spoon Sets COrset Bags .Trayel-ling Cases „Collar and CuffSetts ofall.kincrs foe making any of these!:, COlOred Whit_e, . Coats, Mercer, ,-,ArtSyl Robe, Knitting. Silks Embroidery Silk's. • Large Stock of Writed Shades. in Plain Ribbons, - in all Shades Ready for, Xmas. Uge., Assortineht Ready -to -Wear • Kith - Cotton Eider. 4nd, " .Cuffs trimined -With Sat- ecial $6.7 vercoat Stock. The best values a n d Assort- ment of up7to-date Gar- ments shown. Light o r Conlfortalbe- *ITIV THE': STOW. IP AT. THE RESORT ,,TOWN hfrngry and ,Screech relief is neer 'lhe: town :is GODERICII citizens ,,turned dpwn the the totvp to :issue de- hospit0i, the 'vote being H3f.).5.'for btit there: is.' only,:' soggy send,: r .and cldne; • sprely run its 'race ••• Inortifi-ede,' prepares young nieji end yoting sion, .We assiat graduates to ' tical training.. .which enable§ them' to theet with suc,tess„ dents eke registtring och week. Get oUr free Catalogue and learn 11. A, McLachlan, • eine' stion ,has. been 'proiniiient'l ti ae tile new, libspital wee tn. be erected: that the Present 'one Was not'ielf-l". „ sustaining; a. much lerger one- ger-. ,tttinlY Weald not be ',iv, to be asked for byr the Collegiate:' ; hoard :for alterations to the high •sehool and en. equal ' aunt to..the Hater, .and next snring,' no doubt ,".had.' sornethIng • to foete.z.tvicvoionidi.:nixno:ca(1. If 2h4 sells'. A' 'few Yogi's, a.go. "The mal.1-• lo•1:•sfhtunbled end ''br.olen the neigh - lea," „formerly. 'the 1,.esideriee of, the ,Imra: call. her . dutiful wife., ' er;.liette:f. e o 'Yorotite'Litter' Car.; 'ricrst, one Man can •cleari your stable as 1 fast es Ithree in the. Without the unpleas- the" wheelbarrow Thiraii- the Where you want it Or direct,intOithe" inanute7spreader when desired. 'appeal tO you. • Let,ine ekplain 'the adVaniages of itidhain pull, why