The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-22, Page 2•its freohnes$ fliVrOre'et
,SOA tm mover moldi bullt•
, .
• (copyrighted TheMait. Netaoa 7164. ons Ltd,)
aa or fur-
Inter -
., W... r
401011ut -te''IllOre • ' ifiti'ill.i.rehtLibt 14.4111;71"° if•*dttlilttri
'Bii41): if g; af.4"414.1. 31•1°1(444;eht""itt' leavaTi")11.01likr )I.,',°Y:' 1:0:rn. 04:74;ih it:1:i, :1)16,17;:iit°44:1:
together. 'I'm, iiOing to" takErYolf all
'hunger pinched •fne and it wpt3 fear- 1
Immo 0,0w; still the guns went .en 80144. You will be safer With Me than
like hounds baying before a titukr,ry! in the town goal, ter it's a 1 trifle
The city .was out of .i'llagei 'het there iirVahintY,'-ha-•8°11,4 an order, 0;d4r, •anii,-,;we
thWeereeaa:tran'f° li" on the '114igt'..4)- -i-tere Marched out, eaeh with a soldier
At last NT' *0. resS4Sed. - our goal 414 4l117111a-ndlettlibnotWo 'theTbheac4iPavratoff:"uthiieYleeirr,
'marched 'through a fine old ,carved while two mon sat helot*, us with their
archway into a courtyard, and thenee rifles between their knees, olio got ,up
into a draughty hall. '- behind on the baggage rack and one
Ht bi1.1(1( .St11111111'4 chauffeur.. Peeked
like sarfi•oes we moved:into.,-the-bleak-
stteetsaboVe whielt.the ',Stets twiinkl-
ed in ribbons of sky. .• , „: •
' Mussin had, disappeared 'from • the.
e was not on the passports. face of the earth, Mid quite right tO04
Ile. was a good fellow, but he had .no
call to mix himself up in our troubles.
, . . , •
...1 aaisiyoeuur•IgrIriltite, .See, the: ase j,"
• •016,,i.. ,444. 1..) Og'. S.Ii.i0_11 i1.*Jditit4i. ,th.o voatts.' lOoked. round to -'•
BRAN. ..„ , ere, and •'noticed ' that.. linLin.
• • v n vv
One 9t the firat' otePfi in analyzing when alht eve papered filh*PPearedr: It did not Matter, 1 or
•,004. '44tilv. diet ie te , 4)04 , un the ter seine length Of ,time it inlYs' 0; go ' We felloWed as We , were directed
41,404 . eirmuso *e are. eating, OVer the 'glazed .sarface with a, good...through an: open doe_r. There vvas
To heel) digetitlitaet In Vie. Orline larnieh, • It is :suiw•PirliiIiiliioghoowomhuoct 1,;Insualoosktainngililitm bp,ac:E4zabrditfi
'qfllditiett;;IlatOre deniandkthat l''esher the rnonl: wuU
eat g94dly. •-f. bulky ode 'Much. longer the paper Will last.. • man with a 'neck that bulged ever his
iffidalt.4)100,0•40frtainiPg.a.reeldSe, • • , • °cellar, • • .. • ,
00.100.440.01#40 0101040g A,-11°Mtl- 'PAPER SU-PP:14Yr ' ntidtiPioaeV.e' kAntthetherghrit ilitra,
-excretion of,:all',4jgaa*043ajeckalang naighbor.larro wequi' has... hit m"agtiel.ta half -turn to bolt back, It wan g.
. _.•,_. •
srAnaoW,P•ON.• THE imuesTelPs.
• "I've' often aegretted," said Bleck-
iron, "."that miracles • have left off hap7
h9:•:,04inal throS01, pumice and upon a novel. scheme. fot al• ways. half:. too. late? or the door had 'anted .he- He gotin) ansvier.„.for, 'I Wp feeling
•. . .'
.ar,ellin.a400.00*# Of ii normal elire” ing a suPply .- of: good', unWrinkled hind '118. and tbe$ were tWo armed the walla for something in -tne notate
inatiOA. of bodily -waste; . • • ' . • .8Vrapping papet On hand, . -A., tell was sentries. beside it • • - . • of a window.. . ,.. ' • ".
%Whew Vie . family hogine ' to 'got bought at .ti grocery atere which' had ' The, Man alewed round and looked '14or I reekon,", he 'Went On; • "that
, , , .. - into my eyes' • I had a despairing hope it, wants' a good old-fashioned . copper.-
Oliely- and, thtty:get:up,in the maTa_..i bee,n, reduced to about bur. inctieS in .,t,h • • ' ' • •
mg u .. •...out,:, r......waa n otteMed,rniracle. to got us but of this
Ing with the,„,,p,hili..„ faded ,frem. their diameter, for verYlittle oast. This differentclothesand . had shaved My .fix. ' .4's pluMb againstallmy ,Prin,..
.ebeekai.tTY feeding:then) Serge, of these woe. set up on 4n0 end of the table top beard. ant, you.cannot Spead ten min- ciplee. I've anent My . life using the
iiCtIongs, prkada-at.bruop, and watch:under,. the shelves, in the. liontrY. by utes in a death;grapple• without 'your' talents i God gave me to keep thinge.
,,,,,tosot,14,4 .,.,,,,, . . • .••• . '• . 'Means of. two .short weed Weeks Which adversary getting to know you, . • from getting to the point of rude Viol.:
.40 Afahlaar,444. OP ngar, .short,-. were 'bored...for the , •broom -handle I Be went very pale, then recollee‘(I enee, and 'so far:I've miceeeded.• But
0,010toopo:•14.,000;,:l., ,..ego, ,.), .041) sely shaft. A, . - , .: : i - • . : himself and twisted ' his. features iota now. yen:come alengb; Maori• and you
,(0,4000.4), :oak 1.04,114,41.10% cipa pie Ailist. oily . aioiig the. i'‘_i; the. old grim' • ± • , • ' ' hUstle a, respectable- middle a .'di Citi "
,L.„,23_9_,," he said, "the little.Diit ;Julian! re into an abOri alL ,,u ..._L.. r_ _
••• • at I ht bl ft it fa' I i b
sPOQi baking cm, .uu go a -tif-the overtwirtl.4.6_211:--we-moit-tifte:ebany de e.rr mig 'nide icate. I reckon the next '
If Meet WWII' hieved 4114 a cllt, made With a riPr4avir It was no goad lying, or saying any- m sSebreave 'up to You, for I'in no good at
mid)? Pinch et MA, Cream aron, two feet. from
Ing and anger tRgether. Mix and sift replacedand after the edge of d Herr.
the. "Anyou,13 ' never • No more am I answered; "but
from bno end: The strip W4althing% shut my teeth and waited, ' ' thehoultifigUstunt." • • :
dry ingredjentq Thiq will make twelve PaPer had been placed in this cut, liked • the -look Of you. You babbled Pniluinged if 111chuck up „the sponge
iirgo.•90Uffine, • . the left, band end of the strip was much, a , your damned Am- .Sandy•s somewhere outside; and •he's
''•,9trarifeff" ,ffroit- pitddihg-g. • table- ,dialirt t9geth6' $o. that there was a erieeho • . r , ' . got a hefty erowd at hislieela;"
ascots' hoof suet or any 'preferred fat,
-070 ATielakiee, 4g, 1 teaspoon
.cup.:•brani 14. CUP
enr,. ,keerioeon 'endo. PO dettie;
ned. entt, cot .11ne,.... Melt. snot' end
(..!,vtthl.muliumli*.-41111c.itnd egg well,
Pitt' fl°103, : and. aeda :to,
her, • .;A.thl ono cup of bran and
Oiiihinn Wet .and dry ingredients. Stir'
nto' the 'batter -One euP of ,datep,,ston.,
o• and cot up fine, turn Into buttered
''.049, • CilpS : half.. full. • Steam
'One . bent". , steamed' in.• One Urge
linold,threeteure!,ilogiting Is required.
':$ with .hard. sauce Or lemon, Sauce..
Ornn Nut • ond. Breatit;-14
ii.•rhOWn "sugar, % env.' gap.
.-1,''.011p bran, % .cup'!:wateti,
Pngifait .vVainnt; .meats ((Int 'in
elicOP), 'enp- molasses,' 3 : teaspoons
of baking _pOwder, l'ieuPpeen Pelt; Ni
.4:nip • raipino, the:order, given,
sifting flour, ' Wting powder salt
4,44 :"roaine 1-glt. meat.P.,..dUsted
will with ' reur" into .hnttered
:bread, pan, having three-quarters
:.11411, P1144340W1Y two hours or 101*er.
n'ts•Oloto: may be .omitted, .
•Preti.'Penohnatc-71,% c.npe .
:1/4 ;elms flour; I: tablesppon. butter of
. egg; g. teaepnons_ baking
powder, owder-,- eji *ilk, 1
agineon Grearn butter • and
Adifogir, befiten;IiIix and
lft•ury Jagredients and oti(t to the
tirat mixture; .Roll on: a dented •board.
Vet With a dotighnut cutter. •' Fryinvery ,hot :deep .fat,
:A IfFSSOr4J-,-414-r
"7 " inNESS
Even though My little girls hada
closet all their oWit in which to hang'
'their . elethen, they :Otte often., left
'them lying around on;- choirs,- on the'
bed er•even on the floor. This in Spite
rny, froglica,;:cenkindorsAhat.iiittiok,
peSs is a most distressing habit
I hit upon a planthat- has: solVed4
the Probleni• satiefactorily; in. fact,
-never have. to -pick' theirdiethis- up
SOW, ,bought several , wooden hang:.
1•04, ;can anbItte,-.and
Otititilei;-"a"eatt. of Shellee:and a small
brush. I let the girls' Watch me .ma4i. •
those Plain hangers into woielerfulty .
Attioo.tive 'things With the enamel h
:When they were dry I 'cut, frotn old
tnagaPines tiny heads' and figures; On n
Ifangers for parzty dresSes I panted 43
.atiftht, PreF4eor4., the p4per 0, an guess • your: . Personal • dislikes I simPly timid •no.e.feel the' desPair
. •
• haven't got 'anything to do With the Which • by every la* of dotarrieti sense
, times. ' matter,. Said Blenkiron calmly. "If was due to the case. The'•-gime.'had
• - To pull- the paper out for the next
you re the hese here, Ili thank :yenta. intoXicated'inn I neuld still hear their,
Piece to be torn off; a nOtili woe ,cut, cast your eye oyer these 'passports, for deep' voices; thOughyards ofwood and
jai* large- enough fet •the thumb and we can't stand waiting for:ever. '• • stone . sepinated us„froth:, the upper
finger. ,The paper teat* smoOthlY along . This fairly angered him. "I'll teaCh'
the Weed strip, -.Whether the paper is • you manners;!' be Cried, and • took a What • vexed ai Moat was: Our
Wanted for luacjis for the Men* the sfrp.fotwatd tdreach for Blenkiren's ger. •Barring a few mOuthfids, on the
field. or ••,whethera: package 114 ..te be shetlider-the , Mime he• -"had' ,twiee toad ive had eaten nothing .since the
sent through the malls, paper. is thus;
• played.with me. • • : .. morning,' and an our diet, for Peat
, . Blenkiron. never took his hands from
alwayp On nanoand, being located in hisl•coat pockets. "Keep your distance,"
the corner,. takes Up but, little room. he., draWled .in , a new Voiee, "I've .get
'The. ortangement, Might be Placed' in you covered,' and ,niake a hole. in
leNS-utsed spot, by; bnilding, a. deice yourihnilet head •if Yon 'lay a' hand On.
to take. the place'ofthe 'weed 'etrip Me," , • •
under the. Pantry shelves. -2.;4). R, V..11. With . an' ;effort" Stemni.. recovered
•• himself: I1e rang . a 'bell and fell, to
smiling,' 44 orderly appeared to wham
'he: spoke in Turkish,and preientlya
• file of•tioldiersentered:. the roont , •
- , going to have you disarraed,
gentlemen,"he said. "We Can conduct
our -.conversation . mere pleasantly
• without • ,
• It was idle to resist. We surrender-,
ed our atma,' Peter .41thost , in tears
witIrveiation. Stumm swung his lege
Over a Chair, 'rested his , chin en the:
back; and hooked at me. ." ' •
"Your game 'is Youknow,":. he
said: • "These:loots of' Turkish police
said -the Dutchmen :were ,den'd, i,ut I
had-- the- hapPiortitif-rnlyeTiThr.• T:171.7
iievedthe good ,r;,,,d
for ine, Whet. ". 1.ftlegq•
was eertaii,„ 1oi rotuittil-
ed- me of
inc' on. the Schwi,jj 1 itt. lut 1.•
.didn't think to •;,, i.,Itisr"ip old
partridge," and, he, sniffed at Blenk-
iron. i`Two.erninent American engin-
'a. W. ROlilAisTS
thteliAta.fil:ifjccillii!itionN.-043f7Catilhaedisii,rCeltuabiS3P., Si:in't
organizatio.n which „keeps . the:. Cana -
ears andtheir_saty,anth0Ofid.,40r..1,dian4clubsall--oYet.-•,41i6-.1itififinion in-
-M-eisopotainia on hiisinese of high -Gov:. touch WO . progress :being made
lieernmeritqMportancel It *as. a •1,0°,1 tho Various; Provinces, and: provides
°Pie' itwen1.0 hav5had 0(1 but if i had •been.• in f o'n' '' Ilan. etRiOta, :of_ ..seciiring; the : .services of ,
' '....• mous. speakers: - • '
Rasta and his .1rienda art, no (:ottc• I'll
of mine. ' You 'can triek. thein,,,, 1.--:
please.,'. But yelp hay e attempted to
- , •'
4449 !'and her interests are Mine; . Likewise ;1•=••
' i.
forgive. Ily, Ood,"- he. cried, his -voice
you 'have . offended !Mc; :and ' I , do not
growing -shrill wth. -passion,.-1.4b-y:.thn,-
time I" have done with you your moth-
Oefi in their graves Will Weep:.that.,,:tbey.,
_ overlliore4oill".. • ' ' . • , . ' ,-.,
Tt woe Blenkiron,. Who .Spelte.... Ills,
Voice was, .fili •letail ,as the'.elmitinftri's•
of bogus conMany, and it:fel' oh that , ...,.
turbid atmosphere, like acid on. -,greas.e.,
• ' "I . don't take , stock in high-
falutin",If,you'retrying t� Scare inc'
;.by ,thatAitne-noyel,:filik-1-guestryoti've
rfie,...P.ei. riintinne q.,t."ey,,iiill.3nt.e..(1,enL.I'n. n1...644611 shwi Le ei:nhjit ilWa trA-ti-ht:ii:clitniiInA'Ith)
"achu're likathe
l'eri.IT.!-11-mlif3-4%iti- :di,' ..'irji();;•:.ifilit(t1°..fivto°12(),1:‘,"" at4,9talfitThforr-.9'r°ounfriiinc'f14(t'tellal;ienict"):'YiSr''t°vItfit'jt:'let.••
iivirtn't:Tha,...eleSing ifrf, 'at l,11,6: s.ido fi'd In Reldiering. ," you're go" g
iter . , , , 'te play any ugly gaines oh me l' lin
The Pa .,,-, .is'. cut in fl 'Sizes:, 34, Yeti to. know that I'm ' Al" (1 1 ke
Cio 88,, 40, ''.'43 'and. 44 . inches Inist ..'ill'i,elli•ond Pretty., well''1(t4,it't idn"an
easure•,. A.•114. -inch size. requires. 4il•:, nrrY• "w" ''""n ••''Y '11"0 I." 4Y."°9 (7..ted '1'1 I,..w.....tbr,tow:-,-iivt-ityci-,i-rii--,--- • . , ;`-yen."71-147F,iflititi,iffei: 'it I ale r,,I!' 'rfilikt.t.,,
_, .• ''• ---..., ,•.' . u• fair warniug, ..coionol Stunim," . •
Pattern :mailed O. any addrefia- on i ,joutt, know what Sitimm'a' plans
colet r...16,. 41.:ivfir or stamp's "by 'Ili? '
Airy. figures and , butterflies. On the' d
bangers for,' Coats pasted,Winter a
•goenes. On the. onetc'....cor play res:8 is
X pelted: appropriate figures. 'fhere
Was evelya hanger . for •the nightie, 'n
with the figure of the curiningest sort
of a sleeping baby pasted on
: galte thahtingers a rthit
to Y
ph* hangers and to the other'all' the
blue. Ones; It's fun now for them_ te re
,S ---"-EA.'
: • ...: AND:TRIK,'"
4488, .• The 'Ilopee 1)ress of te.,dity
. . ,
40 . a'very .important • Place in the
ardrohe of e0ery Woman.. The Model;
era iiinstrated iii suits/de for the
tout:Tend :slender' figure; . Gingham
*hang 'their garnients „, each On the th
1PrOPet.hlingern- M, °
'Tile 'wallpaper, whichds•widely used
, for decorating': bathrooms ' and ' kit;
elona, . twice as long If, a
.prOtocting coat of After , varnish, lit
4P,Plied soon after the paper is, hting.
The' glazed Anr.taee-et ,4the tile,' paper
itself Will not 'stand reincli,'6washing,
but vhen .re.eeferred with thin coat
af good Varnish, spots May he wiped
*Ith wet cloth Without 'affecting
4r1.40. Paper,•.Thits a continued sanitary
-7310g;3==„' ,•• •
weeks!. resitiong guaranteed.
40414X, 0101110/10lit *Write for D'ree
Aloalt Sitarlait COL-
t4t400, 24€1 cloaoo St: $1, Toronto,
WW1 No, 46-'23.
put;lit,thitrg i.est nut that; soecch Itinakirenv
put into hie tanal 016 tioetletl•ittn.
Adelaide ,Streettl Toronto. 'Alio* iwo
weeks lot receipt (it pattern.
eis• '
Minard'a, Liniment ror Dandruff.
Make yoursolt a "seep ,aird the
velVes..will 'eat yen, •
A' herd -of caribou, estimatial' at
three lute 'beim seen in the
Axetic, reglonsh '
- . ---- ,
Itlertinituticee oretir Ho freqiient1)1 in
Japan that tile average i titlither . of
shoeks ,e4(11, year is about. 1,300. '
one -turoblerful of water
three tit -nee '-tt. :day -for -..•`.eVPry flfty
petunia of your, weight," Says,
i•onte's Medieal officer of iwitith.
Is better to drink- too nitwit Water than'
WO ,
mutt •or, unvertaltity. YOU see, he had
'Peter and , right, htit he
it,roperly vormeeted, Blenkiron
W ith as'. and was ti tra id, either to hit,
'out at all three or to Int illenkiren go.'
• Highest, t'sticin, „Paid for
• • .
$truittt, Omni. 11iuk, b3,Decr.
S'icht0, 11 ittvg* 'Co I
gh tl
. .
14,“ thee co,
ri.tca„ Torante, Ont r
1 "days' xl; not: s'40.r. l000l.'..'we,bitt
"eomo leoritt .t0.4.i4:03'im., ' Stnonn had
eiw 100104,:teaT• ON 4740 we were
1111744rorti.ght*ttA!:4.101111.61e'itiaTnd 1117oftheihilcle,4aIniee
bundledinto a pion like, nwlne,gellar
gii7747thpeit4Wheldiffairglkra at401740.)1"e!feirlan4).
*On ••011•• Pater* bock ..T ,decided the
there were •no : windows. It must haV
been lit And:ventilated by Some lattic:
in the ceiling. Thete-Was not a stic
Of furnifuto., in the place.): nothiraw bu
'it damp ;eaktl_r-gker4fes• :,!-Niat-4.414„.
lreLlIrr ;12g44Zu'titi'7;r :cow 147,1*
c)t.::st,,:;. gentry outside It.
When:things ;get to:73)1e Pain the
nothing you Can .de can liettet4hem
the Only thing:Ai:to jive for the 'mo-
ment. ' All three of Os :sought in sloop
n refuge,' from .our empty :stoinuche
The ileer was the 'poorest kindofbed,
het, -wii tolled ,iip out•tfosits. for pillows:
And mode -the bestva it. Soon I knew
Thy -Teter'e,.regular,..hreatitiog:thaf hi
4Witi: .at lee. ,p,,, ead. X,.....PrOsentiYi fel!evred:
.1,, was awakened by a••.preoi0e; he,..
iew my 'left, ear.. :I thought it ' was
:6Pfete,...,;r8,:,Hit7itri.8 41.th4%.,;0<pihhair_teber!sni.,tailriceks
no ROMA •• 'But . another voice spoke. , It/
told me that: there Was 'ito time to lose
and to..risel and follOW,• and: the. Ve0e
was the voice of 'Husain; •
Take home to
fhb kids,
Novo 4. POOket in
your pocket for at
:zed .
. Hen and an aid to
the teeth; inPniiik
treiled In Ito
VidlY eaokage
E..i4 I NI I
' Peter yva.s awake, and we:. Stirred
Bleniciron gut of heavy. slumber. ' We
•.were bidden take off our boots • and
hang them by their' laces .roand
necked e011iltiY boys, de When they
want to go barefoot. • Then we, tiptoed.
to the door; whiCh: Was ajar.
• Outside wasa, passage with a flight
of steps at one end Which' led. to the
open air. On these pteps lay a faint
obine of starlight,..nnd. by its help I
saw; a man huddled up at 'the feet of
them. It Was 'our sentry, neatlY'?aud
acientifically:gagged and tied uiia,
The :shops. brought us SO a little
Courtyard about•which thewells or the
houses rose 'like •We halted
while Husain' listened .intentlY. 'Ap-
parently the coast was clear; and ,our
guide led' us to one 'side, which Was
clothed by a stout wooden trellis. Once
it fif g- rees, but
now: --the- lants-were-deard--and' oril
withered tendrils and rotten stumps
`play for P"eter, and
nie to go up that., trellis; but it was
the dence and all for Blenkirorr--i)le
was in peer condition and puffed like
a grampus; and he seemed; to: have no
sort of head forheights. But he Wan
as game as a ,buffalo, and etarted., in
faliantly lin his arms gave, out and
e.fairly stuck,, SO Peter and I went
upniveach side of him, takiog an arm
apiece, as I had Once Seen .dene, to a
man with Vertig0 in the 'KloofCChim-.
ney on :Table Mountain. I was mighty
thankful when I got him, panting on
the ,top and ITussin• had shinned up
beside ns. •' •
' We. craWled along..a .broadish
with an inch or two of powdery snow, and, then, up a sloping buttress
on tothe flat itof• of' the •house. It
was Miserable ibusinese for Blenk-,
iron, who would ..certainly.haVe fallen
If he could have seen what was below
him, -and, peter ,and t had to stand to
attention all ,the tirne.: Then began- a
More difficult job, •Ilussin pointed Oat
a ledge which' took us past a. stack ,of
chimneys to 'another building slightly
lower, this beingthe route he fancied.
'At that." sat down reeointely and put
on my boots and the others followed.
Frost-bitten 'feet Would be a• poor asset
in. this kind of travelling.
• (Tobe continue(.) ,
- •
Swift Return.
-Alle-,-.4..,,ase,night _I ..vrae rsinzin,g
- --;
.hertv,ens! What make
irplane did you mime back oh?
, •
The rapidity with 'which the cham-
eleon strikes with its tongue at a fiy;
Ing, insect is such that the tongue
cannot be • detected with:the, naked eye.
- •
A man Of few. words does "not.have
. . .
t� take so many of them . back.
MInard's Linirrient, Heals 'Cuts.: •
.`he th
half bill It inok41 lo
, •
Tam ISitililitunt.
. .
carpful,, triy, toli v. That. may, hp, .0 „eke play.
40 d
upceininonlY :Rho a, horrid
r 1'410111 1,olololt
1. •
" The Dyater Season.
ceOwyedifte rnio-wW, Well, I: • glitte.s we'll set
Ladybirds : ate. systernatically bred.
In Italy and. France to produce the
larvae vrhich, destroy Insect pests of
the Vines:
Die or Tint. Worn, Faded
Things New for 15 cents.
Don't %reader can tlYe.
or tint successfully," hetanne Perfe'et
hoMe dyeing is:. guaranteed ,with,
"Diamond Dyaiel oven if you have
never dyed before. Druggists have.ell„
Colors. Directions in' each package:
. $
ringIthes' Dressed
i. ieol
Cut-out Toy, Clockwork Model,. Art
.CraYone, 'Painting Book, Postage:Paid:
-Adtiress3-'Rainbow, NOvalties; 878
:Broadykiw, Toronto. ,
,, •
7:Reinenther totisk for
en.akta evaaywaeat
• nw eA441AoA •
1922. •
"me jotat. value of the ,Enfheries Pre,
dartion of Canada •in 1922-, in libth sea
and Inland waters,. and emnprising
for eenininw_f*4
or;19.6'1. flet• tient, ,The value of. the •
sea fisheries itt 1922 was 337,245,949,
an Increase &vet the prevlons Year of
$1,1024980, •er• 24 per cent., 4404. oat
of ••the -inland, fisheries • was 34.062,1417,-
a deprease. from 1921 of .0326,639,,.p.r,-.
6 'per coat. •. •
gratifying showing in •thq ;fisheries • in-,.
dusty In Canada, whieh. hati -• been .
Carried -iota ' the present "year' •
• from ail indleatieris:„ 'Whilst -the value
61 the.1022 Anhetles,did net reach. the -level.
,'20, when there , was, an. Unusual ore).- •
seas ,demand. and. 02(.0mm , nary prices.
prevailed, It exhibits, a bstantial
Increment ,.Ovet the valuation., f • the
normal yearn Prier to the latter part .
of. the war era.. and the,: immediate
smut -War petted.' ' • • • •
'By provinces the' Value of Canada's •
fisherhie In 1922 Was as follows :
Prince Edward . Wand,: 31,012,599;
!lore Scotiew $10,208;262; Bruns...
wick,• 34..685;660; • Quebec, $9,114,1014 -
Ontario, 42,858,122; Manitoba,:. 3909,-
816; SaSkatchewan,• $245,937; 'Alberta, :
•3331,23.9;. British Columbia, $18272.; •
833, aid the Yukon .Territory, .310,107.
.The relatiVO, pbeititins"of first and
second. in 'the industry are stilik.helii.."
by .British:Coiunthilt., and Nottiril•ootia.1
TIM only. . proitinces- to . a redui-.
lion Valuation were Qatari°, Mull.:
,toha, . Alberta and, the 'Tiikon. • ...The "
ineteitee,ie the ease of Batialt. Ccth
,bia _an:leaked to44,919,1.63;„. ,
• ' :Salmon 'and' LW:tater. Leaci..•:.
PirOt ,among the commercial liPbee
Of Canada ., Was !tile salnien •aceount-
Ing for ,a value of $13,619,632,. follow-
ed, by the' lobster 'WWI a value Of 35,-
956,450," and, . ocedpying third: 'place,','
the .tfod With .3,37.8,540; Halibut was -
Worth .34;342,526;.' herring, .32,007471;
-mackerel:'..,31;500,357; White, • flab. '..21,r.•
483,407; • haddeck $95.1,073;
$9$9,427;' trout 4416,020; pickereir.
3743,5.35;' .'sardine4s. 4708,391," end . 'lake
.and cask . •.
ThoUgh the inladd;Itslietiee cif the
Prairie ProviiitiOn iihoW a decree:Pe In
'value as COmPared ' with' the pre:V.1°mi. ,
.year,.;" 'gratifying .. to notice : that
these waters have been,. deVeiOred to.
the •extent ef 'producing flsh in excess
of a and 'a half. dollars -value .
each Year... It 'yery ••recent • V'.
years that titeSe waters havebeen ex-• -
plotted: einninercially, but ..,aiready. a H
;profitable 'market has beeu'. deieloped
rnaily 1:ieciio.flgi the' United States...;-!•,'•
as well as •PasternCileade, ; •
. There IsIa total of .$44;696,2.05 in-
vested in thn. fishing „ industry ot
• Canada. , 325,565,208 i in
primary -operations, represented • in' '
vessels,•',. nets; 'traps,* •wharves,
eta., in. ,the prinzar3 opnrntfons �t
catching, and.landihg' the flan, In Bile
Section • there were last year .56,716."
men (nzpIoye( 111:list' 'canning -and
oaring, estalillshnipritS,tisC',..ttnv.eatnient „
.peisetisemployed 15,634-. •
. .
Since, the war. period,' when an nm4.• .
prececiente.d:•• doniand for ..Canadian .
flsh• resulted ,In 'a temporary marked,'
.stimuinp ,to ...the. •Industry, With addl..-
• tional capital' inVested• In equipment •
and ,unitsual. ffitiirts Made to increase• •
outptit, the Canadian -ilplie.r.les have
Itts pleasing :to note the tendency 10 -
.retUrn " to more permit; conditions.
That .great..opportunitles exist••fer the: -•
industry Is evident front. Canada's-. .
,substantial. Importations, having', no.
regardto the' Dominion's Wide' expert: •.„,,_••
- Markets.: , The. inclasiir'4"-suIT4rifie"'Ll'''''
from tindua eonseriratisin Which. 'conld'
Afe, yenindied . with eerisiderable .proat ... •
to the exploiters •',:bk.• c.4.9.J.otrodoetiron
to, 'the ,SeC•otidery processes •
of the:,itidttstry.. • •
. , •
' Santa re superior
service anti scenery
splus Fred Harvey
meals -your assur-
ance of a _pleasant
journey. Mere
Pullmans via Grand
Canyon NationalTadt
••• ofen al I iheyear
••-•.'• •,• •
F T. lit t4012Y., Cert /48t.z8entatre: Ry
404 ,Free',Prts& Nag,. votrolt.mich.
fleme•Nuil le me, the tbllowmg 'SAMS" Fe Booklets
,Also ctetatl,s, as to cottoft,-
• .
, • , •
he. Inropiration of Music.
. ,•ybodlings., 'FOS is the secret. ,
of progreSs'• tioWn.•;.
deep hz 'the mines, . where, ,dYntiniite
• arid ..strange gassei flirt :With•;:darrger
And d on th.,:flio-•Welali miner; excelled
-none in the :world,' gathers with•
bls friends sings • and.
sJkiif-tve can, say that their far -
foiled. pm:elle-nee in the hazardous
Worti 'Yef. Mining 1s not ''ting' In a large'
Measure to the good ...Cheer and, gond. '
'splritS '44-111th:their .voices. carry with -
them to the midniVit darkfterik.of.
.M100.4, 7 C11111' ;t0Iik1d1Trnay.hay. • ..•
warmth in the leitg wintet months?
...:110Wever....,.-.1t, -
drilled chorus that .the• 'welsh are
• InoSt, When • the. mitire•
'gathering. at. the Eisteddfod aridnii•
• and ppurg •forth . its Seal In such. an.
"hymn. as "iiiitideritleid," you will hear
such 'a chorus as,. you have never
heard before, These Welsh folk sing
,frona. ntemery m four yarts, and the
sheer' :beatify of lite. thing Makes one" -
Thus (110 tidiatlon hf 'fin_U:s10„.400.
sibly nolo than anything tilSO,". has'!"
carried men" of Welsh blood to so
of the loftiest PoSitionz, ever -gained
by re an, ..
"W,ere yeti born 7qh that stl,kmptit.
-old; man?"
' "1-0.4410; 1 acquired it t.t.trying to
1.; 040Dilgot 440 n rich '
l;t (;teat Britain the wernen °item"' '
the men by nearly 2,000,00e.