HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-15, Page 6.7
Nr unday
n r �h � " , , ** S
oof lLe.5.8,on
.,w6menls� ln#itutesi of North for SieU Ch4dren,and. the Horticultur-
Our Lord Jettis a, Mi Matthew 9::3 .38 ark
155 0 "Y -
the, vi- 29-3 'lap4e 8 -
0 it lo-, held their Conyen Society. Thipugh; thel. influehP� Pf
;I. ,, 4-W
October i,10th the , te, MM dealers 3: d
it -'William �on Institu 16 1,7. G on,
ad atton cipity W�qrq.obliged -to have theiicows Worry is the terri V of,lifei,
_ble g�p�-
ave his only
go Text -God so lowd. the, �rorld,� th# hp, g
Jill. a - ------ $ h, - .1 1, , , it nq --,only �p PIA -spirit, far
-en, owy - " . "h6uI&
-t6us 4w 't I- - _N' 1. -1-111. 1
1R0*41*4*g bil � " � - -.-- ; � � r � t,,
aj4 �\ .1� .1-1. --believ --- f
Jok-th"nk. -.n , -, -7,i" -40vor
bego#04 S th
Q 17;qOr lPpPoirl W.er Jud -"It vag .-�b45j�ly� and especially W6� ih f out
-T 'nrW -Fort,William, Anq11 4 'res, rl l,1n
h :t i In Q rMSSlo 9 pau�e a
ep, see. Jksupi fulfilling, tl Lord-Jesus'l
wol is dite., not to the Wrig's.
qe trill Qng wit , the
CIO 1is coming,, golp9 about doing good; ary.' "But thouglA
Patel . Mission
I iltute., nVie.fertile� lley4lof' the family d children in th_ r- mediately'bef6re, us, but Wr9ely to, the
carrying' the good news, ministering ideal -was already alive, the operations
Ois ael;:of, t1lep !ties, Te, Tn-hood. s ministry, rath e problems of to-morro
w. The Good,
to"all whp,needed hi er W re confined. to homi missi(,n work,,
ivarking with muck-th §amp ti not is
Oitutp,6 4urillo� Ins tuie,'�eelifig thai chil'- than being ministered unto., doubtless because, the time was, Book says, 045tifficient unt6 the day
CHRIST':§1,'COMPASS1ON FOR THE MUL- -yet ripe. in' 1, lat4
Ry to.,write the evil thereof aild fro Our
dren,wh6 bAdto go to the ci yO
"13pTond 'TITUDE MA= Q.:� 3&38., is special aVtivities,�Oreaching we, avia,:,.een, advise. not cros"
OiAV A 'n their. "entr 1xammatibn,'. fr
S herp bu*aA1q.,.,_o4 0 ance a to
-,-,of--- the-.
-quebtly:, shfferodz v",_.4_,_-AAOUL andahealing_.- he' bb tl�j- -bri_40,-un ti 1 -we torn e --to -
ve re iri esus imse 11-
-A#d- p orn the, keynote: he' d
e wi re-
f t . . . . . .
"yn-th, tUe'Ttoblemp o tl
. � f pioneerin Ines . VD,' ave,�, , e C istr does not, waiC for -the n or, od� an r
The'warm feeling irunningfroft the school * afid' neighbairhig ru Y. t an�'� :ea�d, to of
_,Tthe'�se lime. -upon: thei
ral schoolsi..
come, �birn. - He, go ere u -?Q,r aeWas here; I
t he f . arthe I st set sai�id"try their'.,'p4aminaiiting at Xurillo, n
tlieiw , " s now
6itiei to, n, .4ll Aelds; -a growing en,-
�s"' lie found ession.. All M6 c ties ad v to e r of I a un de
h from wherp:- �t cy:,io appIq lisg� of tbi.9' in terial
of.tbis n 'a
.4e forces, W. hiib, hey VotilA ',all be taken 'es- e riA40knity of us, is', can-
orn' This� Inititute -up
th -k mjss� �?r synagQgues. alone
h e rne to, a. arft
A es - Institute Woli,'in no , �*e# n, Tidehingin tj q1tt,s. Wit thdi - as 6 r r n f ci:69 instead
-in 'I '14 ld-,-Timere.. ure which- lies open' i At J6ru-
41arly' vital �thin i -he of atte� ti�ng that-s6me -one
Re�union" d.havp -daub ed the, num- -ith the
I 81n� ereagew hopes 'of
ei of work repo ted at, this s
oil the gathering in the'.synagogue. was e 'ha' as ct'of man's to a a
-that called upon to speak. This, gave Jesus e .., 0 that�. asdn,we have medi- keeping the' soil alkaline fbr a, long.
ber of
Werle . . Volumesin their library so
quite as varled,qnd,
hthey -havi now about, nineteen liundred his opportunity of reaching the*'pe6;-' I issions W blished, in ritln- period of yosars,,
be e*peetbd. At.
4c4cal b6qkp� Th assisted the ple. -Paul - the griat allidstle also used Christian' countries, in a der. t Strang' to tal
6rt - William. ey have' it, 91 heal I p
reate, expe4men
the Inifitu! li�ll the ', pypago as, the cl�iitre of his as the gkdat, Ph�sician, b6aled, and to test, bo* that frequent �aliplieatioils
been Institut46 for -the -Blind. gue
g,Jn a missiqiR in, t
be fore! preaching, as. long*,as e was.- permit- create, a.hospi�ality in favor of the of amountki of lime' are' more.
iini' I pe nal
gnl Hytiterlsl '�nstitute' which 'is only on6l hing the o4pel�pf gospel -message. small
economical and effective than the
thenew-Caiiadlaii w the kingdom; preaching lie. good., , is misiona mo S' our
thus con Irs90
K in ted so tv.doi 'Preac
omen, � an! d one-half years -old, his put a Y tive. A.
:�stage Vidal; impirofedthe cem-
in the new 9f.the coming of, the'kingdom,, Lordw6nt about among men. be, walkl heavier'applicatiGns. ApOed at- longer
fsented this mission' N. These tests, like. -many oth-
nell as. by sight.,
usewith'its bless gs. ealii, Deep
eter-y; filled up holes in., e, sidewalks W . flickne�sl ed by insight as w interva
ch The synagogue, could" of 'ersi simply-ve.rify-1he practices which,
�Aq thi§, the, with, cinders.. presvnted the, s ool . . . disease. not down below th* outwaid. �irappin
th that
the *Oxnen 'With a threeTburnei '.oil stoe to be contain the ministry r' Christ. It . at festal multitude,, be,saw all
keeii farmek.s'%aVe,,, through observa-'
in- preparig a hotAuncho and overflowed that Ventre, nd - touched waq not righL
u a Beneath' the illusive tibil and I
emse ves, sed
proteptdliv'eipwe nelination, found 10;be. best
the' community 'of need., There -surface,, their lives flowed -on, in ark
9 a ed to'tbeir - neods',.
iviii, the 4thleiic club $10 s
-,;:6, �64'-,unders6na *h�t,;sbme. other Q tow fd, whole quit
w�& instruction', for the mind �godd- dii;order and discouragement. To�d inticipate,. thgrefoe, that I . t will'
_ay We
'yo, en, have., to consider. Thesle,:for- baxythg, lumber fdr- A grand,. stand.. Tob -am to be coinfortb*.
n%ws es even the Christian na-
for the heart
and licaling, for the nation
:'is raised, - through' ba-
ook toL- tho" ladi s' Nvh Their money tions,4re without not be long before, farniers* Wb bav'e
Cleveland P diri...Dealer, 'the, bad
e a He
y. w" inoved wit com too.fil4cli, liki�
zaars,, bake, �dales, ind ean sul�pers. -,,I in his. hi 'd soil- 6. conten'd With will -bave,a
as';-iidniething -.su- ------ passiiln., '�Was grip mrt it shepherd. He ha I to-.
s compass on
the� news of the t, concei -ame they faint-, day, upon e unsheplierded multittides
re&� After� ute Was nstrumental in "having a. riling theiii." th' regul r me dI h when
p6rior�aiid teel'-quite bond" Last
ypAr,�. wl�en a ti iring,the rotatio
�ist in time 'of, sickness, 'and introduce,, ed, Were distracied by ille' burdens' of earth. Do we share, irr that,,Com� 'a suffici&nt noplicatiori. of lime, 'ill be
Hii ybury fire reached them -all, the
I ood' and clothin sen. to'
meetings,111:46y' bM -to find but car lbad*-of',f t the public hea
g Ith nurse to them. Dur -
'11 ; elette.*arti e§�ite4db or." the y
tfia`t"We'are villyer man andave ann el they 6arried'a'i by the 'difficultie's in'passion? made",to correct act' . ty opl ,piil the
_y.hu d, the re-suil�erer§.., IY8 'ini8siondry, hedd-office.�� T e- rotatio
were sent to, th :fire suffierets i : Pineujood -litit e Yea,� they called on Wb'dozen; their way, Were scattq?ed- "were de�- h
bazaar v n eycle is compl�ted.,
on.7', Fort William3n- itute,�'bas.'been vefy -ftmilies and. found thattheii adi"ces* As, sheep 1i re enjoined' o pra.to the
he;newcom I ers.
acti I were welco'ined bi t'
in tomm
A - er clothing. On Domin- I 4ndoatsidb.ielief woik; Jected." ship- diseip]168' a
th�. ire ,su at 4191119:with dth ip',.! Ldrd-'of th Pay the.1fistituteheld is ft Id dayi_� herd. .-They w66 without leadersh e hikvept�that'he,,S�n orth
b buying m6iteriial, and 'On 'Raiy'R e .'Institute' has ad6ptedi. "16' Go' -Tiait.'
y, ury _y Q445
labo r 0
0 without.defenee, without,fbod, J*su§ More thlar' plac'e
ng -it, lni"nderw"r. They -also -OlRe- . 1 171, s. Jil''an
spen di ng -4 707_jn�7pri zes - th 6- fi a me - -of-th -e I IRea -ve r I �-B rd h h-, -eaffi-ei-6 bring them all , these � th er � Father, ha fi says, sent me, Oife,-renownej t eorist has said th.
d writing ecause g e n ive is:.that I i
ad� a tea ap, &� With" 0 shower" , " L ; , �P' , . . -'.' little, andl n Lime �Che*oly.�, 11gs d I The 'trile misr
was'. given :to the, school, chil thig' animal works is§ionary mot �eQ.'6ven:*so.
1Th., ..§en you. be hfimar; being
16i -needy, faipilie�'Jn, the A on ommion.'Day and. is� a - cong1diner4tiO.n
thehe th6 time.'�' --outstand One'. 'of the heiviest Jobs' on the a vast missionaiy confl- sionary is a ways' sent of God- ot
S ne�d. " The I
town, some On6 ing. feature of allthii other 4pimals and biids,.,i It.
is ling IiM6. Oiance is that'it-can. supply thit need. Merely of T
What 1i Means."
(if 66 W6 and making Th; Institute car- of h .5 beisi! to fit, farin, Is hauling and preai pan. Are we %listenifig.to
men cutting. -out t eir work ha o .
up, the.. true! that man is� most'v roat-10.
ties out the'rither unique' ories a's a" t s- call 1 ho -will go for us?-
clathink-The wom arin 1. :time' I God' is tile
en play,-hovie ind a gyM7 is often. hauled 'in the' winter,
en 'hfs:home f hill "living Beings, and p&rhAps :big.
t to. prospecti'v SO PI Let us note" also mission-.
ofthe Fort, Will'iban Zind Port Arthur aking a"'stork showei"� fb�_th�e childreil.:�. StOred-,gild th�n baule,d.,io th�b Vs. 37, 28.'� The harvest ma
P field
not only,the a y -versat lit due o. having: all
They have the spring,. This. 'S�pport;!'L'�ke B- 1�.3 :,As e Y
Went - land .,spread in febus. I Jesus -sees need r tra Y
IntitUitoS r e ,a nuinber"of demonstrationsirtlin the:se,traits.' Otherwis."
lo A Teht' deal`�bfj m4h�rs_ Thei 'regbiar, me'tihis ate llaa'
9 . o 3, but- ilso,'the'' 6ind
tid bi- in, the.stihool,ffidInstitut� of,. the � peop14 readiness vels thir.bugh villag -city, the dis-
u the, Public ftealth - Nurs�,' -M s - Carr -
pay e-riErve-a -_Iff�ff=l .-canno iye:.o L a as
s; 1'wdstefuI;,of'labpr em in
Iela rent�17QT7*5' Din, 1115. of�-the-peaplao-to--r-e.%pand,-.--17d�bo-rerb- -1 nd n 7�4 ��inie� �trY to;.%ing like a hUrris. They have assisted the tow; n , tile inter
pitabl tin aui
e and pl for the. VIS few. Jesus.- see�.* thdt,he cannot He hid no, priv ate "means of which obsihiate;'a's, 'a Jaiek d its 6 term b tsIlread it ow -as all �t Alk
fall-plowed.'I' Oe Devlin. ln.�ti ite, a on and and are steadily, raising' Money . overtake this ministry,,of the gospOl have,any knowledge. ; n these� eir-a E� goose.
suillbss the show too deep-.,
ihis had a d- hall'. if e!alon6. fH In e,we find1i hilmediate- curnstances i W,.,Olhe of the., ebiiinlon traits
c It s, diffly -needs wereAa ten -a
n,. 4T 110 - / f
nschool'' k hi issiofi- No'
:�So2dhNeebinJq is,,coniceiiiiiting its t9inin featu a'community
Y for�
ntlerne �esolYeA . Sh enst . owe . ec 'the- goa9b s, t6'�ollow thi� 4.mder in
war , is year.. On ba w'is� too deep the lime should not Ay Afterwards,, sending out 'the 6�elve care of by:1.he,first, Woffieh!s M
en I'- - I
h a. man spends m 'plans for or , e - red'.until laten. �Lime dple 6n in ssion. Lird'Lo) 'ht , do;, whe. ier, I a
of May as'man� of the riiem'-� t a, making activ be.' 'di ae,a,r,V�'-Sodiety of Which, we- have cer ain-
ore timo., a�d is a i t, Whate-�er'h& Mik t)
:�s,could T�av:6, h t mohey on.1- and will 'not a a Thisarvest 'of human hei0ts a and Joann� and -
pleas ' 6 thah. Wo� their wint-ei'a- j#�i;k. w sh ''Way, with� t= jnf6rm t1on,-Maiy.-
pme-me..some is. own ur,
s or sane. iis, h6ol: and M is Izistitute.1. cIntyre- Institute i� paying -J nna. . I . I . .1 1 , . . An dobs:� Th is h�lped nor-. wit :foolish,- "d-ankerilus TI
ippl-board at. the sc h spring rains,, arid'I have re bef6ngs�lto Gbd. Gad alone-caii inspire' SUs,
or a the 6�rt with the desire to' reap, this i Now -let us consider the oreign
'theiir.',basibill th� Haileybury. pdAtedly spr6ad leader- is usually,,a' giindbr,' but just.'.
-&-ear, vp, gidundis and community, hall Which they �,fiav� -built it 'in t ' lid, fd.11, an&
.,t JOWTb6
an&Alie entirely -'on theii vith' e biB�t'
_,is. In the aft. lief th;' results.`4 hiust..hariTst foi Go Missl6hary I Val which lay -behind ail b66v' this ganer..giiins. his leadership
_er_ fire' uffererg,' Rusgian,re own ;.respoligibiliti: w'4ter - V his' dp6ratioris' wbat.�oev6r,'1ind., is -not.within our lil_nit0'(l 'khowl�dc�e.
I . mention, owever, t1i .,Of
at hwa�' the CHRIST�SBLESSINdIFOR WOMAN John . 3 -' 16 17'..
�Ieaned te�'interior Effiofall,fair.6, J p -ow the �chiirch, ser�ic,es hr6 li�7: I -%Use of his. loud. atid p'ro-
varnished the w6fld7 : Bar?i�art'lnstitutei hag been ifig held, in this'-h;'l k1N,
rP - -3. t.may be'beit.
buying] a 1. ground:ro6k. . 1,.nevL-r used quicklime LbKE 8 i� 1 (;ad loves -the world,L--�notjhe Jew fti'se quacking a I. I y, or* he ma hi
the schaoliumber for�'a _kitAe'n'�'and shed to. it is- fkr less conbiiielpt Luke .,8 _... 143. .: H& w�nt th rQughout 'ilone' bilit
but once, s
assfsting,the, Red- but-al's4 livery last,.' Getitile.-
to" handle, than, .ftlie� citjl"� Y, (11IR 1 le -3.
s, -and nirilry,b6oks, in ' 11 1 L . . Once. again e se( more, citth
d -.pa d the�XM-yi League�
, � , N A, - I I TherZ'is,.,nO'--faVbr�d iiati6n clause, in,
e ll.-` When :ground, ronk and th'show ther
I gave me.. no etter resul came'.n6t, .6nly:.to*- gaVe, 'but. t0Ah attaiff is. positio-ni
regular* wprk
Work befng mbmb.er'e e nevii, eoV;anahf;: The child of. the
the" funds for th-,i�school' a,new ba'by`is::ekp6cied in a. They-alm t9make,tlieir* b
"it us- tr
by a' ies, of , social 'each ii9qt, of m3rL Ilme,hAs..been spread Hoftent6t playii�g � on. 016. sands, ��' of raised . . hoibe the linstAute member& seKana*to sa4d,: This pirdaching tour. Wi h 6u,�er�d 'aii'd set evenings. a c, prac ica . n0fit , to the -members. ;of Jesus--'prc
, ; . �, I .. I tbabl�r ptecedes the �oie this: �w-se-like qualit� of follow-,
in the , sPri4g",'Just bef -Stititli-Mric is- -,just -,4 dear to God P�l
e priieg at the school fair' rhakez�.giment for the.layettb. They; �..,he�, haVe.'edue.Atioln'sll ore, _81tarted i
ey, m,:v meeting's -and. irecorded, in 'the first.pait of- the'tisioh, C' i
fitting 'the' land:, ing. A g,
.. 1.. .1 As any ana,d ah ch Ife. is-ndi rb- di T-Qxt
-fire su - ie;.mbm�gr th in
less' 'COM- spee er,o bersons.
�r hospital�, and the Insiitut� for finie' r6 -,l r
an have. sen� -donations to the' for bats�. .1 buy' it� "-The tivelve'Nere-witt , 'f , ,
send Aow`qm.t� iie,sick;' him, t, :m��y 6f to
take gifts 6-6tible or il.i.
every motheir. of a ln�w baby in -the fpT s, 0.ppr bags, as the saving "in panioni, helpers
�a:nd learners.., -Aftd'.: died 1.�� ..... .
n s _MUC , a the' ofhis-loiid quackinqabilfty, neighbor tlon..r_f'being� the, oil& placie in' O'n'taric, tqnt elect alor)e. but �foi� a' N., , ` "t
hdod'� The''y'-had ng -1 m nkind; Wo.
quired to ha dleft'i§ ai` li
the Blindi - - , 1 , ,, . r. more ce.riain ivo7n;6z;.'�Thi§ is th6.'impo,r
ntthan -the extra cost..' r haul d d flopping ey no
e n or 3,n, we7- .r.ow .4l unip.-part, of this, pa. from th Depdrtme t-1ast passage do not b�lieve.in a limited,'aionf s to; n
so7 -far,, as '
Box Alde4l thi� 9sage. Usi
. I.. bo.,�es, .and In unloading re Ws the: compa�sion for.the &�pised All peoples and times.- fall within the
church an�� supplied it with sffi'o`r9ah,' -find a le4dei-- to,Abek d
b r,: 'the -,Worhen. car'r'y" ofi�`- an A move one slid
W Ox gn -1 a e,bags! still 6ihers -the Ones.- w a ad
side of thO"box-'and pul Yt All. multi ude., one shows, tTI6 cam- -ey Th�y have the�;sehool -fait, eultural, Fai : shado' 6f'h
drift is steadi y raisi' -on' th6 5 s.9
is -er(..
g man r en r O'%vn'1 sidew'igie', ins"tead '.of. passion of. Jesus ,for;, �womankind. I Whos6ewi will : L I - ve. n tidtive pur� "S.�,
-"for ibqir �miiimunity* hall.,� They find Und' -fire� �iifferersz I'a lifting every'bag to nay belie Tb6
r6s T U bo Wherever -Ch 'stian., � missio'fis have,, grace of GOA i.s' 0, tj al.L'Wi� -are* This goose quglity is -.I good one, for.,
iiis year the
in this- can.- ig Pi)rk �i-�iahited only,la'st* ons.ibility one.'ext'
rrow n
e il�ctive, ra wagon, or
Year* zincluded' three of., their,- husbands t, 6. 1,, gone -they -have 'eleVit6d'Abe 'or of atusllowe'd i� brin
w f necessary, -and, handl s' the tav leaders n;u'st bo
ted' witl the sciio6l firi f6rime e Ahe
ould, W* - . bell6lesi;lv faed, n6i 1 fo
contributed cloth� ssis �as 'they -wo an 'in
Th a on the fair committees Yealed 0 e'iil Odd liniited.'ta P�sessing,a uni
direct :fro 'in �'--th�, w:agofi to fh ty Ot purpo�e III' ig un
0 f 110A�ern -fire -relief' 'and, a reading,club i2'id'provided ilip cOM7- not el,, linie wo en, a s f ked _.erta in]1;15,_
e ertet tabl�es, etc.r' themselvcs.' They i,,bwer 'I used- to, pile' -the; 'a
�en, avbd mar relligldps':gL But the. selecti h of� e leacfer is. the
�ty wit�- a'travellihg' libr .�bag's allik
prizes to tjie,school � fair.,. mun aTY-.'..' '-hope this %year to -finish n eevi �an now s ow their gratitude
ille sides of th Vital- thing; �The e s-* nt the p e ent,
"Buryus, . is, -equipping.,.- 4 ddhiq�tie t�q�;�,-had ralpstic their-,. c&nmur, a, lame
1 e fields, �but, I at' r
-a do Ay Lhall, go e.prn issionar
by III I i -his y
oads Wp 'sta c au in'g-l-bo'se' S'trdw
p ay e -I e)., ove. an �s
They al ye,a-r, g t. carl time alot of'loud' ti'Li Aence course -as �7ear..;, "They e 'r
--room intheir' ne. coni�611A*ited -901 -ays--r' ady�
a Baled traw-N eas y-,to--had-le: but -
ng most of' it t. ree.-ti e m c
:w mernbe
and is cross. us�
F a?'i chdol. "a f. ime� of-VaV6r 't n' this band' fol tractive to our emotitins 'I t'
al in s 11
se 00
a rou e
D ing ne e9f and.
to o -me p ayg nd ort, Fr ces mttdte vi.._par ty now I cutou: one ban Ii 1lowing him t many time' Z'.w,e have': a"Joad or more use
give the, �school, s I roui t L
(See,M t'- 27 55 -,�6 h
Icu- Drj�den-, stffitto as raised� $1,f)83.
Iusually. haul',7.,000 un, s at a! ae, some distace -and judm6nt% to' whe.ber hestraw'-to tak
equipinbrit T iviR prizes annually larly1riterp,! . d in child welfarei work out -lay froi,in oads 'to a',carloa d. to: the k
'this' year, t e- main this load, inaking six' 1 (levils. She belon�e loudest. quac ing1as. good purlio
th -.f They: Ili ,seven it, mus'i be:'I6adM 0 ��wagon a.
th school
e gir s,o. e communi Y, orc ve,givel rizes to''tho sum.going towa-rd§ fire� relief. TII6 Wagn�, are, 16ft a town of Magdala.-and: fiad been Ael , he
'd _th�e field,, `0 ig: O�k. All tile way
-proiMed -the k-hool wit feature of, t vered from' an �extreme �of 0- foiliful at -'a Alhie..
fair h
:.. - 941outstaill ink.',. bewherethere will -be Ahel�eait.-Tuuulng fh,.Ou
s,an qq fx' e:* toan d.1that il�e. use., -ar_tw,o. five- d bil igged,�a� �be' Work" '-!One- back,and forth with the, lime sower; tmoniaca a
of �Orfs attp'nd' the., domestic, and'san' u 1,'.possession�,li; in -die
Park'of this Inst-Wie, is .1 l
T We -can sawe.
i I h foot ba�`
ar the ey, commi e bags are, Vul 'the p rase seven..d.- I ils.�' It ' as is slings lie6s'
f u good 'deal in
.science course this summer. 'The� put' h �ent- out' gene�o thiougfilts standing 'ih� -load, 41of-
led' off will -use, good'hift'ap instead of:.,
1 1 at'i e'f thi's ca�e; I fie-tbe end.,ropes to�the
oil - 6rer�'interest'ing'Ll'enWr"t'a'i' Mary,. stoo nea
a, .1 nment C aer' parcels -to -the :sIVk '.Th6,school ebrnmitiee met theAtnell- IY1 'Onto' the' i
stmas �c L., I ... .1 1 emotion M i6llo Ose trails.
open' lime sower, and' then �,of the.. :1 ar'.., ing our go
n y to Unload i' id '(Lu 23: 55) who
a In'stitute They., have: had a* domestic cien" irding onl' taEes` 'f ute�' Jesus Was' la' ' ' e-betwee' `.iwo 'men and tw i term :and found' temporary bo� e
nd d -
t.1 'a kiaodar_ds,�� of. the,yack.., an1_ slip,, the
-----:,tb Aummer es, a ew min
'�Iffi-s inside th6: side bord a
ml� list, fall thdy':rised $65 at' 'course this year, and a, fodnd'tbe, 8epule' r-emp Y showing f t h -,Th��, arrant i al Disc��erie'3`�
places for t em. ed'a re- ha�lf-totl , to h6' heAfir and -Inc dent
in t spreader. (Mark: 16 - rad� ..Thht -makes side boards five
Part�'of-this ey� �'!Gfft of Life" 'film. Miss" te 0 is
was I . .
. Mon` -by, M60 ception. an. a pa, re nts. generally raw $ftoni',3,�100 po" d 24) to: whom t'.appeared, The first., --thing we. un s fe - et _ high.. in rea I ity; A, lot of, tra I w
�.:spent for' a Cbristinas., trAt t6r �qhil- the Departthent'n-P He a Ith' Th ay have At Ahe openin 11 20: - 14i 15. oan4; the.,%�ife of when we come into the s a �,Q,ns to the,
of t e new ebool this to 'tw. t John
;idie. By starting He'rild's steward -�iho :was with Mary, breathe, it. every., ti
t''ll , ' . ' I to.
nged7 the refreshments to preid afi�rndo
n ai4' part was given, to fulmished , an Institute io' in- and it doesn't Olive
a1dmily am in the s �ommittee a?ra
e. theneilghbothood- who-had-li6en- li r, at a 13,0�
b tit the�, sep�rlchep -�,h b2i� 104d IT, can spread
sanna. Nothing mone is known of a good'deal of, jolting too.,..
me afid,in Temiskaming,.i,and-bave crowd lAiindied -a carlo
ho . e time theAlme eavifig. th,c Wbr a -of itbbut seven ad -th befoj� 7.1'
s her. Womiikind "like the multitude qoMe:few -farmers have 6t6ck`raek9
towards providing- �151e. �. Pe'rbsps' -in,'this f� ture'
ds Much. h6'mo' "that . is, I ca sil it it we n
illtam,has- active $500 in, the ",bank rve re aoil lit, io,'understhylid 'ii� der'-,
a �Xuch of"their money as.'in -Any othe"r:tII6 Institute won the tons in 'ay
11 read twenty' was the hu st idy love's for tbeir.'Wag6n fa s -These: re 9
_a�'16calh _0 ek..
-A. ing. good 'to �usii, but the'm oto�-true'
rk, and in 'making stand an-vthing An- tie -universe' and'.
H., de reap It i's
re ar,,. yet the brliatbed, it for
tactical' is raised';by, sales� of home tookiing d f6w ' �umani 'family
S 0 P n a-eeiiti9i of the school 9 e;r -W gL-rr-- .0 sed%sa. e6en t 1 .1 es before. they -hilow wh . a t.
in appi: p- CHRIST'S"10VE FOR THE' t
boat& A piano ivas provided, f h er&are
re- i'sa e, of p , nts in, th aline 3:46
or t e JOHN -The
-boght-a, piano. 'racks ali'y More.' slin
Va lee lns'titute has,.been, glener- school the: money bei evouriAO'*arro 9§ are',on
fig r is6d Ws. was or had:ai
an ,f& -
�a mm. Fo r e7qd 4o �JLq__ed t It
w great- in
ln:3� 16 1V
e e
the,- Ast- d.7 1n this, Vetse tb "ll reme, Mo- in ent d'th Mesti-� ll�e �Vo r. oVoting ones, will p
lir u X_a.Aance jz� by. II TY t
all comMun-:.and pdrtly.,Abro iven
con'su v
se _idA`a Ing c9ut9e1FC;_ thi
f 11 . . I I la I .'T at
tiv6�6�Gadlg�dealin.-w --ag -
They ha wlthF�w thC__.$6hd6 kinfect W-h1tW -Ira
"ifr4e Wa,
��fhz-U stitutoE I)istititte, with a, mem Th n li':ivin ;,Pe�.,rtment'and ayi'ad- b'r,- commItteeasq!ted. la I certai che'mica,l 'Colistltu'�11.6 of
CUI out, the.'c'ulls or th6 cull )reme,motivo is -love. Th Use the, following.. Ingr
!1H6altb Proffioti" ii:, and'Dis- ship af'ele Rcon les Comm ftee s will qu, . Y.
r s 0 6 ' The,. Home' am 9 ,IT
en, ye - raised tl e, 9 0. 13here- -1 c� that
17 cull out ypur pr6fits. n a 1
vt , I has- this at declared the inotive, we, have the scope drat6d lime; one a d one-li, It 'I)Ccks;',
M, I
this goes to finish pay- Iis 'a di- salt,: two 'pound's; commeicial-, lime
edst� r ' itign with Ahe 111 entitled 1 $100. has been inst�umental.,In'intfoducing Of,, that', motive de�lare& ,.there were . different of air.
;11Tfie`G'ift of Llfet7 by Mks Moor in for A piano for the �qh
ool.,'-,, The! 'Ink in the public school. The vir Hales pursued. P-qm--- -T-he-b.est-source,of feed -f- _ke love' that -sul hui�four_-kallins- gatlon s__ rye ', ba or, -th p 0 ---*dter-.,-rorty ni . is- -608's. g'ood ',ne*s, for tht�, 1uft.ier, lit Blac..was.tbe fl.s. to us
Th s7ti- lfa_,,e�_Ji _�bein� an is g, invested.'in.- 'school, ary � teAc er8 vo unteere : a giv rm-ujilon whi gallons. Make'a-paste bf.theJime by. t,
- 1 , - the fa dh she is kept. e
tute toilk chay ,e -of !the pc�pp Week to teach se*' is plural of; hi
y. sale 'on fair prizes, r I, V ing -to "the j,, 1.world. God's" lov6 flows db*h t*6't,he 1, addIng at. Water. " D1, -Id and. to use
e, ie work and hospital 1 hour a , I b Apbiitlee'd isolve,'tlie silt,
ay veterans. the rivet balan.6e, f�r, welgiiing I ss d r. and add
fuhds:� Th� andtheJn8fWate proWded universal, human ii�ed
Market-informatio'ni , , wnwa gave In wato
- - " I I . " 0 41. Add the�-Jjnlq 'a
andi:ddi6rent tiffiestlir'OfIgh the year course I a.5 t' the ne . ce s�ary. uesalso,�. gave ow rd,to"tho 'He,
ca� be'found, in'and around the honle his oiiljy� hdgotte� Son. Next We hav6 ulphur,:, and enough more water to 111 1711 Ruth erfoM I imye red 'n I trio -
as ass !prizes for' the beist rk doiiE 'make a total
havle provided sQcial en.tertainmentJ Quibell h :school J�afevery,Cariadian thrinei.. . All thitt is'thb -m�thod bf that 'divine love. 'It of.forty, gallons ;f water gen and in 1774. P
and bake fAim-and."flie, reli�f The, coffimitted'oll ie'llealtl 'as-,-_req'uired is, a re�eivihg �et-`to, get 'it, 'Method bf -9acrifice. , God's, love
he'rommuni"m Oxygen.' vosier, a,
Iseveral. 0 g 'With' SISted. tb6, Public Health i�ur'ge ilt her L'Ike Water, it is, free' ds marlife�sts :, itr- �t , Ikh b'
n, 11 fice. f
.1 e, AUh but one nee elf, ' hrot sae; -i
other plaois in tbii e a: cup. �o ch, ext The Ralrion the Roof. all(l invefited 0i'o, .;:,other akilah�iedl to'ba�y cUnics',"s' b 6�cooked dis'lies"to lit tbirs c lif�.,
ent . am t. 91toulld 'hat N
held ailibere 'like
e, in the schcol.,tc -patient, bought. 1hi6m, We have, , ta
zi t,:, L u� r the obiect of"thqt it is liear raiti on a hi of al
Of glPg
I IOU: e� n I
iIrks duri and g,ttin 6n Of Gad..: '113elief"lli' Christ. nliakbs, us� C"s
a e ',has hronglit a q�iired for-a_paticht'w"ho had nof,been. e 9'd,stifficient f9 �1 the r,' bq I bec,
ed that �1 i r 1)
t othp� of' th,,ir -46hool, i l',V, ti, t to .1 e wheat-trop--to-:� tor.i it's e-
wn oncr be !k is, d"c"r-ibitd. etern'al; The -Word.' � , ' . I . I ra6ffi that
lip prq- v,tea td,the niotbers;'a wirter, tille, farmer has,, of, trilainiiii, over the for(,e of till 1) �t(?d with t�(, �ehool fa jr, t a -eternal ts -qt;i0itV ell' g�N, ., iia,',� �h Ijj;t]e:
r*T*tk-.41,7T-f;'-,�Y,; ITv-, id for -the - - - r) -Y71, Ft r. - gootisbI6 fo
r a, bf ehildreji,' rangod for 'addreg.�e;,, having Ill prc, I on dental by-. to
tho,t�wn!spO606. to tb4&,PosV Ot&e Del lillo id;koftre, those addressed be-ithe rapi'd fli-st fnov�,.d from �tbe lilnbs ('I i it I I
%of to, the giene a7 Is
t nIa' M. gn liad t he' ;i in e partment-askiiig to have' ail , , - dentit and do;Vtor' a f the into ca"Veq, I'6 a refreOl-nent bonth
ervice for, Hor th Ali& when'Ah redeemor r"Imphatit f� P e!ing., av n C, tir Ised. y
.,be r, U 7, F' 4rjl7l' alid
I �o , me.,r with pour e rof f, 1.40 o.Vill
tlak�n it u,r-, A.nd nol,w lamt-t T' Ad' word Uqder we'i e Iiii1q. 11 11101 at) d
rocedu'r'e., People -,lamp,66t one �U4' such.'a Us,note.t r� as at of" the b, n 't"I Iorly, with,
-year thby-bop fiarm. tatt., 5).:1 r miseg'in
tt" prl�,e'� -to th6 n
"Mit 'ft,
A iti v took a I speet'a Ic arrie. - A,goo'd name,, in � i I , 1, -aroutid' the�,. c Ilis cr; 4 1
fi 'Nv e- r, i lnb,l Mo. n ar
gr6und I I st 6.0 "drihki r words; 'is j`utsta httl� a�ditlonal', his nativi, )-,Ind.
bf tMrk '15 M mi� hiilk.: otjij� ;.",
oil wkh t(A,r
into good lay,gr(
to, ThJ.% dom piQ�,ented he school lon'i'deals wore pre.t4ent, ter fariner than you urge �pr Ils 'to ber,i r.keep, on doing Foroikii a.. family- 'who, had h6en�'burn,_A,o'pt. iT doctor to,-tay Ic thild,iien ith fts arid per-- the proper -thing, In chxncf� 'to tk,,�.
to hi.4 ni" d id to the rriind, of the
we 0
s ci �mther frorh the �oiided'tho" Under 1], k work.'
and.wheii a firema� fi�om 146m., ne sOW 0 nstltut!6�. of De-� tl ot sew 00, Wll(!' rn, iiceideot tknd,ha4, ."Tf it* L A I I r tht., tve financil i L 1JA Unto th go to Port A�ffitir '1108phiil th(ii, �f tis oth�r, all The publicit, committee att6&d to; troit,cf�rri�s ,card N�indow t 'i(lo noi n�1;h6ullf 1) in the palh a? a Winterl this: IhA'fitute p a'j & 'thb "I ertising -of 'mee n,,l jin'the, offe t th t th re� h the way of, the remembOed him' reolarly ;xi bx with his and
ofolks 4p:� .
t�)'thv �,,rhr/jl eiLlreK,. tn�tItUit#, ftown'thtougli6tit the commi]lnity. Opportunity, with Ithings
Uld not al to joirl
ai very 1� 46�& IIUM�tf+ Ot an,,
m fh�lt, 't., The dtity of the co -n)ttec- o ni, tboq(? with and 'It, X ,(;,I , , '' I I , �) (,, " I ll� A I for; th� sjhool tfiachers and- ilW P'rOqr ills to kwe,p, grtion: was'. t,6' no 4 ffilcl4'An cl,w,,� he in- )nc orue
thc; tilile, of' t� lghbor,%. put the, n '00s,1 it Ad t(, k (I I -so n,
They. oducb iliem,'fo, ne talki,, 9 ith havirg,
kl�*y UisgtiL o MuAkoka:1 it" teidoes it.
'out Of -the soil jol
Th t;