The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-22, Page 14�. E EM Alt ,Dip 7 -7 - Ph 0746 '29 Xlell " ­. - � w�� , 111E, CA night !Dr,da -t.f. 6. LO L A)�D: PENBRAL i, PA Aft. Robert i 'AID TO Rlp5T, WITH - 47HE BROWN MOU§E?� L `DENTIST th 6 'thre well 90iinpetiqll With the of. 19 A S theft W $'POPT ]ROI! 6rq-4A4,_tep, Yeaf,* head of , qqtfI9!1rOm: Malcolm f "KI I o. humorous dkam4;,.,,.fThe t L Wr Lucknow" al' W- OV e home-'. h al, - -MILITA'RY P, LA R; Spedit Dr. �d will­­� Sif iian a' _.-Pro MacLe PnI Piovificj III rrived a9f; .0 �_J;ft T row er �,Jcrj. o " uesd qr WTA, Week Richard, PortbOii$ Wasq' That,..t.b w� ery e the To 'Hall� 4 Ov T ay. in, DiI to, Dee 6th. af la6ed under: .,--Grdat, ..:Cupr1qII.1.g -C c G ter spending,, t, P .1. e xuIelph... top,),. No� ..mon int Piles Dbu-9bhutit-, eni'd ar are, -t#at ' ' --,on,-.sal in Jill -o m .1-att" Ifirtolay iakets, u, e�, . as, i7 Iii, -'-Thei we� ...... CIM K d th one owlakfi-ow- m. 0- ru . . . . . . . . . . . . e4­KJ­--"­-D­—', gta� ;�en QP -H k_ , _e__ n _,L - .. - �: '� "t-ak" --hi e _j�=�tb fadh -h P.AT If G .1 *Cgw n � �L' 6 � 70f _thie 74�_[_f —I .. f I pol wat" every Wed Qus� was al of "' , . Wide , d Or e .Iqwg,, out "to them gh, �Ij.ok Wl 7 Ps -' 9. ., , 9� to I .,was main Iss 4ordQn "is', spendin it and- - v�ell-]RjUk 4y war,' egpjorien6e� s Was bt6uifit , iei`ic�, and ly, A- ud",� torii oon. All 06111 disIm, win ie - C 4 ;0 imself ­ - J - �h due �:h Frtlit,C ,e,' Ith . ..''i Case Q, � i e., And, IlI for -b ealt ak -qf il� Of 400K. he 11", en Pulse, J, neqday M er.-Sto*q 'a' n aw -tp'tho �6opl� 4sed 'audi6ne -40 A r8i0al ffp7ti�ft�- -7ee s fine Ciirfick%wei Wom e n k.�asesj sqqvi Oste, _ip he tb aste Qll� th el� Mond e�wPek-with h' the t h PaIjI P Y, Of:I illi's'" Woipi 14j h + 91ifte -ad Iritk forr'$1. 0 disease S P, T" P R' -n: Brd WA$ Y was t s Parr ,+Were,' mostly n n arhT', of 09t, embers: of. es�, 'or B.oy Y I -Whei3vt Br'6ad '�couts; k -ejaidi�.to rest ith Y' Who n y. f1hj�` we6 -t 'With' fewer tr, aving .-Wor ed. thro secuiI and T ' rt H. eI iear� p4thy it� lt, west a' 00 _y o --in ,ork _Onq apr a r at. 9a Ove'c6' da o agh' hall" onI iehts by osteo.� MO: I ne Ciesting and'thielihing, he -remained, 81 er.,Wei ArII by any ?the,r method. ; I mi itary on,? �Pathyi th to the. chft;tge, of th6ft, Th 'an 'PtIt in everal w.eeki 'or a we' an A s p ca,se, Ofs in'Xifiiosj� Cemetery The% jI wa' d" Mr., D. 9. however,- was 0 §Pecial—Our K,; Welif whose, coilI ad.j urned for a week. ifferent from what' -Onto wheat 'to th Sergt. K d ow ke II paid for all Und14 of, tion has, ll�en W as -Rumor had e enne died One i 01 p, Z I , . to elevators. There, i At., Byjon otse t than. usual it. that. - Porteous' had Woexpec ,. 4ud ing by "th the, a'�fifle cro6 in the' itowh disti* A Santarium. London on Sund Mince'M� poultry. Rose ,gone wa at 119.W readY. and iwould. no title ai�* , the, fact that the parts, omonths, was:- ery� ow on t,.Appear� -,Nov. 18th 0�6, tf where is fhrm Is - located. The b er eing.-in that in-' h aft A, Prospqpf, buditnow.., 'Wednesday'.,- # this,.'WAs. not . true, 0 W wor6 taken 'by the y nei t ounger elen th id 40 to 50 bushels to 0 ig ;illieat resh 90tutign fOt ab ut: tW Bufter'And'Egg s the - c of being, 4 bit of best. Prfiiei f.6 Mi. and' Mr John Joynt, bAVe A ke ialnd. there wai hwinimense . iq'France.'be. was. first'wolinded, and I nonsense" r DR. D_ If. McIN la't6r�gaS�ed, from th NES �', - + I I I I . _tilFn.ed,!Out to be of an, educationAl, at ,rop C19soo, iIp- iheir reside 'HIGH SCHOOL 0rEll -of 'stra, nce, �on Oss L rqshin co't .15c. R Th Chiroillractor' 6fffto Of fact deal A Tollyman s the latte er hool 'studies. S tree�i, And will spend. two Or three which neant big, money., he fiover�� *holl -recover-, present.+ problem of sc t - With dd HO, 'jFlorida o 'the itli-reshei 'but'. then he The -second 'thile.,'after, 'returnizi Of Wilig,11I Will visit the' CAin' men' hs(in Y OC ety Was, now. use. Lucknow.on'Mondays and 'S' of th& Li ter- For a 9- to A young'leacher by the 'na. C a he' ha - it , anad', e4 h,' -'Jim Itw I'llursdaVa from 9 im till, 1 P in. fairly ig_men, It flI on,,1NOv.: 4th., d, --deicjded--�-io- '.one n. 3.30 sdases- of All 'kin sucee sf .,-rea cro -Di a .. :a I to, 4,00 bdt'.About two7and is efiggged: to. i6ch in,_ u y,,, c ear: all, Men'iI B6 'S, Suit of the best The nie'atin yeors rural conimuniti k Y s and -h 3ver-grown on the pr ened With he contracted- -a e is,,a sort *of. andeex'- 0 el'e cold which overcoats, at -'great: RbductioiiI nail oclhara' airies, biif sev ete, -and; - instead unses a so af ter h e h 10 A high, tha er 'all,the' ,,,hoo� P Pe§ident' Uff"ted' the lings, and since. R',MAUDE Palmer that w ng� -D ro a heL' curilent+ s'hool '.pro' -- 'arm n-ot:. net s6 ver'y' much' "C a 8 ori add i'- ,,undertook to j c t C. BRYANS, . er hL ess,� Tile i time he steadily,lo�t ininutes ptiI ri t Trial of The Golden Horn"', Howev Regis4red'Optonket ns ruct tlie PX1 putti 0 V'il; iTietin and - The remains Were btoti�-ht t s of el"e I'L 0, 'Is A' - their Ihe things they - b� Cody, Loy&,- adventu : L ". . _ . 0 P feet "a as, t h (ni fa 'T , Ad � to Id, have re and them X f Lucknow on Ain, The f4l]: le m,e,:men an here -a ck-M.ediea4-Gol1.ege7--e as, coh( GraduaW D6artment of -Oplithalm6l ritFilkilie in the Wide onea -, i - , ' , the, tu 'do when tI;ey b6ca d reat Wh te NorthL. --stpaces-of- -wea - follow fucted iby .00 a ed, by- e- pakor, 3 0-6 M 'A� 1e. o 'to gay� He t U 1. Itchy cKim's Dr Lovell och e bqs EY6.,GranilI ,ug Store I . .. " a, . Iq-.Was, g Rey. R MaeCallunr It -wa's ll� abt A iChdil the II .�'ro lated, Eyelids Watery Eyes. Paiii in CHURCH.' NOTES. ing plants ow much floor- r ques �:Of S Ke e v 1 _E- erkt. ne-�8lills,­I You PeKsQnW reeting- -nflamed WO'_ ly, r or-, poech, by Mary eiffly 'this year. We 'have- a 'Thf owed �a s Ouse, -from gy.,ei anI rds Annua DaS�, should, be gien a militri-ily fqnei�al Na'ter Discharge :of 'Pra nadilso 'he' wanted . the girls 'to. leajon yer Will be, 's tU Dizziness' caused by Eye-straim large so ection t Sal e re- 0 o o 4 Deftnis. Hogan, if d I� 25 rd kned men 'an out Ille -were, PrQ_ o, 6h fkonl at a �oks�prved, ng se eb f . Llo, sent.,.jp', urIl:f&rm` An in 'charge. of , I I � by,' thI6 W M.' S of. the j4mer 'o- abot"Lt cooki wing "& nur' yd GeQrg6..,�y ,lieved throboh. Properly, fitted',elass- Variety o prices -LA. iodist Church,, on'. li�r of This: asto 'IlI h McKim,. Metf, iday. of thi es L� . I I . I I u e' sch,06L board, of a spedch by the Rexall stuart. MacKenzie aSel!4,k, 6illespie,, I Diuggf Whit6.o?.hur& CrOsSL Eyes St Vrustees,�'. IT rliikhteIn'e4 t4ough week All invited Was 's �Bqy. SCQLt Bah(l,:p a e .0. c6ricluded,' h a ord(n e was vroberly fitted''L of John.�ton l "'At 'the y �Tlle Annu' Rev I- d fool,: -and.:.',th6,y � appealed, to th e4a or+ to have hi in 'the conl:pa�y�.Of. p reiov6d.��ffred' Soper of- 'West China 9-losed Uy' the,. th6 D.etid'� M" ,e,. in - Satisfaction Assured -be held-."'iri just home 1rom'.the. firing IiI W. Antbeli,-'7�,06 he N'zi t arch:* as WMI Institute ivill i the'' iohal le Inspector, w u,jn this' Casb Cain House -Eiery s.oldielts.'mar-A -.'.to�'Ithe Cdnl,, t theL T' H eely ed e eryj 1,1 M d was Own.'. all," On ThuiI 'NOV; speak in­-'itfie ay, A teenoon and, E ethpi iSt thrbe-,yolleys n x 0 ere, thb 6ustofn'ai P Wedix f h in Thi membee 'will & ad �Aii t v6n'ng- '29t Sunday molrnin 'cordial' invia- 'wer , e . -fired. h 'a. than ore nds'. they el� en 'tiresome JL I qu. FQlt SA:I�H.'-Nordheimet' I Piano i . n on to'' all 't 9 OBJ[TIJ A a grave I teach e4tation or proV0e, Iiinch for the .*-frie t was ta or. the v t P�pc�s 0 heiiii-, this ,'talented,, V Y 1111tiressive and sadly'-reiinin- er, 900 ition A,ppIy,',t6.:G­ A Sid- il'IT I , - .. . very seent, 6 tfi orably'c Missionary. I is . exterided Re f e long war� period school 'Tho�' faine, ,of tRI d ohd -in H rted, _6n the Wh Lucknowl. 'Mrs. .'David "Mr. ChAs. O.si plot, in' .6 teacher . t h tehout Wlp ri. re e venbig PCsiioles- -a h b' thers d on as hio,ved ro soon w t a ach at 6: ho -passed- Mrs.. :PaVid McG.il bi�62id::and he 'had An of FOR to 'To'ronto,,­Wberd hb -has takiri a ser cel" .,siste.is,.the.,!d'ec4ased�lleavdg a f -1) 1 Pl' SALE elco-Li lit ant, in onor WL lonio' in -Of' a, principa ship in ..a' big Smith,. Ol' no :goo 9 'on, which, be, opesi, Will suit the he marri+Cd in.! Eni,ll d d running" order. T.. positi -h iversAry' services 'of th an ust aiff.ierenice"' e November-* chQ at*a. salary Ili Central- �GAII �Ahe', condition. of �his- health 'vyhich. .�vas,one .,of t lie ago, -4nd a , 11 tfl, W Ich the whe'ther h oman. .as ---- ----- e r rent e BLr lVe Sel 001 'board.� Luckno�v Wthbdiit Chdich wil'I be� -Plo dtughtev.' fisted arid' coni§4rVat Ile t 'been goo 'since -serious held on Su� Dec 2nd -e Ilar'n e'd e and -six f 0 way. 111 HOWL orn month -'sixty o e illile"s: of d'. his E", pday, L liuron� b .,ree,�eai f� ag ught a eyond 'the FOR SALE,.�-"Tw Rev.. ound".' ys 'oi o' .Dual-;puiIp` s B b ars, s e can p. at, poll Sei YQ oint'!,out. her erSL Who, �e,'Ved in X -Arch 4th broAk' eccentric,, 'one .,One rising 4 yeargi MillyalI Of Y Was one o f oui, 6Ve r seeffig, two years ago, J Shorthorn' Bullsi: Sardii, - ex�Presi- 'at!"', 52 memory :'nionths. Rus dent' -the L'6ndori 'the arl. He weddin teach The A. Y. P. of 'he aE ell" ere,, 9 gi ts, f rom: iated sell Middleton', ,� dramatic Con erbilce, ayid C w _F organ h eir to da. guite Went wi h flw B-itfa - � �'ftd L , . a r. At." �iVe like a r* lion. and. 'for -About, t*o years .'W' h -e. w 'a hat - it- is'Wbrth'while to the community nd t' Irranged eirlOd"n Quabty Iver,. Church, will e tlie preach�r e6ming, -i oijiltry, the f aillil. '6hifie� guii 1 ere at Of e: th' d 'Soon Y 00 R 22 .11.;c izAtion pi�sentea 'the,, play, %64gers' -4on. of a formor pastor of the'Luck witliI vers6'a -he "e' I . . 1 4" 7 young or., parents. Taken At Ripley now b MONEY TO LEN 'on, Tuesday fd the, oc o 'this Y, wiih. a nia n a D an le 8 COU W Ore than n Res om fa acher' :of d re, rse, lt.all`end6d;,�ery If --o a �full -house seitied ti to keep g' r casi6n'. Mr Xilkiatd, �zs, the Y a: a arm - on Brope. side fronj t. w ()f first III This wasAhe eigth time,they.',h avLi one.. of; strongest, Ili' lin -he ba hi 0 f ppi, ir be- the­bound'�triy, -1line Years, 'markable,. bol, go and -the ca rs - and -wears luilig-, M tween the.. i6ach er and tho th lady i lilight following. theI. A -of ar Siddall an vd keibodism and all 'should hear h* at fh� eaill�- N, ;es, a !I n per ilum.�G. A., I . . . I !.. I , . , , . Im ago; as ss ,e sub,� :th o' On'M o29711-1.25� Victrola. Distrib't bil.day III j&t of thi§�f n6tio�e .;wa, ears e w spect nally's Wounded. and s-: Of Cab III He i'rfoo niversAry Mrs e,, wasl.' ull'OTOUS feature u ors, of Toronto 9 niarried:: to Ainhurt H h c on gassed an �Spo,fft S"01 1 11 Sch6bl Boa tol' Are a read' Of -th 'ba (0ev.) Walwyn 1i y spild out of som late d ­ M'c6 griller tie, HuiI Separate', of Victrolas s6 Armsi I'- , , �PNte,'­$3 ndIneetin wl �9 B rung, §he lived: h' h Jeces in of the Ch6rch "'here;, gi oOm 0 P, Oston,, wife � of a f There' RADIO APP b -models W Who 'IiV61 , were the'' ARATUS d le -e -:in Eng - e --a lk- through 'pio Ing ille at' t e end" gi t . boxes', to' n a , . - I I I : . I .,� . ., 1+ 1 . I :. 1. 1.. Y u n 'rip ave, ee', in. -t e­lGoth: All don� ay Th a tL a Silve ha dle Ali kinds 'Or" -send C ileer-, ays, :the wairl' Alex 0 B ]lee_ se',- thkingL' Part, �,�re: -Miss II for atalogue t6d�' -and -ture,,Acc of Radio' Ap.�, y, :� . 9 ip, nied, b lantern view is bro.thei_,, Norhia $5 00 i)aratus. L�t - us I domongtrate it to make. Your, - sel&ction while st nio,�ed.to L ek o,�� 'Mis, MeCill 'Tllbi nd�, D ipson, o6k IS pi .0 ., Hdke El - Of e Mrs' h' Y selbe You. any evening, fr&e,of '"T I rough �Eur6p survived y. -four daughtefs �and­une Wilf1tled :'Murdoc we help ou eharg6. We- comp1jete'. s service -�in France but Reid,, h -�.Stuailt - ei' W aw for sets came. �A are! able to bOly all - Vaits Wilfred I� S�n They r, MacK6niie, Alwyn is a clever,,speaker ant �;er', Service of rloont' su 6: Will, on 'home- .'home. .'Without Mis 114st:. of Grand Rhp;. aining, ai us iinjury' Quality ids, MichIp ��who' came t th f Ashffeld; f t sist hompson,', Marg'a�;.' o Wil Mrs. 'Hassall,�'Andrew T nderson ;Joe stlerhout Bro lid !-instructive ted the se' 1 nt. W. L I She v'si stead, h, o Own, is et ;Mclntosh se 0 'Renit know e war-�scarr6d':ph of 'F' -Farnell, urn ivers, -He en ThowilsonI E. -Edison Di in _Atten 0 Lc rance, M ioR SAL OndL D a Ane d B O�o %l thiir, sister� elgium,, - taly and- -Germ any wh S dl' acl)6 VI e nzio and Dodglas Oste ihout. n. L nQuire at T b er Onld _kaeKe u oo n, A- Phonograllh,. wi h"about, -lifty., -fL' in., -the:-lat '-7Mrs..--MdG se- - 7t - k� - ' _Z qf_ , amous' alssion! -who inade h rmstron Mus]Ca were giv Will., C06 are: k,',of Kinlo e take 'the'following & Optician. AUCTION" ss; jas, in a re� rising Young, d nd -s' and, L wifl�.;er inoth- R NG,: LOSES, SISTER Senti A Oft fur a �hort to visa reldtliles' urther .15.articul'ars, next" Survi'�ing n Cie. Play,"' br.9th i 'Week. si. numbei an Mr fro' twe en'- acts pn. e J t Preshyt;6 ot� -Ashfield Cent.. issut,, --of' tile Saskat6o s of',�ho' WhatHappeiied oJoiI a tom III Guild --� -,of , ui-on I n ician. ria Arthur own� 'John ��f Lio�lli with a `iauih rom �-beginfnng Program W. sp ndi' s 'H6 an i ship;.'L a a vi lage, III d i s A'n'c e' frol i0f Valuable Piloperty. in the: .Vill Y, so GIFTSTHATt Alte, :, ST for .xmilton, Ashfield; it Saskat uount -to end, will be t d ionary C' infilittee, Mrs Husto .,of Luckliow iiii, the'. II H y - by', local 0 the Odild 4if ruce - ZION aethe meeting. on Monday e. Luck, Mr§.i "Warinan.� 0 1 9 pippoer, t Luck- The lost one near' 'future a W. ':' Borst"'G ran d vemn Hal s APigi� rs wTown e$us . . . . . . . teh., -date w .11 h Sal t J6hn Mallo�k, of C�6 Wo v r W ic nas or and general merchant, o: the 'week-efi, .6bert contained An it Acer ain ahno�nced shortly. Was aW. dealt w, , of Richard E,11' t ai�ie, h' h will be Prod mortgage RMacC I al ' I L um ith by 1I pos ited ,'o' e uced-Lat'the time of' Th p Croft A e Gas ards o. J)I number' of bl, 0 US, GtTTlNG,.B1 S -y. 'su( ill be',� ffered for 'sale Vy Ralph Con or s new n e, a ro pture . refeiI 'S I ANTA GLA ane sale there, , !- Guildite -gave. Scri �tion at the Pr6mises in, the ov I mu siqal aring .,The -hiI Village, Ont '85. 0itpiliuut `L 'I An UCCIIOW, was es ay, November 20. s 'of th-ser da.' CC! of th t 'P -to London on' Sat-:�� Village of Lucknqw on Situr V.�ihe eL eattiful WinderilI b- ring a borhi Vu iq auC in e on ,the, topic' was'. at Ei R d vears ago, I e�, 21th._­ da� a,� V.Alley ntirAblers, trio by Jessie 'And Grant, M N,6vember 'XA, 1.9,23i, sjoiI of�, io aft0i living Ji, �u,k-' in el arg ' o kessrs.: cDonald And, :,buiIm liogo ve;. conip e short.. dista ''tiable *oprfy. that is to,s a, piahij �due sC,. I tictianeer. the follov�ing- val- Kim's Drug. ol ni d on �t le t ra I n + in!' IR07.1 '-McDon: g adveilI I ve, th6xirr6 -.O.,w -it the, 'Alternad' ma: 9'" 1 .,�_ i III nd, I " h:'_� �a� d Miller. A Od . ..... Si re. a by Mona-. itcfi It. an lice' with', a good,- allay: aiiI 'Margaret' 'Ge'd des Was a lil'Onibel, , Tic ac ive or "ALL ANIJ. 'L. Miss CL were- , much initiation 11 . red to-Torointo,"Mi'd Mys"Lliugh R --8INGU-"R tho� Mi'hnie Pringie", of,.84nta�'Claus, if. ot t7le th bthel-ford,A� 'a visitl-, Who has enjoyed Mr. onnell lurch 111 1 ddition to Gvelph last' w�ek e cen e Anglican ter -an n-4he--office -of the - Tab laughter Mrs Oliver omp r a Xf En 6bert . . . ....... I ing'in e R 1711, Ve -h b d- be'en-A Dremises, si uate, ving and be A dueft by �tendanti,' I tr, -in pany, ! became on Saturday and' got oil, othe. no visaed U unda e-Wip ht., _ka,8 at f Bruce.4 --Prq IiI j On t _Ee he'! Village.of Llicknow in Mdi-Aa MacCallum and. Ohn in, Sasl Akon _,to -th `:aJ A' 4 ��X ii4n ohnslt �Lw - 71 f e 'Rii ell Oin n one� 1�66-d wee etirig� of the C .0 F e'rweilt by All. Pr off t Iwabeinx composed 0; illago Lo s, tiI she-. qnd 10= es 6r of girls oil in In' Thb ent .A� niinab fid-fifty-th Ili�: of an -operation- -foiI Song" rA fk., -in c o rsep ory hundred and- 9:7/'-A't a:0drtis6d!; 'f6r enif Ov 6th, :as, impor ant'busl, ppendiditi n-( 0 i�� I h of missionary ..Yi " ill the said latest report s e Was gettin sme di a t d h6firtil ,d n y in Vance, Ali �'When thoi. tr in Ha6ket s at 2 30�. s AnL, d a s, . A I i ttierno , age of Luck"'ow, cbritainin, on we I . .171 n6w,� Ont n e on And All Guildiiies -join' llIeS soall -horus. The�,prog`, in C h acre,� of land the. c ra Om to the and Mr. Xelit? Top- 111v Vilctoj� 0, W60dLS, nlittee is pro' t Qld,­'Outmof�da6: station at ers w "Mr b M e onday, evening Wil�on Th per is, situa e in a I lit 11 ek. �'The Travel�gpCI" givdn. . Will 11 rs. 0 several hU -at-'-West -p 'm --Woods tt�d ,Come. f6 sist viq cj -the yjj. -W a I rogram; - Eve ndr ers. itL , . lent..'residential locality,-ift T Ro in ry on, N I'd ,niotored to )age of Lu6know , S , , : I'll - , children wbre, &wfiafid to, g' ir �q t Nv a Rtitberfo ..,31feie .'Art- on,'the Church reet,thel Vednesda'y, et* nt, �He' w s m6t. 'also 'liI aY us wee oremises' a two�st6ry wa II aL delight to. t e, Art u. Y interesting. me' poiirun �sai 0 �,Oo o nC Lis. cement. Atia nusuall' I Ruth. 'geenes of the. uf__Z, o_O lbli, the' n r 6telies' O'h Id D �Ilese' ti he' ame _Epworth League' ivAs ho:, Mayor-- Of- tb� 63itY h" liEN;N-; rf d�vellfng 30i�4' With- frame e n avilig ETI` I are. M'i-s, Hay, o 0 %volting oil 't big 1 h 'Irs- vseframe Most nces t S.0)DEN'6(,,AT TOR' NT' usy V i t �Ieasi�g, elf r. t ruc Wagun. along with Z'kllo�vll, as li� ir. and' stable 24ji:20, till in good rbvAfir, ail 'being of We' ' . I. shed' attAcW nd, -it Monday lunder the auspices of mounted 'a 12x10 : a e stonic and -literary refere he Literary and -S distinguh 'tor, _e a �,Nl s �F �od ocial'. Department. the' sh6d "visl a;. cutting 6 :Phillips., TERMS 00 SALE ­-Ten'llert''cent er, i giving, to ut, the the See 1. W e III beitiiti�s;F arti literature Mr, kathwell'�, III -The 11 4 t ct and a, trb pi6ture" bf M A. E. the ehai� peeeL 'A popular �"old bOY iii'd Nvide'r . i-ing it, at th, rs h an 'A g bottom' This jIIeL Wo - the (Jay 6 $, � sale, and the � balafic thL ivithin twenty day's therChftdil e the opening, IlI pjresdfited_�--ther Visitor at'Torbutu early Wed- has been "it langerous,, And: many men Is Ittite be. held At -t t 6 legends Connected I and', the. Scrit,& Son, road Further ith:, A;, praybi and is ric�even s ­,o --th er-96—non N),n0l6ttol- `The ve'llent a ue,o Ing, I "Was. the ett, Y fd the' CitY,� and, ornooh, 0 a bp i1i; p s t, g the ubdetsi on in- ild- -for -MAII sale or may be had olii,applicat The Globe. bils; ..' h + � .1, 1 1 work i's Thursday Aft' NoV, The ion te 9 Riv 6�.stud of the that vity for, the, , is' 1'�' gnCd. dttfS ."l 'th­' " ., L, ... _ $,-. �- � _ , an girls, as Q a Was '96ver; '!D uhdxP0c, -bei s mas ev6hin - B ATED thi's �tfi of Thankii b . .hI good, 'boys 'n -card g was tbV aenson's bdo1c,' of t t anM to be to miss 1923. _the -late Mrs' �McOJQ. ish to ted - d in beilL XSTONE' -Wt -0 ofit nghm. their, ap+preei` -of and -A Vebstet�_rba-d-t�-paper, 6nt thd t, at he in( ig,ostio), ;t1le ladies Who, ation a this ii Rutheirford, 'Any" life'of R, tor, DtTN'6ANN-OX, OliAN-613 "IF endolI Solidit�r n for the gto"II L The intro., Sant clatij As''Just'.-Out oil a, iji, con'dition _N b le Wing - MILL -911i Luckno, kindness and §ym. n was by r pathy, 'of friends -And liel "ad' �Seotf llIgL, -that I gh ductio to the Iboo , not so,' bors at k Poiditi6n', And Kain kii;dly 19 le n1bli.,ent IAve It 'in'4y Auctirmpor back �aiil, a died Air Biiii- 01' ellich, of Dunglinnbil the time oi Miss', Agai, DI'l Ag , t the deatk' of, their Jekylll§ stlit me't. 'Would,.b e Am 11, t sothCIL"Cat' Was road by st, anMiSg� Hd7el. in nott IeM'08 iHie ell - int tl ol�S�' tin -P 11 On Moihoid pide', he, Websteio ile 11 suniming u 01 brothol:i� h tin dayi' 'ov, 25,' gerviee fu 'o aOf, 'the late M, gob I ciI heC rd of hankii."II J.. of farm, stoc mother and',otfler,mefibelIII at Y. will have, Auction read gy ''Jack "Os t e clever' �'abd 'T twin urv�I k' Was S d k. i,7'o lo Y 'to ount c III ery ek '111 gi l, L ' - �t 1A Any. Were nnderd -2 �ffil d�,bv,, -,td I es w t, 6f "L Were e- a ve, n; ­h' d a tanstbri limencing a -p -no fo�, the ei C 'S. I L, t b Lueknow V 0 _rf ticiiiiI on eL rg Coil. 9.9th. t F6*1dr-and.Miss Mfidr6j Tie fated" to got L, 01 re V ltot, Mr, Anfiyffstniai s and V an ins ruillental solo, el1'be df, Mr, Ale 13 POdd c4*9 ana',�hoifersjI,a MemAy, and rn Luelotow ereithe' Ord0r' wi 0 la ly, obst Will Urebiled ��hurt imthy .'and kifidn shown at, the by k MACK6h ny 1odc' i *dy; and miss Altnilber of them, P W61colil and. ;MjA �V j h zle. Ali- AuilitiiI 661 fl -Al oiI time Of Off qi 101 : L. I l Li 6. e nd; of their. bete.av6mellt, ',.Thoy teit hdId Q 1101 'dgulit"MeCting,ozl thdL 6vCft_ th othm, dtial&OurNse I thei mudrig, WA -91 wq1 'be' Tbilloin,' LL 'At the a gua I g ThursdAy '�trs,, Will W. e b'� with cAff W1 thb �oldlers, and The"e- wnj, M !A,, V. And al'b ''sh 'to thahk nLOCAL'MA9K.ET9' the fAillily havl is]fig. A:r fit 5 feeding stdel% 9 YetiI 0 Calves, A0Y geout for'. 4, good' 4ttendahegi, eh";: 'et al"d MI'8 hock 61 P�kebiked Lolowri o* �Vl'l Ito hol,� l6f.'Which g, Wlbe 6io the infiltaky getvIcb., ant 40ol knil Ove 114ng'JI He' Wa4, of -it 4aug t�, II t r' late �Vfl nd. �7,60 most hb3piltable dis'Poiiitl6n I a c�k JI AlidtL. 000 t 4 0 C, cuhRelen of' tAso�ll 0voi - uP Soblit I $,hnd ends, of o�y Dell P ar m Ifrig M on ��oyhoo 'da�p at lapd, trdu t wh i ch Thd P6roettfrsiF Lodge At -tilI weighed 80 �P 'ono NoV6mb6r 8, Nas, h Is, h4iiio all C on I do e the 01AY the '61aho blv eat, Will H614 A, ox 96' 141 i4d 0404 h3t tO 4nnoyl,thj -Pat ditu rhW—Dotothy r a. mubld ottet rqj$*1 994, 111 A. nil t take One, 8ttdIlg;, wiving 00 49 '� t 1 11 1 1 0 u At, A, Q�,' lhotoiI Ave. id to, 110-1100 lo 41ttil, Lot 2 C6), I A og &I,, h frtk , 000PI g ,on b th IV_ 7 n, 7,